The Howie Carr Radio Network

Police Blotter Fax Friday: Reptilian roommate and Louisiana...Quickie? | 3.22.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Tune in as Taylor and Howie comment on the absurdity of the American criminal. This week, we've got high-value cats, high-value birds, and a priceless alligator.

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22 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th to order years today. Go to Eden Pure and use code how we bogo. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie car show. What is what is carbon dioxide? I'm I went to high school, but that's uh it's science. How much would cost for us to become carbon neutral in the United States by 2050? It's a nation of somewhere between 700 billion and a trillion 300 million billion dollars live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. It's simple math at this point. Biden's behind in Arizona. He's behind in Nevada. He's behind in Georgia. He's behind in Michigan. And if that map solves, all game over. You can write him down in history with your bitter twisted lies. We'll see about that. I ain't afraid to stand up the French. Just ask Spartacus. But no matter what you do to guys like him, I am Spartacus. For me, I am Spartacus. For everyone who loved this country, we will rise. Do you have Spartacus? Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. 844-542-42. Just just briefly. The guy that Cory Booker is screaming about his name is Adil Manji. I am I hope I hope I don't know actually I don't I don't care if I'm pronouncing it right or not. Adil Manji. A New Jersey lawyer. He's up for a at a at a pellet seat on the third U.S. Circuit. He was on an advisory board at Rutgers Law School Center for Security, Race and Rights, an office that hosted a 2021 event featuring a convicted terrorist fundraiser. He didn't he didn't he told the Senate Judiciary Committee. He didn't recall that event even though he was on the board. Oh, he didn't mention the event either that that he had been involved in an organization that hosted a terrorist. I apologize for the inadvertent admission of this event and the Rutgers Center that again the one that he was on the advisory board for. They equated condemnation of Hamas after the massacres of October 7th with attempts to quote ignore over 75 years of colonial violence and the horrific consequences borne out of these decades of oppression and attempted erasure. So it's okay to try to erase Jews, but it's not okay to erase Muslim terrorist savages. The National Review said that the nominee had a lack of candor and transparency and adds to the already compelling case against Manji's confirmation. So he's basically a terrorist sympathizer at best. And so of course Cory Booker is warm up. How's Cory Booker's dating life going? Is he still going with that woman that he was going with when he was running for president? All right, enough with that. Time now for the chumplight. Stop and then does announce he won't seek re-election because it's tough for anyone to walk let alone run with $500,000 cash and 13 gold bars stuffed in their pocket. Cash is easy to carry. Gold bars, not so easy. On the other hand, they tend to retain their value longer, especially in a Democrat run economy. Corrine Jean Pierre said it's not an invasion at the border. It's just a voter enthusiasm. Yeah, a lot of enthusiasm. We try to get Tom home and on today, but he was traveling to discuss the the enthusiasm at the border. And they look like they look like they were future, you know, microbiologist to didn't they? And rocket scientists. Guys, they were going to work in Silicon Valley, those guys. You could you could just tell from looking at them all the all of the third world newcomers. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ready-wise. Go to and use code how we 20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Come on, man. In honor of all the new arrivals from Haiti, I'm announcing diplomatic relations with the new reform leader of the country. Barbie, the cute cannibal. So today, I'm announcing my new ambassador to Haiti, Jeffrey Dahmer. Thank you, everybody. He doesn't have a time to change. Jeffrey's no longer coming down for breakfast. In case you weren't aware of that, it's tragic loss to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the United States of America. Seeing as though Nantucket is never close to full, it would be ideal for a guy like Cannibal. Once he and his horde are welcome to board, there's no atrocity. They won't try to pull. I didn't get it into my call, but Nantucket only voted 73% for Brandon in 2020. Martha's Vineyard, on the other hand, voted 79%. But even 79% didn't even put him in the top dozen of Massachusetts cities and towns for the percentage, for Biden. So I think Nantucket is going to miss the next air, airlift of cannibals. Mr. Kerry, who's your favorite current Red Sox? That would be many Ortiz. John Kerry, I guarantee he doesn't know who any of the current Red Sox are. But, you know, again, I don't either. So, and neither do any of the people that were interviewed by Channel 10 the other night. So, there's a lot of it going around. It's not just Kerry anymore. Free housing, free healthcare, free money. Sorry, Tom Teddy. You got it wrong. I do want to live like a refugee. How about the same day, free dry cleaning with pickup and delivery? Get it in by nine o'clock. You can you can have your suit pressed by five p.m. I've got the whole I've got the whole list. I'm going to read it at six o'clock. I cannot believe I still have to campaign against RFK. I thought that the state took care of him after they took care of the Reverend Lex, who's our junior that's why he thought it was okay to steal RFK speech because RFK was gone and wasn't going to complain who Biden had no idea that someone would remember the speech and call him out on it. But that was 1987. He he had he had half a mind to get angry about it that now he doesn't have a tenth of a mind. Those drunken sailors in Washington just passed another massive port-filled spending bill. Boy, I'm glad my son majored in transgender cattle studies. Yeah, I heard Tommy Tuberville, the senator from Alabama talking about what was in that bill. He said they have LGBTQ nursing homes in the bill. What about the 14th Amendment? Why? What if you had a straight-only nursing home? How would that get any money? And now another excerpt from Paper Boy, my life and media, as read by the author. When the news reports came out saying the blue hills interrupted as a volcano, I knew for my Deerfield geology class that it couldn't be true. Others fell for it though. In fact, Mike Barnacle filed an early-edition story saying he had almost been burned to death by the lava flowing down Morrissey Boulevard. To quote John Kerry, what did it were? That was a Channel 7, April Fool's Joke. They fired a guy named Skip Sealy. He was the assistant news director. He was what's known as the fall guy, kind of the, you know, what Michael Proctor is, to the Karen Reed murder case, Skip Sealy was to the April Fool's Joke that there was a volcano in the blue hills. That was a great moment in Channel 7 history. And again, Chuck Scarborough just celebrated his 50th anniversary in New York television. He left Channel 7 in 1974 after that on the night that the station was number one in the ratings for the first time in probably a decade. And then what someone went up to, I've told the story before, it said, Chuck, you can't believe it. You can't believe it. We're number one. Chuck Scarborough, now 80 years old, then 30 years old, said, Charlie, in this business, you got to believe them before they believe you. You know what? Those are words to live by. If after the last three years, you're still gonna vote for Joe Biden, your dedication to stupidity is impressive. Yeah, I think people that are gonna vote for Joe Biden are on welfare or their part of the crony capitalism racketeering class that he embodies and his whole family embodies. Those are the only people who can be for him or box checkers who were part part of the rackets. We want to get that southern border secured. We'll have to hang up Ukrainian flags with times. Welcome to Kiev. That'll get it done. Yes, it will. I wonder who the terrorists were who took out the concert in Moscow today. Probably Chechen types. It's more of a Muslim thing than a Ukrainian thing would be my initial reaction, but I could be wrong. That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling how we car. You jump. Right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie car show you can call and leave a message anytime between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time weekdays. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message 844 542 844 542. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each week day. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline of the day, we have one. It's called Chop Chumps. It's where we put all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now. And we post Chop Chumps the second Chumpline of the day every weeknight at 7 p.m. Eastern. And you can get Chop Chumps wherever you get your Howie Car Show podcast. Global unrest is battering the food supply chain and the energy markets. It's incumbent upon you to be prepared. Get ready with ready wise. Go to and use code Howie20 to get 20% off your next purchase. Come on, man. In honor of all the new arrivals from Haiti, I'm announcing diplomatic relations with the new reform leader of the country, Barbie, the cute cannibal. So today, I'm announcing my new ambassador to Haiti, Jeffrey Dahmer. Thank you, everybody. He has an appetite for Chumpline. 774, what is the recording at the end of the Chumpline Biden? That's KJP. Come on. That's what she says when he goes off on a senile grandpa Simpson rant like that. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Car. Get a Crash Course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. The Howie Car Show is back. 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier, BOGO offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at Use code HowieBogo. That's Code HowieBogo. Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which is your least favorite Boston Pro sports team? The Bruins Celtics Patriots or the Red Sox? Red Sox. 38% say the Sox. 32% say the Celts. 18% for the Patriots and 13% for the Bruins. Pretty, pretty unchanging today. Yeah. I'm surprised. I thought the Red Sox would be more unpopular after all the BS of the last few years, but I guess not. Maybe there's some sort of vestigial loyalty among an ever dwindling percentage of the population. There's a story you're not going to hear anything about tonight on mainstream media. You know, there's an open Senate seat in Maryland and a Democrat hack that's been around for about 150 years like Biden is retiring. And so Larry Hogan, the Rhino Republican governor or a real layer Charlie Parker type guy, is running for it. And in this case, you have to be for him because he would at least be a Republican vote in the Senate. But the favorite on the Democrat side, he's not far ahead, but he's David Trone. He's a congressman. And he's one of the founders of Total Wine, which I'm, which you're probably familiar with, a very, very successful liquor store chain. They have, they have very good prices. But he's, he's from, he's originally from Pennsylvania, I think. And so he was at a hearing yesterday. And he was talking to a black Biden administration official and Senate hopeful David Trone. This is from the Washington Post used a racial slur during a congressional budget hearing Thursday and later apologize saying he misspoke and did not know what the word meant. I did listen to the clip. It sounded like he meant to say bugaboo, but yes, something else came out. Yes. I'm, I heard, I heard Chris Plant today use the actual slur on the air. I'm not going to do that. He, he, he used it where it would have normally been bugaboo, but he didn't say bugaboo. The slur, according to the Washington Post is among the derogatory terms used to caricature of black people after being contacted by the Washington Post hours after the remark, Trone apologized to the statement. So he didn't apologize immediately. Today, this is his quote. Today, this is the guy who wants to be the Senator. And this is a state that just started reparations today. And I also heard something on Chris Plant show on the news. They had this, the reparations person said, we have a black governor, a black attorney general and a black treasurer and a black house speaker. And she didn't mention that they also have the leading Democrat Senate candidate used a racial slur in public yesterday. But this is what he said. Today, while attempting to use the word bugaboo in a hearing, I misspoke and mistakenly used a phrase that is offensive. Upon learning the meaning of the word, I was deeply disappointed to have accidentally used it. And I apologize. He's 68 years old. I'm going to say, I watched a joke. I'm going to guess he's lying when he says he doesn't know what the word meant. How do you know a word and not know what it means? Upon learning the meaning of the word, I was deeply this. Well, if he didn't know what it meant, then he, that he just spouted nonsense like his, like his leader, Joe Biden, why didn't he just correct himself and say bugaboo after he used the racial slur? Well, there's only one set of in years on the Capitol and Biden's using them. Tron released an expanded statement later Thursday, saying the word he used, quote, has a long dark, terrible history, of which he apparently knew none. He knew none of the long dark, terrible history. It should never be used anytime, anywhere in any conversation. I recognize that as a white man, I have privilege. He also has millions of dollars from building a successful business, both for Larry Hogan, live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. 844-542 officer Mark says Tron is 68 years old, old enough to have frequently used the racial slur as a youth, maybe not used it, but at least he heard it. We don't know if he used it or not, but you know, someone just emailed me one of the regular listeners and said he thought he heard Archie Bunker use it on all in the family. Oh, of course he did. And he said, I looked it up and he, yeah, Archie Bunker used the word a lot. Oh, he just a lot of different, interchangeable racial slurs on that show. Right. So now we're supposed to believe Tron, but he never heard the word before. Oh, okay. Yeah, now that I think about it, it sounds very forced to include that in your statement. Now that I know what the word means, come on, come on. Yeah, yeah, that's, that's BS, BS. All right. It's that time of the week, Friday evening, the third hour of the show. That means it's time for police blotter facts Friday. Why do you still read the newspaper? I like to keep up on local news, like the police blotter. Whenever the laws of any state are broken, the duly authorized organization swings into action, a fact, a fact is coming through. Here's the kind of adventure you've been waiting to hear, hard boiled action and mystery. So stand by for trouble and suspense, stand by for adventure. All week long, we ask you to send in any kind of humorous or funny stories that you see involving the local police departments, local first responders, any kind of story about cops that's amusing, not gruesome, but entertaining. And you can send all those stories wherever you find them to police blotter at, police blotter at And at this time, every Friday evening, we read the best entries of the week at our humble opinion and the two best entries of the week at a nice prize that are submitted by the listeners. What the price of the listeners get this week who submit the winning entries in police blotter facts Friday today? They will get a go woke go broke t-shirt. All right. A very nice white t-shirt with red lettering. Fun for any occasion. Yes. Here it is. Runners up. They do not win a prize. Homeless man hijacks bus with BB gun causes crash at Ritz Carlton Hotel. A homeless man was where? Which Ritz Carlton? Where'd this happen? Los Angeles. A homeless man was arrested in L.A. for allegedly hijacking a city bus using a BB gun. Already said that the man was the last person on the bus and approached the driver around 1140 pm on Wednesday. He ordered the bus driver to travel to multiple locations, hitting multiple vehicles along the way. As the bus neared the Ritz Carlton Hotel about two and a half miles from where it was hijacked, the suspect grabbed the wheel causing the bus to strike several cars before crashing through a wall into the hotel. The suspect fled the scene on foot but was quickly detained by officers. The bus driver and a woman in one of the damaged cars were taken to the hospital for treatment of undisclosed injuries. The suspect was also taken to the hospital for an evaluation. No information was provided on their condition. George Gascon said he could not press charges against him because he was an oppressed individual and George Soros had personally phoned him and told him to leave the guy alone. Is it really a true hijacking if the person that is making the threats doesn't take the wheel themselves? I don't know. I was just thinking about, you know, back in the day when the MBTA was Mr. Bulger's Transportation Authority, a bus driver's job always cost a lot less than any other job at the MBTA. Can you imagine how little a bus driver's job would cost? Now they pay you a bonus in any city if you want to be a bus driver. We all understand why, right? Because of just like incidents like this. Yeah. Who the hell would want to be a bus driver, especially on the late on the last shift of the evening? Exactly. Trio nabbed after pumping $2300 worth of fuel into trucks with stolen credit card. It's funny, as gas prices climb higher and higher, we're seeing more gas-related stories in police plotter facts Friday. We had one last week. I thought the price of gas was going down. Isn't that what Brandon has been saying? Not what I've filled up yesterday. No, I haven't noticed it either. But I'm just saying what Biden says. It was $3.05, I think earlier this week, and it had been $3.05 for a little while. Yesterday it was $3.25. I was none too pleased. Let's go, Brandon. Three men from Tampa were nabbed after pumping $2300 worth of fuel into trucks with a stolen credit card. The three men were arrested Monday after using a stolen fleet card to pump fuel into two tractor trailer trucks using the stolen credit card at Love's Travel Stop in Bushnell, according to an arrest report from the Sumter County Sheriff's Office. A clerk at the travel stop told a deputy that the trio had been at the pumps early that morning and had returned to refuel again that night. The credit card they were using was stolen from a trucking company in Newport, Richie. When a company representative realized what was happening, the card was disabled. The men began to try to use other credit cards, also believed to have been stolen. Arrested on charges of theft were 54-year-old Hector Monteagudo Valdez, 36-year-old Eduardo Reyes Zamora, and 32-year-old Adrian Prado Espinosa. I think I was going to read some of those names on my New Hampshire state police arrest logs later in the show. Oh, were they up in New England earlier in the week? Did we have a story about stealing? Did we have a story about stealing gas from Florida last week? We did, but it wasn't technically stealing as far as you and I were concerned because there was a glitch in the software at the gas pump and the woman exploited the glitch because she was a member and she swiped her member card twice and that opened up the demo mode on the gas pump so she was able to pump free gas. That's going to be Hector's excuse, when he's arraigned. Video shows men urinating setting fire inside Florida City Car Wash, please say. Miami-Dade police were investigating after they said a man was caught on camera setting a fire inside of Florida City Car Wash earlier this month. The man was seen walking through a parking lot and entering the love car wash. Police said he had just gotten off the marathon bus and walked over to the car wash, which was closed at the time. This was around 1230. I was going to say it must be pretty hard to set a fire in a car wash, you know, because there's a lot of water in there, in my experience. Yeah, one would imagine surveillance video shows him, quote, setting one of the tunnels at the car wash on fire causing major fire and smoke damage, unquote. Police said he was also seen urinating on the floor before setting the fire and then fleeing the scene on foot. Authorities estimated the damage to the business to be approximately $60,000. They have not caught the perpetrator. So we've had what three three entries so far and two of them have involved buses. Buses exactly. How many more, Mr. Speaker? How many more heinous crimes are going to be committed by these people who are taking buses? Public transportation. I'm not sure if we have any more bus stories, but we'll keep an air out for them. Naked woman detained for I was I was wondering if there'd be a naked naked man or a naked woman on a bus. This is another fire bug detained for lighting church on fire lights police car on fire as well. Taylor Payat allegedly set fire near Grace Church in Fort Myers, Florida. The incident occurred around 5 30 a.m. Police reportedly found the 42 year old woman naked and near the fire. Once Payat was detained, she allegedly set another small fire in the back of a patrol car. The police told the outlet she was inside the vehicle. If she was naked, what was she using to set set everything on fire? That's a very good question. Please said she had been searched before being put in the vehicle. However, they believe Payat may have. She was she was naked and she she was searched. They believe Payat may have had a lighter hidden on her where police wouldn't find it. So I'll leave that to the imagination. Do we have a mugshot of I'll I'll have to look for what's her name? Taylor Payat. Taylor. Any relation? No relation. No relation. P Y A T T E is the spelling of the last name. Well, it's tough to be an arsonist when you're naked. Let me see. I'm just doing a quick cursory image search for Taylor Payat does not look like. Oh, here we are. Oh goodness, that's a hard 42. And we're still posting we're still posting police blotter facts. That mugshot has to be posted this evening, doesn't it? Yeah, I'll send I'll send Emma a I don't think the story I got this from had the mugshot, but I will send Emma this updated story so she can put the mugshot. How do her teeth look? Or can you see her teeth? Let me see. Let me go back to the story. I can't really make out her teeth. But she's got a very weird kind of like bouffant hairdo. It's it's very out of place in 2024. It's weird. It's close cropped and maybe it's close cropped because she burned it off in an earlier arson spree. The new singed look is very in this year. All right, we'll do one more story before we go to break duo busted for sex in front of Popeyes. A couple was arrested Saturday afternoon for having sex on the sidewalk in front of a Popeyes in plain view. On the sidewalk? Yes, outside in plain view of passing motorists. This is also in Florida, Vero Beach responding to a report of lewd behavior, a sheriff's deputy located two suspects on a patch of grass. According to arrest reports, the cops spotted Arnold Mackie, 70, making a thrusting motion while on top of April White, 44, when confronted by Deputy Eric Brashiers around 2 p.m. We've got an afternoon siding afternoon delight. Mackie, the cop noted, appeared flustered and was unable to fully pull his shorts up, which left his penis fully exposed to oncoming traffic, claiming she had done nothing wrong. That's that's a very Republican area. You know, I'm shocked that this was going on. And I think it's called the Indian River County. Claiming she had done nothing wrong, White reportedly struggled with the cop and called him a slur for a homosexual and other obscenities as he sought to restrain her. Well, White, who smelled of alcohol, was escorted to the ground, where police found four empty bottles of vodka and an unopened bottle of rum. The party was just getting started. A motorist who called 911 after spotting the duo said he did a double take because he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The witness added that the female had her legs spread open at the mail was I'm not going to continue with that. Do we have any photographs of these perks? Oh, yes. Yes, we do. That story does have photographs. It will be posted at very soon. That'll be posted. Okay. So you can you could check out the police water facts mugshot. So how does the woman look the 44 year old? Also quite haggard. Well, you know, four bottles of vodka, you know, in the afternoon. You could understand the little being a little the worst for wear. I guess so. That that rum doesn't help either. All right. How we will have the winners when we come back. All right. That's eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. We'll be right back with the winners of police water facts Friday. I'm howie car. Howie car. He's howie car and he's back. If you go to this evening and check out the mugshots that we post the job with police water facts Friday. Don't say you weren't for a warrant. April Marie White is rather frightening looking. Would you agree, Taylor? Yes. Yes, she is. Limerick Guy says the guy outside the Popeyes in Vero Beach preferred thighs. Looking at her mugshot, it's thunder thighs. Are these the winners or do we have another runner up? Yeah, let's well, let's do one runner up. This is a very crazy story. Man admits to killing spree of bald eagles to sell their feathers. A man is set to plead guilty Wednesday to killing 3,600 birds, including protected eagles and selling their body parts and feathers on a black market. Travis John Branson of Washington State admits he participated in a killing spree of golden eagles and bald eagles. So he and his alleged partner could sell pieces of the birds and their feathers according to Montana federal court documents. They would both go on to this Indian reservation and shoot these birds, collect their bodies, pluck their feathers and sell the feathers and their talons, their feet on this black market. And he slipped up a few times while negotiating with a potential buyer, Branson texted, "I don't get them for free, though, out here committing felonies." I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. That's pretty terrible. I hope he got some jail time. He faces up to 12 years of jail time. All right, these are the winners. Armed suspects demand cat during East Haven home invasion. This isn't Connecticut. Two suspects busted into a home in East Haven and demanded what police described as a high dollar value cat. Dispatchers said they-- I didn't know there was such a thing. Oh, yes. Dispatchers said they received a 911 call from a person on Thompson Street Sunday. The caller reported that two armed suspects broke into their home and fled in a blue BMW. Upon officer's arrival, contact was made with residents who stated that at approximately 3.46 p.m., two male suspects attempted to enter their residence through a rear slider door. The resident's stated attempts were made to prevent the two suspects from entering the house, but they were unsuccessful after one of the suspects kicked through the slider's glass pane. Police said once inside the home, the two suspects showed a gun and demanded the resident's high dollar value cat. What kind of cat was it? This police report does not say what kind of cat, but I did some research, how we? Yes. And the highest dollar value cat is a savanna cat and it was a breed that was created in the late 20th century, so the late 90s, and it's a breed between a serval and a domestic cat. It's called a savanna cat and it can fetch anywhere from 1,000, that's the lowest grade, to $20,000 for an F1 female. They could have just come down here and grabbed Inky out of the public's parking lot. I saw them the other day. Inky hasn't made an appearance in a while. How is Inky? He seems okay. I mean, he's... Is Inky Stinky? I don't get close enough to him and Roscoe has no... Unlike the atomic dog... Do you bring your dog to the public's inside? No, no, I don't... No, but I walk him through the parking lot and through the outside. Right. All right, we've got about 30 seconds here. Authorities sees ailing alligator kept illegally in New York home's swimming pool. This alligator was huge for a New York alligator. 11 feet long, 750 pounds. The home's owner had built an addition. He had had this alligator for 30 years. He had him in the 90s. The alligator was blind in both eyes and he would let his kids jump into the pool with the alligator. I mean, the alligator can't see, so you get a good fighting chance at escaping the alligator. I want more than a good fighting chance for my kid before I throw him in the pool. The alligator will find a new good home where he'll be taken care of. Must be tough being in a pool in New York in the winter if you're an alligator or a human being, for that matter. Thank you, Taylor. I'm Howie Carr.