The Howie Carr Radio Network

Senator Kennedy's latest slam dunk plus RFK Jr's controversial running mate | 3.21.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Everyone's favorite Senator from Louisiana is back in the questioning chair, and this time he's going after clowns with law degrees. Then, Howie and Grace discuss the concept of "forgiveness" and the supposed running mate for Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

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21 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at [MUSIC PLAYING] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. Tell me what you meant by a salt weapon. Senator Kennedy, actually, I did not write the brief. Tell me what you meant by a salt weapon. I don't remember the exact definition of a salt weapon. Well, I thought you were an expert. And you said I'm the boss of salt weapons, and you don't know what you wanted them to abolish. So I am not a gun expert. Literally, I'm very few subjects. I'm an expert on, and I'm an expert on elastic. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. You might think that Hispanic voters might be the types of folks who would have a backlash against Donald Trump's remarks, right? They have to close the borders. Our country is dying. Our country is being overridden. This is an invasion. Ain't the case. If you ask Hispanic voter, who do they trust more on border security and immigration? Overwhelmingly, they trust Donald Trump more. By a tremendous margin, look at that. 49% to 24%. Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's-- Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show, another day. And another-- all these stories are new, but they're all reminiscent of older stories. Do they ring a bell? Another Trump family hoax in the media. Another Biden judicial nominee wrecked again by John Kennedy. Another racist remark by Joe Biden. Another Harvard anti-Semite outed. Another death threat against Donald Trump. Another student loan debt cancellation for people who need it less than the people who aren't having their debts canceled, but who are more likely to vote Democrat. Like I said, it's just another day. Just another day. 844-500-4242, 844-500-4242. Welcome to The Howie Carr Show. We have a great, great cheap bastard deal today, one of the most popular ones we have. I'll just tease it that way. We also have Turtle Boy will be joining us at 605. Another strange, strange day in court yesterday. Do you know that they're now the McAlberts, the people that are the witnesses, and the Karen Reid's defense team says they have the suspects in the murder? They made a lot of phone calls on their cell phones at 2, 2.30, 3 o'clock in the morning. You know what their lawyers are saying? They were butt dialing. They were asleep in bed, and they were butt dialing. Does that make any sense to you, Taylor? You're butt dialed at 2.30, 3 o'clock in the morning when you're asleep. All the time. My phone's in the nightstand. My hand just floats over to it, and I dial somebody's number. It could happen to anybody. We'll talk more about this. I don't know how this case can go forward. This case should be thrown out even quicker than the Georgia case should be thrown out of court involving President Trump. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. I think I'm going to start today, though, with John Kennedy. You know, he asked these judicial nominees. The only thing they have in common is that they're not white males, or they're not straight white males. That's the only qualification you need to get a judgeship. So John Kennedy yesterday, I guess, had this woman. She's on the US District Court right now in Illinois. She's a white woman, but her last name is Maldonado, so she gets to check the box, and she claims to be a woman of color. So again, that's all the credentials she needs. And she went to Harvard, so whoop the damn do, right? Whoop the damn do. And then she went to Columbia Law School. Columbia, the alma mater of such empowering intellects as KJP and Barack Obama. So you can imagine she's a real rocket scientist, this Nancy Maldonado. So sometimes he asks him kind of technical questions, like what's the difference between a stay and a restraining order? I mean, a lawyer should know that, but again, these are box checkers. These aren't real lawyers. And so someone could say, well, I didn't know that either. But now this is-- sometimes when you say something, you should know what it means. Or you should have the facts to back it up. This woman, Nancy Maldonado, did a very mall job. That's a spad, yo, for bad. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Maldonado. OK, so here's-- let's set up the question here. This is Senator John Kennedy, Republican, Louisiana. He's reading from a brief that she filed 10 years ago, cut 13. You said, quote, assault weapons may be banned because they're extraordinarily dangerous and are not appropriate for legitimate self-defense purposes, close quote. Tell me what you meant by assault weapons. Thank you, Senator Kennedy. Just to clarify there, I was local counsel. But you wrote the brief. Tell me what you meant by assault weapons. Senator Kennedy, actually, I did not write the brief. The brief was written by-- You signed the brief, though, do you? Correct, I signed the brief. Signed the brief, you're testifying to the court that everything in it is true, right? Yes, and I-- So they're your words in terms of the court, right? Well, you're correct, Senator Kennedy. Yes, yes. But you know, my name is Maldonado. I'm not expected to know anything. How do you think I get into Harvard at Columbia Law School? Cut 14. Tell me what you meant by assault weapons. So I am not a gun expert. And at the time, that brief, I think, was about 10 years-- Given the court advice about, say, ban assault weapons, what is-- I'm just-- you told the court you were an expert. Just tell me what you wanted to ban. Senator, sitting here today, as I said, I did not write that brief. I was local counsel. Sign the brief. I understand. At the time-- Tell me what you wanted to ban. That's all I'm going to know, Judge. I don't remember the exact definition of assault weapons in the ordinance that was at issue. So you submitted a brief to the-- on the penlet brief, you signed it, and you don't know what-- and you said about assault weapons, and you don't know what you wanted them to abolish? Again, again, Senator, my name is Maldonado. I am a person of color. I know I look white, and I was born in Skokie, Illinois, not Nicaragua. But I am a member of a protected class, and you better lay off me just because I don't know what I'm talking about. How does that make me any different than any other nominee that Brandon has sent up here to the Senate Judiciary Committee? So here she is. She stands by her record, 15. Senator, at the time that I signed the brief, I read the brief, because our Supreme Court required someone, an Illinois bar member, to sign the brief. I was not responsible for researching the content. You were responsible for the brief. I-- Absolutely, absolutely. And sitting here today, I do not remember the characteristics that were cited in the ordinance for assault weapons. She never knew. It's not an area of practice that I have specialized in. I'm sure 10 years ago, I could have answered your question. It's sitting here. That's a lie. You think you deserve to be promoted? Senator, I stand by my record. I stand by my record. I sound by my box checking. I am a woman of color. That's all I need to stand by. That's why I got the job, OK? You know it, and I know it. 844-542. Let's do one more before we go to the break. This is the-- that's one of the standing heads, Kennedy. And I know people text the end saying he votes lousy, though, doesn't he, how? He does. He does. Many times, he makes the wrong votes, like in giving more money to Ukraine, to the oligarchs. But again, I try to take people one day at a time, one day. If they give me something good that day, I'm not going to shun them for all time. But this is Katie Porter. She's angry. She dumped the potatoes on her estranged husband's head. And now she-- now the voters of California dumped the potatoes on her in the primary a couple weeks ago. She's out of the Congress in January, and she's angry about it. So it must be Donald Trump's fault. Cut 16. And so people were like, we got to think everything. Every decision has to be made in tension with Trump. Soon, Trump will lose, or go to prison, or I don't know. I have a heart attack. I'm not sure. We called him. I don't know what his demise is going to be. But he'll have his demise. And the question will still be there. Who are we as Democrats? Can you imagine? Again, I know I use that phrase too often. Can you imagine if a Republican-- say Marjorie Taylor Greene, just to pull a name out of the air, had started talking about Biden's demise, it would be a hate crime. There's no question about it. It would be 24/7 on state-run media. But hey, nothing to see here, folks. Move along. 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If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, Darsh? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howey Car radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows and exclusive podcast-only features. Ah, it's actually not a bad idea. The emperor of hate Howey Car is back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nauset Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at Nauset Beach Inn with April rates starting at $249.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with a fireplace, go to And it also has two queen-size beds, plenty of room for the kids, in other words. That's, And we had a lot of response to our poll question the other day, which member of the US Senate do you dislike the most? So we decided to just do a similar poll question today. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is in your opinion, who is the worst Democrat in the US House? And I know there were so many potential picks. We're already getting complaints on the text line that we didn't put in Ilhan Omar, or we didn't put in Debbie Wasser, Blabbermouth Shultz, or et cetera, et cetera. But again, Sheila Jackson, Lee, Corey Bush, there's at least 200 of them, right? But we only had room for eight or nine. So who have we got there, Taylor? Iana Presley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Talib, Dan Goldman, Jamie Raskin, Eric Swalwell, Jamal Bowman, or Adam Schiff? I'm going to go with the local gal, although she's really from Chicago. Iana Presley. 6% say Iana Presley. Really? 51% say Adam Schiff, 13% for AOC, 12%-- Well, he's a real low-- he really is a local boy. He was born in Framingham and lived in Framingham and went to Harvard Law School. So he's really more of a local than Iana Presley, I guess. But he's on his way out. He's going to the Senate, I think, sadly. I'd love to see Steve Garvey beat him, but I don't think it's going to happen. So Adam Schiff is running away with it. I'm surprised. How many did Jamie Raskin get? 10%. 10% after his disgraceful performance the other day? That's a surprise. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm just going to play a couple more cuts here that I've been getting to enough cuts the last few days. Mike Walts is a good Republican congressman from Florida. And he had an interesting take on Eric Swalwell, a fang fang fang fang talking about the Chinese in the US government. Again, remember fang fang? They said she was dead in a plane crash. Now pictures have shown up of her on social media. And apparently she or someone who looks a lot like her, or maybe it's one of these AI photos, like with the royal family, allegedly with the royal family. Maybe she's gone and they're just bringing her back through AI. But anyway, she's back in the news with Swalwell. So this is representative Mike Walts of Florida. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I find it incredibly rich. Mr. Swalwell was going to come to this committee and lecture us about how China penetrates our government. I think that's something he may know a thing or two about. But let's talk about how China has penetrated the highest levels of this government, including this president and this White House. Because I think the visual is incredibly important. Penetrated. I think considering fang fangs a job as an alleged spy, I think Swalwell penetrated the Chinese government if you want to look at it that way. 844-542-42. Here is Ilhan Omar. She's been quiet lately. That's why she's not on the list. Rashida Talib has been more obnoxious since October the 7th. And certainly AOC deserves to be on there for her idiocy yesterday with the Rico statute. Pete, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Pete. Hi, Howie. I love you, Cheryl. Hey, I think Adam Schiff should be first of line when they're dishing out the tyrant feathers. But I also wanted to say that I love listening to Senator Kennedy. That man is the best at winding it to one that I've ever heard. Yeah, they never seem to learn anything either, do they? I mean, they know that he's going to come after him, right? But they don't seem to do any homework. But the best I liked was when he asked my AOC if he just parachuted in from another planet. Does that make me chuckle every time I think about it? I know. I just wish he had a little better voting record. But you can't have everything. I mean, I know the University of Virginia has a very good law school, one of the top public law schools in the United States. But you know, he's got to get a chuckle. He's just taken out all these Ivy League box checkers, these people who had no business being in any kind of major-- job or role where you have to have some education, some real education, not just checking the right boxes. He's got to really enjoy it. I mean, I know I enjoy watching him do it. 844-542-207, the worst Democrat in Congress, his speaker, Mike Johnson. He must be the Democrat to put forth the spending bill. Yeah, what is he going to let Netanyahu speak, by the way? I thought he was pondering. What's the ponder? Let Netanyahu come in and address the house. And did you see Schumer will not refuse to meet with Netanyahu after he basically called for his overthrow? Election interference, and then he won't talk to this guy. I'm sure Schumer has known Netanyahu for decades. But he can't take the heat shock to get out of the kitchen. How we got? [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-542-844-542, and again, we'll have Turtle Boy on at the six o'clock hour to discuss the latest unfolding developments in the Karen Reed murder case in his own situation, which is deeply involved in the Karen Reed murder case. Time, though, now for Grace with the news. Yes, Howard. You mentioned this right out the gates, but Biden has canceled nearly $6 billion in student loans for public sector workers. This brings his total student debt. You need to say that for public sector workers. I knew that, Grace. As soon as I heard the headline this morning on the radio driving in, I knew it was for public sector workers. It's not for a guy who works on an assembly line actually doing something. Or a guy who's in a truck repairing air conditioners or an electrician, like your husband. No, those are the people that are helping with the forgiveness. They're not being forgiven. Right. They're not getting it right off on their credit cards or their auto payments or their real estate taxes. Alimony, they're not getting it right off on any of that. It's only for people in the public sector. Forgiveness is one of those things. Not everyone can get it. Someone has to be the one giving it. And in this case, Biden has given 143.6 billion dollars worth of forgiveness. You know, they say there's an old saying, it is better to give than to receive. I don't think I ever believed that. But I definitely don't believe it now. Yeah, that's not one of the sayings that I think you would hold close to your heart ever. Republicans have often criticized student debt cancellation plans, noting that the loans will be transferred to taxpayers who will ultimately end up footing the bill. This is when the New York Post, the latest plan comes as Biden seeks re-election in November. And as the national debt has already shot past 34.5 trillion. So I get that he's trying to do this to buy votes before the election. But I also think he's leaving some people in the lurch with the hope of, you need to vote me in again. And I'll keep doing it. You know, you don't want to forgive everybody the first go round. But you know, even if he forgave, quote unquote, everybody cancel the student debt, it would still be maybe 10% of the population. And that's the 10% that are probably going to vote for him anyway. Because again, they're in the public sector. Yeah, most of them. And how about the 90% that are going to pick up the tap? Do you think they appreciate, you know, I mean, he's inviting all these millions of foreign freeloaders into the country. So this is, is this the equity program for domestic freeloaders? Well, to that point, you just brought up the border crisis. And that actually makes me think of the same thing. It's like, OK, so all of these things, and you have more Healy, Mayor Wu, all these people saying, we need more money. It's like, that's a temporary fix. If that, you're not stopping the flow. You're not shutting off the water. And you could say the same thing about the student loan forgiveness. It's like, OK, so the people that have debt right now, you're going to wipe away their debt to a degree or whatever. But there's still people racking up debt because these colleges are still charging absurd amounts of money for tuition. Like, when do people start focusing on that problem? Never, never. It's, and again, they want higher taxes on so-called billionaires. Harvard, I keep going back to this, Grace, has an endowment of $50 billion, $50 billion. All the rich Ivy League schools have endowments of up over most of them $20 billion. You know, you want to have a wealth tax? How about a wealth tax on Harvard? Yeah. Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Chicago. I'm not opposed to them having billion dollar endowments. I just want to have a fair version. Right. That's all I ask. You know, it's fine. It's fine to make money and to fundraise and have endowments, but just a fair version. I know, Elizabeth Warren, the fake Indian and Bernie Sanders, whose wife ran a college into the ground, the fake Indian says, I want a wealth tax of 2%. Bernie said, I'll match that and I'll raise you to 3% for a wealth tax. Well, Bernie, are you going to pay enough 3% wealth? No. No, I'm talking about a million there. I'm only a million there. The Bernie Sanders impression is going off their way. This is a situation. Was that Yogi Bear? Hey, you know, his wife-- I get angry about his mom. Oh, his bums. His bums want to tax people who work. And they have more money than me. Hey, hey, hey. Or anybody else who works. Biden and Bernie Sanders, they both made their money the old fashioned way, OK? They wrote books. That's how they became millionaires. So stop smearing them. Now, the other thing I want to add in here is you just mentioned Bernie Sanders' wife. Can you refresh my memory on that? Was that a carpentry school or something that she ran into the ground? What was the story there? No, it was this little-- I think it was a Catholic school originally in Burlington, Vermont. Jane, right? That's her name, Jane? Yeah. And she wanted to expand it. And so the bank wouldn't give her any money because she didn't have any collateral. It's funny how those things work. A bank doesn't want to give you money if you can't pay it back, unlike Donald Trump. They were on to something needless to say. So she got somebody to say, I'm going to give-- I'm going to give Burlington College or whatever its name was, $9 million. And so she took the note. And she said, here's the note. I'm going to get $9 million. And by the way, my husband is the mayor, or the congressman, or the senator, whatever he was at the time. And they gave her the money. And of course, there was no $9 million. And the college went belly up. And it was referred to the US attorney, I think, when Bush was president. And some of the local Republicans-- because there were a handful of them still in the Green Mountain state at the time-- they referred it to the US attorney, but nothing ever came of it. It was Democrats. Yeah, the Sanders family doesn't get enough credit for being really top-notch grifters. They're not as sexy as the Bidens with the cocaine and the crackpipes and stuff. But they're pretty good at grifting. Yeah, again, at least Biden technically has a profession. He's nominally a lawyer, right? What is Bernie Sanders' actual profession or trade? What job has he ever held? He's looking nutty professors. We're going to have to move on, because there is no answer to that question. Yeah. All right, Jen Psaki has a MSNBC show now. And she's giving a warning to Joe Biden, which I thought was interesting. She said that third-party presidential candidates like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are the biggest challenge to President Biden's reelection chances. These third-party candidates are a huge, huge, huge problem. And there's a number of them. She told Mika Brzezinski on Morning Joe before specifically talking about how RFK Jr. has powerful name recognition in certain parts of the country. Also, all the Kennedys were at the White House a few days ago. They were all in green, and they didn't invite RFK Jr. to come with them. He's no longer wealthy. Biden has given jobs to all of them. Caroline Kennedy, she's an ambassador somewhere. Joe, Joe, Joe Kennedy, he's the special envoy to Ireland. There are a couple more of them who have jobs. But do you think that's true? Do you think that RFK Jr. and third-party candidates are the biggest threat to Joe Biden? I would think that RFK Jr. would be more of a threat to Donald Trump. No, I think he's more of a threat to Biden. Well, that's good news, at least. I think somebody asked that he's going to name his running mate tomorrow, and it's this woman named-- I think her name is Eileen Shanahan. And she used to be married to one of the owners of Google. So she's got billions as a divorce settlement. Somebody asked for RFK Jr. if she wasn't a billionaire, would she be a running mate? I thought that was a really good question. And I don't know what his answer was. I mean, I'm sure he was a hamana, hamana, hamana. But it's legit, for sure. No, definitely. Howie, the last story here. Main rejects sweeping electric vehicle mandate and blow to governor's climate agenda. Main's top environmental regulator rejected a proposed state electric vehicle mandate in a surprise vote, bucking climate concerns voiced by eco groups and Democrats. The main board of environmental protection turned down the so-called Advanced Clean Cars program. We mentioned that yesterday when it broke. I mean, it's a good victory for Maine. But I wonder how long it's going to last. This is one of those things where they'll always go into court and find a nut judge like Maldonado or somebody like that. So they get their way. McAfee, someone who doesn't care, just does whatever he's told. He or she is told. The proposed program would have closely married regulations approved in California. You just missed out on being more like California. Mandating that at least 51% of new car purchases in the state be electric by 2028. And on that same note, howie, this is a different story, but we were talking about it earlier. The Environmental Protection Agency, they released what they call the strongest ever pollution standards. We talked about that yesterday. But I just wanted to read you just a few facts here. It says the five year cost to own an average electric vehicle is more than $92,000 according to the North American Auto Dealers Association. Compare that to a typical gas powered vehicle, which over the same period cost $76,500. And another problem that a lot of EV people, or EV buyers are facing, is that the chargers are level two, which the magazine US News Notes is fine. If you have time to kill, repair issues compound even the limited levels of charging as only 73% of chargers and some major centers are in working order. - Well, the good news is there, Grace, that a huge percentage of people buying EVs don't have jobs. So it's, you know, the time is not a real big problem. - Time is just a social construct. - Point me to a point, my dear. - Yeah, did you see the speaking of people who have time to kill the protesters outside of Biden's hotel today in Texas? - No, what are they doing? - Pro-Palestinian, you know, Pro-Hamas protesters outside the hotel with signs. Just doing what they always do, just marching around. - I've got the Harvard employee, but I think the big story today in Texas is over 100 migrants break through while-- - I saw that. The video is crazy. - Knock down guards as they illegally cross El Paso and border and wild scene. - Any fire extinguishers used? - I, oh, what a mess. - That's it for me, Howie. - What a mess. Okay, we will be right back. We have a great, great, cheap bastard deal. Coming right up, 844-542, 42. I'm Howie Carr. - The Howie Carr show will be right back. (upbeat music) (dramatic music) - You're listening to The Howie Carr show. (upbeat music) ♪ It's Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal ♪ - Oh, yeah. - Sounds good to be true. - Oh, no, it's real and it's a steal. ♪ You know there's plenty more ♪ ♪ When you shop at Howie store for another ♪ ♪ Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal ♪ ♪ Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around ♪ - Every day, you'll learn something new. What I learned today is you can't tease the 110-grill cheap bastard deal. 'Cause I teased it once or twice. Now it's time for the 110-cheap bastard deal, the 110-grill cheap bastard deal, and it's all sold out already. - Bye-bye. - So the mailroom manager is angry at me and I said, "I'm gonna make a tale of the fall guy here." 'Cause he put it up at 3.30. It's his fault. It's his doing. - I'll take that failure of success, okay? - But we're happy. We're happy that everybody got to, and we'll have more as time goes on, but there won't be more teases for it, and it'll go on later. With the 110-grill, modern American cuisine in a trendy casual atmosphere, it's a great place or it wouldn't have sold out before the deal even started. With over 30 locations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and New York, you're sure to find a 110-grill, not too far from you. While supplies last they're gone, you could have purchased a gift card value to $50 for just 25 bucks, but next time order fast when you get the word. Go to and click store to order your gift cards today, or order the other things we've got there. With us now to tell us more about the 110-grill, what they've got in store for the next few weeks is Stephen Talley, Director of Operation Training and Development for the 110-grill. - Stephen, you should take this as great success. People love the cheap bastard deal for the 110-grill because they love the 110-grill. - It's great, I hear that it's filled up before I was even on air, it's fantastic. (laughing) - Well listen, any special spring flavors or dishes being featured as we move into the spring? - So actually, yes, we are cooking up a brand new updated menu that should be rolling out in the next few weeks and we're teasing some of our new dishes that are gonna be on that menu with our features, this round of features. So we brought back our famous crab and goon dip with some old-based seasoned potato chips. That was a huge hit and then when we updated the menu last time we took it off and we got a lot of pushback for it. So that's back, thank goodness. And we are also offering our Greek salad. It's got a good Greek Mediterranean vibe to it. We have our 110 Reuben joining the menu. So thinly sliced corn beef with some sauerkraut and our house made thousand island dressing that is out of this world. We also have our signature burger that's on top. I know you like the burgers that add 110-grill. So this is our normal Angus patty and then we've added pepper jack cheese to the menu as well as some pickled onions, some garlic aioli and that's gonna be all on a sweet potato bun this time. - Okay, now can people still make Easter reservations? - Absolutely. So Easter is coming up very, very quickly. Most of our restaurants will have plenty of spots. - Okay, plenty of spots. Anything special planned for Mother's Day? - Well, we have brunch starting at 10 a.m. on both Easter and brunch. We're gonna be serving our brunch menu, which if you like chicken and waffles, we've got phenomenal chicken and waffles. We also have our French toast and we are gonna be doing our 110 frittata again from returning feature from last time. - Oh, that's great. So you have a brunch for both Easter, which is a week from Sunday and for Mother's Day in May. So that's a good deal. And you can make reservations now at all the places. And it, by the way, the NCAA tournament, March Magna, Madness is just underway this afternoon. It's always a great place to watch the games 'cause you got great bars and great TV. Available everywhere. It's a good place to watch athletic events. So tell us about the rewards program, Steven Talley. - Sure, our loyalty program again is extremely robust for every dollar that you spend. You earn one point and after 110 points, you have earned yourself $10 off and you are more than welcome to accrue those $10 and use them as they come to you or you can build them up and have an entire meal on us. The other thing you can do is with your anniversary of your signing up with our loyalty program, you also are eligible for your appetizer or a free dessert. And then on your birthday, the month of your birthday, you also get a free dessert anytime you'd like as well. - And gift cards are available as Mother's Day, it's coming up, Father's Day, graduation. You can pick up a gift card. Where do you get a gift card for the 110 grill? - Certainly, so you can go into any one of our locations and purchase a gift card of any denomination or you can go to and purchase them right online. - All right, that sounds really good. And any new locations opening up? - Not anything on the immediate horizon. We just opened up our Manchester, Connecticut location. Last time we spoke, I was at the beginning of February and we are booming, booming, booming, booming there. So we may have to pause for a quick moment and kind of get them settled back into place, but they are doing phenomenally right now. - I called the guy the other night, I needed some information for my column and he said, "Don't disturb me, I'm eating at the 110 grill in Braintree." Said, "It's my favorite place." And I hear that all the time, Stephen Talley, it's a great restaurant. And again, we sold out even before anything started. So we'll have another deal like this soon and we will, Taylor will be roundly punished for putting it up, for opening it up so soon. You could yell at Taylor if you want, he's the one who screwed it up. I'm a stand up guy, you know. Thanks, Steve Talley, I'm Howie Carr.