Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

10 Success Habit Secrets of the Wealthy (That Won’t Break the Bank)

We've all seen the flashy headlines: million-dollar boats, private aircraft, and other forms of luxury that most of us can only dream of. But is this the true secret to long-term wealth? It turns out that how you think and operate is more important than how much you spend. Many of the most powerful habits maintained by the ultra-successful are low-cost to implement and yield spectacular results over time. Let's peek behind the curtain, shall we? Being wealthy is not about luck...
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17 Oct 2024
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We've all seen the flashy headlines: million-dollar boats, private aircraft, and other forms of luxury that most of us can only dream of. But is this the true secret to long-term wealth?


It turns out that how you think and operate is more important than how much you spend. Many of the most powerful habits maintained by the ultra-successful are low-cost to implement and yield spectacular results over time. Let's peek behind the curtain, shall we? 


Being wealthy is not about luck or overnight success (as social media may lead you to believe). It is about taking consistent, purposeful action, and developing habits that will position you for long-term success. Is that to say it's easy?


Absolutely not. Does this mean that it is accessible to everybody willing to put in the effort? Absolutely. So, what's stopping you? Choose one habit, start small, and stay committed. The type of accomplishment that transforms your business and life is entirely within reach.


Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Get the proven strategies and resources you need for massive success. Subscribe to my blog now by going to and start transforming your business today!


Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot". You can find The Accountability Minute on as well as on most podcast platforms and in most English-speaking countries.


I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.  


Aim for what you want each and every day!  

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

Unlock a blueprint to creating and having your ideal business and ideal life by scheduling your free consultation with me today!

Want more proven business success tips and resources? Subscribe to my blog by going to

Go to to check out for yourself how I, as your Accountability Coach™, can help you get and stay focused on you highest payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your professional and personal goals, so you can enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want and deserve.

I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot". You can find The Accountability Minute on your favorite platform

(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast. I am thrilled to have you on board with me today. We're diving into the world of proven business success principles that are all about helping you make more money and work less. I'm on a mission to guide you towards your ideal business and your ideal life. So let's turn your goals into reality and back rep here. Today we're talking about 10 success habits secrets of the wealthy that won't break the bank. Now we've all seen the flashy headlines, million dollar boats, private aircraft and other forms of luxury that most of us can really only dream of. But is this the true secret to long-term wealth? Well, it turns out that how you think and operate is more important than how much you spend. So many of the most powerful habits maintained by the ultra-successful are low costs to implement and yield spectacular results over time. So let's peek behind the curtain a little bit, shall we? Habit number one, they prioritize ruthlessly. The wealthy do not simply have it to do list. They also have a hit list, which is a clear grasp of the chores that will actually move the needle for their business and their personal goals. You know, in fact, a Harvard Business Review study discovered that high net worth individuals are twice as likely to have a precisely ordered daily schedule. They understand that time is their most significant possession and they guard it ferociously. For more information on time blocking your calendar for maximum effectiveness, check out an article I wrote by going to, that's To help you and your team be even more time efficient, use what I call a prioritized action list or PAL. This is a list of everything that you have to do. So you don't have, you know, those sticky notes, pieces of scrap paper laying around or things in your head that you're trying to remember or afraid you're gonna forget. Everything on the list is in priority order, hence the name. So you're more focused and on target to getting the most important activities done every single day. Some contact management system to do lists can be customized to be more like what I call my prioritized action list or PAL, which I think makes your list easier to tackle. To download my free sample PAL that everyone in your office can use if you don't already have something, go to What's the cost to implement here? Zero, all it takes is a shift in mindset and a willingness to say no to distractions. Habit number two, they're early risers, seriously. You could roll your eyes, but hear me out here. CEOs, self-made moguls and a startling number of others swear by the early morning power hour. It's about seizing the time when distractions are low, energy is high, and people can concentrate on their most difficult and most important activities. Consider it a head start on the world. Cost to implement here? A slightly less cozy alarm setting. Habit number three, reading is their superpower. Warren Buffett reads for hours each day. Bill Gates is known for devouring books. They understand that information provides the greatest competitive advantage. You don't have to tackle a textbook every day, of course, but the wealthy set aside time for learning. It might be industry blogs, biographies, podcasts, or anything else that broadens their perspective and inspires fresh ideas. Cost to implement this? A library card, perhaps, is a pretty great investment. Habit number four. They're in the network zone. No, not the Wi-Fi variety. No, that's also necessary, of course. This is about strategic networking. Wealthy people recognize that developing valuable relationships is rocket fuel for their careers and their businesses. Consider attending conferences, joining specialty groups, or dare I say, get good at LinkedIn. It's about making proactive connections with people who can open doors and provide opportunities. Cost to implement? Some of it is time, of course, but many networking opportunities are surprisingly affordable or even free. Habit number five. Mindset is everything. The wealthy are driven by opportunity rather than scarcity. They focus on solutions rather than problems. Do they have setbacks? Absolutely. They remain faithful to their belief that with hard effort and dedication, they can overcome any challenge. Now, this style of thinking cannot be purchased. However, it can be fostered through affirmations, visualization, and yes, even gratitude journaling. Visualization is a way of tapping into the amazing power of your mind. So you can train your brain to help you create the kind of business in life you truly want. Download my complimentary power of visualization, creating and enjoying your ideal business and ideal life guidebook, by going to Now, overall, keeping a gratitude journal can be a powerful tool for improving your mental and emotional well-being and enhancing your overall quality of life. Download my complimentary gratitude journal by going to Habit number six, health is wealth. The wealthy recognize that in order to work optimally, both mentally and physically, they must prioritize their own health. Now, this does not require an expensive gym subscription or chef prepared meals. It's about consistency, regular exercise, even just a quick brisk walk, a healthy diet, enough sleep, and stress management. A healthy mind and body provide you the energy and focus you need to overcome whatever challenges life may throw at you. Cost to implement, little, body weight workouts, low-cost produce sections, and stress management approaches are all easily accessible. Habit number seven, calculated risk taking. Some people frequently take calculated risks while playing the long game. They do not simply accept the current status quo. Instead, they are continuously looking for new ways to innovate or disrupt an industry. Now, this does not imply recklessness. Rather, it entails doing research, weighing the benefits and drawbacks, and having the courage to step outside your comfort zone when the opportunity arises. Cost to implement for this one? Well, it depends on the risk, but often the biggest barrier is fear, which costs you nothing to overcome. Habit number eight, feedback over failure. Setbacks are viewed as significant data points by the wealthy, not as the end of the road. They investigate what went wrong. They learn from their mistakes, and they utilize that knowledge to iterate and improve their strategy. This robust mindset distinguishes people who achieve long-term success from those who give up only after a few failures. Cost to implement, humility and a willingness to take an honest look at your actions. Habit number nine, they delegate strategically. You know, nobody builds an empire alone. We all know that to be true. The wealthy understand that working to handle everything is a prescription for exhaustion. They thrive to recognize their own strengths and delegating time-consuming tasks to others, allowing them to concentrate on their area of expertise that only they can do. Now this might be as simple as hiring a virtual assistant for a few hours each week, or assigning routine tasks to a seasoned freelancer. Download my free delegation exercise to help you identify even more activities that you can delegate by going to, that's Cost to implement this one? While outsourcing obviously does have a cost. Think of it as investing time to gain more time back. You should only do what you can do and delegate everything else. Habit number 10, continuous goal setting. Complacency is the antithesis of long-term success. The wealthy are constantly setting new goals. Greater, more ambitious ones that put them beyond what they previously thought was possible. They divide their goals into actionable steps. They track their progress and celebrate accomplishments along the way. This keeps them motivated and ensures that they are always striving for the next level of achievement. Because your brain has something called neuroplasticity, goal setting literally changes the structure of your brain so that it's optimized to achieve that goal. Research shows that if you strongly desire a goal, your brain will perceive obstacles as less significant than they might otherwise appear. Research also has shown that ambitious goals are far more motivating than easily achieved goals. So in other words, if you want to fully activate your amygdala and frontal lobe so that your brain makes you more successful, you must set challenging goals. Now I call these stretch goals. Cost to implement this? Priceless. So the takeaway here, being wealthy is not just about luck or overnight success as social media may lead you to believe. It's about taking consistent, purposeful action and developing habits that will position you for long-term success. Is that to say it's easy? Absolutely not. Does this mean that it's accessible to everyone willing to put in the effort? Absolutely. So what's stopping you? Choose one habit. Start small. Stay committed. The type of accomplishment that transforms your life and your business is entirely within your reach. Unlock a blueprint to creating and having your ideal business and ideal life by scheduling your free consultation with me today. After investing your very valuable time with me, I hope that you gained insights and ideas that will propel you to greater heights in every facet of your life. I salute you for your hunger for more, your drive for wanting to be even better, and your unyielding commitment to building the business and life you envision. Please share the wisdom by passing on my accountability coach podcast to helping night others, which can be found on most favorite podcast platforms and subscribe to the Accountability Minute for daily guidance. Want more proven business success tips and resources? Well, of course you do. Subscribe to my blog by going to and aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day. Today and every day, I appreciate you listening. Oh, and by the way, if you are still listening, please take a minute to leave me a short rating and review. I'd really appreciate it and always love to hear from you. [MUSIC PLAYING] (upbeat music)
We've all seen the flashy headlines: million-dollar boats, private aircraft, and other forms of luxury that most of us can only dream of. But is this the true secret to long-term wealth? It turns out that how you think and operate is more important than how much you spend. Many of the most powerful habits maintained by the ultra-successful are low-cost to implement and yield spectacular results over time. Let's peek behind the curtain, shall we? Being wealthy is not about luck...