Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

Interview with Willie Jolley on An Attitude of Excellence

[[:encoded, "Our special guest today is Willie Jolley. Willie has been called the most powerful speaker, singer and author combinations in the world today! He speaks to major companies and organizations around the world… and has developed a reputation for results! And you know my motto is Excuses Don’t Count and Results do Rule!\n\nHe’s authored two international best-selling books: “It Only Takes a Minute To Change Your Life!” and “A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback.” And his newest book...
Broadcast on:
12 Dec 2009
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[[:encoded, "Our special guest today is Willie Jolley. Willie has been called the most powerful speaker, singer and author combinations in the world today! He speaks to major companies and organizations around the world… and has developed a reputation for results! And you know my motto is Excuses Don’t Count and Results do Rule!\n\nHe’s authored two international best-selling books: “It Only Takes a Minute To Change Your Life!” and “A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback.” And his newest book, “An Attitude of Excellence” is creating a great buzz! \n\nBecause Willie Jolley’s goal is to help you grow and exceed your goals I thought he would be a great person to interview today.\n\nAre you ready for the Willie Jolley Experience! \n\nAnne: Willie, let’s start off our time today by talking about Attitude. How does one create an Attitude of Excellence, if we currently don’t have one?\n\nAnne: Willie, you wrote a book called “It Only Takes A Minute To Change Your Life!” \nYou’ve heard many people say it takes 21 days to change a habit. I believe we can change a habit in a second. Just choose to change it and you can change it.\n\nAnne: I’d like to get your perspective on this Willie. How does a person go about taking a minute to change their life, assuming they know they need to make some changes in order to get from where they are now to where they want to be in life?\n\nAnne: As you heard, I’m a believer in having a balanced life. How do you suggest people listening to this call today have an even more balanced life so they can grow and exceed their goals?\n\nTo help keep you focused on the activities that produce the results you want, subscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog at \n\nInvest in the 30-day Goal Achievement self-study program so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame you want so you can have the life you want. This program is effective & powerful at improving every area in your life in 30 days' time. This program will change \"bad\" habits into habits that will lead you to achieving ALL your personal and business goals. Get started by going to: \n\nAim for what you want each and every day! Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day."]]

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast. We will discuss topics, ideas and questions related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Ann Baccrack. Many of you know and some of you might not know, I'm a big believer in having a balanced life. Even when it's sometimes hard to take time out of our busy schedule to exercise or to relax, it's important for us to take time to make sure we incorporate some balance in our life to be as productive and effective as we can be when we need to be. We are honored today to have a very special guest. Today our guest is Willie Jolly. Willie has been called the most powerful speaker, singer and author combinations in the world today. He speaks to major companies and organizations around the world and has developed a reputation for results. And as you know, my motto is excuses don't count and results do rule. He's authored two international best-selling books. It only takes a minute to change your life and a setback is a setup or a comeback. And his newest book, An Attitude of Excellence is creating a great buzz. Well, because Willie Jolly's goal is to help you grow and exceed your goals, I thought he would be a great person to interview today. Are you ready for the Willie Jolly experience? Okay, welcome Willie. Well, thank you Ann, thank you very much. You know, I have only just a minute, only 60 seconds in it forced upon me, can't refuse it, didn't seek it, didn't choose it, but it's up to me to use it. I must suffer if I lose it, give a count, if I abuse it just a tiny little minute, but an eternity is in it. Thank you for having me on. Hey, we are so excited to have you. Let's start off our time today by talking about attitude. How does one create an attitude of excellence if we currently don't have one? Well, I love this whole concept of life balance. I love this whole concept of making the most out of your life and making the life revolve around what you want to achieve and what you want to accomplish. And the fact that attitude of excellence is my new book will be out this fall. And the attitude of excellence is profoundly important because your success is always directly related to your attitude and your level of achievement is going to be connected to your desire or your commitment to excellence. And the more you are pressing those two buttons, the greater response you'll have in your life personally and professionally. Well, you know what the current economic situation as it is and even just in regular times. If I don't currently have an attitude of excellence, give me a game plan or some ideas about what I would do to be able to help manifest this in my life. Mm, fantastic. In the book, I talk about the five areas that will be profoundly impacted by your commitment to excellence. And I broke them down into very simple, easy ways to think about it. First, you must wake up and dream. Wake up and dream about the possibilities and the things that are in your realm of possibility. I love this little piece in there that came to me as I was finishing my second book, I set back in the set up for a comeback. Someone sent me an email and the email came the day that they were going to start the print run, the publisher was going to start the print run. And as soon as I ran the email, I said, oh my goodness, I've got to stop and get this book, this little quote in. It's a quote by T.E. Lawrence that says, all men dream but not equally. Both a dream at night and the dusty recesses of their minds awaken to find that it was just vanity, a puff of smoke. But those who dream by day are the dangerous ones, but they dream with their eyes open and make their dreams come true. And so it is critically important that you wake up and dream about the possibilities where you're like, even if you're struggling right now, even if it's tough economic times, don't stop thinking about the power and the possibilities of tomorrow. So you've got to dream. Next one, after you wake up, you've got to show up. You've got to show up consistently in the marketplace. Show up and let people know you're there. Show up and let people have some idea of what you can do for them and how you can help them and solve some of their problems. Show up, show up with your stuff, show up engaged, show up excited, show up and do more than you expected to do, go further than you expected to go. Give more than you expected to give. And I've learned something in these 20 years of speaking and writing books, radio and television. I learned if you do more than you're paid to do, one day you'll be paid more for what you do. So first, wake up and dream, second, show up. The third one is stand up. Make a commitment to stand up on the inside. Become a leader of one. And that takes courage. Maya Angelou says it takes courage to lead. It takes courage to be willing to step out and do the right thing. It takes courage to say no to things that will disrupt you from your value set. It takes courage, but you must have courage also to become the best you you can be. So it's going to take a commitment to become a leader of one and make a commitment to develop yourself. Life-long learning, reading books, listening to taste, going to seminars, never getting so successful that you forgot what got you there. Don't forget the bridge that brought you across. And so I still go to seminars. I still read books. I still listen to motivational taste. I still listen to people who haven't been speaking as long as I have because I want to learn. I want constant life-long learning. I made that commitment. I encourage people to do the same. Wake up and dream, show up, stand up. The next one is step up. Step up to the plate and give you a better shot. Swing for the fences. Understanding that when you swing for the fences, sometimes you'll miss. But don't let that distract you or discourage you. Hank Aaron had twice as many strikeouts as he had home runs. But he continued to swing for the fences. When you swing for the fence, you're going to miss sometimes. But when he hit it, he knocked it out to park. You're going to try new ideas, new things, new concepts. You're going to say, maybe this will work. And you might fail. I fail so much sometimes. I laugh about all the failures I've had. But I keep swinging for the fences. I keep trying, because when you hit it, you knock it out to park. And so I'm encouraging you to keep swinging. Don't let the failures get you down. Keep swinging for the bigger, better you that's inside of you. You know, Emerson said that was just before you, that was just behind you. Could never compare with that which is within you. So continue to grow that which is within you. So wake up and dream, show up, stand up. Step up and last one is think up. Think up, make up your mind that you're going to win. Now, that is a commitment phase. A commitment that I'm in it to win it. Now, here's the interesting thing. I was on tour last fall, or last summer, somewhere in the late 2008, or the end of summer, beginning fall in Australia with Stephen Covey. And you know, he wrote the book, "The Seven Half of the Highly Effective People." And in that book, he talks about the fact that those who are most effective, those who've learned a new paradigm called win, when. If I can help you win more, I end up winning more. If I can help your tremendous husband, Bill, win more, I win more. If I can help enough other people win more, in time I will win more, because there's the win-win mindset. So if you're in it to win it, you're in it to help others. You're in it to serve others. You're in it to make an impact, not just be successful, but to be significant. So that when your days go, when your time is over, when your last clock has been clicked, when your last day has been finished, when your last breath has been taken, you leave here. And people will miss that you're not here anymore. They'll miss that. And they'll say, "I'm thankful that that person came this way," because you're not just successful. They're a lot of successful people. When they die, they'll be all but no one will remember. They already made a lot of money. They maybe, or they had some successes, but we want to move beyond success to significance. And if you get there, then your children will be able to walk into the living rooms one day and kiss the picture of you on the mantelpiece and say, "Thank you for what you created in my life, the kind of legacy you have, the kind of life you live, that your reputation still reigns and rules when people mention you. They always speak highly. I can say that, honestly, that's something I've stripped half I've just tried for because I had never met my grandfather, my mother's father. But he died in 1949 and I wasn't born for a number of years after that, but I have never, ever, ever, ever met anybody who knew him who didn't say the same thing. Mind man, man of character, you would be proud of you, Madam, please, such a fine man. So I've always wanted to make sure that I get that kind of reputation. So then when my days are gone, in 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years after I'm gone, people will say, "Well, Willie's your only fine man, a man of character." Madam did the right thing, took him as family, loved his wife, took good care of his friends, took the extra mile. Those are things you strive for, so that is not just about success, but it's about significance and that brings in life balance. Having more than just business success, but also personal success, success in your community, success in your relationships, success with your friends, friends, and family members, and that you will have a legacy that you can leave. Well, I'm definitely looking forward to reading this book when it comes out. You've given us five really great aspects to even look at for our entire life. So I'm excited to look at this book when it comes out. I'll be one of your first purchasers. Well, tell you what, anybody who would like to get more information on the book, we put on our pre-publication list, so when it's published you'll be getting the first autographed copy. You just go to my website and email us and say, "Hey, I want one of those first books, the collector's edition, they'll be hardcover, and I want one of those and we'll make sure to put you on the list so you'll be able to get one to eat right off the bat." And also go to the website, or just, and you can get my present book. It only takes a minute to change your life or a setback as a setup or comeback or my money-making music and motivation project, which is music and motivational excerpts from our daily radio show. And also a book in that, and speaking of radio, I want to just take a moment to give everybody a just a heads-up that you can hear me every weekend on XM Radio across America on channel 169, The Power, and it comes on, my show comes on at 1 o'clock Eastern Standard Time on Saturdays, and it's replayed on Sunday morning from 7 and 9 a.m. Eastern Time. And it's the best and the brightest in the self-help industry I interview, so check it out, you'll enjoy it, and if you're in multiple many markets around the country, you can hear me Monday through Fridays on my Willy Jolly Motivational Minute radio show. So just stay in touch with us and get a lot of those clips and excerpts right on my website. That's terrific. I'm sure a lot of people will definitely be interested in doing that. The Willy Jolly experience, we can get you every day. Every day, every day, get me every day. That sounds great. Just take a minute or so, I also like the title in particular of your other book, it only takes a minute to change your life. I've heard, and I'm just sure a lot of people have heard, people say it takes 21 days to change a habit. Well, my belief is that we can change a habit in a second, you just have to choose to change it right then and there, and you can change it. So I'd like to get your perspective on this, Willy. Well, people ask all the time, you know, you have this book and the book is the bestseller and it only takes a minute to change your life. Yeah, come on, Willy, is that really true? You can't change your life in a minute. I say yes, you can. The minute you make a decision, just what you said and the minute you make a decision and move in a new direction with a spirit of commitment, I'm going in this new direction and I'm going to do something with my life or do something different, the minute you make a decision and move in a new direction is the minute you change your life. You may not reach your destination in a minute, but you certainly can change your direction in a minute and the minute you change that direction and move in that new direction is the minute you change your life. It takes for it to become a habit, something that's not conscious, maybe it takes 21 days or 23 days or whatever the number is. But that minute is the most important minute because until you make that decision nothing changes. That's the first thing on telephone wire. One on the sides to fly away, how many little birds you've got left to? What? Yes, because until you take action on your decision, nothing happens. That minute you move in a new direction, everything changes. That's great, I love it. Another great book for our listeners to pick up on by going to your website or I'm sure that it's on They can also obtain that book, right Willy? Yes indeed. Okay. It's a digital version as well on the website and you can download immediately and if you like an autographed hardcover collective edition you just order it online and then just give us calls for AI orders online, but I also want the hardcover collective edition to find one. Excellent. Well, you have a goal to help people grow and exceed their goals. What else is important for the people listening today to know that they should do or think about doing so that they can grow and exceed their goals? Well, let me say, the one thing I want to say right now is it is important, what's important to me besides helping people grow their dreams and me having success, what's most important is my faith. My faith that I believe that God will not leave me not to save me. Second is my family and for those who know me know I love my wife. I don't just really like her or love a little bit. I mean I adore my wife and we've been married for 24 years going on 25 and I'm grateful. I love my children. I love my daughter and my son. I love my daughter has two children and I love my grandkids and I'm still a young man by the way. Let me say that. I'm a very young man but I got these two beautiful grandkids and I love my friends so I'm passionate about life. I'm passionate about my friends. I'm passionate about playing tennis and riding my bicycle and getting out every now and then the golf course. I'm passionate about those things which I've been blessed to be able to do so I think it's important that I share that also as you were saying is what else I want people to do to grow their futures and grow their goals. Well as I said earlier in the attitude of excellence I talk about the fact that you've got to have leadership development. You've got to grow you. You've got to read. Make a commitment to read one self-help book a month from here on out. Charlie tremendous Jones was such a dear friend to so many of us in the speaker's association. He taught us that in five years you'll be the same person you are today except for two things. The people who you meet who will inspire you in the books that you'll read that will empower you. And so I took that to heart and I started hanging around with really great people like yourself. You and your husband Dylan. I started making time and I go to a city to spend time with people who were I'm inspired who I am encouraged by and then I thought of reading books and I was not a big reader when I was younger but I made a commitment to stop reading and at first I started with one book a month and then I got to two books a month and my goal now is to read a book a week. I don't always get it done but I'm trying to do as much as I can because what you end up doing is you start crunching and capsizing decades and the days. So I'm encouraging people to develop yourself, read more books, listen to taste and take time for balance, take time for your family, take time for your friends, take time to work hard and play hard and when you do that you will find life is just a magnificent adventure. Well I say amen to that Willie. We really appreciate you spending your time and expertise with us today. And for those of you who are interested and I'm sure a lot of you will be in learning more about Willie Jolly's speaking services, his programs, his books and radio shows and everything that you can experience the Willie Jolly experience even every day go to and that's W-I-L-L-I-E-J-O-L-L-E-Y dot com. And let me tell you they can also go to WJ Speaks. For those who misspell it, it should come to me whenever you misspell it or just say and you'll get me as well. But I sure do have some things on my website for everybody that will help them. I get audios and videos and clips and movies and television and even a great duet of me and Gladys Night singing together. So go and get some of the free stuff we have there for you. Wow I'm going to have to go check out the Gladys Night one for sure. Well my hope for our time together is that you got some value and an idea or two or even five or six from listening to Willie that will help you be even more successful personally and professionally. To help you keep focused on these activities that produce results that you want, subscribe to the Accountability Coach blog at and review all the free resources available to you at Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]
[[:encoded, "Our special guest today is Willie Jolley. Willie has been called the most powerful speaker, singer and author combinations in the world today! He speaks to major companies and organizations around the world… and has developed a reputation for results! And you know my motto is Excuses Don’t Count and Results do Rule!\n\nHe’s authored two international best-selling books: “It Only Takes a Minute To Change Your Life!” and “A Setback Is A Setup For A Comeback.” And his newest book...