
Bava Basra Daf 120

Broadcast on:
23 Oct 2024
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The first thing in the day, if you have it miraculously, regain her physical youth. The postik says that a man from Lavi took Bas Lavi, referring to Amra marrying Yhavad. The Gomara asked that Yhavad was 130 years old. How could you be called a Bas? Bhudavaz Vida said that she became young again. The postik Vida said, because he was already married to her, if Bhudavaz Vida said, he made a full-fledged maisalakurin. He said her in an appearance and Ahran Miriam was dancing in front of her. And the malar Haisharis were saying, "Ama Bonnemus Miriam". Second-sugan Adaf, Benaislavrud could have married into any shavit, and the restriction for others was only for that generation. Schmaul said that Benaislavrud were allowed to marry anyone they wanted, as the postik says Latay, Ben, M, T, N on the notion. When the postik says Latay, Mshbarq has Matay, V.M., it was giving them good advice that they should only marry someone that's fit for them. Rabbi Essner Bracer, which says that the women of that generation were required to marry men from their own shavit. And he answered that Benaislavrud were excluded from this restriction. And this restriction was only for that generation, Rabbi explains, because the postik says Zehadavr davr Zeh, La Yeh-Noyege Al-Abidar Zeh. Third-sugan Adaf, the Halachas that are learned from Zehir Shavar between Afaras and Ahran Shrut Echudz. Although the postik Zehadavr is written regarding Shrut Echudz, this ishir is not limited to that generation, because the postik says Latay Reisa. It also says Zehadavr by Afaras and Ahran, which also doesn't limit it to that generation, because we learn from Shrut Echudz with the Zehir Shavar. Abrais explains that this Gehir Shavar teaches other Halachas. Just like Ahran who bought a Vakhal Yissur al-Arritain in the postik with Shrut Echudz, the same for Afaras and Ahran, which teaches us that you could do Mathan Adarim with three Hadiates. The postik of Afaras and Ahran says Rashi-Amatis, which sounds like it has to be an expert, because a Yachad Mamcha can be Mathan another on his own. The bracelet says that just like Rashi-Amatis are said by Afaras and Ahran, we learn that regarding Shrut Echudz. If Shae Shavar explains that this teaches us that you can be shayal on Hechdish. Bei Shami, who holds you, cannot, has the darshan least spoken differently. Zukaf, la habaz, la kufrath, the first Suga-Nadaf, Yerhevan miraculously regained her physical youth. Second Suga, Benais Slochrath could have married into any shavit, and the restriction for others was only for that generation. Third Suga, a Halachas that were learned from Gzeir Shavar between Afaras and Ahran Shrut Echudz. The same for Abaz, la kufrath, is a cook. The elderly cook, who miraculously regained her youth, as she was about to remarry her husband, had just finished cooking for a family of five daughters, who were marrying men from different shavatim, when she heard from a former customer that the nether he took not to eat from her cooking, was knit there through three hadyatas. Cook reminds daf kufrath, the elderly cook, who miraculously regained her youth, when she was about to remarry her husband, reminds the first Suga-Nadaf, Yerhevan miraculously regained her physical youth. She cooked her a family of five daughters, who were marrying men from different shavatim, reminds of the second Suga-Nadaf, Benais Slochrath could have married into any shavit, and the restriction for others was only for that generation. A former customer, who was matted the nether with three hadyatas, reminds a third Suga-Nadaf, how long has he learned from the Xeir Shavat between our first and our men Shrathikats.