Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

4 Proven Methods to Pump Up Productivity

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 4 Proven Methods to Pump Up Productivity\n\nAsk the management team at any organization, large or small, to list their top 5 business priorities and you’ll undoubtedly find “improve productivity” on that list.\n\nThe nature of doing business today is focused on finding the competitive edge; therefore, the companies with the highest levels of productivity are going to be the clear winners.\n\nMeasuring business productivity differs from one company...
Broadcast on:
29 Oct 2009
Audio Format:

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 4 Proven Methods to Pump Up Productivity\n\nAsk the management team at any organization, large or small, to list their top 5 business priorities and you’ll undoubtedly find “improve productivity” on that list.\n\nThe nature of doing business today is focused on finding the competitive edge; therefore, the companies with the highest levels of productivity are going to be the clear winners.\n\nMeasuring business productivity differs from one company to the next, but measuring personal productivity is more clearly defined. So we are going to focus on the management skills necessary to build a more productive workforce.\n\nAs dynamic enterprises move towards more autonomous decision making processes to keep pace with rapidly expanding marketplaces, the flow-through effect encompasses increased productivity, a more creative and inventive workforce as well as improvements in the timely delivery of new technologies, products and services.\n\nYou have access to at least 11 free personal and professional development resources you can take advantage of right now ( Download the free 27-page Special Report: Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life by going to today. Subscribe to The Accountability Coach blog by going to \n\nAim for what you want each and every day!"]]

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast, where we will discuss topics, ideas, questions, and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Ann Bakrak. Today, we're going to talk about four proven methods to pump up productivity. Ask the management team at any organization, larger, small, to list their top five business priorities, and you'll undoubtedly find improved productivity on that list. The nature of doing business in the 21st century is focused on finding the competitive edge. Therefore, the companies with the highest levels of productivity are going to be some of the clear winners. In business terms, productivity can be defined as a measure of the input necessary to generate a determined level of output. In other words, how efficiently is everybody in the organization performing their job? Measuring business productivity differs from one company to the next, but measuring personal productivity is more clearly defined. So we're gonna focus on the management skills necessary to build a more productive team. To improve productivity on a company level, management really needs to begin its measurement from the ground up. That means that every team member or employee from, if you have a janitor, the janitor to the CEO is accountable for the overall productivity of the organization. So what steps need to be taken to improve productivity on a firm, wide, or company-wide basis? Let's take a look at the big picture. The majority of dynamic, competitive organizations have a clear vision and mission statement, but often the corporate vision gets lost in the disorder of everyday tasks. The mission statement needs to be a consistent call to action, not merely a plaque on the wall. Employees and team members need to feel that even the most menial jobs are a small part of the bigger picture. Management must convert policy statements into actionable plans so that all staff and team members are aware of how their input affects the direction and the outcome of the company. Productivity measurement systems ensure that every employee is working with efficiency towards the bigger firm picture. At the same time, monitoring feedback is required to really short-circuit any conflicts that could arise mid-course. Rapid improvements in technology, products, and processes are really the hallmark of a firm or a corporate or industrial world in the 21st century. Adapting to constantly changing environments and marketplace is a critical skill required for any firm and organization to thrive and survive. Management needs to be aware of their resistance and their workforce may feel towards rapid change. Entrepreneurial managers, owners, or business people can work to re-channel any anxiety, into productive creativity, therefore using an ever-changing environment to their advantage. Observing and interceding to really support staff during times of change is an integral component of a leader's role. By identifying how your staff or team members are adapting to change, management can really use interpersonal tools to guide employees through the change cycle into acceptance. A highly productive organization is the result of a highly productive workforce. That makes sense. Every member of a team needs to contribute to the overall productivity process. This means there is no room for people who sit around waiting for direction. A highly organized and well-structured work team knows their responsibilities and really understands how their productivity contributes to the success of the company for the firm and its goals. Each employee requires training. They need to understand the principles of goal setting, time management, and prioritizing activities so their time is focused on achieving the critical tasks rather than the trivial demands of the day. The reality of working in the 21st century has changed dramatically over recent decades. Increasingly, employees, team members are learning to become more empowered to make decisions independently and accept full responsibility for the functionality of individual processes that form a part of the greater picture. As dynamic enterprises move towards more autonomous decision-making processes to keep pace with the rapidly changing and expanding marketplaces, the flow-through effect encompasses increased productivity, a more creative and inventive workforce, as well as improvements in the timely delivery of new technologies, products, and services. My hope for our time together is that you got some value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful, personally and professionally. Review the 30-day self-study course so you can discover for yourself how to focus on your highest payoff activities that produce the biggest results in the shortest amount of time so you can experience that feeling of true and total success and a fantastic quality of life. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 4 Proven Methods to Pump Up Productivity\n\nAsk the management team at any organization, large or small, to list their top 5 business priorities and you’ll undoubtedly find “improve productivity” on that list.\n\nThe nature of doing business today is focused on finding the competitive edge; therefore, the companies with the highest levels of productivity are going to be the clear winners.\n\nMeasuring business productivity differs from one company...