Mission 66 (English podcast)
Mission 66 Preview of Daily Podcast
If you continue in my word then you are truly disciples of mine and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. They are the words of Jesus Christ saying that the path to truth is the path to true freedom, peace and eternal life. And Jesus says the keys to that truth are found in His Word. What is His Word? Well His Word is the only book in the whole world that is alive. What do I mean by that? Well I mean that every one of its pages has the potential for God to reach out of the page into your heart and transform your life and your eternal future forever. No other book can do that because this is the book that tells the story of God creating our planet and everything in it including His pride and joy that is us human beings. And the Bible goes on to tell the story of how sin enters the world through mankind and how God sets in motion His incredible plan to redeem and buy back humanity through sending His only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross and pay the price Himself for the sins of all who believe and in rising from the dead as He did. He conquers death and sin forever. That paves the way for you and me to have eternal life with Him. But you know it's not an easy journey. Life is often far from easy and yet the Bible tells us that the path of freedom, peace and eternal hope is found in its pages. And the Bible's sweeping narrative it's full of power and it's anointed by God's Holy Spirit. It contains 66 books and so we bring you mission 66. If your desire is to be transformed and to know that freedom love and peace that you've long for all your life, to fill that God-shaped hole in your life with the only thing that will meet your deepest longings and needs. Or if you simply are at a stage where you want to understand a little bit more about the Bible and its power, or if neither of those are you. You just want though to listen to words of hope and encouragement in a world where there are plenty of words of discouragement and hopelessness. Then I present mission 66. My name is John Paul Davis and I voice the part of John Matthews in the program. Now John Matthews is the English speaking voice of Dr. Louis Seow who originally wrote Route 66 as it was called in Portuguese for the people of his homeland Brazil, taking the name of that famous US highway to signify the span of mission 66 which goes through the entire Bible from beginning to end. And so we've adapted Route 66 to mission 66. And as we read through the Bible I'm going to be discussing the key contents of each chapter with Esther. Now Esther is going to keep me very much on my toes. She'll be asking searching questions about what each chapter means and how it directly relates and impacts you and I today in the 21st century. And I'm delighted to say that Unati Sedole will be the voice of Esther and she joins me now. So Unati, look how exciting is this project for you? Oh John Paul it truly is such a blessing to be a part of this program because it spotlights the life-changing truth of God's eternal words which we know to have the power to change hearts and lives to God's glory. You know I've actually heard it said that the Bible is God's love letter to humanity and I'm so excited to explore the greatest love story that's ever been told with you and with our friends as well from Genesis all the way through to Revelation. You know going through the whole Bible a chapter at a time it really allows for each of us to drink in and to understand God's words deeper. And I believe that we will all be changed and challenged, convicted and comforted. Yeah what a prospect that is absolutely love that. You know I've been broadcasting for Sky and the BBC in the UK for 20 years. This is the greatest privilege of my life to be able to read the words of life and share them with as many people as we can. It is the most important thing that I've ever done. Why? Because I know with all of my heart that the words that Jesus said to his disciples the night before he died they resonate through the centuries. They are as true today as they have ever been and in a world of spin and misinformation the truth of the Bible is the foundation that will stand firm until Jesus returns and ushes in forevermore. Who is Jesus? Jesus answers that himself by saying I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to God the Father except through me isn't that great? Oh absolutely. Now Jung Paul tell me is mission 66 just available in English? No more good news and arties that mission 66 is being translated into the 10 most spoken languages of the world and those translations are at various stages but they include Japanese, Arabic, Ukrainian and the primary language of China Mandarin. Okay well tell us a little bit about the man who began mission 66 Dr. Luis Sayao. Yeah well Dr. Luis Sayao is the director of the Sao Paulo Baptist theological seminary in Brazil and you know he's the guy who translated the message translation of the Bible into Portuguese he also developed a Brazilian study Bible and he's a talented linguist as Dr. Sayao he's also fluent in seven languages himself so we owe him a debt of gratitude for the incredible work that he's done in originating this content. Oh wow that's that's pretty impressive. You know John Paul I think that the Bible at times may seem like a pretty daunting book isn't it? With the 66 books and it's 1,189 chapters so please tell us what each episode of mission 66 will look like. Yeah good question well yeah first thing to say is that each episode is covered in prayer and we know that there is such a power in prayer as there is power in the words of the Bible so before anybody listens to a word of mission 66 there are many people across the world praying that the life that is in its pages will reach out to your ears to the minds and hearts of everybody who listens and you know it's created with a listener in mind so that those who don't go to church or have never heard or read the Bible before will be able to grasp its meaning and that its power would impact every single listener regardless then of where they are on this journey through life and each episode you ask there well it's going to be around 25 minutes long and it's going to feature me reading a chapter or chapters and then you I know are going to ask me some but some burning questions that arise from the Bible's pages so look if you're yearning deep in your heart for a hope that isn't here today and gone tomorrow if if you long for the love of a Savior that will meet your deepest needs if you long to be truly free free from the the things that promise freedom but ultimately only bring more confusion anxiety and hopelessness then please join us for mission 66 well mission 66 begins on Monday October 28th and will start at the beginning of the New Testament in the book of Matthew and of course Matthew was one of Jesus's followers while he was on earth and it is the first of four books that contain eyewitness accounts of Jesus's life death and resurrection Jesus said for God so loved the world that he gave he's one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and therefore and that includes you so join us for mission 66 a journey that can change your life (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]