The Howie Carr Radio Network

TikTokker SQUATTER | 3.21.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Does your resident couch potato have a right to your home? Turns out, in some cities and states, they do. Grace breaks down this scary story out of Queens where one woman let some visitors overstay their welcome. Now, she's paying for it.

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21 Mar 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm. BOGO is back for one week only. Buy one and get one of the Eden Pure Thunderstorm free. Order at code word Howie BOGO. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Trattaria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone. And welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Happy Friday, Junior. We are-- we have everything ahead of us, Jared. We have Tomorrow, which is Friday. TGIF, got tons of news stories to get to. Oh, we have Woke or Joke today. We've got David Harsani joining us in the 1 o'clock. So just a jam-packed, fun, extrav-a-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-gu-dons ahead. And I'm so happy that you're joining us. I wanted to start with a little bit of a recap. Not even a recap. I just wanted to say that I would-- I would say the Stand Out moment from the house hearing yesterday, starring Tony Bublinski. I would say AOC stole the show with her Rico moment. If you missed it, Jared, I know I didn't have you pull it for today, but can we drag that in? This moment is getting a lot of attention, mostly because I think a lot of people who are in prison for racketeering are very excited. They feel hopeful, Jared. Yesterday was a good day for people. And also for Donald Trump, because he's dealing with Rico charges himself. And once you heard from the wisest woman in the world that actually Rico is not a crime, you must be thinking, well, that takes a lot of pressure off me. A weight has been lifted. Take a listen to this. And what crime do you have you witnessed? How much time do I have to go through it? It is simple. You name the crime. Did you watch him steal something? Corruption statutes, Rico and conspiracy. What is it? What is the crime, sir? Specifically-- You asked me to answer the question. I answered the question. Rico, you're obviously not familiar with. Corruption statutes. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, sir. Rico is not a crime. It is a category. What is the crime? It's the category of crimes that you're then charged for. You have charges? You have hundreds. You have charges. Sir, please name-- Only the name, exact statute on the Rico. Yes. Well, it's funny. In this committee room, everyone's not here. There's over eight-- All right, sir. I reclaim my time. I reclaim my time. I reclaim my time. I'll leave it up to you guys to find this guy. Thank you, sir. I reclaim my time. A bit of panic there. That I reclaim my time is when you know they're hitting the panic button. That is the last refuge of a scoundrel. It's never the comments that-- because, listen, I've said stupid things on this show. And if you rewind it and you play it back, I'm sure I'd cringe. But it's never the stupid comment that gets me. It's the confidence in which it is said that always blows my mind. Like, the arrogance that you have to have to say something like that and to yell it at another person. Also, honorable mention-- not didn't even come close to AOC. You wish, Jamie Raskin. You couldn't even come close to her breakout moment. But it was pretty funny when Raskin was slamming one of the witnesses as a con man. And then Comer had to inform him or remind him. You know that's Hunter's former business partner, right? That's why he's here. It's not just some random dude we pulled off the street. What's that expression about the company you keep? Hunter's doing business for years with these people that Jamie Raskin would describe as con men? Hmm. Maybe there's a problem there. But what I actually wanted to start with today-- because we covered a lot of that yesterday-- and if you have thoughts on it, if something's been brewing overnight and you're like, you know how Grace didn't really mention this, you're always welcome to call in. It's 844-542-42. But I wanted to start this conversation we're about to have with the sound cut. Lake and Riley's dad, a man whose life has been permanently shattered thanks to an illegal alien gang member from Venezuela. He gave a speech in front of the Georgia State Senate yesterday. And he begged Governor Brian Kemp, as well as other senators, to protect American citizens. I want you to listen to this, and we're going to talk about it. This is cut 8. This is Jason Riley. I stand before you a heartbroken man. Part of my purpose has been taken. God gave me a beautiful daughter to father, protect, provide for, and nurture. A man with an evil heart stole her life. He was in this country and in this state illegally. My vision for every senator in this chamber is that you protect citizens from this illegal invasion. Please recognize over a million illegal aliens are in this state and making families nervous. Please recognize Athens Clark is a sanctuary city. And this policy and the lack of action led to the murder of my daughter. There are a few of you in this chamber that are standing up and working on a solution to protect us. For that, my family is thankful. Lake is thankful. Governor Kemp, please declare an invasion to detain and to support criminal illegals so we can prevent future families from those tragedies. Hundreds of women and children each month that are being smuggled, coerced, and trafficked in our state. They are victims just like Lincoln. Now, I have so many thoughts listening to that. And I don't know if it's just because of the recency in which we talked about COVID. This is the week of the four year anniversary of 15 days to slow the spread. And this is going to come back into another conversation I want to have in just a little bit. But bear with me here as I try to work through this. Do you remember the length that government officials and hall monitors and bureaucrats went through to try to protect us? And I should use air quotes there. To try to look out for our health and safety during COVID. There was no stone left unturned. There was no bar that wasn't covered with plexiglass. There was no outdoor dining situation where the length in between tables wasn't measured by some state health inspection person. And I remember somebody called in, or maybe somebody said it to me off the air, and they said, if you think this is about your safety, if you think this is about your health, you're out of your mind. And really, when I look at what happened to Lake and Riley, that's a situation where if all of these people gave even a fraction of the concern to this very avoidable crisis as they did to counting how many french fries we ate at the bar and if it counted towards a meal. Or if COVID was going to show up because we only had a handful of pretzels and we're supposed to have an entree with the side. If any of those eggheads cared, even just a little bit, if they took a little bit of that passion that they had during the shutdowns. And I know you might be saying, why, Grace, why are you talking with the shutdowns, it's over. But it's a four year anniversary. It's been on my mind this week. And when I look at these problems that they tell us, well, there's nothing we could do about it. You know, there's nothing we can do. It happens. American citizens can make crimes too. And it's like, well, why don't you try? Why don't you try? You tried everything supposedly to protect us during COVID. You shut down the schools. There was nothing you wouldn't do to protect us. There was no business you wouldn't crush. There was no law you wouldn't break. There was no fine you wouldn't write when it came to our safety. We were all supposed to be so scared. We were supposed to be like ants hiding in our homes. Oh my gosh. If I go outside without my mask. And then meanwhile, you've got gang members from Venezuela bashing people's skulls in while they're on a run at a college campus. And that's not something that we think maybe there's a way we can prevent these things from happening. These atrocities from occurring. That's where we draw the line. It's like, oh, no, no, we can-- if we put up enough plexiglass barriers, we can slow the spread of this flu-like virus, but vetting the people that are coming into this country. And I don't know, deporting people after the first, second, third time they've been arrested. That's just-- that's out of our hands. That's asking too much. Do you know what I'm saying, Jared? Like, I had something else written down here. This is kind of a tangent. But it's really amazing the things that they pretend they have any control of. But you can't stop a gang member. He can get arrested. He can have a long rap sheet. And all these brilliant people, they can't figure out any way to deport that person, to make sure that person doesn't murder a 22-year-old young nursing student with their whole life ahead of her. They're powerless to helping that family. The Riley family, they couldn't help them. But lowering the earth's temperature by changing everyone's washing machines, that's what they're going to focus on. Do you get what I'm saying? The things that they pretend they are going to fix are so stupid and so pointless and such a waste of money. And then actual problems that have actual solutions, they throw their hands up and go, wow. I mean, actually, the difference can make crimes, too. Yeah, but there's not as easy of a solution. If I thought that every American criminal-- if I thought that there was a way that we could stop those people from committing crimes before they happen, I would say go for it. But there's not. But in this case, if you know somebody's illegal, boom, you have a way to prevent them from tracking down someone like Lake and Riley and bashing in her skull. It's a built-in solution. They're already here illegally. And in the case of this guy, he's already committed crimes. And there are, in fact, laws on the books that you could use as well that just aren't-- So many resources, Jared. You don't have to reinvent the wheel to deal with this problem. No, but they like to reinvent the wheel. They like to reinvent the wheel. And they like to come up with a new wheel that's worse. And it doesn't do anything. It's a square wheel. Yeah, it's a square wheel. But they're going to be flying off the shelves by 2032. Everyone's going to want a square wheel. It just drives me nuts. And the other part of this that I want to talk about, which is actually what I wrote down here, but I can't be tamed. You know, I come out, I get this microphone in front of me. Who knows what I'm going to say. But the other thing I did want to talk about was yesterday we happened to mention squatters. And it was one of those stories Jared that was on my desk. And I was like, yeah, maybe we'll talk about it. Maybe we won't. Because I had this Michael Keaton movie in my mind. I said, I want to throw that out to the listener. It's an old movie. It's like 1990. Michael Keaton's a squatter. It's called Pacific Heights. And I thought I wonder for anyone who's seen that. Because I kept seeing all these headlines about squatters. And I was like, this is also a new thing I didn't hear about a lot when Trump was president. You know, I didn't see a lot of coverage of the squatters. And I'm glad we talked about it because today, the biggest story in like the Daily Mail, the New York Post, and all these places I go to 600 times a day is this tick talker. He's a tick talker from Venezuela. And he's giving advice to illegal aliens on how to become squatters and take over homes. And he uses the word, I believe he uses the word invade. The whole thing's in Spanish, but that was the headline. He's telling people how to invade these homes and invoke squatters rights. So I'm very happy that we talked about that because it's becoming, this wasn't a one-off situation. - Yeah, and he actually mentioned in that video that he or some network of associates he works with had already taken seven or eight homes, something like that. - Yeah, and-- - Unfortunately, that's not Rico, 'cause it's not a crime, but-- - But it, no, but it says, Jared, it says, tick talker tells illegal immigrants how to invade American homes and invoke squatters rights. And here's my question. I know ever since Lake and Riley was murdered that we're back to policing like the terminology we use. I don't wanna offend Lake and Riley's murderer here. And I know you're not supposed to say legally. And at one point, I was told that when Trump was calling this an invasion, he's been calling it an invasion for a long time. I was told by the Atlantic, where does Trump's rhetoric invasion rhetoric come from? That was August, 2019. Trump used words like invasion and killer to discuss immigrants at rallies 500 times, according to USA Today analysis. That was from also August, 2018. Trump reprises dehumanizing language on undocumented immigrants, warns of invasion. So what am I supposed to call it? Because the tick talker from Venezuela, who's telling people how to have squatters rights in American homes, he's labeling it an invasion. So is it fair game now for me to say it? Or is that not cool? Am I going to be branded like a MAGA boomer racist who can't read maps if I use the same words as the tick talker from Venezuela with over 500,000 followers? Who's proudly boasting about how you can become a squatter here? You can invade these homes. I just want to know what language has the green light? Is invasion okay now? Because when Trump said it, it's not okay. But what else do you call this? Can we all get on board with it at this point? Doesn't seem like it's a big secret. We'll take your call. - In fact, it's rude to our new undocumented Americans to not use their terminology and call it an invasion. - Yeah, well, the tick talker is very proud of it. And look at, he's, I mean, every knock a boost, he's all over the publications today. We'll take your calls on this. It's Thursday, we got a lot to get to. This is the Grace Curly Show. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for two eight Tuesday, Tuesdays at two p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - They have to close the borders. Our country is dying. Our country is being overridden. This is an invasion. Our country is being invaded by people. Nobody even knows who they are, where they come from. Millions of people, I predict 15 million people with it a short period of time. Probably have 15 million people already. That's bigger than most states. And these people come from the wrong places. They're coming from very bad places. There's no checks, there's no balances. It's a disgrace. What's happening to our country is a disgrace. We have to close the border. Let people come in, but they have to come in legally. - Yeah, and then you have the Biden administration that has no problem breaking rules or signing, whatever. He can sign as many executive orders as he wants when he has the will to do it, when he wants to do it. He doesn't have to follow the constitution when he doesn't want to. But when it comes to things that he doesn't care about, he's big on saying, you know, we did everything we could. We've done as much as we can. We came up with comprehensive blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know what, I bet you do more. I bet you do more if you thought what happened to Lake and Riley was gonna happen to one of your granddaughters. And I'd say that to every single politician. I bet you try a little harder if you thought the fate of a Molly Tibbetts or a Kate Steinley or a Lake and Riley was gonna befall someone in your family. I think you put in a little bit more effort. I don't think you'd be so quick to say, "Well, I mean, I can citizens commit more crimes "than illegal aliens." I don't think that would do it for you. I don't think that would be the end of the road for you on that front. Lou, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lou. - Yeah, hey, I'm doing Grace. I have one quick thing to say about AOC. I was watching her thing yesterday and I was on YouTube and her statement. And I was reading the comments. One of the comments was pretty good. I said, "AOC is the only former waitress "that brings nothing to the table." And that's basically her. She pretends she's a whole lot smarter than she actually is. And she comes off looking like a dumbbell. I mean, really she, that's basically AOC. But what I wanted to say too is like, you were talking about COVID, that's great that you're comparing the danger of COVID to what's happening now. And they did so much with COVID, but nothing with this or the danger of illegal aliens coming in here and threatening this country. And I also wanted to bring up during the COVID crisis, there was also the George Floyd incident. And what would they do about the police? Then there was the big defund the police, get rid of bail, elect these low DAs. And then go after the law enforcement agencies and look out for the criminals. But now that there's a huge danger coming from illegal alien criminals coming to this country by the tens of thousands, probably even by the hundreds of thousands, nothing. - Yeah. - Nothing, I used to hear. - And Lou, they have blood on their hands, a lot of these politicians for supporting these woke DAs. I can't even get into how responsible these woke DAs are for the terror that is happening all across the country. And you mentioned to fund the police. Now we have the National Guard and the subway system in New York. Because that's what, that's all the great, that's the good that defunding the police did in New York is now they brought in the National Guard. But I know I said this yesterday, Lou, but it's my favorite sign fellow quote when Jerry looks at Kramer and he says, "If you could only channel this energy into something positive, you're like Lex Luthor." 'Cause Kramer's always getting involved with all these schemes and these crazy ideas. And I feel the same way about Democrats. Like when you guys care about something like you did about COVID, there is nothing you won't do. You'll go to the ends of the earth. If you could only care about things that would actually make people's lives better, where would we be? (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Five OA just summed up a concept that I've been trying to put into words. In a lot more, in a very succinct way, a lot more effective, he said, the point is we have enough of our own bad actors here to deal with, we don't need to be importing other ones. That's it, that has been what I've been trying to verbalize now for years. It's like, yeah, we've got enough to worry about when they make that point. And when I say they, I mean Democrats, when I say point, I mean, you know, acinine statement that nobody believes when they say, well, you know, technically speaking, and by the way, the numbers on this, if you go to, the numbers don't really support this theory, but it's one of their biggest talking points. Democrats love to say, actually, illegal aliens commit less crimes than American citizens. And to five OA it's point, it's like, that's not as strong as a point that you think it is. We've got enough to worry about here. We've gotta get our own backyard in order. This is like when someone gives you advice, Jared, and their lives are a mess, and you go, don't you have your own stuff to worry about? Or one of my favorite lines from the fighter, Mickey Ward, right? This is one of my favorite lines in the fighter. We're all standing around, and one of the sisters tries to get involved in the fight, and she says, you know, they're having like a bickering argument thing, and she says, yeah, well, mom, you know, you really should, and she doesn't mind her own business, and the mom looks at her and says, you stay out of this, you still owe me 200 bucks. Like, you watch yourself, don't bring other, we don't need people telling us, well, you know, technically speaking, American citizens, okay, yeah, exactly. So why don't we focus on that? Why don't we focus on putting the American citizens in prison who are breaking the law? Are we really in a position right now to be accepting applications for more? And of course, there's no application process. The application is walk across the border and say that you're a newcomer, and then boom, you're in. But it just drives me crazy that stupid talking point of, well, you know, here people are committing, Americans commit more crimes. Cool, then it seems like on that front, we should be pretty satisfied with the fact that we have enough to worry about, without bringing in more problems, importing more criminals. I'm not arguing with you, I don't think American citizens are perfect by any means, but I also don't think we should be asking more criminals to come into this country, and is everybody a criminal? No. But nobody's saying everyone's a criminal. We're just saying there needs to be some sort of process. - And that's such an intellectually bankrupt argument from them, especially because remember, black lives matter versus all lives matter. And the explanation, well, yeah, if there's a bunch of streets on the houses on the street, but one house is on fire, you don't need to be concerned about all the houses. So yeah, that's the argument you tried to make, and they're completely reversing it here. Well, you know, yeah, I mean, yeah, there's an illegal who committed a crime, but Americans commit crimes too. It's like, no, no, no, that's not the focus right now. - Yeah, and it doesn't count. - It doesn't negate one, it doesn't nullify the fact that-- - Don't tell me all lives matter when all crimes are equal. - It doesn't nullify the fact that Lake and Riley had her skull bashed in. And again, like you go back to, who was the person who said, "Oh, Katie Porter, who is saying, "Oh, you know, it's shaped policy around one person." Do you wanna tell that to-- - One incident. - One incident. You wanna tell that to Lake and Riley's family? I don't think you would, Katie Porter. When can we start calling her former congresswoman, Katie Porter, by the way? I wanna make sure that I get her title correct. - I believe once the session ends, she has to vacate the seats. - Okay, well, you'll let me know. - I will absolutely let you know. - I don't wanna keep calling her congresswoman, Katie Porter, if she's not a congresswoman anymore. You should understand that. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier. Back in stock now, my friends at Eden Pure have brought back the very popular BOGO offer that's buy one, get one, order now at Use code GRACE BOGO. They go fast, so don't miss out. That's Don't forget to use code GRACE BOGO. Jared, can I set this up just a little bit? - Yes, absolutely. - I saw a report today that really made me giggle. And I actually, I'm waiting for the Babylon B spin on this. I love the Babylon B version of these headlines. This is from Breitbart. It says report Mitch McConnell urges Republicans to oppose term limits. You don't say. What's the next report gonna be report? George Santos urges Republicans to allow roulette tables on the house floor. Like, yeah, I would guess that Mitch McConnell is not a fan of term limits. - Terrible power. - This seems like, this seems to me like he might have ulterior motives. Like, he might be on one side of this for a reason. He might be letting his personal feelings affect his reasoning here. You know who else I bet is not a fan of term limits? Nancy Pelosi. You know what Jared, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna guess a couple people here, okay? I'm going to guess that Chuck Grassley is opposed to term limits, that Joe Biden is opposed to term limits, that Nancy Pelosi is opposed to term limits. Diane Feinstein has passed away, but I'm sure she was opposed to term limits. Yeah, I don't think that this is a shocker, that this is where he stands, but it does bring up the question of term limits. And I've always had the feeling that it would be nice if people could just assess a candidate's cognitive ability based off, I don't know, video evidence of it and then make a decision with their own common sense. Obviously, based off what we have in the White House right now, that is asking too much. That is not possible. So, Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? - Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is do you support term limits? - Again, I don't love creating new legislation or new rules or new guardrails when you'd prefer people just come to the rational decision on their own and vote people out. That should be the term limit, that's what I've always said. But people are so old. And you know what, everybody else, not everybody else, but a lot of these other Republicans are also gonna be opposed to term limits shared because they're looking at a Chuck Grassley or Mitch McConnell and they're thinking to themselves, that's gonna be me. - Oh yeah, look at AOC, she's like, I got 50 or 60 years of collecting this paycheck. - Yeah, it just waxing stupid. - This is my retirement plan. I'm going to be here until I'm 97 years old, Jerry Nadler. Like there's no doubt in my mind that these younger people are thinking, well, I don't want to oppose term limits because then at some point I'll have to go. And I don't want to leave, nobody wants to leave, that's the saddest part of it. It's the most depressing part, nobody. Nobody wants to move on to greener pastures. - Did you imagine if AOC had to be out of government by the time she was, say, 38 because of term limits? That's like almost an entire second half of her life, she's gonna do something. - Yeah, no, and that's how the founding fathers wanted all of these government positions to be. They did-- - It was like a two week part time job. - They didn't want you to be there forever. They didn't want this to be your last stop. - Now it's like, people are, they won't leave. They love it, they love it too much. So with all that being said, maybe I'll change my mind as the show goes on. I'm gonna vote yes. - 94% of the audience is with you on that one. - I just, I've lost hope that voters are gonna figure it out and just vote people out and go, well, that person's 90 years old and doesn't really know what they're talking about anymore. Clearly, that's not cutting it. That's not doing it anymore. People need something else. Lisa, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lisa. - Hey, Grace, how are you? - I'm good, what's going on? - Oh, good. Well, I just wanted to comment on something you talked about earlier, which was the virus and it's the anniversary of the curve, the two-week curve. So it's precious that Democrats think they can control a virus that is going to rip through the planet. Okay, it doesn't recognize borders or speed limits or anything else. It's going to rip through the planet, whether we wear masks or separate or not. And lots of people knew that in the beginning and they even understood when people were trying to raise these points. But the Democrats think they can control a virus and they can control the temperature of the planet. So they think there's like a big thermostat at the United Nations. They can just set at like 68 or 72. And it doesn't work like that. And we just have to keep making fun of them because that's the only thing that works with humor. They're not shamed by legislation or the Republicans coming out and doing their talking points and looking stupid because they don't know how to message anything. And we just have to just keep ridiculing them and making fun of them that they think they can control a virus and the temperature of the planet. Yeah, so here's the thing that I'm torn here because one, I love so much of what you said. I'm always team laugh at Democrats, I'm always team, you know, and make sport of them, have a little fun with it. But as far as them thinking they can control the virus, I'm torn here because one part of me goes, yeah, they definitely have a God complex. Like that definitely is an element of this. We saw it with Dr. Fauci. They think they're the science. They think they're the climate. They think they can do all this. But that part of me goes, maybe we're giving them an out by even saying that because I don't know if when it came to COVID, they ever thought they could actually control it. I think they thought they could control us. But I don't think they're that naive where it's like, oh, yeah, we'll be able to contain it. I think that was the narrative they pushed so that they could contain us, keep us in our homes, shut down our businesses, shut down our schools, you know, affect the election in the ways that they did. So I kind of go back and forth on this 'cause a lot of people will call up the show and they'll say, and we had Bob Price on this week talking about illegal immigration. And he made the point to say, this is not accidental. This is not like, oh, we don't know what we're doing. These people have been in government for decades. We just talked about it and it all ties in. They've been, some of them have been in there for five, six decades. They know what they're doing. A lot of this stuff, to call them dumb or to write it off as them being naive, I think we're doing ourselves a disservice 'cause I think it's actually a lot more nefarious than that. I love that word, that's always my go-to. By the way, speaking of illegal immigration, speaking of COVID, I'm so glad Lisa brought this up. I wanna talk about the situation in Taunton because I had another thought brought to you by one of the callers from a few weeks ago. Remember where you were talking about, at the time it was right after they had brought in all these illegal families to Melnia cast to the recreation center in Roxbury. And then shortly after they brought in people to the neighborhood of Fort Point and there was this whole conversation about the showers, the bathrooms and somebody called up and they said, Grace, next time you wanna put an addition on your house, you wanna have an in-law put in, just remember this. Remember the fact that none of it matters when they wanna squeeze 200 families into a building, then all that stuff goes out the window. And I started to think about that today 'cause I thought in Clarion, they have way too many families and the Clarion Hotel, I'm sorry, the Clarion Hotel in Taunton is what I meant to say, they're getting fined for it. And I thought as they should be, they're over capacity, but it doesn't seem like it's the same kind of outrage over them breaking rules or breaking protocol or not having the correct permitting or the correct, however you wanna phrase it. And I thought, remember during COVID, the health inspectors, all the rules, the six feet, the this, the that, it was like, I distinctly remember a restaurant owner and I'll find the cut of this guy 'cause it broke my heart, he was so frustrated. The health inspector kept coming to his store and saying like, you don't have to proper outdoor furniture and you don't want to ever, and he finally broke down and he said like, what am I supposed to do here? Like I'm trying everything, he was barely surviving. And Big Brother was there just crushing him slowly and you know, eagerly, happily crushing this guy and exerting their power on him. And so when they want to, zoning, permitting, all this stuff is right there in the forefront. It's like so important to them. But when the state decides how we're gonna shove 250 families into a hotel, you don't hear about it as much. Nobody's as concerned about the inspections and the this and the that and again, it just brings me back to COVID. I know it's partly 'cause it's a four year anniversary, but it's like, it all depends on the situation. If the situation, if they can put the screws to the American citizen, the taxpayer, all of these people put on their hard hats and get to work. But if it involves importing all of these illegal aliens into buildings without showers, without bathrooms, they're not, they're not sticklers for details in those cases. You've been waiting for it and now it's here. The Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer is on. The Thunderstorm is a lifesaver. Jared, you love the Thunderstorm. There's so many reasons to love it. Tell the audience what it does. - So it actually purifies the air around you. That's why it's called an air purifier. It doesn't cover up odors. It doesn't make things smell flowery. The air's not thick with some type of syrup or oil or whatever you wanna call it. No, it actually sends out ions that make a super oxygen and that is what eliminates any odors that are in the air, any allergens, any pollutants. It's great for my allergies. The same way it's great for getting rid of smells and I like to keep it in my car. So that way, if I have the windows down, pollen gets in, I can just plug in the machine into the USB port of my car, turn it on and I get that ionized air in the car. The same way I would as if I was in my house. - Yeah, it's very powerful. It doesn't take up any floor space and you can take advantage of the Bogo offer that ends this Sunday. Get the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier today and get another one for free. At with Code Grace Bogo. That's, Code Grace Bogo. We'll be right back. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. All right, so this is the story from the Boston Herald about the Clarion Hotel in the city of Taunton. The city of Taunton is suing the owners of a local hotel after inspectors found the establishment housing many more migrant families than are allowed under the building's occupancy limits. The suit seeking over $100,000 in overdue civil fines comes according to legal filings after the state made a contract with the operators of the Clarion Hotel to house migrant families in the city. And I was reading this today and I just kept going back to how much people cared about occupancy limits during COVID. We were waiting outside supermarkets. There were bouncers there who would look at you and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on, you gotta wait a sec." I mean, I was used to waiting in lines outside of bars and selfie, trying to get in, trying to get a drink, but outside a supermarket so that you could follow the arrows and the aisle to avoid getting this virus that none of this stuff was gonna help you avoid getting. There were so many rules. Oh, a restaurant, they'd have you in a restaurant, they'd have an empty table next to you because God forbid we fill up all the tables and let these restaurant owners make a buck. We have to keep some of them empty so that Charlie Baker feels good. He feels like he's doing something. How the times have changed. Now we've got 450 people in this hotel, even though it's only allowed to sleep 350 people. I would think that, Jared, I've been in places before, I've been eating in places before where if you try to stick a chair at the end of the table, the server will say to you, "Hey, we can't have this here, it's against fire code." I guess it's too much of a danger. And you go, "Okay, sure thing, yeah, yeah." Now, how much of a danger is that? You have 450 people crammed into a hotel that's only allowed to sleep 350. I don't mean to be a stickler here, okay? I don't mean to be like one of the health inspectors during COVID saying, "Excuse me, that plastic shield "that you have for the outdoor dining, "it's not gonna work." You need to shut this place down. But it's amazing how quickly things change. When we come back, David Harsani on Israel, then we got Woker Joke and a lot more of The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)