Jesse Kelly Show

Will Things Become More Peaceful in the U.S.A. If Trump Wins; What's the Best Advice for Raising Kids

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22 Mar 2024
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With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine. But we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Void we're prohibited by law. Most terms and conditions apply. See website for details. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. So put a smile on your face and I hope you have huge weekend plans and wonderful ones what we have on tap for this hour. Well, we're going to talk about the peaceful transfer of power of Trump wins. Are they going to give him that? Someone wants to rant about the Sanford supporters will let the man have his say. Someone wants to get involved in politics. We have, well, advice, fatherhood advice, if you will, raising kids. All that so much more coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show. I'm going to finish a thought we were having. We were talking about someone had brought up the question about Trump and did big pharma intentionally make a poisonous jab to hurt Trump and whatnot. So I'm not going to go over everything I've already talked about. Go download the podcast if you want. I've already recapped a lot of kind of the timeline of how that laid out, but we're going to fast forward to the point where Operation Warp Speed, that disgusting piece of legislation gets passed. And now these big pharma companies, they're basically given a green light. No red flags. You don't have to test as much. Hey, just give the people whatever you want. Well, this is when it gets really, really ugly in nefarious. And a lot of people forget about the timeline of this. So we're told that there is a vaccine in production. It's going to save us all from this dastardly coronavirus and Democrats. I think we have a montage of this, Chris. Democrats start ranting and raving immediately that this vaccine is bad. That it's going to be poisonous that you can't take it. I'm never going to take a Trump vaccine. I'm not going to do this. I'm not going to do that. You could media personalities, everybody. Here's a little bit of it. I think it's going to be a very skeptical American public about taking the vaccine. And they should be. We can't trust the president and take his word and take a vaccine that might cause harm to us. If and when the vaccine comes, it's not likely to go through all the tests. It needs to be in a trials that are needed to be done. Let's just say there is a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it? Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us. When we finally do, God willing get a vaccine. Who's going to take the shot? Who's going to take the shot? We will need to have access to the vaccine results so we can make our independent assessment. Okay. You got it. It goes on for two minutes. I'm not going to do that to you because I'm for two minutes. I'd never. I wouldn't trust it. Trump vaccine. We need to test it. It's not even going to be tested. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. And then maybe you remember this. We never get an approved vaccine. Then we have the election. Trump loses Biden wins. It was almost immediately, almost immediately after the election results were in. The big pharma companies came out and said, we've done it. We have achieved a working vaccine and we will be distributing it immediately. Remember, Trump raged about it, raged about it. What? You're only announcing this now. I just lost the next election, raged about it. Then, of course, every single Democrat you just heard in that montage reversed course and said, take it, take it. I want you to take it. You better take it. It'll fix it. Hey, take it. Hold on. You're going to get fired if you don't take it. If it was in the, they, they, they did a 180 immediately. People still laugh about it to this day. And then you had to take it. It was going to save lives. If you don't take it, you hate grandma. You want millions of people to die immediately. They did a 180. So what do I think about it? Here's what I think about it. I think the Democrats run the United States of America, whether or not Democrats hold the presidency or not because Democrat ideology, communist ideology has taken over all the institutions of the country. Now, why? What's the basis beyond that? Because government has taken over all the institutions of the country and Democrats are the party of government. They love government more and more and more. We need more government this, more government that big pharma, big pharma, a long time ago, aligned itself with the government and relies on the government. Well, if you're a company, any industry that relies on the government, you are going to prefer Democrats being in power. So big pharma very clearly withheld this thing until Biden won the election. Then they do this big vaccine rollout as a reward to Biden and Democrats. So Biden and Democrats will get all the credit for quote curing coronavirus. Now the problem with that was it didn't cure coronavirus. And it didn't make COVID better. And it didn't prevent infection. And it didn't prevent the spread. It essentially did nothing they told you it was going to do. They lied. Everyone lied. Democrats lied, media lied, doctors lied, CDC lied, FDA lied, big pharma lied. The American people were lied to by everyone and then forced in many cases to take something they didn't want. And the real criminality and all that is, is this? Nobody, nobody is ever going to be held accountable for what those people did to America. And the true reason, the real reason nobody will ever be held accountable is Republicans were as responsible as Democrats for pushing that poison filth on the society. And so who's going to hold anyone accountable? It's not like you can hope to. What do you think Trump's going to win the election? And there's going to be a big vaccine investigation? He's still pranks about it. This is not going to happen. So we will never get a reckoning for what big pharma did for what any of these people did. There will never be justice for the American people. And that makes me sick. But it's true. And it's where we are. Right? There is that we can't imagine how many people I offended there, whatever. Jesse, dear father of the year, I am in need of your advice. I have a nine month old daughter. I'm concerned about the way all of our institutions will have influence on her. How do I explain to her that the people she sees on TV, the internet teachers, other students are completely insane and live in a world of make believe as she gets older. Okay, first, you're going to be fined. And she's going to be fine. How do I know you wrote this email? You already care enough. That's all I need to know. You're going to be fine and she's going to be fine. But let me just encourage parents out there. And I'm certainly not father of the year. But I do have two boys, 13 and 15 that are about as hardcore anti-communist as it gets. And they have manners. And I'm just, I'm amazed. I was actually talking to my wife this morning, we were both getting ready for work. The boys were at school. And I said, I'm just amazed at how good our boys turned out to be there's so much better than we are. There's so much better than we are. We, for instance, we do, we don't let our kids have their phones all the time. Certainly not a lot to be on your phone all the time. And we don't let our kids have video game time or computer time all the time. But we do let them have it. If the grades are in your performance, you're working hard in sports, you're not getting in trouble. We'll give you time. You put an hour, you want a cup of hours on the weekend to knock yourself out. Go play, go play. We're all about it. We work hard. You play hard all about it. But we do look meaning, Hey, bring me our phones now. And I'm going to go through them. Hey, your computer, bring it to me now. And we'll go through them. And these kids are so good to the point. It shames me for how bad I was back in the day. Like they're just better than we are that than I ever was. I should say my kids are. So I'm definitely not father of the year, but they are two really good boys. And all we do is talk to them. I think if you just talk to your kids, it means a lot. And when I say talk to them, when I when they get home from school, when I get home from work, they still run down and they hug me and they want to talk to me. And I ask them, not just how was your day? I ask them that what happened in school? What happened with your friends? Something good? Something bad? Oh, what do you learn in history? Ah, we're learning about Andrew Jackson. Yeah, what'd you learn about Andrew Jackson? Detailed conversations with them. And then having discussions with them about life. If we're if we're watching TV, we don't do that a lot as a family. We just don't I don't watch a lot of TV anymore. It's just something we've kind of drifted away from. You got so sick of all the crap that I just don't do much of it. We still have TV and whatnot. But when it's on, if we want to watch something, whatever the case may be. And there is filth out there. We will pause it. We will point it out. We will talk about it. And now they're at the point where they see things and bring things to me. Hey, dad, I was watching this today. Guess what they sprinkled in there. And they'll tell me all about it. Just talk to them. It's fine. Just talk to them. You keep you keeping conversation with them. I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised with how everything turns out. Now, speaking of kids, we need more of them. Let me encourage you young couples out there. Get married and make as many babies as you can. Being a parent is the greatest freaking thing in the world. And this country needs more people like you, not more people like these garbage politicians, more people like you. Now along those lines, a male vitality stack from Chuck wouldn't be a bad idea. Elevated testosterone levels might just help you out with that whole thing. Ladies, they have female vitality stacks. But maybe, maybe you're past the whole baby making stage of your life. I am. You still need testosterone, gentlemen. Your body needs it. Your muscles need it. Your mind needs it. Your mood needs it. Natural, herbal supplements, 20% increase in your testosterone in 90 days. Natural herbal supplements. Go to They have so many different products way more than just male vitality stacks. Get a subscription so you can save money. Start living better with chalk living sharper. My mind is just so much sharper now. C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse. We'll be back. What Chris, we can make jokes. It's fine. We got that right. Jesse Kelly show. Let me take a moment and shoot straight with you. You are a hero. The donations you are giving to the good work of preborn saves lives. Right now, these babies are taking their first breath. Your impact reached eternity and we've only just begun. Why? Because babies need our help. See the overturning of row only made the enemies of life more ravenous for the blood of the innocent. So now we need to be more passionate about saving them. Thanks to preborn. We can do that for just $28. You can introduce an at risk baby to their mother. Once she sees that precious life and hears that heartbeat on ultrasound, she is twice as likely to choose life because of you. Preborn has rescued over 280,000 babies from abortion and every day their clinics save 200 babies lives to get involved. Just dial pound 250 and say the keyword baby. That's pound 250 baby or go to preborn dot com slash Jesse preborn dot com slash Jesse sponsored by preborn. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Let's get back to the questions. There are so many and so many good ones today. I mean, look, you want to focus on Biden and the problems he's thinking about what you want to president Biden, sharpness and stamina are exactly what you want. This is where I think Joe Biden wants voters to be. It's only 7% close enough, 24%. How about not what you want the Michigan 69% 69% not what you want. This to me is the big problem for Joe Biden. I do wonder how much Joe Biden's age is going to matter to people and not necessarily his age, his condition. Right now you can be in better shape than that at his age, right? We all age differently because Trump's about as old as Biden is, but Trump can still speak and talk and walk and it's functioning. Biden is no longer functioning. Now, for you that matters, obviously, for me that matters, but I understand that I'm not the normal voter. Does it matter to the normal voter? I don't know. I guess we'll find out in November. Dear Jesse, thanks for doing a continually continuously awesome show. You're welcome. It's just what I do. What Chris, I drive a truck for a living and listen to you on podcast forum pretty much every day. It will turn my dad onto the show. My question is if Trump wins election, will there be a peaceful transfer of power by the system? What is your best guess on what will happen? I've been thinking about this a lot lately. His name is James. I think about this a lot too. And you've heard me talk about this that I have serious doubts that the system is going to allow him to win. And the reason I say that, I think back and it could be easy to forget, but I think back to Trump's presidency and I see all the different ways there was resistance and rebellion from within Trump's own government. Remember, Trump was impeached the second time from within his own state department. We now know from writings afterwards that generals, remember, Trump is the commander in chief. He is the top dog of the military. Trump would give orders and generals would ignore the orders. They would ignore them. The Federal Bureau of Investigation ran honey pot and ran honey pots after Trump's people, honey traps, depending on which way you want to put it. They, they launched sting operations into Trump's campaign while he while he was campaigning. This is last time. This is the last time. What are they going to do this time? We're all excited. Look, myself included. We're all excited about how the poll numbers look right now. Joe Biden's going to lose and Joe Biden's going to lose. I'm excited and Trump's up here. That's more wrong. Okay. That's good thing. We want Joe Biden to lose. What is the system system going to do in response to those poll numbers? Okay. So let's say he gets through it. Let's say he gets through the election and let's say the numbers are overwhelming enough that Trump is the president of the United States of America once again after November. Well, all those people are still in government. All those generals are still there. Christopher Ray is still the head of the FBI IRS State Department. They're all still there. Now you stop and think about how the government itself reacted to Donald Trump's election last time. Can you tell me what might they do the next time? It's going to be bad. It will. How bad? What will they do? I don't know. I can guarantee you this and this is a guarantee. Chris, go ahead and write this one down. A guarantee. If the Democrats happen to control the House of Representatives after November, which they won't, I don't think, but if they do, remember it's a, it's a slim majority right now. If Democrats control the House of Representatives after November, Trump will be impeached within the first six months this presidency. He will be. They'll just start impeaching him right off the bat. And that's, that's the nice stuff they'll do. I don't have a specific answer because I don't know. But remember every part of the system, every part from the media to the government to every part of the national security apparatus, they have been trained now for years, trained over and over and over and over and over again to believe that Donald Trump is the height of all evil that he is Hitler and Mussolini and that he means the end of everything for these people. And it doesn't matter that that's insane. So just set that aside for these people defeating him is all that matters. Stopping Donald Trump is all that matters and they will break any law. They will break every law. They will break any norm because for them stopping him is everything. Now that's bad. Look, we're like I said, we're happy about the poll numbers. I see when Joe Biden's down and it makes me smile. And then I always have a moment of pause after I'm not smiling. And I think, man, how's the system going to respond if they genuinely believe Joe Biden can't win in November? What will they do? I don't have a specific answer to that very good question. I just know it's not good. Right. And I know it's not good. Jesse, I was up at my local polling center in rare red county in Northeast Ohio before work this morning. Easily four times the number of poll workers to actual voters. I was in and out in five minutes. What's it going to take to wake people up? Sadly, I think I know the answer. Pain is what it's going to take pain. It's that's very clearly what the American people are going to need to wake up. Now, speaking of pain, you ever buried a dog? I have. I remember last dog had to bury myself was a black lab. We had named Hank buried him in the backyard with the buddy of mine, crying. You know, it's like it's freaking horrible. You got to put your dog down. And it occurs to me that all the dogs I've ever owned. I probably cheated myself out of years with them because I never gave them good food. We give them dog food. Honestly, and rough greens wasn't around back then. But if I'd known that dog food was dead food, I would have done more to give them fresh ingredients of some kind. Dog food is just dead because they want it to last long on the shelf so they kill all the nutrition in it in the factory. We don't give our dogs any real nutrition and they die at 10 and we cry and we wonder why our dogs never had nutrition. How long would you live without nutrition? Give your dog nutrition. Rough greens. It's an all natural nutritional supplement. You pour on your dog's food. All right, 83333 my dog gets you a free jumpstart trial bag or you can go to We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. And as Dr. Jesse Friday, Chris, what's the name of that song again? Starman, who sings that? Bowie? That's a good song. I forgot what what were you played it? Why are you turning your nose up? Do you not like David Bowie? Oh, I'm tired of Chris. Let's get on to some asked Dr. Jesse questions. I'm sick of this oracle. What happens if the chai comms are forced to divest from tick talk? Who's going to have the juice to buy it? Google or Facebook? The system will be more than happy to give them a sweet art deal. And I'm sure they're falling all over each other to have exponentially more data on the American people. I haven't heard anyone mention the consequences of this proposed legislation. What say you? His name is Mike. Look, this was this was always my problem with this stuff. And we talked about this when this tick talk thing came about. And I actually have a lot of differences with a lot of people on the right and people I trust. And that's okay. We can have differences on it. My thinking on it is this. Look at that $1.2 trillion spending bill that passed the house earlier today. There's so much filth, rancid filth in there. You can't even imagine it. Okay. So can this Congress produce a good bill? Is it possible? Is it possible for a body this corrupt to produce something good? I say it is not possible. I say a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Well, I didn't say that. Sorry, Lord, but God said it first that I repeated it. A bad tree cannot produce good fruit. And keep in mind there's something else about this tick talk bill you better keep in the back of your mind. It gives not Congress. It gives the president discretion. And what does he do with that discretion? What's it say in the bill? Well, if you're under foreign influence, he thinks you're under foreign influence. He can step in there. Well, hey, Chris, do we have any montages anywhere about them calling us Russians or accusing us of spreading Russian disinformation? So the thing only kicks in if they think you're one of these dirty foreigners. And in fact, one of the countries listed specifically to China, Iran, and Russia. But don't worry, I'm sure these people would never decide that you are Russian. The FBI is now investigating whether there's alleged how to buy emails are actually connected to a larger foreign intelligence operation. They may be related to a foreign intelligence operation foreign intelligence foreign intelligence foreign intelligence operation. For all we know, these emails are made up the information. We got it. We got it. We got it. Okay, so I go on social media today. I go on. I haven't. But if I go on Twitter today and I say Joe Biden sucks, terrible president. Maybe the president looks at that and says, who's this guy out there spreading Russian propaganda steps in? Look, I don't like TikTok. I don't have TikTok. It's banned from my home. My children don't have it. My wife don't have it. TikTok is bad. It is bad. And it pushes all kinds of poison into the minds of young people. It does. It really genuinely does all kinds of this tranny filth and all that crap gets pushed into people's minds on TikTok. It's bad, bad, bad. I am not a TikTok fan. But I also understand I look along along the lines of what this guy says. Okay, so you make bite dance. You make you make them divest from TikTok bite dance. You got to sell it. Well, like this guy said, who's got the juice to buy it? Hey, Chris, how much money you got laying around? I don't know about you. Let me check my account real quick. Yeah, I'm just a little bit short on what it's going to take to buy TikTok. Who has that kind of juice? All people who hate us. All people who hate us. Don't worry, bite dance is going to divest from TikTok. We'll get black rock in there to buy that thing. Then we'll get treated fairly. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean banning it is a solution. And we had this conversation a million times during COVID, during the lockdowns and stuff like that, the amount of damage that has been done to humanity throughout history by the people looking at the government and shouting, somebody do something. That's a lot of damage. Unending amounts of damage. Save us government. Do something never ends up that well. Hey, Jesse, I wrote you a couple months ago about the rabid DeSantis supporters in social media who would rather have Biden win over President Trump. They're so heard about DeSantis losing the primary, they'd rather see the US crash and burn with Biden and having Trump as president again. You kind of wrote this off as a few nut jobs on social media. But what do you think now? His name's Peter. Well, he's talking about that conversation I had last night. This is this is a point that we should everyone should keep their eye on right now. I don't think that you have some rift. I don't know. And I don't care whether you do or not. Remember, if you're a hardcore DeSantis supporter and you hate Donald Trump and you're planning on voting it for RFK, but you have reasons, good reasons, I support you. If you're going to vote for Donald Trump, I support you as long as you have good reasons. Your vote is your power. You do with your power. What you want, it's yours. It's the only political power you have. So use it as you see fit. I was honest with you about how I voted in the primary. I've been honest with you that I'm going to vote for Donald Trump in the general. I've been very, very honest with you. You can be honest with me or not, but you use your vote how you want. However, there is an issue here. Usually people come home after the primary during a primary. It's the same thing every time everyone threatens. I'm never coming home. I'm never voting for this guy. If this guy wins, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. But then that never really materializes in the general election. Sure, some people will hold out. But for the most part, people walk in the voting booth. They vote for the Republican nominee. That's how it's always gone. Every election cycle. Same thing. The Democrats go through the same thing, by the way, when they're in a primary, I'm never voting for him. I'm never voting for Biden. I'm a Bernie guy. Go Bernie. Never, never Joe. Then November comes around. Well, I don't want Donald Trump to win. So they vote for Joe Biden. It's how it's always worked. This time, I assume it's going to work the same way it's always worked before, but I do have a concern. And the concern is the rift between Trump and the Santis that Trump doesn't seem to want to let go of. I don't know what that is. And I would tell you if I knew I always tell you when I have inside info, I do not have inside info on why Trump despises the Santis so much. I suspect it's because the Santis dared to run against him at all. And that probably personally offended Trump. But I don't know. That's a theory. I don't know. But I know that it's flat out bizarre that Trump, he has already officially won the primary. There's no one else in the race. It's over. And his last two rallies has publicly blasted the Santis. I have never seen that before in the history of any Republican primary ever. Once it's over, they all play lovey-dovey with each other, right? The Santis, even the Santis, when he backed out, hey, I endorsed Trump, like we got to save the country. And then he went back to Florida. But Trump has not let this go. I don't know whether something personal happened between those two or, like I said, whether it's just that the Santis ran against him, whatever it is, Trump is still peeved about it, extremely peeved about it to the point he's still publicly blasting him. The problem with that is not that I care about the Santis's feelings or that I care about what Trump is saying. The problem with that is that makes it harder for DeSantis people, hardcore DeSantis people, of which there are many, there are many listening to me right now, it makes it harder for them to come home. Even if they were going to hold their nose, vote for Trump, you get up there, you blast the Santis, both barrels, a lot of those people sit back and say, you know what, screw him. I'm done. I am worried about that because the election may come down to who can hold their base together. Joe Biden is currently not holding his base together. He is losing his base. Look, he's in trouble. First case, this Michigan numbers, oh, these are not good for the incumbent president of the United States, Donald Trump at 50%, Joe Biden at 42%. Joe Biden can't hold his Democrat base together. Donald Trump needs to needs to. I have concerns. All right, that's all. That's all I'm going to say I have concerns. All right, I'm moving on. Let's talk about this CIA story before we get back to the asked Dr. Jesse questions. We have a serious problem with the national security apparatus of this country. Before we get to that, let's talk about relief factor really quickly. I know that you go through pain. It's just that's our bodies, right? Our bodies, God did not make these bodies to last forever. Our joints don't last forever. Our neck, our back, our muscles, eventually they start to deteriorate as we get ready to check out of this place. You need to do something to deal with the pain that doesn't hurt your body. The problem with pain medication, even the over the counter crap is it's terrible for you. We need a drug free way to deal with pain. That's what relief factor is, a natural drug free way to help support your body's natural response to inflammation. Relief factor works. They're confident. In fact, you might even call it cocky. They sell three week kits. That's it. Hey, come by a three week quick start kit. $19.95. They know it works. Get pain free. Call 1-800. The number four relief or go to relief We'll be back. I keep hearing that a lot of people are still on the fence about owning gold and silver. Have we already forgotten about the bank closures? Inflation, global instability, World War III that sadly may be coming? Look, precious metals, you need them for various reasons. You want tangible currency on hand, a portfolio diversification strategy. It's a hedge against inflation. You need value, stored value that stands to test the time. I know you're paying attention to global events. Wars bubbling up everywhere. Countries are buying and hoarding mass amounts of gold. Why aren't you? It's time to pull the trigger with Oxford, gold group and buy gold and silver. Nobody can predict the future, but we can't put our heads in the sand either. The Oxford, gold group are the pros. They make owning gold and silver easy and simple. Call Oxford, gold group right now and you may qualify for up to $10,000 in free precious metals. Call 833 995 gold. That's 833 995 gold. 833 995 G O L D. Oh wait, it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday reminding you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly And as always, don't forget, don't forget now, let us do this story real quick before we get back to the ask Dr. Jesse questions. You want to talk about the system and how evil it is and how they all work together. So Hunter Biden's in a lot of trouble. You know, I'm not going to go into all the details of it. But Hunter Biden, part of the trouble he's in is tax crimes. Hunter Biden, not only has he been making money pretty much illegally for a long time, he hasn't paid taxes on any of it. It's just a total grease fire. Well, have you ever heard of Kevin Morris? Probably not. Most people have not. All you need to know about Kevin Morris is he's a dirtball communist. He's ridiculously wealthy. And he's the reason Hunter Biden kind of still lives like a king. You want to Hunter what's Hunter Biden doing? He's staying at Kevin Morris's mansion and whatnot. Well, Kevin Morris has been financially helping Hunter Biden as well. He's known as quote his sugar brother. I'm not making that up. He's a sugar brother. I know that's kind of weird. Anyway, he was known known as his sugar brother. Well, the feds have been trying to interview Kevin Morris. Hunter Biden's in real trouble. IRS and the Justice Department. Hey, Kevin, you've been giving him a lot of money. It's that we need to talk to you. Do you know who's been blocking the feds from interviewing Kevin Morris? The central intelligence agency. How corrupt is this government? How bad is it? The the cleanup that is necessary from within our federal government. I'll be frank. I don't know if there is a man capable of doing what must be done. Remember, let's make this about the military really quickly. You want to save the military. So do I. I love it. I respect it. More about the men on the ground. They're the real pipe hitters. I have so much respect for that kind of bravery and commitment and hard work. I don't really care for the flag officers much, but you like the military and you want it saved. I like the military. I want it saved. In order to salvage the United States military, the next president has to do something that he probably would. You know, I shouldn't even say probably he would get impeached if he did it. The next president of the United States of America should walk into the Oval Office. And that day, let go of about 200 flag officers. He should generals, admirals. Bye. Goodbye. Look, if it was me, I'd get rid of all of them. Not one would survive. Even the good ones. You're all gone. I might bring some of you back. Maybe if I'm feeling generous after a lengthy interview process, but all of you, here's your pink slip. Enjoy retirement. Goodbye. That's what it would take. Now, imagine what the response would be if the next president did that. That's what it would take to save the military, to clean out all the gunk, to get rid of the corruption. That's what it would take. What would the response be? Allow me to clue you in. Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate would not only impeach that president for that, they would remove him from office. He would be impeached immediately in the house. They would have a trial in the Senate and Republicans and Democrats. And I would venture to say the majority of Republicans would remove the president of the United States from office if he did that. So, yeah, what are we going to do about the CIA? FBI. Geez, the DHS itself is bad out there. All right, whatever. Let's get on to some other things. Dear Oracle, please pass on to all the military veterans of the war on terror, but especially those struggling through their service and sacrifice that they kept the country safe for 20 plus years. That is an accomplishment to be proud. God bless all veterans. Thank you. Remember, brothers, be proud of what you did. That these people are dirty scum who lied to us about everything and used us does not in any way, does not in any way put a blemish on what you did. Don't let these people get you down. All right. And if you are down, veterans, reach out, reach out for help. There are so many different avenues out there out there where you can reach out for help. But I called the VA. They didn't help. Fine. Call any one of the various private institutions out there. If you are struggling and you're down and you're thinking about doing something drastic or stupid, you reach out to help. And if you can't find anyone to answer the DAG on phone, you email this show. You might have to give me a couple of days. We'll leave them for the weekend. You email this show and we will track somebody down something down for you. If you need help, you are valued. And let me tell you something else, veterans, before I go into something else. This has become a problem for the veteran community in this country and veterans really veterans throughout history have struggled with this. So I don't want to make this about modern America. A man will sign up as a young man and join the military. If he's a man's man who joined the Marines, if not one of the other branches, not stop. Anyway, a man will sign up and join the military. And he does all this admirable, cool stuff. And you go off to fight for your country. And here you are with a weapon in your hand and grenades and you're in charge of guys. You're this and the tank and you do all this cool stuff that you read books about and that you want that other people watch movies about. Other people watch movies about the stuff you did. And eventually you get out. You're done, whatever it is, whether you did 30 years or whether you did four years like me, just a turn like me or whether you're one of the committed ones who did 20, 30 years. But eventually it's over, right? Well, by that point, you're either what 22 or 42, 50, 52, depending on how long you were in. That's not the last thing that needs to be on your resume. And that's not the only cool thing that needs to be on your resume. It's part of the resume of your life. It's not the end of it. It's not all of it. And it's not the only thing you're ever going to do. I fought in Iraq. I fought in Iraq. I was a squad leader. Now I'm just a truck driver. Being a truck driver is an amazing thing. Providing commerce for people. Why don't you go find a dime, put a ring on your finger. Marrier. Make some little babies. That's another wonderful thing on your resume. Being a contributing member to society is another thing on your resume. Go volunteer at your church. It's another thing at your resume on your resume. The military service you put in veterans is not the last cool thing you're ever going to do. So don't check out. All right. Stay with me. Stay with me. You're not done yet. You'll be done when the good Lord calls you home. All right. Let's talk. Well, man, we have another hour. Someone wants to know if he should vote straight ticket Democrat. He's mad about today. Let's talk about that next. Pure talk believes in American values and that free should mean exactly that free. Switch to pure talk today and get a free Samsung 5G smartphone. No four line requirement. No activation fees. 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