The Howie Carr Radio Network

Many Pinocchios for Joe plus the Effects of Looting on Lululemon | 3.22.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Who does Biden think is watching Univision? They certainly won't fall for his lies. Howie counts three--or is it four--Pinocchios for Brandon. Then, Howie discusses the massive dip in used-to-be popular athleisure stocks. Even the rich can't afford the $90 yoga pants these days.

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22 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24 to order years today. Go to Eden pure and use code how we bogo. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the how we car show. What is what is carbon dioxide? I'm I went to high school, but that's uh it's science. How much would cost for us to become carbon neutral in the United States by 2050? It's a nation of somewhere between 700 billion and a trillion 300 million billion dollars. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. It's simple math at this point. Biden's behind in Arizona. He's behind in Nevada. He's behind in Georgia. He's behind in Michigan. And if that map solves, all game over. You can write him down in history with your bitter twisted lies. We'll see about that. I ain't afraid to stand up the French. Just ask Spartacus. But no matter what you do to guys like him, I am Spartacus. For me, I am Spartacus. For everyone who loves this country, we will rise. Do you have Spartacus? Rump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's how we car welcome to the how we car show eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Let me talk a little about the Biden's true misery index and how how bad things are. And I've got that. I mentioned it briefly yesterday. Larry Summers, the former president of Harvard, is out with the the real consumer price index. And that's that's why Joe Biden's numbers are in the toilet. Not just in Michigan but across the country. And we'll talk about the credit card bills and all that that sort of thing. And just it's you know there's only there's only so much you can cover up. You can you know you can lie about things people don't care about or don't see every day. But the economy prices people pay attention for obvious reasons because it affects them. It affects us directly. But first I want to just give you a couple of today's examples of we don't have a lot of Biden cuts today. Which is just as well. How much how much fun can you have in one week. But we've got a couple more. This is from Univision radio. And I mean the guy will lie about anything. And you know this is beyond senility. He has to know. I mean as long as there's like anything left between his ears. Maybe there isn't. He's got to know he's lying when he says things like this. Cut 17. I want to make it clear to you that now first of all I tell you the truth. And I'm not going to say that. I've never been a fact checks by the new and the press. So he sets it up with two lies. I'm going to tell you the truth. And I'm not being facetious. So you've been warned twice that he's about to tell a big fat whopper. And he does. He's never been fact checked. And I read a story about this. This statement he made somewhere and they went back and they got to Washington Post when he talks about lowering the deficit. Though even the Washington Post state run media gave him a bottomless Pinocchio. Meaning endless Pinocchio's for lying about that. That's just one. I mean even CNN has been forced to fact check him. Play that one again just so you can hear a lie. That you know you know yourself a hundred times a thousand times over. This is a lie. Cut 17. I want to make it clear to you that now first of all I tell you the truth. And I'm not being facetious. I say that. I've never been a fact checks by the new and the press. And now this guy is misrepresented so much. Excuse me. There were three lies. I want to be clear. I'm telling you the truth. I'm not being facetious. Lie lie lie. Now this is just this is just crazy. The next thing I'm going to play. And this is the last thing. Don't please don't turn the dial. But I mean this is insanity. What he says. I don't know if he believes this or not. I I don't know. I'm not even going to speculate. Cut 18. I call for a bad flavor citizen from dreamers. And other guys try to terminate dot pet that wants to end in the birthright citizenship which is ridiculous. But then the birthright citizenship you know I wouldn't citizens. I wouldn't be a citizen. So the point is that it's crazy what the time is doing with it a lot we can. If they ended birthright citizenship you and I wouldn't be citizens. I wouldn't be a citizen. That's what he said. Wasn't wasn't his father born in the United States? Wasn't his grandfather Ambrose Aloysius Ambrose Finnegan born in the United States? Wasn't his mom born in the United States? If his mother and father were born in the United States then birthright citizenship is not moot. It's not an issue. He's just he's just lie how stupid does he think the people listening to Univision radio are? How stupid does he think anybody is who hears that nonsense? Is there going to is there going to be a fact check on on those two statements by the way tomorrow? Anywhere? Do you think? Probably not. 844-542-802 the truth the the biggest tell is how Biden cleared his throat before saying I tell you the truth I'm not being facetious. And don't forget let me be clear. But I think I think he just he just has a frog in his throat at all times these days. He's just that's the way he is. He's not he's not well physically or obviously mentally. 844-542. Pete you're next with highway car go ahead Pete. Yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to laugh Holly instead of crying I'm starting to laugh at it. But at the end of the day hidden here's the thing is that this guy doesn't have a damn clue. He's a sock monkey sock up it. Right. And he's been propped he's been propped up and I'll tell you who's running the country, Ollie. It's the CIA. It's the leftist mainstream media. We all know where it's going Ollie. So you know what we need to get over it. And here's the thing is Donald Trump will never be elected and I am a Donald Trump supporter. Howie. But this this faction that we have in our government right now is going to lead to a civil a war in this country if Donald Trump is not elected. That's a damn truth Ollie whether you like it or whether I like it or anybody else. That's the way it is. Well I hope you're I certainly hope you're wrong Pete and I certainly hope that you know that there is that there is an election a fair election in November and that he's he prevails because it certainly looks like he's going to prevail because he's running against I think the worst president in US history and I don't think anybody can seriously argue that he isn't except for maybe Paul Krugman. But he's not really a serious person either is he. Thanks for the call Pete 844 542 42 Costco crazy on credit cards. You know he's always worried about junk fees and and there's there's not enough potato chips in the fun bags of ruffles at ridges or a lays barbecue chips and he's worried about the shrinking Snickers bars. What about the credit card interest rates and whose fault is it that the interest rates on the credit cards are through the roof Americans paid nearly 50% more in credit card expenses last year compared with the year before President Biden took office adding fuel to cries by Republicans over the cost of living crisis facing voters ahead of November's elections. By in 2023 last year US credit card holders shelled out 157 billion dollars in interest and fees on their credit cards an increase of 51 billion compared with 2020 when Donald Trump was president. That's according to information from the FDIC. Meanwhile credit card delinquencies are the highest in 13 years. Banks however have received record profits from credit card lending as federal reserve raised interest rates to a 23 year high on Wednesday the Fed kept the rate unchanged. It wasn't the Biden known as the as the the senator from what M. M. N. B. A. B. A. M. N. B. A. The big bank in Delaware when when Hunter got out of law school he went to work not for a white shoe law firm or as a clerk for a superior court the pellet court judge in the in the federal circuit he went to work as a as a as an advice president for a bank. Polls were conducted earlier this month that found that 28% of Americans said credit card debt was one of their biggest sources of financial stress. In that same poll a whopping 80% cited inflation as their chief concern since Brandon took office in January 2021 cumulative inflation stands at almost 19% 19%. Biden's telling you everything is rosy and on the road to recovery and put the price of prescription jugs as he calls him is going down. What about what about credit card debt? Mr. President and he's going to take away your truck too. We'll talk about that when we come back and take your calls at eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Spring is here and the outdoor opportunities on the Cape are special especially if you get a room at the Nossett Beach Inn in Orleans it's the only public lodging available on the Cape Cod National Seashore. You can you can go on the Cape Cod rail trail on an electric bank on an electric bike I should say excuse me. This counts on e-bike rentals are available from the Nossett Beach Inn. You can view the great herring migration in Brewster. It's a one-of-a-kind fish run with swarms of fish. There are endless beach and shore paths to hike and you can watch the return of the humpback whales. They're visible from the comfort of the fire pits at the Nossett Beach Inn and who knows you might see a great whale too. They used to be extinct until a couple of weeks ago. Now they're back. I want to warm up after a long day outside and probably so do you. Every room has a fireplace. When I visited Nossett Beach Inn I was so impressed with how every room not only has an ocean view but that the ocean view is ever changing with a different surf to watch. Nossett Beach Inn is pet friendly. It's also kid friendly. Each room has two queen-sized beds and that makes it very family friendly. You can take the kids along with you. Plenty of room for them to sleep. Sit by the fire pit and enjoy the sunset, cocktails or conversation. The Nossett Beach Inn, a short drive to a vacation far away. April rooms from $249.99 and in May rooms from $269.99. Reserve your room quickly. They won't last long. that's I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals and other special offers from The Howie Carr show. Just enter your name and email at He's Howie Carr. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another for free. Order now at Use code HowieBOGO. That's code HowieBOGO. Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which is your least favorite Boston Pro sports team? The Bruins Celtics Patriots or Red Sox? Red Sox. 37% say the Red Sox. 31% say the Celtics. 19% say the Patriots. 13% say the Bruins. All right. 844-542-42. And again, this was brought on by a NBC 10s man in the street story around Kenmore Square, Fenway Park area. They were asking people if they could name anybody on the Red Sox. And it was a K, a strikeout, maybe a couple of them. But not many. 844-542-42. What in the name of Carl Jostrimsky is going on? Dennis, you're next with Howie Cara. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie had several venues this week and maybe last week I heard Biden say that he brought the price of a dose of insulin down from $240 to $30 or something like that. And, you know, if the prices keep going in their present trajectory by Thanksgiving, I think my family will be serving insulin because we can't afford the price of, you know, ordinary food. I know. It's just the insulin, insulin flavored tap water out to our guests too. But, you know, you may not be able to afford turkey or dressing or a pie or mashed potatoes, but you're going to, there's going to be more, there's going to be three more potato chips in your little bag of the readouts. I want you to tell them that, you know, you can bring down prices almost immediately on all finite goods and services by getting rid of all the people that I hear illegally. Priceless. Yes. I know. I've got a list of some of the things that they're spending the money on. I'll get into that at six o'clock. Just, it's just amazing. And, incidentally, I lost a bet with Senator Peter Durant of Spencer. I was joking with him on, I think, Wednesday night. And I said, I said, "How many Democrats are going to vote not to give yet another billion dollars or so to the illegal aliens that are here flopping?" And I said, "The over-under in Vegas is one, one Democrat, along with the four Republicans." And I said, "I'll take the under." And he laughed. He texted me last night around nine o'clock and he said, "You lost four Democrats voted with the four Republicans." Which, you know, it's still, it's 32 to eight, something like that. But that's the largest defection of Democrats in either house, Massachusetts branch of the legislature in years and years and years. It was a velice from Western Mass, Cronin from Quincy, Nick Collins from Southie, and Walter Temulty, who's running county wide in Norfolk. So four out of the 36 Democrats voted. That means they're here in the footsteps. 844, 542, 42. This is from Powerline blog yesterday. Anyone remember the misery index from the 70s, the combination of inflation and unemployment that Jimmy Carter used with such great effect against Gerald Ford in 1976, only to have it deployed with even greater effect against himself by Ronald Reagan four years later. It was the brainchild of the late economist Arthur Oken. Right now, because the official unemployment rate remains very low and inflation has come down from its near 9% high last year, the misery index is fairly modest compared to the 1970s. But not so fast. Lawrence Summers, the liberal economist, former Treasury Secretary and former President of Harvard, combines with three other economists on a new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research in BER. And it blows Krugman's contention, this is the New York Times columnist, about how awesome the economy is, to smithereens. In one sentence, the paper notes changes in the 1970s in the methodology by which inflation is calculated, that vastly understates the real inflation rate for most American consumers, especially anyone using credit or buying a house or car. And this is the reason why so many are sour on the economy. Here's Summers explaining the most eye-popping finding of his paper. If we make an effort to reconstruct the CPI of Oken's error, which would have had the inflation peak last year around 18%, 18%, that's what it was at 79.80. We are able to explain 70% of the gap in the consumer sentiment that we saw last year. In other words, if you use the old methodology Biden's misery index would be an historically bad territory. This also explains why too many consumers inflation seems so much higher than the official rate, because it is so much higher, at least in places where it counts like the grocery stores in your bank card statements, which we were just talking about. No wonder Biden's approval ratings in the economy are in the tank. Most American consumers are smarter than Krugman. 844-542 will be back with your calls in just a moment. I'm Howard Garb. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542. I said earlier there was a four-vote majority for the Republicans in the House. That's what I read. I thought that seemed high, but now they're saying it's going to be a one-vote majority for the House Republicans when Gallagher leaves. And this is what a snake the guy is. He comes from a solidly Republican district in Wisconsin, and if he had resigned before April the 9th, just a couple of weeks away, there would have been a special election, and they could have gotten another Republican in there without too many problems. But he decided to wait until April 19th. So under Wisconsin state law, the seat will remain vacant until January when the person who wins in November takes office. So he's obviously just trying to screw the Republicans and screw Donald Trump. I'm sure you wouldn't say that, but that's what it amounts to. 844-542-42. John from New York, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, John. Howie, thanks for mentioning that study with Larry Summers. He, of course, advised the Biden administration when they tried to jam this IRA bill, throw it, it's going to cause inflation, and it went on deaf ears as you remember. But that number, that number that he published, first of all, he put his name on the paper and it went to the NBEER, like you said. So I'm sure the work's good. I don't agree with them politically, but he's a good economist. So that tells you how deep Biden is buried, but they're going to have to pull something out. But I just want to let you know two things on the market. We were up this week primarily because Jay Powell poured gasoline on the fire. He said he's going to come out with lower rates, 75 basis points, sticking with his plan. And Guy from Bloomberg didn't have the courage to ask him questions. But let me see if I get this right, Mr. Chairman. It appears the economy is accelerating, inflation is accelerating in the labor market. It's okay. And you're still going to lower rates. And he goes, yeah, that's the plan. So normally when you have a stock market that runs up like this, where there's sort of, you know, a lot of excesses, the Fed Chairman will go the other way. I'll try and tame the market down. But the one thing you can't tame down is, you know, as I told you, I always look at what the government's saying, but what the companies are saying, and two companies reported today, Nike and Lulu Lemon. And when people are having trouble buying the $85 yoga pants, you know, it's, you know, it's a problem. So it's starting to affect the upper middle class. And Lulu Lemon today dropped almost 20%. Basically, their business is slowing down. And Nike is the same thing. People aren't buying the $200 sneakers anymore. So right. Well, I just mentioned that the people last year paid 50 billion more in credit card interest than they did. Then they did the last year of Donald Trump's presidency. 51 billion. Yeah, it's catching up. And of course, oil's going up today. Biden, I guess, send a memo to Ukraine to ask him to stop trying to blow up the refineries in Russia. But we say pretty pleased with a cherry on top. Yeah, oil's up 12, $13 a barrel since January. So overall, I mean, it's kind of weird because the commercial real estate market, as you said, it's under pressure. The residential real estate market rents are going up. But the stock market is still going up. It's just a massive amount of liquidity. Although I will say it's mainly fewer and fewer stocks. It's almost all these artificial intelligence stocks and this Bitcoin slash crypto trying to get out, you know, essentially move money out of the US dollar. So that's primarily what's driving it up because the average stock, if you look at it, even Apple, year to date, Apple started the year around 200. It's down to 170s. And then the government's suing them. So fewer and fewer things are going up. Gold and silver are still doing well. Residential real estate still well and stocks are up 10%. But again, it's mostly this crypto and artificial intelligence stuff that's going up. John, I know you don't have any specific knowledge. I think you don't have any specific knowledge, but do you think they'll try to somehow figure out a way to stop Donald Trump from collecting three or three and a half billion dollars off of truth social? Well, they could do it. Antitrust, FTC, DOJ. So who will, who will, who will bell the cat? Well, they'll try and get the money. I mean, you know, I mean, what, what kind of company, what kind of government is suing your best company, Apple today? Because Apple makes good products and they don't want junk on there. They're just trying to shake Apple down for money. The thing is about Trump, I guess Grace earlier said about getting the money or he's got to hold this stock. I think usually when you come public like this, the insiders have to hold it for six months or a year. So he wouldn't even be able to sell it if he wanted to. But the numbers right, I mean, it's his, he should be able to generate around three billion dollars on this thing. But again, he's not going to be able to liquify that right away. This is a, but they say, you know, didn't they tell us, didn't the deep state run media tell us that this would never happen? Yeah, of course. I mean, but you know, look, these guys are seasoned money today. I mean, they're, you know, shaking Apple down for money, they're desperate. So I mean, you know, I tell people, I said, look, you can buy gold, you know, on an ETF on the stock exchange, but it's always good to have some gold in your vault or your safe deposit box. That's what silver Dave says. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The gold ETF you could buy in the stock market. It's convenient, but it's paper and it's, you know, there's some issues about going to be converted. And I always tell people if you can, if you have a safe, or even if you have a safe deposit box put in silver, by the way, is breaking out to now. Because again, I think the end result is they're going to print more money. No matter who's president, right, it's going to be a really tough situation for him. Right. Coming in, but clearly a Biden and his crew, whoever's running the country are in, they're going to, they're just, they're desperate. They're going to print money. Now, if that's trying to hold this together, early election, you can see it. At some point, long rates are going to go up. And by the way, if you have long treasuries, if you have bonds, they told people before, hey, you ought to buy bonds. You want to keep your bonds inside of seven years because if inflation really goes off, the value of bonds goes down a lot, but you won't get hurt if you're in two or three or four-year maturities, but stay away from the long paper. Well, I'd like to stay away from anything at this point. Well, you could stay in Florida. That's, that's the West left man standing. If they won't build a wall at the Mexican border, will they build a wall at the Georgia border and the Alabama border? Yeah. Grand Cayman's pretty, Grand Cayman's pretty nice. They don't have an income tax. So, that might be another option. Plaza plot doesn't come along. Yeah, Stevie Flemie used to like to go down to the Grand Cayman Islands. I never heard of the Grand Cayman Islands until Stevie Flemie started going down there and opening a safe deposit boxes, but then I found out about it. Great place, great place. All right, John from New York, have a good weekend. And thanks for checking in. We appreciate it. 844-542-42. Frank, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Frank. Hey, Howie, it's for the children. Remember, it's for the children. That's what you always have to think of. Yes. Yeah, I know. I've been hearing that since the 70s, Frank. About the third time I heard it, about the third time I heard it, I said, you know what, this is a crock. And it hasn't gotten any better since then. You know, I'll tell you something. I live down here in South Carolina. I listen to you every single day at four o'clock. And it's just amazing to me the suffering that the people up in Massachusetts are allowing themselves to be put through with their politicians. And also, nationally, with this guy Biden, this guy is just crackers. I know. He's really lying all the time. And the only ones who really believe him are the real acolyte Democrats that are so died in the world that they'll never leave. They're Kennedy Democrats. But I'm glad I got to escape 10 years ago. And it's great living down here. It's just an easier life. And it's not as glamorous as Massachusetts. But I really like it down here very, very long time. If you still think Massachusetts is glamorous, I don't think it is glamorous anymore. It's just it's just another third world hell health. You know, that's that's what Massachusetts has become. Well, I remember Boston when it was a great town in the 60s, 70s and early 80s. I mean, you could have a good time, but not a lot of money if you played it right. But since I left, I read I read the Boston Herald every day. I watched Channel five on the fire stick. And I say to Kathy all the time, I say, I'm glad we're the hell out of there. Yeah, I'm, you know, I'm going back in May and see, you know, because I still got the business there. I still, you know, I'm still a, I'm not a, I'm not a legal resident of Massachusetts, but I, I still, I still have to live there for various reasons. But I don't, I don't, I don't miss being out of message. I just, there's not, what do I miss? You know, I was thinking about the Red Sox about how, you know, nobody even knows who the Red Sox are. I used to, when you talk about it, having been able to have a cheap, cheap time in the, in the 70s, I used to, I used to leave the Herald and go to, to the Red Sox to, to the bleachers at night. Three bucks, three bucks for the, for a bleacher seat. It was cheaper than going to a movie. It was, it was, you know what, that was, that is when the movie said air conditioning, but it was, it was cooler in the bleachers, especially with the beer, than, than it was to go to a movie. This, and, and, and, and you know who, you know who the players were to believe it or not. Thanks for the call, Frank. 844-542-42. Michael, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Michael. Yes. Hi, Howie. Um, I understand the way you, what you were saying about Representative Gallagher, but I wondered if there's, is, is another, uh, explanation is just that, uh, the Democrats have the goods on them in some way. They waited until now. They basically said you can't leave until April 9th. Why can't it just be straight? You know, we've got stuff on you. You want us to bring it out into news if you don't leave it. You know, that's a, you know, I didn't, I didn't want to speculate on that, Michael, but it's all, you know, that's what everybody's thinking. And, and you know what, so I was thinking the same thing. I just didn't want to say it. I know. All right. Well, yeah. I mean, why would he, why would he try to screw his own party like this by waiting until the 19th? Yeah. I mean, it's funny, because I'm looking at a picture of him on NBC News, and he really does look like, you know, a deer in the headlights, uh, you know, like he's in big trouble in some way that, you know, right. Well, I mean, you know, he, he, he doesn't like the toxic environment. He was elected eight years ago, right? There wasn't a toxic environment eight years ago. And, and it's so toxic that he couldn't, he couldn't wait from April 19th until January 3rd or whenever the, whenever the new Congress comes in, he couldn't, he couldn't wait those extra months. You know, a, some of which, most of which they're going to be in recess because everybody else will be running for reelection. What was, what was the rush representative Gallagher? 844 542 42. Thanks for the call, Michael. If you're like me, you need your sleep, not five or six hours. I'm talking about seven or eight blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep. And there's one thing that makes my night complete. And that's my pillow's famous Giza Dream sheets. They are luxurious, ultra soft and breathable. They come in a variety of sizes and stylish colors. And right now for a limited time, how we fans can get a queen-sized set of sheets for $59.98 and a king size set of sheets for just $69.98. The lowest prices in my pillow history, just go to my and click on the radio listener's square. You'll find this amazing offer and deep discounts on all my pillow products. You'll even get 60% off the original, oh, so comfortable, my slippers. Sleep better than ever. Go to my to get comfort and savings. You can also call them at 800-658-4965. Don't forget the code Howie. Don't love them. Don't worry. My pillow has a 60-day money-back guarantee and a 10-year warranty. Go to my or call 800-658-4965 and use the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show returns after this. Howie Car is back. 844-542-508. Representative Gallagher is turning down eight months of easy money on top of everything else. Yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, so that's two-thirds of $170,000, maybe more. Maybe they went up again with a coal increase. But it's a lot of dough. And he doesn't have to do anything because he's not seeking reelection. He could just go home and hang out. 844-542. Or will he get paid to the end? No, I don't think he gets paid. Once he resigns, he doesn't get paid anymore. Let's see. 781. I can name every player from the Red Sox, from the 60s through the 2010s. I can name maybe five now. That's maybe five more than I can name. Devers? One of them said Devers? Is he still on the team? Or is he always still on the team? Okay. I thought he went with the fire sale with everybody else. I guess the last player I know knew was Chris Sale, because he had some relative who worked down here. Of course, he was barely on the team for the last, what, three years. But he had kind of a weird delivery, which was kind of interesting to watch. Or I would have been interesting to watch, and I ever watched him. I can't remember the last time I watched the game. That's one thing about the Krugman and these people are saying, don't people realize that you can buy a nice TV now for 60 bucks? Who the hell is watching TV, let alone buying a TV for I'm sake? I mean, that's how out of touch he is. 844-542-508. Nike and Lulu Lemon businesses isn't slowing down. Their customers have just discovered that in blue states, it's easier to shoplift the products rather than pay for them. One joke in New York is you can always tell the tourists now in New York, you know, you can tell them they're actually paying to go onto the subway. 844-542-42-203. Could Gallagher be leaving to run as a no labels candidate? I don't think so. That's a good theory, but I don't see that in the cards. He's kind of an obscure Congress. He was the chairman of a committee, but I think that was just for being in leadership. Eddie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Eddie. Yeah, Howie, I know you were a history buff like myself, and you mentioned JFK at the beginning. So I just want to give a quick history on this and then bring it up. Okay, thanks for the call, Eddie. 844-542-442. Speaking of RFK, I mentioned this, I found this really interesting that this was RFK. He was on it some kind of New York Times podcast, and this is, and again, his voice seems to have lost his voice again, but here it is with cut number nine, RFK Jr. with a guy named Aesteed Herndon, or Herndon. Go ahead, cut nine. Mm-hmm. The reason that we have pressure Democrats about the way that they set up Biden and about Republicans about the way that they set up Trump is because of that very fact, because of the fact that most Americans do not want these two options. I guess I'm asking you a separate question. The New York Times Democratic is essentially an instrument of the Democratic Party. I understand you're making institutional argument. I'll see I'm asking about the work that we do, and I'm posting a question to you. You can make institutional arguments against me since this started. You are an instrument of the DNC, and of course, you're going to try to get people. Your job as doing what you're doing is to try to spin this some way that it's going to help Biden and her Trump and get rid of any threat to you do to that. A narrow guard in the guardrail contest that the New York Times approves of, and it's just not right for our country, and I'm not going to go along with it. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you all. I appreciate your time. And just so you know, like, that's not what I'm here to do. No, everybody was at the question I was asking. So we have like, we're going to be able to get this back to you. We're planning to do this on Thursday. That's not what you're doing. You're fired. Appreciate your time. Right. I'll go with the Senator of the New York Times, Mr. Bennett. I think that's I, he called it an RFK junior called the New York Times an instrument of the DNC. I call it a religious tract, but it's the same thing. And I told Grace this during the crossover. The night Bobby Kennedy was shot. He was, I've read this in a couple of books. He was in the suite waiting for the returns. He probably won the, I guess, the Ambassador Hotel in LA. He's reading the, you know, an early edition of the New York Times. And there's some anti-Catholic story in the New York Times, and he looks at it and he says, you know what the idea of the, you know, what a good Catholic story is about the New York Times, more nuns leaving the Catholic church. And so I thought to myself that he knew, he knew what Bobby Kennedy's senior knew what the New York Times was. And say what you will about either senior or junior, but they both understood that the paper was BS on how it worked.