The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

CNLP Podcast Introduction

Broadcast on:
25 Aug 2014
Audio Format:

Well hello everyone, Kerry here and thank you so much for tuning in to the first sort of pre-episode of my brand new leadership podcast. It is a real honor to have you here. I'm so thankful you would take a few minutes to tune in and today a short episode which really previews what this podcast is going to be all about. In fact, today I want to give you a sneak peek of the guest list. I want to talk about what this podcast is going to be about and then tell you why I'm really passionate about doing it and how it might help you. See, the story kind of goes like this, for years when I was a younger leader I always admired other leaders, some of the leaders in the field and people who are famous and lots of people who weren't famous but like I never really had a lot of access to those leaders. Sometimes it'd be at the back of a big conference and I'd see someone on stage and I thought wow I would love to have a conversation with them but of course you don't really have access to that. Well, over the last few years I've had access to a lot of great leaders and often I'm in the room and I'll have a conversation with them and I'll think oh I wish everybody could hear it or I wish we were taping this and I could bring it back and play it for my team and you probably had those conversations yourself and that's why I'm so excited about this podcast is that is really what I think it's going to be about. It's going to be about bringing what I hope are some of the very best conversations and leadership today to you in a way that's going to help you lead like never before. That's really the goal for you and for your team. I want you to lead like you've never led before and so I just hope that this is what that podcast can do. Now in terms of the audience who is this podcast intended for really in a nutshell it's intended for leaders, for church leaders, senior leaders in churches, staff leaders in churches, volunteer leaders in churches and for anybody who's got some kind of leadership position within a church but I also write a blog and I know I know a lot of you in these early days from the blog and what I've learned is that about a quarter of the people who read my leadership blog just at my name are Christians who lead in the church but also primarily lead in business and so you'll see as this podcast develops that a lot of the guests have a lot of principles that are really as applicable to business as they are to the church world. So if you're a business leader I hope that this is going to be an incredibly helpful podcast for you and your team as well. So format of the podcast kind of goes like this. This will be the last time you really hear me in a monologue. It is going to be an interview format and that's what I'm really so excited about. I'm going to bring you some of the top leaders today names of leaders you're going to recognize instantly a few you're probably like oh yeah I think I've heard of them but then you're also going to hear from leaders that you probably never heard of and what's been really exciting for me because I've done a lot of the interviews already even before they go live is that I think you're going to find some of those interviews with the leaders you know you've never heard of to be as interesting or even sometimes more interesting than some of the famous people we're going to have on the podcast too even as valuable as their contribution is going to be. So I think it's going to be a really great mix up of well known people and some people you've never heard of that you're going to be really grateful to have the opportunity to learn from. Now in terms of length what to expect our target for this podcast is 45 minutes. Now I kind of picked that out of the air because that's the length I like for podcasts and great conversations usually can't happen in about five or ten minutes. So the average podcast is going to be about 45 minutes maybe a little bit longer a little bit shorter and it's designed so that you can listen while you're doing something else. So for example at the gym or maybe a cycle like I do you know I often listen to podcasts when I'm out riding or if you're cutting the grass that's a good length for cutting the grass or on your commute I think the average length of a commute is about 22 minutes 20 minutes and so you can listen a half on the way to work and a half on the way home. So about 45 minutes is what we're targeting and then this is a really cool part as much as this is going to be an audio podcast there are going to be show notes on my blog and you can find the show notes all the time at my blog and what I've done to make it easier for everybody because nobody's really sure how to spell my name is about another URL it's simply lead like never So if you can't figure out how to spell my name just go to lead like never and it'll lead you to the same place my blog my website and the show notes will be right there. So for every episode moving forward once we start the interviews there's going to be show notes and those show notes will have a brief summary of what we cover they're going to have every link that's mentioned in the podcast so you don't have to take notes you can just go there and click away and some contact information for the people I'm interviewing so it's easy if you're like I want to know more about that person very easy to find plus it's super easy to share an episode by email by Facebook Twitter any social media forum right on the show notes so if you think hey so and so should hear this super easy to do on the show notes and I'll always include a preview of who's coming down the pipe for the next episode just in case you're curious so that's a show notes on or lead like never so you might be asking okay well what can I do there's one thing I would love for you to do and that is simply to subscribe to the podcast just go to iTunes hit subscribe search for the kerrynewhoff leadership podcast subscribe and away you go the other thing and I know it's a little bit premature to do it but I'm going to ask anyway I'll be a little bit bold and maybe you'd be kind is to leave a rating and a review of the podcast now I know you've hardly heard anything so I totally understand if you want to wait but maybe you're excited about the podcast and you've been waiting or you're a regular reader of the blog and you kind of trust that the quality is going to be good on the podcast as well and if you're comfortable leaving a rating and a review I would be so grateful for that or maybe after you hear the guest list in a few minutes you can leave a rating or review because like me you'll be excited about it so that's up to you but I'll tell you what it does it really helps the podcast get noticed and obviously we'd like to help a lot of leaders with this podcast so if you leave a rating and a review iTunes takes that into account and it gets featured more prominently so I'll leave that to you but I would love it if you could do that now I'm going to tell you the guest list okay and and this is really cool so these are people that have either confirmed or we've already got the interview done you're going to hear from Perry Noble we're going to do an interview with Pete Wilson I'm going to talk to Cara Powell from the Fuller Youth Institute at Fuller in California she's just a great leader Casey Graham from the Rocket Company is going to be one of the guests and he's done such an unbelievable job with preaching rocket giving rocket volunteer rocket and now worship rocket coming out this fall Casey's going to be a guest Tony Morgan is going to be a guest on the podcast Jeff Henderson who is just a phenomenal communicator one of the pastors at North Point Church he's going to be a guest on the podcast Rich Birch some of you read on Rich is going to be with us Craig Jutilla who's got an amazing story about how ministry burn him out Craig's going to be a guest you're going to hear from Reggie Joiner and John Acuff on the podcast which is exciting Ryan Russell from is going to talk all about sex and why it ensnares leaders so often Ron Edmondson who's just a phenomenal blogger is going to be a guest Frank Beeler from Elevation Church if you track what's going on there is going to be on Ted Cunningham is going to be on the show Brian Orm who's going to talk all about social media and leadership and churches he runs outreach faith it so many other sites he'll be a guest Steven Barr now we're getting into like okay who's Steven Barr he's the coolest guy okay this is a guy who started church in Orlando just for Disney cast members isn't that cool you're going to love his story and a guy named Dom Russo Dom is a Canadian church leader who has done an unbelievable job transitioning a very traditional church in just two years he's got a fascinating story and one more guest I want to tell you about my very first guest Andy Stanley Andy and I are going to sit down have a conversation all about leadership Andy is one of my all-time favorite leaders and the episode with Andy Stanley will be episode one of this podcast it goes live on Tuesday September the 9th 2014 so you'll want to make sure you don't miss it if you haven't subscribed you can subscribe now because Andy is always just packed with insight and I'm so excited about that so that in a nutshell is the podcast and if you would be so kind as to leave a rating that's great if you want to wait totally understand with that next week I'll be back with a very quick update on what's going on and some interview highlights for you and then two weeks from now on September the 9th we launch episode one with Andy Stanley so today what I'd love to do is to end with a leadership quote and this one is from John Quincy Adams one of the presidents of the United States he said this if your actions inspire others to dream more learn more do more and become more you're a leader well that's kind of the hope behind this whole podcast and I really do hope and pray it helps you lead like never before you've been listening to the carry new off leadership podcast join us next time for more insights on leadership change and personal growth to help you lead like never before