Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

4 Steps to Creating Successful Results with High Self-esteem

[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 4 Steps to Creating Successful Results with High Self-esteem.\n\nHaving high self-esteem will give you the edge you need to apply confidence to every situation that demands it. Self-esteem is the combination of trust and belief in your talents and the ability to successfully complete the task at hand. It all starts with a clear identification of your talents, complemented by your understanding of their value. When you can acknowledge the value ...
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05 Aug 2009
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[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 4 Steps to Creating Successful Results with High Self-esteem.\n\nHaving high self-esteem will give you the edge you need to apply confidence to every situation that demands it. Self-esteem is the combination of trust and belief in your talents and the ability to successfully complete the task at hand. It all starts with a clear identification of your talents, complemented by your understanding of their value. When you can acknowledge the value in your talents, you can acknowledge the value in yourself and that builds your self-esteem.\n\nThe bottom line is that high self-esteem contributes to successful action because when action is supported by confidence, you encourage the likelihood for positive results. Approach any situation with low self-esteem and you could be setting yourself up for failure. The first step in creating high self-esteem is first understanding the value you bring to every situation. If you're missing an understanding of who you really are, it's difficult to effectively apply yourself in the situations that come your way.\n\nThrough a series of four steps, you will learn how to grasp an understanding of your strengths and talents and how they contribute value to all situations. Lastly, you will understand how to build trust in your ability to deliver future successful results. We will discuss each of the 4 steps more in detail. They are:\n1.\tIdentify your strengths and talents\n2.\tIdentify your accomplishments\n3.\tCreate new accomplishments you can be proud of\n4.\tHow to trust yourself to be successful in every situation\n\nWhen you apply your high self-esteem to your business, you have the competitive edge. With high self-esteem, you'll know you're the right person for the job because you will have a keen understanding of your talents and the value you bring to the situation. Complement that with the confidence in your ability to deliver what the situation calls for and you have the winning combination. That winning combination will give you the confidence to present yourself effectively to the client and obtain business or get the job. When you can convey your high self-esteem to people, they will want to do business with you and look forward to it – plain and simple. You Rule!\n\nTo help keep you focused on the activities that produce the results you want, subscribe to The Accountability Coach Blog at Invest in the 30-day Self-study Course so you

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast, where we will discuss topics, ideas, questions, and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Ann Backrack. Today we are going to talk about four steps to creating successful results with high self-esteem. Having high self-esteem will give you the edge you need to apply confidence to every situation that demands it. Self-esteem is the combination of trust and belief in your talents and the ability to successfully complete the tasks at hand. It all starts with a clear identification of your talents, complimented with your understanding of their value. When you can acknowledge the value in your talents, you can acknowledge the value in yourself and that build, and that actually builds your self-esteem. On a personal level, having high self-esteem allows you to feel good about the person you are and allows you to grow into the person you want to become. You feel good about your talents and you can look at yourself in the mirror with admiration. On a professional level, high self-esteem affords the same benefits. Only this time you are showing your value to your clients, possibly your manager, your boss, or your peers and associates. The bottom line is that high self-esteem contributes to successful action because when action is supported by confidence, you encourage the likelihood of positive results. Approach any situation with low self-esteem and you could be setting yourself up for failure. That goes without saying. The first step in creating high self-esteem is first understanding value you bring to every situation. If you're missing an understanding of who you really are, it's difficult to effectively apply yourself in the situations that come your way. Through a series of four steps, you will learn how to grasp an understanding of your strengths and talents and how they contribute value to all situations. And lastly, you will understand how to build trust in your ability to deliver future successful results. We're going to discuss four steps in detail. And these four steps are, number one, identify your strengths and talents, number two, identify your accomplishments, number three, create new accomplishments you can be proud of, and number four, how to trust yourself to be more successful in every situation. Okay, let's talk about step number one, identify your strengths. Write down a list of characteristics you feel you bring to the table in your personal and professional life. Personal might be loyal patients, a good mother, good father, an organizer. Professional might be a hard worker, a team player, a good people person with management, maybe even team members and employees. For added input, I recommend that you ask your friends, family members and coworkers or even significant others what strengths they see in you. Compare that input to the list that you wrote down and see if you identify with some of the characteristics that other people say they see in you. If you feel the characteristics suit you, adjust your list accordingly. A great resource for identifying your strengths is a book entitled Discover Your Strengths. It completes, it really comes with a complete exercise that provides you with a strength finder result. Number two, identify your talents. Write down a list of talents you believe you possess. These could be natural or learned talents, it doesn't matter. Natural talents are those that come naturally without formal training, like being good with numbers or certain sports or making people laugh. Learn talents are those that you've learned with guidance, training or possibly education, like being an architect or a professor. Ask, again, family and friends and coworkers for their feedback. It'll be interesting to see what talents your family says you have as compared to your coworkers. Chances are that you'll receive two slightly different sets of feedback as each environment calls upon different skills. Your family may see a side of you that your coworkers do not and vice versa. This is very typical as we have often two hats in life, one is our personal life and the other is our professional life. Number three, make a list of all your accomplishments. This means everything. Even if you take an accomplishment for granted and don't think it's much to be proud of, write it down. Make a list of 50 goals you have accomplished even those from your childhood. Here's a few examples. Learn to ride a bike. Went hang gliding or bungee jumping even though I was afraid of heights. Was a pace setter for a charity by raising a lot of money. Started my own business. Started a neighborhood card club or a book club or a neighborhood watch program. Received an award for graduated from high school. That's an accomplishment. Graduated from college. Got my dream job or started my dream career or business. Completed a marathon or a triathlon or a walkathon. Lost weight and got down to an ideal weight of. Bought the car I've always dreamed of having. Bought my first home. Wake up early every Saturday morning and go exercise. Close that big deal last week. Look at how much you've accomplished. Think about all the hard work it took to accomplish those goals and that you had what it took to do it. Even if there are two things on your list you can still be proud of yourself. Each goal called upon your talents and you successfully applied them to accomplish these goals. And that's something to be proud of. Everything completed is an accomplishment even if you only walk away with knowledge and experience. Number four. Learn to trust yourself. Low self-esteem leaves too much room for doubt and fear. A successful outcome is really rarely possible when action is taken from fear. In order to create successful results you must have the self-esteem to believe you can do whatever you need to do in any situation. In addition, low self-esteem creates fear and will stop you from taking future actions that you might be very capable of completing successfully. Yet, you are too afraid to even try. Success is only possible with high self-esteem and applying it to every situation that you face. With each successful accomplishment the trust you have in your abilities will grow and increase your future success rates. Having high self-esteem will also bring perspective to your temporary setbacks or maybe minor failures that you have. You will not deter, these things will not deter you because one failure or temporary setback does not mean you are a failure but any stretch of the imagination. High self-esteem leaves little room for fear making it easier for you to remain confident in every single situation. When you apply your high self-esteem to your business you have the competitive advantage. Potential clients or employers only ever have three questions for any prospect. Do you have the talent, knowledge, experience and confidence to get the job done? And can they trust you to deliver what you promised? And will your talents and abilities solve problems that make their life easier while increasing their profits? Those are basically the three most important questions. With high self-esteem you know you're the right person for the job because you will have a keen understanding of your talents and the value you bring to the situation. Compliment that with the confidence in your ability to deliver what the situation calls for and you have the winning combination. That winning combination will give you the confidence to present yourself effectively to the client and obtain business or get that job. When you can convey your high self-esteem to people they will want to discuss business with you and they'll look forward to it plain and simple. I look at it as you rule. My hope for our time together is that you've got value and an idea or two that will help you be even more successful personally and professionally. You may be wondering what to do next. On you have access to at least 11 free professional and personal development resources you can take advantage of right now. Review the 30 day self-study course so you can discover for yourself how to focus on your highest payoff activities that produce the biggest results in the shortest amount of time so that you can experience that feeling of true and total success and enjoy a fantastic quality of life. This 30 day program is effective and powerful at improving every area in your life in 30 days time. This 30 day program will change bad habits into habits that will lead you to achieving all of your personal and business goals. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day. Today and every day. Thanks for listening. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about 4 Steps to Creating Successful Results with High Self-esteem.\n\nHaving high self-esteem will give you the edge you need to apply confidence to every situation that demands it. Self-esteem is the combination of trust and belief in your talents and the ability to successfully complete the task at hand. It all starts with a clear identification of your talents, complemented by your understanding of their value. When you can acknowledge the value ...