Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

5 Ways to Manifest Confidence in Yourself

[[:encoded, "Confidence. Some people have it aplenty. Others struggle to be and act confident. Others of us are in the middle of the road; we are confident in certain situations, and in others we take a backseat because we don’t trust ourselves enough to embrace confidence. \n\nHaving self-confidence is important in our personal and in our professional lives. Many of us, however, struggle to find it and use it. When you struggle with confidence, you find you continue to struggle to pull forth...
Broadcast on:
05 Apr 2022

[[:encoded, "Confidence. Some people have it aplenty. Others struggle to be and act confident. Others of us are in the middle of the road; we are confident in certain situations, and in others we take a backseat because we don’t trust ourselves enough to embrace confidence. \n\nHaving self-confidence is important in our personal and in our professional lives. Many of us, however, struggle to find it and use it. When you struggle with confidence, you find you continue to struggle to pull forth your self-confidence, and this lack of confidence can make it difficult for you to success or to inspire others toward success. \n\nWhen you’re self-confident, you feel good about yourself and your body responds by secreting hormones that give you a further boost. One way to boost confidence is to recall a time when you were at your most confident – that will help! \n\nWhen you feel self-conscious, your confidence will lag. Determine why you’re self-conscious and take the necessary steps to alleviate that feeling. Learn more, take charge, talk with someone to help you gain confidence, so you can move forward. \n\nLet’s explore five ways to help you build your self-confidence even more.\n \n1.\tBe aware of how you talk to yourself. If you criticize yourself and your actions, your confidence suffers. Challenge any assumptions you have, determine where you are, and in what circumstances you criticize yourself. Find ways to treat yourself to better self-talk. \n\n2.\tKeep a “negativity journal.” This may seem counterintuitive, but stick with me. When you feel negative about yourself or your abilities, write it down. Look at what you’ve written and determine whether it’s true. For example: I can’t talk in front of a group. Is that true? Of course, you CAN talk in front of a group, but you may be nervous or anxious about talking in front of a group. That is a different task entirely. Once you write down your self-defeating belief, you can move forward and find a way to defeat it. If you’re nervous to talk in front of a group, join Toastmasters, for example. Start small and practice on friends or colleagues. When you have to talk in front of a group, choose a topic about which you are fully confident. \n\n3.\tHow do others see you? Do people come to you and ask for your advice? Do they seek your help with projects? When you’re dealing with low self-esteem and your confidence is lagging, write down your skills and those areas in which you are an expert. This will help you build confid

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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[[:encoded, "Confidence. Some people have it aplenty. Others struggle to be and act confident. Others of us are in the middle of the road; we are confident in certain situations, and in others we take a backseat because we don’t trust ourselves enough to embrace confidence. \n\nHaving self-confidence is important in our personal and in our professional lives. Many of us, however, struggle to find it and use it. When you struggle with confidence, you find you continue to struggle to pull forth...