Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

Are Limiting Beliefs Impacting Your Success?

[[:encoded, "Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a “wider cognitive space.” The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly held, often due to heavy emotional attachment. (For example, a parent’s faith passed onto a new generation.) Interestingly, self-limiting beliefs have been observed in both human beings and animals. Of what importance, though, is the idea of “limited ...
Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2019

[[:encoded, "Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a “wider cognitive space.” The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly held, often due to heavy emotional attachment. (For example, a parent’s faith passed onto a new generation.) Interestingly, self-limiting beliefs have been observed in both human beings and animals. Of what importance, though, is the idea of “limited beliefs” to you? \n\nThe first question is where limiting beliefs come from. A person’s upbringing and parental stability is an important factor in determining origins of belief. However, other factors such as a person’s own self-image, and their personal perceptions of the world (based on experience and learning) also contribute. Consider some examples of self-limiting beliefs. As you read over them, you will find that these beliefs are not so scientific at all, but very relatable statements that you might hear from friends and acquaintances. (Perhaps even from your own mouth.)\n\n•\t“This is my destiny. I cannot escape it.”\n•\t“I have to do this, because no one else can.”\n•\t“It’s just what people expect of me.”\n•\t“I’m just like my father and I can’t change that.”\n•\t“If I tell someone the truth, they will take their business elsewhere.”\n•\t“I’ve always gotten this result so anything else is unrealistic.” \n\nAll of these statements allude to limiting beliefs that assign specific qualities to the person that cannot be escaped or changed. These qualities could be capabilities, roles, or traits. The person may feel burdened to continue their path (however dangerous or miserable) because of a need to follow this limiting belief. The truth of the matter is that the person is choosing their own path and they cannot fathom having to stop the cycle and think outside this predetermined life.\n\n•\t“I can’t do it. I know I can’t.”\n•\t“There’s no point in even trying.”\n\nThese statements are alluding to limiting beliefs, in which the person decides he or she cannot succeed, and so there is no point in trying. This is not so much a quality of overall cynicism or pessimism; rather, a lack of self-confidence that doesn’t allow the person to broaden their horizons or think of a scenario that involves their success for a change. Does the person’s argument have validity, in that he or she claims under-qualification for a task at hand? In some cases this could be true.

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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[[:encoded, "Limiting beliefs refers to a belief system that is self-inhibiting. This system discourages exploration of what we understand as a “wider cognitive space.” The beliefs created and perpetuated in this type of system are strongly held, often due to heavy emotional attachment. (For example, a parent’s faith passed onto a new generation.) Interestingly, self-limiting beliefs have been observed in both human beings and animals. Of what importance, though, is the idea of “limited ...