The Howie Carr Radio Network

Can Biden Buy The Votes? POTUS "Forgives" Another 6 Billion in Student Loans | 3.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Another day, another attempt by the Biden administration to "forgive," a.k.a. cancel, the debt of twenty- and thirty- somethings who majored in gender or underwater basket weaving.

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21 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. We've got a lot to get to here in this last hour. The phone lines are open. We have no guest plan for this two o'clock, so feel free to call in and weigh in. It's 844-500-4242. So there's this spending bill. The text of it was released today, and I don't have high hopes for it. I don't like any spending names. By today, I mean, 238 this morning, today. Wait, that's not when you're having your breakfast and getting your newspaper ready, Jared? Yeah, so let me read you a little bit from Breitbart. It says, the bill will start in the house. Speaker Mike Johnson will move the bill under suspension of the rules. Johnson repeatedly has used suspension of the rules, which requires two-thirds support. But bypasses opposition from conservatives to advance legislation lacking broad Republican support. So right there from the start, we're going, that doesn't sound good. We've got to bypass things because Republicans don't like the bill. Suspension of the rules also enables Johnson to bypass a requirement that Congress receive at least 72 hours to review legislation before voting on it. Rush, rush, rush, rush, rush, rush it through. You got to speed read these days to keep up in Congress. Johnson touted minimal at best conservative wins to a skeptical Republican conference Wednesday morning before the text of the deal was released, but conservatives were undeterred, a frustrated representative Thomas Massey of Kentucky said after that meeting that conservative secured, these are his words, nothing. Now that tracks, that's the conservative way. Like if there was one thing that I would say is our brand, Eric Adams always brags about New York's brand, New York's brand is chaos, crime, illegal aliens taking over hotels, that's New York's brand. And conservative's brand is getting a whole lot of nothing and making a big stink about it. Now again, I'm not going to throw out all the blame at Johnson here. I don't think this is a job that allows the person to get a lot done. I think it was the same with Kevin McCarthy as it is with Mike Johnson. I don't know if the anti-Kevin McCarthy group is going to be as mad at Mike Johnson or if they're going to give him a pass. But a lot of the things that I'm reading about this bill-- and I wasn't going to bother talking about it, which is sad in and of itself, but I was reading about-- and I think that the story I had originally read was from the Hill about what the bill contained. And it's literally, Jared, like anything you read, you can just assume it's the opposite. It's like $55 million for election security. Democrats want to secure our elections. And I thought to myself, whatever that $55 million is going to, I can assure you it is not securing our elections. I don't know what it is, but my best guess would be it's the opposite of that. Whatever the opposite of securing elections is, that's what the money's going towards. And so you do kind of get into this hamster wheel mentality of like, OK, another $1.2 trillion, and we only have three days to pass it. If we don't pass it, then they're going to shut down the national part. It's always the same thing, and it always gets passed. And then what do I do? I come on here, and I tell you, oh, they're spending money on this, and it gets so frustrating that sometimes it's like, I don't know what to tell you. They're going to pass it. It's probably going to go through, and we're all going to be mad about it. But this is how government works. They just-- whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, they love to spend money. Now, and more specifically, they love to spend your money. And actually, you know what? I'll make it even more specific. They love to spend your money anywhere else but here. Like if there's an option-- so here are the option boxes. They go, OK, check, spend, taxpayer money. That's always a check. That's a constant. And then if they get, spend it in the United States or spend it somewhere abroad, they're always going to go with the abroad option. They're always going to choose elsewhere. Now, the other big story today is that the US has submitted drafts to-- well, they submitted a draft to the UN, which right there-- I can't stand the UN, and I think their behavior over the course of the last few months, since October 7, tells you everything and more that you need to know about the United Nations. The United Nations, they get together once a year to cause-- I know they get together more than once a year. But from my experience, the time that I take most note of them is when they're in New York City, causing all sorts of traffic, prostitutes are happy because all of a sudden, the business is booming. And otherwise, I don't really know what they're good for. But the US has submitted a draft to the UN about a ceasefire resolution. Now, we just talked to David Harsani about this. And David's point was, you can't come to a ceasefire resolution with Hamas because their word doesn't mean anything. You're not negotiating with rational people. You're negotiating-- or in your mind, you think you're negotiating, but you're negotiating with savages. You can't have a logical discussion with people who just want to annihilate the Jews. And yet, the US is going to try, though. So they submit this ceasefire resolution. And in Axios, they wrote why it matters. Both Israel and Hamas are facing pressure to reach a deal, to free the hostages, and start a truce in Gaza. Jared, I would just like to point out that it doesn't seem like Hamas is facing a lot of pressure. Yeah, I don't think this is an equal pressure. The pressure campaign seems to be pretty focused on Israel. They seem to be bearing the brunt of the-- considering the Senate majority leader went on the Senate floor and told Israel they needed to have new elections to get rid of BB Netanyahu, I'm going to go out in a limb and say that Israel is dealing with more pressure than the actual terrorists who beheaded people. Weird how that works. But that's why it matters, because they're both facing pressure to reach a deal. And again, it goes back to what Harsani said, if you missed this interview with David Harsani, go back and listen to the podcast. Because I think part of this, which is so important, is it's this attempt to compare both sides. It's this attempt to say, two-state solution. Like, we're dealing with two reasonable actors here. Do you know what I'm saying? Look, oh, well, they're both facing a pressure campaign. Stop conflating Hamas and Israel into one group. There's good, and there's evil. As Harsani pointed out, it's not perfect in evil, but there's good, and there's evil. And the fact that both sides are facing pressure, Hamas should be facing pressure. From Democrats, from Republicans, from Hollywood, from the international community, which I always hear so much about, Hamas should be facing pressure. And they're not facing any pressure. Instead, what we have is we have these Ivy League kids, these students who are apologists, who are holding vigils for terrorists, running cover for them, carrying water for them. And they hate Bibi Netanyahu, and they hate Israel with every fiber of their being. This isn't equal pressure. This is the president, Antony Blinken, a lot of high-ranking officials of the Biden administration putting pressure on Israel, making it clear that they don't actually support Israel in order to placate them up. And finally, before I wrap up this segment, there's a story here. And I wasn't going to read it, and then I had this thought that I wanted to flesh out with people. This is also from Breitbart. It says, do you hear about Senator Brown from Ohio? He got caught on video? Yeah. He got caught on video talking about Bibi Netanyahu. So let me give you a little background, OK? He, Brown reportedly said Sunday that he opposed a ceasefire in the war in Gaza only because-- and this is the quote-- I don't trust either Hamas or Frankly Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would live up to it. Now again, we have the same thing. We're trying to act like these are-- oh, you know, there's several factors. This is what Chuck Schumer said. Bibi's one of the obstacles in the way of peace. The other obstacle is Hamas, as if they're on the same level. Oh, yeah, Bibi Netanyahu and these terrorists who chopped off people's heads and raped women's corpses. Sure, yeah, they're-- why not? Throw them all in the same category. But so the senator says that. Makes the controversial comments. And this TikTok influencer, not the TikTok squatter-- this is a different guy-- TikTok influencer. This is, again, this wonderful app. They're teaching people how to become squatters and all sorts of things. His name is Justin Jordan. And he records it, Jared. He records this comment by the senator. And Brown then wants him to delete it. He's trying to convince him to delete the video. And I'm here to tell people what somebody records it. And once you start getting into, can you delete that? Will you delete that? It's over. It's over. Because even if they delete it, it's still there. Do you know what I'm saying? It's like you've lost this one. And then you're just going to become-- it's going to become a bigger story. Because then they have you on video badgering them to delete something. And so now Israel has responded to this. The state of Israel said that it was unfortunate that Senator Brown had said that neither Hamas nor Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be trusted to abide by a ceasefire. Unfortunately, that's one way to put it. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls 844-542-42. You've been waiting for it now. It's here. The Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer is on. We love the BOGO. It's a lifesaver. The BOGO is buy one, get one. That means you can get a thunderstorm in your kitchen. You can put one in your basement. Maybe put one in your car. The possibilities are endless. Here's what the thunderstorm does. It's going to eliminate odors, whether that's pet odors, or tobacco odors, or food odors. It's going to eliminate it. And it's going to leave you with the absence of smell. So if you've gone nose blind, if you're not sure if your house smells weird, it might. You just use the thunderstorm. And it clears out any funky smells. It's, again, great for offices where you can't open the windows. It's a really great device. And a lot of people ask us, does it really work? Jared, I always say, yeah, it really works. And you should try it for yourself. Yeah, it is the absence of smell. And that's what you're looking for. And it doesn't make your house smell flowery. It doesn't just cover up. It ionizes the air. And that's what eliminates all those odors. So whatever you don't smell or don't want to smell, the thunderstorm, air purifier, gets rid of it so you don't have to smell it. Yeah, and right now you can take advantage of the BOGO offer that ends on Sunday. So don't wait. Get on this now. Get the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier today and get another one for free when you go to and use code GRACE BOGO. That's Use code GRACE BOGO. We'll be right back. Follow grace on Twitter at g_curly. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is the Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. And the poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier. Back in stock now, my friends at Eden Pure have brought back the very popular BOGO offer. That's buy one, get one. Order now at, use code GRACE BOGO. They go fast, so don't miss out. Go to And don't forget to use code GRACE BOGO. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you support term limits? Mitch McConnell is opposing the idea of term limits. I would venture to guess that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Grassley, and really a lot of politicians, because they like the idea that this is a job you can have for the rest of time. The job is to infinity and beyond. There's no end in sight once you join the swamp. The swamp becomes your forever home. You never have to leave. And for that reason, I would love to put the power in the hands of the voters and say, we don't need term limits. We've got common sense. You can look at Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConnell, and you can understand that you need somebody younger, somebody a little sharper. But obviously, that's not true. Obviously, the voters cannot be trusted to make the right call. So yeah, I think I'm team term limits. 91% now say yes, 9% say no. OK, and the other thing I wanted to mention here, I was just talking about this draft, the ceasefire draft that the US has sent to the UN. And now I have this latest from the New York Post. President Biden was met with a few dozen anti-Israel protesters standing outside his hotel in Dallas, Texas, Thursday morning, threatening to withhold their votes if he doesn't change his administration's policies towards the Gaza Strip. The protesters held signs, of course. I'm not going to go to one of these without a sign. Calling for a ceasefire between Israel and the terror group Hamas, I would love-- I would love just to sit down, not a screaming match. Sometimes you see these protests they get out of hand. I would just love to have a David Harsani sit down with one of these protesters and just ask some questions. Get to the root of this. Have a back and forth. Who do you think would come out on top of a conversation like that? Because the sense I get with a lot of these protesters is they really don't know what they're standing for. They say words. Like they've got the buzz words down. They got ceasefire. They love that word, ceasefire, ceasefire. But I think if you went beyond that with them, you might find that there's not as much wisdom there as you might think. And by the way, it's a bit strange to me. Or maybe I should say it's a bit concerning. Then a lot of these protests, they happen at all times during the day. Like before a war, it shows on Sunday. But then oftentimes, Jared, they're happening on weekdays in the morning. Weekdays in the morning time. Do none of these people have jobs to go to? Of course they don't. They don't have a nine to five. Maybe they're working remotely? Imagine being a boss and seeing the person that's supposedly working from home and they're outside of a hotel, protesting Joe Biden showing up. Say, I'm not a fan of Joe Biden, but I'm sure there's something better we could be doing with our time here. Tabitha, we got you on the Zoom call here. Why is there a bloody paper machine head of Joe Biden behind you? Where are you right now? And Tabitha is like, oh, no, I have my screen on. Oh, shoot. Is that a filter? Yeah, it's crazy. Speaking of Joe Biden, he's been all around the world lately trying to campaign, trying to connect with voters. There's been a lot of talk about how he's not connecting with minorities in the same way he did the first time around. And you might be saying yourself the first time around. Wasn't that when he told Charlemagne the god, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black? Yeah, but compared to what he's saying now, those were the good old days. That was Joe Biden when he was working on all fronts and killing it. What he's saying now-- Those folks say Uncle Joe raises. Yeah, what he's saying now is just out of bounds. So Jared, this was a comment he made on a radio show with Michelle Bryant. She's a black radio host out of Milwaukee. Do you have this cut? Let's play it. For example, how many black communities are a situation where they come from a circumstance where they're in typical or typical, where its families are in real trouble, where you have people who, how many-- even those families that are really poor don't have any books in the house, the kids don't hear a whole whole lot of conversation. Even those families that are really poor don't have any books in the house, the kids don't hear a lot of conversation. Did Michelle ask him to expand on that thought? Did she ask any follow-ups or is that the only sound we have? That was the only sound they had. Yeah. And people were writing about this. It was your imagination, but-- People were writing about this, about the audio, and saying, oh, this unearthed audio, or this audio shows up. It's like, only Joe Biden does this stuff, take a couple of days to actually get out to the media, 'cause everyone's working around the clock to suppress anything that looks bad for Joe Biden. And here was something I don't remember this year, but maybe you do, okay? This was from 2019, because there's a lot of comparisons people are making when they hear this sound cut. One of them is one of his more infamous quotes where he said that parents of poor non-white kids, he said poor kids were just as bright and talented as white kids. That got him in a lot of trouble. But did you hear the thing he said about the legacy of slavery during the debate? Do you remember this? His response-- I don't exactly remember it. That parents didn't know how to raise their kids so social workers needed to go into homes and parents needed to play the radio or the record player? Yeah, I remember the record player that he referenced, 'cause he's a billion, but-- But I think we were also distracted by the fact that he referenced a record player that we didn't get into the actual content of the comment, which is pretty appalling in and of itself. So that's your Joe Biden cut of the day. We're not gonna end in day, you with too many. Just in educating kids on the Victrola anymore. Just like to give you a taste. We'll be right back with more, and we'll take your calls. It's a great girly show. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Tratria studio. I'm watching Fox right now. It says Haiti, Cuba, unrest could send more migrants to Florida. Yeah, there's been a lot of unrest in the last couple of years. I mean, there's always unrest happening somewhere in the world, but it's amazing how much we've seen since Mr. Normalsy took office. And back in the before times, Jared, I think we're gonna go into the before times. The great thing about-- Let's go back to the before times. Everybody gather around. We're gonna tell the story of the before time again. The great part of that sound cut, Jared, is I can use it whenever I want, because anything could be considered the before times, if you believe. But before Normalsy was fully restored by the old man who talks to ghosts and also talks about how in some homes, people don't have conversations or books. The great thing about before that was that Dems used to tell us Democrats, progressive liberals used to tell us how compassionate they were. And I don't know what made me think of this. I guess it's Haiti and the fact that Ron DeSantis has been very vocal that he's sending a lot of security to the border in Florida, or to the coast, and making sure that no one's getting through there without being vetted. And he also made the, yes, you could call it, depending on how you look at it, you could call it a threat. You could also call it a promise. He told Dana Lash on a podcast that he would be willing to send any refugees from Haiti to Martha's Vineyard. And so let's go back a little bit, okay? Remember the old days when Democrats used to tell us how compassionate they were. Haiti has no home here, no human is illegal, water is life. You've heard all this before. And then Ron DeSantis shows up and he sends a few planes full of illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard. And it became clear rather quickly that the left's hypothetical humanitarian tendencies really only exist in daydreams. They don't align with their reality. In other words, on paper, they were very co-exist. You know, let's all kumbaya. In practice, they were more get on the bus, guss. Get out of here. And I think, you know when it actually makes me think of, so the other day, I was having this conversation, I was on a group chat and somebody had mentioned like the mega millions or something. It was a group chat full of friends of mine. And one of my girlfriend said, you know guys, if I win the mega millions, and this is my favorite game to play, she's like, if I win the mega millions, I'm spending a lot of money on the girls, meaning us. You know, private plane, like I'm gonna treat all of us to all these things. And I said, oh, same here, same here. If I ever hit a big, and I mean that in any way, like mega millions or, you know, you have a lot of success, you make a lot of money, if I ever hit a big, I'm taking you guys out to dinners, we're gonna have so much fun. And then I wrote in, you know guys, I think that in theory, like when people imagine that life where they're making millions of dollars, everyone likes to think they'd be a generous millionaire or billionaire, you know? 'Cause it's the easy thing to do. It's very easy to be like, no, I'd be, I'd be one of the generous people, you know? I'd be throwing it around. I'd be like George Costanza, cigars, limousines, no holds bar, I got it, don't you even reach to that credit card, I'm picking up the tab. You wanna, when no one wants to envision themselves as a cheap millionaire, right? No, God forbid. But that's kind of how I picture the Democrats at this point. They all had these illusions of grandeur, like, oh, if this ever happened to me, if they ever, if anyone ever needed a home in my neck of the woods and Wellesley or Milton, I'd be the first one to open my door and open my arms and open my heart, more importantly. And when the actual scenario arises, which it did, because of Ron DeSantis, because of Greg Abbott, because at the time of Ducey in Arizona, other Republican governors, it was like, it was reality meeting your unrealistic expectations and kind of colliding and they couldn't handle it. So a strange thing happened, take Massachusetts, for example. Not as many people have been offering up their homes as you might have originally thought would. Like, you would have thought, oh, we got all these huge homes and all these fancy new Westin, we have a house, a lot of illegal aliens. But instead, the state is going to Melnea Cass in Roxbury, weird, right? Like, it's weird that they've already had to tap into that resource when you have all these very wealthy liberal people with massive homes. Office buildings in the seaport that don't even have showers had to tap into that rather early on. The state had to find other accommodations for these new arrivals. And again, I go back to the city of Taunton. The Clarion Hotel has been hosting a number of migrant families. In fact, that's what has them in hot water right now. They overextended. They're supposed to have 350 people in the hotel. They have 450 people in the hotel. It's an untenable situation. And it's brought to you by the same people who lectured people in Texas for decades about, it's just about compassion. It's just about being nice. It's just about caring about other humans. Turns out it's not just about that. Turns out the brass tacks, like the actual details, the devil's in the details. It turns out you do have to worry about who's paying for things. You do have to worry about the space. And now what we have, thanks to this TikTok user. And you know what they'll say on TikTok, Jared, it's like if you watch a lot of, let's say, what do you like, Jared, comic books, or who's your favorite? - Spider-Man. - So you'd be like Spider-Man talk, that's what they'd say. So I guess this would be called like Squatter Talk. If you want details on how to become a Squatter, you can go to TikTok and you can watch these videos. And the guy's from Venezuela and he's on there and he's instructing people, illegal aliens, how to take over homes using Squatter's rights. And I've been noticing over the last few weeks every single day, on The Daily Mail and the New York Post and Fox News, there's all these stories about these confrontations between squatters and the actual homeowners. And how I read a Babylon Bee headline today that said homeowners arrested for not providing squatters with Wi-Fi password. But that's how backwards everything has become. And so now on TikTok, you have this Venezuelan national explaining to illegals how to invade his word, not mine, and take over homes using Squatter's rights. And this is all because Joe Biden showed up. He's very compassionate. And this is the compassionate play here. This is all of it coming to a head. Speaking of Joe Biden's compassion, I also wanted to mention that did you see today, he forgave $5.8 billion in student debt, he forgave it. The student loan debt said, "I'm sorry," and he said, "I forgive you, don't worry about it." I love how they phrased things nowadays, he forgave it. He transferred that debt to other people, who didn't get a degree. He transferred that debt to other people who didn't sign off for something they couldn't pay for. This is from The Daily Mail, it's his president Joe Biden announced $6 billion in student loan relief on Thursday, applies to 78,000 public service workers who qualified for forgiveness, Thursday announcement brings Biden's student loan forgiveness total to $150 billion. - What is a public worker? What's the definition of that? - I believe a public worker is a hack. - No, no, no, these ones are different. I don't think these are hacks. - These aren't the White House intern hacks, getting their debt loans forgiven. - No, this is like teachers, nurses. - Oh, okay, actual, actual people, okay. - So I mean, good for them, good for them. I mean, I check all that. - Yeah, I don't problem with that. - I check all the time to see. I mean, I still have a problem with it in the sense that first of all, the Supreme Court said this is not, this does not pass constitutional muster. So I still do have a problem with it, but I wouldn't qualify those people as hacks, is all I'm saying. But Jared, every time this stuff pops up, I check, I check to see, you know, theater major girl. I'm like, just any of this applying to me before I really pay off all these things. I mean, I'm working on it slowly, but surely, but if there's a chance that I'm gonna pay it all off and then they're gonna tell me, oh, and we would have just forgiven you. We would have forgiven you X amount of money. I'll be mad at myself, so I check, but I know deep down. I'm like, it's never gonna be me. It's never, ever gonna be me. And this is his way of buying votes at like the very last minute. I don't think it's gonna work though. I don't think it's gonna work. And I don't think, like, you know, we had this conversation about the anti-Israel, here's a question. You're a, you're someone with a lot of student loan debt, okay? And you're vehemently anti-Israel. You're like one of the Harvard students who has the, was it the Harvard students who had the vigil for the Hamas terrorist? You're one of these Ivy Leaguers. And you've got a lot of student loan debt. Now you find out Joe Biden just relieved almost a lot of almost all your student loan debt. But you also are mad at Joe Biden for not calling for a ceasefire and not calling Beebe Netanyahu a genocide enabler. Like I don't think that person, I don't think this dude loan debt is gonna guarantee Joe Biden any votes here. - Yeah, they hate Israel more than they like their own personal financial situation. And that supersedes how they will vote for Joe Biden. - Plus, once you get it, like once you get the relief and I'm using error quotes here, 'cause again, it's like the forgiveness, the relief. Once somebody else saves your ass and writes the check for you, 'cause you can't write it yourself, then. And by the way, that's all of you. If you have a mirror, you're the one who's going to be paying for all this relief. But once you get it, it's like, you don't have to vote for him. You're, you got what you wanted. That's why in a lot of these campaigns stuff, he'll say, you know, the next time around, you gotta give me another chance so I can finish the job. And so I'm wondering now if they waited a long time to relieve the student debt because they're hoping to carry some of it over. - Oh, absolutely. - You know, you can't give it all up the first round because then the people are gonna be like, all right, we got what we wanted. Let's get the old guy out. He's gotta keep it up. Don't forget what I said. He's gotta keep that carrot dangling. It's not his worst idea. He said worse. Nossa Beach in just open reservations for spring. Jared, you've stayed at the Nossa Beach in. What do you remember the most about your stay? - I just remember how peaceful and tranquil it was down there. My wife and I went down in the winter and it's, you know, a little warmer this time of year, but you still get that same off-season Cape experience. We love sitting out by the fire pits, drinking our morning coffee and watching the sunrise, but you can walk the beach, you can hear the waves, they're pet friendly, you can bring your dogs down. There's hiking trails around there. There's different types of attractions and things you can do there. You can get reservations at restaurants this time of year, which is awesome if you've been to the Cape in the summer. You know, that's not the case. And, you know, if it's cold or rainy, you're still a lot 'cause every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window so you can still take in the views. You can stay cozy and you can get that, you know, peaceful peace of mind. - Absolutely. And right now with the prices you can't beat it, the April stays at the Nossa Beach in range from just $249.99 a night. And this May rates are from $259.99 a night. So don't delay, these rooms go fast. Go to to book your room. That's Let's go to Tom really quick before we bring in how we carve for the last segment. What's going on, Tom? - Yeah, just getting back to Israel. One thing these college students fail to realize, in the Holy Quran, the Prophet Mohammed talks about the land of Israel and the land of Israel be given to the Jews. So they're very, very ignorant as far as the history of Israel and the Jews have 3,800 years of written history in that land. And if you go back prior to 1948, if you looked at Northern African countries and Middle Eastern countries, the amount of Jews that lived there then, yes, they were a small percentage population-wise. However, they have been decimated in those particular countries, whether it be Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, whatever. And they're very ignorant. And unfortunately, they have left-wing professors that have been bought and paid for by Arab oil money, like Qatar, like United Arab Emirates, as well as Saudi Arabia. So you wonder why these college kids are so stupid? It's their professors that couldn't make it in the real world. I rest my case. Thank you, Tom, for the call. And as far as the history goes, you know, I've had Ari Hoffman on before, too. And he deals with all of this nonsense. He's constantly getting anti-Semitism thrown at him on social media. He's constantly fighting with a lot of these Gen Z pro-Hamas Democrat voters. And he gave, actually, a very cool history lesson to all of us a few months ago. So everyone should check that out wherever you get your podcasts. When we come back, we're going to talk to Howard Lawrence Carr. We've got so much to go over with him. Don't move. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC PLAYING] A migrant TikToker with a 500,000 strong online following is offering his comrades tips on how to invade unoccupied homes and invoke squatters rights in the United States. That's from the New York Post. And it's OK now to say invade because this TikToker used the word as opposed to in 2018, 2019, when Donald Trump was using the word. And everyone was having meltdowns, a la bloodbath meltdowns. Now, joining us is Howard Carr. My first question for Howard this morning, because I've been thinking about squatters a lot. I said how we-- you know, you always seem to be dealing with commotion. Have you ever dealt with the squatter in all your years of owning different property? Thank goodness, no. That's the one thing I haven't had happened to me so far in the legal field. But I'm thankful, and I'm not a landlord anymore. Well, but I have a place that's not occupied right now. So maybe I'll have a problem when I get back. So there's still hope yet, Howard, that you're going to check this off your list. No, but even as a little kid, Howard, I watched this movie with my mom about squatters. And I remember thinking, this doesn't make any sense to me. Like, it's those people's homes. Why are they allowing this person to stay there? And lately, over the last couple of weeks, I've been noticing every day and on Fox and on Newsmax, there's new stories about squatters. And now you have this tip talker who's giving out tips. Yeah, well, you know, you have another thing. You know, some of these illegal aliens too, they forge new deeds, and they steal your property that way. And I noticed that Biden now in the spirit of equity is not going to require any more title insurance, which seems like-- I mean, that's like saying, we're arresting too many people for speeding. So we're not going to have license plates anymore, you know? I mean, everything they do compounds a problem and makes it that much worse. Everything, every solution they have makes a problem worse. But I think, Howie, to your point, it's just so they can say it, even if everyone knows that the truth is different than what they're saying. It's like when they say, oh, you know, crime has gone down. Well, no, you just raised the amount that people can get charged to $950. It doesn't mean people aren't stealing. They're just stealing a little bit less than $950 worth of merchandise. Well, and then the other thing too was, I guess, it's only a matter of time. Remember the guy that got out of prison, and he had read that you couldn't get arrested for shoplift anymore in Boston, and he went down to Braintree or Waymouth and started stealing stuff? And then they arrested him, and he said, hey, wait a second. I thought I read it if I can, that they didn't do it. They told him, jail bird, that's Suffolk County. You're in Norfolk County now. Yeah. He was obviously a victim of a, he was obviously a victim of cruel and unusual punishment, you know? Yeah, exactly. Howie, there's a story today in the New York Post. There's actually a couple of stories about these new, this new release from the EPA. And one of the problems that a lot of people are citing when it comes to electric vehicles, obviously there's more than just one. But the chargers, I didn't know this, Howie, that there are different levels of chargers. There's level one, level two. And if a charger's at level two, you better have some time to kill, 'cause it's gonna take you a while to get a charge. This is why, you know, when Hertz bought all these EVs, people knew enough to know that, you know, if it's a four hour drive from New York to wherever they're going in New England, it's gonna take them eight hours if they get an electric vehicle, 'cause they're gonna have to recharge it. So nobody wanted to buy it, and they couldn't, that's why the CEO of Hertz is now out, because they lost 250 million on buying these silly things. - And how about this for a percentage? This is auto week, only 73% of chargers in some major centers are in working order. - To which I respond to, 73%. I'd say that's a really high figure from what I've been told by people who have to actually use them. - Howie Carr has a great show planned. He's coming up next. Don't go anywhere, we'll see you all tomorrow for our Friday show. Until then, have a good night. 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