Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 21

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20 Mar 2024
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at the beginning of the second parak, says the Mishnah. (speaking in foreign language) Person goes to life and sometimes they find something and if you find something, sometimes the thing you find, you can keep it. Sometimes, (speaking in foreign language) you have to make some sort of announcement, let people know that you find it. And (speaking in foreign language) I put a diamond around (speaking in foreign language) here's a whole list of things, sort of giving us the parameters of things that a person finds that he can keep. And on (speaking in foreign language) on the base, the next Mishnah, the first three words, (speaking in foreign language) I put a diamond around that, that's gonna be a list of things that if one found it, they would be responsible of getting the ball rolling to find the rightful owner. So here's the list of things that somebody finds he can keep. (speaking in foreign language) Paris here is probably like a weeder barley that's spread out from the fact that it is, doesn't have a simmon, no sort of identifying feature. The owner is (speaking in foreign language) basically become hefger. And that's sort of gonna be the reason for all of these things. (speaking in foreign language) Money that's, I guess coins that's sort of spread out. (speaking in foreign language) would be small sheaves that are in the public area where everyone's sort of like walking along and kicking him and like even if it had a simmon on it, which it might sometimes it would sort of get crushed. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) are loaves of the baker, which unlike the personal loaves that a woman makes in their house, these are, they're all the same. And therefore there's really no simmon. (speaking in foreign language) would be strings of fish. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) or wool shearings that come from midinah sun like the basically shirt off the sheep and leave it that way as opposed to say like from the wool workers workshop which we'll see in the saver that might be different. (speaking in foreign language) would be combed out flax, (speaking in foreign language) would be tongues of wool and they are, the color is argon man. Sort of like purple, purple is the main, I guess the color that would most usually make these things and sort of like purple wool. In all those cases, (speaking in foreign language) the finder can keep it. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) anything that you find that has something unique or different about it. (speaking in foreign language) is that type of thing that if you found it you'd have to make an announcement try to find the rightful owner. Okay, it's that house though. Well, for example, not so eagle. Let's see you found one of these round, probably talking about the fig cakes. (speaking in foreign language) And inside there's a piece of pottery, something that's not normal to be there. Or (speaking in foreign language) let's say it's a (speaking in foreign language) and in some way inside, partially inside, based inside there's some money. Those are both situations where there's something unique about it and therefore it can be advertised and hopefully find the rightful owner. Period. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) that is in the Gomara may be mass produced, may be new. (speaking in foreign language) you do not have to find it, does not have to announce anything. That's the mission. It says the Gomara. (speaking in foreign language) put those two words in right angles, you find produce that's kind of like a spread on an area of a comma, like how much distance is considered piece or spread out. (speaking in foreign language) Cave, but arba amos. If there's a cave of peros, I think that's about two dozen eggs worth of grain that's spread out over arba amos, like an area that's four by four amos. That's where you can assume the person, you find it, you can keep it. If however, it was like in an area that was smaller than that, let's say a cave in three amos that would not be considered piece or, but if it was spread out sort of equally in four amos, that is piece or, well, Hejidami. Now one second, what is exactly the case here? Colin E, I underline Derek Nafila. If it's clear that it fell from the person, and then you know we didn't leave it there on purpose, it basically fell. (speaking in foreign language) Even more than a cave's worth, 'cause this is no simmon, he's (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) If it's clear that it was like left there purposely, and he's going to, they sound true to you, probably come back and get it, then if you go (speaking in foreign language) it's less than a cave. (speaking in foreign language) So Amara of Oklahoma, he explains the place where this happened is the (speaking in foreign language) to be Daria's keynote. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It's a gathering area, sort of like a public winnowing area. Daria's like Zara, Zaraia's winnowing area, public winnowing area, lots of people would use like a threshing area, winnowing area is what we are discussing, colon. And therefore, if you found a cave's worth of grain and spread out over Arba Amos, (speaking in foreign language) For the standard person, that's a lot of effort, and you know what, if you left it there, basically concern of (speaking in foreign language) 'Cause low tarah finish, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) a person not gonna go through the effort, and he's certainly not gonna come back and take it, and therefore, a comment must be that (speaking in foreign language) Lehu, the rightful owner was, (speaking in foreign language) made it ownerless, and that's why you can keep it, 'cause it was (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) If it's in a smaller area, then tarah for ha'tar asi, the rightful owner will go through the hassle and take care of it, (speaking in foreign language) and gather it up and take it. The low (speaking in foreign language) will not be (speaking in foreign language) Okay, that's the case of the mission, and now, Revirmia has four questions, sort of jumping off of the case of the mission, and we'll see if we can answer anything. Revirmia, I circled Revirmia, I put a number one in the margin and circled it. Five lines later, last word of line is kabai, and I put a number two in the margin and circled it. Six, seven lines later, last word of line is amos, I put a number three in the margin and circled it, and three lines below that, last word of line is rimonia, I put a number four in the margin and circled it. So here's the four questions. Let's start with the first. Revirmia, I underlined four words. (speaking in foreign language) Let's say the area, we had talked about a kab in a four by four area. This is half a kab in a, let's call it a two by four area, so the ratio is still the same, but there's less grain there. Mahu, what would we say with that? Colin, kabba arba amos, time of my. Well, what's the reason that we said if you found a kab's worth in a area that's spread out over four by four, is it colon, a, odoma, b? Is it michum, de nefishi, ter chayu, the reason why he ain't gonna come back if there's a kab's worth is 'cause it's a lot of hassle to gather together a whole kab. Kamahatsu kabishte amos, however, if it's only half a kab, in Tuamaria, cavadil enoughish ter chayu, it doesn't take as much effort to get that together, could very well be loymafka lehu, the person was not mafka-rit. Odoma, squilo nono, domo, domo, b? Michum, de lo quashivi. Maybe the reason was because, listen, a kab of peros, he's got lots of kabs of grain, the kab bears is not really shashive to him, it's not important to him, and to go through the hassle of gathering all together, ain't worth it, the katsi kabishte amos, if it's half a kab in Tuamis, or maybe the gears would be of a coleschicam, katsi kab, shan's keva de lo quashivi, mafka lehu, certainly, if a whole kab isn't not a significant amount, then certainly half a kab is not, you can assume the person was definitely mafka-rit question mark. Second question, let's say, now our starting point was one kab in a four by four-ama area, how about kabaim, how about two kab in a schminamas, and then eight by four-ama area, in other words, twice as much in an area, twice as large, mahu, what would we say, over there, Astrab, near mea, colon. Is it that we say kab-barba amos, time am I, what's the reason that a kab-barba amos, you, if you're the finder, you can keep it, assuming the person who was the owner was mafka-rit, well, michum de nuffish ter chayu, the reason there is because, well, it's a hassle to clean up a whole kab, but coleschkin kabaim, it's like a double hassle to gather together two kab in schminamas, in a four by eight area, kavid, fishe ter chayu, it's fair, that's even more, let's take like, I don't twice as long, for sure, mafka lehu, Odilma is squiggling on the Odilma, or maybe michum de lo quashivi, because the amount of, if you gather together, a whole kav, well, that ain't really ain't that much, that's important, however, kabaim is schminamas, if it's two kav, even though the area is twice as big, but it's two kav, kavid, fishe ter chayu, that's not like a significant amount, lo mafka, who you could not assume that the owner was mafka-rit, kama. Here's the third question, how about, we're gonna keep the area the same, but we're going to make the peros there, either smaller, and more valuable, or bigger, and less valuable, so I underlined here, kavschum schmin, beh, arba-amos, let's say it's a kav, not of a weeder barley, but of sesame seeds, which are even much smaller, in an area four by four-amos, mahu, what do we say? Is it that kav, arba-amos time am I, what's the reason why we say, if you find a kav, arba-amos, you can keep it assuming that the person who was there is mafka-rit, is it a michum de lo quashivi, that's because like, oh, kav, of peros at the end of the day, have weeder barley-ain, it's so important. The schum schmin, kavschum is worth much more, and therefore lo mafka, who the person will not, you cannot assume he was mafka-rit, there o' dill my squiggler, and the o' dillma be, is it michum de nafish tier chayu, the reason why it's hefger, is predominantly because it's a lot of hassle. Now, if it's a hassle to clean up the wheat and barley, kal shikain schum schmin, which are much smaller, little individual units, kav, and nafish chayu, it's even much more of an effort, mafka-rit, the owner will have mafka-rit, you can keep them. And finally, underlying these four words, kav, tomri-barba-amos, when you have a kav of dates in four-amos, or also maybe kav-rit-imoni, of pomigranas-barba-amos-mahu, what do we say over there? Colin, kav, when you have one kav of wheat, or barley-barba-amos, which we said, the finder can assume that the previous owner was mihay-ish, time of my why? Is it Colin, michum de la jashivi? 'Cause that's not really hoshev. Well, kav, tomri-barba-amos, kav-rimoni-barba-amos, nami, kav in de la jashivi, it really ain't worth that much. Mafka-lehu, the rightful owner was definitely mafka-rit, oh, dill, my school, and on the o' dill, or maybe, michum de nafish chayu, it's because, well, a kav of wheat or barley, and our ba-mos takes a while, it's like a bit of a hassle to, it's got a lot of effort that takes the gats together, but a kav of tomri, dates, and our ba-amos, are certainly a kav-rimoni, which are much bigger, barba-amos, kav in de la le nafish chayu, since it's not really a lot of work together, those up, lomafka-lehu, you could not assume that the rightful owner made them heifer, my, what do we say in all those cases, and we end this with a big take. Itmar, one of the more famous figures coming up right now, yayush shalomidas. So what is yayushalimidas? Rashi says yayushalimidas in the top line. If a person lost something, davar shestamo yayush, that in general, you can assume that the rightful owner will definitely be miyyish, not hope that he's ever, he's gonna basically feel he ain't getting back, it's not his, likish shayyada shalom, and when he actually finds out, he realized that it fell from him. Ooh, kishimatsui, however, at the time that this laddas item was found, that hasn't happened yet. Adai in le yodoy habai leem, the previous rightful owner didn't know shalomimid. What do we say about that when somebody finds it at that stage? Well, Abai says lohave yayush, wasn't yayush yet, so there's no yayush, so the finder, maybe it's not so clear that it is, and Rava, who is sargodamar, have yayush, that it is yayush, and let's go over, first of all, the cases, and then what each one holds. So, a, an underlying needs four words, but don't rush each by a minute, if the lost item has an identifying quality to it, kuli amole pli yi, everyone agrees, the lohave yayush for sure, the loser, who did not give a hope of getting it back, Balfa al-Gav, even in the extreme case, where de sham eene de miyyish le besive, where we're here, like, at the end of the whole story, the guy was miyyish, doesn't make a difference. At this time he wasn't, lohave yayush, nevertheless it's not a good yayush, you know why? Because when the finder found it, de chiosa leyade, be suruhudas leyade, it wasn't his when he found it, meaning it was if sir, if he wants to keep it, le de lechiy yada, 'cause in general, when a loser of an item such as this knows de nafu me that it fell from him, lo miyyish, he's not gonna give a hope of getting it, why, maimaramari figures, maimariyish ley ji bigave, I have a simmon in that item that I can clearly identify it, by yayifna simmon, all I give the simmon, vishakilmala, and I'll take it, take it back. Okay, so we're not talking about a dove that has a simmon. B, I underlined here, bezuta shalu shalu shalu shalnahar, if the item that was lost was, like, on the sea shore, the river banks, the area that it would have been, like, washed away, well, then avagav de isbe simmon. Even if the item in question does have a simmon, rachmana sharye, it's almost like Hashem permits it. Could it be in the lemaimaral comments? We'll see you later on in this sogia. Even if the finder finds it before the rightful there was me, ish doesn't make a difference. The finder can keep it. It was found in a place where, like, there's no way that the loser of the item, when he does find it about it, there's going to be anything other than me, ish, keep. Please, where is this maklokos by Enrava? See, and I underline these four words, bezuta vershain by simmon. So it's an item that he had that has no simmons, no identifying, unique feature to it. Abai, we circled on Marlohave, yayush, daha, lo yada, dana famine. We're presenting the case where the fellow lost it. When he realized he lost his me, me, ish, but when the finder found it, that hadn't yet happened yet. So Abai says, "Had it happened?" There's, like, there hasn't been a reality of yayush created in the universe, and therefore, he can't keep it. Rava, who he circled on Marlhave, yayush, know it is a good yayush, why? Because we know automatically, dala qiyada, dana famine, when the loser realized that he lost it, me, ish, she's, like, definitely gonna give up any hope of getting it back. Me, maram, are figuring, simmon, elacely, big avai. Oh, I have no, like, way to identify it. And therefore, even though it hasn't yet happened, but since we know it's gonna happen, when he realized he lost it, me, hashtah, hud, and me, ish, we view it as though, from the beginning, he was me, yayush, certainly when the finder finds it. Simmon, this is a simmon. I haven't really figured out the last few letters, but there's going to be 12, I believe cases that Thigma is gonna bring from different, to make sources, some from our missionists, some from other brices, some from other missionias, and it's either going to try to prove or disprove Abai or Rava, and here we go. So let's pre-triangle the first seven of them. I put a triangle pointing up on this tashmah. Three lines later, there's another tashmah. In the margin, by the first tashmah, I put a number one, margin by the second tashmah, I put a number two. Five lines below that, first word line is bakul, and a middle line is the tashmah, I put a number three in the margin, three lines later in the middle line is the tashmah, I put a triangle around that, and number four in the margin, three lines later, first word line is ukhederebi, middle of that line is tashmah, I put a triangle around that, number five in the margin. Five lines later, first word line is shah-ah. Next term is tashmah, triangle around that, number six in the margin, now all of those triangles are pointing up the final one, let's say about six lines later, last term in the line is tashmah, that has an upside down triangle, and that's number seven. The direction of the triangle is going to indicate whether it's a support for rubber or a support for abai. So, tashmah, here's the first one. This is gonna be like rava, and if the one pointing up is like rava, it's question on abaiye, meaning the first six are gonna be questions on abaiye, and the seventh one we'll see today is gonna be a question on rava. So, tashmah, our Mishnah, our Mishnah talked about Peire's Mifuzarin. So, there's a bunch of grains spread out and we said you can keep it. Well, halo yada, de nafumi nei. Well, the person doesn't know that it fell from him, and yet we told the finder he can keep it, sounds like yayusholimidas is a good yayush, that's like rava question on abaiye, answers the Gamora on behalf of abaiye, well, hammer of ukha barhamah, that we're talking about over here, where's the air was lost, haqaba makhnashta de beidari, it's the gathering area where they would thresh the grain askinan, there, if it was left there, that's different, that's an avaita medazu, the person who left it there knew that he was leaving it there, and therefore, it's not that he's only gonna find out about it later, they lost it, he purposely left it there, so that doesn't shed any light on our issue of yayusholimidas. So, tashmah, we try again, right side up triangle, mozmifuzar suraylusholai, I put that in right angles, that was also in our mission, if there was money, that was kind of spread out, let's say coins, the finder can keep it. Now, we ask again, am I one second, isn't it that the person lost it doesn't know, halo, yah, there's an awful meaning, and yet the finder can keep it, must be, that when he does find out, he'll be miayush, he hasn't been miayush yet, so that would sound like yayusholimidas, is good yayush, good for rava question on abaiye, answers the Gamora has some nami, no, there are two, there's an understanding, an explanation, it makes it a different case, kedrib yisqok. What does it say to Ammar? Adam, asuilimashish bhikisai bholshava shava, person has a money pouch, a wallet, he's always a feeling around to make sure that it's there, in which case if you happen to find money, not that much, but it's sort of like spread out, and therefore, before the finder found that you can assume the rightful owner knew about it, that it fell, and he was miayushol, this is not a case that would shed any light on yayush, shalimidas, hakhanami here too, Adam, asuilimashish bhikisai, it's common for person, if he's got money in his pocket to feel around it all times, and he probably knows about it already, and therefore is miayush already, so that doesn't shed any light on the issue of yayusholimidas, so tashmah, another triangle, pointing up a third attempt to answer this, again from our Mishnah, goes for a line, the quote of the Mishnah. (speaking in foreign language) So cake, round cake, fig cakes, and baker loaves, the finder can keep it. Now, am I, why is that? (speaking in foreign language) But the person who lost it doesn't know what fell from him, sounds like yayusholimidas is a good yayush, a question on a bye, says the gomara, once again, haasamnami, no. That's different over there, if the person has dropped or left the fig cakes or the loaves, agav di yikiri made de yadabuhu, since they are, now yikiri has to understand, either yikiri means there's like a heaviness to them, like they weigh, so the person who would know if he doesn't have them anymore, or yikiri can also be like a yakar, like a valuable, since there's something of value, and I think the groi goes to town on this, and the, at least in my inside margin of, underneath the shishqaba, but if you have that guy, he's a groi. He understands that the years of the Russia, since they are yakir, more like Haushu, since they're, the Haush basically, since they're something that is edible, people are much more inclined, if they're carrying something edible with them to constantly be making sure that it's still there, and therefore he knows, and therefore when the finder finds it, we can assume that the loser already knows that he lost it, and it takes it out of a realm of yayushulimidas. Tashmah, a triangle on the tashmah, a fourth attempt from the mission again, the Lishina shalargaman, tongues of like purple material, or a harai, or purple wool. Harai elushaloi, they belong to the finder. Now, once again, Valmai, why can the finder keep it? Hallelujah, did it enough of me nay? Can't we assume that the person who dropped it doesn't know what fell from them yet? Isn't that a case of yayushulimidas, which would, once again, be like Ra'v a question on a baye? Nope, since the Khmera has some nami, Aga de Khashivi, since those things are rather important, and therefore, M'ash, or M'ashmushim, M'ashmeshb'hu, it's like an important thing that a person will constantly be sort of feeling around, making sure they have, and therefore, if they don't have it, they'll know about it, and they're wearing a yayushul, kidduribiyetsuk, just like Ribiyetsuk had said. We've mentioned this for a few times, we'll actually see Ribiyetsuk shortly. So, tashmah, a triangle on this tashmah, number five in the margin. This is actually a tanek source, in other words, not a quote from our mission. This nayk source goes for just under three lines, it starts here. Hamos seimos, if somebody finds money, a few coins in the Batekineses, in the shoulder-based medrich, in the study hall. (speaking foreign language) Anywhere, Shahraba, Mitsuyin Shum, there's constantly lots of people coming and going. Harai alu shalayi, the finder can keep it. (speaking foreign language) And that's because the previous owner, who's a rightful owner, means being aish of them. Now, what do you mean? (speaking foreign language) Enough of me, nay, says the Khmera, but the person who lost the money doesn't know yet that it fell from him. So this sounds like a case where she gave a shalayi das. This would be just like Ravi'd said, but not like a baye. And Amrabi'd said, okay, circles would be suck here. This is actually where Rabi'd said it, that, no, it's different by money, 'cause Adama Suleiman Shum, (speaking foreign language) It is common for a person to constantly be feeling around. It is money to make sure that it's still there. (speaking foreign language) Triangle the tashmah, the one and a half line to make source, starts here in number six on the margin. (speaking foreign language) So we know that if a person's a field, there's a number of gifts that have to go to the poor. One of them is, lek it, the little forgotten pieces that fall on the ground. That's for the poor people. Now, there is a stage where it reaches so late in the season that any person, even a wealthy person, if he's strolling through that field, for whatever reason would be able to take that stuff. When is that reached? May he or must I call Adama? Isn't it an anyone, even a person who's a man of financial means, (speaking foreign language) would be allowed to pick up some lek it and keep it. Well, (speaking foreign language) once the (speaking foreign language) have come and gone through the field. That's the end of the snake source connector. (speaking foreign language) What are these (speaking foreign language) And we have two (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) In a line later, it's being in the line, (speaking foreign language) What are the (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) They're the elderly people, the elderly men who go on sticks and they go very slowly and therefore they can sort of scan the whole field. And if they've already come through, then any person who goes through that field that happens to find a little piece of something is allowed to keep it. Whereas Ray Schlock ish, underline. Ammar, the (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) It's like the second wave. You have the first wave of an EM coming through and then the second wave of gather is coming through. And if they've come through, then for sure, anyone can keep it. Now, one second over here, ask the (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) Why is it that any person can keep it even like a man of financial means? (speaking foreign language) Granted, like true, that the local poor people (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) Like throughout the whole rest of the world, there's other (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) They haven't been (speaking foreign language) Like this stuff, these (speaking foreign language) go to the whole world's on EM. So there hasn't been (speaking foreign language) That would again be like (speaking foreign language) Not like (speaking foreign language) Because it seems like there's a (speaking foreign language) When they find out about (speaking foreign language) But they're not (speaking foreign language) What do we say to that? Well, it's just the (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) No, no, no. The way it works is like this. You have a city, the local (speaking foreign language) or in that city and the city has fields. (speaking foreign language) Since there's local (speaking foreign language) Throughout the whole rest of the world, any (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) The whole rest of the world's on EM figures were on EM because (speaking foreign language) What's their (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) Well, you know, that place is 500 miles away. Well, then EM in that place, 500 miles away will be malocated and therefore even the (speaking foreign language) in the world's in the world are (speaking foreign language) Tashma, they put an upside down triangle list. Tashma, this is the seventh. They put a number seven in the margin and put an upside down triangle around the seven. Here we go. It says this to an exhaust (speaking foreign language) If you found like cut pieces of figs that were either dried or in the drying process, comma (speaking foreign language) Even if you find them on the road, but it's like right next to a field of conceals that are drying. (speaking foreign language) That is leaning over on over the road and (speaking foreign language) You find figs like right underneath it. You the find your (speaking foreign language) You can keep them and you don't have to worry about anything like (speaking foreign language) Now, even though when they fell, the order they fell, since when he finds out about (speaking foreign language) like right now it's considered Jewish already and this would sort of be like (speaking foreign language) Continues the (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) And those things would be putter from (speaking foreign language) since they're basically like hefger. Well, all hefger is putter from mice responsibilities. Comma. If the produce and question I was found was (speaking foreign language) in Haruvim, olives or caribs, then it would be (speaking foreign language) And that sounds like a (speaking foreign language) because like the owner has doesn't know about it yet. It doesn't know about it yet. It would be (speaking foreign language) So it would be (speaking foreign language) So we have to clarify exactly who this is a question on. The triangle might have already given it away. Says that (speaking foreign language) and three lines later first word online is (speaking foreign language) So (speaking foreign language) the earlier part when you're talking about, let's say the pieces, cut pieces of figs, (speaking foreign language) Now we said it was fine with (speaking foreign language) It's also (speaking foreign language) not a difficulty for a (speaking foreign language) Why? (speaking foreign language) Since they're relatively significant person it is always sort of speak colloquially aware of them and like knows that he doesn't have them anymore or (speaking foreign language) The full figs that fell from the tree made the idea did not straight. He knows that some fallen, he's going to be (speaking foreign language) already. So we have no problem. The ratio sounded like (speaking foreign language) It would be even okay for a buy. However, this (speaking foreign language) we're talking about the olives and the caribs. (speaking foreign language) That's gonna be difficult for a (speaking foreign language) colon connector, (speaking foreign language) What does it say? Three words and right angles. (speaking foreign language) (speaking foreign language) Now the half a minute is that they don't usually fall and that would be (speaking foreign language) And the, since they don't usually fall and like you can't know that they can't assume that the owner would know that they fell 'cause they don't usually fall and since he doesn't know that they fell he won't be me-ish, even though when he knows about it he'll be me-ish, it's not gonna be yay-ish. From now on that would be a question on (speaking foreign language) who says (speaking foreign language) is good yay-ish but here it seems like it's not. That's the most question. (speaking foreign language) Nope. (speaking foreign language) It's different when it comes to a (speaking foreign language) for that matter also, I guess in all the more so, (speaking foreign language) Why (speaking foreign language) I guess if you have the sensitivity to it, the appearance is unique. It's like, oh, you know, those are Bob's olives or those are Bob's caribs. I guess each one has a slightly different identifying feature. If you know about it, like dog lovers can identify 743 different breeds of dogs whereas most people just see a dog. And (speaking foreign language) Even if they've fallen, Zasey, the olives, (speaking foreign language) a person knows (speaking foreign language) in issue, so to speak, the place of a person is like the person. Well, that's the more than (speaking foreign language) if that's the way that we're going to answer for (speaking foreign language) then (speaking foreign language) When it comes, let's say, to the figs, the (speaking foreign language) the whole figs, since they too can be identified as to who the owner is, they probably were not as much crossbreeding or genetic engineering, like everything was a little bit different. Each person had their unique aspect to the fruit that they grew. Well, Amarapapa, Taena is a different reason when it comes to the fig because figs, the nature of figs, unlike olives and carib, especially olives that are not already processed, nature of fig is imnifila. So when it like splats or falls on the ground, he messes, it becomes sort of disgusting. And therefore, they're the owner for sure is Mii, as opposed to the olives and the caribs, not necessarily. Period, and we'll put a triangle as Taishman, and number eight in the margin, we'll just show them, we'll pick up with this next year.