Gemara Markings Daf Yomi

Bava Metzia 24

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23 Mar 2024
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(speaking in foreign language) The mission is "Cedrebi" "Shimbin al-Azur" Eimir, and he was talking about a "kli-an-puria." If somebody found a "kli-an-puria," you do not have to be "makras." He does not have to announce or put up signs. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) It's a new item, "Shalai-sav-as-an-hayin." That the literally "I" has not yet became satisfied with it, grown accustomed to it. In other words, he doesn't yet have a "tiviyu-sayin." Doesn't yet have the ability to take a look at it and say, "Oh yeah, that's mine." The more what's a little bit more clarification, "Hey, tell me what's the case, colon." E is "Busimin." If there is a "simin," even if it's brand new, "kli-lai-sav-as-an-hayin," my "havei." Well, so what if he hasn't become accustomed to it? There's a clear "simin." That's all he would need. On the other hand, "I-de-les-buhu-simin." If there is no "simin," "kis-av-as-an-hayin," my "havei." So what if he kind of got used to it and can say, "Yeah, that's mine, but how do you know what this is?" There's no "simin." So the "Igomor" explains that, "Oh, I'm really de-les-buhu-sayin." There is no unique "simin" here. Well, then, so what? Well, the "nafka-mina" is that you would return it if the person who's claiming it's his is a known Torah scholar. "Nafka-mina-lai-doo," we return to a "surva mirabbanan." "Surva mirabbanan" is often translated to maybe as a "young one" amongst the rabbis, a "tammutical" scholar. And if he says "bittaviyus-anah," oh, yeah. I can see that's mine, I recognize it. Can't really put my finger on what it is, but I know it's mine. Then, "colon." If "savasanah-ayin," he has had a significant amount of time to get used to that item, and he can just tell that it is, "kimli-bigaviyu," he's establishing in other words, he knows that it's his. Ummadrin and Laian if he says this is, we'll go back to him. He likes to have honest "anah-ayin," but if he hasn't had enough time to so to speak have his eyes become satiated with it, low "kimli-bigaviyu," then he doesn't really know whether it's his or not. But Laian mahadrin and Laian, he's not gonna come and claim it, and therefore not gonna return it to him. (speaking in foreign language) With the following three issues. (speaking in foreign language) It is common for the rabbis to, I don't wanna say lie, maybe change their words from what is absolute truth. And the three issues where they usually do it are mesechta, puria, and ooshpi, so we'll see what each one is. Tossos by the way, the bottom Tossos learns that these three are just main categories and a basic understanding that for darje shalom to keep the peace, it's okay for a tourist scholar to present things, maybe a little bit differently, certainly if they are put on the spot and asked. And they're those who say mesechas is what mesechta? Are you learning or do you know this mesechta? Do you know it well? He doesn't have to necessarily answer. Oh yeah, I know that very well. You could just say not really or no. Puria is, I don't know why they wouldn't ask this, but did you have relations with your wife yesterday? Or there are those who actually say, and this is Nyanadiyuma, at least in 2024, it is Purim. Puria would be on Purim. If you drink a little bit, but you wanna present yourselves maybe being a little bit more drunk than you are, that would also be okay for a tourist scholar. And Ushpi's, the other way Roshy explains it is if a person is hosted by somebody, it would be okay for him not to go on and on and on about how great the Hakna Zorchem was, if it really was, that great, because then other people might take advantage of that person. Well, mine Afkimina, and we know this already, the Nafkimina of those three things (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) to give a loss on him back to a rabbi if he says he recognized it, (speaks in foreign language) if we know, (speaks in foreign language) class that he doesn't ever say things that are not truthful except for those three issues, whether it's those three specific issues or maybe anything that's the (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) we will return it to him. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) who will maybe not be so truthful on other issues. (speaks in foreign language) Period. (speaks in foreign language) It was once stolen from (speaks in foreign language) a silver goblet from his host. He was staying by somebody, maybe at a hotel, maybe at somebody's house, maybe at an inn, and the host had a silver goblet stolen from him, probably one of the people staying there. (speaks in foreign language) It was a particular young, I guess he was in Yeshiva, (speaks in foreign language) not give (speaks in foreign language) and he dried them off on his friend's garments. I don't know if his friend was wearing the garment, maybe it was hanging up, that's probably more likely, but (speaks in foreign language) felt that was horribly inconsiderate and selfish and that led him to a (speaks in foreign language) This is the guy I see clearly, he really couldn't care less about things that other people own. So he figured that this might be the guy, (speaks in foreign language) they tied that fellow up or they forced him or they kind of put pressure on him and you know what? Though he admitted that indeed he was one who had stolen the silver goblet period. (speaks in foreign language) The price goes for six lines plus about four words. (speaks in foreign language) The same (speaks in foreign language) who was in the last line of our (speaks in foreign language) who had said any (speaks in foreign language) which we know now means basically a new (speaks in foreign language) He'll agree (speaks in foreign language) but (speaks in foreign language) on new (speaks in foreign language) that if however, the owner had time to get accustomed to the look of it (speaks in foreign language) that there you, the finder would have to be (speaks in foreign language) you have to announce others that you found something in (speaks in foreign language) The following though is a list of new (speaks in foreign language) that the eye would not have had time to become familiar with (speaks in foreign language) and therefore the finder wouldn't need to be (speaks in foreign language) need to announce (speaks in foreign language) examples of this would be (speaks in foreign language) like little hangers of (speaks in foreign language) our needles, scenarios are spinning forks or (speaks in foreign language) like a string of a bunch of little axes on it. (speaks in foreign language) a (speaks in foreign language) Well, all these things that we had in the list when would they be permissible for the finder (speaks in foreign language) if you found them one, like one string of axes or one hanger of needles of (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) if you found two of them, (speaks in foreign language) that would be a significant enough unique find that he would have to be microsid. That's the end of the day, it's my body. We had said (speaks in foreign language) I call them hangers. Well, either (speaks in foreign language) or (speaks in foreign language) it's kind of like the way Rashi explains it, a branch of a tree. But my (speaks in foreign language) well, then why are they called body or bod? Well, because they're (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) anything that you hang something else on, common connector, bod, (speaks in foreign language) you'll refer to it sometimes as a bod, it's like a stick or a branch, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) just like what we say (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) even if you have (speaks in foreign language) one leaf on one branch, you know, it's called the bod because it's the thing that holds on all the leaves to it. (inhales) comma, the (speaks in foreign language) continues to another five lines and two words, continuing (speaks in foreign language) similar as it would say. (speaks in foreign language) if a person saves some item from a lion or a dove, a bear, a namer, and leopard, a Bartles, which might be a hyena or a pole cat, or basically dangerous animals that might grab something away from a person. (speaks in foreign language) or from the seashore, (speaks in foreign language) or from the riverbanks, both those would have washed up something that came from far away. Or, (speaks in foreign language) if you find something in a (speaks in foreign language) or a (speaks in foreign language) a big open plaza or a thoroughfare where there's tons of people going and coming. (speaks in foreign language) for that matter, any place that there's masses of people found over there, like even if the item itself had a simmon, or (speaks in foreign language) you can keep it. Why? 'Cause even though it had a simmon, the original owner, we definitely assume, was (speaks in foreign language) when he lost with him. (speaks in foreign language) as the owners, (speaks in foreign language) were (speaks in foreign language) that's the end of the day's source. (speaks in foreign language) We have a question here now. And it really leads to, was this question four more? A total of five questions to clarify what's going on over here. So we just had a price. It was Reshimulizer's opinion, and we were given a halacha. So the Gamora now asks, question number one, a, (speaks in foreign language) colon, (speaks in foreign language) a, (speaks in foreign language) key calmer of shimulizer, when we were shimulizer said his den, was that specifically (speaks in foreign language) if it was majority of the people, the place where you found it, were gentile, were game. I thought (speaks in foreign language) if it was majority Jews low, he wouldn't say it there. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) even if it's majority Jewish, (speaks in foreign language) he would also say his den. Now, we don't have an answer yet to that. However, (speaks in foreign language) this is now question number two. If you wanna say and take an opinion on the previous question, that I feel the right of you, (speaks in foreign language) even if it's majority Jewish, who would say there, (speaks in foreign language) that you could keep it. Well, okay, that's your (speaks in foreign language) the question then would be, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) do the (speaks in foreign language) and say you cannot keep it? Oh, (speaks in foreign language) do they not? comma. Now, question number three. (speaks in foreign language) if you wanna say the (speaks in foreign language) argue, well, how far does the argument go? Is it (speaks in foreign language) vodka, (speaks in foreign language) for sure, if it's majority Jewish people, they would disagree. However, how about this? (speaks in foreign language) if it's majority, (speaks in foreign language) pliegy, (speaks in foreign language) would they disagree or not? The (speaks in foreign language) and if you wanna say slightly, this is not exactly five questions, one based on the other one, on the other one, this goes back a little bit foreign, five questions. (speaks in foreign language) question number four, (speaks in foreign language) is that (speaks in foreign language) of (speaks in foreign language) even if it's majority, (speaks in foreign language) like a special, I guess, rabbinical decree in case a Jew happened to lose even though it's majority gentile, do we say the (speaks in foreign language) that a lot is like, (speaks in foreign language) in a lot of (speaks in foreign language) maybe not. And finally, (speaks in foreign language) step five, or question five. If you wanna say (speaks in foreign language) that, oh no, we post like (speaks in foreign language) is that (speaks in foreign language) specifically if it's majority gentile or (speaks in foreign language) those are all the questions. So, Tashma, I put a triangle in this tashma, seven lines later, almost directly underneath. There's another tashma, I put a triangle around that. And on the third line, and I'm at base, the second to last word is tashma, triangle around that. So, a number of attempts to clarify this issue. So, Tashma, come in here, we have a today's source. We actually saw it a few days ago, and it starts, here goes for almost two lines. How might say, (speaks in foreign language) let's say you find money. Now, the (speaks in foreign language) is that you find, let's say, a nice, neat stack of, I don't know, quarters, like eight quarters, piled up one on the other. Where do you find it? Either in the (speaks in foreign language) in the shoals, or (speaks in foreign language) or the study hall, (speaks in foreign language) for that matter, any place that there's tons of people coming and going, (speaks in foreign language) you, the finder, can keep it, (speaks in foreign language) because the rightful owner, when he lost in a place like that, he definitely was (speaks in foreign language) Okay, that's the end of the today's source. He knows the Gamora, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Well, who is it that we have heard who says, now this is an interesting, (speaks in foreign language) you should have said, (speaks in foreign language) as who follows what the majority is doing here. It's more to (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) like a place of many, like, where there's tons of people there, you can keep it. Who is the, (speaks in foreign language) have we know said that? Well, that would be, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Hmm, (speaks in foreign language) we then conclude from here. I mean, this price did list all places where there were Jews. (speaks in foreign language) Even if it's majority Jewish, the finder can keep her? And there's the Gamora, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) What's the case? It's not that it was a nice, neat pile of, I don't know, eight quarters, one on the other, where it was clearly left there rather than the Fuzar, and they're kind of spread out. And there's like three, four quarters, and they're in no particular order. There's one over here, one over there. Well, one second then, even the Fuzar in, if they're spread out, my area, then why are we specifically teaching it only in the case of a (speaks in foreign language) there's tons of people there. If they're spread out, like a quarter here, or a dime over there, (speaks in foreign language) even if it's not a place where the masses are there, the finder would be able to keep it. Ella, we'll go back to the first approach. (speaks in foreign language) Let's say eight quarters piled up exactly one on the other, but (speaks in foreign language) My asking then, what's the case? We're talking about (speaks in foreign language) Now, I translated (speaks in foreign language) it's just like a shoulder, a temple, or a place where the Jews get together to pray. Actually, it's not. Take (speaks in foreign language) Kinesia is like, (speaks in foreign language) to get together. It was basically like a gathering place of the Gentiles. That's what we were talking about. So it doesn't have anything to do with the Jews. Well, what about (speaks in foreign language) maybe like, (speaks in foreign language) don't have (speaks in foreign language) Well, they don't, however, what we're talking about, it's (speaks in foreign language) it's a Jewish-based (speaks in foreign language) however, (speaks in foreign language) there are, you could say, Gentile workers, or security guards, or people who like their eyeballs and everything going on in there. And that's the reason why. Well, once you say that there's a (speaks in foreign language) who are there all the time and they even have like a better sense of what happens to get lost there in (speaks in foreign language) that there are (speaks in foreign language) over there, (speaks in foreign language) also, you don't have to come onto it being some sort of meeting place of the Gentiles. (speaks in foreign language) it's our temples, our shoals, our prayer centers. (speaks in foreign language) and there happened to be either security guards or workers who are (speaks in foreign language) so, (speaks in foreign language) we try to get another take source. We have another triangle that's (speaks in foreign language) in (speaks in foreign language) that we're going to bring goes for just over a line. Let's say, (speaks in foreign language) and there's, (speaks in foreign language) there's (speaks in foreign language) there's (speaks in foreign language) and you find, oh, look at this here, it's a lost item. Well, (speaks in foreign language) if the majority of the people are Jews, (speaks in foreign language) you have to announce it, (speaks in foreign language) if it's majority Gentile, (speaks in foreign language) you do not need to advertise it. Okay, that's the end of the snake source. Now, first thing we have to figure out is who is the author of the snake source. (speaks in foreign language) Who is it that we have heard to Ammar, (speaks in foreign language) that you follow majority, (speaks in foreign language) like majority of the city is Jewish. Do one thing, majority of Gentiles, nothing. Well, that would be, (speaks in foreign language) well, (speaks in foreign language) when you then conclude from here, (speaks in foreign language) key, (speaks in foreign language) and he says (speaks in foreign language) 'cause that was the example given in the above rice. It's in the majority Gentiles, (speaks in foreign language) when you can keep it, (speaks in foreign language) if it's majority Jewish, (speaks in foreign language) that can conclude at least one of the questions that we asked about 15, 20 lines ago. So the commercial says, (speaks in foreign language) not necessarily (speaks in foreign language) who could be the author of the above snake source, the (speaks in foreign language) okay, so it's our (speaks in foreign language) could be the (speaks in foreign language) okay, but even if (speaks in foreign language) demodily (speaks in foreign language) that the (speaks in foreign language) would agree with the (speaks in foreign language) but if (speaks in foreign language) if it's majority Gentile, that you can keep it. So the Gamora has a couple of approaches here. The first is over here, (speaks in foreign language) and the second is on the first line of our base, there's an (speaks in foreign language) that would be the second approach. So the first approach is (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) the (speaks in foreign language) source that we had about four lines ago, these were (speaks in foreign language) normally we were (speaks in foreign language) would say, you can keep a (speaks in foreign language) even if it's majority Jewish. The (speaks in foreign language) what's in the case in the mission of (speaks in foreign language) it wasn't just like a lost item, it was actually buried underneath something else. Well one second, (speaks in foreign language) if it was clearly indicated in the way that it was there, that it was purposely hidden by someone, might be able to take up a, like why do you have it? You should have just left it there if that's not, 'cause like the mission, which we'll see in a few days from now says, (speaks in foreign language) if you find in a garbage, cheap area, a utensil, but it's covered over, (speaks in foreign language) concludes the today's source, (speaks in foreign language) don't even touch it, (speaks in foreign language) if it's exposed, (speaks in foreign language) take it and advertise, (speaks in foreign language) but if it's apparently covered, or we would say me even like half buried, you shouldn't even touch it. So why does the person have it? So look at what it explains, (speaks in foreign language) of purposes, elsewhere, that the cases (speaks in foreign language) live nice, that it's talking about a trash heap, that it was not scheduled to be cleared out at any time in the near future. However, (speaks in foreign language) live nice, so the owner changes mine and decided that no, we're gonna clear this whole thing out. And basically, the person goes by and realizes that the item that's there, even though it's not his, if he doesn't like, he doesn't save it, it'll basically be destroyed or get lost. (speaks in foreign language) and say, maybe (speaks in foreign language) a trash heap that's not supposed to be cleared away. (speaks in foreign language) and the owner decides or changes mine, live nice, that's too clear to away. If (speaks in foreign language) this would be a second approach. (speaks in foreign language) who authored this day of source, (speaks in foreign language) now let's be very precise of here. Did it say (speaks in foreign language) they are his, meaning the finder can keep it? Oh no, comma, three words and right angles. (speaks in foreign language) that the person who finds it doesn't have to go out of his way and advertise, (speaks in foreign language) is what it said. Okay, so he finds it, that doesn't say he can keep it, but on the other hand, he doesn't have to advertise. (speaks in foreign language) leave it somewhere, put it on the top shelf in his coat closet. (speaks in foreign language) And some Jew, if he's the one who lost it, will figure out, he'll speak to other people who know this guy, and he'll, the rightful owner Jew will come, give a sim in, (speaks in foreign language) though, (speaks in foreign language) So we try again, this is, I believe, the last (speaks in foreign language) on our series, they put a triangle on it, (speaks in foreign language) I don't know, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) if a person finds a barrel of wine in the city (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) in this majority Gentile, (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) is permissible, as far as lost item is concerned, (speaks in foreign language) but you can't get any benefit from it, like you can't drink it, you can't sell it. (speaks in foreign language) However, (speaks in foreign language) let's say a Jew comes along, a form of a mansion, he gives a sim in, then interesting, (speaks in foreign language) to who, (speaks in foreign language) is permissible to be, you could drink it, the one who found it. Well, come on, who would that be like, (speaks in foreign language) comma, (speaks in foreign language) that apparently would be just like (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) and (speaks in foreign language) we should be able to include from here, (speaks in foreign language) that was (speaks in foreign language) about (speaks in foreign language) of his majority Jewish, (speaks in foreign language) so the (speaks in foreign language) well, maybe, yeah, but maybe not. (speaks in foreign language) I could tell you (speaks in foreign language) he would say not only if it was majority gentle area, (speaks in foreign language) that the person who found it could keep it, (speaks in foreign language) but (speaks in foreign language) who was on the fourth line, (speaks in foreign language) and all in his name, he was the one, remember, this (speaks in foreign language) and a source who was from a teaching (speaks in foreign language) he (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) agrees with (speaks in foreign language) on one issue, but on the other he disagrees. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) one second, we said that you see this barrel of wine and it's gentile, so it's (speaks in foreign language) can't eat it, can't sell it. Well, what exactly then do we mean? When we say (speaks in foreign language) it's permissible as a lost item. (speaks in foreign language) Like, you can't drink it and you can't even sell it. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) you wanna use the barrel? You wanna use the barrel to store your marble collection. That would be allowed. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) found four dollars for (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) that was bound up in a curchief. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) and it was cast into the B-run River. Okay, (speaks in foreign language) the first one who found a game to have you (speaks in foreign language) and (speaks in foreign language) told that fellow (speaks in foreign language) you better go and announce the lost item. (speaks in foreign language) Well, one second. (speaks in foreign language) (speaks in foreign language) Isn't that the sea shore, the river bangs, those are the areas that we said? You just keep it. Well, normally, yeah, however, this river wasn't any river, it was the B-run River, shiny, and the B-run River is different, shiny in our B-run. (speaks in foreign language) Since there's all sorts of obstacles and little walls that they put up, the person who lost it in that area will not give up hope. Well, the problem is the Vaharuba Kananinu. The majority of the people in that area are Gentile, (speaks in foreign language) we then conclude from here that the luck is now like a criminalizer, even B-rave Kananin, no shiny answers. Look, what a different is this Nahar B-run. (speaks in foreign language) Even though it was majority inhabitants, but the majority of the people working on that river, whether it was the damming up of the river or the digging up of the river, that was all done or majority done, certainly by Jews. (speaks in foreign language) Since Jews were the ones Sakhru lay that dammed it up. Amor, I'll tell you well, since they were doing that work, then it probably the thing that you found was Miy Israelnafo from a Jew. (speaks in foreign language) Carlai, since they're the ones who are also in charge of kind of like cleaning it out and digging this stuff out. Also, the one who lost the item won't be Mihai, because he figures, it'll be found by someone Jewish. Period. (speaks in foreign language) He was going, Basre de Marshmul, Fung Schmul, Ryuda had two main revvies, one Rave, the other one Schmul, so he was once Fung Schmul, but Shuka in the marketplace, to be Daisa of the, I don't know, porridge marketplace. Amor lei said, review Huda to his Rave Schmul. Rabbi Monzakonar Nikima, who, let's see theoretically, someone who was defined here, a purse. What would we say, what would the didn't be? Amor lei said Schmul back to Ryuda. Harelu Shaloi, well, it could be kept by the finder. Continues of Huda the question. And let's say then Rabbi, I don't know, five minutes later, by Yiswov and Azimah Simmons. From a man, should Jew comes along and he gives a Simmons. Mahu, what would we say there? Amor lei, so the good Rabbi Schmul says, well, in that case, Kailahov, so you'd have to give it back. Well, Tarti, question mark comma, exclamation point. Should we say that those two things are contradictory? They do say in contradictory, on the one hand. Just so you can keep it, on the other hand, you gotta give it back. So, Amor lei, true, may I create it and you can keep it. If somebody comes along and gives all the identifying features, then to give it back is a good thing to do, otherwise known as lift name, me, Shuras Advin. Beyond the strict letter of the law. So, really, you can keep it, but this would be a right thing if it's pretty clear that it's that person's claiming it's theirs to give it back to them. Now, to further illustrate the concept of being a nice guy. (speaking in foreign language) And he had, (speaking in foreign language) he found like these donkeys out in the wilderness somewhere, (speaking in foreign language) and he returned to the rightful owner. And he waited a long time. The Basar trih, (speaking in foreign language) it took basically 12 months and he did all of that. (speaking in foreign language) Period. (speaking in foreign language) Rava was going along and following Basrai and behind of Naqman, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) in the leather workers market area. (speaking in foreign language) In the rabbis, (speaking in foreign language) was there, maybe Thursday afternoon. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) So said, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) How about if you found a person over here? What would you say the den is? (speaking in foreign language) Well, the finder can keep it. And he continues and asks, (speaking in foreign language) Well, see, a Jew came along and gave a valid identifying simmon for that. (speaking in foreign language) Says back the rabbis, (speaking in foreign language) No, the finder can still keep it. Well, (speaking in foreign language) But the loser's there, he's jumping up and down, he's crying, he's screaming. Well, says the (speaking in foreign language) Well, Basar should not fall. Okay, fine, he's jumping up and down, he's screaming and he's all-insistent. Well, make it like somebody who is screaming and jumping up and down and is excited regarding his house that just collapsed or his (speaking in foreign language) Or his boat that's getting sunk out to sea. Like, okay, he's really upset about it, but it doesn't make it his. How do you do it once? Was this, Rashi says a (speaking in foreign language) Some sort of (speaking in foreign language) It's a bird of prey, you could call it maybe a vulture. So there was this vulture, (speaking in foreign language) He took some meat, (speaking in foreign language) from the marketplace, (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) And he dropped it into the palm trees of the household of barbarian. Also look how many did I buy? So the case came to a buy in Marlay, and what do I say regarding that meat that was found there's little school adoption. You know what, you can take it for yourself. Really? Okay, should we conclude anything from this story of (speaking in foreign language) That's an area with its majority Jewish. (speaking in foreign language) Should we conclude from here that the (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Even if it's majority Jewish, not necessarily. (speaking in foreign language) The (speaking in foreign language) The bird, this vulture, I guess, different (speaking in foreign language) to say it's like the seashore makes it obvious that the loser would have been (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Well, how could you think about having this meat anyway? The meat was taken from somewhere, but then transported by this bird, somewhere else and sort of dropped. Well, isn't that considered kosher meat that was not under the view always of a Jew? That would be us, sir. Well, because this case could be by (speaking in foreign language) The person from the time the bird took off till he came back is watching. (speaking in foreign language) He once found a slaughter. It was clear that it was a (speaking in foreign language) of a goat. Bane, it's very (speaking in foreign language) Between those two very Jewish cities, I don't underline between Tiberius and Zipperi. (speaking in foreign language) And they permitted it and they said (speaking in foreign language) It's yours. (speaking in foreign language) Well, once again, when they allowed it to him, they allowed it to him (speaking in foreign language) That was like (speaking in foreign language) And (speaking in foreign language) That was what she was shefted. He could assume because (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Here's a price that goes for three lines. (speaking in foreign language) The person lost his goats or his chickens. (speaking in foreign language) And he found them when he went to look. Oh my goodness, they've been ritually slaughtered. Rabbi Houdu underlined. Oh, sir, he said that, well, I would be forbidden in (speaking in foreign language) Underlined. (speaking in foreign language) He would say he would be permissible. (speaking in foreign language) So Rabbi who comes along the generation after says near indeed Rabbi Houda. You know what, I'm gonna try to marshal this (speaking in foreign language) Here and there ain't really a (speaking in foreign language) That when Rabbi Houda said his den, what he said his den was where it was found in a trashy. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) When they were found in a house. Okay, that's the end of the snake source. Now (speaking in foreign language) From the fact that the fact that they saw that neck had been sliced and they permitted it because it must have been a (speaking in foreign language) Well, that's pretty clear. Rabbi Yistro then knew that it was a majority, a Jewish area. (speaking in foreign language) We then conclude and we keep trying to do this that the Holocaust, like a (speaking in foreign language) Afilu even (speaking in foreign language) Majority Jewish area. (speaking in foreign language) Rabbi explains. No, not necessarily. (speaking in foreign language) Since it had a majority gentle in that area, that's where you could keep it. And (speaking in foreign language) However, the majority of the (speaking in foreign language) were fine Jewish, (speaking in foreign language) keepers of the faith people. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) That's why it can eat it. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) Rabbi found these birds that it seemingly had been ritually slaughtered properly between the Jewish cities. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) He kind of brought it into the base measures and threw the issue out for discussion. (speaking in foreign language) And they said to him, (speaking in foreign language) You know what? You could take it for yourself. (speaking in foreign language) He found a kibura, a type of like a ball of, Rashi calls it a (speaking in foreign language) something like a ball of string or ball of thread. (speaking in foreign language) That the ones who trap, use it for the things they need to make, like their nets. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) You can go in, take it for yourself.