Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

5 Tips for Mastering your Beliefs

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about Are you Headed for Success or Disaster? 5 Tips for Mastering your Beliefs\n\nIf there is one thing that holds the most power over your success, you can bet that it comes down to your beliefs. Before you even have the opportunity to consciously process the reason behind your actions, and the results those actions put in play, your beliefs are at work determining whether you are headed toward success or disaster.\n\nThere are literally tens of tho...
Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2010
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[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about Are you Headed for Success or Disaster? 5 Tips for Mastering your Beliefs\n\nIf there is one thing that holds the most power over your success, you can bet that it comes down to your beliefs. Before you even have the opportunity to consciously process the reason behind your actions, and the results those actions put in play, your beliefs are at work determining whether you are headed toward success or disaster.\n\nThere are literally tens of thousands of actions you take daily (some consciously, most unconsciously), but do you know how those actions are affecting your success? You can probably think of at least one action that you have taken in the past that didn’t necessarily deliver the results you desired. With conscious awareness, you have the ability to examine and identify what went wrong, and what you could change to bring about a different result next time. This is an example of conscious awareness. \n\nBut what about all those times you make unconscious decisions that bring about undesired results. How do you stop them from occurring? Here is your opportunity to learn how to master your beliefs and head for success.\n\nWhen you expand your belief system, you expand your success. In addition, when you learn to make decisions based on your awareness of wealth and success, your beliefs will shape your success in the way you want it.\n\nTake advantage of the complimentary special report on Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life by going to Join the Silver Inner Circle (IT’S FREE) and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many assessments and complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe you want, so you can have the life you desire. Get started today by going to and Join the FREE Silver Inner Circle. \n\nAim for what you want each and every day! \nAnne Bachrach\nThe Accountability Coach™\nAuthor of Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule and Live Life with No Regrets. Get your copies today."]]

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast. We will discuss topics, ideas, questions, and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Ann Baccrack. Today we're going to talk about are you headed for success or disaster? Five tips for mastering your beliefs. If there is one thing that holds the most power over your success, you can bet that it comes down to your beliefs. Before you even have the opportunity to consciously process the reason behind your actions and the results those actions put into play, your beliefs are at work, determining whether you are headed for success or headed for disaster. There are literally tens of thousands of actions you take daily, some consciously, mostly unconsciously. But do you know how those actions are affecting your success? You can probably think of at least one action that you have taken in the past that didn't necessarily deliver the results you desired. With conscious awareness, you have the ability to examine and identify what went wrong and what you could change to bring about a different result next time. This is an example of conscious awareness. But what about all those times you make unconscious decisions that bring about undesired results? How do you stop them from occurring? Here is your opportunity to learn how to master your beliefs and head for success. Tip number one, you are only as successful as your beliefs. Are your beliefs supporting your success? The most definitive way to know whether your beliefs are leading to success or disaster is to examine what you say to yourself. Do you typically think to yourself that you will be successful or that there's no use in trying because it will never work? The nature of your belief system, positive or negative, will be the single greatest determining factor in your success. So you had better start thinking success. When the negative talk starts swirling in your head, just cancel it out, sweep it out, delete it, focus on the positive and what you really want. And remember that your success is completely dependent upon you and you alone. Although you can allow talk from those around you to negatively affect your progress, no one can prevent you from achieving your goals. The determining factor is always and only your ability to hold true to your belief and yourself. There is always a way. So take a no excuses approach to achieving your goals and you will achieve them. The way isn't necessarily apparent and if you feel like you've hit a roadblock, get creative. You'd be surprised how you can come up with some creative and effective solutions when you think outside the box. The idea is to maintain an element of creativity when coming up with solutions so you are constantly expanding your belief system. Here's tip number two, take ownership of your life. Are you the driver or passenger in your life? Don't think for a second that sitting in the passenger seat is going to get you where you wanna be. If you want to be successful, you have to make plans. Take action and commit to achieving your goals. Surrendering the wheel to the luck of a life will not give you peace of mind, but it will mean you're in a infra-refried. When you give up control, you are at the mercy of whatever life throws at you and you will most likely get everything you do not want. Success only comes from those who drive their own life. Don't just take things for granted. Create a game plan and focus on what you can control. What is that, you and your actions? Tip number three, are you a victim or a master? There is one solid rule you can count on. Successful entrepreneurs never think of themselves as victims. This is the major factor that separates the wealthy from the poor. The wealthy understand they are 100% responsible for their reality, making them masters of accountability. When there is no one to blame, there is no finger to point and therefore no crime. With no crime, there cannot be a victim, period. There is something magical that happens when you take 100% responsibility for your own success and that is a feeling of freedom. You are your own entity and you control your own destiny and it all starts with your beliefs. Tip number four, consider the results if you do or don't take action. Becoming a conscious action taker takes some practice. If you're not used to understanding how your beliefs shape your success or disaster, it may seem a bit daunting at first, but once you learn how to look ahead, you'll be able to process decisions with greater accuracy. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. On one side, write the question, what are the possible outcomes, results, and benefits if I take action? On the other side, write what are the possible outcomes, results, and benefits if I do not take action. From that list, circle the results that you most desire and you'll have the right action to take. Number five, listen to your gut. This is a tip that is too often overlooked. You would be surprised at how many successful entrepreneurs admit that they went on nothing more than a hunch and ended up hitting it out of the park. While this kind of instant success rarely happens, your gut can be more right than your head in many situations. Approach decisions with an awareness of how you feel about them. How do you get a bad feeling? Do you get butterflies from your excitement? Stick to decisions that feel good and stay away from obviously the ones that feel bad or feel wrong. If you are interested in learning more about going with your gut, read "Go With Your Gut" by Mary Gulay. When you expand your belief system, you expand your success. In addition, when you learn to make decisions based on your awareness of wealth and success, your beliefs will shape your success in the way that you want them to. My hope for our time together is that you got value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful personally and professionally. Take advantage of the complimentary special report on keys to working less, making more money, and having a more balanced life by going to Join us at the Silver Inner Circle. It's free and receive 10% off on all products and services in addition to having access to many complimentary resources so you can begin achieving your goals in a timeframe that you want so you can have the life you truly desire. Get started today by going to and join the free Silver Inner Circle. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day. Today and every day. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) Let me remind you that this recording is protected by copyright law and unauthorized distribution and copying is prohibited. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about Are you Headed for Success or Disaster? 5 Tips for Mastering your Beliefs\n\nIf there is one thing that holds the most power over your success, you can bet that it comes down to your beliefs. Before you even have the opportunity to consciously process the reason behind your actions, and the results those actions put in play, your beliefs are at work determining whether you are headed toward success or disaster.\n\nThere are literally tens of tho...