Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

Economic Storm Warning: Prepare Now - David Stryzewski #6163

Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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Kerry Lutz and David Stryzewski engaged in a comprehensive discussion about the looming economic crisis, likening it to an approaching hurricane that society is unprepared for, particularly in light of high credit card debt and dwindling savings among the American public. Stryzewski criticized the Federal Reserve's recent interest rate cut, expressing concerns about inflation and real estate affordability, while Lutz echoed these sentiments, highlighting the political motivations behind the Fed's actions. They delved into the risks within the financial market, especially regarding the bond market and national debt, advocating for hedging strategies and investments in hard assets like gold, silver, and Bitcoin. Stryzewski made a strong case for silver investment, citing its growing demand in technology and military applications, while Lutz expressed skepticism about the BRICS system and emphasized the importance of monitoring silver demand, ultimately providing valuable insights for investors in precious metals.

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You know, there is an important moment in history that I think that many are missing right now. And that is that we have serious headwinds right now in unemployment, serious headwinds that we are seeing in national debt, serious headwinds that we're looking at in World War III, Union shutdowns, immigration challenges, as were 40 days or so out from this election, which has been one of the most interesting times in history. And I'm very concerned that we're about to experience our hurricane, but we're going to experience it like it was a tornado and we didn't prepare. You're listening to Carrie Lutz's Financial Survival Network, where you get valuable information you just can't find anywhere else. To thrive in today's trying times, you need the Financial Survival Network now more than ever. Go to and get your free newsletter and gift, Financial Survival Network, now more than ever. And welcome. You are listening to and watching the Financial Survival Network. Come here and give us Carrie Lutz. David Strouzewski is with us now, and David, so it's great to have you on the show. So you're extremely concerned now about the prospect of a category six recession crash hitting us now. What makes you think it's imminent? Well, Carrie, I love how you just framed that and named the category six. I know you're in Florida, just dealing with hurricanes there, and we were talking kind of in our pre-bit there. Had this analogy just kind of come to me, and that was, of course, you know, what's the difference between tornadoes and hurricanes? I mean, they both spin, they both twist, they both destroy. The difference is a tornado shows up out of the blue, was unexpected. You get to the basements because that thing's sirening, and, you know, the sirens going off in your town. Well, with the hurricane, we see the gale force winds begin. There's some tropical storm out in the middle of wherever, and then something shows up. You know what? And I think that what I want to talk about today and I'm excited to share is that, you know, there is an important moment in history that I think that many are missing right now, and that is that we have serious headwinds right now in unemployment, serious headwinds that we are seeing in national debt, serious headwinds that we're looking at in World War III, Union shutdowns, immigration challenges, as were 40 days or so out from this election, which has been one of the most interesting times in history. And you know, I'm very concerned that we're about to experience our hurricane, but we're going to experience it like it was a tornado, and we didn't prepare to see, even if it's not a category five, and everyone's like, hey, we're about to have not a recession. Well, well, if it's if it's just something less than a five, but you leave everyone leaves their lawnmowers outside. What ends up happening? You know, those lawnmowers smashed through everyone's windows destroy tons of things in the catastrophe is far worse than it needed to be because no one was prepared. I think that today we are not prepared as a society. I think today we are not prepared for what is coming economically. And we would rather just, you know, get our favorite perps and elected and hold out for dear hope, ultimately making situations worse as time goes along. So that's the analogy. I think that frames our moment in history right now. And I think it's apropos just given, you know, what are our nation's experiencing on the east coast here where you live. Hey, well, you know, I think it's more like you left your doors and your windows open. And you know, the storm is coming and then you just hope it's going to pass you by. But the reality is everybody's going to take a hit here, right? True. Absolutely. And of course, who takes the biggest hit is the, you know, the American public, the consumer, the taxpayer, we the people, you know, it's quite remarkable when you look at where we are as a nation and to say that we're strong. You know, the consumer today is sitting with record high credit card debt and let's just be clear. No one goes into credit card debt because they think that that's a good idea or a good way to buy things. They do it because that was their only answer. That was the only choice. And so, you know, we paid off our credit cards, by the way, in 21 and 22, when everything was, it was, you know, locked down and then because no one wants credit card debt. Now we blew through that 2.9 trillion worth of savings and we find ourselves at a nation as a nation in a place that's very difficult. So with GDP numbers coming out and, you know, we've got the rest of the year to be seeing how this thing unfolds, I'm very concerned, Kerry, that we're going to see a lot of this data deteriorate all that one time. And that's probably why the Confederacy even cut 50 basis points when I believe that they should have never come close to cutting 50 basis points here in September. And the odds are good. I knew they were going to cut 50, by the way. Yeah. Yeah. I was surprised they didn't cut a full 100 basis points, but they had to look like they still care about inflation, but all they care about now is the election. That's right. Exactly. No, they do care about the election. This is the most political fed that I can remember. I mean, here they were supposed to cut in July of 23, they wait 14 extra months to cut the month before the election or the month that everyone starts voting. And so of course, what's that going to be? That's very inflationary, Kerry. What happens when interest rates sensitive investments like real estate that were already at all time highs, it's the most unaffordable time in our nation's history to own a home or even rent a home. And so you cut rates, therefore giving us the ability to go deeper into debt, making the price go higher. How is that going to result? The stock markets at all time highs. This is going to end in the worst crash. And maybe it is a category six, like you were saying. And there's not even a category six hurricane. So we'll call it a category of financial crash. Why do you haven't seen one? But Warren Buffett is dumping stocks like there's no tomorrow. What do you make of that, David? Well, the smartest investor of our time, Warren Buffett, when quoted about asking how to invest in a bull market, he said, you know, when the tide comes in. All ships rise, but it's only when the tide goes out, they find out who's swimming naked. How exposed you actually were. And so... Beaches. All patients are the naked investors out there, right? That's right. And guess what? We got a lot of exposure here today. And what I'm very concerned about is that the anchors to the portfolio that people have been depending on for all these years, they've been saying, hey, I diversify my portfolio because when things that are negative happen, I need a good anchor. And so that's the bond market. Kerry, if I could just say this really quick, I believe that the sucker at the card table, the biggest risk that we have right now is actually in the bond market. And the reason why is that the bond market is not priced according to the risk that we're actually taking. There are five different ways that bonds can lose money. And people don't know this. They're not aware of this. They're portfolios lost in 2022 because of this, because the interest rate change component to that. But the United States right now is, we've been the cleanest shirt in the dirty laundry, if you will. Like, okay, well, if I got to do something, I guess I'll put that one on. But right now, that shirt is not looking nearly as good because we've got $35 trillion in debt. I mean, we've added $12 trillion in four years. I mean, it took us $23 trillion, it took us 250 years. We did this in four, $12 trillion. We added another half to it. This is a runaway trade trade right now. If Moody's gets Moody and they rate us down from AAA rated to AA rated, could you imagine that being the third rating agency? We just had fish do it last year. What would happen with Moody's? The entire system gets downgraded at once. What happens when your positions were credit worthy at triple B and now they go to double B junk status, that's an issue. What happens when everyone, everything that was AA rated becomes potentially less than or at least questioned? Well, then we've got to look at our system in a different way and it causes us to examine in a whole new light. That light is not currently here. People are not currently looking at things in that way. If we begin to evaluate like that, friend, it's going to mean that the world is looking at stocks. They're going to be looking at their investments from a whole different point of view. Put an agree or two more and look, I think the handwriting's on the wall, trillion dollars of new debt every every hundred days. That's right. That's four trillion a year and the appetite for US debt is diminishing globally and the rush to gold is on. So what do you buy here? Gold, silver, Bitcoin? Is that it? Well, you know, the hard assets, things like that are going to be much more meaningful. So yeah, I'm a big metals investor. I think one of the ways that you can do this is you can purchase the physicals or you could actually buy the miners. The miners are so on sale right now. I think that as a sector, they're likely going to lead for the next decade. And so if you don't want to buy individual names, buy an index, a good index and leverage somebody else's understanding. I think Bitcoin definitely is going to be going up because the US dollar is being questioned. I mean, my belief is that the 10 year treasury of the United States is at high risk right now of losing the world's reserve asset status. So the fact that everyone puts their money in 10 year IOUs in the US dollar is changing with the BRICS nations coming out with their new system, et cetera, et cetera. So, you know, where do we go? Well, hey, there's a number of places to go, but again, we need to examine our anchors. I think now before more than ever, we need hedging strategies. We need to understand how to dial in our risk inside of our portfolios, make sure that we have the right anchors in place before the storm shows up. I mean, if I didn't do the things on the front end, again, I'm going to have a much different outcome as everything is blown away, pardon the pun, in a recessionary time of a dime frame. So. Hey, you know, I have to tell you like I've been in YouTube jail for years. I mean, I've been in the YouTube gulag of content creators. They've been shuttering me. But recently I've had a number of them blow up for me, go viral, not what they used to. But my last one was Martin Armstrong prepare for World War three, gotten over 150,000 views, David, which means even the YouTube algorithm cannot contain people from seeking out this information. That to me could be the biggest contrary indicator. And it's been a trend that's been taking place, David, over the past six months where their algorithm, when I have the right guest on and the right headline, blows up and people also rip off my stuff and redo it under their own and they get more views than I do, which is fine because I just want the message to get out there. But you know, something is definitely a foot. He says gold and Bitcoin, I think you got to have some. You don't need a lot because it could go up tenfold like that. It could be trading 150,000, 250,000, like nothing because right now it's close to 63 or four down a little bit today doesn't particularly matter, but I make a quick case for you. Sure. The way that I actually like to look at it, I mean, I own some gold, but yeah, but I'm actually a much bigger silver investor. And here's the reason why, you know, we've all been familiar with this idea of the gold standard. Well, the gold standard was 15 ounces of silver is equivalent to the same value as one ounce of gold, 15 to one. Well, this morning we're at like 84 to one as in is the actual ratio of silver to gold. If you look at the mining ratio, like what are they producing today, it is a nine to one at night. And so the question is, wow, why is silver not worth more relative to gold? And the answer is because our phones, these wonderful things, computers, all the, it has a commercial value to connect circuits, but the new thing that is being used silver for the most is solar panels. And of course, the quote unquote inflation reduction act given incredible incentive, which I took advantage of to get solar. And that is a significant use of silver. So I personally believe that silver has a far larger growth ahead of it than gold does. And so I like solar miners and places that are, you know, able to, to really capitalize on what will, I think be a very strong trend. So gold's leading the way to new all kind of highs. That also tells us that inflation is with us because if it takes more dollars to buy one ounce of gold, then that's inflationary. But, but silver is about to break loose here and it's in the press. And I believe that ultimately silver is going to go to, you know, probably 50 bucks at the end of the year, $100 by the end of next year, but it could be as high as 200. It all depends on the progression of that brick system, which is of course, paying 40% of their currency to gold, 60% of the GDP of their nation, which of course can be manipulated our numbers. So let's just focus on 40% of it was gold. I think bricks ultimately will be a failure, but for different reasons. But it's still not going to change anything. You know how many ounces of silver go into a cruise missile, David? I do not 500 500 ounces sold one month out of $1. Wow. The answer box worth the silver for every cruise missile. Yeah, you go. Yeah, we're building more and more than ever, which is why the government has been keeping it down for as long as they can. But it's also a lot of military applications, you know, use many, many more ounces of silver than than anything else and, you know, just something, you know, that you should keep track of here. All right. The means are very high. And that just is to your point. I mean, under COVID, everything shut down. We have a deficit, I think coming into this year was about 250,000 or 260,000 ounces deficit of what we need. We weren't replenishing the ones that were used. And of course, in China right now, they're paying an extra $3 over spot beyond what we have to do in the US. So I don't think that we've in the Western world figured out what they've figured out right now in Asia. And they're doing it as fast as they possibly can. I just wonder, will we experience a hurricane like a tornado, you know, lack of being observing the times that are changing. There's no question in the entire world. All of the young guys there from David, just tell us, how do we connect with you? How do we find you on the web? Yeah. Hey, got some good information out there. Got classes that are coming up here as the year is ending on Medicare Social Security tax is retirement planning. So that's kind of what we got going on right now and welcome anybody to get some downloads off our website. All right. And you'll find a link in the show notes to this interview on financial survival network .com and just click it, take it to David's site. While you're there, would you please sign up for our free newsletter? I've got a question for David, myself, K L at is the email address. Always a pleasure to have you on David. We'll talk to you again real soon. Gary, pleasure's mind. Take care. Talk to you soon. Thanks for listening to Carrie Lutz's financial survival network. Your solution to today's trying times for the latest go to financial survival network .com. 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