Jesse Kelly Show

Byron Donald; Loan Forgiveness; Top Stories

Broadcast on:
22 Mar 2024
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With the Lucky Land Sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes out of quick, so I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Play for free at Luckyland Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Void we're prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. It is the Jesse Kelly Show final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday. It is a great day. I mean, yeah, they passed the whole, they passed the whole 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill. And yes, I'm aware that Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for the removal of Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. And yes, I'm aware that Mike Gallagher. He's a congressman from Wisconsin, just resigned from Congress after voting for the bill voted for another 1.2 trillion resigned from Congress. I am aware of all the problems and that brings me to this. Dr. Dong Oracle. We're never going to live down that dong thing, Chris. Dang it. Dr. Dong Oracle. Not really surprised the system swamp voted for the omnibus, but should I just vote straight Democrat from now on to get the collapse here faster? Serious question. The majority of the GOP reps clearly show they'll do exactly what the system wants. Screw we the people. Why should I ever vote for them again? Love the show so on and so forth. All right. I should we just talked about it last hour. About how I don't lecture you on how you vote. You've never heard me do that. I like your people who don't participate. If you're sitting out of primary, you're just kind of hoping for the best I put up my Trump yard sign. I'm involved and now I lecture you. But how you vote. I'd never lecture you on because what we're lacking in this country is people who care. People who vote with a purpose. People who get involved. We're not lacking people who agree with me. We're lacking people who care. So I've never told you how to vote. I told you that in the primary. I told you that in the general. If you're one of these people, I'm voting for Biden because I hate Trump. Okay. I'm not doing that. If you have a reason, a legitimate reason, I'm not about the vaccine. Vote that way. Fine. I'm not judging you. I've never told you how to vote. This also applies to people. And I get more and more of these emails. It supplies to people who are what we call acceleration. It's known as an accelerationist. What is an accelerationist? Somebody who doesn't feel like the fiscal collapse, the collapse, whatever way you want to put it. The big problem. Someone who doesn't feel like that can be stopped. So hey, if we're not going to stop the car from going off the cliff. Hammer the dad gone gas and let's get it over with so we can get out the other side. I'm not judging you for that. I personally have had many moments, especially in recent years where I agree with you for that. I agree with you. I should say, I'll have a moment where for five minutes, I'll sit there, just be an angry and I'll stew and I'll say to myself, "Screw it. I'm not even voting for Republicans anymore. I'm going to vote straight ticket Democrat every time. Let's just get the party started around here." I had another moment like that today when that spending bill passed. I'm not judging you if that's what you choose to do. As long as one, you choose to do it for reasons, specific reasons. And you very, you very obviously have reasons. And two, we all understand what this collapse might mean. And no one knows what it looks like because countries come apart in different ways. There are big things that are similar when countries come apart, but it takes a different flavor depending on where you are. What does that mean when we start to come apart? What does it mean? Well, one thing we know it means that this part's not debatable is we will have a different standard of living, a low, I shouldn't say different, a lower standard of living in a way that you and I don't really, we're not familiar with unless you've spent a lot of time in some darker parts of the world. A lower standard of living mean what's means what? Well, you heard Daniel Turner came on the show last night. In case you missed it, download a podcast of the show, I heart Google Spotify iTunes. He's our energy expert, knows everything about oil and gas and then all this other stuff telling us what's going on in the world. And remember, he talked about how he just gotten back from New Zealand and he filled up his car in New Zealand and it cost $150 to fill up his rental car in New Zealand. And he was talking about how the for the people there, they weren't shocked. They're used to that. It just simply costs $150 to fill up your car. So what does that mean? Well, in New Zealand, the average New Zealander, they don't live the life you and I have grown accustomed to living because things around them are so expensive. And their currency isn't worth what ours, what, you know, their currency that hasn't held its value where we're going right now as well. The house gets smaller or maybe there's no house at all. Maybe it's an apartment. The travel goes down. Hey, we can't afford gas. We took a road trip last year. Not sure if we can afford a road trip again this year. Back to school for the kids. New backpack. New backpack every year. That's hilarious. You'll get a backpack once. Why? We don't have the money there. It's hard to explain except everything around you, everything you do, you get to do less of. You as a family, you've probably cut back on eating out right now because financial times are hard. I'm assuming you've cut back. Maybe you're well enough off that you haven't. But for most people, they've cut back on eating out. Maybe it's a once a month thing now. Hey, we'll take Mom out to lunch after church this Sunday or something. Maybe it's gotten to that where it used to be every week. Well, when it comes, when it gets here, that turns into once every six months. You buy in bulk, you eat at home, you scream, you say, you try to get by. And all this stuff is going to be brought about by the spending and printing from Washington. What happened today is, well, that's going to go into the reason pile of why that's what we go through. Now, if you want to just get there sooner, sooner rather than later, so that hopefully we can get out the other side, I don't think that's a ridiculous position to take. I don't share it necessarily because I don't know what that collapse is going to bring beyond eating out less. There's a lot more to it than that. It might involve attacks from foreign nations. We've always been safe from something like that here in America. The very idea of something like that kind of sounds crazy to us. No one's ever going to attack us here. Maybe they will. Maybe you don't know. I don't know what all comes with the nation that's coming apart because I've never been in the United States when it came apart and neither have you. We're talking about a future that looks nothing like the past. We're talking about something coming that nobody living has ever gone through. So I don't know. We can look at the collapse of other empires and see what they went through. But look, when you look at that, no matter which, no matter what way it took, whether it was the Visigoths pounding on the gates of Rome or whatever, whatever way it took, it wasn't good. It wasn't plenty. It wasn't pleasant. It wasn't something. When you look at countries going through it, you're not envious. You don't sit back and say to yourself, wow, I wish not have been there. I don't know that I'm in a hurry to get there. Now, if you told me, we were going to have a big problem, a big bubble pop, a big come to Jesus as a nation where things get so bad that people wake up. And if you were to tell me, hey, Jesse, if we start it now, then perhaps maybe we can get through it in time for your sons to have a similar life to the one you had. Now that I might sign on for, and that may be the case. What if, what if we need that collapse? What if we need that other shoe to drop before we wake up and shape up and start changing how we do things in this country? Maybe we need it. I am not saying I'm there. In fact, I am saying I'm not there. But if you are, I sympathize. It's hard to see. It's hard to sit back and watch what's happened over and over and over again once again today in a Republican House. I realize it's the slimmest of slim majorities. But once again, another bill gets passed through the Republican House that funds every single Democrat priority. You look around today and you wonder, well, what does the GOP matter? Why should I care? If you look around today and maybe you're saying this, and it's a very fair thing to say, tell me what's different about this Congress than the one Nancy Pelosi was running when Democrats had it two years ago. Tell me what's different. Anything? Anyone? Besides, a lot of tic-tac-toe. It's an attempt to ban tic-tac. It's an attempt to make tic-tac better. Tic-tac-toe. A winner. A winner. I don't know that there is much difference. All right, quit. Let's talk about analogies, the FBI, DOJ, getting involved in politics, gas. No, we're not talking about Chris. It's in more on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. Let's talk first about chocolate powder. I don't talk to you enough about chocolate powder. You know what chocolate powder is? Well, I know you're going to find the shocking, but it's a powder. It's packed full of vitamins and minerals. And you know, I've told you the wife tries to, I don't like vegetables, so she tries to make sure I start off the day getting all my veggies in some smoothie, which I will drink. I've told her over and over again. I'll drink it. She puts all this kale and weird, gross health stuff in a smoothie, blends it up, and she pours chocolate powder in there. That's how you start your day. I'll all sit and I'll drink that smoothie with my bacon and eggs in the morning and man, it feels good and your body feels better. Start some chocolate powder. All natural. Remember, this is all natural, like all the nutritional supplements from chalk. Huge discounts on subscriptions as always. So go to code Jesse and pay for those. All right, don't pay full price. Get a subscription. promo code Jesse. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. Remember, if you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on iHeart Google Spotify iTunes. Don't forget you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly Pretty big Friday night in the Kelly household. Don't want to brag. Certainly don't want to rub my wealth in anybody's face, but it's Little Caesars night tonight. Little Caesars delivers every single top. Well, that's not true. Most of the time, Little Caesars delivers the crazy bread though. Chris, even you have to like crazy bread. It's kosher, right? I mean, you can eat it. What do you, what do you thumb in your nose at? What? What? Okay, well, that's very fair. Chris said there are no garlic knots. Look, the garlic knots at Papa John's are maybe the most underrated menu item on planet Earth. Those and the jalapeno cheese bombers from church's chicken. Those two items are so fantastic, but crazy bread. I've been eating Little Caesars my whole life. That was pizza night when I was a kid. We would go get Little Caesars. Gosh, I love crazy bread so much. I'm so excited. What, Chris? I'm so excited to get off work. And now what I do since I'm not a child anymore. I'm a grown up. So I'm more advanced than I used to be. Now I eat the pizza when I dip my pizza in ranch the whole time, but the crust they have at Little Caesars, just the heads up. They have a cheesy jalapeno dip now. You eat the pizza. You save the crust. You dip the crust in the cheesy jalapeno dip. Gosh, my mouth is watering already. I'm so freaking excited. Hello up there. Jesse, I find your analogies to be incredibly well crafted. They get really to the heart of what you're trying to explain and the way that makes it easy for us mouth breathers to understand. How exactly do you come up with them? We all know there's no way on God's green earth. You're thinking out those insightful examples. Is it Chris or Michael or maybe even the phone screener? Don't lie and say it's you. No one's buying it. That's not right. That's from Danny. Actually, those are things I generally the analogies. Do I do a lot of analogies? I do. I do a lot of analogies. I do not realize that. I just come up with those generally on the fly. That's why some of them are so stupid. Let me explain why I do analogies. It's actually not for you. I'm glad you enjoy them. It's actually not for you. It's for me because this is what has always bothered me about politics. I remember when I got out of the Marines, by the time I got out of the Marines, I was still not a political person. I was not raised to be political. I was not. And I was working out of town for construction a lot. And so I started consuming more and more books and radio and stuff like that just because I had time. I was out of town and said nothing else to do and know anybody. I didn't have any friends where I was. I didn't have a girlfriend. It was just me. And so I had more and more time on my hand. So I started consuming politics and reading and reading and reading and consuming that stuff. And one of the things that always bothered me was people on the radio and in print would oftentimes talk over my head. And I'm not insulting them. I'm uneducated. You understand that I'm uneducated. I don't have a college degree or anything like that. I'm extremely uneducated. And people would launch into these explanations about what is happening or hey, there's this headline here and they're using all these words and terms and concepts. And I never got it. And you start out lost when one of these guys starts ranting and then you get more and more lost because you don't know where the heck he is. And I always wanted someone to explain it to me in a way that brought it home for me that I could understand it. And so if you think I do that for you, you're kind of right, I guess. That's why I talk about it on the radio. But really, I'm doing it for me. It helps me understand complicated political stuff. Like, look, here's a great example of it. Remember this long. I actually might let it play this time. Remember this long Byron Donald's clip yesterday? Byron Donald's Great Rep out of Florida. He was going over the money flow, the crooked money flow from Joe Biden's businesses, how it gets to Joe and here it was to the money flow. This is where the rubber meets the road. On August 4th, $100,000 is wired into a Wasco PC from CEFC infrastructure. Mr. Chairman, I want to submit for the record a portion of the bank statement for the time period, August 3rd of 2017 to August 31, 2017, stipulating $100,000 going from CEFC into the bank account of Hunter Biden through a Wasco PC. On August 8th, four days later, $5 million is then transferred from the Northern International Capital Account of $5 million to Hudson West III. Hudson West III is a bank account controlled by Hunter Biden and Mr. Gone Wing, aka Kevin Dong, who is a CEFC associate. That money comes from the Northern International Capital Bank account, a bank account that is tied to the CCP on August 8th, the same time period, there is a wide... You lost yet? I'll let him keep going. Air transfer of $400,000 to a Wasco PC from the... Yeah, yeah, I got it. And it was great. I love what he did. Don't get me wrong, but don't you find that confusing? Wasn't that a lot? A Wasco? Mr. Dong? But Wang? I don't understand. So that's why when I talked about it last night, I simplified it. I needed it simplified for me. It's not like I listened to that and it just all made sense. You might as well be speaking Mandarin, even though I speak a little of that as a Dong. Now, speaking of Chinese, you know what China's doing as we speak? China's hoovering up all the gold and silver they can. Did you know that? China is acquiring gold by the tongue right now. Why do you think that is? Why would a nation state like that be gobbling up gold as if they're preparing for something? They are preparing for something. America's House of Representatives today passed another $1.2 trillion of money we don't have. Call Oxford Gold Group and make your own preparations. No, I'm not under the impression you have money to buy gold by the tongue. You better get something. You don't have to go crazy. Don't put yourself in a financial bind for it. Get something though and get it in your retirement. Oxford Gold will mail real physical gold and you should have that gold coins or silver coins to your front door. But they also will get it in your retirement account and they'll make it easy. Tell Oxford I told you to call. They'll treat you like family. They always do. 833 995 gold or you can go to Oxford Gold Group dot com slash free. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on an as Doctor Jesse Friday. I'm still smiling. Whatever we're broke. What are we going to do? It's weekend time. Enjoy your weekend with your family as soon as you're done. Listen to the Jesse Kelly show. The Jesse Kelly shows obviously more important than family. But once you're done with this, go back to your family. Dear balding eagle. You know, that's not very nice. That's not very nice. I know the FBI DOJ IRS or evil should be disbanded and scattered to the wind. I disagree with the student loan forgiveness and I think our system is broken. That being said, it's pretty hilarious. They all just forgave around $11,000 of student loan debt. From a 36 year old anti-communist father of six HVAC guy who constantly posts negative stuff online about the communist government. Oh, I'm saying is they aren't spending their best. He said PS. What should I do about them canceling my student loan? Should I pay it back anyway? No. No. If these turds are going to cancel it, then don't pay it. They got money for all their other friends and hand out here and hand out there and hand out to these guys. Did you know in that $1.2 trillion spending bill today, there's over $800,000 in it for a gay nursing home? Why are you gay? I'm not even kidding. Do we even need gay nursing homes? That's not a thing we've ever needed before. There's never been enough of them. Now, granted in about 10, 15 years, there are going to be millions of them because everyone's gay now, but that's not something that existed before they decided to start ramming that down everyone's throats. And wow, I wish I'd put that differently. Hey, Jesse, if under Trump we get back to the largest oil natural gas exporter. Can we make a meaningful dent in the national debt? I'm not delusional. I'm just cautiously optimistic. It's from Mike. Well, there is, there is a potential good thing out there, potential good news. We are an insanely, insanely profitable country. When we get government out of the way, we are drowning in natural resources here. We have so many geographical advantages here. We is setting all politics aside. Honestly, I will always believe this country was uniquely blessed by God just for its location. We don't even have very many poisonous animals in America. Do you realize that compared to other parts of the world, compared to even other parts of the world that are on the same latitude line as us? The country is just blessed beyond measure. Russia? You know what's insane? I was actually talking to my boys about this this morning on the way to school. What a bunch of nerds we are. We were discussing Russia and the oil fields and whatnot. Russia is huge. I know you know that, but it's crazy how big Russia is. Russia actually doesn't have very many natural resources, certainly not relative to its size. It's got some oil fields. Yeah, but they don't have that much stuff. Russia? Russia doesn't even have very many warm water ports. Yeah, you're looking at that big country. Look at all that blue. Yeah, it's all frozen crap you can't use. America? We just have miles and miles and miles of coastline and ports and resources. If we were ever able to get the scumbags in Washington DC out of our way, we absolutely could pay off the debt and save this country. Now, now, the problem is Republicans don't care about spending either. And this has been my frustration over and over and over again. Again, don't project the things you want on to politicians you like just because you like them. Trump doesn't believe in cutting spending. He signed every big bill that got to his desk. He's never into his credit. He's never acted like he does. He's never been a debt hawk. He's never been a spending hawk. He does not worry about that. He never claimed to be a fiscal hawk of any kind. And every single, and I do mean every single gigantic swampy spending bill that hit his desk when he was president, he signed every one of them. Before COVID, every single one of them. Our problem is not just Democrats. We've got to wake up and realize Republicans are almost as guilty for the debt crisis as Democrats are Reagan. I know we're supposed to, you know, revere Reagan and I love Reagan, a great president. Reagan spent way too much money. And maybe you're throwing things at the radio right now. I don't give a crap. Reagan himself said that was one of his big regrets after his presidency. Way too much money. Way too much money. Clinton spent way too much money. Bush. Oh my gosh. Don't get me started on Bush and all that global war on terrorist stuff and the expansion of Medicaid. And then Obama comes along and does the same thing. Then Trump comes along and does the same thing. Then Biden comes along and does the same thing by frustration with this fiscal collapses. I don't see anyone out there who wants a solution and don't do what I can see you doing right now. Stop typing the email before you send send stop and hear me out. Do not send me an email telling me about what so and so promises they're going to do next time when they get elected. Whoever that may be. Oh, but Jesse, my senator says next time we're going to cut the spending. Jesse Trump said next time. No, stop being a chump. What they do when they're in office is what they do. And it's what they believe. I'm done being sold the bill of goods every time they're running for office. We're going to cut spending every single one of these dork Republicans says that they get there about five of them actually try to cut spending. My problem with the GOP is they should be should be the party of fiscal responsibility and they're not. They don't give a crap about it. None of them ever have. I am 42 years old. I have never lived under a Republican president who spent money responsibly. Never once. And I realize that's also on the house in the Senate and you know I don't excuse those people either. They all spend all the time. Dear Dr. Jesse, I'm 17 years old. I appreciate your show. A couple weeks ago, you're talking about how we average average American citizens need to step up and push back against all the communism run for office school board so on and so forth. I want to fulfill my civic duty. My question to you is where should I begin? How and where could I start getting involved in my local GOP. Thank you very much. Well. First, consider being a precinct committeeman. You live in a precinct even if you don't know it. You have a specific precinct. Many people don't know what that is, but you have one. You live in one depending on where you are. You have committeemen who have positions of authority. They're elected. Go become one of those or forget all that boring meaningless crap and run for school board if you want. Run for State House. Run for City Council and don't listen to any of these lifelong local GOPers who try to lecture you about how you need to wait your turn. No, I'm sorry. State Senator Dork was going to run for that position next. Well, tough. State Senator Dork can try to beat me in a primary then because I'm all in and screw him. That needs to be. That's not just me being rebellious, Jesse. Understand that that needs to be your mentality when you launch into local politics. Don't think you're going to run for school board and it's going to be nice. I'm telling you right now. You need to do it and it's going to be hard. These people, they guard their local fiefdoms, jealously, whether you're trying to oust a GOP unique or whether you're trying to bounce one of these dirty commies who sits on a school board or city council. They're not going to make it pleasant for you. Your mom's going to get mailers in the mail telling them you're the anti Christ. Get ready for that. That's politics. It's a contact sport. That's how you get involved. Go run or if you're not comfortable with that yet, you said you're 17. Go volunteer for someone who's running. That good guy who's running for a state house. He needs help. He needs someone to work. Get out the vote. Send mailers. Go work for them. All right. One more segment. Hang on. Miss something. There's a podcast. Get an on demand. River podcasts are found. The Jesse Kelly show. Sean Hannity weekdays at three on 7 10 W O R. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation supports America's greatest heroes, US service members and first responders who die or are catastrophically injured in the line of duty and homeless veterans. The foundation's gold star fallen first responder smart home and homeless veteran programs honor the sacrifices made for us by the men and women who risked their lives and bodies for our country and our communities. The foundation's never forget programs engage people in 9 11 remembrance across America with over 80 runs, walks and climbs a year and dozens of golf outings and barbecues. The Tunnel to Towers 9 11 Institute educates kids in kindergarten through 12th grade about America's darkest day while helping our nation keep its vow to never forget more than 95 cents of every dollar you donate to Tunnel to Towers goes to its programs. Never forget 9 11 or the sacrifices of our country's greatest heroes donate $11 a month to Tunnel to Towers at T to T dot org. That's T the number to T dot org. March is officially here. And while most people have already given up on their New Year's resolutions to get healthier and stronger, the American Patriots at Chalk CHO Q want you to know that now is the time to choose strength and vitality over weakness and complacency. The problem is men's testosterone levels are off a cliff historically and that's exactly what the liberal elites want. I've been taking Chalk for over 2 years now. The results have been incredible. My mind works so much better. My energy. I just I want you to have it to boost your testosterone, your mood, your energy, your focus in 2024 by subscribing to Chalk's male vitality stack. For this month only Chalk is offering a mega March discount on any subscription for life exclusive to our Jesse Kelly show listeners visit Chalk dot com and use the code Jesse to unlock this exclusive mega March sale. That's C H O Q dot com code Jesse Chalk dot com code Jesse. It is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show and then we are checking out of here for the weekend but we will be back. We shall return. We shall return on Monday for Medal of Honor Monday. I have two different ones I'm considering for Monday Medal of Honor citations. I've been nerdin out on Pella Lu a little bit more recently and I can't decide which one of the two I want to do. Chris, is it out of line to do two? If we did two on a Monday, it would take up, it would take me probably the whole second hour, maybe half of it. What Chris? What? Are they within the same week of each other? Shoot it. Pella Lu, they might be within the same day. They're within a day or two of each other, but they're different units, different stories, like different backstories to them. All right. All right. On Monday, I'm going to do two Medal of Honor Monday citations, just a heads up for those who really prefer to keep it about politics. The second hour on Monday might not be for you. There's going to be a lot. There's going to be a lot in there. All right. All right. Now, um, it is time, I guess, for emails I didn't get to. And now... Here's a headline. Go, you know the thing. E-mails! We didn't get to. Jesse, during World War II, Lieutenant Owen Baggett was credited with shooting down an enemy aircraft with his M19-11 pistol. Apparently, after he bailed out of his B-24, he fired four shots at a Japanese pilot and watched the plane stall and crash. Have you heard this story? How common was it for fighter pilots to fire upon a parachuting enemy? If true, this is a new level of marksmanship. Are you this good of a shot? Okay. Uh, first. That smells like a bunch of crap to me. Listen, maybe he's still in the truth. Maybe he's not. A lot of people lie during combat. They lie after combat. I'm not telling Lieutenant... I'm not calling Lieutenant Owen Baggett a liar, but I am saying I don't believe that story at all. That he's shot down a Japanese plane with a 19-11 for the simple fact that the 19-11 didn't even think it would have the range. How close was that pilot? That smells like crap to me. Now, as far as shooting, parachuting enemies, that was something that was very common for the Japanese. The Japanese had no rules. They would kill, maim, torture, all that stuff. Not nearly as common for the Germans. There is a great story out there now. I've actually seen the guy. I saw a video interview of the American pilot who took part in this, who did this. It was a story actually out of Germany where this German pilot, there was this big air battle over Europe. And this German pilot, just kind of a dirtball, the Germans didn't actually do a bunch of this to us, but this guy was a dirtball. And he was shooting down, he was shooting Americans who were parachuting down. In general, the war in Europe, yes, there was some of that. But once a guy was down, once his plane was out, once he was parachuting down, he's done, he's out of the fight, let the airmen parachute down to the ground, you'll capture him there, do whatever, but you leave him go. Well, this German pilot was not doing that. He was flying around, gunning down all these Americans who were in the parachutes. And so this American fighter pilot, I saw the video interview when he was an old man. He was watching this happen and he was frantic to stop it. He was blind with rage. So he gets behind this German fighter pilot and he starts shooting at him. Only he won't shoot so much that he shoots down his plane or makes it explode. He describes in the video how he's just peppering him. He said, "I didn't want him to shoot. I didn't want the plane to blow up." So he just, just trying to disable it. He succeeds. The German pilot yanks, it pulls out, boom, parachutes, fighter pilot goes out, turns around. Here we go, brother, shoes on the other foot and lights him up like a Christmas tree, turns him into Swiss cheese in mid-air. But it was a different day, a different era back then. That was how things were done. Did someone shoot down a plane with a 1911? No. Dear Dr. Kubel, why is it that women lose a small rodent's worth of hair every time they shower, yet it's us men that go bald. It doesn't make any sense. This name's Eric. Listen, I believe that women, I've long believed this, that they have a hidden stash of hair on their bodies somewhere. I don't know what, I don't know where they would locate this stash. But, you know, I look at my wife and she has this wonderful full head of hair. But the shower drain, there's just so, there's so much there. It's almost like we have a hidden golden retriever in the house or something. I don't even know how to describe it. Dear Gigantor, your Medal of Honor Monday reminded me of my favorite history teacher that would do military pants Monday, where he would put on a fashion show of the different military pants he had collected and would teach us about a military event that happened that he would war the pants. Do you have any military items you collect? I do not have military items I have collected. And I should start a, you know, I have virtually no history collection at all. One of the coolest historical things I have was something I actually bought in Israel when we were there, when we went there as a show, I bought a coin that was coined in. I think it was four or five hundred, your four or five hundred. It was to commemorate Constantine's battle over, it was a really cool coin. And it occurred to me as I looked at this coin that that's like the only historical thing I have. As much of a history freak as I am, I don't have a lot of history stuff. It would be cool to make a lot of money and build a house where you had a big room of history stuff and just go nerd out on history stuff. I can't believe I don't have it. But at the same time, like when I go to a gun show, gun shows are generally great for little war trinkets about this bayonet was a German soldiers or whatever. It's great for little war trinkets like that. But every time I go to a gun show, I don't want to spend the money. I don't even ever, shut up Chris. I'm not going to be elected by you about spending money. I never want to spend the money, so I never buy it. And every time I'm leaving a gun show, I'm kicking myself, oh my gosh, I could have had that, you know, Chinese era rifle. And I never, ever, ever buy it. But now, from now on, I'm going to turn over a new leaf. And now I'm going to be a big spender at gun shows. I'm kidding. I won't be able to do that. But I am going to start acquiring history things. I do need to acquire a house full of swords. I've been, I've been on a real sword kick. It's time for the Kelly family to invest in swords. I'm sure the wife will be great with that hanging over the mantle. Whatever. It's the weekend. You can email me, Jesse at We'll be back. That's all. With the lucky land sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine. But we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. No, no, nothing like that. 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