Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

Would you like to Manifest Your Goals into Reality?

Would you like to Manifest Your Goals into Reality?If you said, Heck Yes Anne!! Your next step is to listen to my interview with Dave Conway, Manifestation Mindset Expert. I know you will find my guest to be a wealth of information related to helping you discover the power within your own mind, so you can take your business to your next level of success. Dave Conway is the best-kept secret of the personal development industry, and he is considered to be one of th...
Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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Would you like to Manifest Your Goals into Reality?

If you said, Heck Yes Anne!! Your next step is to listen to my interview with Dave Conway, Manifestation Mindset Expert.


I know you will find my guest to be a wealth of information related to helping you discover the power within your own mind, so you can take your business to your next level of success.     


Dave Conway is the best-kept secret of the personal development industry, and he is considered to be one of the world’s best Mindset Mentors working today. Dave helps people discover the power within their minds to turn that power into results unlike any they’ve ever experienced. All of this, and much more, has been made possible through the study and practice of manifestation. Dave is a regular contributor to and and he understands the mindset as well as the skillset it takes for an entrepreneur to succeed.



Aim for what you want each and every day!  

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

The Results Accelerator™ 

I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.  

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast where we discuss proven business success principles related to helping you make more money and work less. So you can enjoy having your ideal business and your ideal life. This is Ann Bakrak. Today we have a special guest with us who I know you will find to be a wealth of information. Related to helping you discover the power within your own mind so you can take your business to your next level of success. Dave Conway is the best kept secret of the personal development industry and he is considered to be one of the world's best mindset mentors working today. Dave helps people discover the power within their minds to turn that power into results unlike anything they've ever experienced. All of this and much more has been made possible through the study and practice of manifestation. Dave is a regular contributor to and and he understands the mindset as well as the skillset it takes for an entrepreneur to succeed. Welcome Dave, we really appreciate you joining us. - Awesome, thanks so much Ann. - You know, so we're all on the same page. Give us an idea about exactly what is the process of manifesting? - Well, that's fantastic question. Well, I think that, you know, it's one of my purposes in life is to make manifestation logical. I think that there's a lot of mystery around it and when we really start to think about it, it's really not that mysterious at all. You know, we as human beings, all that we're trying to do at all times is just trying to move an idea from our mind and we wanna move it into our life. Right down from the point of like, I'd like to go get a coffee, which is, is it a thought for? Next thing you know, you're off to get a coffee to, you know, I wanna earn a million dollars a year or $10 million a year or I wanna grow my business. So the joy of life or the process of life is constantly human beings are constantly trying to move ideas into their world. - So give me another example of how I would manifest something that at least right now, I think is important for me that I want as a goal. - That's also a great question. So when we think of goals, I think we wanna understand like what is a goal? Well, a goal is simply an idea and it's an idea of what we want. And I think goal setting in the world is a fairly common practice for people, whether they're saying them consciously or unconsciously. However, goal achievement is a little bit different. So how I teach goal setting is I teach it as building out clear mental pictures. So when we set a goal, we wanna start to build in our imagination a clear mental picture of something that would illustrate that that is done. So for example, I was a carpenter earning $5,000 a month and I started to get it, started to work in the personal development industry with a gentleman named Bob Proctor. And my first goal was to earn $100,000 a month in this profession. So my goal was to 20x my income, doing a job I'd never done before in an industry I never worked in before. So I would consider that a pretty big stretch goal. Now in the beginning when I started to visualize the goal, I was visualizing like seeing a number in a bank account on a computer screen. And I don't know about you, but I find that that just didn't really turn me on. Like I had a very difficult time connecting to that idea. So what I started to do was I started to build out like a little mini movie in my mind of what some scenario of that being achieved. So what I did was I actually started to use memories that I'd already had like parts of my life. And I just started to alter what was going on in the memory. So I created an image of my bank. So at my bank, the walls are all glass. So when you pull up to the bank, you can like see your reflection in your car and of yourself. So I pulled up to the bank in Jaguar, which was my dream car at the time, which I did not own the physical world, but in my mind I did want it. So I built an image of me pulling up to the bank in my Jaguar, I could smell the Jaguar, I could feel it, I could hear it, I could see myself in the reflection in the car, in the glass, in the bank, on the bank's walls. And I turned the car off, I could hear the engine go down, I feel the handle, I'd get out of the car, I'd walk up to the front door, I'd feel the handle at the bank door, I'd open it up, I'd go into the best of you. I would grab the next handle, I'd open that, I'd go into the bank. And then you know, like when you go into a bank, all the energy in the bank just kind of like, it's almost like a library, hey, like it just like just kind of drops away. And so I go into the bank and feel that energy shift, I walk up, I look at the teller, this lady named Lori, who I was very familiar with, she ends up nodding me, bringing me over, I go over, I take my debit card out of my wallet, I insert it into the machine, I punch the codes in, I could feel all these things. Lori looks at me, he says, what can I do for ya? I said, how much is in my bank? And you know, I like to have the monitors that are on those swibbles. And then she says, oh, there's 100,000 in there. And she moves a monitor towards me. And then I see the number of the $100,000 around my bank account. And when I started to do this over and over and over, from the point of me visualizing, to the point of me actually experiencing that and manifesting and taking my income to the 100 grand was 31 months. So I visualize that same visualization for 31 months. - That's awesome, that's a really great example of really, I think, people not doing more with just their goal setting like you talked about. So it's really setting the images, the pictures, of you accomplishing something, setting the movie, you going through everything. And I think so many people don't do that to actually help them achieve their goals. So as long as we're talking about what you did in the process you went through, what are some of the habits of, let's say, ultimate manifesters that we can actually use to implement for ourselves? - Well, I think like anything, if we wanna see improvements in any area of our life, we have to create a practice or an exercise or a ritual of that thing. So for example, when I started lifting weights, I started going to the gym. I was very much so like an amateur lifter. And as I would go and as I would keep going, I hired a trainer and a trainer would correct me and he would do little checks on me when I would lift and he was constantly refining my process. Through this, I started to become a pretty decent little weight lifter and without injury as well, without injury. And it's the same thing for visualization. So I think we've been conditioned so much to live in the physical world that we're not quite taken as much advantage as we could at the non-physical world, which is through the imagination. So one of the rituals that I found that I think is a non-negotiable when it comes to manifestation, when it comes to producing dream life and results beyond our current reality is a visualization practice. So what I like to do is I like to, whenever I set a goal, I will put into my calendar a one hour image building session. And what I'll do is I'll sit there, I'll write the goal at the top of the paper and then I will start to say, okay, what does it look like? I will start to construct the scenario. And this takes about one hour. And then from that point on, every day, for 30 minutes, every day, I will sit down. I have a lazy, I have like a recliner lazy boy in my studio and I will lie in there and I will just keep on refining that image and I will endeavor to go 30 minutes inside that image every single day. And I keep doing this until that image is a part of my physical world. And this practice, many might think, well, where do you get a half an hour? I actually say that if you're not using visualization to change your results, like you're actually wasting time in all honesty. So I think visualization for me personally, visualization is absolutely essential when it comes to manifestation. - Oh, I couldn't agree with you more. And for example, you're 30 minutes every day for this bodybuilding thing. Let's just use that as an example. How many days did you have to do the 30 minutes every day for that to really become more of a reality for you? - Well, that's a great question because when it came to the body building, I'm not a body, but I'm just trying to have no physical pain. I'm just trying to keep the tides of time back. So when it comes to that, which is very interesting, I actually had a very difficult time using visualization for a physical physique. I've personally find it much easier to produce financial situations, business opportunities. And I think why that is is because that is my biggest motivator. I use the fitness example because I think a lot of people can understand that when you practice something, you start improving at it. Those with children, let's say someone has a son that plays hockey, well, you're gonna get that kid. You're gonna tell that kid to go practice. You're gonna tell that kid to go shoot pucks. You're gonna get to tell that kid to go skating and stuff, like through the repetition through the practice. But to start to create a mental practice is a game changer, total game changer. - Yeah, and I've read and talked to a number of super successful people. And a lot of them really do their habits of visualization, of gratitude, of just really making sure their mind is in the right place. First thing in the morning when they get up, do you do that? - Yes, I do. I don't always do it like right at the moment. Sometimes I'll actually go and do a little exercise before. So that's generally how I go about it. And then yeah, I will come back in from some form of exercise. And then I'll go into my studio and I will lie down or sit down in my chair. And I'll study a little bit as well. I'll study some books. Like right now I'm studying a book called "The Power of Awareness" by Neville Goddard. And I'll study some chapters of that book. And then that sort of primes the mind. So I've got my body moving. I've got my mind moving. And then I will then do my 30 minutes of visualization. - Now, let's say someone is going through this process. And I'm just gonna say, hopefully they'll learn to make it a habit. So they're going through this process, which hopefully will be a habit. But in the beginning, maybe they get stuck or they're not really seeing the results that they want. What would you recommend that they do to get them unstuck so they can be more on the path to manifesting what they want? - Yeah, it's an amazing phenomenon how when a lot of people poo poo the idea of visualization or find it difficult to manifest things like, for example, if somebody was shooting like a, let's say someone was shooting a bow and arrow at a bull's eye. If a person first started, they would pull that bow and arrow back and they'd release it and they might miss the entire area in which they're trying to shoot or they might catch the edge. And if they kept practicing it over and over and over, they would never for a moment ever think that it's the laws that control gravity and physics and propulsion, that's their problem. They would intuitively know that it's their ability to control the bow and arrow that is determining where that bow hits. And manifestation of visualization is the same. So if we're not seeing the results through visualization, it is not the principles at the back of visualization that's failing. It's your ability to produce results through the laws that control it. And for me, it took me 31 months, which is like very rare. Like you're very rare that you'll find anybody visualizing the same thing over and over. I found that most people are ready to quit after two or three days of not seeing their whole world change, you know? You're very rarely you find somebody with that. So with the idea of visualization, we wanna understand that it takes a massive amount of patience, takes a massive amount of dedication and persistence. And as long as a human being keeps holding that image over and over and over, that idea in time must begin to move out into the world. So for me, it took 31 months. Now, when I originally set the goal of going from a car burning five grand a month to a mentor and speaker earning a hundred grand a month in a personal development industry, I always set my goals 12 months out. So after the first 12 months, I didn't hit it. I had changes for sure, like I'd seen changes in income and I learned a lot about my new career, but I still didn't hit the hundred, but I didn't care. I just said, oh, I'm not good enough yet. So then I just made another 12 month. And then the next 12 months goes by. And again, I saw improvement and I saw things begin to unfold. I didn't fulfill the goal and its completeness yet. So I just figured, well, my awareness isn't there yet. I'm not good enough yet. So then I recommitted again. And then in the third year, going into the third year is when I hit it seven months in. - Yeah, that's so true about patience. So many people stop something you're right. After it doesn't work, it's been two days. It's been four days and five days. I mean, it's not even a month. And I'm not seeing results. So this isn't working. It's like you haven't even done what it said to do consistently for 30 days, 30 days. I did it for the three. You know, aren't I supposed to see some kind of results or benefits in three days versus 30? - I mean, exactly. And I think also like we got to address the fact that like when we're visualizing, we're communicating to our subconscious mind. And our subconscious mind's been programmed. And it's programmed at conception. So like you are inheriting the genetics. You're inheriting like the belief systems of people of the past. Then it's programmed through your environment as you grow up. So like you got to understand that we're undoing a lot of deep rooted programming as we start to impress new images, right? So a lot of these images as we impress it, like they're very foreign. So when I began to create the image of burning the hundred grand, well, I was a carpenter. Well, why was I a carpenter? Well, because my father was like, that's the level that everybody lived in from my gene pool. That was the Conway paradigm. That was the highest that anyone had ever reached. So we got to understand that a lot of times these images are so foreign to our actual makeup that we're actually rewiring generations of conditioning. The Catholic church has this process called the healing of generational sin. And I'm sure they're not the only ones where you actually go through this few week process where you start going back through your family tree and you start like praying for people and you start undoing like little knots and you start basically healing through the ritual of like going back into the past. When we think about the paradigm, when we think about our conditioning, when we think about our subconscious mind, we need to grasp that as we start to visualize, we are undoing some very old stuff. So patience is essential. It took hundreds and thousands of years to build up this paradigm. So why do we think that we're gonna change it in the night? - So here's a question for you. This is probably everybody's question, right? If I know I don't have patience because I haven't had patience in the past, how do I condition myself to go through this process and do what I need to do every single day to get the outcomes that I want? What has to happen there for that to change? - Your wants have to turn into goals and your goals have to turn into desires. And that desire through time needs to become a burning desire or an obsession. So the world that you are trying to create has to be stronger than the world that you're currently experiencing. It's all desire. I don't think there's anyone in a first world country that hasn't went out and made the great oath of like getting fit or buying a gym membership. And you go there and you know, you got these ideas, right? Like you're gonna get fit this year, you're gonna drop those 20 pounds or whatever the heck and you're gonna start in January, so you're ready for the summer and you're gonna get up at five a.m. before everybody's up and you're gonna get out that door and you're gonna be there and you start and you're gonna purchase the membership. Yeah, sure, you do it the first day, maybe the second day, maybe even the third day. And then comes the fourth day, maybe the kids kept you up the night before, you know, maybe you had a rough sleep and the next thing you know, you skip a day. And this is the same with visualization. It's the same for everything. We have to condition, we have to keep, we have to stoke that desire. And I've personally found that the best way to stoke the desire is through environment. You have to get into an environment that is on the same path as you. And this is very foreign to most of us because not many of us are usually start in an environment that is reflective of our hopes and dreams. We're actually trying to shift that environment. So it's the environment that starts to put a little bit of water onto our desires. Once that water starts to go on the desire and we start to cool down, you'll find that you start allowing your outside world to start to flow back in. So it takes dedication, it takes commitment, it takes recommitment. And when we drift, we just have to gently, not not abusively, we have just had to gently bring ourselves back to the practice. So it's all about keeping that desire at the top of mind. Top of mind, keep that desire at the top of your mind. And in time, you'll find yourself, you start to become a pretty powerful person. - Yeah, it's definitely a lot harder to restart something for sure than to just keep doing it. So how, if we're in an environment that shifts, how do we shift it back to the environment we want? What needs to happen there, any thoughts? - The OAP visualization. So you got to create a new environment on the inside. And then when you create on the inside, you start to endeavor throughout the day to maintain that energy. So I had a huge shift along this journey about seven years ago. And I got to this place where I just really was not like happy with myself. I just was not satisfied with what I was doing and how I was doing it. And I was kind of pissed off with myself. And I actually went up into the mirror in my bathroom. And I went like eyeball to eyeball, nose to nose with myself in the mirror. And I yelled at myself and I said, "Who the hell do you think you are?" And I was like, "Why do you believe this and not that? Why do you like her and not him? Why do you like him and not her? Why do you believe what you believe?" And what I did was I just got rid of Dave Conway. So what I did every night was when I went to bed, there was no Dave Conway. Now, at that time, I'm originally from Ireland. I live in Canada now. And my mom's a pretty, pretty firm calf, like Irish calf, like women. And at the time, like I wasn't even Catholic no more. I had left, I dropped all my religious beliefs. I dropped everything. Now, don't tell my mother that because she'll lose it. But I started to get rid completely of Dave. So when I'd lie down in my bed at night, there was no Dave Conway. It was just this like empty black, no thing. And in the morning, when I woke, I would then fill my mind with the man in the life and images of the man in the life I wanted to be. And then throughout that day, I would just endeavor to embody that man. And then at night, when lose draw, I would then again get rid of Dave Conway. And then in the morning, I'd wake up again and I'd fill my mind with the man and the images of the life I wanted. And I would endeavor again that day. And as I would do that again at night, when lose or draw, whether I succeeded in it, whether I was fine in it, whether I totally relapsed and slipped back to the old Dave Conway, I would neutralize it all. And I would redo the same process over and over and over. - Boy, that does take dedication and an obsession to make things the way that you wanna make them. So that's awesome. I appreciate you sharing that story and just don't let your mom listen to this podcast. So there you go. (laughing) We talked about your 100,000 revenue goal. What can someone implement right now? Like what do you recommend they do? Okay, right now, starting today, you're gonna be 100% committed to what? And that will help you increase your revenue to whatever your next goal is for revenue. What would you tell them to do? - I personally think that any person like can do a year and 30 days when it comes to money. So if a person is earning 10 grand a month, sit down and ask yourself, like are you open to taking your income to 120 a month? And as you start to accept that idea, then build out a clear mental picture of what that would look like. Like I shared it really like a scenario. And then what you can ask is ask yourself, who is the person that's naturally producing that? Like we are all naturally producing our life right now. We may not like all the results that we have in our life, but we are the ones producing them. I know that we like to blame each other for certain things, but at the end of the day, it really is all less. It is all less, like who else is living your life but you Dave, of course it's you, right? Who else would be? So as we start to understand that there's a person inside that will naturally produce that new reality that you seek start to spend a little more time with that person. And I would tell anybody no time you are not losing any time by sitting down for 30 minutes a day. And earlier, if you can, get up half an hour earlier and go sit and just start to spend time. Who is the man that's producing that? And then start to refine yourself. Start to learn how to go the extra mile, start to begin to shift your perception of yourself and people in the world in which you live and what's possible. And through that repetitiveness, through that repetition, 'cause repetition's the mother of all learning, through that repetition, you're gonna find that you start to find like a new version of yourself on the inside. And then the next thing you know, you've gone from an inpatient person to a patient person. You've gone from a person that sets small goals to a person that achieves big goals. You've gone from person with a short temper to a person that's calm. You've gone from a person that lacks focus and you've become a person that has the power to focus. You know, in the beginning as well, like I was imaginatively like disabled is what I call it. Like my imagination was very, very rusty. And just through the practice of it, I began to improve my ability to even make clear mental pictures. So in everything, it's always dedication. It's always those same principles, dedication, focus. But it's desire that's gonna get you to do those things because we don't procrastinate things that we desire to do. We actually get upset when we don't get to do the things we desire to do. We only procrastinate things we don't want to do that we're afraid to do. So when we start to understand that desire is the core for changing of behavior, then we'll start to understand that is the main desire. It's seeing that thing feeding the mind with those new, the new life. A burning desire, and let's get our rusty imagination dust off, cleaned up. - Might even break a cog. Might even break the handle off. It's so rusty. - And I think that's so true because I don't think people really use their imagination as we talked about or really visualize things. So it might be rusty, it might not have ever even been used in that thing for a long time. So it's not just rusty. It's like, I don't even know that I had that capability. It's like an old rusty tool. You find an old farmyard, you know? - Exactly. So we've got to figure out how to do that. So to help us, what are your top three, let's call them go tos for us to learn, study or do that can help us implement what we're talking about here today? - Yeah, so anybody here, if you're interested in kind of, in either A, if you're into manifestation already and you're looking to maybe get an edge on it, you know, start to take your understanding and your practices to deeper levels, or even if you're a person that's just beginning to hear about it or start to become curious about it, what you can do is I'm over on Instagram, a Conway Consulting. So just go Conway, C-O-N-W-A-Y Consulting on Instagram and you'll see this really, really handsome man's face show. And you can go and you can do my 21 day manifestation challenge on there. And what that's designed to do is designed to help you dust off and start to become a little more proficient in your ability to make images through your imagination. It's also designed to help everybody with their focus. And the third is it's designed to help you get a quick win. So start to like do it for even something small, start to use visualization for something small, and just start to endeavor to start to produce results through it. And as you do that, you'll build your confidence. The second thing I would recommend too is there's a book, there's two books actually, I'll refer two books. The first book is what I'm really, really deep into now, kind of coming back around to a whole nother level. And it's a book called The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard. And I think it's one of the greatest books, if not the greatest book on manifestation. And then there's another book that people could pick up called Your Invisible Power. So that's Your Invisible Power by a lady named Genevieve B. Rand, which I believe is the greatest book ever written on visualization. And the third thing I would say is schedule in 30 minutes a day just to sit down and do it, like just start to play. And don't do it rigid, don't let the pressures of like, oh, I've got to, I want this, and oh, I've got to produce this. You know, that's like the counteractive to visualization. Do it and keep it fun. And start to just play, become more playful. Become more playful with the imagination. So I would say you could start, everyone could do the, go download the 21 day manifestation challenge. You could pick up those two books that you could start to study. Those are Your Invisible Power and The Power of Awareness. And then the third is actually schedule in 30-minute dream sessions. Yeah, that's great, great advice. And, you know, sometimes it's just picking the one thing. You know, pick the thing to go start the 21 day manifestation, start with that. You don't have to go get the books yet. You can get the books after you've done the 21 day manifestation. So sometimes it's just, you know, picking one thing that I'm going to do. Maybe it's just you're going to sit down and commit to 30 minutes first thing in the morning. That's going to be your new habit and that's what you're going to do. So it's just getting started, you know, with something. So make a move. Do you have this obsession? Do you have this burning desire for something? Well, let's manifest that into reality and take it to where you want it to go. So I super appreciate your time today, Dave and your great insight and suggestions and ideas. Oh, thanks so much and it was a pleasure to get to be on your podcast with you. Lovely energy. You know, visualization is really more than just daydreaming. It's a scientifically proven technique that can help train your brain to work for you, not against you. Studies have actually shown the visualization can improve your motivation, coordination and concentration while reducing fear and anxiety. And now you can access my complimentary guidebook that will help you harness the power of visualization and create your ideal business and your ideal life. Download my power of visualization guidebook today and start transforming your mindset and your business. With exercises and thought-provoking insights, this guide will help you unlock your full potential and achieve the success that say you probably deserve. So don't wait. Start visualizing and enjoy the kind of business and life you truly want. Go to and get my guidebook right now. After investing your very valuable time with Dave and me, I hope that you gained insights and ideas that will propel you to greater heights in every facet of your life. I salute you for your hunger for more, your drive for wanting to be even better and your unyielding commitment to becoming the architect of your destiny. Share the wisdom by passing on my Accountability Coach podcast to help ignite others which can be found in most podcast platforms and in most English speaking countries and subscribe to the Accountability Minute for daily guidance on proven business success principles which can also be found in most podcast platforms and in most English speaking countries. Want more proven business success resources and tips? What love course you do? Subscribe to my blog by going to and always remember to aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day. Today and every day. I appreciate you listening. [Music]
Would you like to Manifest Your Goals into Reality?If you said, Heck Yes Anne!! Your next step is to listen to my interview with Dave Conway, Manifestation Mindset Expert. I know you will find my guest to be a wealth of information related to helping you discover the power within your own mind, so you can take your business to your next level of success. Dave Conway is the best-kept secret of the personal development industry, and he is considered to be one of th...