Work Life Balance Podcast: Business | Productivity | Results

Effective Goal Setting for Greater Results

[[:encoded, "Without execution, visions will remain just that - visions or dreams. Establishing goals and writing them down in ink sets the wheels in motion to creating your ideal life. \n\nAnother powerful component of goal setting relates to how you will feel once you have attained each of your goals. This adds the emotional element that helps inspire you even more. Picturing how you’ll feel after achieving your goals is like an emotional magnet that pulls you to do what you need to do so...
Broadcast on:
14 Nov 2008
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[[:encoded, "Without execution, visions will remain just that - visions or dreams. Establishing goals and writing them down in ink sets the wheels in motion to creating your ideal life. \n\nAnother powerful component of goal setting relates to how you will feel once you have attained each of your goals. This adds the emotional element that helps inspire you even more. Picturing how you’ll feel after achieving your goals is like an emotional magnet that pulls you to do what you need to do so you can experience goal achievement. \n\nIn theory, working toward your goals is not complicated. \n\nMost days, most of the things you do should move you toward your goals.\n\nPeople absolutely must be motivated to work toward their goals. Motivation is the spark that lights the fire necessary for action. Without motivation, a goal is simply words on paper.\n\nYour goals can be anything you wish – there are no limits. In fact, it is better if you stretch your visions beyond what you believe is possible.\n\nThe reason is because you are probably capable of so much more than you currently believe. The mind has the ability to be our best friend or our worst enemy. As our best friend, it serves our limitless visionary, but as our worst enemy it serves as our limited perception. The only limits that exist are the ones set by your perceptions. Think big and aim high!\n\nSteven Jobs said: “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”"]]

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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.

Aim for what you want each and every day!

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coach™

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(upbeat music) - Welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast where we will discuss topics, ideas, questions and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Anne Bakrak. Today we're gonna talk about setting goals for success. John Scully says, "The solutions are often obvious "once you get the questions right." Without acceptance, without exception, visions will remain just that, visions or dreams. Establishing goals and writing them down in ink sets the wheels in motion to creating your ideal life. When I meet with someone for the first time, what we do is establish that person's long range and short range short term goals for all areas of their life. This is not a simple task. Goals in and of themselves mean very little. The action taken to achieve the goal is what matters. I like to have people begin this whole goal setting process using the Wheel of Life exercise as the first step in the whole process of goal setting. I've mentioned the Wheel of Life in a previous podcast. If you happen to not be on that podcast, feel free to go to and look under the resource section to complete your own personal Wheel of Life exercise. Well, for the record, I don't believe anyone should set goals for someone else. They might be able to ask questions to help them think, but each person should come up with their own goals and time frames they want to achieve for each goal. Goals are personal decisions. Each person has their own goals. If I set goals for other people, they'll be missing the personal drive necessary to make their goals actually happen. There's a school of thought that says every goal a person says should be smart, S-M-A-R-T. Well, smart stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and tangible. Note that the T can also stand for timely. I add to this a requirement that goals must have a specific target date for achievement, which would include a month, a day, and a year for every single goal. Another powerful component of goal setting relates to how you feel once you have attained each of your goals. This adds the emotional element that helps inspire you even more. Picturing how you'll feel after achieving your goals is like an emotional magnet that pulls you to do what you need to do so you can experience goal achievement. I have to mention that I do take issue with the words realistic and attainable. After all, who defines what is possible in the realm of reality? I believe goals should be stretch goals that are achievable and also require that person to stretch their limits. This extra push provides inspiration and motivation. Well, that's my belief. Stretch goals are a win-win. Even if you fall short of achieving a stretch goal, you probably will still exceed what you would have said as a realistic goal. The word attainable bothers me for similar reasons. Obviously, you want your goal to be within reach, but the same stretch should be added for additional motivation and inspiration, and that's just my belief. For example, if you set a goal that you think is attainable, add something extra onto that goal for it to be a stretch. Let's say, based on last year's revenue, for example, you think you can increase your revenue by 10% this year. Well, what would happen if you set your goal to increase your revenue by 15% by 17% by even 20%? Would you probably be even more creative and come up with ways to achieve that stretch goal? I think so. In theory, working towards your goals is really not that complicated. Most days, most of the things you do should move you towards your goals. Now, perfection isn't a requirement. Rather, consider what would happen if most of what you said and did every day moved you towards your goals. I tell people to do the things that move you towards your goals and stop doing the things that do not move you towards your goals. Seems pretty obvious, but it's easier said than done. Many people might respond, well, it's not that simple to which I might say, well, really, are you sure? Because it's probably not that complicated or at least as complicated as you're making it. People absolutely must be motivated to work towards their goals. Motivation is the spark that lights the fire necessary for the actual action to take place. Without motivation, a goal is simply just words on paper. Your goals can be anything that you wish. There are no limits. In fact, it's better if you stretch your visions beyond what you believe is possible, as we mentioned earlier. The reason is because you're probably capable of so much more than you currently have or believe that you're capable of. The mind has the ability to be your best friend or your worst enemy. As our best friend, it serves our limitless visionary, but as our worst enemy, it serves as our limited perception. Use it as your best friend and break through the limits it can offset as a realistic perception. The only limits that exist are the ones you set, they're actually the ones that are set by your own perceptions. Think big and aim high. Stephen Jobs said, "If you are working on something exciting "that you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. "The vision pulls you. "Have you ever experienced something like this before "in your life? "And how can you translate that into reality more often "in your life to get what you want?" Begin enjoying the experience of an even greater quality of life and total life balance. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day, today and every day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]
[[:encoded, "Without execution, visions will remain just that - visions or dreams. Establishing goals and writing them down in ink sets the wheels in motion to creating your ideal life. \n\nAnother powerful component of goal setting relates to how you will feel once you have attained each of your goals. This adds the emotional element that helps inspire you even more. Picturing how you’ll feel after achieving your goals is like an emotional magnet that pulls you to do what you need to do so...