Bava Basra Daf 124
The first story is about taking Pishnayim and Schvach after the father died. In a braisa, the Tanakama says, "Bhara doesn't get Pishnayim," and "Svach, a shiv huna khasan laka misesaviyyim." Rabbi says, "Bhara does take Pishnayim," and "Svach, a shiv huna khasan laka misesaviyyim." But not in Schvach, but in the same way, Lechamisesaviyyim. The Abaman and Darshan loves us like Pishnayim. The terry calls in a mata'ana, just like a mata'ana can only be given from what one possesses. So to Pishnayim is only given from what the father already possessed. Rabbi says, "Pishnayim is to compare the regular portion to the double portion, just like the regular portion is given, even from potential assets." So to the additional portion is given from potential assets, such as these, which are automatic improvements in a ready-owned assets. Second-sucking-of-the-daff, all agree that Lecham receives Pishnayim from a growing palm tree. The Papa says that the father left behind a small palm tree, which became larger after the father's death. Or land, which became more fertile after the father's death, everybody agrees the Bahá'u'lláh gets Pishnayim. The only disagree if Shruts of grain became fully developed after he died, or date blossoms developed on to dates after he died. Rabbi holds that's considered Shruts-of-the-mamehla. And the Abaman and hold, it's considered as if it changed into something new, which the father did not possess, and therefore the Bahá'u'lláh doesn't get Pishnayim from it. Third-sucking-of-the-daff, taking Pishnayim in a lone payment, or ribbess of a debt. Schmool says, "B Bahá'u'lláh doesn't get Pishnayim in a milva." The Gamar proves that this couldn't be according to Rabbi Shrutah, because the bracelet says that a Bahá'u'lláh does take Pishnayim, being the milva, being the ribbess, which must be Rabbi Shrutah. Therefore Schmool has to be gone according to the Abaman. Even though it's obvious that they hold, a Bahá'u'lláh can't get Pishnayim of a debt, which wasn't collected at the time the father was alive. You might have thought that a loan is different, because since he's holding your Shrutah, it's as if it was already collected. Therefore Schmool comes to say that it's not true, but they send from right to solve that a Bahá'u'lláh does take Pishnayim on the milva, but not on the ribbess. Since Rabbi Hold even gets the ribbess, obviously this statement is going to be pointed out about it. They hold that a loan is considered to be already possessed by the father, who had a Shrutah. Zu'qah for life about Zu'qah of Dalad. The first Su'qah in the daf, Makalikah is about taking Pishnayim in Shrutah after the father's death. Second Su'qah ul agree a Bahá'u'lláh receives Pishnayim from a growing palm tree. Third Su'qah taking Pishnayim in a loan or ribbess of a debt. This sin from Zu'qah of Dalad is Cukido. When the owner of delicious Cukido Shr passed away, his Bahá'u'lláh couldn't take Pishnayim in the new branch, the son built afterwards, but did take Pishnayim from the palm trees in the outer eating area, which had grown larger, as well as in the outstanding bills paid by old customers. Cukido reminds of Cukido Dalad. The Bahá'u'lláh didn't get Pishnayim in the new branch of the son's built afterwards. Reminds of the first Su'qah in the daf. Makalikah is about taking Pishnayim in Shrutah after the father died. But they did take Pishnayim from the palm trees in the outer eating area, which had grown larger. Reminds of the second Su'qah in the daf. That all agreed that a Bahá'u'lláh gets Pishnayim from a growing palm tree. And they took Pishnayim from the outstanding bills paid by old customers. Reminds of the third Su'qah in the daf taking Pishnayim in a loan payment or ribbess of a debt.