The Howie Carr Radio Network

Podcasts, DiFi Earmarks, and Diversity Training: Breaking Down the Spending Bill | 3.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Your elected officials won't unearth what's inside the $1.2 Trillion spending bill. That's why you tune in to the Grace Curley Show. Grace and Jarred expose the line items for deceased U.S. senators, hundreds of thousands for John Fetterman's passion project, and more money for euphemisms that really mean Critical Race Theory.

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22 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th. To order yours today, go to and use code GRACEBOGO. Live from the Eviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, they stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, Grace Curly Show Nation. Thank you so much for tuning in today and happy Friday, TGIF. Glad you're kicking off your weekend with us. This is also my last show. This is Friday of all Fridays for me, Jared, because I have next week off. This is my last show before I go on vacation. I will miss you guys. I'm excited to unwind a little bit to relax, but I want to make this show as jam-packed and fabulous as possible so I can drive off into the sunset, into my vacation, feeling like I left you all on a high note. You want to leave them on a high note. Last week, fear not. You're in great hands. You've got Aaron Chadborn. A lot of you know him from WGAN. He's a good friend of mine. He's taking over next week. I'm really excited, and I spoke with him yesterday on my way home from work, and we were chatting about what he has planned. Really good stuff, Jared. He's got some friends in high places who he's going to call in for guests for next week. So you all have that to look forward to. He's got a week full of really fun, exciting, interesting shows for you, but let's finish this week of shows off right. Don't let me down. This is just as much about you as it is about me, and the number is 844-500-4242, so you can feel free to call in. We've got the whole first hour open for you guys. Very exciting. By the way, just a little bit of a rundown of what today's show is going to look like. You've got Caroline Levitt joining us in the 1 o'clock perfect timing. I asked her to come on earlier this week. She was busy. She had a speaking event, so then I said, "What about Friday?" And I'm really glad we put it off until today because there's so much Trump news breaking. If you're not familiar with Caroline Levitt, shame on you. She's filled in on this show button. She was the main host when I was on maternity leave, her in Toby Leary, and she's Trump's national press secretary. She's also from New Hampshire, and there's a huge story out of New Hampshire today about it's called the Women's Fairness and Sports Act, I believe is what it's called. She's going to give us her take on that. It's built out of New Hampshire. It's going to stop men from competing in women's sports. It passed the House, so we're still waiting to see what's going to happen with that. She'll also give us some much-needed updates on the Trump re-election campaign and how the former president is handling his ongoing legal battles, including this New York civil fraud trial, which right now seems to be the one that is garnering the most eyeballs. Speaking of that, there are reports out there that Tish James, Latisha James, who ran on getting Trump, that she's looking to seize Trump's Westchester Golf Club in Seven Springs State. That's just north of Manhattan. She registered a judgment against the former president, the Trump Organization, and Donald Trump Jr. in Eric Trump on March 6th. A lot of people are thinking that she's eyeing that property we're waiting to see, but also something I think is worth mentioning here as far as Trump goes. I don't know if anyone else would be surprised by this. I don't have a lot of business savvy, so maybe I'm just out of the loop on the valuations of these companies, but it's good news, nonetheless, even if I did find it surprising, there's a proposed merger involving Trump's social media platform, True Social, and the Digital World Acquisition Corp. It's a publicly traded company, and so I guess the vote is today, so this is all pending on a lot of things, but this is a potential merger, right, and so they're going to vote on it today, and Red State's Brittany Sheehan, she wrote that Trump's potential earnings from this deal are substantial, and that based off his stake, you're probably saying how substantial, well based off his stake in this company, True Social, and the present stock valuation, we're talking about what could translate to $3.5 billion. Now whether or not that's going to change the landscape of his current legal battles and paying this bond in order to appeal the decision from Judge Engron remains to be seen. There's obviously a number of factors at play, but something to keep an eye on and something that we can ask Caroline about when she joins us. Also on the show today, we've got Emma Foley for last call, that's become a real fan favorite, she's going to wrap up the week with us at two o'clock. Now meanwhile, the battle of the budget continues on Capitol Hill today. The House did pass this $1.2 trillion spending boom doggo, and then almost immediately after it passed. So I had planned on talking about some of the crap, the pork that's in here. And really, I've done this story so many times with all of you. It feels like Round Dog Day, where we talk about why Republicans went along with it, why would they get rolled yet again? I think there's two main reasons why. One, and actually I got to give credit here because Laura rise, she's from the Heritage Foundation and she was quoted in Breitbart and she basically said that there's a lot of fear in the GOP about being blamed for a shutdown, like they're terrified of being blamed, especially this close to an election. Yeah, Jared, I know you just rolled your eyes. Jared's, I'm repeating what I heard, sir. No, I know. I just, yeah. Why? Why? They're so afraid of getting blamed for things. And I agree with you. It's like you're, I say this all the time and I'm not, it's not like wonderful advice. It's just the truth. You are going to get blamed either way. Yeah, you're going to get blamed now for passing this ridiculous bill or you can get blamed for blocking the ridiculous bill either way, stand on principle for one of them. Yeah, yeah. We're into these people. You can't govern based off fear of being held accountable one way or the other. And you're right. It kind of reminds me of, this is a specific thing, but when Megan Kelly went to NBC, she left Fox and she went to NBC, somebody interviewed Tommy Lauren outside of Fox, like on the street in New York, and she said something along the lines of, yeah, she's good for her. She made this move. They like her right now, but somebody should let Megan Kelly know they're always going to hate you. They're always going to, it's convenient for them right now to like you, but they're always deep down going to hate you. And she ended up being absolutely right. Megan Kelly went to NBC, time went by. It became clear that NBC didn't want her there, that people on the show didn't like her because they thought she was conservative. And then eventually their hate for her came again, bubbling up to the surface. And you could say the same thing. It's like, don't operate based off the media, giving you a pass. They're always going to blame you. They're always going to hate you. I'm reading stories right now. This is how insane the media is. I'm reading stories right now that go through why Joe Biden is struggling and never an example is Time Magazine, right? They have this big story about Joe Biden. There's a picture of him on a bicycle and it says stuck in the mud. Struggling. Struggling. And the whole story, Jared, I couldn't even get through it because first of all, it was way too many pages, like my attention span at this point. You got to keep it to if it's if it's over five pages, it's got to be really compelling and that this article was not that. But I'm reading it. And the entire article, they don't talk about why Joe Biden is actually struggling. They talk about they all do the same thing. They go, it's amazing how given how much success he's had that it's not translating. That's this story to them. The story to them is this is a man who's accomplished so much and yet voters aren't getting it. But the story is actually we're the ones to blame. We just don't understand. And so I'm reading this whole thing and I'm like, they're never going to be honest with people. They're never going to frame things, honestly. They're never going to, you know, give Democrats whole Democrats accountable for anything they've done wrong. If you could be this bad, if you can suck as bad as Joe Biden and still get a pass from the mainstream media, I've got news for Republicans. There's nothing that's ever going to happen that's going to make them be honest about the situation. They're always, they're lying so hard right now. It's like an Olympic sport. If they can lie with all of this crap going on, with these embassies being evacuated, with the unrest that's happening all over the world, with the video of 100 illegal aliens rushing the border and assaulting the Texas National Guard, if they can not acknowledge any of that and still run cover for Joe Biden, then we've, we've passed the Rubicon. Like it's over for us operate differently. Don't operate under the guise of, oh, maybe they'll write something nice about me. No, they won't. No, they won't. They're going to blame you for it. They always do. So like Jared said, just do what you want. But I think that's one of the factors here. I think the other factor is there's a lot of GOP establishment that do want this past. And Breitbart wrote a story about it that they're like business first Republicans or something. So they, they want all these visas past. They want all these NGOs to get these pots of money from these different agencies from this $1.2 trillion spending thing. So that's an element of a two. I guess that element, if I was going to put it in a category would just be like swamp creatures. There's a lot of swamp creatures who are on the same page as Democrats and just want to spend all of our money. But then it leaves us in this predicament where you have a Marjorie Taylor Greene, who I've actually been agreeing with a lot lately. I've been MTG. She's pretty good. Pretty good. Sometimes her voice goes through me a little bit, but my voice goes through people a little bit. So that shouldn't really be the end all be all. I think a lot of the points she makes are pretty solid. But today she files this motion to vacate Mike Johnson because she's unhappy with the way he's handling this. And this is where I want the callers to weigh in because I'll be honest. I do not want another speaker circus. It's like amateur hour and I get you're not happy with Mike Johnson. I get that. But the same people now who aren't happy with Mike Johnson, they told me that Mike Johnson was going to be the solution if we got rid of Kevin McCarthy. And what I told those people at the time was I understand that you don't like Kevin McCarthy, but we don't have enough of a majority to expect anyone, let alone Kevin McCarthy, to make waves or to make big changes. If you want to see that kind of fundamental change in the house, you have to have a bigger majority. You have to win bigger. You have to win by more. And we didn't do that. And I said that about Kevin McCarthy and the Marjorie Taylor Greens of the party who again I'm not insulting that that wing, but they told me the Matt Gaetz is of the world told me. No, Mike Johnson is the solution. Mike Johnson will be better. Mike Johnson. It's all Mike Johnson. Mike Johnson. Now we got Mike Johnson and people aren't happy with him. And it's like, so what are we going to do another three week circus of finding another speaker who we're not going to be happy with because we don't have that kind of majority in the house? It's just not. I don't think it's the road we want to go down, especially considering we should be focused on the Biden administration, we should be focused on the Democrats. And wait till I read you some of the stuff. It's not going to surprise you. What's in this $1.2 trillion spending bill, but it's still worth mentioning. I mean, podcasts, 300 over $300,000 to a podcast that John Fetterman wants, you know, some podcast about women in business or something, over 300,000 bucks for a podcast. Money for diversity, training, money, die-fies, pet projects are getting money. And that's very strange for a number of reasons, but I looked it up because I couldn't remember it. Die-fi died in September. So do they not go through a process at any point where they're like, yeah, it's like anything else, Jared, you're planning a party, right? You're planning a party gets closer to the date. You look at, actually, that's not a good example. It's a wedding. That's a big party. Okay. Planning a wedding, it gets closer to the date. You start looking at things and going, do we really need that? You know, I wanted to have donuts on this wall that people could grab donuts from. Maybe we don't need them. Maybe we just do a cake. We cut off a little bit. We save a little money there. Yeah, we're going to have this special thing for somebody, but they're dead now. You trim the fat. You don't need it. Has no one looked at this thing since September? They just push it all through. That's the concerning. All the things, the podcast, the diversity training, all this stuff I'm reading about, I'm like, the dive, I think concerns me the most because it makes me think that you guys don't even go through this before you post it at 2.38 in the morning. No one's looked at this in September. Nobody trims the fat. We'll talk about this. What's this bit about the Louisiana purchase? Does this need to be in here? Oh, it's got to stay. It's got to stay. It's too important. It's on the original document. Yeah. Maybe that's what it is. Oh, don't touch it. It's a thing of beauty. We'll talk about this when we come back. We'll take your calls. Let me know what you think about the Mike Johnson situation. I'm curious what the listeners are thinking. 844-542-42. You've been waiting for it. Now it's here. The Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier Bogo offer is on. Jared, sometimes people say, "Well, I want to try it, but I don't know if I need to." You know, buy one get one. First of all, buy one get one free. Even if you don't think you're going to need to, you're crazy not to get on this deal. But also, having two does come in handy. Yeah, absolutely. You're not going to refuse the free bread at the restaurant, right? You're going to let them crazy. Yeah, I'm filing a motion to vacate those flowery, weird smelling oily machines and air fresheners that cover things up. The Thunderstorm is great because it ionizes the air which creates a super oxygen, which eliminates odors the same way it can do with allergens and pollutants. That's why I like having multiple thunderstorm units. I keep one in the car for my allergies because it's great. It comes with a USB cable. I plug it into that, plug it into the port in my car, and I turn it on, I get that ionized air in my car, and I have one in the house in case I need it for whether it's cooking odors, musty basement, tobacco, well, I don't have tobacco smells, but if you do, you can use it to get rid of that. Oh, we're finding out more about you tobacco smells, huh? No, I don't have tobacco smells. I did smoke a piping college, but I no longer do that. He thinks the Lady Doth protests too much. We'll see. We'll see. We'll do an investigation. Yeah, you definitely want to get yourselves an Eden period thunderstorm. The BOGO is the perfect time to do it, and if you want to take advantage of this offer that ends Sunday, go to with Code Grace BOGO. You can get the buy one, get one. That's, Code Grace BOGO. We'll take your calls when we come back. They're listening to The Grace Curly Show. 844-542-42, over 100 migrants broke through razor wire, knocked down guards as they legally crossed El Paso border in a wild scene. This is from the New York Post. They're calling this a spring surge, but you know what's weird, Jared? It feels like this isn't something that is due to seasonality at this point. Yeah, I thought the normal surge because of climate, whatever, was in the fall. I didn't know it was in the spring now. I think it's-- Remember that? Like every year? Oh, this happens this time every year. It's like the doves returning to San Juan, Capistrano. The illegals just crashed the border this time every year. It's becoming a year-round phenomenon. This is like global warming. It's happening all the time now. Yeah, so one of the other parts of this that I thought was worth mentioning is that-- So I guess the reason that all hell broke loose, besides the fact that, well, if I really want to sum it up as simply as possible, the reason is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., but let's get a little more specific. The reason in this case was that the Texas National Guard, and again, this is from the New York Post, was attempting to organize them into smaller groups, but the situation grew tense after some women and children were separated from adult males by the guardsmen, and that is when the group surged. You know what, Jared? You know what they did? They took Joe Biden's instructions from the debate. They surged the border, and they were swearing, they were shouting, and they were scrambling, and the last time-- I think you mean respecting our culture, Chris. Yeah. It was all very respected. The cursing, and the shouting, and the scrambling, and-- Cultural enrichment. Frawling was very respectful, naturally. I'm sorry I didn't mention that. But despite the commotion, the City of El Paso's migrant dashboard showed 743 people had been released from custody and into the US on Thursday. It's almost like, even though these people in this mob were trampling the National Guardsmen and rushing the border, that no one was held accountable for it, and everyone was just released into the country, which I'm sure is a typo. It also says the Bill Melugin from Fox wrote on Acts, "There had been one arrest for assaulting a soldier, one arrest." So just an update for you. And the video, you should watch it. You can see the cover of the New York Post. I think it's on the cover today. You can see this wild bra, you can see pictures of it, but the video is what you really want to watch. Everything else doesn't do with justice. You need to see this video to understand the kind of dire situation that this country is in. And I was thinking about it today, and it has to do with our poll question. I'll save it for when we come back, when I'm going to have time here. But when I see what's happening on the border, forget everything else, forget the economy, forget Hunter Biden's sugar brother, Kevin Morris, forget the IRS whistleblowers, forget all the social issues that are arising, that are very important. If the border alone doesn't wake people up in this coming election, we deserve what we get. Because everyone keeps asking me, like, how can we go on like this? If Joe Biden doesn't win, or I'm sorry, if Donald Trump doesn't win, how can we survive this? How can we survive another four years? I don't think we can, but I don't know how we can blame this on anybody else if this doesn't pan out. We'll be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Getting a couple of texts, people asking me my take on Candace Owens, leaving The Daily Wire, they ended their friend, their relationship, their business partnership today. I don't follow, The Daily Wire seems to have, they have big personalities, and if something comes across my desk, like some clip of Candace Owens or Ben Shapiro, who I know have had their own public skirmishes over the last couple of months involving Israel and their different stances on Israel, Candace Owens saying things that some people perceive to be anti-Semitic. She says no, she's taken out of context, and she's just very anti-funding wars in other places. Ben Shapiro obviously doesn't feel that way, and so I have been following that to a degree, but I think sometimes too, when Candace Owens probably gets paid a lot of money from The Daily Wire, if I had to guess, I think it's probably a pretty substantial amount of money, and sometimes when that relationship ends, she's saying, "Oh, I'm free, I'm free, and I've got other stuff cooking," and they're saying, "All right, the relationship's over." It might be just a situation where I'm not sure if they were going to re-sign her anyway. Like maybe it's because of all of this back and forth with Israel and her very public battles with Ben Shapiro, but maybe it just was going to come to an end either way, and they're both kind of profiting off of the scandal or the drama surrounding it. So that's one update, and also in the media world today, which I find more interesting than the Candace Owens thing, is Roda McDaniel joining NBC. McDaniel will start in her role on Sunday with an appearance on Meet the Press, with Kristen Welker. She will sit for an interview. This is from Deadline. McDaniel will appear on NBC News and MSNBC, and will be part of the network's campaign and election night programming. Now, what I said about Meghan Kelly joining NBC, and it's funny, I just mentioned this in the opening, I said that Tommy Lauren had made the comment way back when with Meghan Kelly, where she said, "They're always going to hate you." That is not true of Ronah McDaniel, and the reason why is because Ronah McDaniel has the key that will make Democrats love you. It will make Democrats have that strange new respect. It's the same key that her uncle has held for a very long time, and that is if you lose, if you lose and you lose in such a way like you have a gift for it, you have a talent for losing, they will like you because you are a useful idiot. You are someone who they can count on to lose to time and time again. So I think she'll probably do pretty well at NBC. I think she'll be welcomed with open arms. Now, we are talking about two different things, two big things in this first hour. Of course, the migrant crisis, we talked about that video that has taken the country by storm of 100 migrants, breaking through razor wire, knocking down guards. It looks like something, you know, we keep hearing about unrest and Haiti, unrest in all these places. It looks like something, a video from there because it's just mayhem, but it's actually in El Paso, and as I'm telling you that, I should also mention that here in Massachusetts, the Senate has approved up to $840 million for state-run shelters, teeing up negotiations with the House. This is from the Boston Herald. Now, the spending bill that passed the Senate on a 32 to eight vote inches beacon held closer to figuring out how to temporarily finance a flailing emergency shelter network that is projected to run out of money this spring amid record demand on services, declining state revenues, and no help from Washington. This is from the Boston Herald. One thing I thought was interesting in this article, it says Massachusetts is spending about $75 million each month. And I hear that, and it's funny how certain figures hit you and others don't. Like I hear $75 million each month, I go, "Okay, whatever." Money is just a concept at this point. We're spending $1.2 trillion and $300,000 of it is going to a podcast. So what's another $75 million in Massachusetts, you know? But then I heard this figure and I thought, now that does blow me away, $10,000 per family. Damn. It makes sense that we're running out of money on the 7500 migrant and local families that are living in a sweeping net of emergency shelters across the state. And the part of this that Marhele and other Massachusetts politicians don't want to harp on is that there's no end in sight to this. Like they can put on, now they keep talking about these time restraints they're going to put on the shelters. You know, oh, there's a limit to how long people can stay. I'm calling bull on that one. What are you going to do? They're going to kick people out. And then they have, "Well, we're going to put a limit on how long people can stay, but with all of these exceptions." And then they add in all these exceptions. By the time you're done with the exception chair, nobody has to leave. Everybody's exempt from the actual time restraint or constraint, however you want to put it. And one other thing on the border, a senior leader of the notorious MS-13 gang was captured on the California-Mexico border earlier this month after more than three years on the land, one of the FBI's most wanted fugitives. Andre's Parada has been one of the FBI's most wanted list with a $10,000 reward being offered for information leading to his arrest. Only we could get him a work visa more quickly. All this would be solved. That's part of the 1.2 trillion, sir. Hold your, you know, just hold your horses. We're working on that. Mike Johnson is doing everything he can. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gale at 800-521-0111 or go to Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which issue is going to hurt Biden the most come election time? The economics, the border crisis, is handling of the Israel Hamas war, hunter family corruption or the her reports. So the her report says he's old. Everybody knows that. You know, like nothing in that report should surprise you. The only thing that was surprising is that her had the audacity to write it down. As far as hunter goes, again, once there was pictures of him smoking crack in a bathtub and that didn't really rile people up at all, except for a handful of conservatives. That's when I lost faith that that was going to move the needle for people. So I'm going to say in the economy, yes, the economy is always important come election time, but I'm going to say the border. I'm going to say that if you're looking at this and you don't understand that if we don't get this under control and fast, that we will no longer be a country. I mean, I don't know how you can be a country. If you don't protect your borders and furthermore, we protect everybody else's. We're very passionate about protecting other countries, borders. We just don't give a flying. You know what about our own and there's video of this. There is a new story every day about an American citizen whose life is, you know, been taken too early, whether you're talking about Lake and Riley or that young boy that was run over. I mean, there's so many different stories, Kate Steinle, Molly Tibbetts that come to mind. And so I think overall, out of all of these issues, if that one doesn't wake people up out of this slumber of ignorance, then I don't know what will 74% of the audience agrees on the border crisis, 19% say by economics, 3% for the Hamas Israel war, 2% for hunter corruption and 2% for the her report. Yeah, let's talk a little bit about, well, you know what, Jerry, let's let's talk a little bit about what's in this bill, $1.2 trillion spending, though, it's a lot of dough. And you might be thinking, well, I'm sure a lot of this is going to make the country stronger and safer. You would be mistaken. I want to start with the one that stuck out to me, Senator John Federman to get $368,000 to fund, built by us podcast, a new $1.2 trillion spending bill, again, feels like something that on the final round at 2 a.m. could have been on the chopping block. Like was there a list of things that they should they should categorize it like, okay, things we definitely want to keep in things that we're unsure about and things that can definitely go? I would put this on on that category of things that definitely could have been cut off at the last minute. You built by us podcast gets $368,000 and I understand that compared to 1.2 trillion, you're like, well, that's that's a chomp change, but it's still $368,000. Like, if you gave that to a regular family, they could stretch that out here. They could that could change a life, $368,000. That is a decent sum of money for a family. Yeah. I mean, that's what we're giving these migrant families. So you can see how far it would go. So naturally, I'm expecting that the built by us podcast is going to top like Joe Rogan on the charts, right? You know what I'm going to check and see if they have an opening. And if you're listening and you're like, hey, Grace, I listen to a lot of podcasts. You know, I consume a lot of content. Well, what's this one about? Maybe I'll tune in. If it's worth $368,000 to fund it, surely it's something people will be interested in. Well, I'll give you a little, a little description. The project description for built by us states that it is to support women and minority-owned small businesses through technical assistance and incubator type services. Us rule. The latest episode of the total eight episodes. Eight episodes. Is that per season? Eight episodes? Good God. How many episodes have we done? Eight episodes? If we're going to fund this thing for $368,000, I hope they put somewhere in the contract that we want at least 15 or, well, you know what, what does a sitcom have to put out? Like the 30 episodes of season. I want 30. And what if you do 20, 20 is far? There's a chef, there's a chef that's an interview with the chef is one of the episodes. So if you're interested in that, go find it. I don't know how to help you. Everybody must eat. It's just insane. New spending bill contains at least $9 million in earmarks from deceased Senator Diane Feinstein. So from beyond the grave, she still was able to affect what got into this spending bill. It's amazing. Think about that. Think about how ineffective the Republican Congress people are. Whether we're talking the Republican senators, Congress people, think about how ineffective Republicans are versus a deceased Democrat senator. That's how that's how much they have it in the bag for Democrats. It's like that beyond the grave, they do more than are very much alive Republicans can accomplish. I'm sorry. I don't mean to depress all of you before we head into the weekend, but it's true. $9 million in earmarks for DiFi, several projects in the state of California and listen, hey, you know what? I'm going to be always try to be generous here. I'm going to let's just go out in the limit and say, Grace, these projects are really great. You know, they're projects for California Indian traditional food incubator to the San Diego Zoo wildlife alliance. So they run the gamut, okay? And let's just say that I was on board with all of these projects. If you gave me all the details, I go, perfect. I think these are great. Don't you think that when passing this $1.2 trillion bill and trying to convince the American people that, oh, no, no, we, we definitely read everything and we definitely did all the research. And even though we put this through at two 38 in the morning, we really tried to go over it with the fine tooth comb. Don't you change the name of the person who's backing it to someone who's alive? Isn't there someone else in California who could say, listen, you know, die if I really wanted these things. We're going to put your name in there instead and you can support it. But don't you change up the name just to appear as though you looked at this within the last four months? It's like when you're copying a resume and all of a sudden you went for Yale because you forgot to change it. You got to change. Yeah. You're right. It's like when you're copying someone's homework and you're like, yeah, change it up a little bit though. You know what I mean? We don't want to look like we just did the exact same thing. Write a couple of things in there that could be that might get you a different score by just a little bit. But no, they just put it out there with Feinstein, Feinstein, Feinstein. It's amazing. All this stuff for the San Diego Zoo and it all passed. And then we have, and here's one that's $87 million worth of spending, okay, social and emotional learning. Now that, that is very misleading. Whenever you read something that sounds like it involved, it would be in a, a utopia, like it sounds Orwellian and how wonderful it is, it's the same as gender-affirming healthcare where you go, what's, what's involved? The nicer it sounds, usually the more politically slanted it is. Yeah. That's just what their rebranding CRT is. Yes. It's all about critical race theory. It's all about, there's several different things in here. They call it a dream list of progressive, you know, it's a progressives wish list of things they want in the curriculum. The data collection involved in social and emotional learning implementation poses major risks to the privacy of students and faculty. This is Max Eden in the American Enterprise Institute. And even without the ideological turn in data privacy concerns, tend to resemble the practice of unlicensed therapy. Yeah. $87 million. And you know who's heading this up? Well, the education secretary, Miguel Cardona, who I believe was the guy who thought that when, when Reagan said I'm from the government and I'm here to help you, that he was saying it seriously, like Reagan was a huge fan of the government and the education department. He wasn't a fan of a hiker, by the way, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll keep breaking this down when we come back. And also I have an update for everyone on Bob Menendez speaking of Democrat senators who are able to accomplish more than Republicans, even when they have several different cases, court cases, they're battling. We'll talk about Bob Menendez, Bobby, gold bar, Bob back in the news. The Nossopee Gin just opened reservations for spring. Jared, you stay at the Nossopee Gin. What do you remember the most about your visit? I just remember how much we loved the tranquility that you get because you're right there on the beach. So whatever room you're in, you're literally steps from the beach. My wife and I, we went there in the off season and we love sitting by the fire pits drinking our morning coffee. There are trails around there that you can hike. You can just walk up and down the beach. Everything's right there. If it's a little chilly, every room has a fireplace and a picture window so you can stay nice and cozy. And the best thing about it is if you didn't just get $368,000 in discretionary spending, you can still afford the Nossopee Gin. Yeah, because right now the prices are unbelievable. They're always really great. But the April stays of the Nossopee Gin are from $249.99 a night. You cannot beat that. And the May rates are from $259.99 a night. So don't delay. These rooms go fast. To reserve your Ocean View room, go to, that's People here, 508 has a good point, the goal of the legislation, we're talking about the time restraints on the shelters in Massachusetts, is to get the headline in and get local Boston media to report on the headline that they are putting time limits on migrant housing. It's about convincing the uninformed and moderates, half paying attention that they're doing something and fixing it. Yeah. No, you're right on the money with that. No. Does anyone believe that? All of a sudden they're going to say, oh, you have to get out of here. And Melnea Cass, they're bringing people, they're doing people's laundry. They're bringing in three meals a day and then suddenly come a certain arbitrary date. They're going to go, no, you've got to get out of here. Your time's up, nobody, nobody can believe that. Even the uninformed, half paying attention, we'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks, I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. One of the big stories we've been talking about recently is out of Rockland. A Haitian illegal alien is accused of raping a young, disabled girl. And Maura Healy, the governor of Massachusetts, was asked about this by Boston 25. Can I hear this cut, Jared? This is cut one. We asked Governor Healy if she can prevent this type of incident from happening again. Unfortunately, we have security and systems in place, we have vetting in place. It is unfortunate that from time to time things will happen. That's rough. That's reminiscent of hold it. Yeah, that's kind of her go-to. Horrible person. That's her go-to in these incidents. You know who's going to have a field date with that? I'm worrying about Maura Healy right now because I don't think that Howie Carr is going to let that one go by any means. She said, "Unfortunately, things will happen." Aren't you the governor? I love how these people answer these questions. By the way, incidents, I think we should be a little bit more specific with our terminology. But these public officials, these government officials, they act like they're just a regular person like a man on the street interview. These things will happen. Don't you have a job where you're supposed to prevent these things from happening? That's the best answer you can come up with? Caroline Levitt joins the show after the break.