Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

You are Distracting You, Discipline, 4 D Formula

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about you distracting you, discipline, and applying the 4 D Formula for helping you focus on your high payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals.\n\nThe ‘stuff’ in your head is distracting you!\nDo you have things continually going on in your head of all you have to do today, tomorrow, next week, etc? Those are distractions! When you effectively use your calendar and master task list on a consistent basis...
Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2009
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[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about you distracting you, discipline, and applying the 4 D Formula for helping you focus on your high payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals.\n\nThe ‘stuff’ in your head is distracting you!\nDo you have things continually going on in your head of all you have to do today, tomorrow, next week, etc? Those are distractions! When you effectively use your calendar and master task list on a consistent basis you don’t have to have all these things going on in your head thinking you have to remember them and being afraid you are going to forget to do something. \n\nDo some of these things you have in your head keep you up at night? When you take them out of your head and put them on your master task list and on your calendar, you can sleep better every night. \n\nYou will be more in control and you will feel a sense of relief. Don’t believe me, try this for yourself and you will be like the many people I coach who have that sigh of relief when they get all these distractions out of their head and in the proper place (that you review and honor – did I forget to mention this part…). \n\nStop distracting yourself with all your thoughts. Do it today. Let me know how I can help you. \n\nOne of the best lessons I ever learned to reduce low pay off activities and leave time for the HPAs is the four D formula for assessing the things in your life. You have too many things to do and not enough time so how do you decide.\n\nConsider ever action item in your life and apply the 4 D formula. \n\nApply discipline to effectively using your calendar to take the things going around in your head that are distracting.\n\nReview the 30-day goal achievement self-study course so you can discover for yourself how to focus on your highest payoff actives that produce the biggest results in the shortest amount of time so that you can experience that feeling of true and total success and a fantastic quality of life. ( \n\nDownload the free 27-page Special Report: Keys to Working Less, Making More Money, and Having a More Balanced Life by going to today. \n \nYou have access to at least 11 free personal and professional development resources you can take advantage of right now ( \n\nAim for what you want each and every day!"]]

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast where we will discuss topics, ideas, questions, and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Ann Bakrak. Today we're going to talk about you distracting you. Discipline and applying the 4D formula for helping you focus on your high payoff activities that puts you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals, personal and professional. The stuff in your head is distracting you. Yeah, believe it or not, it is. And I know most of you are going, oh yeah, she's right. The stuff in my head is going around and around and it is distracting me. Do you have things continually going on in your head every minute of every day? Those are distractions. When you effectively use your calendar and your master task list on a consistent basis, you don't have to have all these things going around in your head thinking that you have to remember them and being afraid that you're going to forget to do something that ceases to exist. Do some of these things that you have in your head keep you up at night? When you take them out of your head, put them on your master task list and then on your calendar, you can sleep better every night and low and behold, you actually get a lot more done every day. You will be more in control and you will feel a sense of relief. If you don't believe me, try this for yourself and you will be like most people that I coach who have that sigh of relief when they get all of these distractions out of their head and in the proper place. Now, did I forget to mention that you do actually have to review your calendar and honor it to actually have it be effective? Oh, sorry, my bad. Well, stop distracting yourself with all your thoughts that you have in your head every day. Do it today, begin today and let me know how I can help you with this. One of the best lessons that I ever learned to reduce low payoff activities and leave time for your high payoff activities is the 4D formula for assessing the things in your life. Now, many of you probably know this, but a lot of times we don't actually apply what we already know, what we already know to help us be effective and successful. You have too many things to do and not enough time. So how do you decide? Well, consider every action item in your life and apply this 4D formula. The first D, drop. Does this really need to be done? Best of all options is to discover that something on your list doesn't actually need to be done. Woo-hoo, drop it. Delegate, who else can do this besides you? There is an economic principle called comparative economic advantage. Simply put, if you are worth, for example, $50 an hour, it's smart to pay someone else to do 10, 12, or $20 an hour work so that you are free to do the $50 an hour work. The most successful people are excellent delegators. The third D is delay. It may need to be done, but it may not have to be done right now. The fourth D is do. These are things that must be done because they truly serve your goals and what is truly important to you in life. Decide what makes it to this list and then to your calendar and then where it goes best on your calendar to have the best result. Apply discipline to effectively using your calendar to take the things going on in your head that we talked about that are distracting you. Discipline is also a very important factor. I was listening to a fitness coach on a program the other day. Her name is Rowena and I believe she's from Australia. She had a great quote around discipline that I thought you would benefit from. She says, discipline is doing what you know you should do at the time you should do it, even if you don't feel like it. Again, Rowena is a fitness educator and I believe she's from Australia. Her quote is, discipline is doing what you know you should do at the time you should do it, even if you don't feel like it. Great quote. We all could use a little bit of this and applying it to our lives. So if you want something badly enough, you will do whatever it takes to achieve it. You know this from your own actions and your own habits and the things that you've done in the past. But notice I didn't say willing to do whatever it takes. I said, you will do whatever it takes. Just because somebody says they are willing to do something you know and I know doesn't mean they will actually do it. Sometimes we have to just suck it up and exercise the discipline to do what we all know needs to be done when it needs to be done. How would you benefit by enhancing your discipline in the areas that we talked about today, the 4D formula, or in other areas where you might need some particular focus? My hope for our time together is that you've got value and an idea or two that will help you be more successful, personally and or professionally. Take advantage of all the free personal and professional development resources at To help you stay focused on the activities that produce the results that you want, consider subscribing to the Accountability Coach blog at Invest in the 30-day self-study program so you can begin achieving your goals in the timeframe that you want so you can have the life that you truly desire. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day today and every day. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about you distracting you, discipline, and applying the 4 D Formula for helping you focus on your high payoff activities that put you in the highest probability position to achieve your goals.\n\nThe ‘stuff’ in your head is distracting you!\nDo you have things continually going on in your head of all you have to do today, tomorrow, next week, etc? Those are distractions! When you effectively use your calendar and master task list on a consistent basis...