Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about the 450 million dollar Trump fine

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26 Mar 2024
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No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply Whatever details this is a podcast from WOR A Monday, and it's going to be the best Monday in the history of Mondays allow me to explain why well first of all You know how we do Medal of Honor Monday every Monday There's gonna be a little extra today I'll explain in a moment But here's what else we're gonna get to on the show we have to honor the fallen in the very beginning I made a prediction that sounded crazy everyone told me it was crazy, and I'm it's already coming true And so I'm of course gonna rub that in everyone's face probably to open up the show People at NBC are mad at NBC what why we'll talk about that the spending deal They signed into law people on Wall Street are apparently doing cocaine no way knock me over with the feather Climate Communist Vietnam the wives and children of billionaires ruining the West all that so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show before we get to all before we get to any of that I do need to put a little disclaimer out there for tonight's show It's gonna be a little different Here's why oh and by the way we're having BK come on in about 30 minutes from now our Air Force PJ super ninja type Why is Russia and Isis? Why are they going at each other Isis had a big terrorist attack Russia? What's going on there? We'll talk a little foreign policy with BK, but again a disclaimer on tonight's show It's going to be history heavy tonight why I Don't know I feel like it. I Promised you that next hour. We normally do a medal of honor Monday And at the beginning of second hour we start with one medal of honor citation ten minutes or so we move on I'm doing at least two next hour And I'm probably gonna do all kinds of history around it And I'll probably move on right from that to a totally different war because someone had a question about something This show is gonna have a lot of history in it tonight. It just is I'm in the mood So once we get past all the news I get to as much as I can in the first hour buckle up for plenty of that now Before we do that we have to honor the fallen tonight sadly the You ever heard of the swamp foxes now obviously the swamp fox that name that's a nickname goes back to the Revolutionary War We won't go into all that but you should know that it's a naval Helicopter squadron helicopters that take off and land on Navy ships, okay Well in the Red Sea, we just lost one Aviation machinists mate second-class Oriola Michael our egg basola. He's 34 years old. He's from Florida he Apparently got swept off his ship while they were on the Red Sea and You know I woke up this morning in my bed warm wife was there got up Talked to my sons Got to drive into school drop them off today went back home had a cup of coffee with my wife Nice little drive to work stopped and got grabbed a couple tacos on the way in That's how quote difficult my day has been Right now across the world people are serving in crappy places they're doing dangerous jobs to keep us safe and free and It's a dangerous thing. They're doing and I just have so much respect for it. So Mr. Arag Basola. Thank you, sir for your sacrifice very much You You You You You You You You You You You You You You Now let's move on to some other things because we have some So much we need to get to today first and foremost. Let's address the big story That's kind of dominating the political news today So I don't I don't have much to say about it I kind of I have disagreements with how people feel about it So I'm just gonna say my piece and move on the big story today is out of New York New York they levied this huge four hundred fifty plus million dollar fine against Trump It's completely unjust everyone knows it Everyone knows it Dems know it Republicans know it everyone knows. This is evil. It's illegal It's wrong, but they did it anyway a four hundred fifty million dollar fine That should be what how much should the fine be because I'm gonna give you my thoughts on how much should that fine be? How much did Donald Trump have been fined for his completely normal business practices zero zero dollars the appropriate fine for Donald Trump should be zero dollars Today Trump's people had appealed the ruling which was insane and they got it knocked down they got the price knocked down to a hundred fifty million dollars in change and All day long I've had to hear and see people on the right celebrating this tremendous win so That's a win now Hey, look, I'm gonna break into your house tonight, and I'm gonna hit you in the face with a sludge hammer ten times Ah, you know what I changed my mind. I'm gonna break into your house tonight And I'm gonna hit you with a sludge hammer five times. Are you gonna think that's a win is that a big W for you? Wow Congratulations only five hits with the sludge hammer way to go guys But the right is so Used to losing so incredibly beaten down after years and years and years of nursery rhyme Derivatism where we just give up ground and give up ground and give up ground and give up ground and give up ground and think that it's the right way That now we'll be told that we're losing a little less than we were losing the day before we wake up and we think that's winning It's not winning that Trump has to write a hundred fifty million dollar check completely unjust to the state of New York The country's turning evil into a banana republic. There's no win here at all none zero zip zilch There is no win, but again if you're a Republican and you grew up a Republican and My entire political life. It's life. It's been Republican your culture my culture. I'm not pointing fingers at you is losing It's all you look around you look at your culture. Look at the debt Look at the size of the government. Look at the border. Look at the list every single major issue Losing losing losing losing losing only losing ground and so when you get the sniff of Something that looks like it kind of went your way. We all look around and say whoo-hoo What a w the tisha James going to prison would be a w That would be a w having a democrat politician Have their life their professional career Destroyed legally, but destroyed that would be a win Them deciding they're only gonna hit us in the face with a sledgehammer five times instead of ten It's not a win. I'm sorry. It's not it's just not a win We don't we don't even understand what wins look like and it frustrates me so I'm moving on Besides I want to talk about something else. I Occasionally make predictions on this show as oracles do don't roll your eyes Chris He knows what's coming Chris knew it was coming as soon as the headline came out Chris is He's grown to hate the predictions I make when they turn out to be right as they oftentimes do do they not Chris and he hates that too for some reason he's full of bitterness and he doesn't like it, but I Remember when I said this on the radio. I don't know if I've ever said something on the radio that got more email pushback with people telling me That seems too far Jesse Jesse. I don't think they're gonna go that route Remember when I said this are cities as Unbelievable as this is they will be run by criminals Chris write this one down. This is a long prediction right this one down You will see a major American city in the coming years Maybe it's New York. Maybe it's not. I don't know you will see a major American city the authorities in that city Sitting down publicly with one of the criminal leaders of this in that city Headline from the New York Post Chris you ready for this? Hey, I just want to make sure you're listening you're not doing anything else right paying attention headline Mayor Adams breaks bread with drug dealers at Burger King. That's become an open-air drug bazaar Oh Man that feels good. Oh, let me hang on a second Let me just lean back and just stretch and just think about that I mean man How good must it feel to be me right now and how bad must it feel to be Chris right about now now? Let's talk about this in a more serious way. Why? Meaning why did I know that was coming? But why would I make a call like that? Why would I see something like that coming? Let's talk about the why next they remember We have BK coming on to talk about why Russia is cutting off people's ears and Isis is shooting Russians and although That's coming up about 15 minutes from now But let's talk about the why in a moment before we get to the why let me ask you why Why are you living with eggs and pains every day? When you don't have to You don't have to live like that You don't have to live with that sore shoulder every single day with the knee that just nags at you every single day Your back's a little sore. You just snapped at your husband. He did you don't have to live like that You can get pain relief without becoming a druggie, you know Relief factor is there the drug free solution. What does it do? It's all natural It helps support your body's natural response to inflammation so you can not only take relief factor It doesn't destroy your liver Don't sit and live with pain every day. You don't have to do that call relief factor one eight hundred the number four Relief they sell three week quick start kits and then you'll end up buying more because everyone does everyone does It's like 70% of the people just call an order more or go to relief factor calm one eight hundred the number four relief We'll be back Feeling a little stocky follow like and subscribe It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday do not forget you can email the show and we love your emails Jesse at Jesse Kelly show Dot-com again a warning it's going to be a history heavy show to put it mildly tonight to bad So sad that's what I feel like talking about but that don't come in a little bit We're talking about politics We have to get to this a bunch of different things NBC's mad about the hiring of Ron and McDaniel and the spending thing And grab we have some things we have to get to back to what I was talking about before I had made a prediction Probably one of my more ridiculous sounding predictions a month or two ago. I would say I don't remember when it was from I said that in a major American city you would see you would see the leadership begin to sit down and Frankly work with the criminals in the city are cities as Unbelievable as this is they will be run by criminals Chris write this one down. This is a long prediction right this one down You will see a major American city in the coming years Maybe it's New York. Maybe it's not. I don't know you will see a major American city the authorities in that city Sitting down publicly with one of the criminal leaders of this in that city Gang leader mob leader whatever whatever however you want to classify it you will see them slowly but surely become part of the government system headline mayor Adams breaks bread with brought with drug dealers at Burger King that's become an open air brought drug bizarre So why did I see that coming? well Let me put it this way America's blue areas America's cities. Let's make this just all about New York City They're all run by the communists now as you know Now here's an interesting situation though the politicians in these cities They still want to be elected. They still frankly need to be elected obviously yet They need to continue to support policies That destroy everything so how do you do that? Well, let me explain it. Let me explain it this way if Let's say let's say you were planning on breaking in my house and Tying up my wife and kids and just Ransacking my house in front of me. Let's say you were planning on doing that. Well, I will obviously stop you, right? I would stop you from doing that. That's how that works You want to break in and hurt me in mind. I stop you physically from doing that But what if what if what if not only did you break in the house and tie up the wife and kids? What if you got the drop on me and tied me up to and let's say I'm in a situation where I can't escape Well now Because I no longer have the option to stop you the way I want to stop you I am now resigned to the fact that I have to negotiate with you I don't have a choice. Do I want to? No, but I'm left without a choice My the normal recourse I would have will be to stop you you're breaking my home I shoot you in the face the cops come and pick you up and now everyone goes on happily ever after except for you Of course, but once you take that option away from me once you have handcuffed me You've left me with no other options other than negotiate the people who run the blue cities and States in America have already begun the process of Engraining the criminals and crime lords themselves Into the very fabric of the leadership of the city because they don't have any other options American communism demands that violent criminals go free so they can terrorize If you're going to do that then what you've done is you've handcuffed the police department You've handcuffed everybody and then you're out of options Listen, I want you to listen to this. I Won't you just sit back and listen to this guy talk? I'm not gonna tell you who it is yet. Listen to this guy talk We've also got to go upstream. We've got to make sure that the automobiles are not so easy to steal So that they're attempting attractive nuisance for young people and you know right now We are investigating two major automakers because their cars are Dramatically too easy to steal for young people Do you know who that person is? That is not a Sociology professor at the local commie college. It is not It's not some dude with pink hair and a bunch of rings in his face And some you know Harvard University that human being he is the attorney general for the state of Minnesota and They have a car theft problem there that you can't even imagine and in response to the car theft problem in Response to the societal scum Stealing other people's stuff. He is turning to the auto manufacturers and suing them because they're making cars Too easy to steal the reason I saw it coming that these cities would begin working with openly working with the criminals themselves is They don't have any other option And that is a bitter pill to swallow for those of us who love places like New York It's being handed over It's being simply Conquered taken over the animals are taking it away from you from all of they've taken it away And that that is ugly, but that's where we are. It's a country and this is all being done Of course on purpose, you know, this is all part of the revolution This is all part of the communist revolution create angst burn everything down create chaos make people afraid And in the end when people are afraid They will turn to government and ask the government to help them And that's of course when the government steps into help as they always help art enough of that speaking of governments Watch the video over the weekend. I wouldn't recommend some dude was getting his ear cut off And then they made him eat it and that was in Russia and apparently Russia and Isis They're on bad terms now after the ear-eating thing. Let's talk to be K about what's going on in world affairs Does this affect us? Where's all this stuff coming from before we get to be K? Just understand something we're gonna have to hear at some point in time about his muscles, you know That's what we have to go through every time. I have to go through it. You have to go through it We have to hear about his abs and everything else If your T levels aren't high enough to listen to a segment with me and be K All that means is you haven't taken your male vitality stack from chalk yet. That's all that means It's all that means so look you have what you have a couple minutes here run to the pantry get your male Vitality stack out and take it if you haven't ordered yours yet. Well good news in March. There's a discount on subscriptions Chalk is all natural herbal supplements male vitality stacks and female vitality stacks gentlemen We're talking a 20% increase in your testosterone in 90 days in 90 days You can feel like a totally different person than the one you feel like right now go C h o q calm promo code Jesse and it's a lot more than just that than the stacks. It's armor It's chocolate powder. It's Chad mode if you're looking for a good pre-workout again. All natural chalk calm promo code Jesse BK joins us. Thanks. It is the Jesse Kelly show who is growling at me on the radio This isn't even music. Why does BK do this every single time? Anyway, joining me now because there's all kinds of foreign stuff that I don't understand you don't understand My buddy former Air Force PJ host of the incredible world news with BK podcast BK. Okay, BK We're gonna skip right past your sorry musical taste for a second Can you explain for those of us who don't pay any attention to anything outside of our own city? Why is Isis in Russia? What's the problem with each other there? Yeah, so Jesse a lot of people were kind of saying that on Social media like well, what does Isis have to do with Russia? But you know this goes back a long time Isis is the Islamic State and various foreign Islam and domestic Islamic terrorist groups have been going at Russia for a long time Isis Ks themselves if you don't know Isis K It's Islamic State Corazon operating in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc They've been making propaganda videos about Putin for years They don't like their involvement still from the old Soviet war in Afghanistan They hate him for his involvement in Syria And they don't like him being cozy with Iran as a matter of fact, Jesse. You know remember Isis K Was her claimed responsibility for the bombings at the funeral procession for our old friend general Qasem Soleimani the head Iranian terrorist that we waxed and bagged at and no one had the memorial service Isis K killed like 85 people in that and You know because again, they hate Iran and they hate Russia and they especially hate that they work together So it's not unusual at all and we all know Jesse about the history of Islamic terrorist attacks in Russia I mean in Moscow in 2002 Chechen Nolacint 750 people hostage in a theater there and that lasted four days and This semi it's a tragedy, but semi amusingly the Russians saw big air quotes there That little thing by pumping gas into the building to incapacitate the gunmen But more than a hundred hostages died and then the Russian government later acknowledged that they had used an aerosol version of sentinel To and that standoff so might eat a little work on that whole house address using I don't know I know you can't make this stuff up It's one of my favorite Russian stories of all times because it's like the most Russian thing in the world You know the Russians will like if they die some build by we don't care We did the job good job extra ruble for you Again speaking with me K. All right, okay, let's let's let's unpack a little bit of this to help It make more sense for all of us here. Okay. Syria. Can you explain Syria is a very mysterious place to about 99.99% of us What is Putin's involvement there? Why is Isis have a problem with Putin and Assad and the divisions in Syria? What is with Syria? It sounds horrible? Well, let me say also Jeff the big part of Isis K that you have to understand is Isis K Thanks, the Taliban is too soft. That's the formation of their whole ideology Isis K hate the Taliban and the Taliban and Isis cave and fighting each other in Afghanistan because Isis K thinks the Taliban is too woke in their Islamist beliefs there and Isis K hate them. They want the real Islam They want the Islamic State to Caliphate. Whatever you want to call it. So Isis K has been battling the Taliban and they hate They hate Assad and Syria because again Assad is very tight allies with Russia They have long-standing economic and military ties and so they don't care for that aspect of that relationship But so ever you know and going back to this terror attack Jesse. There are some strange things to me for one It's not unheard of for Isis operators in foreign countries to not fight to the death You remember the Paris attacks for example Bada Khan shooting and all that where they killed all those people in the Parisian concert, right? Those guys didn't try to kill themselves or getting a gun They like fled but when we see these terrorist attacks in Middle East countries They're usually like fighting to the death these guys like bailed out and I was questioning on the podcast on Saturday As this was unfolding I was like there were no security services there like forever like if this happened in DC Jesse Within five minutes that entire building would have been surrounded by like 10,000 cops and everything else now the Russians are claiming No, we're we're watching them and tracking them to see where they go Okay sort of and also I've been looking on some of the Russian pro-Russian nationalist Twitter accounts Jesse where they show some of the interrogations when they caught up to these gunmen and this guy is basically saying like yeah I used to watch this preacher on telegram the social media and some guy reached out to me He's like hey, you want to make 6,000 bucks go here and kill a bunch of people I don't know like I guess that's what happened the United States seems to think so what happened, but slightly unusual to me I'm not saying that's not what happened. I'm saying there's questions. I would like to be answered BK let me ask along those same lines you have questions. I had questions too Obviously, I have suspicions. I mean the dirty Russians lie about everything But if there is one thing I will say about ISIS and you obviously know you can please correct me if I'm wrong If there's one thing I will say about those dirtballs They are fairly honest when ISIS claims responsibility for an attack They generally did the attack unless I'm mistaken they don't generally take credit for ones they didn't do historically. Am I wrong? No, no, you're correct and as a matter of fact they've come out several times when You know the Taliban or rivers trying to blame them for a bombing here or suicide detonation there and they're like hey We didn't do this one. So I don't know why you would take a credit for a terrorist attack if you really didn't do it I suppose for propaganda purposes you could but there's just it's just weird another question was I had Jesse with that building that this massacre took place and went up in flames very quickly I mean I guess if you brought like a backpack full of maybe flammable stuff that could happen But you know it's kind of hard to set like a modern building on fire So it seemed to go up quick. I don't know if these guys wheeled in like 50 gallon drums of incendiary stuff or what Again, that's just another question. I had it. How did they get this such a devastating fire to occur so quickly? And some of the victims did die of smoke inhalation instead of bullet wounds Bk I should have asked you before when I texted you to come on, but do you think there's any way you could stay on and do one more Segment with this. I just have some more questions about the history there that I think people like to be smarter on Yeah, absolutely. Okay, uh, we will be right back with more bk We're gonna talk a little bit more about the history of isis. Why aren't they as powerful now? Are they coming back in russia iran? We're gonna just dig into a little bit more of this stuff And the cia's involvement with with isis or isis k at all the beginnings there before we get to that Let me ask you something really quickly tonight Let's say you're sitting there and you have a desire for Some delicious snack food from the gas station because you heard me talk about it on the show and you go in your car You get in your car and you go down to the gas station And a bad man stops you in the park and not and he wants to hurt you. Can you stop him? Do you have the ability to stop a big violent man from hurting you? You need to get a burn a pistol launcher and the person you love needs a burn a pistol launcher and you need to carry it on you Uh ladies, let me speak to you really quickly understand that this is non-lethal. Okay. I carry lethal and non-lethal I love having a non-lethal option. It's legal in all 50 states. You don't need a permit You don't need a background check and it's light. You can carry this on you at the gas station while you're jogging It can lay by your bed. You can carry it concealed all day. I do Get a burn a pistol launcher B-Y-R-N-A dot com slash jessie burn a dot com slash jessie protect yourself. We'll be back It is the jessie callee show coming back as fast as I can to cut off that dreadful song that jewish producer christus played christ what was that Parabola by tool we can go ahead and put that one in the old trash bin buddy. Anyway, we're gonna go back To bk he's still with us world news with bk former air force pj bk. Okay bk isis People remember during the obama years. They were big man. They controlled huge portions of territory And then they kind of went away. Why are they back? Well, it's a question I mean it's a pet jessie you could get on the rabbit hole with this for a long time You know a lot of people do say that isis and al-qaeda in iraq were creations of the ci of the cia They're like well listen when sadama's been charged. You never had any of this and of course sadam Didn't put up with this kind of thing he would go into a whole city block and murder everyone there if there was even a hint Of violence for his regime. So yeah in that sense That's correct and we did fund many like you know militia groups over there and some of those weapons inevitably came in the is the sand Now then we had to launch it within uh cooperation with our iraqi partners We had to go into mozil go house by house to eradicate those rats. Uh, they killed many many of them and The but the problem is they never they spread their roots like these terror groups do and they decided to go You know operate out of afghanistan hence the islamic state chorus on and again from last segment jessie These are the hardcore islamas who think the taliban are not extreme enough But isis k kind of came around in 2015 And these were fight they originated with fighters from the pakas standing taliban and It spread easily in eastern afghanistan afghanistan afghanistan because they have the they're they're all salafi muslims And that's the same branch of suni muslims as the original Uh islamic state and the taliban are different that's a different school of his long but again isis k though They were kind of kept under wraps while we were there in afghanistan You guys probably may famously remember the mother of all bombs that we dropped in eastern afghanistan that wiped out an entire tunnel complex um, but we were able along with the afghan to kind of keep a lid on them and Once we took off though the islamic state and course on they expanded to nearly all parts of afghanistan The taliban has been fighting them ruthlessly probably swooped up a lot of innocent people executed dudes Um, but isis k is still around and they're very resilient and they know how to they know how to do these things But the fact that these guys in moscow Were supposedly paid by isis k again. I'd love to see more come out about that Uh bk, can you explain something to those of us who don't we can't get a clear picture of this stuff? Okay, so you have this radical islamic group and you have a ruthless enemy like moscow like bladimir poutin Like the iranians like the taliban i've the people who isis is up against they're not exactly human rights champions So how exactly are they still around how are they not all dead by now? They they undoubtedly jesse they're probably very well armed along with the taliban Thanks to our withdrawal from haman cars. They're airport They you know, they have they've got tons of modern weapon. I mean, these are no longer when you look at the taliban Fighters right after 9/11 and you see them with the aks in the robes You got to get that picture out of your head now because these guys rent the taliban now They look like a modern military in many aspects They got coms They've got coms. They've got body armor. They've got the they've got they've got airplanes and aircraft and helicopters and all these things When you look at them, they're they're formidable. They could fight anyway Unlike a lot of what you saw in the early days of iraq where guys are spraying and praying the taliban and the The afghanney resistance fighters they learned a lot these guys were battle-hardened dudes from the soviet invasion and they knew how to coordinate fire Use artillery effectively interlocking sections from belt said machining them. They were very formidable without all that stuff And now they have everything and as far as monscout and russia jeffy little thing that my a lot of people might know Russia does not have the death penalty But I cannot imagine these guys are going to wish they were dead If you doubt me go google black dolphin prison in russia and see how that's where russia sends Their worst murders child rapist Undoubtedly where these guys are probably gonna end up and it's like a living hell It's it's constant surveillance. You're bent at the waist to go anywhere, which you're very rarely a lot to do You're not a lot to sit on the bed in yourself for 16 hours I mean, it's it's brutal and I just don't know It blows my mind up for $6,000 Some guy to jika stan is going to be like, yeah, okay random telegram Direct messenger sure i'll take $6,000 goat massacre people in moscow and then not kill myself or get killed by police I'll allow myself to get caught so I can spend the rest of my days and agonizing brutal mental and physical hell That's the part that maybe I don't understand that level of fanaticism or who knows how fanatical they are at all Maybe it was just for money that it's hard to believe somebody would carry out a massacre like that Again, like you said again such a ruthless and brutal opponent and not plan on dying in the process I am having trouble with yeah, I don't plan on carrying out any terror attacks in this in russia But if I do I promise i'm not gonna i'm not getting taken alive No, not at all I'm not gonna get my gear cut off and send to me or as rumor has that maybe one of the other guys got his Genital suffered, but there I don't have proof of that yet. Mm. Yeah, let's hope we never get that proof either He is bk. It is the world news with bk podcast. You want to get a lot smarter about what's going on around the world That's where you go. Do it. Thank you my brother. I appreciate you very much as always oh imagine Imagine facing what those dudes are facing in russia and and again This is what's leading a lot of people to develop other theories about it And I try not to call them conspiracy theories anymore Because once all the intelligence agencies and media organizations on the planet and governments around the world Dedicate themselves to lying to us about everything all the time People are not going to take stories at face value. I do believe i just did it again because i just took credit for it Isis doesn't take credit for things Isis doesn't do, but is there more to it? Probably this has been a podcast from w o r Judy was boring. Hello, then Judy discovered chumba It's my little escape Now judy's the life of the party. 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