Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

5 Proven Strategies for Overcoming Difficult Issues

[[:encoded, "Whether navigating tricky conversations or counseling employees through conflict, there are always going to be difficult workplace issues that crop up. How you handle these obstacles will go a long way toward determining the atmosphere of your office. Will the office be a space where you and your team can speak and work freely, or will it be a place that stifles creativity and operates out of fear discipline? All workplaces are comprised of imperfect individuals that have good i...
Broadcast on:
18 Aug 2022

[[:encoded, "Whether navigating tricky conversations or counseling employees through conflict, there are always going to be difficult workplace issues that crop up. How you handle these obstacles will go a long way toward determining the atmosphere of your office. Will the office be a space where you and your team can speak and work freely, or will it be a place that stifles creativity and operates out of fear discipline? All workplaces are comprised of imperfect individuals that have good intentions but will still inevitably fail, struggle, or cause conflict. Mistakes happen, errors will be made, and feelings might get hurt. Having a plan in place for how you will respond to these things and mitigate the fallout will set you on a path to a peaceful and successful work environment. \n\nWhen difficult times arise, consider trying out one or more of the following five proven strategies:\n\n1. Practice Patience\nA good rule of thumb when faced with a difficult situation like a disgruntled employee or a grumpy client is to take a deep breath and just listen. Many times, if you can help the person you are interacting with feel heard, the situation will de-escalate on its own. We all long to be understood and valued, so when you patiently give those around you ample space to air their grievances and vent their frustrations (even if they are unfounded or if you disagree with them) you are feeding the side of them that longs to be seen and appreciated. Once they are done talking, take a brief moment to gather your own thoughts; then, calmly restate what they said to you and work with them to achieve a solution that works for everyone involved.\n\n2. Grow in Gratitude\nIf you can cultivate an office culture of thankfulness, you may be surprised at how much the attitudes of everyone in your workspace elevate. Recognizing your employees’ successes and telling them often that you appreciate their hard work will help them feel valued, and will often build a spirit of excitement and congeniality, which acts like a hedge of protection against the small, everyday inconveniences and irritations that can crop up. \n\nIf you need a little help with being grateful more and having more gratitude in your life, download my complimentary Gratitude Journal Exercise, by going to I hope you get value and insight from using this Gratitude Journal exercise.\n\n3. Bite the Bullet\nWhile it can be tempting to sweep conflict under the rug – especia

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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[[:encoded, "Whether navigating tricky conversations or counseling employees through conflict, there are always going to be difficult workplace issues that crop up. How you handle these obstacles will go a long way toward determining the atmosphere of your office. Will the office be a space where you and your team can speak and work freely, or will it be a place that stifles creativity and operates out of fear discipline? All workplaces are comprised of imperfect individuals that have good i...