
Bava Basra Daf 122

Broadcast on:
27 Oct 2024
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"Zukrofala'f'a'zaf kufra'bays" (the first thing in the Daf) "Arritusro" was divided by Shvatim. The Gomar asked if Arritusro was divided according to the Shvatim, with each receiving an equal portion regardless of population, or the Khark of Gavry, according to the heads of the men. The postik says being "ravelamart" which implies that the individual portions were not equal, proving that it was divided by Shvatim. The Aide Reis says that Arritusro is going to be divided amongst 13 Shvatim, because originally it was only divided amongst 12, because originally Shavele David didn't receive a portion, and Yaycef received two, in the future Yaycef and Leville, which received one, and the 13th will be given to the Nussi. So the Brice approves that Arritusro was originally divided into 12 equal portions. The Brice says that there was monetary compensation for those who received less desirable portions. This is not referring to inferior quality land, which was obviously compensated with more land, but refers to the distance from Yushalayim. Another ton of holds, this was also compensated with land. The second "Zukrofala'f'a'zaf" Arritusro was divided by Gairil, and by Uruvitumim. The Brice says it was divided with the Gairil, like the postik says "Arritusrofala'f'a'zaf" and was divided with Uruvitumim. The Brice explains a lot of the Kangal, the world of Uruvitumim, and Yushu and all of Yushal stood in front of him, and a box containing the names of the Shaveleim, another box containing the names of the Nakhlas. A lot of is said with Urukh Adish, Zwulun will be pulled out, and the Khelik of Akhib will come along with him, and that's what happened, and this was repeated to all the Shaveleim and all the portions. Third "Zukrofala'f" two differences between the fathers and mothers and states, the Khar portion and Mizaines. The mission says both the son and the daughter are the same regarding Nakhla, except that the B'ghar gets Pishna'im in Herzia'ev and not in Herzia'ev, and Douras get Mizaines in Herzia'ev but not from Herzia'ev. The mission cannot mean that sons and daughters are Yerush equally, because the son comes a foredaughter. Marbir Vashi ultimately explains that a son and a daughter are Shave'd, but in Herzia'ev and in Herzia'ev, but the mission concludes that there's two differences between them. A B'ghar gets double portion from his fathers and state not from his mothers, and daughters, and daughters are only supported from the fathers and states. Zukrofala'fala'f Khukrofala'f, the first Zukrofala'f, Eretusau was divided by Shave'd, second Zukrofala'f Eretusau was divided by Gairil and Herzia'ev. Third Zukrofala'f, two differences between the fathers and mothers and states, B'ghar portion and Mizaines. The sin for the B'gharfala'f Khukrofala'fala'f is corn on the cob. When the corn farmer divided his field into 12 equal portions for his sons, although some of them have had many more kids, one complained it should have been divided by Gairil and the Herzia'ev and the B'ghar was told that he only gets double in his fathers field, not his mothers. Corn on the cob reminds them of Khukrofala'f, the division of the field into 12 equal portions, even though some had many more kids, reminds them the first Zukrofala'f, Eretusau was divided by Shave'd, one complained that it should be divided by Gairil and Herzia'ev, like Eretusau reminds them the second Zukrofala'f, Eretusau was divided by Gairil and Herzia'ev, and the B'ghar was told that he only gets double in his fathers field, but not his mothers reminds them the third Zukrofala'f, two differences between the fathers and mothers and and others estates to hard portion and mizainous.