[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about a great tool called The Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise. Almost everyone has lamented, at one time or another, about not having enough time in the day. Have you ever said or thought, “I wish I had more time?”, “If I had more time, I would _____.”, “If there were a few more hours in this day, I could _____.” Most of us, at some time or another, have probably thought or said this to ourselves and heard others say something like this too.\n\nThe truth is, even if we had five extra hours each day, we would probably still misuse the time and bemoan our inability to finish everything with which we task ourselves. \n\nThe Quality of Life Enhancer™ Exercise is a powerful tool, created by my husband, Bill Bachrach, Founder and Chairman of Bachrach & Associates, Inc. The through-provoking and fun exercise is based on two principles.\n\nYou will enjoy listening to this Podcast and completing your personal Quality of Life Enhancer(tm) Exercise at www.AccountabilityCoach.com. It is a FREE resource available to everyone. Update yours as often as you like and share this great resource with everyone you know."]]
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I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.
Aim for what you want each and every day!
Anne Bachrach
The Accountability Coach™
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(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the Accountability Coach podcast, where we will discuss topics, ideas, questions, and issues related to having a totally balanced and successful life. This is Anne Bakrak. Today we're gonna talk about a great tool called the Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise. Almost everyone has lamented, at one time or another, about not having enough time in the day. Have you ever said or thought, I wish I had more time? If I had more time, I would. If there were only a few more hours in a day, I could. Well, most of us, at some time or another, have probably thought or said this to ourselves, and heard others say something like this also. The truth is, even if we had five extra hours each day, we would probably still misuse the time and be mowing our inability to finish everything with which we task ourselves. The Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise is a powerful tool created by my husband, Bill Bakrak, founder and chairman of Bakrak and Associates Inc. The thought-provoking and fun exercise is based on two principles. One, the more we align our behavior with our core values, in other words, what's important to us, the happier, more satisfied, and fulfilled will be with our lives. Number two, the more we delegate the tasks that are less important, the more time we have for what's more important. These principles follow two basic facts of life that you can apply to your life. The first one, you, like everybody else, has only 168 hours in a week. No matter how old you are, how much money you make, how attractive you are, or how much information you can access on the internet. You are still restricted to the same time constraints, no exceptions. A person's quality of life is a function of how he or she chooses to spend that time. Ben Franklin agreed, saying, time is the stuff life is made of. The second principle, some things cannot be delegated and some things can. You may wonder if delegation is a privilege to reserve for the elite, hardly. Did you or any of your friends receive an allowance for doing chores around the house? That's parental delegation. Did you notice that your dad never paid you to go fishing or play golf for him? I learned the power of delegation from my parents who were not wealthy or elite by any means. Everyone can delegate to one degree or another. So often, we make choices about how we'll spend our time unconsciously, and this unique exercise is designed to help you make conscious choices. Roy Disney once said, "When your values are clear, "your decisions are easy." When your values are clear and you know what you need to do to fulfill them, and you realize that there's only a finite number of hours in a day, the decision to delegate what you can is much easier to make. The quality of life enhancer exercise is a gift you can give your clients, your prospects, your strategic alliances, your centers of influence, your friends, your associates, your spouse, your children, and even to yourself. It's a gift of focus and clarity, and it can even help you and the people you share this exercise with to visualize things differently in life. I believe it's one of the most powerful exercises there is, and it's not utilized near enough. When we utilize this tool, we can have a huge impact on our relationships and your life, not to mention when you share it with others. Just like anything else, once you experience something, it is easier for you to share it with others. At the end of this podcast, you may want to take the time to do this exercise for yourself, or schedule time to do it later, so you can experience it for yourself. This exercise starts with the question, what is more important in life than money? Another way you may want to think of it is, what do you wish you had more time to do? Put that item or activity in the column-headed life quality. It will be on the left side of the page when you actually do this exercise for yourself. For example, a response might be something like being healthy, being spiritual, having fun, spending time with the family, something about charity, et cetera. When you go to the next column as you're progressing from the left to the right side of the exercise, it will say delegatable with a question mark. So you want to respond either, is this thing delegatable with this activity or not? Check the box that relates to this item, is it delegatable or not? You know, I had someone once asked me, what things might someone put in the life quality box that actually is delegatable because most things aren't? Well, one thing that came to my mind was something like gardening. Some people really unwind when they garden and they would love to do it for life quality. Yes, they can delegate it, but they want more time to do it themselves. If you've never heard, if you have ever heard anyone putting anything like this or saying anything like this, it's the one thing that I came up with that I thought was delegatable, but you still might want to do it. Cooking actually might be another one. Okay, let's go to the third column of the exercise. It says, how many more hours per week would you like to spend doing this particular activity? This is more hours than you are currently spending per week. So be realistic for your current lifestyle. You can't go from two to 12, well, at least most people can't anyway. For example, if you want to spend more time golfing, you typically won't put time for three rounds per week when you haven't been doing any at all right now. You may start with one round per week and work up to three rounds if this is your long-term goal. The last column on this exercise to the very right says, what are the three activities you will do this week to improve this area of your life? Depending on what you wrote down in the life quality column, it could be going to buy a book and then next week it could be reading chapter one. It could be getting recommendations for fitness trainers and next week you take the time to interview them. Then when you hire one and get things scheduled to work out with them might be the next thing. It could be going to various gyms and finding one you want to sign up with. It could be taking 10 extra minutes a day to meditate or read something spiritual. It could be spending one hour per week with a charity. As I mentioned earlier, the fact is there are only 168 hours in the week. The quality of life enhancer exercise allows people to think about what they truly would like to do with their time. It helps us focus on those important things and try to delegate the rest. Imagine for a minute how different your life would be when you do some of the items that you would write down on this exercise. It's a huge benefit to you and to others when you work on quality of life items. Share this exercise with as many people as you would like. You'll find an online complimentary quality of life enhancer exercise at accountabilitycoach.com. You can easily complete this exercise online. Feel free to go online and share this exercise with your friends, associates, clients, your spouse, your family members. Update your quality of life enhancer exercise frequently and measure your progress. Again, Benjamin Franklin says time is the stuff life is made of. Begin enjoying the experience of an even greater life quality and total life balance. Aim for what you want each and every day. Until next time, make it a great day today and every day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]
[[:encoded, "Today we are going to talk about a great tool called The Quality of Life Enhancer Exercise. Almost everyone has lamented, at one time or another, about not having enough time in the day. Have you ever said or thought, “I wish I had more time?”, “If I had more time, I would _____.”, “If there were a few more hours in this day, I could _____.” Most of us, at some time or another, have probably thought or said this to ourselves and heard others say something like this too.\n\nThe ...