Bava Basra Daf 119
"Zero-flava-bas-lafkuf-itez". The first thing in the Daf, Eretzus-Rall-Murzak-isi. The mission of the Dafkuf design says that Benetz-Slaf-Radd received their father's "Pich-Naim" from Schaeffer's estate because he was a "Buhar". The Gomar asked that this sheer is "Rall", since Schaeffer never entered Eretz-Rall. And a "Buhar" does not take a double portion in "Rall". Rabbi ultimately answers, Eretz-Rall's considered "Murzak-is". So "Buhar" does get "Pich-Naim". The bride says, "Although Moshe-Rbanu knew that Benetz-Slaf-Rall were entitled to be Irish their father, he wasn't sure if they'd get "Pich-Naim" for "Buhar". The Gomar explains that he wasn't a "Supic" if Eretz-Rall's considered "Murzak-is" or "Murzak-is" or "Murz-Murzak-is" because they themselves were not entered "Supic". The second story in the Dafkuf-Rall-Murzak-is of "Kolkam-Kov-le-Tal-Mid", the "Mokamiraf". The "Buhar-Zdaz-Murzak-Radd" stood before Moshe-Rall-Zdaz-Rall-Murzak-isi-M and Kale-edam. The "Murzak-is" about this order is the possible they asked Moshe, then a "Lozar", and they didn't answer and then they went to the "Siem" and the rest of the "Ada". If "Yashia" says, turn around the possek and make the order the other way. And "Buhar-Zdaz-Rall" says they were all sitting together in the basement-ish and they ask the question to all of them. And "Buhar" explains they disagree if "Kolkam-Kov-le-Tal-Mid-Mokamiraf" or not. The "A-Lok-is" that we do, but only if the "Rabbi" gives him "Kov-ed". Third "Siem" that we do, then we do "Slav-Kov-le-Kach-Mani" says, "Darshani" says, "Szad-Kani" says. And they argued if they're considered like a son that their mother is "Potha" from "Ebim", they should also be "Irish". They were "Darshani" because if the father would have had a son, they wouldn't have spoken because they knew that a son is "Irish" first. They were "Szad-Kani" because the only married man there were "Roy" for them. Most of them waited until 40 years old for a proper husband. Even though if this said that a woman can not have children or she gets married at 40, they were "Szad-Katan-As" because of their "Tzad-Kas". "Szad-Kov-le-Vaslov-Kach-Mani" says, "The first again the "Daf" is "Szad-Kach-Mani" says. Second "Szad-Kani" says "Kov-ed-Mokamiraf". Third "Szad-Kach-Mani" says "Darshani" says "Kani" says "Kani" says. This "Szad-Kov-le-Vaslov-Kach-Mani" says "Kait". The five girls flying "Kait" while standing on their double portion of their "Tzrail" that their father was "Mulzakim" since he's "Mulzakim" knew to stand up for the passing Talmud walking with his "Rav" because they were well versed in "Taira" and wise and righteous. "Kait" reminds them of the "Tzad-Kov-le-Vaslov-Kach-Mani" says "Kait" they were standing on their double portion of their "Tzrail" which their father was "Mulzakim" since he's "Tzrail" reminds them the first together "Daf" after "Tzrail" they stood up for a passing Talmud walking with his "Rav" reminds them the second "Szad-Kov-le-Vaslov-Kach-Mani" says "Kait" reminds them the second "Szad-Kov-le-Vaslov" reminds them the second "Szad-Kov-le-Vaslov" reminds them the second "Szad-Kov-le-Vaslov-Kach-Mani" says "Kait"