[[:encoded, "Terri Murphy from Women’s Wisdom Network Interviews Anne Bachrach, The Accountability Coach.\n\nThe latest buzz word today is COACHING! Olympic athletes win or lose depending on the expertise of their coaches. Superstar legends like Michael Jordan depended on their coaches to keep them focused and for continual improvement of their skills.\nCoaching can be the most productive activity you can do to advance your personal and/or professional life.\nThe questions most often asked are those that address how to find the best type of coaching for you.\n\nOur guest today is author and accountability coaching expert, Anne Bachrach from San Diego, California. She is here to share with us her insights and secrets from her latest book: Excuses Don’t Count – Results Rule! Proven Systems for a Balanced Life."]]
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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.
Aim for what you want each and every day!
Anne Bachrach
The Accountability Coach™
Get your daily Accountability Minute shot of a single, simple, doable idea, so you can start your day off on the "right foot". You can find The Accountability Minute on your favorite platform
The latest buzzword today is coaching. Olympic athletes win or lose depending on the expertise of their coaches. Superstar legends like Michael Jordan depended on their coaches to keep them focused and for continual improvement of their skills. Coaching can be the most productive activity you can do to advance your personal and/or professional life, but the questions most often asked are those that address how to find the best type of coaching for you. Our guest today is author and accountability coaching expert and background from La Jolla, California. She's here with us today to share her insights and secrets from her latest book, Excuses Don't Count, Results Rule, proven systems for a balanced life. Hi, Anne. Hey, Terry. You know, coaching is such a buzzword today, and yet the market is flooded with so many different types of coaching. In your book, you focus on accountability. Tell us what you mean by accountability coaching. Well, Terry, wouldn't it be great if our good intentions work the way we think that they should? You bet. Not even enthusiasm guarantees positive results. You know, there's often a wide gap between our intentions and our actions. Poor follow-through or procrastination, whatever you want to call it, consciously deciding to do something but then not doing it is a fact of life for many of us. You know, we fail to take action necessary to be in alignment with our good intentions, and this can be very frustrating. For those of you who have experienced procrastination or poor follow-through, follow-through takes a toll on virtually every aspect of our life. Procrastination not only threatens our health, but it also prevents us from achieving personal, financial, and career goals that are well within our reach. Our good intentions don't magically lead to good results. They are a start. Unfortunately, they're just not enough. That's just the truth. That's where the accountability coach comes in. Well, it has to be devastating personally when you know you want to do something, and every day you wake up and you still have it on your schedule. Absolutely. And it's very frustrating, and that's where the accountability coach comes in, because, you know, what gets tracked, Terry, gets measured. So we track and measure everything that we do. I mean, basically, in the simplest form, I just help people and hold them accountable to focus on their highest payoff activities so that they can achieve all of their goals, personal and professional, in order for them to really have an even better quality of life. Well, that leads us to question number two. You refer in chapter two to the quality of life and how accountability coaching relates directly to our quality of life. Now, would you elaborate on that, Ann? Certainly. There's actually even, Terry, a quality of life enhancer exercise that people can do as free on my website, along with other free resources and tools at accountabilitycoach.com. Basically, almost everyone has lamented, either at one time or another, about not having enough time in the day. You know, if I only had an extra hour each day, I could spend more time with my children or do something for myself. Well, the truth is, even if we have five extra hours each day, we would probably still misuse the time and bemoan our inability to finish everything that we task ourselves with. The quality of life enhancer exercise is a powerful tool actually created by my husband, Bill Backrack, of Backrack and Associates. And the exercise is based on two principles. The first one is, the more we align our behavior with our core values or what's really important to us, the happier and more satisfied and fulfilled will be with our lives. And the second is, the more we delegate the tasks that are less important, the more time we have for what's more important. So these two principles basically follow that's just facts of life and how you apply it to your life, because we all only have 168 hours in a week, no matter how old we are, how much money we make, how attractive you might be, or how much information you can access on the Internet. We still have that same time constraint restriction. So the big difference is how you use that 168 hours. That's exactly right. So we all make choices. We all have choices in our lives. So the more we get focused on the things that are the most important and do those activities and those things, the sooner and quicker you get to where you want to be. And not only that, but don't you agree that when someone's calling you on getting something down, there's a real good chance that you'll do it? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, the procrastination factor goes way down. One of my clients used to call it his whooping, his regular whooping, when he has the appointment with me and his employees used to say, "Okay, well, mark gets his whooping and I guess we get ours next." So it was kind of a joke around the office. Well, the good news is, though, that when you do have a specific time frame to get something down, there's a much better chance you'll get it done. It's scheduling something. Yeah, absolutely. And on page 34, you speak about the secret success formula. Why don't you tell us what that's about? Okay. In theory, working towards your goals is really not that complicated. You know, most days, most of the things that you should do move you towards your goals. Now, perfection isn't a requirement. Rather, consider what would happen if most of what you said and did every day moved you towards your goals. So I basically tell people do the things that move you towards your goals and stop doing the things that don't move you towards your goals. So pretty simple, right? Pretty logical? Absolutely. Yeah, so most people say to me, "Well, Anne, you know, it's not that simple." To which I reply, "Well, really, are you sure?" Because it's probably not that complicated or as complicated as you make it. So people absolutely must be motivated to work towards their goals. And motivation is a spark that lights the fire necessary for action. And without that motivation, a goal is simply, you know, words on paper. So the three factors that influence human behavior are needs, wants, and values. And what it comes down to, Terry, is that values are the most powerful of the driving forces. In order to achieve your goals, you must understand the ways in which you're motivated to act. So therefore, like we talked about, procrastination is reduced when you have a clear vision of what you truly want and the why, the emotional why, or the values, what's truly important to you in life behind it. Well, you have a whole area dedicated to values gratification. And that's kind of important, because that's what keeps you really connected to that purpose. Yeah, I look at it, Terry, as the emotional magnet that pulls you to what you need to do for your own reason. Yeah, if you can visualize that. That's a really good way to put it. An emotional magnet. I like that. Well, why do you think a person really needs a coach? And what happens when you take them just as far as they'll go? You know, there is no end, Terry. I mean, when you really look at it, it's like, does someone really need a person in their life to hold them accountable to doing what they really need to do to get to where they want to go? Well, unless they run out of time, and I mean, most people have a lot of things that they want to do in their life for as long as they want to live. So just to get to one aspect of your life, then you may have different avenues and paths to get to where you want to go next. But really, there's always somebody in your life that can help move you towards whatever it is you want. So to me, there's really no end as long as you have goals. Well, let's talk a little bit about your own coaching. What does that comprise? Is that a weekly, a monthly? Well, my one-on-one coaching is basically two times a month, and everything is driven via the phone and the Internet. As a matter of fact, a lot of the people that I coach, I don't even know what they look like. Never met them, other than I just talk to them on the phone. And it's really a unique way to do things, but yet it's extremely powerful. Well, you also have a complete workbook, and you have the several assessments. So you really do a lot of due diligence before you begin the coaching process, and you actually find out if they're coachable. Yeah, there's an MI coachable assessment on my website that's free. There's an implementation index. There's a right-life balance assessment. All of the people that I work with basically start with the Wheel of Life. And that's eight areas of their life where we focus on where they have to have goals. So the eight areas would be family and friends, romance or partner, significant other money. There's an area of spiritual development and personal growth. There's a physical environment. There's career. There's fun and recreation and fitness and health. And some people obviously can be high in certain areas of their wheel, and other areas are low. And what happens in most people's lives, Terry, is that one area that's high gets really reduced because there's less focus on it when they're trying to focus on another area to bring up to get to a higher number. So what we strive for is trying to make that wheel the Wheel of Life as round as possible. So we don't sacrifice a high number to bring a low number up. It's really all about balance in life in every aspect. Matter of fact, a lot of my clients have mentioned to me that their spouses love me. And it's like, well, they don't even know me. And it's like, well, because I have more of a life now. In addition to me making more money, I actually have more time with my spouse. I have more time with my family. I'm bitter, healthier and all those things. So it's really all about balance in every area. Well, I want to take this opportunity to talk about one of your endorsements, which was a gentleman named Mark Little. And Mark, you know, he was building multi-million dollar businesses, but he had to lose 140 pounds of excess weight and talk about being out of round in his life wheel. You created one of your biggest fans and greatest successes through Mark. Yes, that's absolutely true. Well, that leads to one more question. And that's your chapter five. It's really pretty strong. The title being Excuses Don't Count Unless You're Dead. Now, how do you keep your clients on track without choking them? Well, my motto is really, I mean, an excuse is really an excuse. So it doesn't serve any purpose. Excuses just don't really count in our conversations because it doesn't matter why you didn't do anything. You just didn't do it. So if you really want to do something bad enough, you'll get to it. People start their conversations with just excuses all the time. So that's why I came up with my motto, Excuses Don't Count Unless You're Dead. The clients keep on track because we have spreadsheets. They have goal tracking forms. And when we first begin working together, they create all of these and they get everything set up. So again, what gets tracked gets focused on and gets results. We have tracking mechanisms. I call it their homework that they have to send in to me before every conversation that we have. And that's really, it's such a powerful tool. It's a simple tool, but it's so powerful simply because you know where you're at against your goal at any given moment in time. And most people just don't have that. Well, not only that, Ann, but it reduces the superfluous time of trying to get on the same page during the time you're doing your coaching. So that's really powerful. It's a good idea, too. Yeah, it is. Let me share with you a quote that you really might like. Marjorie Blanchard says, "The gap between knowing and doing is much greater than the gap between knowing and not knowing." Do you want me to repeat that again? Yes, I would. Yeah, I think this is just a brilliant quote. "The gap between knowing and doing is much greater than the gap between knowing and not knowing." Now, that is profound. Yeah, I thought so, too. But I think one of the saddest days of our lives is the day that we realize we could have done so much more. And it's all about focus. And in today's society, there's so much going on. There's so much information. Everybody's so busy. But the question becomes, "Are you doing the things that bring you to the goal that you're looking for?" And you did a great job on your e-book. I personally thought it was terrific, and I understand it will be available on hard copy as well. Yes, it will be. Well, for more information on Anne's coaching programs or to get a copy of her latest book, visit www.CountabilityCoach.com or call her at 858-456-0160.
[[:encoded, "Terri Murphy from Women’s Wisdom Network Interviews Anne Bachrach, The Accountability Coach.\n\nThe latest buzz word today is COACHING! Olympic athletes win or lose depending on the expertise of their coaches. Superstar legends like Michael Jordan depended on their coaches to keep them focused and for continual improvement of their skills.\nCoaching can be the most productive activity you can do to advance your personal and/or professional life.\nThe questions most often asked...