The Howie Carr Radio Network

David Harsanyi on Israel, Ceasefire, the Progressive Left | 3.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes to the show David Harsanyi, her go-to for news on tension in the Middle East. David explains why a ceasefire cannot be a reasonable solution for a group (Hamas) that is unreasonable. Then, Wizard of Woke Taylor Cormier joins the show to emcee this week's Woke or Joke segment, where callers guess if some ridiculous headlines are real or fake.

Broadcast on:
21 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us for this second hour on this Thursday afternoon. We've got a great show planned. We are not even close to being done. And I'm so excited about our next guest. He's one of my favorites to have on David Harsani from not just the Federalist from National Review. He's an author of several different books. And he's really a wonderful writer. David, thank you so much for taking the time to come on the show. Any time, thanks for having me. Now, David, I wanted to start with this piece on Israel. You say that Israel is now a partisan issue, despite what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer may have said. And I want to start with the comments by Donald Trump, because Donald Trump says that Jews who vote for Democrats hate Israel and their religion. You don't think Trump is right exactly. Can you explain to people what you find problematic about this statement? Well, as is often the case with Donald Trump, he uses hyperbole or goes or is a little bit over the top with his comment. I don't think any Jew who votes for Democrats hate their religion. There are a lot of people aren't one-issue voters. But there is some truth to it as is often the case with his comments as well. And the truth is that many Jewish Americans have forsaken their religion or changed their religion to comport with socialist ideas. And then they create a new denomination that has almost nothing to do with Judaism. Other people are just socialists and secularists don't care, and they don't care about Israel either. And that's for sure, because it is clear, in every single way imaginable, that Democrats are worse for Israel than Republicans are. And if you care about that issue, I don't see-- if that's the overriding issue you care about, I'm not saying it should be, then there's no way you would vote for Democrats. And for me, as a Jew, Israel is a very important issue. And so I can see what he's saying. I just don't think he should say it that way. Be like me saying, you're not a good Christian. If you don't do ex-waincy, I just don't think it's really my place to say something like that. Not that I'm the president, but you know what I mean. Yeah, and on the topic of-- because it's kind of twofold. He says Democrats who vote for-- I'm sorry, Jews who vote for Democrats hate Israel and their religion. When it comes to Chuck Schumer, you say that Chuck Schumer doesn't hate his religion at all, but that something else is at play here, David, when it comes to Israel. Can you explain that to people? Well, I think that his overriding religion is politics. And he'll do anything for politics. So sacrificing Israel to help Joe Biden is exactly in line with his religion. He's a devout in his religion political expediency. So Chuck Schumer went on the Senate floor and asked Israel or demanded Israel topple its elected government, because he doesn't like the leader of that government. And which is just unprecedented. We don't do that for-- he wouldn't even say that about Iran, I don't think. And Israel is a Democrat and a democratically elected government. And then when Donald Trump says something, he says, oh, let's not make this a partisan issue. Well, yeah, you already made it a partisan issue. I'm really glad you brought up Iran, because that also comes into play in this column, which everyone can read at the But you talk a little bit about this selective outrage when it comes to Trump's remarks versus, for example, how the Biden administration has been negotiating with Iran. Can you go into that a little bit? Well, when you look at the two parties, Donald Trump cut off funding as in a big way to Iran and weakened it. The first thing the Biden administration did was open up pathways of funding that allowed the Iranian regime to plow money into its proxy wars, including Hamas and Hezbollah. Donald Trump cut off funding to Hamas from the UN-- UNRWA. The first thing Biden did, like one of the first things he did, was immediately turn that faucet back on. People from the UN participated in October 7 from that organization. And Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, which put an end to this fantasy that it's going to be a shared city with the PLO in Hamas. And Biden was against that. Biden is trying to force Israel. Only he was doing this days after October, on October 9, probably, he was doing this. He was already pressuring Israel to create a state that will be run in the end by some-- if not Hamas, then Islamic, jihad, or whoever, to create a terrorist state, a free front terror state on its border. That is not a friend of Israel in any way. And now he's out there, appeasing and placating Dearborn Voters, because he's scared of leaving Michigan. He has no principles, and the Democratic Party are going along with what he needs to do to win. Yeah, I love how at the end you talk about how, at least with Barack Obama-- and I'm paraphrasing here your general idea-- but Barack Obama believed this stuff. There was something in his ideology that compelled him to act this way towards Israel. Whereas Biden, it just sheer politics. He's just terrified of losing those voters. And actually, when we talk about Biden and how he's trying to ride this fence here, of placating the far left progressives, the anti-Semites in his party, and then also wanting to appear as though he supports Israel, he's doing this thing. And I was really glad, David, that you wrote this. He's doing this thing where he'll come out with these sentences like, oh, of course, Israel has a right to go after Hamas. But he always throws in, however, we should also be looking for a ceasefire. And your point in this story, which I think is lost on a lot of people, especially younger people who are following this issue, mostly on TikTok, is that that can't happen. A ceasefire in the case when you're dealing with Hamas is not going to fix this. Can you explain to, especially any younger listeners out there, why asking for a ceasefire while it sounds wonderful, like it sounds like the compassionate thing to do, while it's actually not realistic? Yeah, you can't. If you ever see a ceasefire now, Hamas survives. It's that simple. And Hamas, if it survives, will lead all of the region to more bloodshed, more deaths, and more terrorism, moving forward. The only way to deal with Hamas is to go into Rafa right now and get rid of them. Hamas can't enter a ceasefire because their word means nothing. There was a ceasefire when the terrorist attack happened. There's ceasefire when they start firing missiles. They don't care about agreement. So when you say ceasefire at you, but when people say ceasefire, it just means Israel has to stop firing. That's all it means while Hamas survives. Can't have it both ways. So I love when-- I'm happy you mentioned this, Joe Biden or others say, Israel has the right to defend itself. Whatever. Yeah, I have the right to walk. Like, no one ever says that about any other country. Oh, the Russia has the right to defend itself, or Brazil has the right to defend itself. There's a special kind of language for Israel. Yeah, of course, Biden says that that's not a big deal. That's a norm. That's we know they do. What we also know now is that he is pushing for a ceasefire. And the functional end of a ceasefire is Hamas existing, retrenching, winning elections, bringing character to their own people and to Israel. Yeah, and I think this also has a lot to do with this conflation of Israel and Hamas in their actions. Like, you mentioned here Chuck Schumer, making comparisons between Israel and Hamas. You say morally reprehensible comparisons between right-wing extremists in Israel and the Palestinians who sexually torture, murder, and kidnap women and children. That has seemed to become something normalized on the left as well. Yes, there's a vile way of speaking about it, whereas you're pretending like you have two sides at the same point and there's more. There's bad guys on each side. No, there's only bad guys on one side. And the other side, these extremists he's talking about are elected officials. If tomorrow-- and first of all, I put extremists in quotation marks because I don't really think most of them are extremists, but they're elected officials. They act within a democratic system of laws. Hamas does none of that. And frankly, the PLO in the West Bank does very little of that either. They don't even have elections, really. So because if they did, Hamas would be running the West Bank, too. And so it's just this vile, morally stunted way of talking about this thing. And they do it, in my opinion, because you have this big faction of pro-Hamaaf or Hamas apologists on the left that you need to appease. Well, what does that say about that party? I'm sorry, but say what you want about Republicans. There is no pro-Hamaaf swing of the Republican Party. Yeah, there are some idiot right-wingers on Twitter or whatever. But there's no big-- no one's worried that if you pro-Israel, you're going to lose votes. That's changed in the Democratic Party. And that's why I say it's now a part of an issue. Yeah, and David, I know you're busy and I am going to wrap it up in just a minute. But I thought of something else here. So we keep talking about how Joe Biden is trying to placate and appease this faction of the party. And what I've gathered, and really, when it comes to climate, when it comes to Israel, when it comes to all of these issues, they're not an easy group to make happy. There's not a lot you can do in general to make these people go, oh, OK, you know what? That's a solution I'm on board for. And so everything Joe Biden's doing so far, like, oh, I'm going to send a strongly-worded letter, or, oh, I'm going to say at the State of the Union, we're going to get aid to Gaza. All of these things, I can see what he's trying to do. I just don't think it's going to be successful. I don't know what he would-- I think in order for him to win back this group of voters, he would have to say that Beebe Netanyahu and Israel, and they're committing genocide, and we are not going to support Israel anymore, and we are actually going to go after Israel. Like, I think it would have to be so extreme to make these people happy. And I'm curious if you think there's something else he could do, not to give him advice. But like, do you see this group of voters coming back around on Joe Biden? So that's a very good point you're making. I agree with it completely. There's nothing that's going to appease them unless you say Israel is the enemy. We will strip them of all funding, and we will support the other side, and Israel is the evil. Like, there's not-- it's like climate change. You're right. Like, no matter what you do, they want more, and there's no way to go about it. I do think that there's a slight bit of exaggeration of how big a problem this is for him. I think a bigger problem, just how I view it, are normal voters who can see good and evil. I'm not saying perfect and evil, but good and evil. Normy voters who see that Biden is going to be on the wrong side of this. And so I think they're a little bit too obsessed with worrying about a faction of people that have nowhere else to go. It's a valuable for Donald Trump. So I don't know. I don't have no advice to him to leave, but I think it's going to take that. David Harsani, we thank you so much for joining us. Let people know where they can follow you on Twitter and where they can read all your work and buy all your books. On Amazon for the book at David Harsani on Twitter, and most of my stuff's peers at Thank you very much, sir. We appreciate it. When we come back, we'll take your calls on this. I also want to get into the conversation we were having before a little bit about the illegal immigration crisis in Taunton and so much more. There's so much to get to today, and we're just getting going. Don't go anywhere. Also, speaking of getting going, a great place to pack up the car and travel to. If you want a little staycation, if you're in the New England area and you need a break, you need to unwind, you need to relax, but you don't want to get on a plane. I've got the perfect spot for you. That's the Nossett Beach Inn. And my producer, Jared, is gonna tell you why this is the place to go if you want to enjoy yourself and really take in some tranquility. Yeah, just walk outside right now and imagine, boy, how great would this day be if I was down in Cape Cod on the beach right now and you could be at the Nossett Beach Inn because whatever room you are staying in, you are literally steps from the beach. You can get the tranquility of the beach. You can hear the waves, you can walk along. You don't have to worry about crowds this time of year, especially their pet friendly. You can bring your dog down, you can run around, play fetch, do whatever. And there's hiking trails around there you can go to. You can get reservations at restaurants now. The Nossett Beach Inn is fantastic. Every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window so you can enjoy the views and you can stay cozy at night if it's a little chilly. If it's not too bad for you or a little brave, you can go outside, you can hang out by the fire pits. My wife and I love sitting by the fire pits, drinking coffee, watching the sunrise. You can see stars at night. There's just so much that you can do with the Nossett Beach Inn and there's availability and it's a great price. - Yeah, you really cannot beat the price. So here's what I want you to do. If you wanna check out the Nossett Beach Inn, go to to book your reservations. That's You can book your weekend getaway and the April stays at the Nossett Beach Inn are from 249.99 tonight. This May rates are from 259.99 tonight. So you really cannot beat this deal. Go to to reserve your ocean view room. Go to now. We'll be right back. Oh, and you know what else Jared I wanna talk about? There was an NBC exec who made a very, very weird, what do we call them now, is it tweets? I'm gonna still call it a tweet. He came up with a really weird tweet about Baron Trump who I believe turned 18 yesterday. And now he's under fire for it. And of course it's not his fault. He's being taken out of context. I'm sure we'll talk about that when we return. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) This is the Grace Curly Show. (dramatic music) Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eat In Pure Thunderstorm Air Pure Fire. Back in stock now, my friends at Eat In Pure have brought back the very popular BOGO offer. That's by one, get one. So order now at Use code GRACE BOGO. These go fast, so don't miss out. Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you support term limits? Yes, because the old people can't be trusted to know when to call it quits. And I'm not being ages, by the way. Anyone out there who's old, who's listening, we're all, you know what, we're all livin', we're all gonna get old, we're all gonna be there. Hopefully, you know, if you're lucky, you're gonna be there at some point. I'm not judging. I just don't know if when you get to that age where you're 80, 85, 90, that you need to be at a podium, you know, giving lectures on big tech or whatever the, or saying, or getting up to the Senate floor, no, the House floor and saying tic-tac-toe when a ban of tic-tock comes around like that's your sign. If you sat down anti-plosing and said what's tic-tock, that should be the term limit. That should be the test. Can you explain tic-tock to me? And I don't think she could. And nor, you know what Jared, where should she be able to? She's past that point, but you gotta move on. Nobody can pass the baton. It's like the baton is cemented into these people's hands. And we're all just yanking at it, going let go. It's time to move on. So with all that being said, I'm gonna vote yes. 94% of the audience agrees with you. Yes, they support term limits. And I've fluctuated on this before. You know, my mind can be changed. We know that. But right now I just, I think another part of it too, Jared, is the money aspect. Like there's, so Mitch McConnell, one of his reasonings for, you're never gonna guess this, he opposes term limits. Mitch McConnell, shocker, right? And one of them is he thinks it would be difficult to fundraise, I guess. He spoke, McConnell spoke against imposing term limits for the top GOP position, calling it a bad idea according to two sources. It's something that he opposed in the past. He said term limits would weaken the leader's power to do their job and potentially hurt fundraising. I think the money-- - How do you raise funds if you're leaving? Who cares if it hurts fundraising? - You're gone. - Well, here's the thing-- - No, I mean, I get it for like the next-- - But no, but here's the problem with old people in politics is that I used to say when I first started following this stuff, I'd be like, how does Nancy Pelosi not get beat by anybody? But after a while, you develop such a war chest. You have so much money and money is so important when you're running for something. If you don't have money, you don't have a chance. When I was young, I was naive. I thought, yeah, but if you run a really good campaign, I didn't realize that in order to run any kind of campaign, even a crappy campaign, you need money. So it makes sense that these people who get into a position of power, they can just ride it out for the rest of time 'cause no one else even comes close to competing with them when it comes to the moolah. With all that being said though, no, it's, you gotta know when to pack it up and it's time. Another thing I wanted to mention here, there's an NBC senior executive, Mike Sington. And he decided because Baron Trump turned 18, he decided to tweet about it and he called the president's son, Fair Game. Now, a lot of people pointed out that it was weird, creepy, inappropriate. He's saying, well, I just meant that he's fair game for criticism now. And I was thinking about this. I'm like, what are you, this is a kid who's never said boo as far as politics go. He hasn't, I've never even heard him speak before. This is what you're chomping at the bid for, Mike, is to criticize Baron Trump. Get a life, my friend, get a life. We'll be right back. We've got woke or joke. We'll take your calls. If you wanna compete, eight, four, four, 500, 42, 42. (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. (upbeat music) - Welcome back to The Grace Early Show. This is how you know the Trump arrangement is still so strong. That Baron Trump turns 18 and this weirdo exec from NBC is like, he's fair game for criticism. Okay, congrats. I'm glad your life is so full that that's what you've been waiting for. Yikes. All right, now joining us is Taylor Cormier. - I wouldn't say anything about Baron. That kid could beat the crap out of you. - It's also like he's just eight and a half feet tall. - He's never shown, as far as I can tell, any interest in being involved in the public, you know, in political life or as a public person or anything. So it's like, why is he the person that you now wanna start criticism? - He's got the makings of Batman. I mean, he's the child of a billionaire. He's handsome, he's in shape. - But you know what, not attacking the children of, and I know he just turned 18. So yeah, technically Mike Sington, I guess you can say whatever you want about him. We'll wait to hear your review of how much you hate him. But technically, the children of presidents, or former presidents, have always been off limits. And I would say that both sides of the aisle, as much as there's really nothing anymore that people hold sacred, most politicians do follow that rule and media people. - Yeah, there's just unspoken, unwritten rules of decency, but I guess those are going away. - Yeah, very quickly. Okay, Taylor Cormier. - Imagine if Trump came out, he was like, I'm Batman, there's nothing you can do about it. I am the darkness in the night. - I am the dark night. That'd be great. - Oh, we're getting into it real quick here. This is a woke or joke with Taylor Cormier, and it starts right now. - Everything woke turns to (beep) Okay? ♪ I started a joke ♪ (laughing) - Take care, wokeers. (laughing) - The word woke means loser. (laughing) - Starring Mr. Garcia as Alfred. - Who's the guy from your neck of the woods with the Batman watch? - What the hell's going on? - Mr. Trump Batman. - What? - Who is the guy with the Batman watch from your neck of the woods? - That would be Jayzle, correct. - Yeah, but you got hot. - He's my, you know, he's my Batman. - Yeah? - Everyone has their own Batman. Some people have been an Affleck Batman, you know. - Jayzle Correa. - Yeah. - Didn't you go to school with him? - I did, go for Ayers. Okay, Taylor's here, he's gonna read you a headline, and then you tell us, is it woke, or is it a joke? Let's start off with Ali, your first up today. Are you ready for your headline, Ali? - I'm ready, Grace. - Okay. - All right, Ali, here's your headline. 28 baby names to earn your little one, a higher rank in the social algorithm. - Welcome. - Oh, I'm sorry, Ali, today that's a joke. - Ah, that was a good headline. - By the way, that was a joke, that's not true. - I think I would have fallen for that. - Yeah, it was a good headline. - The number is 844-542-42. - I'm sure there's variations on that. - And by the way, Wilker Joke has brought to you by Eviva Trattoria, a gift card to Eviva Trattoria. I know a lot of you picked up gift cards yesterday during the Grace's goodies. It's the perfect gift for any occasion, so pick one up at any of their locations to find the location nearest you. Go to Again, the number is 844-542-42. Let's go to Tom, your next up. Are you ready for your headline, Tom? - Okay, let her rip. - All right, Tom, here's your headline, retirement neighborhood sidesteps license issue by offering migrants courtesy golf carts. - That's woke. - It is not, I'm sorry, that is all said. - By the way, that was a joke, that's not true. - Yeah, I would have hoped that if that were true, I would have heard about it by now. - Imagine that, like retirement communities for illegals as soon as they come over. - Well, also-- - If they're of retirement age. - Golf carts. - Even though they haven't worked in this country. - Golf carts are always a risky move. - Why? - 'Cause I just-- - They're so fun. - They're so fun, but I feel like where there's golf carts, there's trouble. - Where there's people, there's trouble. I don't know what you're saying. - The villages, there's golf carts there, and as someone who's collected a lot of stories over the years, often times when people are out, people are partying, they leave in a golf cart, and the golf cart ends up in a lake or crashing into a building. It's a recipe for disaster. - I don't think you can blame the golf carts, though. Those are just, it's a tool. - Yeah, that's more an escape of expediency in a particular situation. - I'm just saying, guys, keep an eye out on the golf carts. - Golf carts don't kill people. - Denine. - Don't kill people. - Denine, you're next up on Wilker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Denine? - Grace Taylor, I am, thanks. - All right, Denine, here's your headline. We pay our gym to let us work out naked. It's help this get fitter. (dramatic music) - Let's try woke. - It is woke, that is true. (bell dings) - Not a joke, not a joke. - This is a polyamorous Brazilian couple. - Where's the gym? - Brazil. - Okay, I wasn't sure if they were-- - Yeah, I believe it's in like Sao Paulo or something, but they, their names are Bella Mantovani. She's 31 and Wagner O'Fara, he's 34. They both live in Sao Paulo. They're only fans, they're Tiktakers, they're influencers, I guess. But they have recently started paying their gym to reserve space for them. So the gym is empty when they're working out. - Okay. - And they've asked them to let them work out in the nude because they feel that it motivates them more. - Yeah, I could see that 'cause all the mirrors and stuff, you see a little flab and you start pushing it to the limit. - Yeah, but it's weird. - Yeah, did they have to pay the other people? - There's no other people. - Oh, it's-- - They get the gym to themselves. - Oh, okay, yeah. - So this is why it's really important to wipe down your equipment before and after you use it. - I'll say, oof. - Jill, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Jill? - I am. - Jill, here's your headline. Is it time for a more subtle view on the ultimate taboo cannibalism? - That is... - Oh, Jill, you broke up there, what'd you say? Jill? Jill, do we lose you? Jill, could you repeat your answer? - Has someone eaten you? - Jill, Jill, are you there, Jill? Oh, no, we gotta give it to Martha. Martha, we're gonna give you this headline and you tell us if it's woke or joke. Go ahead again, Taylor. - Is it time for a more subtle view on the ultimate taboo cannibalism? - Uh, um, joke. - I'm sorry, it's whoa. - No way, no way, did army hammer up there? - It's true, it's true. - Just kidding, that was just a ledge, right? Actually, I don't know. What, where is this from? - This is and this points to historic accounts of cannibalism and how it's always been a part of our humanism, I don't know. It's new archeological evidence shows that ancient humans ate each other surprisingly often and sometimes for compassionate reasons. - Everybody must eat. (laughing) - This does not count like the Donner party or the incident in the Andes in 1972, but fossil evidence shows that humans have been practicing cannibalism for, they say, a million years. Now, archeologists are discovering that some of the time they did it to honor their dead. - Yo, I thought that chicken up here on my mom! - In Western religious traditions, bodies are seen as the seat of the soul and have a whiff of the sacred. Maybe it's culturally ingrained with roots in the early modern colonialism when racist stereotypes of the cannibal were concocted to justify subjugation. These came to represent the other to Western societies and revulsion towards cannibalism became a tenet of their moral conscience. I'm not buying what they're selling. Just because people used to do it in other parts of the world in time doesn't make it right. - Seriously, I'm gonna roast you. - Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. If you haven't made it on 'cause the lines are full, you can try back. A lot of people fall off. Let's go to Ed, your next up on Woker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? - Yes, I am. - All right, Ed, here's your headline. Impress your date with the chaos creators. Hire them to cause a scene that you heroically de-escalate. (dramatic music) - Joke. - It is a joke. - Wait, that's me again. - Impress your date. - By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. - Impress your date with the chaos creators. Hire them to cause a scene that you heroically de-escalate. - Oh, that's not a bad idea. So you're at a day and like maybe two guys start beefing and you can be the guy who steps in and goes, "Hey, hey, yo, bros, let's chill out." - Yeah, exactly. - And then the girl on the day with you goes, "Wow, he's so strong and brave." - Or you hire somebody next to you to order the beef and you go, "I can't believe that you would order." I wanted to get that spin on it, but it was a little too long for the headline. - Oh, I see. - Either way, either way, because-- - You've been meatballed. - I've seen, like, you remember the movie Dirty Work? Have you ever seen that? - No. - Norm Macdonald, good movie. They did like a higher for revenge scheme and there's also people now that they will put themselves out for hire to lose to you in a drag race if you want to impress whoever you're with. - Really? - Yeah. - Like, Reese Lightening? - A little more current, a little more modern, but-- - But do people still do that? - Sure. - People drag race? - Oh, yes. - There's a big problem right now in Florida where because they have such nice straight highways for such a long time, gangs will block off the highways so that people can drag race. - Okay, so here's my question. I'm the girl in this scenario. I'm the girlfriend of the drag racer. Drag racer number one, the one who's paid someone to lose. Do I get to watch it, like, as a spectator, like on the side of the highway? - No, you're in the car. - I mean, the car with the guy who's gonna win? - Yes. - Oh, I don't know. - 'Cause usually this is like a happen, it's made to look like a happenstance kind of thing in most cases where you pull up at an intersection and then some guy with a souped up car or motorcycle pulls up next to you and you both rev your engines and when the light turns green, you floor it. - Oh, so it's a lot of just signs. Like, okay, I know that this guy wants to rumble. Or girl, you know, we don't know, it's on gender. Multiple people can drag race, right? - Anybody can drag race. - I have a question though. - Sure. - If I don't sign my eat, are there prizes involved? Like, I'm on the highway, that's it? - Yeah. - I hate that. - Unless it's more of a set up thing, instead of like a spontaneous meat and an intersection and somebody else has a souped up car and you decide you're gonna go, but if it's more, what? - Yours is starting to sell in Greece now, a souped up car. - This car is automatic, it's systematic. - Why'd it go be great? - That's complete lightning. Oh, Sandy, if this is a set up drag race and the highway is blocked off and there are spectators behind you. - This doesn't happen. - This does happen. - The highways blocked off? - Yes, they just, so like the climate protesters, how they block highways, they get their cars, they synchronize so that they're all in the same lane and then they stop and then they get out. So all the traffic behind them is stopped too. - And I'm in full leather, waving the flags and I do the go like chachi. - Sure. - I don't like one. - But that's when, if it's set up like that, that's when people can bet and you can put money on yourself if you want, I guess. - Yeah, 'cause I really don't like when the prize is, I hate that, like the cop out of, well, the pride that you'll feel when you win, that's not a prize. That comes with winning. - Let's throw. - You know those-- - If it's spontaneous. - I'm gonna give an example. You know how I'm a survivor, there's like a big prize in a survivor. I haven't watched it in a long time, but if you win survivor, you win a monetary prize. And then on naked and afraid, which is I would argue way scarier than survivor 'cause you're just roaming around the wilderness without any pants on. Then you stay in there for like 100 days and you survive, you're naked and afraid. And they go, yeah, you get to say that you survive naked and afraid. - You know what a better name for that show would have been? - What? - Scared shirtless. You get it? - I do, I do, I think it's good. It definitely would have been on the top five. I don't know if it would have been. - Yeah, I like it, I like it. Last question, what's the fastest you've ever gone in a car? What have you florited to? - Of myself? - Yeah. Honestly, probably 80. - Really? - Yeah, I'm a very cautious driver. I don't think people-- - Yeah, I guess even when you started out driving, you didn't just have to-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I was going so slow. - Jared? - I used to drive out to Vegas from LA a lot and that is a long-- - Oh, okay. We got some, right, long-- - Hunter vibes over here. - Yeah, no, I think-- - He's gonna name drop soon too. - No, I-- - I used to drive out to Vegas with, you know-- - This is bad country. - Yeah, no, I caught myself over 120 once. - I got-- - And I was like, all right, I got to slow down. - I got to 120, yeah. - I'm working with Batman. - 1993 Mercury Grand Marquis. - Have you ever drag raced? - No. - Tempted? - No, I've never had a zooped up car. Most of my cars have been land yachts. - Stranded at the driving. - Okay, Taylor, Cormier, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate it. We'll see you next week at the same time. Everybody else, hang tight, we'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. We still have a lot to cover in this two o'clock hour. Biden did a very bizarre radio interview. It wasn't with The Grace Curly Show. Jared, I keep trying, you know, I'm reaching out to them. And for some reason, they just won't bite. They don't feel like this is gonna be a friendly enough spot for Joe Biden. But he did do an interview that is making waves for all the wrong reasons as per usual. And we will get to that. Also, I wanted to talk a little bit about electric vehicles in the next hour because Joe Biden and the, well, really the EPA, that agency released what it calls the strongest pollution standards for cars. Every time they release something, I notice, it's always like the most astounding, the most progressive call for electric vehicles ever. Like they're always telling us these new regulations, these are the craziest ones we've ever released. Well, we can get into that. And really this article in the New York Post breaks down why electric vehicles are not taking off in the way that Biden and Jen Psaki and Korean John Pierre and Jennifer Granholm and Dr. Jill told us they were going to, but something totally random that I wanted to read you. I'm always gonna click on these stories. And the Daily Mail, there was a story about a prisoner who received a lethal injection, which is happening, you know, it doesn't happen a lot lately. And when a prisoner is on death row and when they finally do die, they get their last meal. And oftentimes, reporters will find out what that last meal is. And I'm always gonna click on that 'cause I'm always curious, like your last meal on death row, what do you request? This guy, William Pie, I'm gonna read you what he got for his final meal. Chicken sandwiches, cheeseburgers, lemon lime soda, so Sprite, plain potato chips, and french fries. He ordered two of everything except for the fries. Even in his last meal, he was like, "I won't be able to control myself around the fries. You know, only get me one. Let's not overdo it." - Oh, fries and chips are kinda redundant. - Yeah, I thought it was a weird move, but I guess it's like, why not, you know? We'll be right back, we got a lot more to get to, electric vehicles, Joe Biden, and so much more