Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

The Art of Delegation for Business Owners

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about The Art of Delegation for Business Owners. Delegation for business owners is a must-do for success! When you can hand over your administrative tasks and projects off to an able assistant or employee, you can focus on more important tasks that only you can do to grow your business and increase revenue. The art of delegation is an essential part of establishing a growing business. \n\nDelegation allows you to eliminate the low-priority tasks so ...
Broadcast on:
27 Apr 2012
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[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about The Art of Delegation for Business Owners. Delegation for business owners is a must-do for success! When you can hand over your administrative tasks and projects off to an able assistant or employee, you can focus on more important tasks that only you can do to grow your business and increase revenue. The art of delegation is an essential part of establishing a growing business. \n\nDelegation allows you to eliminate the low-priority tasks so you can free up time to focus on the high-payoff producing tasks. Clearly, this can allow you to focus on increasing your revenue, and it can also free up time to center your energy towards expanding your business. When your business continues to grow, eventually reaching another plateau, you may find it necessary to hire more assistants or outsource more tasks. \n\nImplementing the art of delegation to your current business model can lead to an increase in business and an immense decrease in stress for you. Delegation for business owners is the single most efficient way to run your business without having to spread yourself thin. You don2019t need to hire an army worth of employees or contractors, just delegate the tasks that are hindering you from increasing your revenue! Do what you do best and let someone else do the rest.\n\nGo to and get 3 FREE gifts including a special report on 10 Power Tips for Getting Focused, Organized, and Achieving Your Goals Now. Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT2019S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. \n\nAim for what you want each and every day! \nAnne Bachrach\nThe Accountability Coach2122\nThe Results Accelerator2122 \n\nAuthor of Excuses Don2019t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today. \n\nTo help you stay focused and on track to achieving your goals\n- Subscribe to my YouTube channel (\n- Subscribe to my Blog ( \nor Subscribe to my blog on Kindle and receive business success tips\n

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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We will discuss topics, ideas, questions, and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Ann Baccrack. Today, we're going to talk about the Art of Delegation for Business Owners. Delegation for Business Owners is a must-do for success. When you can hand over your administrative tasks and projects off to an able assistant or employee or team member, you can focus on more important tasks that only you can do to grow your business and increase revenue. The Art of Delegation is an essential part of establishing a growing business. Well, why delegate? Here will come a time in your business, at least for most business owners, this comes sooner rather than later, when you feel overwhelmed. You may find that you have too many tasks to accomplish without enough time to get them all done. It's when you come to this realization that delegating the small or low priority tasks to an assistant or team member would make your life a whole lot easier. That's the time to do it. Delegation allows you to eliminate the low priority tasks so you can free up time to focus on the high-producing tasks. Clearly, this can allow you to focus on increasing your revenue and it can also free up time to center your energy towards expanding your business. When your business continues to grow, eventually reaching another plateau, you may find it necessary to hire more team members or outsource more tasks. Some common tasks that can be delegated fairly easily are things like answering the phone, returning phone calls, scheduling appointments, sending and returning emails, performing some research that might need to be done, bookkeeping, filing, web design and maintenance, some aspects of marketing, writing articles or blogs. Generally speaking, administrative tasks should always be delegated to an assistant. While answering the phone and responding to emails is important, your focus should be on the tasks that directly increase the growth of your business. For instance, your energy should be focused on conducting seminars, creating new products or services, networking, meeting clients and prospects in person, talking to strategic alliances or centers of influence, expanding into new markets and other various activities. The common tasks that I just mentioned should not require your attention, hire an employee or virtual assistant to take full responsibility for their maintenance. These sample tasks are simple tasks that almost anyone can do, but other tasks that require a specific skill set should also be delegated to experienced professionals. You may have a background in web design for example and be capable of completing the task, but it's worth it to delegate it. A professional website designer will get the job done right in a timely manner and make your website look professional while you focus on growing your client list. Here's a few questions you might consider asking yourself. Does delegating make sense for me to grow my business? Does my business have the revenue to delegate? If not now, when? How much time am I spending on tasks that are slowing my business growth? What should I look for in an employee or team member or contractor? How would I feel to not have to do administrative tasks or things that don't directly relate to generating revenue and growing my business? State name businesses didn't get to the point they are today by the owners or executives doing everything themselves. They implemented the art of effective delegation when the time came because it was necessary to take their business to the next level. Delegation for business owners is the ideal way to grow your business without having to take on more responsibility and sacrifice your personal time with your family. The bottom line is that delegation always makes sense. First look at delegation of tasks to someone as an investment and not an expense. If your current earnings as a business are only covering your business overhead and your personal expenses and not much else, unfortunately, you're not in the ideal financial situation to delegate tasks. However, sometimes it takes delegating to increase your revenue. So consider the investment in a person or people and do your best to find a way to make it work as soon as possible for the sake of your business and perhaps your sanity as well. If you have two options, as I see it, hire an in-house assistant or enlist the services of a virtual assistant. Although having an in-house assistant may be convenient, keep in mind that you must pay employer taxes and might have to provide benefit packages in order to attract quality candidates. However, hiring a virtual assistant can be far more cost efficient. But only are you free from paying taxes on their income. You can hire them sometimes for less money. Hiring a virtual assistant with experience can get more work done faster in some cases than an in-house or permanent assistant. Finding a part-time virtual assistant online is easily done and can cost as little as $10 an hour. One word of caution though, you get what you pay for. Look for virtual assistants with experience or who are members of a well-respected organization such as the International Association of Virtual Assistance. An experienced virtual assistant with a solid reputation can typically cost a minimum of $20 an hour and up as much as $70 an hour. Practicing the art of delegation to your current business model can lead to an increase in your business and an immense decrease in stress for you. Delegation for business owners is the single most efficient way to run your business without having to spread yourself thin and even thinner. You don't need to hire an army worth of employees or contractors, just delegate the tasks that are hindering you from increasing your revenue. Do what you do best and let someone else do the rest. Well, my hope for our time together is that you got some value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful, both personally and professionally. Take advantage of the complimentary special report on keys to working less, making more money and having a more balanced life by going to Join the Silver Inner Circle. It's free and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many complimentary assessments and resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame that you want so you can have the kind of life you truly desire. Get started today by going to and join the free Silver Inner Circle. Remember to aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. Let me remind you that this recording is protected by copyright law and unauthorized distribution and copying is prohibited. [Music]
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about The Art of Delegation for Business Owners. Delegation for business owners is a must-do for success! When you can hand over your administrative tasks and projects off to an able assistant or employee, you can focus on more important tasks that only you can do to grow your business and increase revenue. The art of delegation is an essential part of establishing a growing business. \n\nDelegation allows you to eliminate the low-priority tasks so ...