The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Democrats in New York, Colorado, Maine "Save Democracy" by Destroying it | 3.25.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Aaron Chadbourne fills in for Grace this week as she heads off on spring break. Aaron covers the looming Trump cases that all seem to have something in common. The Democrats claim to help you, the voter, by interfering with your election. Plus, catch Aaron's take on the Kate Middleton news that, he believes, was overshadowed by American petty politics.

Broadcast on:
25 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th. To order yours today, go to and use code GRACEBOGO. [Music] Live from the Ibiba Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Stand-up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. [Music] Good Monday, everyone! This is not Grace Curly. I'm Aaron Chadborn. I'm going to be sitting in for Grace all week. She is off. She's on vacation. It's spring break. And we'll be here bringing you all of the top stories, the analysis. I've filled in for Grace a few times before. If you've not heard me before, I live up in Maine, where I host shows on WGAN up there. I'm a former senior policy advisor for Governor Paula Page. We wish we were still here running the state of Maine instead of the governor we have now. But so much coming today, Jared, this is the thing about live radio. You prepare for a show, and then all of a sudden, just before you go on, everything changes. Yeah, bad news for New York. Is it bad news? I think so. If you're not following yet, it's probably bad news for LaTisha James, because she's... I bet all weekend, been watching HGTV and preparing for going in and barring the doors and hanging the chains and maybe she had her sledgehammer out to flip it or flop it. I want these quartz counters in Trump's gold bathroom when I take over. You know she was excited. She probably had like Vanity Fair lined up to do like a photo shoot of her in like the Penn House at Trump Tower. If you're just catching up on the news though, an appeal score has just ruled largely in Trump's favor. They've reduced the amount that Trump has to pay to $175 million from the, what was it, $400, doesn't even matter, over $450 million is what the damages were but he'd have to put up that bond if he were going to appeal it. And so I've been commenting on this for several days and some of you'll know I am a lawyer, I was a lawyer, I don't know, I'm a member of the main in the Massachusetts bars. I don't practice law though, but when you do legal analysis of what Trump's been doing, the fact that he appealed it, that he didn't put it up, that he said, "Look, I went and talked to all the bond agencies. No one's willing to give a bond for that much money, which why would you? It's crazy." So it's not possible to get a bond for $454 million and he might have. Now, Trump might have been able to secure the funding. He could have, if he has assets worth it, and apparently he does, if Leticia James were going to seize them, he probably could have taken equity out on them. But if you want to strengthen your argument, you have to go and say, "Look, it can't be done, it's unconscionable, it's a crazy number." And the appeals court, a five panel, a five judge panel agreed with them, and they've reduced the amount that he has supposed to $175 million, which by the way, still a lot of money, it's still a crazy number, but it's a number that's much easier for him to have liquid. Trump has now said that he's going to post the bond, and so it allows him to appeal. Now, I want everyone to think about what just happened. Two things. Number one, in order for someone to appeal, what I think is a decision that's likely to be overturned, he had to come up with $450 million just to appeal, just to pursue his legal right to say that the judge, the prosecutor, everyone that's been out to get him, and really they're willing to bend the law just to get Trump. In order to appeal that he had to come up with the entire amount, which was a number that really no one can put together in that short period of time. So I think it was always likely that that number was going to be reduced, at least during appeal, and I think it's quite likely that the whole award, the damages, gets reduced, and maybe the court gets reversed, and I think this is just another in a series of it. And I'll tell you, for a lot of people that are in this never Trump camp or get rid of Trump by any means necessary, the kind of law fair group, the people that are like, "Oh, democracy is so fragile and important that we can't even let them on the ballot." I mean, they are trying to destroy Trump. They think that's going to keep him from being president. I make the argument, and I heard Frank once say it over the weekend, maybe we'll play those cuts. I think it's what's going to elect Donald Trump. I think the day that Trump secured the nomination for the Republican nominee for president, and I said it to all of my liberal friends who were dunking that day, was the day they raided Mar-a-Lago. The day the FBI went in and had this massive raid on Trump's property in Florida, former president, never done before. The day they raided Mar-a-Lago was the day that he locked up the nomination. Before that, people were kind of flirting with DeSantis. No one was talking about Haley. I don't know how she became the last one in the race. Maybe everyone else saw the writing on the wall sooner, but every, you know, the fake, that there was a lot of appetite for considering a competitive primary until that day. And I think that's the same thing that's going to go on here. And I was, you know, very interested to see what the reaction would be, have the Tisha James gone and tried to seize Trump Tower and try to seize all of these things. And Frank, let's set it over the weekend. Let's go ahead, Jared, and play cut seven. If the New York Attorney General starts to take his homes away, starts to seize his assets, it's all going to be on camera, pundits are going to sit there and scream about this, this man cannot be elected. You're going to create the greatest victimhood of 2024, and you're going to elect Donald Trump. If they take his stuff, he's going to say that this is proof that the federal government and the establishment and the swamp in Washington and all the politicians across the country, the attorneys, generals, and all of this, that this is a conspiracy to deny him the presidency. Because it is. They're going to say that he is. He's going to claim that it is because that's exactly what it is. Everyone is out and out to get Donald Trump to keep him from even being on the ballot. These defenders of democracy are terrified about letting people vote. Just let him vote. Just let him vote. It's the same thing that happened when Colorado, the judges out there, Shena Bello is here in Maine. It's the same thing. It's the same thing that's really going to propel everyone who believes that they're out to get Donald Trump is being proven right because that's exactly what they're doing. I mean, I don't know how with a straight face, you argue any other way. And I think it's funny too, because like Franklin, he does not like Donald Trump. He's a Republican pundit. He is a pollster. He I think is in the never Trump camp, but he's pointing out what I think is very true, which is the Democrats, the progressives. They overreach every time and they have to save democracy by destroying it. We have to make sure that every vote is counted by telling you who you can't vote for and not letting them be on the ballot. Go ahead, play clip eight. If you play politics on this, this is what the secretaries of state did in Colorado and what they did in, I believe, is Maine. His numbers went up in both states. I don't understand. I'm almost speechless in how pathetic the opposition to Trump has been and how completely misguided. And this is a perfect example of it. It is a perfect example of how Ms. Guy there. They are handing Trump the election. So if you're if your goal is to defeat Donald Trump, I don't know, maybe secure the border, maybe fix the economy, maybe do something that shows that you're better than him at running the country number one and maybe don't do exactly the things that everyone's concerned about. I mean, we get all these lectures about Trump being authoritarian, about Trump being anti-democracy and a dictator. And he said he's going to be a dictator on day one. And then we weaponize all of the justice department and the attorneys general and all of his political enemies for political reasons are targeting him. I mean, you can't make it up. You really can't. It's something that I never thought we would see in my lifetime. Now, I think there are many ways that people wanted to campaign against Donald Trump and he's a good campaigner. There are many things they could attack him on. Go after his policies, disagree with him, go after him for his, you know, his temperament or his way that he tweets mean tweets, go at the actual like actually compete win beat him. If you think you can beat him beat him, which oh my god, listening to and Jared, you've told me before I should just stop watching meet the press. So it's probably my fault for continuing to watch it. But listening to Kristen Welker go on and on about the big lie and election denial and how everyone needs to say that the last election was fair. And that's going to be the litmus test. Like, I mean, nobody believes that it was fair. You can say that it was illegal. There are ways to say that it was legal. If you don't believe there was ballot stuffing, if you don't believe there, you know, the ballot harvesting. But there were manipulations to the way the elections were conducted. And they did it. Secretaries of states did it. People used COVID emergency authority. They didn't go through the legislatures for things like drop boxes and changing the way and the manner and how long you could vote by absentee. That made it way easier for ballot harvesting. So sure, you can say that it was legal. But that doesn't mean it was fair. But there's this new litmus test that in order to be on TV, in order to be part of polite society, you have to acknowledge, Oh, no, no, no, Joe Biden won fair and square and beat Donald Trump. Now, I don't know that any of the voting irregularities changed the outcome of the election. But I do think that every attempt was made to stack the deck in their favor. And I blame and we'll get to Ron and McDaniel later because this Chuck Todd thing really cracks me up. But it's really, have you noticed the only time Republicans are allowed to be on television now is if they're criticizing other Republicans, it used to be had to be critical of Trump. And so there was this kind of test of did you vote to impeach him or not. And then Nancy Mason, whoever you're allowed to come on TV. But now it's if you're willing to speak ill of any other Republican. So you got like Matt Gates, because he was part of the gang that ousted Kevin McCarthy. Okay, now you're allowed to come back on. But then now like NBC doesn't even know what to do. And they're hyperventilating over the fact that Ron and McDaniel, who by the way, nobody likes Republicans don't like her, Democrats don't like her, people that like Trump don't like her, people who don't like Trump don't like her, NBC doesn't like her. I don't know why anyone would give this woman a contract. And I think she's going to be fired. So maybe she makes out the best because she's they're gonna have to buy her out of the contract. Right. And so we'll get more into that as we go on. We'll talk more about Donald Trump as well. I Boeing, the everyone that's a leader at Boeing seems to be out of a job or about to be out of a job. So we'll we'll dive into that. There there's more drama between Israel and Joe Biden and that's playing out in a terrible way. Their emotion of a there's a lot going on today. And you know, I really feel sorry for Jared. Princess Kate here. This was meant to be her big day where we could talk about the apologies that everyone owes her whatever because of her shady PR. But now like she's forgotten about it's it's Monday. It's a new week and no one cares about Princess Kate anymore. Maybe I'll start a rumor that that's where Grace went is that she went to play her tributes and layflowers. She wanted to know that's not where Grace is. She's not a pre-planned vacation. Nothing to do with Princess Kate. Although I did. I listened to the show on Friday and Grace did seem somewhat apologetic over feeding into the into the rumors. Do you feel bad? I don't. And you know, we talked about this a little bit before the show. The way that it was handled lends itself to that. And just if if that's what it is come out and say it, but the secrecy, the shadiness, the whole thing just, I don't feel bad about speculating at that point because I don't clearly was off about the whole thing. Well, here's what I feel about about. I think the people when they're dealing with cancer or cancer diagnosis or treatment, they do deserve privacy. The reason why everything got so out of hand is because they were being shady. Okay, ask for privacy, say, Hey, we're dealing with something medical. It's worse than we thought. Don't freak out. She's going to live. But like, you know, we need some extra time and sensitivity. You know, people would probably have a understanding, but but to then just be shady and post this like Photoshop picture and be like, this was taken this morning. Everyone's like, no, so you don't deserve you don't deserve it. I think that they brought it on themselves. All right, we got a lot more to dive into. We'll talk more about Trump and Boeing and Yahoo NBC. Stay right here on The Grace Curly Show. I am Aaron Shadborn filling in for Grace. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. And we are back on The Grace Curly Show. I'm Aaron Shadborn filling in for Grace. Before the break, I was talking about, you know, this outrage on NBC that they hired Ronna McDaniel. Ronna McDaniel, disgraced former RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel, is now a paid analyst on NBC. And they did it right at the same time she was supposed to be interviewed on Meet the Press, which created all this backlash. Lena, all his backlash saying that she she can't be trusted. How dare they. And that led me to thinking about who I think is the least trustworthy person they have on NBC and as NBC, these paid honor talent. And so that brings us to today's poll question. Today's poll question is brought to you by local Silver Mint located in Ware, New Hampshire. Silver Dave will work with you directly. Contact him at local silver All right, Jared, what's today's poll question and what are the answers thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is which paid NBC news personality do you trust the least? Ronna McDaniel, Jen Psaki, Simone Sanders, Townsend, Chuck Todd, Kristen Welker, or Brian Williams? That's a hard question. Like that's tough. I think like I'm tempted to say Jen Psaki, but I think I'm going to go with Chuck Todd. Chuck Todd right now in second place at 35% in the lead Jen Psaki at 42%, 13%, 13% for Brian Williams, 6% for Ronna McDaniel, 2% each for Kristen Welker and Simone Sanders Townsend. I don't think anyone knows who Kristen Welker is. And I don't think that her ratings are going to be particularly good. She's a really, really obnoxious one. Well, you know, we've talked about this before, Jared, the tone of voice that she uses with Republicans, but she lectures back to them. And we'll play some of the cuts with the Ronna McDaniel interview. But the tone that she uses, like when she had Speaker Johnson on there, and she was like, Mr. Speaker, like she's just so condescending. And I think, well, who was the guy that was like the host of me, the press for like five minutes and they fired him? David Gregory? Maybe. I think that's going to happen to her. Like, I think she'll get like, she'll make it through the election. And then they'll announce because it was so much they'll be like, bring back Chuck Todd or something. I bet it's going to happen. She's she's horrible. And she doesn't know how to use the panel. Like I like if you're going to have a panel, know how to use them. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. I'm Aaron Chadburn, your host today. If you'd like to call in and be on the line with us here on the Grace Curly Show, the number is 844-542-42. Or you can text the word Curly. See you are L-E-Y to 617-213-1066. So those are the ways you can interact. I'm laughing because on Fox News, they keep showing Trump coming outside of the courtroom because he's in, I guess the trial that he's in New York for is the one about paying the hush money and then taking it as a write-off, which I think is the stupidest of all the trials. But he just came out to comment on that because they set the trial date. And so I was joking to Jared. It's like, you know, you don't used to get in trouble and your dad would come out and yell at you and then he'd walk back in and then come out again and another thing. Like, that's kind of the vibe that it's giving. And the audio is terrible because he's like shouting to the cameras like across the sidewalk. But I mean, it works. All people are focused on Trump. And they should be this asset thing, though. And having to post the bond in order of appeal, I think is just really, really, I think, going to blow up in the Democrats' face. Let's go to the phone lines, though. I know Tom wanted to comment on this issue. Let's go ahead and take, take Tom. Go ahead. You're on the air. Yeah. Hey, thank you for taking my call. Yeah. First of all, if a state agency or a state prosecutor can go after Trump seizing his personal properties, a little guy like me, a retired electrician, if somebody doesn't like my political views and finds out that I donated 100 bucks to Donald Trump's campaign back in 2016 and then comes up with some BS charges against me. Okay. Am I going to send me to prison? No, but I am going to have to spend thousands of dollars defending myself in a civil court. And I don't know if you've used a lawyer lately in Massachusetts, try finding one that works for under $400 an hour. They're nonexistent. And that's the point, is like when Trump says, "They're not after me. They're after you." And I truly believe that with the bottom of my heart. I think these so-called progressives deep down their closeted totalitarians that hate this country. They hate its past. And yes, we have slavery, okay? So didn't the rest of the world have slavery, all right? Get over it at some point. Nobody owns slaves in this country anymore. However, what the Biden administration has done by bringing in almost 10 million people within three years to this country is having a serious effect on people, raising rents. You don't think if all of a sudden you have a massive increase in urban areas of people looking for apartments. It's not going to affect you. And I totally support Trump said what he said that I will order massive deportations. We're going to have to stop you there, Tom, because we're running up against the clock. But I mean, that's the thing. I think everyone's looking at what's happening in the border. And unless you work for this president, the Biden administration, if your name is Korean John Pierre or Alejandro Mayorkas, I think everyone gets what's happening and gets what's at stake. We'll take more of your calls when we come back on the Grace Curly show. Hello, everyone. I'm Aaron Chadborn sitting in for Grace, who is off on spring break this week. Thanks so much for being with us. And that collar was right. I think people are looking at what's happening at the border. They're looking at this real thing. And they're saying, do we want more of the same or do we want to go back to kind of how things were under Donald Trump? And, you know, it was so funny to listen to Kristen Walker yesterday on Meet the Press, push Rhonda McDaniel to say, well, if you disagree with Trump about this, and you disagree with him about that, like, how could you possibly still vote for him? And Rhonda McDaniel had a good answer. She said, what you think I'm going to vote for Biden? Like, like, what's my choice? If that's the choice, like, of course, I'm voting for Trump. That's what she said. And I think that makes a lot of sense. And people have to look at that, have to look at what is the choice you're actually giving us. If you wanted to put up a credible alternative to Donald Trump, maybe that would have been the way to beat him. And you wouldn't have to resort to all this law affair and trying to disqualify him and stealing his hotels and his money and all of that. Maybe you could just actually have a real race. But Rhonda McDaniel, so I want to talk about this issue because I think it's ridiculous and hilarious that it's blown up. Number one, I don't know why NBC thought they needed her as a paid analyst. I think it is. I'll tell you, when I worked for Governor Paula Page up here in Maine, when he was governor, I there was there was a board that I was responsible for liaising with that oversaw, like, public service. And they were responsible for having an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. They wanted to be nonpartisan. So they had to appoint from both parties. And that was one of the statutory requirements. And when I looked at the roster of who was on it, there was only one Republican serving on that board. And so I went to the executive director, I said, what the heck? Like, what's going on here? And she said, well, we've wanted to have more Republicans, but we asked around and nobody knew any. Like, that's what happens here is that people put themselves in their own bubble, their own silo, and they don't know. And so here's NBC, they're like, Oh, I know, we need someone who can really break down what Republicans are thinking. Let's hire Ronna McDaniel. Now, Ronna McDaniel just stepped down as chair of the RNC because nobody was happy with her. She got reelected. So I guess the establishment and the insider, she was on the right team for them. But she wasn't on in good standing with Donald Trump. She wasn't in good standing with the base. She's not in good standing with apparently the left, but they're just so mad. And I think, you know, the fact that it's Ronna McDaniel, I think if it were anyone else to if it were to break right now, whether it doesn't matter who it was, it's because it became this big thing. And they're taking the fact she was on the air to really blow this up and to make a big deal out of it. But no one no one goes further in this kind of like head melting scenario than Chuck Todd, which also like, how crazy is it? And this goes back Jared to what I'm saying about Kristen Walker being so weak. She her panel includes the former host of the show. Like she can't get through the political season without having him back on to comment. And then he does this whole thing where he attacks NBC, which I also think it's funny. But I just want to lay this out for you because it's this thing where the left is kind of going after they smell blood in the water. They're they're ticked. They're really ticked that it's any Republican that it's a pro Trump Republican, but they they now they see blood in the water. They're coming after them. And so this is how Kristen Walker intros it. Go ahead play clip cut one. In full disclosure to our viewers, this interview was scheduled weeks before it was announced that McDaniel and become a paid NBC News contributor. This will be a news interview and I was not involved in her hiring. So now, like between the time that they scheduled the interview and the interview happened, she now was on the contract for NBC. So she's getting paid to the interview, which I'm sure the NBC pays people all the time for interviews. This one was not that it was not a paid appearance, but now it presents this kind of weird thing, right? So it's this whole thing. So she goes, she does the interview and then then then she asks the panel, the expert panel, please react. And here's what Chuck Dodd says cut for Chuck, let's dive right in. What were your takeaways? Look, let me deal with the elephant in the room. Yeah. I think our boss is on apology for putting you in this situation because I don't know what to believe. She is now a paid contributor by NBC News. I have no idea whether any answer she gave to you was because she didn't want to mess up her contract. She wants us to believe that she was speaking for the RNC when the RNC was paying for so she has she has credibility issues that she still has to deal with. Is she speaking for herself or is she speaking on behalf of who's paying her? She has credibility issues. Like this is what they don't like the fact that they say this with a straight face. Oh, she has credibility issues. I we can't trust what she says now because she's being paid by NBC. Well, then why does NBC pay analysts at all? Like, I mean, if you if you're creating the conflict and so Chuck Todd's taking it up with NBC, like how dare they pay her and how dare they let her be on the show now that she's a paid analyst. I mean, I don't I really don't get the point. Like, I really don't get the point of I can't trust her now because maybe she's saying what she's saying not to mess up her contract. I mean, maybe Chris Christie ran for president so that he could get more of these contracts. Maybe that's what Vivek was doing running for president was so that he could be on Fox News and all these other places. Like, this is what these people do. And there's been a long established pathway to go from being in public office or chair of one of these things. Like Michael Steele shows up as a pundit. Like, that's what happens all the time. So are you saying that we shouldn't hire any of them ever? Like, I like, I don't get it. Like, I really don't get this outrage. Go ahead, play, play Cup five and Chuck Todd. Go ahead. Go ahead, Chuck. When NBC made the decision to give her NBC News's credibility, you got to ask yourself, what does she bring NBC News? Now, does anyone believe that? Does anyone believe that NBC's giving her NBC's credibility? Does that make you trust her more? Does it make your you trust her less? Like, which one is it really? Like, oh, NBC is giving her credibility. I mean, this is the network that has, you know, the likes of Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski. Oh, and they did you see their heads were melting too about this and they couldn't believe they weren't consulted over the hiring. Go ahead with the clip six. Let's talk about the hiring a former RNC chair, Ronna McDaniel. Well, she was on Sunday's week of brass. It was her first appearance since the NBC in since NBC News hired her as a political analyst. I know you won't be surprised to know that we've been inundated with calls this weekend. As most people connected with us now work about NBC's decision to hire her. We learned about the hiring when we read about it in the press on Friday. We weren't asked our opinion of the hiring, but if we were, we would have strongly objected to it for several reasons, including, but not limited to, as lawyers might say, Miss McDaniel's role in Donald Trump's fake elector scheme and her pressuring election officials to not certify election results while Donald Trump was on the phone. To be clear, oh, we believe NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices to provide balance in their election coverage, but it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who used her position of power to be an anti-democracy election denier, and we hope NBC will reconsider its decision. So the best takeaway that I have there, and I think this, the one thing that reflects well in NBC in this whole thing, is that they don't ask Joe and Mika for advice when they're making hiring decisions. I think that's really my takeaway, because I think they're wrong about everything. And do you believe Mika Brzezinski, when she says to you, like, oh, yeah, we think we should have, we should have real conservatives on? Her idea of a conservative is probably Joe Scarborough, the former Republican congressman from Florida, who himself a political hack, used that hackery to be able to get this contract and this talk show in the first place. Like, I mean, it's just so crazy to me. And I guess, again, this is why I don't watch MSNBC. I've never seen Jen Psaki show. I'd be interested in what she does, but I can't bring myself to watch it. Anytime I put on MSNBC, you're in this weird alternate universe. And that's where these people live. And they think that this is important. They think the public cares about this. And the public doesn't care about this. Yes, the left is going to make hay on it, because they see blood in the water. Again, here's how I think this plays out. And I'd be interested in other people's takes. We'll take them after the break. You can call in the phone number is eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, if you want to comment. But here's how I think it plays out. They're using this all to keep Ronna McDaniel off the air, which Republicans are very happy with. We don't like her either. Nobody actually likes Ronna McDaniel. She's no longer the chair of the RNC for a very good reason. She didn't do great. So fine, keep her off the air. But I think, and Jared, I don't know if you think I'm wrong here, I think they're going to axe her. But they're probably going to have to pay out the contract. So I think it's a win-win for everybody. No one has to watch Ronna McDaniel. And she gets a big payday for having negotiated this contract. I think that's, do you think that's how it's going to go? That's the golden parachute right here. Yeah, no, I agree with you. And I actually, I'm curious as to, I don't know who the head of NBC or MSNBC is. But remember when they fired Zooker at CNN, and I think Brandon like to his guy's name, he took over, and he tried to move the network towards the center. And then like after a couple of months, they were like, yeah, okay, reassigned. I wonder whoever the president of NBC that made this hire, if they're going to be reassigned. It's like when they had Kalin Collins interview Trump, you're exactly right. It's the same thing, and they've seen it play out. They saw how it played out at CNN. That's exactly what they're doing. You've got it. All right, I think we'll take calls on this. So again, if you want to call, we're going to take a break first, but then we'll take calls. 844-542-42 is the number if you'd like to line up. And before we go though, I do want to talk to you, you know, one of my favorite products that we talk about here on the show, it's my dad's favorite product too, which is Eden Pure. Yeah, your dad is a thunderstorm superstar from what I understand. He'll tell me later that this is his favorite part of the show as we talked about him and like the things that he likes. He's like, dad, did you hear the show? He's like, oh, yeah, I really liked it when Grace mentioned that I use the Eden Pure thunderstorm. But I thought my dad, like he bought one of these for like every room in his house, and I was like, have you gone crazy? Like, what is this? I didn't believe it. But if you've ever had a situation where there are weird smells, it could be a gas smell because, you know, you spilled something. It could be from food. It could be, you know, pets. I use them to get houses ready for sale when I have weird smells and a house I'm getting ready. I'm also a realtor to sell. I'll, I'll, I'll bring over the thunderstorm, plug it in, let it run for an afternoon. It's great. Yeah. And the great news now is for you. You can be like Aaron and his dad because you've been waiting for it. And now it's here. The Eden Pure thunderstorm air purifier. Bullgo offer is on. It's been extended for another week. You heard Aaron say it and a lot of people ask, does it really work? Yes, it does. It's small enough to hold in your hand. Doesn't take up any floor space, but it's as powerful as any big bulky floor unit. And what I love about it is it's great for my allergies, but I also like that it doesn't make things smell flowery. There's not this thick, sticky floral scented air that you have to worry about. It ionizes the air, which creates a super oxygen. And that is what eliminates any odors and allergens pollutants in your house. So right now, take advantage of the bogo offer. Get the Eden Pure thunderstorm air purifier today and get another one for free at That's and use code gracebogo. code gracebogo for your bogo Edenpure thunderstorm air purifier. Follow grace on Twitter @g_curly This is the Grace Curly Show. We're back here on the Grace Curly Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn in For Grace. We were talking before about this Kristen Welker and Rana McDaniel. And it's not like the way they make it seem is they're like, "Oh, you're giving her a platform." And that's not what they, they're not giving her a platform to spout. Like they're trying to make her agree with what they want and then use it as a gotcha moment. But the way they treated her too, play cut two. Rana, do you to the people who feel like you enabled Donald Trump and his lies about the election? Do you owe people an apology? Do you owe this country an apology? I mean, they should pay Rana McDaniel for going on and having to deal with this, right? They're like, it's so, like, Kristen Welker's so condescending. She's so extra. Play cut three. We'll see more of it. Speak to the people who hold you responsible for enabling Donald Trump and his mistruths, his lies about the election. Why should they trust you when they say they don't? They shouldn't, like, don't trust her. Like whatever, make up your own mind. Why is it Rana McDaniel's job to tell people why to trust her? NBC obviously thought it was worthwhile. They hired her. So, like, I mean, they brought her on. They're paying her to be a punching bag, essentially. And that's why she's doing it. She's legitimizing NBC. So again, I don't think that that NBC was giving her credibility. I think her being a Republican on one of these unfair rigged coverage networks that's trying to put itself off as mainstream. I think she's giving them credibility. Interested in what you think, if you'd like to join the conversation, 844-500-4242 is the number. Let's go and talk to Mike calling from Maine. I love when the Maine colors get in. Hey, Mike. She couldn't get enough abuse. She had to sign up for a week more, huh? Well, Grace is earned the time off. So we hope she's having fun, you know, dropping off flowers who brings us Kate or whatever it is she's doing. Well, you know, if you want to know why Rana McDaniel is looking for a new gig, all you have to do is look at the expenditure list from the GOP. And what she spent money on, it was extraordinary. If you read it, money on limousines, floorable arrangements, almost $100,000 and floorable arrangements. You get down the list, dry cleaning, beauty salon, hello, hello, hello. You know, she came up in 2020 doing the midterm, and I was with your boss at a fundraiser down in Sacco, your old boss from the middle of a page. And she showed up for about an hour. Through the whole thing, spoke for about 20 minutes, not even that, maybe 15 minutes. Jump back in her SUV with blackened out windows, like she's something superstar in robot. I wasn't impressed at all, and I don't think many of the people there were either. So there's a reason that she's looking for a new gig. You know what I mean? Just look at the expenditure. Does Google be the expenditure list when the RNC when she was in charge? And you'll see probably why she's looking for a new gig. Great points, Mike. Thanks for the call. I mean, I think it's a good point, right? I think people that get into these positions, RNC, chair, whatever, they, they become part of the beautiful people. It's the, you know, they run to throw the bombs out of office and then they take over and they're just as bad if not worse than the people they came to replace. And I think that's part of Rana McDaniel and why she doesn't have her job anymore is because, well, first of all, I mean, we know her relationship to Mitt Romney. She comes from the Romney family. She's, she's not necessarily in touch with the base. She won Donald Trump's favor when she was there and she had to keep it. But again, you were chair of the RNC. So you were really have to be responsive to the party. You don't get to tell the party what to do. It's the opposite way. And so she, for whatever reason, she outstayed her welcome. She didn't, she wasn't particularly great at winning elections. And so now she does need a a soft landing spot, right? That's what they're trying to, um, that's what they're trying to provide to her here at NBC. I don't know why. I just don't know. I don't know who looked at Rana McDaniel and said, Oh, here's someone that people need to hear from. It's just, it's, it's literally no one knew of any other Republicans. And they were like, Oh, we don't have any Republicans. And then they also have this like white list and black list. Like, are you blacklisted and not allowed to appear? Or are you whitelisted? And they've gotten a little confused with their white list and black list because it first was unless you voted to impeach Donald Trump or you came out on January 6th and said that he was the biggest threat to democracy ever. Unless you did that, you weren't allowed to come on the show. Now they've had to figure out, okay, well, well, Trump doesn't like Rana McDaniel now. So maybe we can have her. Maybe that makes her acceptable. Like they play all these weird, tortured rules and games about which conservative voices they'll allow on and which ones they'll silence like on CBS this on the weekend. I also watch 60 minutes, again, I'm an old soul. So I watched beat the press and I watch 60 minutes. And they had John Negroponte on, which I remember from the Iran Contras scandal forever ago. And then he became director of national intelligence, which I thought was terrifying, because I don't believe in giving these shady characters all this power and all this government control. Just see what happened to Donald Trump. And so, but they're having him on. And what was he on? He was, he was on to plead the case for why Lockheed Martin needed more money, right? That's what's wrong. The people that are the acceptable folks are the ones that have either sold out the American people or sold out to financial interests. That's who we're allowed to hear from. When what we want to hear from is people that are in touch with average, every day Americans who understand our real way of life, not the people who are carted around in these tinted window SUVs like Mike mentions, but people will actually see what the cost of gas is and the price of milk and eggs at the grocery store. Not people that have to feign that they know what they're talking about with shrinkflation, which is Joe Biden's newest thing. He's talking about the size of a Snickers bar, but we want real people who actually get it, who understand why immigration, uncontrolled immigration, illegal immigrants, flooding across the border, attacking the National Guard, why that's a problem. That's what we want to see. We'll take more of your calls. We'll die more into stories when we come back. I am Aaron Shadborn filling in for Grace here on The Grace Curly Show.