Kerry Lutz's--Financial Survival Network

The Feds Eye on Inflation and Rising Interest Rates - Michael Busler #6016

Broadcast on:
08 Mar 2024

Kerry Lutz and Professor Michael Busler discussed the current economic conditions and inflation. Lutz expressed concerns about the inflationary cycle and its impact on economic growth, while Busler provided a comprehensive analysis of the technical aspects of economic growth and low unemployment rates under President Biden's administration. They also discussed the disconnect between positive economic indicators and the public's perception, shedding light on the complexities of the current economic landscape.

The conversation also delved into the potential strategies of a Republican administration to tackle inflation and deficits, as well as the current state of China's economy and its potential effects on energy demand and investors. Additionally, they touched on the role of executive orders in reversing policies and the potential consequences of government handouts.

Find Michael here: Michael Busler PhD

Find Kerry here: FSN