Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 25

Broadcast on:
24 Mar 2024
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we had a list of mitzias that if you find them you can keep them. Here's another list of "V'e'e'l'chai la haqris" here's a whole list of things which are paradigm cases for if you find them you actually have to advertise, announce, and hope to find the actual owner. That's a pero-ispicli oi kli kamoshu if you found fruit or produce in a utensil. Now utensils then were not mass produced so the kli is actually in the utensil or kli kamoshu and that is why that even an empty kli has a cemmon. Or malispicis you find money in a pouch oi kis kamoshu. Similarly the kiss has a cemmon. Now even though it might not be something necessarily that the typical person would see but the owner knows you know there's like a little scratch in the upper left hand corner so that there would be a cemmon. Ortsiboori paerace, piles of produce, siboori muy, piles of money, and we'll see what the cemmon is for that is that how many there are or the place that they are. Or shiloshimakbeo three coins za algav za this one on top of the other one. We'll explain that also. Kri kli is britisho sa robin. Shives, excuse me, britisho sa yawken, britisho sa yawken. They're not necessarily kicked around so a finder would have to take it and search, advertise for the loser. Kikari shal balabayis, the home maker's loaves which are not mass produced and can provide a cemmon. Gizet cemer ha likem mibesa uman. Not the wholesale animal shearings but rather the wool shearings that came from like an individual craftsman or kade yayin mikade shemmon, jugs of wine, jugs of oil, hoorayelu. All of those if you're the finder haiv lahakras you have to announce and try to locate the rightful owner. The more it says time of the month's appearance but kli almost but kli apparently as far as the produce is concerned or the money is concerned is because you found it in the kli. Let's say kama ha kli ulefana of Paris. This was a kli and there was produce in front of it or kis ulefana mois. There was a money pouch and there was some money like in front of it. Hare elu shalau you would be able to actually keep the money or the fruit. If the money or the fruit are found inside of the pouch or the utensil fine but apparently not tanimla ha tatana rabbana. That would mean that our mishna was taught in accordance with like parallel to going along with the following brice. Let's box it off. It's a brice that goes for about three and a half lines and starts here and we call this the number one brice. Matsu kli. If you find a utensil ulefana of Paris and there are as produce like right in front of it or kis ulefana mois, a pouch and there's coins in front of it. Hare elu shalau you can keep it. Now if the money was in the pouch or the produce was in the kli. That's different. But here you can keep the money or the peros. Kama. Let's say though you found it in such a way miktsasamikli miktsasam al gabe karkas. Some of the coins were, some of the produce excuse me, were in the utensil and some of the produce was outside of the utensil or miktsasam coins were not. Then haiv lahakras. You would have to be makras. I squeal and lie haiv lahakras. And that goes exactly along with the duke that we had made. The thing is though Ureminu. We have another tanimla exhaust which we'll see now. Box it off. It goes for almost three lines and we'll call it the number two tanimla exhaust. Matsa davarshe aimboi simmon. If somebody found something that does not have a simmon, for instance let's say money, betsa davarshe yeshboi simmon next to something that has a simmon. And I got underlined here. Haiv lahakras. Haiv lahakras for all of it. Obviously the kli you do. But the haiv lahakras is going even on the payrolls or even on the money. And if the guy can identify the pouch you give them the money also. If the guy can identify the kli you give them the payrolls also. Kama, babal simmon, but not to la shaloya. And therefore the one who has a simmon. He'll come. He'll give the simmon of the pouch or the kli and he'll take what's his. Now let's say he says, well that money's not mine. Well, zakah haiv lahakrashe aimboi simmon. Then the finder gets to keep the part of it that doesn't have a simmon. Amoravs vid, a circle of zvid, and a line later in the middle line I circled with papa. So how do we deal with this stira? Bottom line the first price is said you can keep it. The second price is said you'd have to return it. Let's say the money in the pouch. The first price is said just keep the money. Second price is said you know you have to be makras. So says rose vid, likasha, colon. It depends what the item is. What the in this case would be the fruit item habe kuba vikissna. That's the first price of where you can keep it. Whereas habe sanau piri. That which it says you can keep the pereis is the kuba vikissna. Who was the type of barrel that they would keep flax in. There was flax not in it but there was flax near it. Now for sure the flax did not come from this barrel because if it did there would still be some flax left in the bearer. And the say would be with money. If there's like a bunch of coins in front of it but there's no coins in it well then that's pretty clear it didn't come from it. Whereas the second tenegs source it said haiv lahakras is by a sanau piri a type of basket and produce in it where it's very common. If you have I don't know some apples or oranges they'll like all roll out. That's rose vid approach of papa who we circled gives us another approach and we're going to have version one, version two and version three of rapapa. So papa says hava habetsanau piri. They're both talking about tenegs source one and tenegs source two. A basket and fruit veloikasha. Why then in the first basket you get to keep the food in the second basket you have to be macris well colon. Ha the second tenegs source is to ishtyr beimidi. Well there's some remaining in the basket so it's pretty clear that you have to be macris the basket the few fruits there in the basket and the other fruits that are outside of the basket. Whereas ha in the number one tenegs source to low ishtyr beimidi there's nothing at all of the fruit in the basket and therefore just because someone identifies and can take the basket doesn't mean they get the fruit. Be by saying by squealing on the bysema alternatively you could say both price of one and two havaha de la ishtyr beimidi. There's nothing left in the receptacle veloikasha colon. There's no difficulty though. Ha the number two price of that said he has to be macris it is de mahaja apa legabe piri. If you look at the opening of the receptacle the opening where so to speak things would spill out of it is exactly in the direction of the things that are out on the floor are. Whereas and this is pretty clear the flip side kama ha the number one price that says you can keep let's say the peros that you find even though you find them sort of near a receptacle de la mahaja apa legabe piri. That's because all the peros are not at all on the side where the opening of the clee is. The bysema a third approach I squealing on the bysema third approach within repapa havaha de mahajri apa legabe piri. No both cases are where the peros that you find on the floor are sort of in the same direction as the opening of the clee that loi kasha there's no difficulty though between the two today sources colon ha the second day sources says you have to be macris the receptacle and that which apparently fell out of it is de isle uglin le sauna it's where you have a um uglin is usually like a rim a slightly raised rim where um if there's any food in there it probably would have stayed in uh the receptacle there for there's nothing in the receptacle that's pretty clear that you can keep that would spill that let's say there's a little rim and there were a bunch of blueberries in there and there's no blueberries well that's you can keep the blueberries whereas ha the second day source which says you have to give back the clee and the blueberries is the leis lei uglin le sauna where there's no uglin there's no like raised rim and it could very well be if the clee uh kind of uh fell over that all of the blueberries would go rolling out the mission had said in the list of many things that um you would have to be macris is sibooray peros and sibooraymo is I double underlined the yud at the end of sibooray and the yud at the end of sibooray meaning piles plural piles so you find piles of produce that's when you have to be macris well shamas minas should we uh conclude from here that minion have a simmon right that the a number you would say like I don't know what I want I had left uh four piles or three piles should we say that minion is a good simmon well uh well maybe haven't maybe no it's knee you should understand the mission and teach it as though it didn't say piles of peros but rather siboor peros just pile of peros uh just one pile so then what's the simmon well the simmon would be the place that you found it if you find it you know place down somewhere uh the simmon will be uh yeah blueberries or I left them and you give exactly the place well then shamas minas will have a simmon should we conclude from here that a place is a valid type of simmon that's someone could give well maybe yeah but maybe no because it could be that the correct reading of the tinex sources need sibooray which is plural which would mean the number of piles peros in other words uh from uh the uh we have no ability to discern from that phrase in the mission of because it could go just as easily one way as the other way says the mission of shalishimabes zalgavsev you found three coins one on the other armor of yesok migdalaa interesting that was his name of uh yitzchak like a migdala's tower vohushasuyin can migdalaan it has to be that the coins are made like a tower which we're going to say is kind of like a um a dime on a nickel on a quarter whereas you have the widest uh coin at the bottom the middle sized uh circumference coin in the middle and then it's made like a uh tard clearly uh intention of the uh person that it's a place that way uh not that it kind of just fell tan nami hakwe have a price that also brings out this point it goes for just under three line starts here but suppose with luzar so if you find money that's all spread out hooray illushalay you can take it and keep it because the right floner gave a hope of getting it back asuyin could migdala but if it's kind of made in a way that it looks like a tower that all the coins then haivlahakwiz you got to announce comma ve lu hain uh asuyin kim migdalaan what would be an example of uh made like a tower well shalisha might be in if you have three coins of different sizes let's say a dime a nickel and a quarter z'a al-gav z'a. That's the end of the snake source the comorter points out that by making a duke from the first part of the snake source and comparing it to a duke of the second part of the snake source they seem contradictory so haghu shahghu fakashu we have an intrinsic difficulty um it's on the one hand we said here's a quote from the above prisa uh six words i put right angles in what's the most before z'a arse you can find money that's all like haphazardly spread out uh hooray illushalay you the finder can keep it what would be the duke if they were let's say um like randomly not all over the floor but on each other sort of like uh the game pickup sticks when you when you pour the sticks out a lot of them land on each other hai m'shalqafie shalqafie i died until and that if they were not all spread out but rather um leaning on each other not in a uh not in a way that indicate that they were bikavana put there but definitely in each other you would be hai vahakras and that case you'd have to be hai vahakras because the today's source gave the case where you can keep it where they're all totally spread out sounds like if they're not totally spread out you might have been makras well aim a safe if you keep reading in the snake source another four words quote right angles asuyan can make dull and hai vahakras if they're uh situated in a way like eight hower then you have to be makras that sounds like uh one on top of the other on top of the other directly hai that you could be and i died on the line m'shalqafie shalqafie if they were sort of haphazardly they're on each other but not in any um intelligent way hooray illushalay you could keep them now what is it if you find them m'shalqafie shalqafie do you have to be makras or you can keep it so the uh good more answers uh tana the author of the today's source of the of uh this um braysa from about four five lines ago kamah koshin asuyan kimikdallen mafuzarois karu lehu the author of the today's source will view anything that's not made as a direct clear pile little coin on top of medium-sized coin on top of big coin we'll call that mafuzarois spread out doesn't mean totally spread out no but it means not neat in a pile amrabu khanina is sirkra khanina leishanu he comes to qualify this den we didn't say a la al shalsh shalay shalay shalmalaqam it's got to be three uh different i guess we have in coins maybe like a washington a linkin and a jefferson or something like that or a uh a caesar and a uh Aurelius and a marcus aval shalmalaqa if they're all of the same uh ruler enochai lahakur so then you do not have to announce them so we need a little bit more clarity or at least the kamar would like a little more clarity about that what yep khanina just said heiki dummy colin well how are they situated he dasuyan kimikdallen if there's a clear intelligent way that they are there's three coins different sizes uh the biggest one on the bottom and then the medium-sized one in the middle and the little one on the top a few shalbalaqa khanami even if they're all george washington's we're all ben franklands that's clearly a place they're intelligently vi'dena suine kimikdallen if they're not made like a tower then even if one's a jefferson one's a linkin and one's a washington shalsh shalay shalmalaqam namiloy ella yidmar kahitmair we have to restate what ribhanina said this is i guess a version two loishanu that if uh they were like made like a mikdall you have to be makhris ella shalmalaq echad it could be all washington washington washington however kane scholisha melacham similar to three different case meetings three different sizes you can have a washington coin that's got a big circumference underneath a washington coin that's got a medium circumference i'm just washington coin that's got a small circumference and that would be the case of al-shalmalaq echad if it's all one king anochai of leh hakhris you do not have to do makhris vehi dami dasun kemikdallen that would be the riviha ta ta the mitzi ai law and the zoota i love emitzia which is where i explained it the widest on the bottom on top of that is the medium one on top that is the small one down rinan where there it's clear there had been human involvement in placing it there on purpose anuhi anuhiinu kam av al shalmalaq al-shalmalaq echad to kulu kihadadi nenu if it's one king and they're all the same size let's say a washington quarter in a washington quarter in a washington quarter al-fakav de mancaya hadad even though they happen to be placed in a very neat way one on the other harailu shaloyi the finder can keep it why? aymar is ramu yay isrami it just kind of happened that way it's not clear like 100 percent that it was placed that way buba hadi hadadi nafu and they felt kind of one on the other kam ribiyokan anu i sargud amar afilu shalmalaq echad even if they are the same size a quarter on top of a quarter on top of a quarter nami makras the finder would have to be makras now my makras what exactly is he making this announcement about he's going to put up a sign what's he going to say minion if he's going to say that the number and that's the issue well then my area plus why do i need to have three afilu train nami two is also a number amaravina so what he will advertise or what he'll announce is tivah makras i found coins now if someone comes and says oh yeah it was two right that's not going to be valid because the minimum number is two so three or more that's what he will be makras boy revere mia i put a diamond round revere mia and the last two words on this amu dravashia put a diamond around that revere mias let's say you find some coins ke shear mahu let's see you find them like situated like a stone hedge you know like a circle you have the like eight coins ten coins and they're all sort of like a bracelet one is it making a circle or kashura mahu let's say they're a bunch of coins all in a straight line one that's the other or ke katsuva mahu let's say they are like a perfect triangle like imagine you took a tripod and put it down and then where the three legs where you put coins what about that or kesulam mahu this would be like um i think sort of like domino's where you have one on top of the other on top of the other um well straight mi hacha do we can conclude at least one of those issues damravna from arabawa koshilo maknes la quesam and if you had a toothpick and you stuck a toothpick under one of the coins bae nae m vennoit lama basakas and kind of flipped it and all the others would flip kaiyav le hakras there you'd have to be makras that would be i guess if you'd say i know three four five coins uh where they look sort of like domino's that have been flipped over where if you lift up one of them you could flip all the other ones uh along with it boy ravashi we uh put a diamond around ravashi how about if you have the coins situated kavne base kulis mahu where you have two next to each other and a third placed very neatly like on top of part of the top coin is on part of one of the coins and part of the other top coin isn't one of the other coins sort of like a little triangle like a tiny pyramid well tashma desanya come in here the following briso which goes for three lines plus two words and starts here mozzamos mafuzarei sorry lucheloi if you find coins that are all spread out you can keep them kavne base kulis if however they are situated off the base kulis which again is two uh near each other on the ground and one on top of a little bit on top of each one of the two on the ground high vahakras then you have to be makras vey luhan what are out of the base kulis achas mikhan one on this side vahakas mikhan vahakas al-gabein and the third one on top of the other two tan robano have another briso that goes four four and a half lines and starts here i'm going to say celibis so you find a coin in the marketplace u matzo kavira and your buddy finds you and catches up with you vahmerloy and he says oh shalee he uh yeah it's my coin kadasha he was a new one knee rainous who is a niro caesar one shomella cloni of this uh kingdom he got lea marcloom he's basically spewing hot air there's nothing significant to that valeo you're not only that elafilo and this is unbelievable afilo schmai kasavaleha even if he's got his name written on it lea marcloom lea has not said anything why lefishein simon le matbea a coin by definition doesn't have a simon now it's pretty impressive he's got his name written on the coin so how are you possible instead it's not a good simon well it probably was his ones but who says it is now dammer we figure could very well be Dilma afuki afke he used it like he spent it when the man is shockingly enough it fell from somebody else and now he wants to get it back so uh he's saying yes my name on it says the bishla matzachar hagapah yachar hageder if you find something behind a fence or a wall uh goizalos mikusharim uh birds that are attached to each other like they're tied to each other or matzabe shavilin or you find them on the pathways in the sawtas in the fields haraizelo yigabahan you know what better actually not to uh touch them we'll see why lea mara just leave it the way it is matzakli bashwa if you find a utensil in a trash heap well it depends again imahusa if it's covered lo yigaboi better not to touch it this is basically not a lost item where you have to try to you know have to pick it up and find the rightful owner uh it sounds like somebody like put it there purposefully uh imigula if it was kind of like exposed and laying there then no tilamakras you take it and makras my time ask tomorrow why is it that when it comes to the uh like uh some of these baby birds you shouldn't um touch them why not uh do anything well down rinan because we figure honey you know what these birds like how they get there and they're like tied their wings um inish atsenihinu hakha some person probably put them here uh purposely vishakuluhu and if you take them lea suhulamarayu simanabigavayu then the rightful owner won't have a way to even identify them he'll go up there for lea shavkinu just leave them adasimarayu until the rightful owner comes along ushkuluhu and takes them now why would you the rightful to not be able to have a siman if you took them thamai lahave keshir simanu why don't we say the way that the uh little birds are tied to each other would be a good siman amrababarzav dama rav the mikusharan bikhan fehem they're tied in sashri lea means they're tied by their wings whatever the way that they're tied it seems like kama connector to kuliyama hakimakatrelu that's basically the way everyone ties them so there's no way that the rightful owner would be able to identify these little birds by the way that they're tied because that's basically the way everyone ties little birds together well how about the place that you found it lahave makum siman why doesn't the one who lost him say yeah lost them in this particular place well amrabu kabakhama because these birds are actually wattlers they can kind of move around already they can they can hop around been mid-dodin and therefore if they're gonna hop around then the place you found them could very well not be the place that the person put them well even mid-dodin the commercial is one second if they're hopping around then why are you not allowed to take it mama asu umu tara they came from somewhere totally different and then what's the reason you can't take them is because you leave them because that's what the person puts them but if they move around then maybe you should be able to take it well that's exactly the suffix and that's why you shouldn't touch it because we don't know ikulamaimur it could be mama asu well maybe they came from somewhere else on the other hand ikulamaimur there is to say inish atzni inu that somebody purposely put them there in which case half of a suffixinu it's there i don't know could be was placed on purpose could be not kama connective amorabi ababarzav dama rav kul suffixinu whatever you come across something that hmm could be was placed there with intention could be not lihatki lai ideally loyu so don't take it the imnatsu if you did take it loyaksu you don't have to give it back says the mission i'm not so clee ba ashba if you find some sort of utensil in a trashy mihusala yigabai i don't like mihusala yigabai if it's covered don't touch it migula if it's exposed it's an ikulamahu is then you take it and announce well uriminu we have a tinek source goes for about a line and a half starts here and it seems indicate otherwise this nake source says matsa kli tamu and i dot an underlying tamun ba ashba if you find a utensil it's kind of like semi buried in a trashy what are you supposed to do no it's an ikulamahu is you take it and announce shikain dara hashbas lefano is it's like normal for trashybs to get cleared away that's in the nake source now the mission seemed to indicate if it was uh covered up a bit don't touch it yet this brice that we just finished seems indicated was covered up a bit you take it and advertise so well what are you supposed to do well armor of svedai circle of sved and at the end two lines later where it says rav and then at the beginning of the next line it's papa that also gets circles where we can have ravsved and rapapa armor of sved like kasha it depends what type of kli it is ha big kubiwikasi ha the sakini the hemnik colon big kubiwikasi we're talking about like large bowels or barrels or cups low ega there you shouldn't touch it because the person put it there he intended to put it there and he wanted it to stay there whereas if they're much smaller maybe utensils like sakini or hymnik like a little knife or a little fork there no tell umakris that's probably lost by the uh rightful owner like i'm sure it's happened happened to me many times where uh you know you clear the table and oh my well there's let's see we have uh 12 forks 12 knives and 11 spoons like whatever one of the spoons you check the garbage enough and it's there that's probably what happened in this case as well so therefore in the kasi and hemniks ne to lumakris if you find like a little knife or fork in the trash heap you uh take it and announce ravpapa we circle them our havaha no both are with cases of kubiwikasi where they're larger utensils but like kasha it depends if the trash heap you find them in is one that uh is it's supposed to get cleared away or one that isn't the brice that indicated that you take it umakris bachelors bachelors you live on it's like a sign there that you know in two days from now the city's going to come and clear it away whereas ha the mission that says just leave it there is bachelors bachelors bachelors you know it ain't never going to get cleared away well one second ask the kumura ashba suila faunais if the trash heap in question here is going to get cleared away that's a vedamidasi that's like a deliberate throwout and you should definitely be able to take it ela so we squiggle and run the elan kaban to a new approach but ashba sheena asuya live faunais it's a trash heap that was not intended to be cleared away however vinimla kaleilif disa no sign goes up under a new decision this trash heap is going to be cleared away in the very near future that's the case okay bishlamai vectored the bishlama understandable is the brice lyraf papa rapapu said that we're talking about cups and barrels kasi and kubis hyunu de katani that's why the tineic source and it's understandable shikane der ashba live nice that it's normal for a ashba to be cleared away ela i vectored the ela ela revsvid who was the first approach my he's the one who said well then why would it be an excuse your shikane der ashba live faunais well it's normal for ash to be cleared away well answers the gamara and with this will conclude shikane der ashba live faunais not that the ashba gets cleared away by i don't know the municipal workers but rather shikane der ashba live nice law calim katani it's normal you're not going to you know throw out usually by mistake a huge salad bowl but you will often throw out like a little uh a little salad fork or a little teaspoon adka