The Howie Carr Radio Network

Is two years too long for Mike Gallagher? | 3.22.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

No one asked him to make a career out of his time in Congress. In fact, many today are wishing for the precise opposite. But why can't Rep. Mike Gallagher make it an extra few months? Why does he need to vacate his seat in April?

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22 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24 to order years today. Go to Eden pure and use code how we bogo. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the how we car show. What is what is carbon dioxide? I'm I went to high school, but that's a it's science. How much would cost for us to become carbon neutral in the United States by 2050? It's a nation of somewhere between 700 billion and a trillion, 300 million billion dollars live from the Matthews brothers studios. It's simple math at this point. Biden's behind in Arizona. He's behind in Nevada. He's behind in Georgia. He's behind in Michigan. And if that not told, ball game over. You can write him down in history with your bitter twisted lies. We'll see about that. I ain't afraid to stand up to friends. Just ask Spartacus. But no matter what you do to guys like him, I am Spartacus. Or me? I am Spartacus. Or everyone who loves this country, we will rise. Do you have Spartacus? Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's how we car. I've been sitting on a story for the last week or so about this judicial nominee in New Jersey manji. I believe his name is that that Cory Booker is having his latest Spartacus moment over. And I'm glad he didn't throw it out because this guy is a real piece of work. I mean, you talk about a guy who hates Jews. A guy who hates the United States of America. It's this guy. And of course, Cory's going to the going to the map for him. What more do you expect? What? Cory, what about a little sympathy for your for your colleague? Senator Gold Barman in this? What about him? 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 42, welcome to the Howie Car Show. We've got a lot planned as always here today. And as you know, Kate Middleton, she's the she's the wife of the Prince of Wales. She's admitted that she has cancer and it's unfortunate and you know, we have great sympathy for her. And I'll leave it at that. And then now we're going to move on to other issues. And the chief one today, I think, is the fact that that the the the Republicans seem to be setting themselves on fire nationally. You know how long it took us to put out the fire that these that some of these knuckleheads had said in Massachusetts. And and you know, it was it was a minor like a match compared to what's going on in DC. Now, I mean, this is really serious. What's happening in DC? I mean, they Marjorie Taylor Greene, who, you know, I never I never disliked her terribly much. But now she wants to vacate the chair and get rid of Mike Johnson. And at the same time, she does this. This is all happened in the last few hours. At the same time, she does this. Mike Gallagher, this this guy from from Wisconsin, decides that he's going to leave on April the 19th. So he's the so you have first George Santos who wanted to stay in, be light about his being on a volleyball team. It's okay for the fake Indian to lie, you know, to check the box and get all these prestigious jobs. She never would have got it's okay for Danang Dick Blumenthal to rely about being in Vietnam when he was really at Yale Law School. But they're Democrats, so they can get away with it. But then George Santos has got to be drummed out of the party and drummed out of Congress. And they did they did it. They lost the seat, special election gone. Then Ken Buck decides to leave because he wants to in his own words, he wants to be on CNN or MSNBC. Well, I guess there's one less slot open for a rhino on MSNBC because Ronna McDaniel has been hired. It could it could anything be more predictable. It's like the sun coming up in the Easter setting in the West. A rhino is ousted or relieves and gets hired by state run media. So now she's now she's the latest. She's gonna she's gonna be the next she's gonna be the disstaffed white Michael Steele, the former black lieutenant governor of Maryland, who's now I think yeah, I think now he's officially a Democrat, like a morning Joe Scarborough, a former Republican, an erstwhile member of the GOP. So now you've lost you've lost Santos involuntarily Buck voluntarily and now Mike Gallagher announced that he would resign on April 19 April 19. So that leaves that leaves Mike Johnson, who's now that now the the not caucus is trying to remove him. He's got a 217 to 213 majority. But oh, and I forgot the earlier, the previous speaker was Kevin McCarthy and he was forced out by the nuts and oh, you can't trust McCarthy. You can't trust McCarthy. Well, let me put it this way. The trust that came Jeffries. I'm old enough to remember his his uncle Leonard Jeffries. He was he was one of the leading anti Semites in in New York City in New York State back in the 1980s. He was he was kind of a forerunner of C Vernon Maddox and the Reverend Al Sharpton. And and Leonard Leonard Jeffries, beloved nephew Hakim wrote a bunch of anti Semitic editorials for the student newspaper, one of the state universities outside outside New York City. And he's just he's just he continues to lie and spread conspiracy theories. And the vote the majority now for the Republicans when Gallagher leaves is 217 to 213. That's a four vote majority. That's that's not very good. And and Buck when he left said that other Republicans would be leaving. Now, why are they leaving? Why would this guy Gallagher leave? Oh, it's very toxic. No kidding. As if it hasn't been toxic for a very long time in in Washington, DC. Oh, they're citing the toxic since this. So this is what he said shortly after announcing his retirement, Gallagher went on Fox and said, since I ran, I always said that Congress shouldn't be a career. No one's asking it to be a career. But you know, when you run for Congress, it's like you're you're not exactly signing, but you're agreeing to a contract and you stay to the end of your term. It's not like it's a lifetime contract. It's two years. April 19th to the first week of January. What is that? That's like seven and a half months. You can't you can't last another seven and a half months. But I think what it is is they want it. They want to turn and turn over the gavel to Hakim Jeffries to stop Donald Trump. Just in just in case, in case of a tie, in case of a tie, you know, meaning, meaning that thus one of these third party candidates, whether it's no labels, whoever that is picked to run, or whether it's Bobby Kennedy Jr, picks off a state or two. And it and it's very close. And nobody has 270 electoral votes. And it goes to the house. And the Democrats, you know, all of a sudden, and all of a sudden, it's it's gonna be okay to steal elections again. And it doesn't matter if Trump gets a majority or more likely a plurality of the votes in this kind of a scenario. They'll take it away. They would definitely take it away. There's no question about it. And the and this guy Gallagher is playing. Why why is he leaving? I mean, we can speculate. Is it? Is it? Does he hate Donald Trump that much? Or do they do they have some John Roberts? Is it some John Roberts type of situation where, you know, maybe there's this he have some, I don't I don't even want to speculate about it. Here's this quoted. This is more of his quote. I think that the fact that we have so many lifers and career us in this institution is why it's so dysfunctional. I agree. But again, he knew this going in. You know, this isn't this is not some phenomenon that's occurred since Donald Trump became president or was nominated. And that the framers when they created the Constitution in this country had in mind that you would embark on a season of service and then return to private life. I don't think though they wanted you to resign in the middle of the session when you're gonna turn when you might turn over the the gavel to the other party. I mean, this is this is not this is not the way a normal a normal congressman operates. And again, I totally understand wanting to get the hell out of Washington. I mean, who the hell would ever want to be in in Congress to begin with 844 542 42. I mean, I, you know, when Mitt Romney gave it to give me the word in writing that he would appoint me to to take take this place of John Kerry if he were elected president, I was willing to step up until a special election could be hurt could be held. Because you know, that way I could I could be I have access to that to the Senate lobby and all these congressional perks for the rest of my life. And I could make a lot of money. I was willing to I was willing to make the sacrifice. I was but lifetime service. Hell no. Hell no. I wouldn't even have been done it for six months. 844 542 42. Yeah, they will elect the Democrats because that's the that's the plan here. Obviously, in my Gallagher, I mean, he's even more of a a jerk for for trying to put this in in some kind of. Oh, I want to spend more time with my family. I want to I want to stop and smell the roses. Yeah, bull. Yeah, who's no one's buying it. Mike. 844 500 skeletons. The word skeletons is being used a lot in this in the text messages. Yes, I'll go that far. Yes, skeletons. That's what it's about. 844 500 42 42 844 500 42 42. I'm how we car. This hour of the how we car show is brought to you in part by Ken's place on Pine Point on Route 9 in Scarborough, Maine. Known for their amazing seafood, including battered dipped fried clams, lobster stew and homemade tartar sauce. Tell them how we sent you. You're listening to the how we car show. 844 500 42 42 844 500 42 42. Someone says if it were a tie in the presidential election went to the House of Representatives, it is the newly elected House. Aren't they sworn in on January 1st or somewhere around there in January. Certification is on January 6th as we all know. Yeah, but he's got the gavel. He could you know, he can have all kinds of maneuvers. He's going to have the mark alliances of the world and the law fair crowd to Jack Smith's going to be a maneuvering. And another thing too is if Kim Jeffries comes in, the Democrats have the majority. That's the end of all these investigations in the House. That's the that's the end of Chairman Comer. He becomes ranking member Comer. Same with Jim Jordan. He becomes ranking member Jordan again. If you don't control the committees, you can't control the investigations. And I know impeachment's going nowhere, but I mean, at least they're getting they're getting stuff out. There was a there was another one today. They got a a whistleblower from the CIA said that the CIA stopped one of the investigations against Hunter Biden in 2021. The CIA by their charter, they're supposed to operate outside the United States of America and they're protecting according to this whistleblower. And in the letter that Comer and Jordan sent the CIA says that it corroborates earlier evidence. All that all that stuff goes away. Because these these rhinos are are leaving and throw in people like Santos under the bus. 844 542 42. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier Bogo offer by one thunderstorm and get another one for free order. Now at Eden pure use code how we Bogo. That's Eden pure code how we Bogo. And today's question, there was a the Red Sox season will be starting shortly. And a channel 10 NBC 10 did a funny piece the kind of piece you don't see much on local TV anymore. Just I mean, it was it was very humorous. They went out and they asked people questions whether they whether they knew anybody on the Red Sox or they cared anything about the Red Sox anymore play play cut 19. Well, if you walk around Fenway Park here and talk to people you'll find not only are they unaware of opening day, many of them can't even name a current Red Sox player. How many current players can you name on the Red Sox? Um, um, current. Danvers. Say it. Damn, I'm blanking right now. It's the camera. When I was a kid, it was, you know, must see TV when Pedro Martinez was pitching. Actually, other years like I kind of hear about it or like people are talking about it, but this year I didn't even know that they were like starting. I had no idea. Like it suddenly was daylight savings time again. And the days were getting longer and it was getting a little warmer like and I didn't put two and two together. You know what? I watch. I can't I can't name a single player on the Red Sox anymore. I can't. So Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at how we car is which is your least favorite Boston pro sports team. Bruins Celtics Patriots or Red Sox? Like the Red Sox. Thirty eight percent say the Red Sox. Thirty two percent say the Celtics. Eighteen percent say the Patriots and the most liked team according to our fans, our listeners, the Bruins. Thirteen percent say that's their least favorite pro sports team. I can't I can't name up anybody on the Bruins. I never followed them, but I don't dislike them. I dislike I actively dislike the Red Sox now because of John Henry and the Black Lives Matter virtue signaling sign outside Fenway Park for those couple of years. And just generally speaking, they suck. So that's why I voted for the Red Sox. I'm surprised it's not higher than that though. Leon, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Leon. Yeah. Hi, Howie. I'm from up in the Burlington, Vermont area. I wanted to talk to you about the Senator dropping out, but I just had to tell you last night we had a gentleman that was arrested at 1600 times twice in the last week to keep letting them out. It's so like you said, up here, it's terrible. I haven't seen it like this years, but I was just thinking on that Senator, is it possible that there's a rat I represent it? Is it possible maybe that they're finding the vulnerable ones where they don't have a lot of money, maybe Santos or some of the billionaires might be up. Hey, you know, behind closed doors, you know, you could retire with an extra million to 2 million. I think Santos didn't want to go, but I mean, you know, some people are suggesting that they're going to just try to buy them off like like Buck made it very clear that he wanted a job. And Ronna McDaniel has now got a job at a network. But you know, if that's their theory, Leon, it's the it's crazy because, you know, ask Bill Crystal, the guy, the crazy guy who used to be Vice President quails top aid. So in 1993, they brought in to a Democrat and a Republican to ABC News. They were going to counterbalance each other. George Stephanopoulos, the head of the bimbo eruption unit, and they were going to bring in Bill Crystal. And I guess guess who got kicked kick to the curb very quickly. Bill Crystal, I think that's one reason why he's gone insane. And they were just using him as cover to bring in Stephanopoulos. So he could become another Democrat operative now being sued by Donald Trump for falsely accusing him of rape. So if that's if that's what they're thinking, they're just going to be they're going to be cannon fodder. They'll be out as soon as they're as soon as they're not needed anymore. They're that's, I don't know, I don't know why they're leaving. I mean, again, it's it's late March. He only has to serve to the beginning of January. He can't handle another seven months in the job. He's had a great years. I'm how he can't remember crazier times in my lifetime. Now more than ever, expect the unexpected with ReadyWise. Always be prepared. At ReadyWise, their mission is to bring peace of mind to their consumers by offering high quality food and gear at a reasonable price. ReadyWise relentlessly pursues solutions to help you be prepared. Go to, enter code Howie20 at checkout and receive 20% off your purchase. Or call 895 ready to speak with an actual person. That's Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-844-542-442-442. You want to talk about a non-surprising story? I'm just looking at Breitbart. Remember Samuel Bankman Freed? The big Democrat mega donor. He had dreams of being the next George Soros. He was stealing money. He set up the biggest Ponzi scam made put Bernie Madoff in the backseat. The current chairman of the company that's trying to get him out of bankruptcy, which is not going to be possible, says disgraced frauds. Their Sam Bankman's Freed's remorse is "non-existent" shocked. He's the son of Stanford Law School professors who never bothered to get married when they had kids. He was raised on the campus in Palo Alto. He's just a dirt bag and he has no remorse. He has been trying to deal with the fact that he can't get a vegan meal to save his life in this prison and they're not refilling his ADD medication in time. So take those words out of your mouth. Have a little respect for SBF, please. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. SBF. He misses his bean bags. When is it, when are his parents going to give back that house in Bermuda or the Bahamas that he spent 13 million on? Is anyone coming to seize that house? Yeah, you know what? That is a really good point. There were victims. I mean, they don't have to invent victims in this fraud. He stole billions and billions of dollars. They would like that house. The victims would like that house. They could have time shares on it. Even if it was just like a few hours a day, there's so many victims. You get a few hours every day, every once a year. It is crazy how little attention or the media is from what I gather. They're always trying to spin like a sob story for him, make you feel bad for him. And when you think about his crime, I'm not defending Bernie Madoff, but like the scale of it was way bigger than Madoff's. Right. And most of the people made off ripped off, and I'm not defending him in the slightest, but they were very rich people. The people that SPF ripped off, by and large, were just people starting out. People in their 20s and 30s. Wasn't he part of this altruism, effective altruism, cult type thing where you're supposed to be really nice and compassionate, and he doesn't have any remorse? Yeah. Yeah. When someone tells you they're altruistic, again, the louder he spoke of his altruism, the faster we counted our spoons. Yeah, that's a pretty sure sign. All right. How he Rona McDaniel is making her next move. She has got a new gig over at NBC slash MSNBC. She's going to be a political analyst and provide commentary on him. I have a new show right after Jen Psaki show on the weekends at MSNBC. I guess she's starting off this week, and she's going to be on with Kristen Wellman. Me and Uncle Pierre. How about that? Oh, they could team up. Yes, they could. How long do you think? Nephew and niece. Do you think she's going to get on there and start off as the conservative and then slowly morph into an anti-trumper? Well, I think she's always been. She did help Trump in 2016, Kerry, Michigan. But since then, she hasn't been extremely helpful. I mean, she's been rather incompetent, is the bigger problem. That's why Democrats like her so much. But I think if she, yeah, I mean, it's like those British subjects that were Russian spies like Kim Filby, when he was exposed as a Russian spy, he fled to the Soviet Union and he was given Russian citizenship. I think this is what these gigs are like. Morning Joe or Michael Steele or now Ronna McDaniel, Jennifer Rubin, Anna Navar. They're all secret agents being given deep state citizenship. It is kind of like the witness protection program. You know, because nobody knows where you went or what you're doing. You know, and I was thinking it's not like the witness protection program because you're not in hiding, but you might as well be hiding on MSNBC. You're hiding inside. 619. How about putting some of the illegals to squat in SPF's Bahamian $13 million house? Yes. That is a, yeah, I know. Yeah, Liz Warren's economic advisor was SPF's dad. Yeah, SPF's dad helped her draw up one of these nutty bills like the consumer protection finance board or something. I don't think it was that one, but something like that. Yeah, SPF used to go to this restaurant in the Bahamas, Howie that I went to on my honeymoon and I have a photo from there. And now I look at it with such like, ooh, that picture. I was at the same restaurant as SPF and all of his friends. This is when they were ordering tons of stuff, you know, and the company was picking up the checks and all that good stuff. Then things went downhill. That should have been their first sign is when SPF stopped picking up the tab and was like, everybody throw in. Things weren't going well. The establishment media fail again as Trump's truth, social big merger is approved. This is from Breitbart's map boil. The established media have airballed yet another big story with regard to former President Donald Trump as the merger between SPAC and the company behind Trump's truth social social media platform was approved Friday despite nonstop predictions the past couple of years that this would not happen. Now, according to the Hill, Trump stands to make about $3.5 billion from the 79 million shares he holds. I'm going to start a new Trump hoax here right now, Grace. Ooh, you know what Trump's going to do with that $3.5 billion? He's going to invest it in Jared Kushner's scheme to take over all the Mediterranean beachfront property in Gaza. Oh, the waterfront property. Yeah, that's not and they're going to make all the profits and they're going to use it on a bloodbath. Oh, now we're working in a lot of them. See if you can work in the very fine people on both sides. Make it a real trifecta. Yeah, so this is the latest about true social. Some people are wondering if he's going to use this money to meet the bond deadline on Monday. Other people are saying that, you know, it's not going to happen fast enough, but he stands to make $3.5 billion. And money is fungible. So even if he knows he's going to make that, it would probably help move some things around. I mean, if he's if he's got the money coming to him and it's and it's done deal, how come he can't get a bond? I know the answer. Well, know the answer. Same reason he can't get a lawyer, even though he could pay the lawyers. Yeah. And the same reason that Judge and Iran is being so in, you know, not flexible when it comes to all of these things. He just wants to put the screws to him. How he hears a story for you that I know you'll get to at some point today. Hunter Biden's friend slash sugar brother. That's what the New York Post calls him, Kevin Morris. The CIA blocked feds from interviewing Hunter. No, I just I just mentioned that. That's one of the if you know, if the Democrats take over Congress, this investigation about whether the CIA stopped the the investigation of Kevin Morris, that goes that goes away. Yeah. And it's also just weird that there haven't been more eyes on this just because of the sheer amount of money he loaned him. I mean, $5 million loan. I've never had have you ever had a friend how he who's loaned you $5 million? No, I never had a sugar brother either. I've never met anyone who was a sugar brother. Hunter's a pioneer in this sense. The whistleblower informed oversight chairman James Comer that two DOJ officials were summoned to CIA headquarters and told Morris could not be a witness for their investigation into Hunter Biden. It is unknown why or on what basis the CIA allegedly intervened to prevent investigators from interviewing Mr. So I guess if you go to if you take your sugar brother to Foley, you never have to buy around because the sugar brother buys all the rounds, right? Is that the way it works? Yeah. And I'm curious if you loan someone $5 million. Do you have to draft up some sort of contract for that? Are there, you know, are there rules or restrictions? It seems like that's something you need to run through some financial people. You know, I'm giving this guy $5 million, but he's going to pay me back. I don't know how it is with it. And if it's a gift, you'd have to pay income taxes on it, right? But if it's a loan, that would be a different category, would it not? I don't, I think. Yeah. And this is another quote from the letter that Comer and Jordan wrote. They said, however, these allegations track with other evidence showing how the DOJ deviated from its standard investigative practices during the investigation of Hunter Biden, which I don't think surprises anyone who's been following. There's been a lot of deviations. H60 says, Merrick Garland charging Trump for truth, social overvaluation in three, two, one. No, I think it's more likely, isn't it? It'll be what's your name, Khan, that communist at the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission. In three, two, one, saying that it's this is a, this is sets up a monopoly. Oh, yeah. Like like Apple, right? I mean, that's, I think that's the more likely route here. There's some route, though, where there's a will, there's a way they'll find a way. That's right. That's the, that's the motto of law fair, where there's a will, there's a way. Grace's news is brought to you by Toyota of Portsmouth. Keep your Toyota, a Toyota and schedule your next service appointment online at Toyota of Get more value with factory trained technicians and genuine Toyota parts. Go ahead. How you mentioned this already today, but Senator Bob Menendez said in a video announcement that he would be opening the door to running as an independent for his seat despite pressure. I don't see that in the cards. Karnech, they're magnificent. You don't think he's going to, there. Well, there's two things that need to happen. I'm going to check it out. He needs to A, be exonerated, which he's hoping is going to happen by this summer, which I don't know, the timeline of that seems pretty ambitious. Ask again later. I'll ask again after the verdict, it comes back, magic eight ball. Okay. So he wants to be exonerated and then he's going to run as an independent Democrat in the general election. That's kind of an oxymoron to begin with. Yeah, but there aren't the independent Democrats. If they're, if they're independent Democrats, pretty soon, they're former Democrats, like Tulsi Gabbard, for instance, he pleaded not guilty to conspiring to act as a foreign agent to Egypt. But I mean, I just, I mean, he's hanging in there. Someone wants to know where did Sugar Bro get his money? He was the, he got a kind of a big TV series that he, what was the TV series? Was it South Park? I think that may be. Yeah, he has a couple of projects. I think they met at some Hollywood party. Hunter Biden's a Hollywood kind of guy. But yeah, this Holly, he's a Hollywood lawyer. A lot of people meet at Hollywood parties and and nothing good ever comes of meeting at Hollywood party as far as I can see. Yeah, just like nothing good happens at two after two a.m., which we saw with this spending bill. Right. And nothing happens when Hunter Biden is in, happens with him at any hour of the day. Yeah, very true. That's it for me, Howie. All right. That's it. 844 542 42. Allergy season is just getting started. And if you struggle with allergies, you need the Eden peer thunderstorm air purifier. We know the thunderstorm is great for removing unwanted odors, but it also helps cut down on those seasonal irritants as well. One user writes, I bought the thunderstorm air purifier for my son who has allergies. Since installing it in his room, he has had a lot less, a lot fewer problems. And he says the air smells cleaner. It is a great product for the price unquote. And speaking of price, right now, you could buy one Eden peer thunderstorm air purifier and get a second unit for free. Just go to Eden peer and use code how we bogo to take advantage of the thunderstorm air purifier bogo deal. The Eden peer thunderstorm air purifier is so small and light that you can hold it in your hand and plug plug it right into the wall. The thunderstorm can handle pet kitchen and tobacco odors or that damp smell lingering in your basement, as well as filtering out seasonal allergens from your house, office or car. The Eden peer thunderstorm air purifier has received thousands of five star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Go to Eden peer and use code how we bogo for the thunderstorm bogo deal. Hurry. These bogo deals don't last long. I'm Howie car. The Howie car show returns after this. This hour of the Howie car show is brought to you in part by the 110 grill. Enjoy their apricot shrimp risotto with goat cheese and snap peas. Find your 110 grill today at 110 I'll be car is back. A terrorist incident in Moscow, at least 40 killed 100 wounded after terrorists opened fire at concert hall in Moscow. That was it. That was hit concerts in Moscow. 844 542 42 CIA blocked feds from interviewing Hunter Biden's sugar daddy. Sugar brother, excuse me, Kevin Morris during five year tax probe. The whistleblower informed the Republicans in the House that the intelligence agency stopped IRS and justice department investigators from interviewing Morris in August 2021. According to a Thursday letter addressed to CIA director William Burns, DOJ officials were summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia and told Morris quote could not be a witness, unquote, for their investigation into Hunter Biden. What does the CIA have to do with a tax investigation? Are they the, are they the justice department? Are they the treasury department? No, they're the deep state though. Comer and Jordan, the two chairman of the oversight and judiciary committees, it is unknown why or on what basis the CIA allegedly intervened to prevent investigators from interviewing Mr. Morris. However, these allegations tracked with other evidence showing how the DOJ deviated from its standard investigative practices during the investigation of Hunter Biden. They asked the CIA to provide all records in its possession relating to the DOJ and IRS investigation of Hunter Biden or the Kevin Morris. Like they're really going to get that information. Patrick, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Patrick. Hey, Howie, the Congresswoman from Georgia is doing as bad. We don't need to shake up in the speaker's office again. But if the presidential race ended up in the house, I think the Republicans would still be okay because they, I believe they vote by delegation. They don't vote. Yes, they do. Yes, they do. So like if it was, I don't know what would happen in Maine, for instance, or no, that Maine, Maine would be Democrat because you'd have, it would be what if it was one and one in Maine? How would that? How would that be? What would happen then? You do have two stages. You have North Carolina and Minnesota that have split delegations. I think Minnesota's four on each side and North Carolina seven on each side. But right by my count, the Republicans controlled 26 delegations. Right. I think they controlled that many in 2022. That was the whole thing about, you know, trying to, if you, if you stopped the Pennsylvania votes from being counted and maybe one other state, it would have been thrown to the House of Representatives and then Trump would have been reelected. But the thing is, you know, the guy who has the gavel has a lot of control, especially if he's a Democrat and is a lawless communist. Right. You know, they know how to, they know how to excerpt. Yeah, I know. It's just, it's just a, you know, it's, it's, it's another precaution you want to take. This is, this is just, these are self-inflicted wounds, you know, to, to, to suddenly turn the, turn the house over to the, to the Democrats. It's insanity is what it is. Thanks for the call, Patrick. It would be insanity. It's like, right now it's, now it's going to be two 17 Republican to two 13 Democrats. That's too close for comfort, especially with, again, when you're operating against a deep state that, that has no qualms about doing anything to, to retain power to continue the, the fundamental transformation, i.e. destruction of the United States of America. Richard, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Richard. Hey, Howie, I have a question. Jill buying these votes from these young adults on student loans. Yes. He loses in November. How long will people, before they start getting a letter saying, Joe, didn't erase your debt. You actually owe 180, 150,000. I, I don't know. I, I, I don't know how long that'll be. You know, I, I, there's a story today about how credit card debt with the, with the rise in the interest rates since Biden has been trying to, you know, print currency around the clock and causing great inflation. People are, people last year paid an extra $50 billion in credit card interest, $50 billion. And 28% of the people say their credit card debt is their biggest economic fear. So a lot more people are worried about credit card debt than they are about student loan debt. So I want to know when is the, when is the, when is the credit card debt forgiveness coming? Brandon. Oh, that's for, oh, that would go to this proportionally, the people who own gas powered trucks. So we're not going to have any of that. People who wear red caps, they're not going to get any of the only dirty hippies on Howie Car.