Turley Talks

Ep. 2444 Housing CRASH Coming - Worse than 2008!!

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21 Mar 2024
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What do unstable financial markets, economic downturns, and increased interest rates lead to? - They lead right up to a full-blown housing market crash!

And it could be headed our way based on the way Biden keeps driving our economy into the ground. But there may be a way for you to take advantage of it.

To discuss this and more, I am joined today by my friend and sponsor Jeff Rutkowski from Kingdom320. Jeff is an expert in how Christians, specifically, can take advantage of the current state of our country and economy to use it in the growth and expansion of God’s kingdom!


  • “More millionaires are created during economic downturns than any other time in history.” - Jeff Rutkowski
  • It doesn’t matter what the market is doing, it matters what we are doing in the market, how we’re positioning ourselves. Because the reality is you can make money in real estate when the market is crashing. when it’s accelerating, when it’s plateauing. It’s just different strategies and different ways that we prepare ourselves to get ready and when that time comes, as for me and my house, we are going to be ready. We are going to be prepared.” - Jeff Rutkowski
  • “We’re approaching right now 25 million millionaires in the United States of America and according to the US Census Bureau, 74% of them were millionaires through real estate.” - Jeff Rutkowski


[03:22] Jeff’s take on the state of the housing market right now

[05:51] What a possible crash mean in terms of strategic timing of buying properties  

[10:17] How is building wealth an important means of fulfilling the Christian calling to live generously

[18:53] How Kingdom320 helps Christian entrepreneurs to succeed in real estate and build generational wealth and legacy

[22:47] What to expect during the free Kingdom 320 call


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Are we seeing the revitalization of conservative civilization? All over the world has been a massive backlash against globalization, its leftist leadership, and its anti-cultural liberal values. And it's just the beginning. I'm Dr. Steve Turling. I believe the liberal globalist world is at its brink, and a new conservative age is rising. Join me every day as we examine these worldwide trends, discover answers to today's toughest challenges, and together learn to live in the present in life of even better things to cover. This is Turly Talks. Hey gang, it's me, Dr. Steve, and you're ready for this. According to a recent business insider article, 44% of Americans see a crash as likely in the near future. 44%, one in two. Obviously, they're not listening to Biden telling us everything's fine, nothing to worry about. And the article goes on to point out, according to a study by Fannie Mae, that only about 17% of consumers think that now is a good time to buy a home. 17%. That means homes are basically sitting empty because hardworking Americans can't afford to buy them at these astronomical prices. In fact, more and more economists are concerned that we are genuinely on the brink of another housing crisis, potentially worse than the 2008 crisis. Now, think about it. I mean, what do unstable financial markets, economic downturns, and increased interest rates lead to? I mean, if they'll not be a genius to figure out, they can lead to a full-blown housing market crash. And it could be headed our way based on the way Biden keeps driving our economy into the ground. But here's the secret in all of this. This is also an amazing opportunity for patriots all across the country who more than anything else want to take our nation back and restore the eternal values of faith, family, and freedom for generations. And to help us strategize on what we can do about this, I'm joined today by my friend and sponsor, Jeffrey Kauski from Kingdom 320, just an expert in how Christians specifically can take advantage of the current state of our country and economy to use it in the growth and expansion of God's kingdom. And if you click on that link below right now, you can actually get in touch directly with Jeff and his team who have graciously offered to financially mentor our audience through these crazy times. It's an amazing and wonderful opportunity. Just click on that link below. Jeff, welcome. It's great to have you here, my friend. Dr. C, great to be with you, man. Big fan, honor to be on this show. I'm a big fan of yours right back at you. When I'm not a fan out of some of these stats, I mean, you read, you heard me read them. I know you're well aware of them. Yes, sir. Only 17% of those surveyed. You know, 17 think that now is a good time to buy a home. Just two in 10. What's your assessment? I mean, you're really deep in the real estate investment. What's your take in terms of the current state of the market right now? Absolutely. Well, I mean, I understand the sentiment. You know, I mean, home prices, the prices of everything, quite frankly, have continued to rise, you know, largely due to the decisions of our administration and the quantitative and easing and the money that they've been pranking out, you know, hand over fist. But honestly, you know, when I look at that sentiment, my philosophy, Dr. Steve, is it's always the right time to buy real estate. But I do understand the sentiment, but you have to ask yourself, if now is not the right time or it's not the right time to buy the house, what is the alternative? And everybody needs a roof over their head, and you're either going to own the home you're living in or you're going to be renting the home you're living in. So when you look at rents, rents have actually grown, have actually outpaced even home prices in most markets across the country, along with, you know, the prices of everything else going up. So the bottom line, as I said, you need a roof over your head. And so the question you have to ask yourself, am I going to be paying down somebody else's debt? Or am I going to be paying down my own debt and creating equity for myself and for my family? There's another very interesting statistic that this blew me away when I came across this just recently. But if you own a home in America right now, your average net worth is about $400,000. If you're a home, if you do not own a home right now, your average net worth is just under $10,000. There's a huge disparity. And, you know, and we know back in 2016, the world economic forum basically told us their agenda, you know, you're going to own nothing and you're going to be happy. So that's all I needed to hear. I've been buying as much as I can in as fast as I can, every since that time. So that's your strategy. Now we know what it is, right? Mirror, whatever the WF... I mean, do the exact opposite of whatever Klaus Schwab says. I like that strategy. I think that's it. No, I think that's pretty good. So, I mean, again, you've been doing this for years. You're an amazing investor. How do we approach investing in the shadow of a very real possibility of a crash? I think that's what everyone is so concerned about. What does a possible crash mean in terms of strategic timing to build off what you just said there? Absolutely. Well, I mean, first and foremost, nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can predict when and if. I mean, just the fact that we call it a crash. You know, if you look at a car crash, it's an accident. Nobody planned. Nobody could predict it was going to happen. But obviously, we have had a few in our nation's history and there will be one again. But the fact is that more millionaires are created during economic downturns than any other time in history. When I look back, I've been investing in real estate for about 20 years now. And a large percentage of my wealth was created during economic downturn. So the question is really, you know, I tell my students all the time. It doesn't matter what the market is doing. It matters what we are doing in the market, how we're positioning ourselves. Because the reality is you can make money in real estate when the market's crashing, when it's accelerating, when it's plateauing. It's just different strategies and different ways that we prepare ourselves, you know, to get ready. And when that time comes, as for me and my house, we're going to be ready. We're going to be prepared. You know, Warren Buffett has a lot of great quotes I love. And one of them, he says, you know, when the tide goes out, you see who's been swimming naked. And the tide is going to go out. I don't know if it's going to be 2024, 2025, or when it's going to go out. But the bottom line is where, you know, when it happens, we're going to see who has their swimsuit on and who has their, you know, those water shoes out just down in Mexico using those water shoes. And to me, what that speaks to is education. You know, I mean, God empowers us and God prepares our steps, but we have a responsibility to prepare, you know, and to be good stewards of the finances that God put in our hands. So to me, education is always the secret, but me personally, if I'm going to say, is there going to be a crash in 2024? In certain parts of real estate there will be, in my humble opinion. If you look at commercial office space right now, it's getting crushed. I have investors I work with that are picking up office buildings, 30, 40 cents on the dollar. But then you have other parts of residential apartment buildings, which I'm very active in acquiring right now, which, I mean, they're flying off the shelves and continuing to appreciate value in most markets. So, but it's very interesting because as we talked, we talked about quantitative easing a little bit earlier, and inflation is a driver of real estate for sure. But what makes the time we're in right now, in my opinion, very different than 2008, is we currently have a housing shortage in the United States of America. We're short about four and a half million homes. So it's simple supply and demand. A lot of people want homes and they can't get them, but with what we spoke about earlier, a lot of people are being priced out of, you know, being able to buy those homes. So on the residential side, I think we'll see a slight correction. On the commercial side, we have about $1.5 trillion in commercial debt that was borrowed about three to four years ago on five to seven year terms that is ballooning in 2024 and 2025 and really creating one, almost, I don't want to be too dramatic, but almost a once in a lifetime type of opportunity for investors, which is excited. Yeah, yeah, once in a lifetime is very exciting. That's for sure. Again, if you're just joining us, I'm with Jeff Rakowski of Kingdom 320, just specialized mentoring Christian Patriots on how to financially flourish to help build the kingdom. And you can click on the link in the description below. Book a call to talk directly with Jeff and his team on getting advice on how you can flourish during a time like this as well. What I love about what you do, Jeff, is how you see Christian calling as involving building, kingdom building. So you obviously do not believe a Christian. Being a Christian is not a spectator sport for you. It literally involves actively building the kingdom, preparing. I always like to say it in the theological sense of preparing time in space for its future transfiguration when Christ returns, when God is all in all. How is building wealth a central part of that? How is wealth building an important means of fulfilling the Christian calling, particularly the calling to live generously? It's a great question. And to me, it's at the heart of everything. I'm not a Bible scholar by any means, but I love studying the Hebrew and the Greek, the original language is that the Bible was written in. And if you look at the word worship in Hebrew, it's a Hebrew word pronounced a Vodah. So worship God a Vodah. But if you look at the Hebrew word for work, it's actually the same word, a Vodah. In our American culture, we've kind of turned it into we worship on Sunday and then we go out and we work from Monday through Saturday. But God is calling us to worship Him with our work. Worship Him with everything we do. I mean, you running this podcast the way that you do. I believe you are worshiping God with the gift that He has placed inside of you. But the bottom line is this, Dr. Steve, is, you know, I've been reading the Bible for about 20 years now. And I see, I remember, let me tell you a quick story first. I'll come back to that. I was in real estate for about 15 years, you know, doing incredibly well, traveling all over the country, speaking for a secular real estate educational company, teaching people how to get started in real estate, loving what I was doing. And in June of 2021, I finished up an event. I was sharing with a great group of students in Dallas, Texas. And I finished up this event and I felt very empty and unfulfilled, which wasn't normal. So I go up to my hotel room and I put on some worship music and I just start praying. And I felt, I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me into thoughts so clearly. And what He said, He said, "Jeff, you're not giving people the whole truth." And I immediately start a thought of a Bible scripture, Deuteronomy 818, where it says, "I am the Lord your God who gives you the power to make or create wealth." So God can establish His covenant on the earth. God is looking to get wealth into our hands, to get through our hands, to impact culture. I mean, you know, you're on the front lines, but if you look around the United States of America right now, you're drifting very far away from the Christian patriotic principles this country was founded on. And for many years in the American church in the '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, there's this doctrine that to me was evil where it was like, stay out of the world. The world's bad. Just stay in church. Let's hold on. Wait for Jesus to come back. Get us out of here. Fly around in white leotards and heaven or something, right? But Jesus is calling us to invade culture, to go into politics, to go into arts and entertainment, to go into business, to be light and to be soul. And we need wealth to bring a change. So I see three reasons that God wants His people to create wealth. And we have to believe that God wants it. Number one, He wants us to provide for our families. You know, what good father would not want their kids to be provided for? Right. You know, God wants us to be self-sustaining depending only on Him. There's an agenda in our government right now where the government wants us dependent on them. And, you know, so we need to be dependent on God and trust Him as our provider. But number two, is He wants us to create wealth to leave a legacy for future generations. And that, for many Christians, I find that's just a scripture that they're quoted, but there's no plan. There's no roadmap to actually make that a reality. And I feel that's one of the things that God put me on this earth to do, is to provide the roadmap to make that a reality. The third reason, so provide for our families, provide for future generations. But number three is promote His kingdom on this earth, the way that He's called us to do it. And, and again, that speaks to invading culture. And the reason why I'm so passionate about helping people take territory by properties is because whoever owns the land makes the rules. Whoever owns the land creates the most wealth, has the most influence. And I live in the great state of Idaho. Now I came up here to help my church plan a campus, but during COVID for 10 years, I lived in San Diego. And COVID in California was, man, I mean, California grew its brains out. And, you know, but I went, I was part of a great church, you know, and it was, you know, churches were, had to be closed, but you could legally go to the liquor store, legally go to a strip club, legally go to Home Depot, but you couldn't open church, but because my pastor owned the buildings, he said, forget you, California, we're opening up and we're helping people. And they were able to do that, but many churches weren't because they're subject to the land lord. So, you know, even all through scripture, you see God commanding His people to possess land and to take territory. And, you know, we're approaching right now, Dr. Steve, 25 million millionaires in the United States of America. And according to the US Census Bureau, 74% of them were millionaires through real estate. And it's just the greatest asset class to create wealth. And, and, and it's why the devil worked so hard to keep God-faring, patriotic people from owning their own property. That's so cool. I mean, when you were talking about it, what, one of my favorite stories is a Christmas carol. The Ebenezer Scrooge, where, you know, he's this evil miser, what, what makes him evil is not the fact that he has money. What makes him evil is he, he hoards it. And at the end of the film, what's so beautiful is he's the one who ends up giving the whole town, the whole city of London, this a magnificent Christmas because he uses his wealth to bless others. He never renounces it. He uses it for the glory of the kingdom. Oh, that is it. And it's amazing what you could do through real estate. Myself and my partners, we buy a large apartment building. We're getting ready to close one here in Napa, Idaho, $39 million building, 172 units. And what we're able to do on this property is the first thing we do is we leave one apartment empty. And we source a local pastor, a minister, and we basically interview them. They get to live for free in exchange for evangelizing the apartment building, sharing the gospel. We bring in services to do oil changes, free oil changes for single moms. But then on top of that, because of our education and how we're able to buy properties at deep discounts on this property, we're carving out 13% of the profits to go to different ministries that we believe are having an impact. We support the Tim Tebow Foundation very heavily. Tim, you know, over 900 women and children rescued from sex trafficking last year. We support a ministry called Family Policy, which you're probably familiar with, that fights for religious freedom in the political realms, pushing back on, you know, trying like the transgender agenda and all that crazy stuff, the way they're trying to indoctrinate our children. You know, ministries that like love life that are fighting for the rights of the unborn. But we're able to direct, see the thing is this, it's not just about creating wealth and being generous. That's huge. I mean, Christians, we're supposed to, I mean, Jesus, God so loved the world he gave. We're at our best when we're giving. Right. So we have to give, but we also have to look at what evil agendas are being supported through money and cut those things off. Right. You know, and highs are Bush when they did their craziness. You know, most Christians would have said that's horrible, we don't support that. But most people don't realize if you have a 401k in America, 80% of it holds stock in and highs are Bush. So, you know, we're so, a lot of times we're supporting these agendas. So that's one of the things we work a lot with people with around, you know, retirement accounts and 401ks. I mean, I've seen that over my lifetime for some people, they retired at the right time and it was great. To me 401ks, it's like, a member of that game of musical chairs, when the music stops, is the market going to be up or is it going to be down? Sure. But you can take control of your financial future through real estate. So that's, it's just, as you can see, I get fired up about this. Yeah, I'm passionate about it. I love the term of it as well. Real estate. It's real money. Yes. Physical. It's what we've been doing since, you know, time immemorial. Real estate, gold. You name it. So give us a sense of what Kingdom 320 offers for Christian entrepreneurs to help them succeed in real estate and build that generational wealth. How do you guys mentor us and guide us? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there's so much that goes into it. I mean, but first and foremost, our mission, we feel called to pull together an army of Christian patriots to take back territory for the Kingdom of God. That's our mission. And how we do that is typically, you know, when students come into our program, they fall into one of three categories as it pertains to their finances. Either they, maybe they have some financial stress and bad debt they need to get rid of. They need to make some larger chunks of money quicker. So we would put them on what we call our active income path that focuses on strategies like wholesaling, flipping houses like you see on TV. Things called lease options and, you know, creative financing options. Many people just don't realize that you don't need money to invest in real estate. There's types of investing you do, but there's ways to make money in real estate just by being able to find opportunities and evaluate them. So many people come in and they're like, when I got started at 200 bucks to my name, I just got out of the US Navy. I was broke. I needed cash and I needed cash quick. And so that's a great strategy. Some people, you know, have a good retirement account. They may have a good income, but they trade the majority of their time to get it. They're looking for time freedom to pursue, you know, passions that God put in their heart or whatever it is that they want to do. So we would typically put somebody like that and what we call passive income track, where, and this is what I'm very passionate about, is getting money working for us instead of us always working for money. Yeah, so you do that obviously through buying rental properties, apartment buildings, things like that. And then the third way is what we call legacy income. So active income, passive income and legacy income. You know, this is really where I am now. I have time. I have money. But what I'm looking to do is be a good steward of what God put in my hands and multiply and leave that inheritance for future generations and have the biggest impact caused the devil as many headaches as I possibly can. You know, while I'm here on the earth. So, so we do that through live events. We do that through on demand curriculum. We do it through one-on-one coaching group coaching. There's many, many different modalities and ways that we support our students, but everything is undergirded by God's principles because as Christian Patriots, you know, we're called to live life and build business by a different set of standards than the world is. You know, God's God's blessings reside within his boundaries, right? Love is not love, right? God has boundaries. He had benchmarks, right? So, so we teach people how to operate, you know, in their Christian faith and build a business God's way because the Bible has a lot to say about money, a lot to say about business. Just many people aren't educated. So we bring that there. So it's really when I think of Kingdom 320, I think of we have mentorship. We have an amazing community of just Christian Patriots that support each other, you know, joint venture on deals together. And then really what I call a battle plan. And that's the roadmap. That's, you know, what is step one, step two. How do you flip out? So in a nutshell, that's it. Dr. Stu. Yeah, that's awesome. That's amazing. One biblical book that comes to mind is the Book of Acts. If you think about it, almost every chapter has money in it. It's really fascinating. Just kind of just tracing how money is used throughout the Book of Acts in the beginning of the Kingdom. And I think it was what also when you were talking about the, I think it was Charles Wesley, who said the bottom line principle is make as much as it can, save as much as it can, and give away as much as it can. And that's when you were talking that way, I'm like, oh my, that's just like, that's Wesley in theology 101. That's awesome. Yeah, go ahead. No, so we got the link down below our listeners can click on that link book a call directly with you and your team. What can they expect during that during that call? Yeah, well, I mean, we're here to serve your folks, Dr. Steve, and really what they can expect is a one on one call with one of our advisors. And really what we're going to focus on with them is what we call vision exercise. And this is really just helping them, you know, just understand where they are financially, where they want to go, what assets do they have in their hands, do they own a home retirement accounts, ways that those that were not taught in school, but ways that you could actually create multiple streams of income, you know, with those things. So, you know, the Bible says without vision, people perish, you know, so to me, we like to say, all right, this is where you are financially, where would you like to go? What is in your hands? How do we use what's in your hands, you know, to get you there? And then for signing up the call, my team, my team told me we're going to be given away our Kingdom 320 toolkit, which has a lot of cool stuff in there deal analyzer. I've used that literally to make millions of dollars in real estate throughout the year. So, so lots of other goodies in there as well. Oh, wow. What an amazing opportunity gang. I can't reiterate how special this opportunity is for you. So click on that link below book a call with Jeff and his team to learn how they can financially mentor you to flourish and build God's Kingdom in the midst of all of this insanity. As you heard just say, it's actually during this insanity. That's the good time to start doing that, right? That Warren Buffett sort of principle there. And you don't have to say again, in the midst of these turbulent times, it's such a comfort to know that we have resources and guides like Jeff and his team to help us financially flourish to leave a legacy for our family. Our friends and our faith. So just click on that link below and avail yourself of Jeff's expert advice. You can book a call directly with him and his team just at the link below and watch what happens when you have just team mentor you and walk you through the process of building generational wealth while honoring God in that process. So click on the link below. You can also go to free intro today. Book your call and get started. Jeff, God bless you, man. Let's have you back real soon. Yes, sir. Thanks, Dr. Steve. Take care. Thanks so much for listening to this episode of the Turley Talks podcast. Don't forget to subscribe. Leave us a five star review and share this episode with your friends. Help us defeat the fake news media and rank us the number one news and commentary podcast all over the world. Come back again tomorrow for another episode celebrating the rise of a new conservative age. [MUSIC]