The Zack & Black Podcast

Wednesday Pod Round 1

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
20 Mar 2024
Audio Format:

- Hey, you're welcome to the Zack in Black Wednesday pod. (humming) - The part, excuse me. (laughing) - Dog dog, we did that fucking, we did that fucking sound board. But yeah, welcome to the Zack in Black pod, I'm black. - I'm Zack. - We got Tony in the back. We actually, we actually not, we're not in studio today. So Tony's not in the back. Tony, where are you at actually? - I'm actually in my bedroom right now. - All right, I'm in the coffee. - Coffee? - Coffee? Yeah. - Oh man, damn, I should have brought my frappuccino out here 'cause I ain't even finished it. I just been on the game and I totally forgot I bought it. - Oh, no. - I say so. Yeah, bro, it's dumb. But I'm just out of my car right now. Zack, you're probably still in the studio, right? - Oh yeah, I'm in the studio every day. - Okay, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. I'm in the studio every day, no you're not. - No. (laughing) All right, but let's get into some logistics real quick. Sorry that we didn't drop an episode this Sunday, but this past Friday I went ahead and I got my vasectomy done. - Snip, snip. - Snip, team, snip. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh yeah, got nothing, you on your way. You coming tonight? - Yeah, I'm definitely on my way. (laughing) - I got a feeling. - Right, but yeah, I went ahead and got my vasectomy and I can't be driving around the world to record. So sorry about that. We didn't drop the episode on Sunday, but that gives us the chance to start this Zack and Black Wednesday pod, right? We'll be doing this. We're thinking maybe between two and three weeks, every two and three weeks, just a rapid fire show. This show is gonna have a lot less research. So I think it'll be a little bit more funny, just because we just coming off the top. There's not gonna be too much research into the topics. It's just gonna be viral things that happen throughout the week or, you know, honestly anything, man, like anything goes with the Wednesday pod. Definitely anything goes, if y'all can hear this, listen, listen to this. Y'all heard that? Y'all heard that? - Yeah, I heard that. - Yes, sir, that gets to smoke. All right, it gets to smoke, all right. (laughing) And that is the perfect part about this. But before we actually get into how we gonna run this Wednesday pod, bear in mind, we're using an app today that we have previously never used. And it seems as if that we can't make any cuts or clean up any audio or anything like that. But this also gives us the opportunity to just get better at our job. And hopefully that's what we do today. All right. So once again, thank you for the listeners, whoever is listening, Zach's people in Germany or something. - That was a good point. - Y'all, y'all, y'all faithful bag, y'all. I like seeing that on the map. And whoever is listening to us in Russia, 'cause I don't know where you found us, but I fuck with it. All right, I like all of it. (laughing) - Yeah, I'm loving it. I'm loving this dramatic. - Yeah, man, it's crazy, bro. It's crazy. But yeah, like, let's jump straight into it, man. How do y'all wanna do this today, bash? - I wanna go first. I mean, Tony, you wanna go first? - I mean, the only thing that I really had to say today, something that I kind of bookmarked was, it was just like the fact that in this random as hell, it doesn't have no backstory to it like that. But this witchcraft thing, like as far as people pan, like, and this is something I heard, like the girls are pan, the witchcraft people, the dark magic people to put spells on their exes. And-- - Oh, you're talking about like gypsy curses and stuff, Bob? - Yes, yes. - Like like they drop in hexes on their exes? - Yes, hexes on their exes for sure, like-- - Do my mother-in-law's a witch. She do that shit. - Like, is she a witch or does she practice wicking? - Yeah, there's a difference, bro. There's a difference. - Well, I don't know like all the specifics of shit, but I do know that she put a picture of my father-in-law in the freezer so that he would, let's just say, move on to a different point. - Oh, my fucking god. - Yeah, that's some black magic for sure. - Oh, no, I don't know what that is, bro. - Some crazy shit. - I don't know what that is. I wouldn't be able to be in a house with that. - No, you can't get out with the regular black magic, bro. It's too dark. - We said with the regular black magic. That's just what we call art. That's what we call our BMs and shit. - Wicked. Wicked. Nah, that's nuts though, but did you see that on the, I think he was talking about it early. He was talking about it was on "Fresh and Fit." - Yeah, it was on "Fresh and Fit." - I think I might've, I know Zachnessy 'cause he doesn't subscribe. - But I think I saw the episode that you might be talking about. - Is it the same episode where they were telling her that she was dumb, like she was stupid and like she left the show? - No, but they was telling her she was stupid because her story wasn't making no sense. - Like was it a witch story? - No, no, no, no, no. - Oh, it was just a regular girl story. - You know how they got the line up with girls? - Yeah, so it's like one of the other girls just was telling this like this ecstatic story and like being like over exaggerated about it. Like, but it wasn't making sense. And he was like, he was like, yeah, he was like, your story's not making sense. She was like, your story's not, my story's not making sense because you're not listening. He was like, no, your story's not making sense because I am listening. And this girl just happened to be a witch. - And she said her friends were. - Her friends are witches. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Birds of a feather man, she a witch too. - Yeah, gotta be. - They couldn't get no witches. - They couldn't afford no real witch? - That's crazy. - They couldn't afford no real witch. - Yeah, 'cause they really should have brought it, like they should have brought one of the, like, like Zack was saying, like one of the people who really practiced Wiccan. - You wanna know the crazy part though? - What? - I have an X, I have an X who is 100% like, like a witch and practices Wiccan. - I know who you're talking about. - Yeah, you know exactly where I'm talking about. - Bro, she's coming. - Stop saying names, say names, stop substituting. - We can say the name, man. - What are you talking about? - She keeps herself like a queen. - All right, Melissa, I'll give you a clue. Her name is also a city in England, okay? - That's all I'm gonna say. That's all I'm gonna say, all right? - Well, fucking whales? - No, man, just think of it. You don't have to say it, all right? Like, it's a city of England, okay? - I'm not trying to expose, I'm not. - But like, like the witch thing is confusing to me because like, like you will always just think that they're evil, right? You know what I'm saying? But like, there's as such thing as like good witches, right? - Yeah, I mean, yeah, but I don't think they're called witches. They're called like, it's like a more positive. - Like fairy, bro, they're like fairy godmothers and stuff like that. - Yeah, that type of show. - Or like in a wizard or eyes, like even witches, like there was a wicked witch of the west. - West and the witch of the east. - Yeah, but no, one of them, one of them hoes was good though. I forgot what they call it. But it don't, but that's besides the point. Yeah, so sit, I don't know if she was a witch or wanted to be when me and her were together, but a lot of the stuff like, it's just Mac effusive 'cause she's like, she's not an evil or like crazy person or anything like that. Hell of a- - Yeah, super positive person, but like, it's just weird 'cause like you'll see like, oh, I'm about to do this ritual or I'm about to, oh, full moon tonight. So I'm about to do this and do that. Like it still seems creepy though. Like I wouldn't, I don't think I'd be able to like, hack it in my house if there was a real witch going around doing spells and stuff like, like what if you just came in your kitchen? - Hold on, hold on. Hold on, we're back, we're back, we're back, okay. We're good, we're good. - What do you mean we're back, we're good. - I mean, I figure if this does 99% on everybody's thing, maybe we should be good. - Yeah, we're good. - Yeah, 'cause mine said 99 the whole time. - Yeah, mine did too. - All right, we're good. - All right, for sure. - So you see, y'all gonna see a bit of this throughout the show, man, 'cause we don't get this at. Like it don't make no sense. - Yeah. - It's like animal. But yeah, man, that witch stuff is nuts too. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do it. But let me see, let me see there's something that I saw. You guys, y'all know DDG, right? - Yeah, what happened to him? - Yeah, no, it's not what happened to him. Like, you know him and Halle, Halle, baby and whatnot. And everybody, like especially girls, they wanna be so like hateful about him towards her. You know what I'm saying? Like they all, they all be tripping. Like, oh yeah, she deserves better. She shouldn't be with this dude. She makes more money than him, which she doesn't, 'cause he's been making like online money like four years now. - Yeah, exactly. - Like he got a crazy bag that really nobody know about. - Yeah, he dropped like four versions of every single he drops. He's gotta make money. - Yeah, exactly, bro. Like so, so people was tripping on him like he was broke and he was just on her coattails. But here's the thing, I think Halle, she was nominated for some awards a little while back. - Yeah. - And she didn't end up getting any of them. So DDG goes and he gets awards made and he has an impromptu award show where she wins every single award in their house. And it gets to the point where she starts crying because of how fucking sweet he is, dude. Like it's crazy how bad they wanted to hate this man, but he is doing everything that I promise you all these. - Oh no, Trevor, you might cut out. Oh my goodness. Oh no, oh, he's back. - You're good. - You're back? - Trevor. - Oh no. - You got anything to say, Zach? - Yeah, I didn't know what Halle he was talking about, but this is the little mermaid Halle. I don't know if... - Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the same little mermaid Halle. - Is DDG really making more money than her? I know, she's in the new color. - I know he's on Forbes, right? - Yeah, but he's just... - You talking about DDG? - Yeah, DDG. Yeah, yeah, he's on Forbes, right? - I mean, he got to be sitting somewhere on it. - Yeah, where did I cut out? - Oh, you were talking about... He did the impromptu award show or something? - Oh yeah. - Yeah, so DDG had the impromptu award ceremony. For Halle, and like she won every single award. Like she had the baby in her arms, she starts crying and stuff. Like this dude is like the sweetest guy, dude. Like I don't know if that's sweet for me to say, but that's... Dude, he's sweet, man. Like he's a fucking... Like he's gold, low-key. Like I should be treating my girl better. - I thought I'd give her her awards and stuff like that. And I think she's great. - Trevor, I'm gonna need you. I'm gonna need you to put some respect on the little mermaid. Okay. - He said I'm a little mermaid. - 'Cause he doesn't feel right about you saying that DDG makes more money than her. - I'm not saying it's facts, but like she's in the little mermaid, she's in the new color purple. - All right, but there's no way. It's because it's because of how long he's been making money. Yeah, you know, I'm saying, like, all of her big ticket things are all recent. You feel me? Yeah, but he's been making bread like internet bread for a minute. Yeah, like, I think he was on and doing the streaming stuff before T greasy started doing it. Who T grisly greasy? Grizzly greasy. T grisly, I don't know. I don't know. He's no niggas, but whatever his name is, he'd be streaming his stuff. I'm like, like GTA and stuff like that. He'd make it a bag too, but DDG was doing all of that shit first. Groot, he was a rapper first up. Yeah, I know that. And so was DDG. He's saying, but this internet bag is just like ridiculously. Yeah, I'm just saying this internet. Yeah, his internet bag is crazy. So like he's he's 100% making more money than a than Chloe. No, not Chloe. Sorry, Chloe's Chloe's got more money. He's making more money than Hallie. I can never remember who's who. What is what's Chloe from? Is she she's not from a movie, but that's her sister. Like they just known to be. I thought she was. Well, well, Chloe is the one with the cheeks. Yeah, she was in the form. She was. Oh, yeah, form. She was in the form can be. Yeah, she was. She was. Thank you, Jenna. Huh? Remember, she was dating Gunna. Yeah. Yeah, like, like, but like she. I only know her mostly from a from her movie. Not movies, her, I'm going to say music videos from her music. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's yeah, yeah. OK. Yeah. I'm trying to think of one of her songs that she does that used to play through my house all the time because my my daughters will want to listen to it. But there was a part in there where like a statue would talk and my son was terrified, dude. Any time the statue talk, he would just run away. Yeah, my fiance would try to make a watch it. I'm like, why are you being so mean to him? Like, I just grab him and cover his eyes. Just like, no, you did that. Why are you being so mean to him? Yeah, for no reason. It's nothing like a good old building. Did you actually end up seeing that? Did y'all see that DDG award show thing at all? No, I didn't want to watch it because his videos are boring to me now. But but I saw that he did something good for her. That's so that's good. But he was he's so fucking childish. He was so fucking childish that he needed her, bro. He needed her to be able to, you know what I'm saying, make these big boy moves like this. He needed her, bro. I mean, sometimes, sometimes like dudes really do be needing that though. Like, or maybe it could just be off the strength of like, I got a baby now and now I have to actually set an example for someone other than like fans that I don't fucking see. Like, like this is my son. They're going to be in my face the rest of my life. So maybe let me get it together. But it's just only only some of us actually have that in us to like make that that like 180. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that whole thing. But I just thought that the clip was good because a lot of people just counted him out like immediately. Like, they were just like, yeah, this is destined to fail. Like, this is going to be horrible. And like, he's really just like in their face now, like, y'all see what I'm doing? Like, like, I don't care if y'all love it, but my girl do. And that's all that matter. Yeah. I don't think she really like him though. What? What would we do? Dude, just because they hang around each other all the time. Dog, she's been the only one who has been like, having his back the entire time when they were going through, like, people thought that they were lying about having the baby and stuff like that. And like, she was hiding in the baby and all of this stuff. Yeah. And they was talking about stuff that DDG was doing during that time. And she's always had his back, bro. Like, she loves that man. She loved it. There's no way. There's no way. It can't be. She got his back way too much to not love him. I got you. Like, because of the fact, why would you do it? But you didn't take an L though, bro. Like, she was about to be a megastar. And then you chose to get with DDG, who was up and coming. He wasn't there yet. So it, like, dumped her shit down. Like, bitch, how didn't you get an award for his little mermaid? How is this ever happened? You think he influenced that? Bro, I think he has something to do with that. He was like, they don't want to give these cool and slow more money. What? What? [LAUGHTER] No, what? Dog, first of all, she didn't deserve an award for little mermaid. All right, it's the same story. They didn't change anything. Did she win? They changed the skin color. That was the whole big thing. [LAUGHTER] That deserved an award. You don't deserve an award because you go from Mike to Black. OK, maybe that's the-- Maybe that's what they were trying to do. Mike did it. Wait, who did it? Mike. Which Mike? MJ. Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson. Yeah, and then he wanted a word. What are you talking about? No, from Black to White. You said Michael Jackson, bro. Oh, I thought he said, man, there's too many MJs, man. Yeah, I know. I thought Michael Jordan. I was like, where did that happen? Are you talking about because he went to baseball? He went Black to White? Soon as Michael got that nose changed, he started making that big bag. Ooh, dude. Actually, my fiance was watching something the other day about Michael Jackson. Someone saying that they found Michael Jackson's bones under a section of the train track that runs through Neverland Ranch. And he's been dead since 1979, or something like that? That's some tin foil hat, shit. Jesus. Yeah, I know, ain't it? Because I'm talking to her, I was like, that doesn't even make sense. That would have meant that he died when he was, I believe it would have been either 19 or 20. Because I think he was-- He's digging around Neverland. Huh? Who's digging around in Neverland? I don't know. And also, Neverland didn't exist in '79. It didn't even exist. Yeah, that's the clickbait. I'm like, Tia, why are you watching this? None of this makes sense. That means he died right after the Pepsi commercial, which actually does make sense, though, because then stuff started getting different with Michael. But that only adds to the amount of aluminum you're putting on your tin foil hat. You know what I mean? It's just the fact that the Neverland Ranch wasn't a thing back then, that you could just wipe your hands into the situation and be like, all right, that doesn't even make sense. Yeah, dude, off the wall had just dropped in '79. I don't-- Yeah, I don't know. It makes no sense, dude. No, I don't. Like, I might be in-- I might be in down with the tin foil group every now and then. But not when it doesn't make sense. Like, because I love a good conspiracy theory. Yeah. Unless it's like, you know, Sandy Hook shit, and that's kind of crazy. That's just crazy in general. That's not even like conspiracy theory. That's someone legitimate. We just being crazy. Yeah. He's the Aaron Rodgers as my vice president at RFK Jr. was the presidential bid. What happened? To the look? Yeah, who? Aaron Rodgers, the Green Bay package, what about it? Not a sports car. Yeah, he's going to be the vice president if RFK Jr. is. Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait. He's never going to have. Is RFK's running mate? Oh, my God. See, this is why you're not allowed to let celebrities be president, dude, because then this starts happening. Like, as much as I like Trump, we shouldn't have did it just for this. Because if I see the rock legitimately running for president, I'm done. You wouldn't vote, bro. Like, seriously, Ben, like, maybe no more lifetime politicians, but no more no time politicians. Because that-- Yeah. Yeah, man. You got it right in the middle, though. Aaron Rodgers, I wonder what his policies would be. The same things that RFK threw me. Well, what is he about? I haven't even looked up his politics, because I'm legitimately only voting for Trump. I don't even care if he get locked up. Yeah, he's going to be president Trump soon. Oh, my God. RFK Jr. is-- you know, he's got to be a Democrat. That's his bloodline. But, like, he's, like, way more, like, out there than his uncle and his dad. What do you mean out there? He's, like, there's a video of him saying that the Jews in Chinese, like, created the COVID disease. So get rid of white people. So, get rid of white people. Now, why would you want to go into that? Like, the creeper pointed through COVID. Why do you always have to do-- why do you always have to do the Peterson Boys, man? He's not that crazy. Because I'm-- and now he is that crazy-- You're just good at the voice. So you just choose to do it as much as possible. That is so funny. Did you guys hear me cut out again, man? Oh, no. You didn't cut out. That's just taking time. That's crazy, because I said that mine stopped recording. This is the weirdest, happy song. You're good. Straight up-- we're not going to say what it is. Yeah, no, talk shit about it at the same time, though. Because we-- We're not going to figure it out. Shit, but-- Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, I have a hypothetical for you guys. OK. So I saw this tweet that said, for $870 million, would you take that in sacrifice of a family member? But you don't know who it is. It's not enough money. But I have a-- You had a caveat. You had a caveat. You had a caveat. You always had a caveat to shit. If you could choose-- if you could choose who the family member is, but you would have to take $100 million. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So it goes from $800 million. You can't choose $100 million. You can? Yes. [INAUDIBLE] Yes. I don't-- but with $100 million, everybody's going to know. Everybody's going to know-- I'm going to know that I chose to kill this person. Thank you. Yes. Man, I would take the $800 million and let them know that it was me that chose the random person. But what if that random person is like 100 million? She understand. [INTERPOSING VOICES] She'll be looking down like, I wouldn't have did it too. [LAUGHTER] I would have been to keep it a buck, though. Keep it a buck, though. I'll probably be 100 million. I wouldn't do that, because I-- Tony, it could be your kids. That's your family. You feel me? I know, man. It's not-- it wouldn't be worth it. I don't think there's a much-- It wouldn't be worth it. There's nothing amount of money that I could put my kids through a Russian roulette, even if it ends up getting a family member that I don't talk to. Like, I couldn't even play around like that. But 100 million, I get to pick. 100 million, I get to pick. I don't like that I have a person in mind. I don't like that I have a person in mind, because I think that I'm a bigger person than that. But I 100% have a person in mind. And I'll take the 100 million. And I don't care. Everybody can know that I did it, too. Hell no, I'm dumb enough to kill my brother. I hate him, but I don't want him dead. Gary. [LAUGHTER] I don't want him dead, though. I love that nigga, man. I'll just be playing around with him. But no, I got somebody on the list. I'm not going to tell y'all. But my family would probably know who it is. No, I'll fuck with it. No, they're going to know, because-- No, they-- no, here they have to know. No, I'm just saying, they would know before it even happened. Yeah, this is like somebody that they cut off years before I cut him off. And I was the only one trying to still save him until he did some crazy shit. And now I want the 100 million. [LAUGHTER] And now I want that 100 million. Well, you got to throw the party with the-- With the hand of your party. Yeah, the hand of your party. I'll say, yeah, y'all know who throwing this. Y'all know who got that bread. And y'all know who's gone. Y'all know who's gone. Y'all know we, I'm not complaining. Y'all still eating. [LAUGHTER] That's so crazy. A 100 million dollar fucking barbecue is crazy. No, it's not that crazy if everyone got paid off. Right, everybody got to cut. They ain't nobody's paying off. We all cut them off years ago. [LAUGHTER] They'll probably be mad. I didn't do it, because if they get that choice, they're going to pick me. Because that nigga should have took it the first time. I ain't got time for that. [LAUGHTER] Oh, that's crazy. Yeah, yeah. Where did you get that? Like, did you see something that, like, they was making choices like that? No, it was just Twitter. It was a hypothetical. I got identical for y'all, dude. All right, let me hear it. All right, hear it. So, Russian roulette for people. No, five people, you get to pick your spot. OK. It's a six shooter, all right? But there is five people, so it's the maximum amount that you can have before the final bullet is shot. Like, you could say six, so it's guaranteed. Yeah. But if you have it like that-- Five makes it so we all can talk about it. But I'm saying, actually, it should actually be with six. So, yeah, if there was six people, you get to pick your spot. And let me see. Let's go with the 800 million figure that you're talking about. Would you do it? Would you pick a spot? Oh, and pick us for one of your-- Oh, for 800 million. Second person to shoot, third person to shoot. Like, would you pick a spot for that much money? Because there's always a chance. There's always a chance that your spot that you pick is where that bullet's going to be. But also, you could pick a spot, and the first shot is the bullet. Do you think you could play a game of Russian roulette? I'm going to go with the last, just the end. Yeah, but then, if the bullet's done, what if you go through five and they're all clicks? I got time to think. I got time to think. Yeah, but they're all clicks. They're all clicks, though. You know the last one's for you. Well, I've already made my piece. No, I've already made my piece. No, I've already made my piece. Oh, man, that's hard because I don't even think I will hop in. I love myself too much. I don't really like money as much as people do. Like, I have it, but-- But I don't-- I wouldn't take my life for it. Yeah, yeah. Tony, you not picking no spot at all? Or what, you're going to try to get some of that paper? I mean, see, I'm different, though, like, it's the thrill. So, I'll take it because not only will I-- if I have to put the gun to my head, I'll take it because not only will I-- I just angle that bitch down a little bit and just throw it out. Part of my brain. You got to put it in your mouth, man. Oh, put it in my-- OK, just get off the vibes. Blow it back in my makeup. I just blowed it. [LAUGHTER] I got 800 million dollars to get it all fixed. Oh, see, Laura, you playing 4D chess right now. [LAUGHTER] That's funny. He is like, as soon as I shoot the money hit my account, y'all better send me to the spittle. [LAUGHTER] This spittle, ASAP. Don't let me-- don't let me sit there at the table leaking. It really take me to the spits. No, it's-- hey, that's enough money to save your life, though. It definitely is. Hopefully it don't take longer. Is it an American or shouldn't? No way, 800 million? Like it. I got insurance to save your life. I just got to get through my deductible. So one time through that little couple thousand, the rest of the week, we good. So I'm still leaving with $799,999, like all of that shit. $99,000. $99,000. $8,000. [LAUGHTER] Right. Oh, no, this nigga, Tony said it's about the thrill. I think you-- I think you do it for free. [LAUGHTER] No. Oh, my goodness. I would not do it for free. So then why would you send it to the real, bro? I would have to get paid because it's like-- [LAUGHTER] But when I say thrill, I mean, it's the thrill with the safety net of knowing that you have the money to fix yourself up. But if you wasn't getting that much money, then of course not because like, bitch, would you just going to be dead? Like, you just going to-- you know what I'm saying? Like, you just going to bleed out into the sauce? You just going to be dead? No. [LAUGHTER] You'll be dead? Just dead? Oh, damn. Speaking of dead, I was laughing hard as hell. Y'all remember that clip I dropped in the-- I don't even think I dropped the clip. But y'all remember me dropping them talking about the saucy Santana? Gilbert Arena's talking about saucy Santana? I was saying saucy Santana was talking about Gilbert-- no, Gilbert Arena's was talking about saucy Santana? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. All right, so if you know saucy-- That's the most random beef. Bro, it's not even beef. It's not even beef. They really being just done back and forth. Because what happened was if y'all know saucy Santana, like, gay rapper, which is fine, I don't care. But he'd be like twerking and stuff, like, all the time. So I guess Gilbert Arena's and I think that was swaggy pee with him too. They had seen a video of saucy Santana twerking. And then this fool goes say, so look, y'all, he was like-- he was like, I don't know, man. If I put saucy Santana, like, next to Megan the Stallion, he was like, I don't know who drove better, man. And they were just like, bro, what? He was like, what, bro, what do you want? And he was like, hey, man, a good show is a good show. Bro, bro, bro, he was just like-- he said that saucy was moving like water, bro. He was weight. Bro, weight too much descriptive language for a guy twerk video. Weight too much, bro, like he is-- you're not even supposed to see it on the part is-- the funny part is saucy has said something back. Just like, ooh, ooh, I've been liking you since I was a kid. Gilbert Arenas, my baby daddy. And then he dropped a video talking about some seed. This is how niggas be faking. Like, y'all be acting like they don't think about it, but they be thinking like, all right, what if I just put a bag over his head and he don't tell nobody, like, would I do it? This is what dudes we think. He's like, no, not every dude is. Not every dude is DL, bro, come on, bro. But not every dude is wrong. That wasn't the wrong. What do you mean? He's not wrong, especially like celebrities, bro. He said it basically like every niggas DL, bro, that's-- do you like dudes? Do you like dudes, bud? Not every dude, but like-- He said, do you like dudes, Zach? I said, do you like a dude, bud? Exactly. No, I don't like dude, bud. But especially in the celebrity space, that definitely-- Yeah, but fucking Dwight Howard. That's not everybody. That's not a deal. Even celebrities, man, not every-- It's a lot. I said, why? He said, everybody. Man, I said, I guess. I still wouldn't agree with the sentiment, man. That's wild. That's a wild thing to agree with. But I mean, we got evidence of it. [LAUGHTER] We do have evidence of it still, man, like damn. Thought some nuts fucking content. Like, they'd be having a lot of crazy content on that show, too. I'd never imagined that Gilbert Arenas would have even had a podcast. They had to follow him like that. Yeah, man. Yeah, dude, this shit is crazy. He's dude. Definitely doing a lot more. Like you go from being in some wild shit. Arguably, during the time, one of the best point guards to bringing the pistol in the locker room to complaining about a lot of stuff, is having a podcast that people actually really do like. Dude, can you imagine if Jordan was on that team with him? Oh, back in the day? Oh, my God, dude. Yeah, yeah, because they were both on the Wizards. What if he was like-- Hey, man. That would have been hilarious. It would have been a lot of crazy team, though, man. That would have been hilarious. I'm just-- Hey, man. Back to shit. Hey, but during the game, man, it would have been different, right? He would have been feeding-- he would have been feeding Agent Zero. Yeah, yeah. Like, definitely, you cannot have Agent Zero on your team and not feed him on the wing. There's no way. And he was going to come straight through the cup on you. Yeah. Whoa. What is this? What is this you put in the chat? Princess Kate and Photoshop Picture, and people think the crown is hiding her. What was that that she was talking about? Yeah. Who, me? Yeah. Yeah, well, they put out-- the crown put out a picture on their Instagram. And it was the kids and her, and it was clearly like her head was photoshopped under another body. Oh, like she wasn't like she wasn't there. And it was just like, let's fix that. Yeah, they just put her head on there. Yeah. So like, people aren't thinking that she's dead or like she's sick or something. Like, she got plastic surgery or something. But, you know, the crown is really good at getting rid of-- Oh, definitely, man. No, I mean. So I wouldn't put it faster. Yeah, RIP. I wouldn't put it faster. Princess Diana. Straight up. Yeah, it is crazy with her. Bro, how did she have the most normalist? She had the most normal death ever for her to be a princess. What? Wait, what? A car, actually, is not normal. I mean, didn't she drive into the tunnel? Yeah, but-- Look, look, what happened with Princess Diana was-- it looked as if just a whole bunch of paparazzi had been taken just a whole bunch of pictures and stuff like that. And they're trying to say like the flashes from the pictures and stuff had threw off her driver. But what was going on was she was getting divorced or she-- it's either she was getting divorced or she never married. Who was it? Philip, I believe? Oh, that's where you were already divorced. Doherty-- Doherty, doherty-- I think you do, I think. Yeah, he's from another country. So she was about to, you know, shack up with a doherty. And they didn't want that to go through. So, you know, when the crowd wants something done, they get done, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, so that's pretty much what happened with that. So, I mean, I wouldn't say that's a normal death. I wouldn't think that's under normal circumstances. Yeah. Yeah, I see what you're saying. Yeah, so it was-- Yeah, they're very, very much high stakes. About to say, and also speaking of UK-- Tony, you dropped the thing in the chat, too. The racism in UK? Yeah, let me see, let me see. I don't know if you watched the video or not on that. I did. I forget. Oh, yeah, yeah, here you go. I did watch it. They made him kiss his boot. They made him kiss that dirty ass man that he had on. Kiss my levies. Kiss my boot. Kiss my boot. But, bro, like, the crazy part about this, like, because it says racism in the UK is getting worse every day, like, isn't that like where the best racist? Like, they were good at it first. They were good at it first, right? They're the best races in the UK. Yeah, I mean, that's probably where it originated. Or it originated, or it originated. But, yeah, that's probably where they got it from. So, I mean, as far as I'm concerned, that's old hat. That's almost not even news, man. But I'll say, but it is wild. Like, it's just the fact that we can record stuff now that we're just seeing how, like, haphazardly some of this shit is going on. And also, like, I looked at that dude in that video, the dirty ass boots that pink hoodie that he had on. I don't know why my man's ain't just smacking. Like, it don't make, it don't make no sense. Wait, what? Well, yeah, he wanted to make it extra brutal. Why'd you just smack you and get on my way? No, I said, no, I said, no. I said, he, the African kid, needed to smack. Yeah, needed to smack my man who made him kiss the boy. Oh, yeah, yeah, but, yeah. I thought he was about to fight, but he didn't. He just puckered up his lips. See, this is why you always got to travel with, like, a homie or two. Like, for real, because, like, out there in young school, you want to form a shape, you buy yourself. Like, and I don't know how many people was there. The only ones you could see is, there was my man's with the boot. Obviously, the other guy who was recording it, so you know he about it. And then there might have been a one more person. But I think I'll get, I think I'll get jumped on. Yeah. You feel me? All right. Because you're not going to let them do that. There's no way. I'm not kissing shit. There's no fucking way, bro. But also, I mean, like, racist-type shit doesn't even bother me. I just laugh at niggas, like, straight up. Like, and I would just laugh and kept walking. Because it'll be crazy when you try to punch me from the back, and I just grab your arm, and now you over my shoulder and on the ground. Oh, damn. Why would you not? Why would you not-- that's a go-to. Like, I'm not a big person. I've got to use your weight against me. I'll say, because even that kid who was there, he looked like he was a little bit bigger than me. I'm only all in, like, 5'8". So I would have had to take that arm and just slug them right around my back and drop them on the ground. Yeah, give them a nice boot stomp. Yeah, got a hook on curb stomp his ass. Something like that. But I ain't kissing him. I have to make the cameraman back up, and that'll make the other person-- --back up, too. I have an interesting statistic to share with you guys. So according to-- I think the website is called Datsia. Yeah, but so in 2011 to 2012, the number of police reported racial hate crimes in England and Wales was $35,000. And in 2022, that number skyrocketed to $101,000 per year. So yeah, I don't know what the correlation to that is, but-- Wait, what is the stat that you're giving me? I heard the numbers. But what does that stat for? But the number of police recorded racial hate crimes in England and Wales. Could it also be that now everyone's calling everything a hate crime? Or now we're just more aware of the little bit of hate crime. Or we've got soft. We're soft now. I think we just know that this is our plain insight. This is racism. Like, come on. Cut it out. Like, I don't know. Yeah, but what if-- What if-- What? What if they're just doing the crime? What? What if they're just doing crimes? And then they're just like, oh, it's because I'm this. And then now it's a hate crime. They're not-- they're not market-down fucking bank robberies. They're market-down like assault and like, you know, harassment. Oh, OK. Yeah, no, I'm serious about harassment, though, because people be saying, oh, type of shit is harassment. Like, get out of town. I mean, that's harassment. What are you doing up to saying that? But like, yeah, but I'm just saying-- Yeah, you can say it. I'm just saying some people will be like, you're saying things that I don't agree with, and that's harassment. I don't agree with them. You know what I'm saying? No, this isn't like, this isn't like just-- oh, the bloke from down the street cold meat and what. You know what I mean? This is like, harassment and like, yeah, assault and like, you know, killings and-- And it's happening all over the UK. This is a result. I don't know how much hate crimes y'all going to be doing over there. You know, I even got no pistols. Man, that's crazy. They over there hate crime. They over there perpetuating hate crimes and fucking with swords and shields, nigga. Like, with swords and shields. Yeah, man, they be having a-- Oh, no. Stand up over there, man, because they ain't got no guns like that. Like, if you got a gun over there, like you don't even have a tan and a low key, because a nigga got a get to you with a knife he got. They have a real shivng problem over there. Oh, wow. Have a shivng problem, man. I would rather have a shivng problem than-- Are you sure? You know how bad it seems to be stabbed. That shit got to hurt. It's dying from a stab wound. Listen, though, but if a dude came into school with a knife, you're like, OK, you only got a few swipes with that. Well, I mean-- And then we're going to dog you up. Yeah, I'm not afraid of that. I can outwork you. Oh, I know. Like, come on, you're going to have a coke do a massacre with one switchblade. So I get it. I totally get that. But I'm saying that my men's do get you, though. Because mostly when you get shot-- if it's not in the-- if it's not a vital spot, those people say they've been shot, they just say it burned. I'd rather have a burn than somebody done stuck and twisted a knife in me. I guess if we're talking-- Yeah, I mean pain. I mean pain, not the lethal-- not the lethal-- what is-- is leafality a word? Yeah, I don't know. Leafality? Yeah, not the leaffulness. Well, just the pain. If you end up surviving, it'll be a lot more crazier. Amen. My record keep changing the time. What do yours got? I got 42 in it. We're good. I got 15s when it is 29. Well, yeah, the first clip cut off at like nine minutes. So we're out of the murder. Oh, OK. I'll say that first one that cut off, we might not even have to put that on it, because it'll have the intro twice, right? Yeah, yeah. So don't even worry about that first cut. First cut is all good. All right. All right. You all got anything else? Oh, shit, man. Ooh. Somebody about to get a heart, y'all. Somebody about to get a heart. Who have to get a heart? I don't know if y'all can hear it, but there's only one helicopter that looked like that in all of Ann Arbor and Ipsy. The helicopter just went over the crib. That yellow and blue john. Godspeed. Yeah, man. Godspeed to that, man. Because I really just don't use that one for like an organ transplant and stuff like that. I've never seen that helicopter for anything else. That is so crazy. Yup. Oh, that blue and the yellow one. Yeah, that's probably what it's for. I'll say, yeah, man. We'll probably get this. We'll probably get this Wednesday pie together a little bit better in the next couple of weeks. Yeah, man, I like this figure it out. I like the freeform content. My say is it's never bad just having a little little stuff that we don't particularly research on, just so we can have real actual conversation about stuff. Because Tony be saying some crazy shit, bro. Well, I look for the dog, man. You are the juicy shit. Pause, nigga. Oh, hey, yo, I said it before you got the AOL. So it's already negated, my nigga. This is Tony got the Tony got the same thing. Nice. I am not Gilbert. All right. I'm not Gilbert. I've never been Gilbert. I have never been. That is so funny. This is crazy that that that's good. How we only got like one phone call throughout this thing. Yeah. For that shit, I do not deserve like that. Oh, Jesus Christ. See, that's what she's calling for. Man, my son was crazy. My son had to go to the doctor. So I don't think that I don't think that T is doing her midday today. Well, well, not her midday. I don't think she's doing her second part of her bus driving route and stuff. Man, have a kid is crazy. You know, a matter of fact, let's talk about our kids for a minute, bro. I'm down. Jesus. Yep. Yeah, man, I'm still recording. All right, I know we don't really get too much about our families and stuff like that. Yeah, but I feel like this is a great time to talk about it since I brought my kid up real quick. Yeah, let me see. Hold it. Let me get you all back. I need to get you all bike on speaker so I can hear you all. But yeah, whatever I got you for my kids are a handful. How many how many do you got again? So I have three kids in total. One is six, one is about to be five, and one is three. It in a-- let me see. Zach, you got one daughter. Yeah, one daughter, 16 months. Dogs. What is six months, bro? Yeah, dude. She's a specimen. Dog, like any time the door of the studio opens, she's right there, like already, like coming from the living room, but she like-- I don't know how she's that fast, but it's like she runs in there. For real, dude. She's in 3T right now. Dang, man. Not even two years old. That's wild. I was like, I don't know. But I was like my youngest, Travis, he in-- let me see, because he's about to be eight months. He's wearing like-- what is it after like 18 months? Like, he's wearing like 24-month clothes. Yeah, 24-month. Yeah, bro. He's huge. He's huge. Well, yeah, there's him. I got my other sign. He's taller than my youngest daughter already. The doctor said that he was going to be like six feet. Trevor makes some athletes, man. Oh, sure. I don't know how. I don't know how. They are getting my dads like size and stuff. It makes no sense. Like, your dad is big, bro. Yeah, bro, he's huge, man. My dad looked like Uncle Phil. He does. He does. My dad looked like Uncle Phil. He cooked so good, too. Yeah, bro. We've been trying to make him start a restaurant for the longest, man, but he don't listen to nobody. But I think this is him and Tia-- him and Tia go open up a restaurant, dog. Tia-- Tia cooks good. I like Tia's cooking. I can tell she's still learning a few things, so-- She's just trying to get the recipes together. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you know how to cook big. That's good. Right, exactly, because any time you come over, like, it'd be like the big pan of macaroni, big pan of like green. Big pan of chicken. Yeah, y'all be over here for the chicken all the time. I need to invite Zach. Yeah, I need some of this cooking, man. Yeah, yeah, well-- Yeah, man, next time we have a big Sunday dinner or something like before we record. I'll say you and your family. Yeah. Can I come through and then we'll just head back that way since you only live, like a few minutes for me anyway? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But dang, see now they know my grandma had to cook. Now the viewers going to want to come through. Buy a plate. Yeah, $20 plates. Then plates is worth $20, too. I ain't even going to hold you. I didn't feel like-- They would be good. It would be filled. Like, the whole circle plate would be filled to the brand. Circle plate, man. We got takeout plates, man. Oh, yeah. Squares, baby. Squares with compartments, man. [LAUGHTER] Oh, that's funny. That's funny. But, yeah, man, I think we didn't go through this Wednesday pub real quick. Like I said, we're going to curate it a bit so it's a bit more like internet content and stuff like that. But yeah, I think this is something that we should do every Wednesday. Yeah, well, definitely. Yeah, yeah, definitely. So, Zach, you want to hit a word outro real quick? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Y'all know where to get your podcast. Pandora, iHeart, Spotify, you know-- Deezer. Deezer. You know, as always, subscribe, like, follow, whatever you've got to do. Download the shit out of every episode on everything. Share it on your socials, y'all. We need some more exposure. Share it on your socials. Share it with your mama, share it with your sister, anybody. Yeah, baby mama. Her sister. Her sister. [LAUGHTER] He's her sister. Her sister. All right, but, yeah, we're going to get out of y'all hair. Deuces. Deuces, pea.