Bava Basra Daf 118
It's the first thing you have to do, you should be advised to shave it to avoid Aynharah. Abiy is said from the fact that the theory recorded only two complaints. Regarding Khalokim and Eretz Israel, obviously there were no other people that entered Eretz Israel who did not get a hailik. Because if someone else would have complained, it would have been recorded. The Gomar adds that you can't argue and say that only complaints which were successful were recorded like Benite's Tlafrud. Because Shavit Yais' complaint was not successful and was still recorded. But the Gomar response, maybe the theory really only records successful complaints. And Shavit Yais' complaint was recorded because it teaches us in Ace of Teva that a person should be weir of an Aynharah. Like Yeshua told them, if you're such a numerous people, you should hide yourselves from Aynharah. The second slug in the Daf, Shavit Yais if is not subject to Aynharah. Shavit Yais if responded to Yeshua's advice to avoid Aynharah, that they are descendants of Yaisif over whom Aynharah has no power. Because the possek says being Paris Ali Aynh, and have evoadarshans Ali Ali Aynh that they rise above the Aynh. And based on how many people live in possek, the Yid Gulareib beker of Arits, just like the Dogam and the Yab, the water covers over them, and the Aynh has no power over them. So too Zarishah Yais if. Third slug in the Daf, Yishuan Khaleb received the haleb of the Miraglim, the Machleikis about misleitinim and Adas Khayr. The Brice says that Yishuan Khaleb received the haleb of the Miraglim. Ulu explains that the possek says, Yishuan Khaleb shayu min ha'anashimaheim. It can't be literally that they survived, because already says another possek. Rather it means that they lived in their haleb. The Brice also says that the misleitinim and Adas Khayr have no haleb of the Miraglim. The Gmar asks that another Brice says, the Yishuan Khaleb took their haleb, and the Gmar explains that they argue if there's a haleb of the Miraglim. Which would indicate that Yishuan Khaleb got their haleb of the Miraglim, or if there's no haleb of the Miraglim, and that Yishuan Khaleb did not get it. According to the shite, Yishuan Khaleb got their haleb, it can't be referring to those who complained in the mid-bar, because then Yishuan Khaleb would have received nearly all of her haleb of the Miraglim. Rather refers to the complainers of Adas Khayr. (speaking in foreign language) Yishuan is advised to shave at Yishuan to avoid Ainhara. Second, Shave at Yishuan is not subject to Ainhara. Third, Shave at Yishuan Khaleb received the haleb of the Miraglim, the Makhleb is about misleitinim and Adas Khayr. The same for Azlaf Khave at Yishuan Khaleb is Khayral. The family who ate their delicious Khayral, while hiding in the forest so they wouldn't get Ainhara, looked down at the Yishuan family, eating their Khayral in the open, since they were like fish that the eye has no power over them, and who like to picnic in the Miraglim's portion of land, which were given to Yishuan Khaleb. (speaking in foreign language) The family who were eating in the forest, so they shouldn't get Ainhara, reminds of the first together daff. Yishua's Aitza to bene Yaisif to avoid Ainhara. The Yaisif family were eating in the open, because they were like fish that the eye has no power over them, reminds of the second together daff. Shave at Yaisif's response to Yishua, that they're not subject to Ainhara, and they like to picnic in the Miraglim's, they look at the land, which was given to Yishuan Khaleb, reminds of the third together daff. Yishuan Khaleb received the Miraglim's Khaleb, the Makhalik is about mislaying them in Ades Khaleb.