Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

6 Tips for Getting More Clients Without Working Harder

[[:encoded, "Most entrepreneurs experience a critical stage in their business where they need to consistently build their client base, yet they don’t have the time or resources to devote to serving more clients. So how do you get more clients without working harder? Learn how with these 6 tips. \n\nTip #1: Create Information Resources\nRegardless of your industry, your business has a powerful point of leverage that can be used to find and keep more clients: information. Create free and low-...
Broadcast on:
02 May 2016
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[[:encoded, "Most entrepreneurs experience a critical stage in their business where they need to consistently build their client base, yet they don’t have the time or resources to devote to serving more clients. So how do you get more clients without working harder? Learn how with these 6 tips. \n\nTip #1: Create Information Resources\nRegardless of your industry, your business has a powerful point of leverage that can be used to find and keep more clients: information. Create free and low-cost channels through which you can introduce yourself and your business - without significant time or effort investment on the backend. This is the “Create-It-And-Leave-It” method that creates not only more avenues for prospects to learn about you, but also expands your market reach and/or revenue.\n\nTip #2: Stand Out\nTo get the attention of ideal prospects, you must stand out from the crowd. Everyday information isn’t unique information. You have to show ideal prospects what makes you different from others in your industry. Be willing to share personal and professional experiences - and the lessons you’ve learned from those experiences. You have a unique perspective that separates you from the crowd. When you begin sharing what makes you different, it becomes easier for your ideal prospect to identify you from the rest of the crowd.\n\nTip #3: Create Low-Touch, High Volume Programs\nA common mistake among many entrepreneurs is spending too much time on non-paying prospects and low-end clients. This is you if: you find your schedule is maxed out, and you’re not creating enough revenue. The solution is to create a way to reach low-end clients that does not require a direct exchange of your time or effort. Create free and low-end solutions like the ones mentioned in Tip #1 where you can reach a larger pool of prospects and paying clients without having to work harder.\n\nTip 4: Create High-Touch, Low Volume Programs\nYour unique expertise and personal attention are your greatest points of leverage in your business. Some clients don’t want a home-study program, they want personal attention. The unique combination of your personal and professional experiences allows you to bring a unique perspective (and information) to your clients. Leverage it to create a high-end solution that provides individual or small group attention to top-level clients.\n\nTip 5: Honor Your Core Values\nIf you’re working too hard and still not generating the revenue you desire, you may not be honoring y

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Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) Hello, and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast, where we will discuss proven business success principles related to helping you make more money, work less, so you can enjoy even better work-life balance. This is Ann Bakrak. Today we're going to talk about six tips for getting more clients without working harder. Most entrepreneurs experience a critical stage in their business where they need to consistently build their client base, yet they don't have the time of resources to devote to serving more clients. So how do you get more clients without working harder? Well, let's talk about these six tips. The first one is create information resources. Regardless of your industry, your business has a powerful point of leverage that can be used to find and keep more clients information. Create free and low-cost channels through which you can introduce yourself and your business without significant time or effort investment on the back end. This is the created and leave it method that creates not only more avenues for prospects to learn about you, but also expand your market reach and/or revenue. The goal here is to create a hands-off, low-touch method to allow prospects the opportunity to know, like, and trust you. As we all know, this process takes time and effort. By providing these hands-off, low-touch resources, you will free up your time, which will boost revenue because you'll have more time to focus on the clients who are ready to work with you right now. So some examples of this might be downloadable information products such as eBooks, special reports, white pages, those types of things. Could be your blog, free articles, free podcasts, free videos, free information calls, or even webinars. Number two, stand out. To get the attention of ideal prospects, you must stand out from the rest. Every day information isn't unique information. You have to show ideal prospects what makes you different from others in your industry. Be willing to share personal and professional experiences and the lessons you've learned from those experiences. You have a unique perspective that separates you from the crowd. When you begin sharing what makes you different, it becomes easier for your ideal prospects to identify you from the rest of the crowd. Some examples of this might be things like, your unique experience is your unique selling point, or USP, I'm sure you've heard of that before. You are your greatest USP, unique selling point, or your unique selling proposition. Even if you're selling a corporate product or service, what makes it unique is what you personally bring to the table because no one else delivers that in the way that only you can do and are able to do. Tip number three, create low touch, high volume programs. A common mistake many entrepreneurs make is spending too much time on non-paying prospects or low-end clients. This is you if you find your schedule is maxed out and you're not creating enough revenue. The solution is to create a way to reach low-end clients that does not require a direct exchange of your time or effort. Create free and low-end solutions like the ones I mentioned in tip number one, where you can reach a larger pool of prospects and paying clients without having to work any harder. Go to and join the free inner circle so you can take advantage of the many complimentary online resources and tools such as the ideal client profile exercise to help you hone clients to those who are best served by you and really want to work with you. There's many other high value free tools at under the free silver member. Examples of this one would be things like information products. It could be virtual memberships, information, videos, training calls, webinars, interviews with experts who provide value, how to audios. It could be internet networking groups or virtual associations. Or just books in general. Tip number four, create a high touch, low volume program. Your unique experience and personal attention are your greatest points of leverage in your business. Some clients don't want a home study program or self-study program. They want personal attention. The unique combination of your personal and professional experiences allows you to bring a unique perspective and information to your clients. Leverage it to create a high end solution that provides individual or small group attention to the top level clients who pay you a lot of money. So examples of this would be high end coaching or training programs in person or virtual. Live events or seminars. Maybe it's a one day intensive workshop program. Group coaching, again, whether it could be virtual or in person or any myriad of different types of training programs. Tip number five is honor your core values. If you're not, if you're working too hard and still not generating the revenue you desire and believe you deserve, you may not be honoring your core values. These core values, when sacrificed, can create disharmony, frustration, and even struggle in your life and your business. Honor your core values and you create flow, ease, and greater success. Know your core values and adjust your business model accordingly. Now the key here is to learn from other successful entrepreneurs. However, put your own spin on it. When you honor your core values, you'll find a magical formula that allows you to work the way it works for you. In turn, your clients will be even better served. Go to and download a complementary values clarification exercise to help you get clear on exactly what your values are. That's Example of this one would be, let's say freedom is one of your core values, yet you're tied to a desk. Perhaps one of your core values is family, yet you need to work really long hours to generate the revenue you need to actually support your family. So it's easy to see how ignoring the values most important to you can be a source of frustration or even struggle. Tip number six is follow your inspiration. Remember, getting more clients doesn't necessarily mean working harder. When you're designing ways for more clients to work with you, follow your inspiration. Follow what feels good, what excites you, be innovative, be creative. Keep in mind, just because it hasn't been done before, doesn't mean it can't be done. So examples of this would be, get creative. Think outside the box, so to speak. Ask yourself these questions. If I could work any way I wanted to, what would that look like? How would I spend my day? How many days per week would I work? How would I like to interact with my ideal clients? What things are done best during certain times or days to produce the best results? Am I maximizing the time I have? Am I leveraging all the resources that are available to help me? If you get value from these podcasts, please take a minute to leave me a short review at iTunes. My hope for our time together is that you got value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful. Personally and professionally. Go to and join the free, silver, inner circle. Remember, it's free and take advantage of all the high value complimentary resources to help accelerate your results and enjoy the kind of business and life you truly desire. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day. Today and every day. Thanks for listening. Let me remind you that this recording is protected by copyright law and unauthorized distribution and copying is prohibited. [Music]
[[:encoded, "Most entrepreneurs experience a critical stage in their business where they need to consistently build their client base, yet they don’t have the time or resources to devote to serving more clients. So how do you get more clients without working harder? Learn how with these 6 tips. \n\nTip #1: Create Information Resources\nRegardless of your industry, your business has a powerful point of leverage that can be used to find and keep more clients: information. Create free and low-...