Pastor Bill Vecchio, Jr.
Fort Myers Community Church Podcast
Joshua 6 "Wall Breaker"
You are listening to sermon audio from Fort Myers Community Church. For more information about how to get involved in the life of this church family, please visit All right, so I did not personally know that Andrea had another level, but man, thank you for leading us into the presence of the Lord, I mean that was, man, praise God, to each God gives gifts, he's clearly given you that, he's clearly not given me that. But thank you, thank you for serving us and thank you to our volunteers, I mean, what a blessing to have over a hundred people serving and pulling off the fall fest, I mean, what a blessing. I mean, I got to walk around the people that had come from our community and so many stories of people that have never even stepped foot inside of a church, but where came and heard the good news of the Lord through the trampolines and their testimony, ensuring the gospel and just people and just hanging out and being around and seeing the presence of the Lord through love. So thank you for all your hard work and for me, thank you for all you do because God has blessed me with you. So as your pastor, you make it easy. So I can serve, Hebrews 13, 17 says submit to your elders for they keep watch over your souls and they should do this joyfully. I get to truly do this joyfully because of you. So thank you for being a great church family that I get to love and shepherd and that do truly love and shepherd me and my family and walk alongside us. So thank you guys, I appreciate you. So this morning, I want to talk to you, we've been through a season, I would say. If you're coming down, if you're just like, if your season only just come down from the north, came down from the north, you may have missed some of the storms, but the group here for the most part, I mean, we've been through it, right? We've been through a season, there's been these storms and hurricanes over the last few years and floods have been a thing. For me, I've lived on this coast, at least for over nine years and floods were never a thing and now all of a sudden, the last two years, they've been a thing. And so there's organizations, manufacturers and engineers are coming up with ways to stop the flooding and what they are, they're flood walls. And so there's going to be a picture that's going to come on up. And these flood walls are made and designed to put around homes and buildings and facilities. Some shoot up out of the ground, some you stake down and you fill up with water. Some are like stackable, almost like your, if you have like hurricane shutters and they stack in your garage, some of them stack like that and you connect them together and they create this barrier, hopefully to keep the bad out of what is good. But walls also keep what is good out from the bad, right? So that's walls are meant to keep away stuff and to be put around things and the reason why I'm sharing this is because this morning we are looking at Joshua 6 and we're talking about the story of Jericho. The story of Jericho is about this wall and we're looking at how the Israelites face the walls of Jericho. So here's our context kind of coming into this morning. There's a people group, their name is the Israelites and they were in captivity as slaves in Egypt. God declared that they are his people, the Israelites and so he saves them out of captivity and he leads them to where he says is the promised land but there are a lot of obstacles that are going to stand in their way and a lot of circumstances and in theory a lot of walls, right? Because walls are physical but then they're also figurative. I mean we face emotional walls and spiritual walls and battles within our lives and circumstances that we navigate and face on a daily basis. And so for them they had their backs up against the Red Sea and God shows them his favor and love and mercy and grace and parts the Red Sea and they go through and then he feeds them in the wilderness and because of their disobedience they wander but even in their wandering, even in their disobedience, their God provides for them. He protects them. He leads them through the wilderness and after 40 years he parts the Jordan River. He lets them walk across the Jordan River on dry ground to enter into now the promised land. Now the promised land is filled with people who worship other gods. They worship all different gods and the land is an unclean land and God is sending his people into this promised land to cleanse the land of the sin and immorality that's happening within this land. And so now they're about to go to battle and here's the first one that we see. It's the battle at Jericho. So in the story of Jericho we're going to see that there is no wall too great for God to break down. God truly is a wall breaker and He will break down the walls that we face in our lives. So the question I want you to think about, we're going to go into a time of reflection but the question I really want you to ponder this morning is what wall is standing between you and what you believe God has for you. What wall is standing between you and what you believe God has for you? Maybe you're struggling with your finances right now. Maybe you are living in a marriage that you would say is not great. Maybe you would even go as far as to say it's bad. Maybe the wall you face is addiction. Maybe it's in the search for a spouse. I know that dating and living a single life, it's not easy in our world and in our context. And so meeting somebody, wanting to share your time and your life with someone. It's a wall that you feel like you face as keeping you from what you believe God has for you. Maybe merely it's just being a teen. How many teens do we have in here? Maybe it's just being a teen, that whole crew, right? That's just life. Like you're just, every day is a wall that you face because you're a teen. Whatever the wall may be, no matter how big it is, I want you to know this morning that God, our God, is bigger. So I want to do is I want to open up to Joshua 6. I want to pray for us. And here's what we're going to do. Before I jump into Joshua 6, I want to give us a moment, moment of just silence to sit. I think often we come into here and we're ready and we open up our Bibles, we're ready to dive in, but we don't just take a minute to kind of silence the noise that's going on inside our hearts and in our minds and all the things that we're thinking about. Maybe it's the walls that you're facing right now that are starting to come to the surface and you're starting to cognitively think about all the things you got to do when you leave here to try your best to muster up strength to get through. Sit for a moment, reflect on the goodness of the Lord, and then I'll pray for us. Take a moment, be with the Lord right now. [ Pause ] [ Pause ] [ Pause ] Father God, life is a journey and often we can feel so lost and hopeless. There are things that have been set before us, circumstances, situations, problems, callings. It just seems like too much, Lord. And so wherever we are right now, wherever someone finds himself, I pray that you would meet them right here and we all would send your presence and that you would draw us closer to your throne of grace. God, I thank you for all of the churches that are in our area that stand firm on your gospel. God, I thank you for summit and next-level and ocean and new hope and faith Bible and Calvary and Sanibel community, mission community, new church plant that we're going to be sending out, beacon community church. God, we pray that you do a mighty work in and through your church so that your kingdom may grow here on earth as it is in heaven. God, I know for many of us, we are walking into this election season with anxiety and fear. But I pray right now in this moment, God, that we would all realize and recognize that we are not of this world, that we worship and serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords and it's not about our political party or candidates, it is about worshiping and keeping our eyes fixed and focused on you. So no matter what the outcome is, Lord, in this next election, I pray that we would know that you are in control and you will guide us and lead us through no matter what the circumstances are that we may face. You are our protector, you are our King, you are our Lord. I do pray, Lord, that we would fight for the unborn. I do pray, Lord, that we would serve your church and your world and uphold your word to a lost and dying world around us. But God, even if things in our world continue to disintegrate as they have been rapidly, Lord, I pray that we would keep our eyes fixed and focused on eternity. We love you so much and we are thankful, Lord, for your love and your mercy and your grace. It's in your name that we pray, amen. So the walls of Jericho, like our walls, they must come down. And so as we jump into Joshua 6, I want us to understand three ideas. And this is the first idea that I want us to understand. Walls are impenetrable. Look at verse 1. Now Jericho was shut up inside and outside because the people of Israel, none went out and none came in. So here's where we're walking into this morning because this is part of the context of the story. Before they crossed over the Jordan, Joshua had sent two spies into Jericho while the gates were open. And they go in to scout out the land. Now the people of Jericho had heard about the people of Israel. They had heard that there was this God, Yahweh, that was doing massively amazing, awesome things for the people of Israel. And it caused the people in Jericho to be scared and fearful. And so these spies came in, they found out about the spies and they went on a hunt for the spies and Rahab, a prostitute, someone that was abused and used and hurt in her culture, rescued those spies, hid those spies and then they made a promise with Rahab that they would save her and her family. So the spies left and they were able to go back and give an account for what was about to take place. These people are scared, they're fearful that we are here because Yahweh is with us. And now they shut down the city. Gates are closed, they've got army men everywhere, they're on top and actually we're going to see them a little bit, they had men of valor, like they actually had a really good army. So they are in lockdown mode right now. And Israel is walking up. But these walls are impenetrable, they're massive. Archaeological studies would show that they were thick and high, a symbol of strength and security. So this city would have been according to studies around 10 acres. That's about how big the city is. You know how big this land is that has been gifted to us in the 10 acres? We were gifted 10 acres. So if you look at the land that sits around these two buildings, that's 10 acres. That's the size of the city. And to walk around this city was about half of a mile or one kilometer. And so this was a huge massive wall. They say it was about six feet wide. So like one barrel laying down, but he's what six, 11, and about 12 feet high. So two barrels stacked on top of each other. Massive wall. They could not dig under it. They could not punch through it and they could not climb over it because the army was there ready and waiting. You know, when you and I, when we size up the walls that are in front of us, the things that we face every single day, we often see them through the lens of what you and I could accomplish. The problems, circumstances, situations that we find ourselves in our lives, we often view them through the lens of what I can do through my gifts, my talents, my abilities, my resources. What can I accomplish? But what we have to realize and recognize is that walls are impenetrable. No matter how gifted we are, no matter how many resources we may have at our disposal, is that there are walls that we're going to face that we can't punch through, dig under, or climb over. COVID proved that to us because it didn't matter your race, your ethnicity, your social status, your age, where you are financially like it just hit who it hit. We face walls like this every single day. So imagine being an Israelite listening to Joshua and like hearing the plan and like starting to like process what's going on as you're walking up to this massive wall. Like, take this city, like, wait, hold on a second, like you want us to do what? Like that wall? I mean, come on, this sounds crazy. And often I would say that I meet on a weekly basis, I meet with couples and individuals that have that same mindset as they're facing the walls that they face in their everyday life, that my addiction is too deep, that my marriage is too broken, that my job is too impossible, that I'm too hurt, that I'm feeling anxious and fear all the time, and I can't overcome this, it's too big, too massive, it's impenetrable. And not all the walls that we face are sinful, by the way. I want to give us some pictures in our minds so that you could understand that we face walls every day, but not all of them are sinful. I mean, maybe it's a calling or something that God has called you to build his kingdom. Maybe God has called you to start a ministry. Maybe you have this sense of like, I need to do something with my life that is for the kingdom of God, and you're like, oh, but that seems too big. Maybe it's foster care. Maybe God has been stirring in your heart to be a foster parent, and you're like, oh, I don't know if I could do that. I don't know if I could handle bringing a child into my life and then having to give them back and the pain that that would cause. Or maybe it's adoption. Maybe God is calling your family to adopt, oh, but I'm single, but I have this calling on my life to adopt. Or another kid in our family, that just sounds nuts. Whatever it may be, whatever the wall is, the calling, the kingdom building mindset, for the sin that you face in your everyday life, or the circumstance, God is bigger. And these walls stand as a barrier in our lives, and often they cause paralysis. They cause us to just not be able to do anything. We try to fight these battles on our own, but just like the Israelites facing Jericho, we're incapable of overcoming these walls by our own strength. And it's not just us in this room. It's all humans. Every human is incapable. So here's the second thing. Humans are incapable. Look at verses two through five. And the Lord said to Joshua, see, I have given Jericho into your hand. If you like to write in your Bible or your highlight, that's a great verse right there. See, I've given Jericho into your hand. If it's king and it's mighty men of valor, you shall march around the city, all the men of war going around the city once, thus you shall do for six days. Seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of ram's horns before the ark. On the seventh day, you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets. And when they make a long blast with the ram's horn, when you hear the sound of the trumpet, and all the people shall shout with a great shout, and the wall of the city will fall down flat, and the people shall go up every one straight before him. You know, from a human perspective, the Israelites were completely unequipped to take down this wall. They did not have siege weapons, like they did not go into a season where they were building stuff so that they could take down this wall. I mean, they literally had ram's horns and their voices. I mean, it's like if you have an infant in your house, asking that infant to do your taxes and then make you breakfast, it ain't happening. Completely impossible. Like that's the plan. I mean, have you ever felt like that with God sometimes or in situations in your life where you're like, God, that's the plan? And then you want to educate God on what the better plan would be. Where are my control freaks? Raise your hand. Let me see where you're at. I know that you're there, so just be honest, this is church, raise your hand. You need to know what's going on. You need to know the plan. You're thinking, all right, God, you were able to chisel 10 commandments into stones. I think you're able to write out the plan. At least just, you know, sky-writing maybe or just a memo in the mail would be fine. But we don't know the plan often and God still calls us to trust Him. We don't like it because often we're incapable of whatever the thing is that God has allowed to be placed before us so that we don't rely on our own power but His. But still we want to know the plan, we want to know how to do it, and then we want to inform God about how He could do it better. And it sounds silly, but that's how we do. I mean, often we're not prepared, we're not educated and we're not experienced to tackle the walls that are in our lives. I mean, just contemplate that for just a minute. I mean, does anyone here, there may be one, but does anyone here have a master's in overcoming addiction? What about a doctrine finances? Like, think about, but we have to face these things every day. We have to go through these battles, anybody, anybody here write a book on marriage? What about parenting? We're not experts and guess what? Even the experts get it wrong. I mean, look at the weather people. I mean, like, literally, you put up like a spaghetti plot, like, like, all the hurricane, right? Like, you're like, right, where's this thing at hand? Like, well, here's the deal. The expert on TV is like, it could hit here, it could hit here, or it could hit here. So really the entire Gulf Coast of the Gulf of Mexico, you should get prepared and go get some toilet paper. I mean, that's the advice that the experts are giving us. Like, if you're going to stock up on anything, go get that. The experts don't have all the right answers. Why? Because as humans, we are not perfect. We don't know all the answers. And even the ones that have the highest degrees still fail. And so we are incapable. I mean, when I first became a dad, I mean, I had never changed a diaper in my entire life. I mean, I was told, growing up, that if you held the baby wrong, their head was going to fall off. Like, literally, that's what my parents told me. And so I was definitely scared of holding babies my whole life. And then all of a sudden, there's one that's going to be mine. Like, who approved of that? You know, during the Irma, sorry, Ian, we had a group of people that had gone over to the other coast, and then they were able to get a bunch of supplies and bring them back to us. And so they came back with a bunch of generators and chainsaws, things that this New York City boy did not ever use or do. But I grabbed a chainsaw, grabbed chains, grabbed bar chain oil, didn't know you needed that. Gasoline, fuel stabilizer, and gloves, and like the goggles and all the stuff. And then I started driving around the neighborhoods with crews of people from this church trying to, because that was a big problem. Like all these trees had come down because the ground was so wet and people couldn't get in their homes, and they couldn't get through the streets. And so we're literally driving neighborhoods, cutting trees. I mean, I became a chainsaw expert. You know, I'm driving around, coming. I felt so cool, right? I'm coming. I'm over to my trunk. I'm putting my gloves on. People are like, "Are you an arborist?" I'm like, "No, I'm an optimist, but I don't know." I mean, but I learned how to use a chainsaw, but I'm not perfect in that. Like, we have these situations in our lives, these walls that we have to face day in and day out, and these things are just thrown at us sometimes. We can't prepare for them. All of a sudden, you're sitting in the doctor's office, and they come in with news you weren't expecting. Your blood results come back. You wake up and there's pain. What happened? Old age? Like, you saw some hurts. Like, you didn't do anything. And then you got to go figure out what it is, and then all of a sudden, you need surgery. Like, these walls that we face in our lives, we can't be always prepared for, and we don't know how to get through them. We are incapable. But listen. Remember the thing I told you to highlight, the thing I told you to circle? God told Israel, "I have given Jericho into your hands." He told them the outcome before he even told them what the plan was, and he tells us in his word what the plan is, and he tells us in his word what the outcome is going to be. He has already won the victory for us. "I have given Jericho into your hands." That's why Joshua 1-9 is the theme verse of this entire study that we've been doing. God is with you wherever you go. If you have placed your faith and your hope and your trust in Jesus Christ, God is with you wherever you go, whatever wall you face, whatever you come up to, that God is with you. And he is going to be there with you, and he's going to get you through whatever that thing may be. And notice what he says here, because the wall is flattened. Let's keep looking at this, because here's the third thing. So God's plan wasn't based on their capability. He was based on his plan and his power, because here's what we see. God accomplishes the impossible. God accomplishes the impossible. Look at verse 15 with me. So they do what God tells them to do. On the seventh day, they rose early at the dawn of the day and marched around the city in the same manner seven times, and it was only on that day that they marched around the city seven times. And at the seventh time, when the priest had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, "Shout, for the Lord has given you the city and the city and all that is within it shall be devoted to the Lord for destruction. Only this is important. Rehab the prostitute and all who are with her in her how shall live, because she hid the messengers who we sent. But you keep yourselves from the things devoted to destruction. Just when you have devoted them, you take any of the devoted things and make the camp of Israel a thing for destruction and bring trouble upon it." We're going to talk about that next week. Verse 19, "But all the silver and gold, every vessel of bronze and iron are holy to the Lord, and they shall go into the treasury of the Lord." So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown, and as soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down. It fell down flat, and so that the people went up into the city every man straight before him, and they captured the city. You know, it was a strange plan, but it was God's plan, and it worked. God's plan always worked, but often we don't believe it's going to work, and often God's plan is not our plan, and you know what it does? It requires humility from us to surrender our lives and our hearts to Him and Him alone, because we don't know what's best. I mean, think about how impossible this siege would have been. I mean, not just that the wall would have come down, but like equipped with their voices and some horns, and they shout in victory, and the wall falls down flat. Have you ever played with blocks with a kid? What's one of the most fun things to do once you're done playing with blocks and you build like a nice wall or a castle or something? What's the most fun thing to do? You knock it down, right? Well, if it's Legos or other blocks, like, I mean, those things are going to kill you when you step on them. They don't go down flat, right? They're all over the place. It's a mess, but somehow, in this scenario, the wall goes down flat so that they could just walk right through. That doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense physically that this six foot by 12 foot wall would go down flat so that they can now enter in and not have to climb over all the stuff while they're getting shot at or whatever is going on with the army, like, it goes down flat. The God of all power doing the impossible for his people. You know what else is crazy? I mean, this is nuts. You ever play with dominoes to where, like, you knock one down and then it knocks all the other ones down? Well, as you're thinking through, it's like, okay, so like, there's a hole in the ground that God, like, sucks up the wall in or something, right? But somehow, in some way, he saves Rahab's house that's built into the wall? Like that's literally impossible, but our God is not someone running around with a machete just knocking things down like he is a surgeon. He is precise in his plan and his execution of what he needs to do in order to move his people forward, and so he saves and rescues Rahab and her family somehow by allowing that wall to stay standing, but the rest of it falls down flat. What accomplishes the impossible, and he preserves the life of an abused, outcast, sinful, broken, hurt woman, and then graphs her and her whole family into his family. We talked about this weeks ago, but don't miss this, as that Rahab was the most unlikely person in that city for God to save because of her profession and because of her abuse and her hurt and her pain, but he saves her, and not only does he save her, but he graphs her into his family so that through her lineage, through her lineage, the King of kings and the Lord of Lords is going to be born. If you weren't here, like she is the great great great great great great great great grandmother of Jesus. The biggest wall you will ever face is not your finances. It's not the struggles that you have in your marriage. It's not being a teen. It's not the calling that you're running away from. The biggest wall you were ever faced in your life is the wall of hostility that sits between you and a holy God for all of eternity. As a sinner, you deserve to be separated from God for all of eternity in a place called hell. It is a real place. But God wrapped himself in human flesh, came down from eternity from perfection to be born so that you and I can have a personal intimate relationship with Him. So He is not only just saving us from this wall of hostility, but He is tearing it down completely, wiping it out flat so that we are in Him and through Him and for Him and by Him and everything that we can do can filter into His plan and His salvation purposes for this world. That's the good news of the gospel. Just like Rahab's, and he saves her life so you and I can have salvation in Him. And what is required of us? It's not this list of all of your accomplishments. Please hear me on this. Like I think often we think we need to come before God with all the things we've done in our lives that are good things and show Him as He sees God, this is why I deserve to come into heaven. None of that is required. The only thing you bring to the table is not your accomplishments, it's your failures. The only thing you bring to the table is your sin and He takes that and He makes you His child. He adopts you as His son and as His daughter. So ladies, you know what the name is of a daughter of the king, a princess, of the king of kings and the Lord of lords. Man, we are princes of the king of kings and the Lord of lords and He's on our side. If you don't have a personal relationship with Him, man, if there's nothing else you love for today, know that God loves you and He wants a relationship with you. He wants you to know His love that He is for you and not against you and He sent Jesus to prove His love for you. He broke down the wall of hostility between us and Him with His life, with His death and with His resurrection. So our God is a wall breaker, amen? So what do we do with this? What's our response to this? It's trust and obey. There's an old hymn, trust and obey, but there's no other way to be happy in Jesus and to trust and obey. I mean, that's what was required of the Israelites, facing this wall, was to trust that their God was for them, that their God was with them and that He was going to do what He said He was going to do, and then obey what He said to do. So when He said blow those horns, they blew the horns, when He said shout, they shouted. To trust and obey. Because whatever wall you're facing today, God is able to break it down. You know, when we read the Bible, and God speaks to us, because God does speak through His Word. This is His Word to us. This is His voice. This is His heart. You know what we're supposed to do? Listen. And in faith, trust and obey. Put the faith that we have into action. You know, obedience is kind of like the visual of bumpers on a bowling alley. I don't know if you're a professional bowler, but for me, I'm not. And so I use my kids as the excuse of why the bumpers are up, why I'm bowling. But really, I just love it. I mean, because I actually can get above 100. Right? But that's what God's Law, He puts up these rails for us and says, "Hey, this is where you will experience the greatest joy. This is where you will experience the greatest satisfaction, the greatest peace, the greatest hope." But what we're doing for some reason is constantly going outside of it and trying to find that same peace, hope, joy, and love outside of what God has placed for us. And all He calls us to do is stay inside in obedience and to trust Him and obey what He says for Him to do. That's good news that He has given us that. We don't have to be so good that we can bow without bumpers. We keep them up and we just enjoy knowing Him and getting to know Him and experiencing Him and know that He is for us and not against us. And then I also want to speak about the role of prayer and praise in this process. Because if you look at verses 10 and verse 16 and verse 20, you'll notice that they actually shout a victory shout before the walls fall down. Their trust and their obedience causes in them something to rise up where they know that God is going to tear down the wall for them. And so they shout out in victory. I mean, look at verse 16. And at the seventh time when the priests had blown the trumpets, Joshua said to the people, shout for what the Lord has given you the city. And then the wall crumbles. This is where prayer and praise meet, trust and obedience. Where we as His children gather in a place like this and we are singing songs of praise out to God, but we're also still facing these walls in our life. Maybe it's just me, but I know that there are a lot of people here that have walls in their life that haven't come down. The walls that they're facing today that they're even thinking about right now, but pastor, you don't understand what I'm facing. You don't understand what's before me. I don't, but God does. He knows exactly what you're facing and He is big enough to tear down that wall. So what do we do? We stand and we shout a victory shout of praise knowing that our God is bigger and He's going to take down that wall. That's what trust and obey and obedience and faith is. And we find joy in it. You know, there was this moment, I've used this example before, but it's such a clear example to me. My parents, when I was really, really young, they were looking at RVs. And then this one particular RV, if you don't want anything about RVs, there's usually like a kitchenette section. And under the kitchen benches, there was storage space and there was a little thing at the end that you could open up and then you could stick stuff underneath the seats. It's me as a rambunctious little kid, I decided to crawl into one of them. Not realizing that the door was on a hinge and it was going to slam shut behind me, trapping me inside this thing. So I start freaking out. I didn't know I was claustrophobic until that moment, but I was freaking out and all I could hear was my dad tearing up this RV, trying to find the voice of me crying out to him. And I remember the moment when I heard the latch on that door begin to open and I was able to crawl out and jump into his arms and feel his embrace and be freed from that trap. And I think that there are people here today that feel so trapped in whatever circumstance they find themselves in, that they are screaming and yelling, "I want you to know that God hears you and he is coming for you and he wants you to run into his arms and grab him and hold on to him because he is for you and with he is for you, then nothing can be against you." So, wherever you find yourself today, know that our God is a wall breaker and God accomplishes the impossible for his children. And so we stand and we sing and we praise and we go out and we tell the world about his good news because every single person in your life has a wall that they are facing. And the only way that they are going to be able to see that wall break is through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. So, let's trust and know that he is who he says he is and that he is for us and not against us. Amen? Can I pray for us? Oh, God, you are so good. But I do know because I have them in my own life, Lord, that every single one of us has these things, these circumstances, these situations, these sins, these callings that just seem too big to overcome. But God, as we see in the story of Jericho, this is not just a physical wall that they are facing, Lord, they are facing this wall of calling, no, trying to wrap their minds on. Is this really what you have for us, Lord? And so, God, I pray for every single person here that they would truly trust and obey you, that they would know that there is no other way, that all of their hard work, all of their dedication, all of their self-help, that it's never going to amount to the ultimate wall breaker. So, God, I pray that they would surrender their lives. I pray, Lord, that you would do a mighty work in and through every single person here. God, whatever wall we face, whatever situation or hurt or pain or fear that we are up against, Lord, I pray that we would trust you as our wall breaker. God, if there is anybody in this room that does not have a personal, intimate, interactive relationship with you, God, I pray, I pray, Father, that your Spirit would begin the process of stirring life in them and that they would surrender their hearts and their lives to you, that you would tear down the walls of hostility and bring them from death to life. God, we love you, we are for you. We need you, so we pray this in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Spirit, amen. [MUSIC PLAYING]