Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

11 Positive Ways to Maintain Self Motivation

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 11 Positive Ways to Maintain Self Motivation\n\nLike so many of our character traits, motivation isn’t awarded to us as a birth rate. Instead, motivation is a positive, stimulating power source we plug into with our actions and our way of thinking.\n\nSelf motivation cannot exist without purpose and often we find it difficult to locate and create the stimulus and passion that drives us to become motivated, alive and ripe with anticipation.\n\nSo w...
Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2009
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[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 11 Positive Ways to Maintain Self Motivation\n\nLike so many of our character traits, motivation isn’t awarded to us as a birth rate. Instead, motivation is a positive, stimulating power source we plug into with our actions and our way of thinking.\n\nSelf motivation cannot exist without purpose and often we find it difficult to locate and create the stimulus and passion that drives us to become motivated, alive and ripe with anticipation.\n\nSo what can we do to increase our motivation and find the passion that drives us upward and onward?\n\nWe are going to talk about 11 powerful solutions to help you become more self motivated.\n\nImplement these concepts into your life to help you increase and maintain your motivation.\n\nYou have access to at least 11 free personal development resources you can take advantage of right now ( Download the free 27-page Special Report: Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life by going to today. \n\nSubscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog by going to \n\nAim for what you want each and every day!"]]

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast, where we will discuss topics, ideas, questions and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Anne Bakrak. Today we're going to talk about 11 positive ways to maintain self-motivation. Let's start by looking at the pumble little alarm clock. For some people, the sound of the alarm clock is a signal to jump out of bed with a smile on their face and bounce through the day full of excitement and enthusiasm about what the next 16 or so hours will hold. On the other hand, there are those who hear the alarm clock through a thick fog of sleep, yawn persistently, stretch a couple of times and then begrudgingly crawl out of bed with a sense of doom and gloom at what awaits them for the day. What is the defining factor that separates these two individuals? One might say, it's motivation. Like so many of our character traits, motivation isn't awarded to us at birth. Instead, motivation is a positive, stimulating power source we plug into with our actions and our way of thinking. Self-motivation cannot exist without purpose and often we find it difficult to locate and create the stimulus and passion that drives us to become motivated, alive and ripe with anticipation. So what can we do to increase our motivation and find the passion that drives us upward and onward? Here are 11 powerful solutions to help you become more self-motivated. Number one, plan your schedule. Accomplishing the day-to-day tasks, we have to complete builds confidence and a sense of achievement. If you don't already have a calendar, go out and buy one right now. I'll wait. (laughs) Alternatively, Microsoft Outlook is a favorite online tool to help you plan your business tasks. Then record all the small goals you have to complete each day. A to-do list or an action list helps you use your time efficiently and accomplish the tasks that you have set for yourself. There is nothing quite as satisfying as going to bed and revisiting all the goals and projects you have accomplished that day. Number two, prioritize your day. At the end of each day, review your plans for the next day and record any tasks you didn't complete. Start your workday by reviewing your list and prioritizing the most important projects and activities. Ease yourself into the day by completing a couple of maybe no brainers first. This gives you a sense of achievement and encourages creativity and motivation. Break large projects into small steps and then congratulate yourself on each completed step. Focus on the projects that are going to make money as the highest priority if that's your role. Number three, schedule your emails and phone calls. Set a time each day for reading and following up on emails. Don't open emails as soon as they arrive. They can become a major distraction. If you receive a lot of emails, especially from clients, schedule maybe two to three times a day to actually read your emails for a specific amount of time. Action all emails that can be handled immediately, flag emails that require follow up in action and get them out of their way as soon as possible. Ignore personal emails during work hours. Instead, answer all your personal mail during one of your scheduled breaks or better yet outside of the work hours. Phone calls can also be a major distraction depending on the type of business you operate. Consider using an answering machine to screen your calls. You can then return calls during scheduled phone time according to their importance. Obviously, having someone answer your phone is very important and scheduling phone appointments is the best way. Number four, ignore those nasty distractions. Ignoring distractions is difficult in a very busy, noise-filled work environment, but you can train your brain to block out distracting sounds and only focus on those you really need to hear. If you are lucky enough to work from home, keep distractions to a minimum. Keep the television and other unnecessary devices turned off at all times. Number five, reward your achievements. Acknowledge every achievement no matter how small. Perhaps you have undertaken a huge project that you've broken down into smaller, doable steps and you finally complete the first stage. Congratulate and reward yourself. Take a 15-minute break to refresh your mind and body. Nothing motivates like success, so the more success you achieve, the more motivated you will feel. And don't forget, success includes the little steps towards the larger end goal and result. Number six, set goals. Setting goals and then working towards achieving them is what motivates us to succeed. Start by writing your goals down and position them where they are visible. We all love imagery. So if your goal is to take the family on vacation to Disney World, for example, cut photos out of travel magazines and place them on your goal board. The goal has to have an end date and maybe also require implemental completion dates. Ensure the goal completion dates are somewhat achievable. Nothing will destroy your motivation like goals that are totally out of reach. However, I do believe in setting stretch goals. Discuss your goals with a spouse, a colleague, a friend, an associate. Develop a cheer squad to encourage you along the way. Number seven, embrace your uniqueness. Like fingerprints, everyone of us has talents, knowledge and personal traits that makes us unique. Take a realistic look at what qualities you possess that make you special. Achieving personal fulfillment is not only motivating, it adds value to our life experience and benefits those around us. Number eight, you've heard this before. Dress for success. Adopting a positive motivating mindset involves not only how you think, but how you look. Dress like you mean business. Dressing for success doesn't necessarily mean wearing a collar and a tie or high heels with a good handbag at all times. It means being mindful of your appearance and the impression you make. That impression is reflected back on you, so take the time to make the effort. Number nine, adopt a support group. Remaining motivated 100% of the time isn't always the easiest thing to do. So during those times when you feel your motivation, levels falling, call that cheer squad. Read the file that you have of happy and satisfied clients. I call this file the me file. And list the support of an equally positive and motivated group of people who will be there to give you the impetus you need when you need it. Happiness and enthusiasm are contagious, so catch a little of their spirit when yours is flagging. Number 10, take time out. Just as it's important to schedule your days so you create a good work routine, it's equally important to schedule your time out accordingly. Give yourself me time when you need it. In fact, many successful leaders of industries block out time in their calendar before they schedule any of their appointments. Use your me time productively. Go for a brisk walk, get a massage, or plan quality just think time. Number 11, be a good boss. Be kind to yourself. Eat well, remember to breathe and exercise regularly. Of course, breathing is important, particularly if you've been sitting at your computer all day. Don't neglect the hobbies you enjoy. If you play tennis once a week, then schedule that into your weekly routine. Finding the right balance takes time and practice so you learn to be your own best friend and listen to your inner voice. If you take good care of yourself, focus on the positive aspects of your life and establish a comfortable work routine, you'll find it easy to stay motivated. Review these 11 concepts and ideas and pick those that you're going to implement in your life right away to help you increase and maintain your motivation. What I hope for our time together is that you got a valuable idea or two that will help you be even more successful, personally and professionally. To help you stay focused on the activities that produce the results you want, subscribe to the Accountability Coach blog at Invest in the 30-day goal achievement self-study course so you can begin achieving your goals in the time frame that you want so you can have the life you truly desire. Get started right now by going to and review all the resources available to you. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 11 Positive Ways to Maintain Self Motivation\n\nLike so many of our character traits, motivation isn’t awarded to us as a birth rate. Instead, motivation is a positive, stimulating power source we plug into with our actions and our way of thinking.\n\nSelf motivation cannot exist without purpose and often we find it difficult to locate and create the stimulus and passion that drives us to become motivated, alive and ripe with anticipation.\n\nSo w...