Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse pays tribute to Marine General Al Gray who recently died at 95

Broadcast on:
22 Mar 2024
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With Lucky Land Slots, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? Sorry, sorry, we're here. We were getting Lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. No, Lucky Land Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you Lucky. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun New York on a Thursday. It's going to be a great night tonight, a huge night tonight. We honor a fallen hero here in just a moment. We'll talk about that. We'll talk about the spending bill. Why do we continue to lose these battles? The shoplifting organization people haven't heard about. Cities are emptying at a rapid pace. Embassies are doing the same. And James naked Kendall Langford wants to be in Senate leadership. All that Joe Biden stutter and so much more is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Before I get to any of that, I want to remind you that tomorrow is an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. So you need to get your Ask Dr. Jesse questions emailed in now to Jesse at now before we get into the politics and the guests. Because I even have I have Daniel Turner coming on about a half hour from now talking about energy oil that there's a lot going on that we need updated on. So Daniel is going to update us on those things. I have Carol Roth coming on probably next hours going to deal with inflation and all this other stuff. But before we do any of that. Al Gray, General Al Gray, a 95 year old New Jersey native, former commandant of the United States Marine Corps war hero and beloved by virtually every Marine I know died. Now he's nine to five years old. Forty one years he served, he started out as an enlisted guy. He won a silver star earned a silver star I should say in Vietnam. Some Marines had wandered into a minefield. Can you even imagine the terror there? They were obviously in a very bad way wounded, blown up. And Al Gray takes you know takes the initiative and puts himself an extreme arms way to drag some wounded Marines out of an arm out of a minefield. Just know at one point in time there was a Marine laying in a Vietnamese rice field without a leg and thinking he's about to die and he looks up and sees one Al Gray. Al Gray getting him to safety alive because of this man. He was a great man, a great commandant and I hate officers and I really hate flag officers and every Marine when I was in knew about Al Gray and he has passed on and I will see him again one day. [Music] [Music] Semper Fi General. All right now let's talk about something and I was I was tempted to start screaming and yelling about the spending bill Congress agreed on. Yeah we're being sold down the river I was tempted to talk about illegals there it's in the news maybe you already heard about it a bunch of illegals essentially storm through some national guard troops at the border today. There's all kinds of stuff in the news but I wanted to actually begin with something else you ever see the movie Goodfellas or any mafia movie but let's focus on Goodfellas for a moment maybe you haven't seen it that's fine but understand that it's a true story based on a true story there's based off a book called Wise Guy very good book but it's about one of the New York crime families the mafia families and one of the things that I enjoy about Goodfellas on top of the dialogue and everything else is you get a real lesson and how that there are parallel societies parallel economies that exist all around us and oftentimes we don't know about them. We can't see them if you're a normal human being who lives under the law you know does the work kid school you don't see these separate societies separate economies nevertheless they exist and they explain a lot of what we can see once you understand them let me explain let me explain so in Goodfellas one of the main things that mafia crew did was hijack things obviously they're famous for hijacking a shipment at an airport but it was well beyond that trucking they were always out there hijacking trucking they would get tips oftentimes from the truckers themselves hey I've got a shipment of mint coats I'm going to be heading from New York down to Jersey I'll be on the highway right about this time if you guys happen to stop me you guys pulling over stick a gun in his face we're taking your truck everyone gets off Scott free makes a little money and what it eventually did what these kind of things do this kind of hijacking network is it creates a separate economy a black market in your society that you can't really see until you see it you can't really tell but it explains a lot once you figure out it's there why is it that why is it that my neighbor Bob he makes an okay living is a mailman swipes a school teacher so they do fine good people live in a older house couple older vehicles but life is fine why is his wife why does she have a $5,000 mint coat that doesn't make sense well when you understand there's a separate economy it makes more sense out there I'm bringing all this up I'm going somewhere with this and I'm bringing this up because it brought me to here you have seen undoubtedly all over the news maybe it was on social media wherever you have seen the animals in this society shoplifting I'm not talking about the 14 year old kid slipping a Mars bar in his pocket kids don't do that by the way I'm not talking about that I'm talking the modern day version they just walk in broad daylight sometimes they're not even really wearing masks they just walk in and they just start dumping all the stuff on the shelves in their baskets the employees know they're not allowed to do anything the cops won't stop them you've seen this take place down America as the street animals have taken over our cities more and more and more and more and more and more but there's more to it than just street animals doing what they get away with and I first got word about this not long ago a few weeks a month ago one of my law enforcement sources reached out to me and he said just the heads up a lot of this stuff is organized well there's a fascinating fascinating article I'm not going to go through the whole thing right now in the New York Post today but here's the headline New York's 4.4 billion dollar shoplifting shadow economy is revealed and guess what it's fueled by it puts it right on here fueled by eBay and Facebook marketplace those two things in case you don't know what those are maybe you're older or older those are online those are internet places where you can sell goods and services if I wanted to sell this half-drink water bottle here this beside me I'm sure I could go put it on eBay all I would had to do is tell people that Jesse Kelly himself drank out of it and I'd probably get a million dollars or something like that for what Chris I'm not going to do it so I'm not greedy but I just mean that's the kind of thing I could do either way it's an online marketplace where you can sell anything as you watch the market around you kind of go crazy grocery prices are more expensive this is there are bad things happening in the economy around you you know what you feel it obviously you know a lot of the government reasons for it the spending and the debt and the inflation which I'm going to get through here in just a moment you know those reasons for it but you should also understand the criminality in this country it's out of control now and now that the bad people know that it's open season in certain areas in New York City the bad people know they know what they can get away with it's going to begin negatively affecting your life in fact it already is we just can't always see it but you should understand a lot of these things are coordinated and organized there are flat out crime lords in charge of the shoplifting sprees you see in the city do you realize that that's how crazy this stuff is but look at the look that's why you get headlines like this New York City poll 50% of the city plans to leave in the next five years half gone as I've said it is heartbreaking watching America's cities turn into wastelands but that's the way they're going all right speaking of wastelands let's discuss the budget the debt the spending deal the all that other stuff before we get to that criminality is gone crazy you know that you don't need me to do a radio segment on it you see it everywhere you need to take more steps than you've taken to ensure that you're safe and you need to make sure your family is doing the same one of the essential steps is getting a burner pistol launcher it is non-lethal I personally I carry concealed I carry lethal but I love having a non-lethal option that's why I also carry non-lethal but no matter who you are you need a burner pistol launcher there are bad men all around us now and we're importing millions more every single year burner is legal in all 50 states you don't need a permit you don't need a background check you just have to get a hold of them and get a burner pistol launcher it shoots these pepper balls or tear gas balls and buy one for the person you love who doesn't carry anything on them so keep one by your bed too burn a is spelled B Y R N A burn a dot com slash Jesse gets you 10 percent off burn a dot com slash Jesse we'll be back get the cure for it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday don't forget if you missed any part of the show you can download a podcast of the show on iHeart Google Spotify iTunes we have the great the great Daniel Turner coming up in about 10 minutes from now always a wealth of knowledge about energy oil what's taking place on the world stage economically we really have to stay in touch with Daniel Turner to figure out some things so we'll get to Daniel Turner in about 10 I want to get to this really quickly well maybe not really quickly I'm just going to try to I'm just going to try to calm down and what worries me is actually how calm I am about this whole thing what whole thing am I talking about the spending bill 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill this is the bill to avoid the government shutdown the deadline is almost here so what happened late last night in the middle of the night early this morning they dropped this gigantic bill 1,000 in 12 pages they dropped it on the senator's desk and said hey here it is vote on that and it's going to pass it is let me go ahead and spoil that for you it's going to become law there are no cuts now don't listen anybody who comes and lies to you well I mean we got we got a 5% reduction there were no cuts at all what they're talking about is spending slightly less than the increase in cuts they were going to going to have before you know so IRS was supposed to go for I'm making up a number here 100 billion to 150 billion but no hey we kept IRS at 130 billion aren't you happy guys and part of the reason I guess I'm not mad today is I've gotten to a place of acceptance that the financial crisis is simply going to come and I know this is what I'm about to say is wrong I want to be clear so I shouldn't say it right but what I'm about to say is wrong it's just where I am some of the time and right about this time it's where I am I'm ready for it and it's not that I'm rooting for it I'm really not but I'm at the point where I just want to get it over with I understand it's coming it's very very very clear that nothing is going to cause these people to change anything and just so you get it right now as we speak it is what is it today March 21st Thursday March 21st the House of Representatives the United States Senate and the President of the United States of America should currently be meeting in an emergency in an emergency session of Congress where they agree they will not go into recess until they have hammered out the few parts of our government we can keep that's how bad the financial situation is in the United States of America that's how dire it is when you look at how quickly the debt is rising how quickly we're adding a trillion and knowing that it's exponentially growing right now it shouldn't be a partisan issue it shouldn't be Republican Democrat election year in order to salvage our financial system as we know it Republicans Democrats president everybody should be meeting to slash and burn all of it and the discussion should be what do we keep you know if the if the if the if the government was uh a hundred marbles right if the government was a big bowl of a hundred marbles what they should be doing right now is just dumping every one of them in the trash and then having a debate about which two or three we pull back out that's how bad the financial situation is and instead they just act like everything's fine everyone they act like it's not here I was talking to Senator Rand Paul today they need to know how we've been warning about about Social Security and Medicare and these gigantic entitlements that are destroying the fine that will destroy the country financially and Rand Paul was it was lamenting to me no let Rand Paul knows more about this stuff than anyone else Rand Paul said he said Jesse do you understand within a couple years if we don't do anything if nothing gets done and doesn't look like anything it's going to get done within a couple years the people getting Social Security checks just twenty percent twenty three percent gone reduction in your check if you're sitting there and you're clearing out a thousand dollars Social Security check every month no no we can't reform it no I rely on that congratulations next month is it's eight hundred dollars that's where we're going and it's math everyone knows we're going there and still the losers who are in charge this is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson they act as if keeping the government open is the priority I have a two vote majority today by next week it'll be back down to one but we have to keep moving we've got to keep the government funded we have to keep operating keep the train on the tracks and you're seeing that happen here the train is heading towards a cliff Mike in fact maybe the best thing in the world for the train would be for it to derail it really needs to stop in reverse but we know the trains on the tracks Mike we are well aware the train is on the tracks and we are aware it's traveling at a very high rate of speed and we're also aware it's like one of those old western movies you watch where the Cowboys are fighting on top of one and the train is cruising through the desert towards a big canyon and the bridge is out oh we know that you want the train to keep running Mike but it's going to kill us all I said I wasn't going to see I'm not I'm calm I knew I was going to stay calm throughout this whole thing and I did proud of me I'm going to move on the system what why even waste our breath anymore it's coming you know what else is coming nutrition for your dog that's what's coming on top of Daniel Turner Daniel Turner's coming next listen you understand that when you give your dog rough greens that you will actually see physical differences in your dog you have a dog that's hyperactive or maybe too lethargic you know rough greens will make a difference your dog I've digestive problems a dog coat bad breath you know rough greens will make a difference it's amazing the differences you can see in living things when you finally give those living things nutrition start pouring rough greens on your dog's food all natural nutritional supplement your dog will love it and you will love the fact that your dog will live longer free jumpstart trial bags you have to call them 83333 my dog or you can go to rough greens dot com slash Jesse your dog does not get nutrition from dog food give your dog some rough greens alright Daniel Turner is going to join us next the state of energy on the planet is kind of a big deal so what is that state hang on it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday reminding you tomorrow is an ask doctor Jesse Friday so you got to get your questions emailed in now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com all three hours dedicated to you on a Friday and your questions but enough about that for now joining me now my friend Daniel Turner of power the future our energy expert we bring on as often as we can here on the show okay Daniel can you first of all explain to me what is this phase out of the gas powered cars order there's no way this can be legal what's going on this is pretty ridiculous this is because the Biden administration has this desire that they want half of all cars in America by the year 2032 to be electric now that's an absurd statistic right that they are fewer than I think 5% of cars on the road right now and they're about fewer than 8% of car sales overall so we're nowhere close to having 50% electric people aren't buying them and right now people have the freedom to buy whatever the car they want but if you create new tailpipe emission standards under the guise of protecting the environment well you know what you're suddenly going to take a whole lot of cars out of the marketplace right they're not going to be an option anymore because they will be illegal under the new protect the earth rules and then by default you will have to buy an EV and then Joe Biden says look everyone's buying an EV just like I wanted because they're trying to save the earth so this is a quintessential example of the sort of command and control economy that we would see in the Soviet Union this is not the free market this is not freedom but you know it's the Biden administration we shouldn't be surprised Daniel can you explain how this works okay so does this mean today Ford Motor Company is changing their tailpipes or is there a lag is this stuff essentially is this going into effect or is this just something they want it's supposed to go into effect starting in 2026 so now if you're a car manufacturer and you make you know a Ford F-150 then I apologize I don't know what the actual numbers are for the F-150 off my head but if they say that the number of particles per million is currently X and we have to take it to X times 30 well you Ford has two years to figure out how to do that and odds are they're not going to be able to do that right that's like you know it's like telling someone who you know hey you can only eat 100 calories a day well no you can't eat 100 calories a day you're going to die like well that's the number do it right so they're going to give you such an impossible metric that Ford's just going to say screw it we can't hit that number so we guess we're not making that car anymore and that's exactly what Biden wants he doesn't want you to buy maybe the F-150 is a bad example he doesn't want you to have the F-350 let alone the F-250 diesel like he doesn't want you to have an SUV he wants you to have his stupid little EVs Daniel can you explain why the electric vehicle market has not taken off as much because they are different and Tesla's are out there I have people who who people I know who own them there's all kinds of incentives now to get them and I thought the market because of the incentives and everything else I thought it would take off it is not why no it has not it's a great point you know the market exploded in 2022 2023 and then it leveled off because everyone who would want to buy a Tesla bought a Tesla but you know there are about 19 million car sales every year in America that's a lot of cars 19 million that's new cars by the way 19 million new car sales those who wanted an EV bought one but that's not all of America we do have this stubborn thing called freedom of choice right Milton Friedman put the greatest economic mind in American history right he put his whole economic philosophy around that phrase it was the name of his TV series it's the name of his books free to choose well if you get rid of people's choice you can say well then you know how free are they actually in their livelihoods and that's what Biden is doing there's lots of incentives to buy an EV $750 off you know tax rebate from the government if you buy one but they're not and that angers Joe Biden because you know why he knows better than you at his core and now we're getting into some deeper political philosophy at his core Joe Biden is a status he's been in government for 60 some odd years he genuinely believes that as a member of government he knows best and it is not your job to have freedom of car or gas stove or even the things you say on social media Joe Biden thinks he should control all of those things because government is better than the individual is a philosophical difference in which there is no common ground right there's no coming to common ground with people who say your freedom interferes with my control well your control interferes with my freedom what's the common ground I have to destroy you before you destroy me that's the common ground so again we're speaking with Daniel Turner power the future Daniel wire gas prices going up it's difficult for people to see because of how the market fluctuates and OPEC and all these other things prices are up and everyone is aware of it right now why well we are heading into summer and people drive more in summer right so you have these next couple of months you're driving from Mother's Day you're driving over the summer to go on vacation you're taking the kids to go look at colleges for next year so we do consume a lot more gas in the spring and summer than we do in other years because we are driving more but there's also a huge problem and this is again government related there are hundreds literally hundreds of different blends that refiners have to make in the summer because your idiots in the state capital be they in Austin be they in Sacramento or Albany your idiots in your state capital say we think there should be a blend in summer that has the octane at X and they pass the law and then they go to the refiners and say you have to make it and the refiners say okay well we have to shut down the system right we have to flush it out we have to recalibrate and then we'll start it up making this special summer blend that you guys in Austin think we should make and it's going to cost you a fortune and your elected officials say we don't care right they get to run for office saying when I ran in the state house in Austin I passed the bill that raised the octane for summer and all the green people pat them on the back and clap it's all ridiculous it's all fake numbers it's all it is expensive so that's the main reason my gas prices are going up yes we are using more but these stupid ridiculous summer blends that were written by a bunch of idiot politicians all have to be made in those refineries on the Gulf Coast and that costs a lot of money Daniel do countries like Russia China Iran do they do this kind of insanity with the blends and things like that does this stuff even exist in that part of the world no I you know probably make no way and it doesn't Russia or in the Arab nations in the Western European nations of course but but they're used to it you know I was I was lucky enough to be on vacation a couple weeks ago at our brothers wedding in New Zealand and I was paying to fill up that stupid rental car I was paying a hundred and fifty dollars and they were like yeah that's normal that's what it costs they're accustomed to it remember when Joe Biden excuse me when Barack Obama I get them confused Jesse remember Barack Obama he talked about having European style pricing he wanted higher prices he wanted Americans to get used to the fact that energy was expensive he thought that was good I think that's diabolical and yet here we are now we're getting used to again four dollar gallon gas and they want you to be comfortable with that thinking it's the new normal this is the way things are but we know especially Texans know it's not supposed to be this way it doesn't have to be this way and we can reverse course how's the food in New Zealand I just can't see New Zealand food being any good I don't see any melted cheese over there what did you see what did you experience I'll definitely a lot of meat and a lot of seafood because it is an island you know what it was it was very it was very much like being in London a lot of fish and chips a lot of a lot of lambs do a lot of steak a lot of seafood very boring you know like it's it wasn't I know you like to make fun of some of us Italians Jesse it wasn't as exciting as Italian culture but but it was good you know no no picky eater would with fun would struggle in New Zealand there's a lot of meat and potatoes well I hope you brought your own olive oil Daniel Turner everybody you are the best brother look Chris I'm out on fish and chips okay and don't call it fish and chips it's fish and fries and I'm just so out on fish it would suck to live in an island nation fish sucks you all need to stop living a lie anyway let's talk about something different we have a bunch of other stuff I want to get to I'm gonna try to knock out some emails we're gonna laugh about the Joe Biden stutter that's in the news again before we do that here's a sobering headline for you new estimate shows more than a million babies killed in abortions in 2023 that's from off the a million a million a year is what we still kill in this country we have to fight back against that evil it's not enough to just hope it changes I hope things turn around I hope people wake up it's not enough we have to do something we have to be active to fight against that how do we do that well that's what preborns all about preborn is out there fighting back with knowledge fighting back with the power of ultrasound you give a woman an ultrasound once she hears that heartbeat it is from God she becomes a mother and it's no longer a clump of cells she can kill your twenty eight dollars that you give to preborn is what buys that ultrasound go give whatever you can it's all tax deductible there ain't no limits preborn dot com slash jessie preborn dot com slash jessie we'll deal with the illegal immigration stuff real quick next I've got an animal he's a jessie telly show I'm super excited for the rest of this show too we're gonna do some illegal immigration talk and Joe Biden stutter Joe Roth is gonna join us next hour talk about some economic stuff look remember if any of this if any of this stuff we talk about gets too complicated for you simplify it in your mind it couldn't be any more straightforward it's not an attempt to ban tiktok it's attempt to make tiktok better tiktok toe a winner a winner it doesn't make it easier tiktok toe lays it all out for you now let's talk about something we're gonna do a bit of a border talk here and what's prompting this or a couple different things prompting us there's a story out today about the Biden ministration allowing another two hundred thousand to stay on purpose there's there's a story out about how many illegals have been killed of course they call it a migrant son and why we do that and there's a video that's it's it's hard to watch if you're a patriot there's a video out there today I'm not gonna say it's bloody or gory it's totally safe for kids want to let you know there's a video out you probably already seen it a bunch of national guardsmen down at the border trying to stop this gigantic gag wavy legal is trying to invade our country and they just get overrun pushed aside and what I thought about when I saw that what I've been thinking about more and more man this is gonna be hard I've been thinking about this a lot Christopher Ray sat in front of Congress this was last week and he said from an FBI perspective we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats then emanate from the border there is a particular network that has where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have ISIS ties that we're very concerned about and that we've been spending enormous amount of effort with our overseas facilitators have ISIS ties let me let me explain something about how this works it's fairly obvious but let me just lay it out obviously the cartels control the various illegal caravan routes we'll call it into the United States of America depending on which portion of the border you're on that's the different cartel Mexican cartels that are shipping people across but it is an international affair meaning if you're let's say you're part of China's spy program and you wanted to get a hundred trained Chinese males into the United States of America and you didn't want them to be scanned at the at the border well what you would do one of the many ways you could do this they have a bunch of ways to get people in but one thing you could do is you develop a contact with anyone or all of the Mexican cartels and you work out a financial deal you know when he was familiar with the legal immigration will tell you this is how this works hey it's me Mr. Dong I just wanted to let you know we're shipping a hundred guys your way what are you going to charge me per guy okay you'll charge this much and for that you'll guarantee that you can get my guy what just into the country okay that's good what if I want what if I want to pay a little more can you ensure that you have a network that can get him up to New York City you can sounds good do you understand how that works well that works the exact same way with a million different groups across the planet including radical Islamist groups jihadi's jihadi's other this has been known for years and it's been the case for years the right of the al Qaeda's of the world they have contacts with the Mexican drug cartels isn't that wild isn't that movie ish to think about that there's a cartel guy as we speak as you're listening to the sound of my voice there's a cartel guy swapping text messages with someone in Isis but that's how it works these terrorist networks have means they have money for lack of a better way to put it they understand that if you want to get someone into the country and not have him be caught that there are ways to do that with the Mexican cartels and so they develop these contacts now that leads me to this we know that Isis groups overseas are sending people from an FBI perspective we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats then emanate from the border there is a particular network that has where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have Isis ties they were very concerned about we talk about the border a lot and I'm going to talk about it here in a minute and as it pertains to you and me and the government and our country and so I am going to talk about it in that way but you know what hit me to finally get to my somber point you know it hit me it's been hit me and I thought about this last week there's going to be a day or a moment I mean it might be tonight you don't know but something bad is going to happen and you pray that it's not on the scale that we have known before people of a certain age myself included we certainly remember 9/11 how sad, angry we were all those dead Americans but we remember that so you hope and pray it's not going to be something like that but there's going to come a day a moment maybe it's tonight maybe it's next week maybe it's three years from now right when you have people in your country who are bad people and you don't know where they are they could be out there planning coordinating getting everything together as we speak we don't know when that day is going to come but there is going to be a moment where it's not just a headline anymore it's not just that you have a bunch of illegals in your kids school it's not just a financial problem it's not just one random crime here or there it occurs to me that there's going to be a moment where we get hit hard hard and that's going to be a dark day isn't it? there will be nothing to celebrate that day but that's what happens when you open up the border of your country on purpose bad people come to hurt you and that's what they've done this has been a podcast from WOR has anyone seen the bride and groom? sorry we're here we were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time no lucky lane casino with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry in that case I pronounce you lucky no purchase necessary void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see website for details