The Left Wing Back Podcast

Rachel Sawyer on Carlow's dramatic promotion - Jack Kavanagh on League Final - Underage Games - Camogie & more

It was a fantastic weekend for Carlow Ladies Footballers as they sealed promotion after a last gasp Maeve O'Neill goal. We catch up with Rachel Sawyer who talks us through it.

Carlow Senior Hurlers are prepping for a League Final this Sunday. We chat to veteran Jack Kavanagh ahead of that.

We also go through underage fixtures, camogie and lots more

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Broadcast on:
25 Mar 2024
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It was a fantastic weekend for Carlow Ladies Footballers as they sealed promotion after a last gasp Maeve O'Neill goal. We catch up with Rachel Sawyer who talks us through it.

Carlow Senior Hurlers are prepping for a League Final this Sunday. We chat to veteran Jack Kavanagh ahead of that.

We also go through underage fixtures, camogie and lots more

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[Music] Hello, and welcome along once again to the Left Wing Back podcast. Last two to suggest on today's program, we'll be looking back at Carlo Lady's Four Borders, Mike Navison, last gasp of victory over from Anna at the weekend. We'll be chatting to Rachel Sawyer, who has been the star of the show for the Carlo Lady's Four Borders over the past number of years. There was a new star emerging in that particular victory, which may have only popped up with the winner, may have had played a minor game the day previously, and hardly a goal in short Carlo achieved from Ocean 2, Division 3. A team longing for success did come so close on previous occasions in League Championship fixtures, and now they're going to pretend to do some train next year and have a League final look forward to against Limerick in a couple of weeks' time. So we'll be chatting to Rachel Sawyer a little bit later on on the program. Also preparing for a League final, a little bit closer to home, on this particular Sunday course, are the Carlo Senior Harlers. They take on Leish at 3 o'clock in Netwatch Colin Park in the Division 2A final. It will be about one or one indeed. Carlo got the better of Leish in the group stages, Leish then went and won the semi-final of the League against them, but Carlo haven't already gone straight through to the final. So that will be a tasty one indeed. So yeah, we'll be chatting to Jack about that and you know, very sort of different things. We could have went on for ages and ages, we left it at 15 or 16 minutes, but we'll definitely get Jack back on for a longer conversation, maybe in the not too distant future. So look, we're here in association as always, which are kind supporters and partners. That is the Talbot Hotel in Carlo. The lovely dress rooms are now open in Talbot Fitness Gym. If you talked nicely to Mark down there, he might look after you with a bit of membership as well. Mention the left wing by podcast the course and see what might happen. Cora sports, Emmett and Shane Moore, and looking after all, your sports clothing needs a Carlo supplier and a Carlo seller. So what more could you want? Parto Motors located on their brain road in Carlo. Some of the finest used cars you will get and commercial vehicles, also check out part of their on Instagram at Parto Motors and obviously the website there as well. Railway Unlimited, Waste Management Services. They have been the best in the business for quite some time. Morrie's Bar in Bala Morphe as good a point as you get into Saudi Carlo and Shane doing great stuff with the Carlo Minor Komogu team who were in action at the weekend as well. Parto horror photography who has supplied photographs for his over the past couple years and goes out in rail hail, seat or snow. Detail men's are a Carlo when you want to get tugged out, Shane and the boys look after you in therapy. PFT Traveler obviously goes to the question MJ Farrell and the gang there will get you from A to B, whether it's the 52 seat or the 16 seat or the 30 seat or day will not see a stock in Arts Pass. If you're after having maybe a stressful day of stress through the week, maybe hit up Warner Mullen. Involve at Arts Pass there, jump into the jacuzzi, that will get you back on the straight and narrow. So that's our claim partners. If you want to partner with us and anyway whatsoever, we've got web advertise and only we've got packages that include podcasts and websites and we've got social media logos and all that kind of jazz as well. So there's different things available, hit us up there info at So results at the weekend. The Carlo minor horrors were in action against Kerry Day last out there in the end. We have a report up on the website with Leon McGaugh writing that one for us. It's great to have Leo writing some stuff for us there over the past couple of weeks. Meant a lot, definitely someone I looked up to in terms of coaching and indeed from a journalism point of view and have Leo do bits and pieces for us is yeah, it's kind of a pinch me moment. So check out that on our website. We've also got reports on the Carlo ladies footballers win over from Anna. As I said, we talked to Rachel Sawyer very shortly about that one. The Carlo minor ladies footballers be Kenny, Carlo Komogu team, lose note early to mead and the minors likewise down in Kerry a tricky task they come up sharp by three points I think it was. In the end the Carlo footballers, they finished out their division four campaign against London winning by 117 to 110. I especially mentioned Musco to Shane and Jamie Clark, who lead the pass on her condolences to the Tarak family. Their grandfather passed away during the week in the two of them were very prominent as was Mikey Barmerko. I think got the KCLR minor in the match and again we want to pass on her condolences to the Barmerick family also because a briefing did happen there in the past 24 hours. So as we said next weekend we have the league final at three o'clock in netwatch Colin Park. On Tuesday night on a more park at half seven this game is live on clover but it's only over the road for why is it a baller who ran up and they're choosing like under 20 lensor football damage of Carlo forces leash we want to wish Simon Ray our good friend very best-looking another great friend of ours is Mikey O of course his minor footballers are in action in netwatch Colin Park on Wednesday evening against Wexford at 7.30. Last look forward lots of fixtures check out carlogi.e get the results of the football leagues the boys are cops and every fixture you want in all the world and result carlogi website is the one to keep an eye on. So let's hear from Rachel Sawyer after Carlo's fantastic victory and immediately after that we'll be hearing from St Mullins and Karla Horlenstahler Jack Kavna ahead of the league final on Sunday. Turning our attention now to ladies football and after years of heartache taking boat league and championship Carlo ladies footballers yesterday secure promotion at long last division tree one of the key players in the side is Rachel Sawyer who contributed very handsomely on the scoreboard once again yesterday and delighted to say that Rachel joins us here now in the podcast Rachel firstly congratulations and secondly welcome award thanks Kevin thanks for having me on as well you must be absolutely thrilled with this yeah delighted though absolutely delighted um it's been a long time come when getting to something like an all-around fine with Carlo so uh yeah absolutely true yeah from your point of view right so you're on the go at add a level definitely from kamoyu point you're not so sure about ladies football but i'm looking at it and i'm thinking to me so this is year eight slash year nine of adult intercounty for you be it kamoyu be it ladies football and how old are you i i'm 24 okay well that's a long time to be playing and you're still only 24 you've a lot of years ahead of you yeah i mean you've had some you've had some great days i suppose in that length of time you've had some pretty poor ones as well does that make yesterday all the sweeter then oh for sure yeah yeah no as you're saying there i started kamoyu game 2016 and then we've carried a football in 2017 so it has been a long time come and and yeah i'd like to think i have a few more years in me but your interior i do but we'll see yeah definitely yeah it's very very sweet to get an all-around fine with carol first time in seven years playing with units it's an reason we've been up and under the floor for so long so we're absolutely trained yeah i mean there's been so many not just like i mean there's none of them easy right but really heartbreaking to face like close encounters beating challenges or beating league and like how much do they kind of play apart when it comes to the psyche of yesterday or is it just treated as a blank canvas again uh in my head anyway i'd be treating it as a blank canvas you'd be trying not to think too much about the bus but um it's only when we got over the line yesterday that we realized the relief of having that gotten over the line in previous years all it all makes it work to make sure for you like well we deserve that you know and we're all happy yeah and i suppose what you're carrying with that as well i mean there's an awful lot of pressure there's an awful lot of you know different types of emotion i guess and all that then is released in in one moment i suppose oh for sure like as soon as i was around for the end are the screens out of everyone it was it was immense uh definitely a big release um as you said yeah like we i think i've heard in three alone semi-finals and challenge of the parallel and each of them were so close um i mean two or three points we even drew one and had to go to extra time so um we've been very close for a long time yeah and how do you keep coming back then like what's the you know how do you not get disheartened i guess is it as simple as just days like yesterday or like i mean it's easy to say that now but it was quite close to being very different but what brings you back in the first place to put yourself in that position where you can experience something like yesterday um i suppose this year anyways it was very easy to come back into it because we had been so close and we all learned from the final last year and we had the conference boost of our management team staying on and all the girls who had started all learned semi-final last year all staying on as well so and it was a very easy decision not to stay on this year um and then in general i suppose when i was younger i was just delighted to be playing and uh and i still am as well delighted to be playing so um it's something you just enjoy doing and i'm so used to doing it now i i love going back to it the realization hit you dash it's so difficult to do more chords this year yeah yeah no i i realized that there maybe two or three years ago and i stopped playing dual three seasons ago so this is my third season now just committing to one goal just the football and um i am loving it i'm loved being able to give a hundred percent to one team and to not feel like you're letting down the other team by you know getting injured or something silly and then you're letting them two teams uh so no i'm loving giving it even all to the one and um it's it's not easy to do both um i don't think there's any dual players this year it's the first time in long time for parallel now we've had no dual players but uh yeah it's not easy yeah and i think i mean you speak about the love of the game and you do love it you're really inside playing but you could see how someone could take a dislike into it if they're out as often maybe as you might have been going back three or four years ago as ever example oh yeah yeah for sure and you really have to be in the right mindset to be doing both and i surely caught in the family for the last two years so i'm very glad to be just doing the one and because you wouldn't be long getting burnt out you know you're a drag left errand center you'd be training i'd say if i was doing jewing now i'd say i'd be training five five likes to be including that match then if not two matches to each end you know so that would be very tough corn yeah i was talking to someone recently who said and what named the county right boy an underage under 16 ladies quote it's not carol it's a county in lenster uh problems enough county i suppose lenster if you want to put it that way and at under 16 level those four sessions away two field two gym wearing gps units um you know that your plans the whole works like what you'd expect of a senior site do you think an under 16 is that possibly excessive or is that kind of what you might need to be doing now is this where we're at and where does the enjoyment kind of lay in all is like actually i don't know if you keep money under 16 doing that now and i suppose if you're doing group gym sessions it can be good and especially if you're learning the the basics all together and as a group gym that would be good and what two lines a week and that does definitely seem excessive on the gps units now which is the very advanced anyway yeah and it's what someone said it's all we're thinking Rachel but others would say Janie that's a that's a fair ask for someone who you know essentially is a kid and i appreciate that in around that age you can go into the adult setup as you did back at the time but i mean Janie just they're serious enough demands though isn't it like for something that's supposed to be fun at the end of the day yeah yeah and you do have to remind yourself of that as well that it is just the phone at the end of the day um like you're you're playing you're nearly thinking of your younger self playing not sure you just played it for fun and you're just trying to be like that again like it's just another game at the end of the day and we're looking to be playing and she'll be enjoying it so uh i think uh i'd say under 16 the tears from 16 all right yeah you have a great mindset and approach to it and you know you strike me as someone who's quite chill in general that not really fairs you know i'm here to enjoy the end of the day whether that's like you know a league semi-final or an semi-final um a club final whatever the case may be i think it's a great mindset to have and obviously something that you always had yeah um don't get me wrong i still get so whenever said before certain matches but i wouldn't be i wouldn't be uh home up on the nerve say a week before and after it'd be kind of just you know the hour to beforehand so i'm looking off in that sense step i know some people do struggle a bit more but uh yeah no i relaxed enough about it but still definitely care as much as the others about women and stuff so i'm looking off at nothing yeah and what's it like now i suppose like at 24 you're an experienced player which sounds a bit bizarre to be saying but a very experienced player a leader and someone that paper would look up to well like it must be amazing now when you see it like this was of um of me vonil who will come to in a moment after her um miraculous rescuing uh right at the death yesterday i suppose that secured promotion and you know i know there's a couple of orders as well as Megan Townsend um because one of the garden is a tara tara lines yeah yeah so they're they're all still miners effectively and you were in those shows but what's it like now just in the matter of years where hollanda all of a slap i'm the experienced person and uh and her the young ones would sort of speak yeah uh why do you know what kind of actually happened uh when you're playing every year you're kind of you're nearly doing it on the onc yourself uh year after year you're getting older and older and you're getting a bit wiser on the pitch and um yeah no i don't i don't mind it i i i enjoy meeting the new girls and getting to the ordinance um being a support for them i do definitely try to uh look out for them um but uh yeah not grand and yesterday's game then right so i'm led to believe at half time there was possibly a few wides and you know you might have actually got disheartened in previous times certainly you probably already got disheartened and maybe heads would have dropped didn't seem to be the case another step back comes in the second half when you nose your captain to the same vein and for man i take a bit of a foothold in the game but coming down the home stretch it seemed like you still didn't panic i mean you got back to put yourselves in the position where you could get that let go what was the mindset i guess like at half time and maybe what was going through your head when you saw rope going off at the time yeah uh it was obviously a massive pity to lose root and and i suppose before that yeah in the first half we had i know personally i had two or three wides that i would have backed myself to score and um but ordered in that like the back's okay so well the refuges are good so well and i actually at one stage i heard bark in my heart and shout when in after i hit a while he was like but at least just you created the score chance and i was like uh he's dead right so we like we were make the chances we just didn't convert them so i suppose at half time like we weren't too worried um we knew that the last couple of them after we've been a second half team um we've been you know producing good results every second half so we weren't actually too worried we were like just keep doing what we're doing and the chances will come and um luckily then after half time we we got one two and quick succession of course off by two points and then um root went off um and the back's an excellent hold for a minute uh um four points while root went off so by the time she came back on then we were uh only down by the two and um yeah Maeve was in the right place the right out and Kleena was so clever to kick the ball and plaster her and thank god uh she was well able to stick it in the buffer network to grave did you think it was gone Rachel? so honestly when i was i was thinking about it i was uh but like you keep fighting like you're you get these tasks in your head you just try to try to build them out your head and keep going and next ball like i'm especially in the full forward lines all about the next ball because you can't get hung up on in a wider uh missing of all or getting some interest after you just can't so um yeah no uh definitely was trying to think keep the next ball in mind second one and what was going through her head then when she did get the goal like what's obviously are excitable i guess you're trying to focus for a restart but i don't think there was a restart was there? yeah so well firstly i just jumped up and down but um we were ran straight back in we were doing his own oppress so ran straight back in trying to get everybody in order for the press and they from Anna Keeper actually did get a kick out off but the whistle was blowing straight away as soon as Anna back caught it so we didn't actually have to press in the end but um yeah yeah that's great really it's amazing stuff and it's some moment for you may have isn't it as well like to do something like that like still the kid you know on the light and and it's it does represent like how our team is this year in doubt and on our manager aid is always enforcing it like it's the subs that come on are so important and every game we play we only win in the last 15 minutes and that's when the subs are coming on most of the time so um she came in and the last 15 minutes and got herself on go but a ball settled herself and then and when the chance came up she didn't miss so um delightful and um it's great having her on the panel as well herself and some of the other girls that came on think we have four or five new additions to the squad and they've really pushed it on so it's really yeah and of course there is that I'm uh caught on calling you know small matter of a league final house to look forward to which I think is on fun is it Sunday the 7th of April uh the 5th of April is it the 7th? maybe the 7th of April it's a Saturday it's a Saturday um the Saturday the 6th of February Saturday the 6th of October yeah yeah it's focused down it's definitely that weekend only and I do see that it's getting the uh TJ Carr youtube full live coverage as well so that's fantastic to see I mean you know if it's a case that a card on the TV well you know I was on TJ Carr's youtube stream that's fantastic for everyone to be able to to you know to tune in and and to see what you're capable of at the end of the day like I know the last couple of years that they went down the streaming route with Larry's football and not so shorters as much of it this year but I mean this is where we're at now I mean we can't get all our games on on TV and the best we can offer is when we have a stream be it behind a pair while or or be it a TJ Carr or even better where we don't have to pay them we can see what you can do you know what I mean yeah for sure it's brilliant I want YouTube it's it's as good as getting it on telly and because anyone who wants to have to come tune in and and yeah and all the league stream and this year now they streamed a couple of division one and maybe division two games and what they didn't have the service they had the last couple of years where you pay and you get access to all your games so that was a bit of a pity now to be honest because they talk about more of the game a lot of stuff and then there actually is there's no way for anyone to watch any matches in our division anyway unless we got to the final so and yeah it was a bit it's going without the start but anyway we're into a final allowance everyone can tune in which is great yeah it's fantastic and the preparation is going to be really really enjoyable for for you as well just actually touching on I suppose the integration side of things and over the next couple of years we're likely to see something in place and even possibly I mean there is a lot of work to do and at the minute with separate entities be it the ladies football association be it komoe jia whatever and talking about the female codes in particular I mean we're still seeing a lot of clashes and people being pulled and dried and strained and and different things do you think that as separate entities that those things would have to be sorted out force before any comment together or do you think the comment together source that stuff out I mean it's kind of like what comes for us to chicken or the egg but when you look at stuff like that happened you're thinking right hold on well we need to make sure that's not happening first and then when the cleft it comes together you might not see as much of this have you got any thoughts on that at all yeah that's an interesting look around I never talked about like that but um yeah it definitely something needs to happen all right now we're blessed at home with our club teams and that we have fair access to pictures and what will it comes to the county and I think I don't want to fall sorry but we do be struggling to get pictures at times so and I'm not sure I think maybe the integration integration will help push the sides and to make it work I don't know will anyone try make it work before the integration so it definitely be a step in the right direction anyway I take everybody's in favor of it from a playing side of point of view anyways it can only make things less complicated for us and is it a case of training where we can get a page at the minute or has any venue in particular been kind of more common consistently and yeah we were in total there for a whole oil in St Anne's or Good Early Park and we're in the outside pitch now in parallel and so we're looking up we have them sorted but there was a bit of struggle in the background all right for oil and wash time to be with artists for now yeah and you didn't let it distract you of course because look where you are now you've gotten from order and I guess this was maybe the management team deserved a bit of credit for just effectively managing which sounds a bit basic as they're as they're kind of meant to do but at the same time we've seen different things happen down through the areas where you know outside noise creeps into the camp via people talk and via pitch availability all this kind of stuff and obviously you're kind of privy to that you can see there's a struggle maybe to get a page but they seem to kind of handle that pretty well and take the pressure off and just let you as players focus on playing which are meant to do like you know well for sure yeah no they handled lots of stuff in the background now that we were on the half of and even the amount of work at Birk does I don't know how he has time to do anything else and like he even does be given us out our players tickets and everything every weekend your text in his own ticket like he does you know so much stuff so for sure that during that whole pitch thing I didn't hear much about it all so I'd say 90% of players at the clue so definitely it was managed excellent and if it's how our team has been managed this year like we're we're so lucky with who we have and how it's going I'd like it yeah because we said at the get-go you have a lot of years left in here yeah but just holding on the management side of it I suppose is it something that you think you might have an interest in in time potentially yeah I did do a bit of underage coaching there for a while maybe two years ago but then I couldn't I couldn't do it all so I had to step back but um yeah no I think I probably will do a bit on an order whatever but I probably would start you home now and see how it goes. I'm sorry to think and look just before we finish up looking across at the at the Komogith I suppose at the weekend Caro did show lots of battling qualities they they struggled against me in the first half and then I scored them in the second half obviously didn't get the result but that's obviously a positive sign we know that there's been things going on behind the scene with the manager of Canada department and stuff like that but they seem to show a bit of you know fighting spirit battling qualities all those things at the weekend and the same with the minor side I mean they've had a couple of draws and they were down to Kerry which is difficult less to go and they're competitive and in previous times I would have seen I suppose not just wish Komogith maybe a bit less football too where Caro says maybe aren't even competitive let Lorne not talk about wins or all that kind of stuff and that's very encouraging to see I mean obviously in an ideal world you'd have to be still playing playing but I'm sure you do keep an eye on just see how they're progressing yeah yeah of course yeah Johnny the last time made by two points at the weekend there is um and that's actually it's actually a very good result like me where always no one has been such a good commodity so I know back a couple years ago we would have definitely taken that as a good result so I'm sure the players are happy with that and yeah I think the miners got stoned with trip to Kerry in a trip up an hour a week before I think so but it's great to see them being connected with them and it's definitely very promising and I think the senior team's Komogith team have won the best teams they've had in long time so love to see them pushing on now and doing well this year yeah well look hopefully somewhere is not worse for everyone you've been very good with your time I did say 10 minutes we're at 20 this tends to happen a little bit on the podcast so I do apologize but I do appreciate you giving up your time nonetheless congratulations again under promotion and the very best look indeed Rachel in the final in a couple of weeks time all right thanks very much Kevin so Carlos Senior Horner is building up to a massive weekend in terms of the league final of course the lens or championship is under horizon in a couple of weeks time a man who's played in a good few of the league finds let's say over his career is mr Jack Avenue joins us here on the podcast Jack you're very welcome thanks Kevin thanks for having me pleasure to have you I think we we had you on before after matches and stuff like that but as regards an actual appearance on the pod it might be your debut so it's great to have you on board thanks very much yeah I think it's going to take us a course that probably might get me getting after his year yeah you would not you would not you're moving well and look that's probably a good place to start actually Jack because um was it a cotton wool job or were you carrying a little bit there in the in the early stages of the year in terms of an injury or anything yeah I know I was like I had a couple of niggas going on there a few different things I had to deal with before it was able to go back and pay to be no go ahead flitter I had saw I didn't had to get them things cleared up and you know I commentated the middle of January everything I got the idea to go back so yeah I'm back back I know and I'm changing it and you know at least they're leaving to get a break and I want to go and start in the hard enough slowly but surely it was you know I'm yeah back I'd leave you back I know course so far I think you you've been all the game against color didn't you yeah played up 30-70 minutes before 70 minutes since the county fighting last year so I felt everybody was yeah yeah and a few minutes before that as well I think against down didn't you come on for a few just yeah both yeah yeah right here is the second goal they didn't it went back level they got got into the metal part here and over yeah I got made on 15 15 15 20 minutes again down there as well so yeah it makes me back about it you know I don't like I'd already like sitting in the stand but uh yeah well I was investing in the field at the time so look we slowly walk back to work hopefully maybe getting back into the start team and you know once car we're doing well I don't really mind you know because I think a lot lads around your age will be happy enough to kind of maybe set out the early part of the year and come back in exactly where you've come back into the fall but it doesn't quite seem like that might be the case from your point of view so like last year I suppose I kind of had that as well as was I kind of walked in way last year because no personally I had a good year with country last year and I didn't play any league and came back in then I was very hungry you know it's hard and kind of I was just kind of determined to you know kind of get back into the team and like um it was just late so I'd get back involved last year um so yeah it's hard to know like well I would rather be now from early November and then I'll be a slugger now like you know I do like that side of a tool like you know the camaraderie yeah yeah and I suppose um the position and of yourself that wing back last year I mean it's not exactly new to you I remember going back years ago with the club and all that you would have played there quite regularly but you did you like your heartless serious year last year you did really seem to enjoy it absolutely I look I like the back there you know like obviously my position value from most my career would be midfield but obviously I haven't got the legs to get up and on the field as much as the used to saw I winged back you know you can kind of really game and you know you have good legs around you who's talking to you at the time and you know you kind of have to be woke a little half actually you know because you see what's happening in front of you know so yeah I really didn't enjoy you now and it was a new challenge you know because you know about half hour drop deep you don't know whether to go or stay and you can have a lot of things to learn but you know we talk and lads you know like had last year had slaves beside me and Kevin McDonald and you know they talk and these guys will play there for a number of years you know you can learn often and you know we can't have these other sort of games yeah and it's interesting because for memory I suppose you've heard all over the field of course well when you went on to the senior club scene it was definitely a corner forward which I suppose were lads tended to start off that time anyway regardless Richie Cody was a corner forward once there's two for some yeah yeah good memory spent in the in the forward lane is there a particular preference you're just happy to be given a jersey on your I know like I was with always me for me you know I would have gone up looking up decking happening you know my uncle decking and he always wanted a number eight originally for same one and so I always wanted to wear to recticate him and wear a number eight for same ones and and we carved you know even when I was a family feed and they had me number nine I wouldn't be happy you know I always wanted a number eight and well I mean I'm a feed for me but look I don't mind like anywhere on the feed or even if it's a 10-15 minute cameo you know I think it would have helped you know. That's interesting I was going to ask you what are you superstitious there when you were talking about the number eight because when I used to play I would like to in years ago Brian Nolan would never wear number nine you always shot over to me and he wanted it and are you superstitious or is it just a family kind of connection? Ah look I suppose that you know I wouldn't be that superstitious know but like I would write about let me feed I kind of make a pint whoever that's doing the numbers are doing the product I'm like make sure I number eight know I mean if it wasn't you know I'd go or pick it up with like I just if I saw a letter and pass me with number eight in the back I mean I used to be wearing that one you know but ah no no no this is no wouldn't that wouldn't have bothered me once um once we crossed the way lane you know yeah you don't put on one boat before the other I need that crack oh no no no no no the fact that you're getting them on it's hard they'll play in the county they said because you're happy you know they'll be able to believe those yeah yeah it's fairness how do you keep yourself Jack the whole year around like um that seems to be uh a constant over the past 20 years or so um that you've been hauling kind of senior club slash county was there yeah so look Kevin I always let go of the belief that it's easier to stay fit and get me kind of hanging on so I'd always stay tipping the way like even they've some some years in the club you wouldn't even have a a kind of a weeks off because you know you'll be hoarding up in the club championship when you might go up to the October and then you might get a week or two after then you're back in with the campus day in November you know so but look I'd always be tipping the way I'd give the smart runs or the tipping way up up in the gym or you know I just stretch and recovery you know it's it's us it's much easier to do that instead go away for six or eight weeks and then come back and have to start from scratch again you know so look it's a little bit of everything you know you kind of kind of become kind of routine then right more than like uh something that you kind of have to do you know it's a kind of kind of routine over the over the years yeah you're hearing as doing all kinds of you know I'd deal was fairly big into the crossfit and just Paul Kelly of wild people told me all this you're called high rocks there a couple weeks ago and he was saying he'd play me a while so what the fuck you don't because you would know that Phil is careful of that but apparently this is um it's not quite crossfit but like lads are doing all kinds of mad stuff but he reckons that's first relative to what you'd be doing in a game kind of situation and I suppose if you think back to maybe three four years ago right whenever we were in lockdowns and all that people were talking about five years like what do you think five years are absolutely useless in terms of what they offer from playing yeah and we're wrong on that uh well like I suppose if you're if you're going to play the case to prepare for holland probably yeah you are wrong like boy like just oxies in the two and five case it's good for you know it's good for everything you know it's good for ahead and all that you know but again like even in with counters right now that we wouldn't do any longer on the sofa that would be sharp speed work you know because you're it's just right in the game the holland mats where you know you're making the books for a break or you know you're you're running back after that if you know it's the thing is you know the old school open door to your four laps and then go and pay a much more than they've forgotten you know long gone even her referee is giving up about the test that they were doing at the minute that's not fair for purpose i don't think you're going to be coming one of them anytime soon yeah uh i don't want you to fall behind i don't know what it does it's uh what's my oh i let whistle a home i let the cards a home i'm out yeah yeah yeah yeah you're after telling enough of them to let the whistle a home and you don't yeah yeah well look it's the type of large arrow like you're you're all or not like you turn into a different animal you cross the white lines and you just want to win and i mean they're great characteristics to have um you just like uh what you like before a game darling what what leisure is supposed to be that type of player because you know we're chatting here and now you're a quick um you know your furniture and lay it back and then once that ball is thrown in like you'll just turn into an absolute animal so how does that process on for all you think i swear i don't really know like it's kind of the environment you're in like you know like they can address them like before games you know like i suppose it would be a vocal one you know i'd be talking and you know it's kind of like i wasn't doing that when there was 70 years of age you know it's just over years it kind of become one of the people and some people like aren't big motivation talkers or you know like poly or a captain last year you know what absolute outstanding captain does those talking on the field well you may want to come in and forget one in a hoodling you know he's just you know a smile things with him where it's like might be kind of a vocal an interest to me have all the rest as well they can or to be talking okay well it has different characteristics i suppose that's just one way of course been talking you know and okay it just rolls off the tongue like and like i wouldn't like yeah i'd done who's even doing for me brought it last year of this man's speech and i wasn't even going to read anything that was one day i'd go over so then it didn't warn me you know i'd definitely prepare like you know so i had to kind of put it down with kind of bullet points in the hole in the hole but um yeah look there's boys just one of these things that i have and i'm going to be doing so i'm on the pace jack like you're you're fearless do you have any fear before again no i'm not really like you know obviously sometimes when i was younger i always feared losing you know and they kind of feared like i'd be thinking of the scenario kind of thinking of the game and then the different thing you know after a county final whistle if you win or if you lose and i was kind of brought that fear out to the pitch but now when i've learned let i go you know um he just you know he can't control them things so they go you gave me the 110 percent and if it were not for the day it would not not then you just uh does yourself often you go again the next year you know it's like you know it's hidden like 12 county finds one six last six and they all sometimes played might have hidden all county finds no so you know you'd love to win them out of course but like you know you can't um they sometimes won't win any you know and um so i'm kind of looking to have one while i have one and something that's kind of just struck me right yourself in causing jams you're you're quite similar with your demeanor you're quite similar you know on the field of play you'll do anything to win but i'm sure then to find many memories where you kind of came into direct line opposition in terms of marketing should have ranked like that like i'm just looking at two bowls in a field here that like there would definitely be a class way has was there ever anything like that down through the years as you can recall with team tiki yeah because like you're very similar like obviously you're related but your outlook is quite similar you'll both want to win you sport you know you'll play a trusted line and just i'm struggling to think of any examples of when you might have classed her even call against your children directly in opponent terms you know what i mean jack there's no 10 now it's coming to fame so 10 now we would have learned on these fields again it's sort of what it's been john john timbre from same one and some other wonderful and uh tiki and very important you know the four votes of the way that would have been that and so was 10 they can all admit fees or um but never anything you know it's run the field like you know like like kill him and he'd kill me you know but then we shake hands off the field now that's the way i am like you know i like would say or do ending on the field but they want to want to to wish to go as an individual check around and go for playing club you know i wouldn't carry anything off the field yeah i got you and i suppose there was a lot of times where when you look at james's career maybe there wouldn't have been many occasions where you won't be playing center field kind of a thing because i know he slipped into wing back and you know you might move around a little bit so the amount of times that i suppose you would have come up against each other in direct line opposition were probably minimal and that's maybe why maybe it was a good thing jack who knows right but that day in particular that was the 10 10 10 day wasn't it yeah that's someday it's when it's when the final of course and look i want that into it almost because we get you for another chat at some at some particular point but we're here to talk about the league final and work hard or ash at the at the present time i did mention and at the at the get-go that you would have probably played in the good few of these um finals there some have been kind some haven't a lot of them i think most of them in fact might have been against Westmeade and i'd won against Antrim um i don't think there was everyone against leish no where you say he's not this one yeah i sure don't care when this was like we said i want to start the year to you know kind of several wars for the year like promotion our distribution was number one you know um like it's probably the only chance being realistic of winning silverware this year is if we basically shouldn't leave fighting because we're going to win the championship proper you know i'll be realistic talking that we want to be winning the championship probably not our aim there would probably be to stay up but um look we we we game promotion with the game despair um which is great we're in league final um so we want to win in the car to do because it's beyond then not a bit all we need no more because we have motion but look we'll be going out to win that match you know um so i look we're preparing well for the same as and the other game you know and um we've had a couple of weeks now we have two prepare for at least for a hard time last weekend i had a savage performance and it would win so i like i'm sure they'll be coming out i'm going to play as the winner too like not because we have to always beat them up there and it's hard around the league so um yeah look we're um we're looking forward to the challenge now it would be a big challenge great having a home in car you know but um at least on my traveling the car we've played our many things over the years and they've developed and got our number there so um may i look at part of it now it's on the was you considered them right you've been stuck ah suppose like i suppose you would like you know within like throw my career i suppose like lee's west mead antrum probably three teams as we would have played in indy kind of league finals and you would have been joined by ton of finals like you're as opposed like throughout it would be that little bit right over there i suppose you would have been playing them parts everywhere the most over the earth so i suppose i would like you know we'd be we would obviously be taught neighbors there as well they can all but um yeah it'd be very very would have been all been all um animosity there would be in his way yeah it just doesn't seem to carry that same way as the as the football in one you know what i mean not starting off yeah and like you'd probably consider like when you get to have a crack of extra not had the most on a few weeks ago you know he's really looking forward to that one is that the one that stands out for you when it comes to lancer games absolutely absolutely so we're just down here we're next in the car everything you can in wexford like no so we're 35 minutes on the road we're in wexford you know and the last year in simones we would have went to school in wexford on good council so and we would have been a lot of kind of slagging back and forth over the earth but look um the wexford one in let's jump to build the ito is the one we want because they are we all would they we obviously to pay them down there um and we haven't had them in car in a long time so we'd be nice to get them up there up open car and um yeah we're talking about that one look we're looking forward to model of course so wexford home will be one now that we really should be a good crowd there good atmosphere and you know we look forward to that yeah for sure not to be dragging into anything I suppose but when you see the division three and four finds in crop ark and football in terms right is there anything I mean the competition outlet stated that the top team was going to have home advantage but would there be like you happy to have it in Dr. Colin or would you like to doubt in crop ark not now you know what i mean though when i said i know yeah no of course i know what you're saying but no i mean we're related as in power like we didn't we really wanted to be in crop ark um you know you're going to it's crop ark you have a couple of thousand errors no atmosphere it's dead you know like i'm presumed like obviously to the party if you guys depending on having been in the crop ark we would have loved to have them crop ark but now we're we're we were at it from the get-go we were we heard might be in crop ark we were at least we didn't really want to be in crop ark you know even we had maybe in the place no on a park or you know somewhere like that was um look the fact that we we found out that it was a home in carolic we were starting with that you know and um hopefully now next Sunday that uh everyone around carol will come out and they'll come in the supporters and you know hopefully um way better playing with their silverware yeah well look Jack we'll leave at that because um you know as i said we do have a a good way that we could talk about and um you know i said there's a few years left here in the in the county jersey whenever the thing comes we'll definitely rob you in for um one of those feature land interviews um there is there's definitely stories that help but look for now i just want to say thanks for coming around with us and the very best look this weekend hope you get the result all right yeah thanks very much Kevin appreciate having me on and uh best look at the podcast it's doing great software