The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karoline Leavitt on New Hampshire's Fairness in Women's Sports Act, Trump's Re-election and Legal Battles | 3.22.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Trump national campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt joins the show to talk the sham trials against the former president and provide as much of a timeline as she can regarding the nominee's VP choice.

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22 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th. To order yours today, go to and use code GRACEBOGO. [MUSIC] >> Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. >> We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. >> You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. >> Especially Grace, Grace Stand Up. >> Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. >> Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. As I mentioned, I am off next week and I really wanted to make this a strong show before I go out on vacation and I'm very excited for our next guest. She always takes the shows up to another level. That would be Caroline Levitt, who's the national press secretary for Donald J. Trump. She's been a fill and host here at the Grace Curly Show and always does a wonderful job. Caroline, I know you're very busy. Thank you for taking the time out as you always do to come on the Grace Curly Show. >> Of course, Grace, anything for you and the great audience who I'm sure will miss you so much next week. I wish I could fill in for you like I used to, but unfortunately, duty calls these days. >> Yes, indeed, and they miss you as well, Caroline. Obviously, all eyes right now are on Leticia James and the Civil Fraud Case in New York. The bond is, the last time I read it, $464 million in growing, Jonathan Turley described Engeron's ruling and his inflexibility on a lot of these ideas offered up by Trump's legal team as shocking the conscience. And Caroline, I know that you're probably limited in what you can tell us about his plan, but does Trump have a solid plan? Is this something that's changing all the time as far as coming up with the money for this bond and the clock is ticking, what's going on in Trump world? >> Yeah, I will say it's definitely very much in flux. The legal team is working on it. Obviously, they've been working around the clock for the past couple of weeks since this outrageous ruling came down first this past week. The legal team did post a stay or ask for a stay from the appellate court in the state of New York. Haven't heard back on that. We are hopeful that the appellate court will say what is the truth, that this bond is outrageous. It's unconstitutional. It's a practical impossibility to ask anyone to put up nearly a half billion dollars. This has never been done before in the state of New York or really anywhere in this country. So we're waiting on the stay from the appellate court in New York. And even if the president is forced to put up this money by Monday, there is absolutely no chance that this would ever not be overturned on appeal. We are 100% confident that this ruling will be overturned. Leticia James knows that. This has been a show trial from the beginning. She also understands that President Trump is a very wealthy man with a lot of liquid assets upwards of the amount of money that she is asking him to give up, which is exactly why she chose this price tag. They are legitimately trying to drain him of his resources and his liquid assets to weaken him ahead of the election. That's what this is about. And you know, this past week, you've seen people in this country who have never been major Trump supporters or fans, people like Mark Cuban even coming out and saying that this is outrageous. It should not stand. And it really is a shock to the system of the American people, but especially entrepreneurs in the state of New York who realize that this could very well happen to them as well. Now, Caroline, there's always been these pearl clutching moments when Trump says something it gets clipped on social media and then, you know, members talking heads from MSNBC and CNN run with it. We have this last week or, you know, I should say earlier this week with the bloodbath comment when he was referring to the auto industry got taken out of context. People were, you know, setting their hair on fire over it. But even so compared to what used to happen, because we've seen this happen before, I always go back to the very fine people or the fine people on both sides comment that got taken out of context. Even when this happens now, it seems like there's a little bit of a shift where people are catching on to the media's game, people are kind of, they're not as easily worked up and they do give Trump a little bit more of a benefit of the doubt and go to actually see the full speech. Has he noticed that? Have you noticed that? Are people rising up or, you know, are you still looking at it as though he's constantly going to be taken out of context by most people? We've noticed two things. First, the fake news media is an absolute overdrive ever since they came to their unfortunate reality that President Trump is now the official nominee of the Republican Party and is very well on his way back to the Oval Office. They are giving off the same energy as they did in 2016. As a team, we've really noticed that. I cannot tell you the amount of emails I get bombarded with every single day from the fake news. That would actually be a really fun post campaign segment. I will print off some of the most outrageous emails I've received from the fake news in this job and, you know, we've noticed they are peddled to the medal in collusion mode with one another to try and take down Trump and smear him with lies as they've been doing for eight years. We've also noticed to your point, Grace, that yes, their attack, their hoaxes, their manufactured lies are not landing in the minds of the American people as maybe they did eight years ago because people have had eight years of media meltdowns every single time President Trump says or does something. And so Americans have smartened up in realizing that we cannot trust the corporate media. There's always another side to the story. There's always truth that must be revealed and his bloodbath hoax was just another example of that. He was quite literally talking about the auto industry. And by the way, the definition of a bloodbath is economic turmoil, the destination of jobs in a specific industry. And by the way, Google quickly recently changed their definition. They removed the economic part of the definition of bloodbath just to help the media get away with this hoax and this lie. Thankfully for alternative conservative media, like podcasts such as Joe Rogan, Benny Johnson, you have like X, which is so incredibly powerful and getting out full clips in real time. Then it just doesn't hit as hard as it used to. Yeah, no, I would totally agree with that assessment. Caroline, the numbers in Michigan are not good for Joe Biden. The numbers in a lot of swing states, the polls coming out are not good. I know you guys don't put too much faith in those polls as they can change pretty quickly. We're still pretty far out, but are there any weaknesses in the Biden administration? I know like the obvious ones, he's getting old, you know, he messes up a lot, he talks to dead people. I know over that all the time here, but are there any specific weaknesses that Trump is noticing that he can exploit from Joe Biden or any little, little points that if Trump makes a campaign speech about them, seems to bother Joe Biden more than other things? Well, first of all, Joe Biden's White House and campaign strategy right now is to try and convince the American people not to believe their own eyes, not to believe their own ears and to not believe their own wallets. I mean, that is their message that the economics is working. No, it's not. People know it. They feel it every single time they go to the grocery store. I mean, what a stupid argument or they've been saying the border is not a crisis. It's under control. How many times did Mayorkas and Kamala and even Joe go out and say that? But people see the footage of just yesterday. We had migrants running down our National Guard in Texas, storming the border. It looks like a war zone and people see that with their own eyes and they see it in their own communities, what's going on in Massachusetts, of course, every state has become a border state. And so our campaign message is believe what you see with your own eyes. America is falling apart by every single metric and Joe Biden's trying to convince you that it's not. I think personally that they huge vulnerability and a miscalculation for them. They are underestimating the wisdom of the American public, frankly, and the consequences that people are really stealing because of Biden's policies. They should own up and take some responsibility, but they never will. Joe never will. He never has in his 50 plus years of quote unquote public service. And so we're going to continue to call them out every time they try and say things are going well because people just don't feel that way and rightfully so. And that's why you see Biden cannot catch up to Donald Trump in the polls. We're winning in every single battleground state. We're winning independent by double digits. President Trump is winning with Hispanic Americans that has never been done before by a Republican candidate. And the gains that we are seeing in our internal polling and also anecdotally on the ground with African American voters will prove to be an earth shattering result for the Democrat party on November the 5th. And we're going to continue to reach out to those voters and let them know that President Trump's policies will make their lives better while Joe Biden has done nothing but ripped them off. Caroline, when can we expect a VP pick from Donald Trump? When does he plan on announcing that? You know, I wish I knew I was sick and give you a deadline. Obviously, we've been very caught up and focused on what's going on with these legal witch hunts with locking up the nomination. I know the president is very much thinking about it. The good news is there's a lot of options on the table. All of them would be much better than Kamala Harris. It's his decision to make an in true Trump fashion. I'm sure he will let the world know as soon as the decision is made. Now, Caroline Levitt, you are Trump's national press secretary. But first and foremost, you are a granite stator. I wanted to get your take on the news that New Hampshire, the House, has voted to pass what they're calling the Fairness and Women's Sports Act. This is something that you're very passionate about. You were a college athlete, you're very friendly with Riley Gaines. You've had her on the show before when you filled in for me. Talk a little bit about this about the importance of making sure that we that men are not competing against women in sports and talk about what's happening in New Hampshire. I was so pleased to see that the New Hampshire House passed this. I read the article this morning, and it passed on a mainly partisan vote, and we only have a very slim majority in the House of Representatives here in Concord, New Hampshire. So kudos to the legislature to help pass this. Now it's up to the Senate to send it to governor Chanu News desk. And sadly, I am not very confident that our Rhino governor, who has been so weak on so many important issues, will sign this bill into law. But if he has any common sense in his brain, he would do it because it's the right thing to do for women and for girls in our state who don't want to have to compete against men unfairly. It's so outrageous to me. And I receive a lot of correspondence from people in New Hampshire and even in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, actually, just a few weeks ago, I was notified by former teachers at my alma mater, Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, that one of their female athletes was robbed of her first place New England Track and Field Championship by a biological man. She came in second place. This is a young woman who has been running her entire life. She is an elite athlete, and she came in second to a boy. It is preposterous. Too many people in positions of power, both in education and in our government, lack the courage to speak common sense on this issue. And they need to stand up for women and girls of all ages, both the high school, the youth, and also the collegiate level and do what's right. So I urge the New Hampshire Senate and I urge our governor to actually do something that is in the best interest of the people of New Hampshire, especially women and girls, in finance bill and the law. All right. You heard it here first. Caroline Levitt calling on Kristin Unu to back this Women Fairness and Sports Act from New Hampshire. Caroline, I wanted to ask you one more thing before I let you go here. Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson. Obviously, this has to do with the $1.2 trillion spending bill that's just been passed in the house. This just happened. So I'm not sure if you've had a chance to talk to Trump about it and see how he feels, but I'd love to know what you think about this idea, this motion to vacate House Speaker Mike Johnson. I have not seen it nor have I been able to talk to the president about how he feels. What I will say is that the Congress should use the power of the purse. They have incredible leverage right now over Joe Biden's administration with the budget to force him to shut down the southern border. I know that's a top priority for President Trump to get that done. I think personally, Mike Johnson's been doing a good job. It's a tough job for sure to keep everyone happy. So we'll have to see how that goes. Absolutely. And especially considering a small majority they have in the house, as you were just mentioning, it's always a tricky thing to deal with. Caroline Levitt, thank you so much for coming on. We'll talk to you soon. Keep up the great work. She's Trump's national press secretary. Anywhere you go. If you go on Fox, if you go on Newsmax, you're going to see Caroline. She does a great job for DJT. So make sure you keep up with her. When we come back, we'll take your calls. It's 844-542-42. We're talking about this $1.2 trillion boondoggle that the house has passed, and we will continue to break down some of the spending there. The Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring, and this is a really beautiful spot. Jared, I'll be honest with you. I wish I was getting in my car. I'm heading into my vacation here. I wish I was driving to the Nossa Beach Inn because this looks like the perfect day to just get one of those rooms with a fireplace, an ocean view set outside with the fire pits. There's so much to do, and spring time is really my favorite time of year to do it. Yeah, spring on the Cape is great because it's still the off-season. I was there last at the Nossa Beach Inn during the winter, and it was fantastic because it's almost like your own private beach, which is great because whatever room you're in, your steps from the beach. So you're right there. You're not that friendless. You can bring your dog. You can walk along the beach. You can listen to the sound of the ocean. There are hiking trails. There are other nature-type stuff things to do down there. My wife and I, we love sitting out by the fire pit and watching the sun rise while drinking our morning coffee. The fire pits are great, and like Ray said, if you get a little too cold for you, every room has a fireplace, and they have a nice giant picture window, so you can experience all the ambiance and the coziness of the Cape, and the Nossa Beach Inn really combines all that in a great and affordable way. Yeah. Keyword, affordable. Right now you can book your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn for just $2.49.99 a night. The May rates are from $2.59.99 a night. Go to, that's Don't miss this because spring in New England is so underrated, especially on Cape Cod. Take advantage of that today. We'll be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. All right, I missed my to-do list here. When I come back, I'm throwing in all new bumpers. I'm going to throw in like 10 or 15 new songs that I've been jamming to, very into songs right now from like 2005 to 2010-ish. Some deep tracks that I'll throw at you guys when I return from my vacation. Wanted to mention something here. This cut we played of Governor Mora Healy. We are based in Massachusetts. We got a lot of listeners in Massachusetts, and so it makes sense that when we played this, it got people riled up. It's an unbelievable cut from Boston 25 News, and I'm shocked they even asked her about this. So, if you haven't heard about this horrible, horrible tragedy that occurred at a migrant shelter in Rockland, there is a Haitian illegal alien who's accused of raping a young disabled woman, and Mora Healy has asked about this, and this is what she had to say. This is cut one. We asked Governor Healy if she can prevent this type of incident from happening again. No, unfortunately, we have security and systems in place. We have vetting in place. It is unfortunate that from time to time, things will happen. Yeah, Haitian migrant accused of raping a teen in the Rockland shelter, they are both living in and is expected to be in court on Friday, 26-year-old Corey B. Alvarez has already pleaded not guilty to aggravated rape of a child. This is from Boston 25 News. Now, Stephen, one of my followers on Twitter, he's called him before his daughters in the IDF. He's a great, great listener. He just reminded me, he tweeted at me and he said, "This sounds very similar to some people did something," and whenever they're using these very vague ways to describe things, you should always have your antennas out. This is the response to a Haitian migrant being accused of raping a teen in the Rockland shelter. It's reminiscent of Pete Buttigieg, he trains his array all the time, people get raped all the time. What are you going to do? Shoulder shrug. Yeah. Who? Yeah. What can you do? It's really pathetic. Jerry, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jerry. Great. Great. Happy Friday. Great. I wanted to discuss the budget. Yeah. I just think overall what they should have done, they should all be primary, whoever voted for this should be primary, who's a Republican. The bottom line is they should have completely defunded the Department of Homeland Security, and they're blowing their horn. Oh, it gives us 2,000 border agents and the lower lips quivering and all this nonsense. The bottom line is, those 2,000 agents just enable my orchestra to move these people into the center of the country more quickly. That's all it does. Between now and November, they're just going to be able to flood it completely. If they have people to process them and move them across the country quickly, it's ridiculous. Yeah. I'm unsure on the, because what I read today in Breitbart is that one of the modest successes is that they're actually not going to be able to hire 3,000 people to operate fast track asylum approvals. But Jerry, your overall point is very, very true that we shouldn't be celebrating what this money going to DHS is any sort of win, when the actual solutions to this problem don't require $1.2 trillion or anywhere close to it. It just requires common sense and a will that that's what you cannot buy that. There's no price you can put on a president having a will to enforce the border and to protect his citizens. You know, $1.2 trillion is not going to purchase that for us, because Joe Biden is stubborn in that one thing. He wants an open border. He wants chaos. We'll talk more about this budget in regards to DHS. When we come back, thanks for the call, Jerry. More calls when we return live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Come back, everyone. To the Grace Curly Show. So Trump's deadline to post this bond is on Monday. The clock is ticking. And there's different theories on what he's going to do, what he could do, what he should do. No, should he sell off his property to make the bond? Is this truth merger, truth social merger? Is that going to affect it? Is that going to add to some of his liquid assets? Is A.G. Leticia James going to start selling off his properties piece by piece, maybe going as far as to get Mar-a-Lago? I don't know. I tend to think that it's not going to be as dramatic as that, but I want to play for you what Jonathan Turley had to say. And if you're sitting here going, "Oh, here she goes again with Jonathan Turley." The guy's good. If you're good, you're good. You know, it's like Coca-Cola. I'm always going to go back to Coca-Cola. It tastes delicious. It works every time. He has very simple explanations for this that I find are easy for me to follow, and I think are worthwhile as far as listening goes. So here's Jonathan Turley's response to it cut nine. You would think that this monitoring would have been the entirety of the remedy. If the court was really concerned about whether Trump would be honest in future dealings, they could have just opposed a monitor. Instead, he imposes this ridiculous amount of penalty on Trump. He could have picked any figure because none of us can make sense out of this. He could have said a trillion dollars, and he just sits back and watches the defendant scramble to have to sell off properties in order to protect properties. And you know, this is going to eventually have to go to some judge who's going to say enough. I mean, this really shocks the conscience. You should not have to sell off your property at firesale prices in order just to get anyone to look at the judgment of this one judge. Yeah. Judge and Garan, who every time you see a photo of him, I mean, in a smirk off between him and Leticia James, it'd be hard to judge because they both always have a Cheshire-like grin across their faces. They're very pleased with themselves. You know, weaponizing the justice system against orange man has made them very happy. I don't think they have any regrets when they lay their heads down on their pillows at night. And so we will be watching this, we'll keep you posted, and it kind of brings us to our poll question because I was going to add this to the list. I do wonder if these attacks on Donald Trump, all of these different legal cases, are actually going to backfire against Biden in a big way in this election because as Caroline Levitt pointed out, you have more and more people who can't stand Trump, who are in their own way, in their own twisted, subtle way, trying to defend him, including Mark Cuban. Billionaire basketball team, what basketball team does he own, Jared? I was going to say basketball team owner. The Dallas Mavericks, although he's trying to sell. He's trying to sell them. He's shark tank. He's known as a host on shark tank. He's getting out of that too. So there's a couple of things moving around for Mark Cuban, but he hates Donald Trump. And even he is saying this is, you know, he's not saying this is absurd, but he's correcting Ted Lu for trying to insinuate that Trump doesn't have this much money because he's not liquid for $464 million, like somehow that implies he's lying about his net worth. And Mark Cuban had to basically say, that's not how this works, Ted Lu. That's not how any of this works. And so you have people who can't stand Trump, who are able to see that down the line, this might not be good for them, which honestly is more than I expected. And I wonder if this is going to come into play and hurt Joe Biden in this election. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers, whether residential, commercial or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Jared, what's the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which issue is going to hurt Biden the most? Come election time, Bidenomics, the border crisis, the handling of the Israel Hamas war, under family corruption or the herb report. I'm going to say the border. I mean, there's just so many visuals. People are still very, the pictures that you get, you know, that expression of pictures worth a thousand words. We get videos now. I don't know how many words a video is worth, Jared, but every day there's a new video. There's a video of an illegal alien leaving the courthouse after beating up NYPD and giving the double bird to the media. There's a video of a hundred illegal aliens storming the border and trampling over national guardsmen from Texas. That's worth something. All of these images stay with people. They sit with people. And then you have the sound. You have the audio of Maura Healy saying, you know, unfortunately things will happen when talking about this alleged rape in Rockland. And so all of this stuff I think has the biggest impact and has the biggest chance of sticking with people when they get in to cast their vote on November 5th. I'm going to still go with the border. 75% now say the border, 24 by economics, 3% for the handling of the Israel Hamas war, 1% each hunter family corruption and the her. Now, I do want to get back to this budget battle. If you missed it, the $1.2 trillion budget bill has been passed in the house and, you know, quickly thereafter, Marjorie Taylor Greene put through a motion to vacate Mike Johnson, the speaker of the house. And I want to talk to you about that. I want to get your reactions if you're on board with this. If you think it's a good deal, a good idea or a bad idea, the number is 844-542. And I thought that this woman from the Heritage Foundation, Laura Rice, did a good job of explaining the dynamics of the GOP establishment because a lot of times I think we end up scratching our heads. Like, why did they go along with this? That last caller, Jerry, said each one of these people who goes along with this bill should be primary. And I do think that it goes back to one of the simplest explanations for everything. Takes you back to Watergate many, many moons ago, follow the money. I think some of this is a fear of being blamed for a government shutdown, but I would actually venture to say a larger piece of the piejared is just people establishment politicians worried about money. And lobbyists and the whole thing. And we'll talk about that because she explains it pretty well. But first, one of those options was Hunter Biden and corruption. There's a big story out there about Hunter Biden's sugar brother. Hunter Biden's the first guy, by the way, that I've ever known to have a sugar brother. I didn't even know it was the thing. I've heard of sugar mama, I've heard of sugar daddy, I hadn't heard of a sugar brother, but he's nothing if not a piejared. Yeah, they're always, they're always breaking records. They're always making history, the Biden family. So it turns out that the CIA blocked the feds from interviewing Hunter Biden's sugar brother, Kevin Morris, I'm shocked during the five year tax probe. Yeah. So the house oversight and judiciary committee chairman say the whistleblower informed them that the intelligence agency stopped IRS and justice department investigators from interviewing Morris in August of 2021. He's the Hollywood lawyer that loaned Hunter Biden $5 million. Now, now my question for the audience is, have you ever loaned anyone $5 million and has anyone ever loaned you $5 million? Because if the answer is no, you're, you're not a good friend and you don't have any good friends because this right here, Jared, this dude right here, this Hollywood lawyer who met Hunter Biden at a party one night, he's the kind of friend you want in your corner. I'm wondering, did the CIA, did they give a reason why? Is this guy like a confidential human source or something like that? What is their jurisdiction over him? Do you want me to answer it like the CIA would? Yeah, sure. We can't. It's an ongoing investigation. Ah, your sources and methods. Yeah. You knew that was coming. All right. So back to this. I just wanted to mention that in case you're curious what's going on with Hunter Biden's sugar brother because not a day goes by that I don't wake up and say, I want to check in with the SB. How's Kevin Moore's doing? How did that loan go for that $5 million? But here's the story from Breitbart. Now, keep in mind, this was before the budget bill was passed. The one thousand and twelve page bill provides over a billion dollars more for assisting mass migration. It continues to give grants to non-government organizations and gos to feed and shelter and provide other services to illegal aliens. So this is Laura Rise, who's the director of border security at the Heritage Foundation. She has a couple of quotes in this piece that I liked. The bill may be approved today without much time for debate. Fast forward. The bill was approved today. The underlying political problem is that there's too much fear in the GOP about getting blamed for a government shutdown, but especially in an election year. So Democrats keep winning this game. I think that's part of this equation. But I think it's a pretty important ingredient in the recipe of this. But I don't think it's the only one. So she goes on to talk about pro-business Republicans who are working hand in hand with Democrats. Now, this is where she's drilling down on something that makes sense to me. The bipartisan petition is being used to push a giveaway migration bill through the house, but may be deflated by the GOP's establishment win in 2024 funding bill. This alliance allows Democrats and business-first Republicans to continue the flow of migrants into Americans, workplaces, and communities. For example, the DHS got at least $650 million for NGOs to transport, shelter, and feed migrants in Democrat-run cities. The Department of State got at least $4 billion, some of which will be given to the NGOs that help global migrants reach the U.S. border. Later, it says, "In general, GOP legislators have little power to make President Joe Biden's DHS do anything, but have the potential power to deny funding needed by the agency to do things." Yet, the GOP establishment is eager to help donors by importing more workers, consumers, and rents. I think that's what this comes down to. The GOP establishment is eager to help donors by importing more workers, consumers, and rents. Now, Marjorie Taylor Greene is saying, "We should get rid of Mike Johnson, a Speaker of the House, bring in somebody else," but I just -- I mean, I talk about killing any momentum we currently have if we get involved in another one of those circuses. I don't think that's what's good for the party right now. I think we all need to be focused between the Donald Trump cases, and I don't think the Donald Trump cases hurt us. I think that actually really is speaking to a lot of independents who watch what's happening and don't like what they're seeing, but I think that coupled with every disaster that Biden's facing, that needs to be the focus. We should all be taking our spotlights and facing them towards Joe Biden, not towards each other, not towards another, you know, spectacle of infighting and nonsense. And I get why Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to do this. I get the frustration, but it's too close to an election. We need to figure these things out behind the scenes and develop some sort of strategy here. I just don't know if anyone could do a better job than Mike Johnson. That's the real issue. A 844-542-42. Have you noticed that Senator John Kennedy, he's always at these hearings questioning the liberal experts they bring in, whether it's judicial nominees or if there's an expert there that's speaking on some legislation, he's always one of the people that gets to ask questions. And he's got this tactic that he's been using a lot lately. And it's really good and it's really simple. They'll ask the person testifying to just explain what they're there to testify on. Like, if you came in as an expert on bicycles, he would ask you to explain what a bicycle is. And it's amazing how these simple questions, which you would think would be easy for these people to knock out of the park. These are very intelligent people most of the time that get brought in, you know, by Ivy League standards. They prove to be very, very tricky. In this case, he's got this expert who's a skier, who's there to testify on climate change and reducing fossil fuels and all these other things. Take a listen to how it went. And yesterday, by the way, how he played it, he was interviewing a judicial nominee and he talked about AR-15s. She wanted to ban AR-15s, so he asked her to explain what an AR-15 was. Again, you would think if you're trying to ban something, you would know what it is. Another thing happened here with the skier, can I get cut 15? What is carbon dioxide? I went to high school, but that's carbon dioxide is a gas. Okay. I'm not a professional to talk about carbon dioxide so much, but... Well, you want us to abolish it, right? No, there's always going to be carbon dioxide. Right. So what is it you want us to do? I... Let me back up, because I want to... I mean, you're here as an expert. Tell me more about what carbon dioxide is. I'm here as an expert cross-country skier who sees the changes in my winters and the landscape that I live in in Alaska. And so carbon dioxide is what I see it as is, you know, it's a gas that exists in our atmosphere. And is it the major part of our atmosphere? It's a huge part of our atmosphere, yes. It's actually a very small part of our atmosphere. Now, I'm sure he's excellent at what he does cross-country skiing. And it's not even his fault that he was put in this situation. Some Democrat thought it was a good idea to bring in this guy who I think it's safe to say has anecdotal evidence of climate change. Like, if he's saying the landscape I'm seeing while I'm skiing, it's like, does that... Is that science? Is that settled science that a skier is going to tell us his take based off the snow he sees that feels anecdotal to me? And again, Jared, you know how often on this show I'll say, "I'm not an expert on this." That doesn't mean that you should bring me into a hearing so that I can make an ass of myself. I don't even blame this young guy. I blame whoever said, "Listen, kid, you should come in and testify about carbon dioxide." Setting him up for failure, you think? You've been waiting for it, and now it's here, the Eden Pure Thunderstorm air purifier Bogo is on. The Thunderstorm is awesome. It eliminates smell. I'm not an expert on smell. But I can tell you this right now. You plug in the Thunderstorm, you turn it on. It's quiet. It doesn't take up any floor space, and it can get rid of odors, tobacco odors, right, Jared? Yeah. Yes. The smoke machine, Jared, says it definitely gets rid of tobacco odors, you know, my pack of day habit. No, so it gets rid of... Get your pipe. Yes. My old pipe. It gets rid of odors. It gets rid of allergens and pollutants, which is really what it's... That's what works best for me, is to help with my allergies, because it ionizes the air. I don't have all the time to explain this, because I also am not an expert on ions. No. It ionizes the air, and what that does is it creates a super oxygen, and that's what eliminates these odors. It doesn't cover them up. It actually gets rid of them, and you get an absence of smell. Yes, you should take advantage of the Bogo offer that ends this Sunday. Get the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Pure Fire today, and get another one for free. Go to with Code Grace Bogo. That's Code Grace Bogo. I got more of these sound gods when we come back. It gets worse. It gets worse for this guy. Don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. How much will it cost for us to become carbon neutral in the United States by 2050? I'm not a professional on that. I don't have an idea. You don't have any idea? No. You just think we're out of spending the money? I'm not an economist. Yeah, but it's going to cost money. You realize that? Yeah, but we've also talked about the trade-off of what the cost of climate change as emergencies will cost in the future also. Right. But it's going to cost trillions of dollars to become carbon neutral by 2050, right? I do not know. You don't know. You just think we ought to do it. I don't have a great answer for you, but I think I would-- If we spent those trillions of dollars and became carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States, which you advocate, how much will it reduce world temperatures? I don't have an answer for that. So far what I've gathered is the skier who is testifying in front of the senators in order to reduce fossil fuel or make us carbon neutral, I don't know, enter whatever buzzword you want. He says, "I don't have an answer. I'm not a professional. I'm not an economist. I don't know. I can't answer that." So why are you here? Ladies, isn't that the follow-up? So whose idea was it to bring you in as the face of whatever this green idea that you want to push is? Put down the ball. Seriously. I just want to mention something at 2 o'clock according to a really, really trusted source of mine, which is a group chat full of my friends, at 2 o'clock the royal family-- I will not file with the Democratic primary. Who is that? Sorry. Those Bob Menendez. Oh, okay. Bob, we will get to you, Bob. Just give me time. We're going to get to you in the 2 o'clock. The royal family or the royal whatever press thing is going to come up with an announcement at 2 o'clock about Kate Middleton, and some people are thinking this has to do with her health. And I go back to Jared, the memes, the jokes, the companies getting in on it, everyone making fun of Kate Middleton for being gone, and if she comes out with some major health announcement, are those people going to apologize for being ruthless for the past couple of weeks, and the conspiracy theories? Everyone's been jerks to her. We'll keep you posted on that more when we come back.