Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about living in denial and why the Communist prefers their world of make believe and lies

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27 Mar 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - A laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? (buzzer) - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. ♪ Chumba Chumba Chumba ♪ - That's right, Chumba has over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. ♪ Chumba Chumba Chumba Chumba ♪ Chumba - Don't forget to subscribe. - Bylaw, 18 plus, turns, edition, apply, see website for details. - This is a podcast from WOR. - This is the Jesse Kelly Show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. We're gonna talk a little bit more about this world of make, believe the communist lives in. We're gonna make fun of Don Lemon and actually talk about employment and in the office in America's commercial real estate problem. Somebody ate a leg. Joe Biden fortifying the election already. There's so much we have to get to tonight. A bunch of emails, but I'm gonna get back to this. I'm gonna talk about this. So, guy writes in an email and he essentially says, "Well, his Democrat buddy told him, quote, "I don't like talking to you "because you make so much sense "and I want to believe what I want to believe." Now, let's talk about this part of humanity. We're not even gonna make this necessarily left or right right now. Let's talk about this part of humanity 'cause I get a bunch of these emails. Jesse, I've been telling my husband about it. He's not listening. Jesse, I tell my mom. She's not listening. Jesse, I've told my girlfriend. She's not listening. All over and over and over and over and over again. How much do you know about World War I? No, I'm not gonna do a bunch of history again tonight, don't worry about it. How much do you know about World War I? Most people know trench warfare, that kind of thing. But World War I is one of the things that drives me insane when I read about it. And here's why. There was so much death, so much tragedy. The troops on the ground, just, they lived in, if you could create hell on earth, that's what World War I was like for the guys on the ground. And their lives, so many of the lives lost in World War I were thrown away. For instance, the Battle of the Somme. I know we have a bunch of people in the UK who listen to this show now, so they obviously know, but you might not know. The Battle of the Somme is pretty much the worst day in British history. Why 57,000 British casualties in one day? But it's actually worse than that. 57,000 British casualties. And most of those casualties were in the first 30 minutes. Why? How's that humanly possible? I'm going somewhere with this, just stay with me. So come back to Democrats, your Liberant Peggy and stuff like that. Now why? Because they would mass their men up to charge the Germans and they would mass them up in the few areas where there weren't barbed wire in barriers, except that's why the Germans left areas where there weren't barbed wire in barriers. They wanted you to come through that area and they had already cited their guns into that area. So it wouldn't have been, you don't have to aim. It would take no thought. It would be an adjustment on your gun and pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, in every round going right through the area. Now, what does any of this have to do with human nature and whatnot? Well, the Battle of the Somme is uniquely aggravating to me because this wasn't 1914 when the war just broke out. This was years into the war. The generals who were leading the various militaries, they knew by now about the existence of the machine gun how barbed wire was used. They knew by now that men, when you mass them up, stick them together and have them run at a machine gun. They cannot possibly succeed. It doesn't matter how brave they are. When a bullet goes through your face, bravery or not, you're out of action, you're done. And yet knowing all this with years of wartime experience, they still took all those brave British troops, massed them up and threw away their lives. Why? How's that humanly possible? Well, if you're a general, a commander in the British military back then, you don't just exist in the moment. You, as you sit here right now, you don't exist in this moment. You are a product of every day of your life that you've lived up to this point in time. Why? I'm 42 years old. I wasn't born today. I don't exist just now. The things I am, the things I'm not, they are a product of my 42 years on this planet. My 42 years are, they're what has woven me into what I am today. If you're a general, you know quote, I am doing the big air fingers quote, you know certain things about combat. Why? Well, because it's been your entire military career. Your entire career has been studying this and studying that and this is what you do with Menchir and this is what you do in the defense. This is what you do in the offense. You don't do this, you do this, you do that, you do that. If you tell that general that everything he's ever been taught, everything he's ever known is now wrong. Well, it doesn't matter how much proof you show him, he will cease to believe you. He will not believe you because if he does accept that you're correct, if he does, let's say he's an understanding person, a wise person who can accept advice, he knows that if he accepts the knowledge you just brought to him, it's not as if he's better. It almost nullifies everything he's ever learned. It nullifies who he is. His expertise means nothing. He goes from being a general with medals on his chest who can lead men and come up with a battle plan. Frankly, if all of his learning has become nullified, he's an idiot when it comes to combat. For lack of a better way to put it, he knows nothing about combat. And if you tell a man who's 60 years old that who spent his life acquiring knowledge and wisdom and experience and you tell him that all that now means nothing and he's essentially a child who knows nothing and has to relearn everything again, he'll call you a liar to your face. He's not going to let you. He's not gonna let facts. He's not going to let truth undo his entire life because dealing with that, it's just too much to bear. It's too much. It's too much for the human mind to bear. Your liberal aunt Peggy, she knows, she knows. You know this, do you know that she knows? Gun laws are ridiculous and don't work. Way deep down, for all her bluster, for all her screaming at you about guns and I like, "I can't help people!" For all that, you know that deep, deep down and the tiniest part of her body, she knows that gun control laws do not work whenever they're put into place, people die, criminals abuse people, governments abuse people. She understands all of that. She knows when you show up at Thanksgiving and you're showing her all these gun facts about guns, discs and guns at and guns, she can read, she may be a nut job, but she can read, she knows. But if she comes around to the truth, if she finally accepts your argument that guns actually make people safer, that gun laws are bad, if she was to accept that, well what you're basically doing, look, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, what happened? The boat ran into one of the support structures that held up the entire thing. You take that out, the whole bridge comes down. For liberal Aunt Peggy, if she has to acknowledge that guns save lives, then everything she is comes apart. It comes apart. And where does that leave her? She essentially, whatever her age, she is faced with a choice. She can either continue to push and believe the lie or she can return to essentially a childhood state of mind where she has to relearn everything she's ever known. For most people, they would rather live the comfortable lie. That is human nature. Rather than having to completely remake yourself in your later years, relearn everything, relearn reality for most human beings. They would rather live the comfortable lie than have to face the hard truth and learn everything again. That's why you're liberal Aunt Peggy, even though deep down she knows it's kind of ridiculous. That's why she says she's fighting against Nazis. History teaches us that democracies don't disappear overnight. They disappear slowly, subtly, silently. A book ban, a court decision. I don't say gay law. Before World War II, I'm told, Berlin was the center of LGBTQ's culture in Europe. One group of people loses their rights. And then another, and then another. Until one morning you wake up and you no longer live in a democracy. - Liberal Aunt Peggy believed she's fighting Nazis because if she accepts that she's actually fighting the patriots who love the country, the entire support structure of her life comes apart. That's what you're dealing with. All right, let's deal with some emails and then we'll deal with employment, NBC News, dumping Ronna McDaniel. So much more to get to before we get to any of that. This is Janet Yellen talking about Biden, social security in my mouth. - And now we gotta add social, but we haven't done the math to figure out how much that tax rate you have to be. - The president doesn't have a plan. He has principles. He wants to work with Congress to find a way to protect social security and extend the data. The president doesn't have a plan. He has principles. Okay, well, what about all those people who rely on social security right now, and it's about to be slashed in a couple of years? No plan. I keep telling you, the people who run our monetary system have no plan. In fact, their plan is just to wreck it all, to keep going until the bubble just explodes in our faces. This is why you must have gold in your retirement account. Make gold or silver, I don't care, a portion of your retirement, your 401(k). So when that bubble goes pop, you don't lose what you've worked hard for your entire life. Let Oxford Gold Group do that for you. They make it easy, they handle it all. You basically hand them the ball and say do it, and they make it happen. Call 833-995-GOLD. Tell 'em Jesse told you to call, all right? We'll be back. This is the Jesse Kelly Show on a Tuesday. Janice Joplin, kind of a one hit wonder a little bit, but I will say this, great voice, great voice and great name. Janice Joplin just sounds like you're made for something. There's something about the JJ names, they sound good. There's some actress, I don't even know what she looks like, but I heard her name from my wife, January Jones, is her name. I don't even know who she is, sounds awesome. What, Chris? It's true, what? Well, yes, January, I know what you're thinking, whatever guys thinking right now. Women who are named after months of the year or seasons of the year are generally what you, they're generally what you'd call more of a guarantee. I'll just put it to you that way. So I'm not, look, I'm not, I'm not accusing her of that. I'm just saying, this is a great name, right? January Jones, this is a great name. What Chris, you know what, let's focus on something here. Ronald McDaniel got fired from NBC News before she even officially got hired. She signed a deal with NBC News, you heard, we've played you a bunch of it. They're on air, communist hosts, all completely lost their minds. In this instance, NBC News, either wittingly or unwittingly, is teaching election deniers that what they can do stretches well beyond appearing on our air and interviews to peddle lies about the sanctity and integrity of our elections, which Ronald McDaniel's did yesterday. I made the press. But what, what we've also said election deniers. - Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, they ended up letting her go. NBC allowed the inmates to run the asylum. And this is why, this is gonna leave me right into this, this is why a lot of people like Don Lemon, they have a messed up view of themselves and their own levels of importance. We have a structural problem in this country. And when I say structural problem, this is what I mean. Have you ever looked around at the state of our society and said to yourself, the dumbest, craziest people, they're the ones who set policy? Ever thought about that? I mean, whether you work for a Fortune 500 company or maybe you're in the military, this in the sound of my voice, why do you have emails where people use their pronouns now? I'm him, her, she, they, them. I'm a weird freak. You realize that that's insane, right? That's insane. The thinking that you can even change the gender that God gave you, it's madness. It's anti-everything, anti-science, anti-reality, and yet that way of thinking is ingrained in the highest levels of power in the United States of America. From the presidency to the United States military, that is woven into this country. Here's what's happened in America. Here's why it's this way. The good people were silent for so long. We always comforted ourselves with this silent majority nonsense and we were so dismissive of the radical nut jobs on the left that they're just crazy. Oh, they're crazy. Oh, who is this guy? He's crazy. He's crazy. This guy's crazy, but what that did was it created a system where we were complacent while they were advancing. We were the ones sitting what we thought safely behind the walls. We thought we were sitting behind the walls of sanity and those nut jobs on the outside pounding on the gate. They're trying to get into our walls and we sat and looked at our gates and we looked at our walls and we said to ourselves, they're too big, they're too strong. The people on the outside will never get inside of the gates, but the people are now inside of the gates and they run the city and our homes are being burnt down and we're looking around and we're wondering how this happened. How this happened was stupid people stopped getting bullied and that's a problem. What Chris, it's fine. Listen, I really genuinely mean this and I'm not saying this 'cause I want you to bully anybody. I'm not saying this because I want you to hate people, but what I am saying is you shouldn't live in a country where liberal Aunt Peggy gets to ruin your Easter celebration talking about her 15 abortions. Liberal Aunt Peggy should be afraid to talk about the evil insane things she believes. She should be afraid around family and friends to do that because of the shame and scorn that will be poured on her. But the good people like you and like me, for so many years, we sat silent. As this happened in our homes, as it happened in our businesses, as it happened in our towns, in our states, in our government, we rolled our eyes, we laughed it off, we said they were crazy, they're childish, they're nuts, they're this, they're that, and we woke up one day and we found out they're actually in charge. Our silence, the silence of good people is what has brought us to this. Now we live in a nation where, and I'm gonna get to the Don Lemon part in a second, where the crazy insane people, they really do run things. The most insane people in our society are in charge because the good people dismissed the pounding at the gates. Now, speaking of pounding, let's talk about Don Lemon. Before we talk about Don Lemon, let's talk about real estate. Let's talk about buying things right now that you can touch and feel, tangible things, hard assets. There's a reason all the finance gurus are talking about hard assets, hard assets, hard assets. You see, these people were destroying the financial system, you know that. We've talked about it many times. We have to make sure we're getting things in our hands. They can't ruin. It doesn't matter what happens in the economy. The whole my by is a tangible thing. You can touch it, you can feel it. People want to live in it. That's what done for you real estate is all about. It's about normal people acquiring properties, homes. So they have assets the government can't wreck. They will find everything for you. They'll handle everything for you. They find the properties. They get the financing, everything. Let them help you begin. This is for normal people. Go to and find out how. We'll be back. This is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Don't forget, you can email the show, We still have so much we're going to get to. I'm going to talk about Don Lemon here really quickly. Don Lemon is a useless, talentless freak. He should never have had a job at CNN. I don't know exactly why he held on to his job for so long. I don't know whether he had incriminating evidence with, again, someone who worked there. Maybe it's just because he's black. Maybe it's because he's gay. Maybe it's because he was the fatal combination of both black and gays. Basically a superhero in this country. Now you can do whatever you want. Maybe that was why I don't know. But Don Lemon held on at CNN for a long time without any talent. And I'm going to make sure I'm being clear about this. It's not because I disagree with Don Lemon politically that I say that. I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge the talent some communists have on television. Rachel Maddow is a great example. No, I don't like Rachel Maddow. I can't stand her. I don't watch her. Rachel Maddow has talent to do what she does. Don Lemon doesn't have any of that. But Don Lemon, this goes back to the structure we've built in this country and why some people have lost their minds. Don Lemon still had a media job forever where he had made millions and millions and millions of dollars. It's not even really a job. He's famous. He's rich. And somewhere along the way, Don Lemon convinced himself that he's talented. But Don Lemon doesn't have any talent. I'm going to play something for you. Don Lemon got fired by CNN and then hired for about five seconds and then fired by Elon Musk. Don Lemon decided to put something up today where he was trying to blast Elon Musk. Listen, listen to the lack of personality here. The fact of the matter is that Elon Musk has become a troll. He doesn't bring facts to the table. He merely seeks to inflame his followers in Stoke Division. This entire week, he has pushed his allies to attack me in the most personal ways imaginable. It's been rather sad to watch, really. Especially because he had the opportunity to challenge me face to face, man to man. But he couldn't do it. It seems he only has keyboard courage. Yeah, I know that's embarrassing and cringe, right? We ought to put him right next to Pelosi. This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's attempt to make TikTok better. Tik, Tik, Tik, to a winner, a winner. So why is Don Lemon so delusional? Because Don Lemon has been able to grow up in a system where he and his stupidity, instead of being mocked and belittled as it should have been, he has been celebrated. He's been celebrated. And so now this moron, he believes he has talent. He does not have. Don Lemon should have been scolded, mocked, lectured. Don Lemon, the second he started out in media, should have had somebody yank him aside and inform him that he's boring and lame and he needs to make adjustments. But Don Lemon has never had that because our society is totally upside down. Nobody focuses on merit anymore. And so he's floated through this system and made a fortune based on nothing, based on no merit whatsoever. And so now he's at the age where he thinks he has talent, but he does not. Don, you do not. There's no one in the world I feel less bad. That's definitely not a way to put that. There's no one in the world I feel less bad for than Don Lemon, simply because he's been playing with house money, his entire life. And now he's finding out, well, maybe that, maybe I'm not quite as marketable as I thought. And that also leads me to this little employment tidbit. Just gonna stay on this for a quick second. You know how I've been telling you for the longest time, especially during COVID, I was telling you to go back to work. I was telling you to go physically into the office. I know it's the age of remote work and I can work from home and everyone wants to work from their jammies and whatnot. I get that, but how many times did I tell you to go back to the office, back to the office? You need to physically be there. Mentally, that gets you there. Physically, if you're there, it puts you more mentally there. Your boss needs to physically see you. He needs to see you're working. The morning zoom call while you're sipping a cup of coffee from your Superman mug sitting in your living room is not the same as sitting in the conference room having a conversation with the boss. You need to get there. You know, all the conversations we've been having in the country about how wages are down. People aren't making ends of me. People are having to take out second jobs. Well, there is one portion of our economy that is booming for some people. Headline, U.S. salaries are surging for fully in office jobs. Go to work. Now, I realize you may have, I realize the economy has changed and that there are some jobs that just are remote. There's not no office for you to even go into. I'm obviously not talking to you. Remember the rule, my rule? If it doesn't apply to you, don't apply it to you. So don't write me your email. But, Jassy, I'm into, I don't care. I don't care. But for most people, go to work. Trust me on that. All right, let's get to some emails before we get to other things. There are many other things we have to get to. Jassy, first and foremost, thank you for your Medal of Honor Monday. I look forward to it every week. Yet every week it brings me to tears. I got more emails from last night's show from the Medal of Honor segment that we did any other part of last night. In case you missed it last night, I basically took the whole second hour. I did two Medal of Honor things and all kinds of history on it. And I never know how that's gonna land, right? You never know how it's gonna land. It's political radio. People tune in and they wanna hear me yelling about Joe Biden taxes. I just get, I get bored with that sometimes. Sometimes I wanna do something different. So I do something different. Man, you loved it. And I love that 'cause I loved it. I had a blast. Anyway, she goes on, she goes second. Oh, by the way, if you missed that last night, you can catch it. The show's podcasted, iHeartGoogle Spotify iTunes. It's our two of last night's show. You wanna go nerd out on some history and then war stuff and whatnot, that's a good one. Anyway, this lady says second, I look around me and wonder what those who came before us would think about what we've done with what they worked so hard to obtain and secure. My heart aches for my country. I cannot help but wonder are we still there? I feel things shifting, so on and so forth. Listen, the men who existed back then, we look, we tell these war stories and we talk about them and we talk about the things they did and we're very proud of them. And we do say to ourselves where the things like, "We're men like that today." You should understand something. The percentages admittedly are less, but there are all kinds of men like that. Today, as we speak right now, there's a platoon full of infantry Marines who would do the things you heard me talk about last night. Today, today, there are. Now, the reason we lament what's happening to the country is the percentages are off. It's not that there's no good people today, that's ridiculous, all kinds of great people today. The percentages have changed. This is what I mean. Back then, the percentage of Americans who genuinely loved America was incredibly high, probably 90 plus percent. If you're to believe all the things you've read and look, they had polling numbers back then too, the United States of America's citizens loved the United States of America. That makes for a good country. As I've said many, many, many times, patriotism is in some eye-rolling, hokey thing. It's the essential element for a nation. You must have it. What's happened today is we've educated generation after generation, after generation of America into thinking America's hot steamy garbage, and now the percentages are off. If it used to be 90, now it's 50 and it's killing us. All right, let's talk about power, electricity. Let's talk about Portland. I'll explain in a moment. Let's talk about pure talk. Let's talk about putting our money where our morals are. We have to fight these battles, these cultural battles, the battle for the country. We have to fight it with our wallet now too. And that goes way beyond donating to a political cause or a candidate now. Now that the corporate world has chosen to get involved, we must also get involved. We try to convince ourselves for years that we can abstain from this fight. Why? Oh boy, copy, why? The power of your money is an incredible amount of power. That and the power of your vote, that's the political power you have. If we're not going to use it, then just quit. You should not have Verizon. You should not have T-Mobile. You should not have AT&T because they hate you and they take the money you give them and they use it against you. Switch to pure talk. Pick up your phone, dial pound 250 and switch to peer talk. You dial pound 250, you say Jesse Kelly. That's what you do. Dial pound 250, say Jesse Kelly, switch to the patriotic phone company that loves you and you'll pay like half. Our bill got cut in half. Do it now, switch to peer talk. We'll be back. The Jesse Kelly show. It's still rude. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday. Don't forget you can email the show. Love, hey, death threats. Ask Dr. Jesse questions for Friday. Email those into Now, let's deal with something here. There's a headline, this is from a couple days ago, amid explosive demand. America is running out of power. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this, but I just want you to understand something. We are insanely blessed in this country with resources. Natural resources like you can't even imagine. You understand that the United States of America can easily, honestly, with very little effort, create enough power to power the entire planet. Did you know that? The entire planet, really indefinitely, without end, when you consider our coal reserves, our oil, shale, natural gas, our nuclear technology, the United States of America alone can power the entire planet with all the power the planet could muster, or could ever request ever. It's not like there would be limits. We could give everyone endless amounts of power. However, we already have states like California where brownouts are a thing, blackouts, brownouts. They're already warning that power grids are overwhelmed. You already, possibly, I know I certainly get this here in Texas, in the red state of Texas. We get notices now every single summer when it gets hot, and let's be honest, it's Texas. It's hot all the time. We get notices now all the time. Hey, please, please turn down, please turn down the juice you're using. Don't keep your AC solo. We're running out of power. I just wanna remind every single human being listening to me that if you ever run out of power as an American for your home, for your business, for anything, it's because the government did it to you. We have allowed the climate change, genocidal monsters. We have allowed these people to attack our power grid, to attack cheap, affordable energy without end. And now we are in a place where people in America are actually complaining about the lack of juice. You should never have to adjust your thermostat unless you're trying to save money. You should never have expensive gas as an American. A brownout, a blackout, should never, ever, ever happen outside of some kind of a natural disaster, a freeze or something like that. That is not a thing that should ever happen to a single American citizen, yet it is about to become our way of life because we have allowed these people, these nut jobs, to wreck everything. Because we put people like this in charge of critical infrastructure. - Underpass was constructed such that a bus carrying mostly black and Puerto Rican kids to a beach, or it would have been in New York was designed too low for it to pass by. But that obviously reflects racism that went into those design choices. I don't think we have anything to lose by confronting that simple reality. - And now you have a country without juice. Now, I wouldn't address something else. There's something going on domestically and there's something going on foreign policy-wise. But once you see it, you can't unsee it. Domestically, the voting coalitions of each party, they're changing. They are slowly, but surely they're changing. The parties are realigning. The voters are realigning. You see this, you're starting to see this. You're starting to see, well, you're starting to see Latinos. Used to be reliably 60% Democrat, 70% Democrat. That numbers down to 50, 45. You're beginning to see it with black Americans who've had their neighborhoods flooded with illegals. They've always been 90% Democrat. That number's not 50, 50, but it's 80 now, 85. You're starting to see realignment. American Jews and American Muslims. Where are they gonna land? Don't know. You're starting to see blue-collar workers of every color. Where are they gonna land? Starting to drift away from Democrats as they become the party of the coastal elite. But they're not sure the Republicans have their back. And frankly, I echo that sentiment. I'm not sure either. Where are they going to land? Where are older people going to land? Look, you can yell at me all you want about Medicare's social security, about these gigantic programs that are shattering the budget in the country. Argue with me all you want. Pain is coming. Can I be avoided? Because no one wants to avoid it. None of these politicians wanna start doing slow changes so people don't get wiped out. So instead they're gonna wait until the pain gets here. Bad pain. How is that going to realign the parties? How's that gonna realign the American citizen? Because that's coming. Listen, think about this. I want you to think about this. Think about every human being, every American who's on social security right now. It's a lot of them, right? It's a lot of them. Now, how many of those people who are on social security, many of them are listening right now, how many of them rely on that? That's their main source of income in retirement. That's how security check shows up, they need it. They need it for food, they need it for rent, they need it for their medical costs, they need it. Okay, that's a lot, right? Again, there are many listening to the sound of my voice. Now, what does it do to the United States of America when all those people get a 20% reduction in their check? Not just them, forget about just them, not that I'm being dismissive of that pain, but what does it do to the country? Does that create a mortgage crisis? Think about this, how many of those people can no longer afford to live where they live? Maybe they have to sell their home. Maybe they have to move in with children. Maybe they have to, you see what I mean? Just that, that's one portion of the financial pain and alignment that's coming. What does that do? How does that change how people vote? You see, it's fascinating when you take a step back and look at it. The political parties have traditionally, they've changed over time. A 1910, if you were 1910 and you were a Republican, you had very, very different values than a 1980s Republican would have. And it's different values now, same with Democrat. If you were a Democrat in 1950, you were probably a very sane, wonderful human being. You probably worked a construction job. Today, you're a filthy communist, but things change over time. Now, that's domestically, foreign policy-wise. You can see this happening as well. And I played Dom's comments yesterday. I'm gonna play him again really quickly. There's something interesting happening and it could be very bad, probably will be, with this whole Israel Hamas thing. It's wild to see how that's affecting everything. Now, we'll get to that in a moment. - This has been a podcast from WOR. - Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, with daily bonuses. That should brighten your day, low. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at Chumba That's Chumba - No purchase necessary. point where prohibited by law, see terms and conditions, 18 plus.