The Howie Carr Radio Network

The Kids aren't Alright: college tuition to reach $90k at some schools | 3.27.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie and his listeners lament the next generation of college students who must pay five figures every semester for college. Worse, that number is nearing six figures annually! Don't miss today's Chump Line, which features a special message from RFK Jr!

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27 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday March 24th to order years today go to Eden pure deals dot com and use code how we bogo better strap yourself in it's time for the how we car show before World War two. I'm told Berlin was the center of LGBTQ culture in Europe. I'll myself raise your hand. There's no greater dictator in the life. Live from the Matthews brothers studios. You need appropriations with a tax payer beyond the hook. There'll be insurance payments in part to cover this but we don't want to allow worrying about where the financing is coming to hold up for construction didn't hear no. Bottom line as president Biden has made clear the federal government will provide all of the support that Maryland and Baltimore need. We've got to protect our phony baloney job gentlemen. We must do something about this immediately immediately. Around. Around. Around. Around. I didn't get a rump out of that guy. The governor from rum swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's. How a car. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. That is the number if you'd like to join us here on the how we car show. So they they're really going after a Donald Trump. He committed crimes with his real estate valuations. It's not a victimless crime. We were told by countless pukes. Pablam puking. Pampered pukes on the on state run media. One of whom was John Stewart, a reputed comedian. New York Post is reporting this afternoon. He opined on air this week that Donald Trump civil real estate case over valuing his property was was not victimless. When it turns out the price of a previous home sale finds Stewart doing exactly the same thing. The New York Post has learned. These are not victimless crimes. He said on Monday night. It was all part of a very specific real estate practice known as lying. This is an exact quote. But it didn't take long for internet sleuths to look into Stewart's own property history where it shows an overvaluation of his New York City penthouse by a staggering eight hundred and twenty nine percent. In 2014 Stewart sold his sixty three hundred foot Tribeca duplex for seventeen point five million. But according to twenty thirteen twenty fourteen assessor records the property was market valued at only one point nine million. The actual assessor valuation that's we paid property taxes on was eight hundred and forty seven thousand dollars. Records also show that show that Stewart paid significantly lower property taxes which were calculated on that market value price precisely what he called out Trump for doing in his Monday monologue. A user tweeted this is right in La Tisha James jurisdiction. I look forward to the impending grand jury indictment. I'm shocked. Who did he he might he must have defrauded somebody. Oh it doesn't matter if he defrauded someone it's still a crime it's not a victimless crime shocked shocked. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two another this to to to to to paraphrase Chris Cuomo maybe to quote him exactly this hypocrisy rinks. Oh he was referring to Mika and morning Joe. Time now for the Chumpline Joe Biden said that after he reviewed pulmonary information with Kest for bridge collision it wasn't accident consistent with Prokals from when he was Tubgo pilot. Did Joe ever work as a tugboat pilot? You know after he went over the top in the trenches of World War One and then and then fought his way up the the Italian boot against Mussolini and then joined joined to fight with the Marines at Iowa Jima. I think he has said something about being on a ferry before. He has? I think maybe if memory serves I'll have to I'll have to find it. I've been on the Casco Bay ferry countless times but I never claimed to have piloted it. Hello howie this is Robert Kennedy junior calling I'm going to give you the exclusive announcement of my vice presidential pick Susan Collins. Hello howie we are the voices of the next generation I'm Robert Kennedy. I'm Susan Collins and we approve this message. That's pretty good that is pretty good. His his real running made is Nicole Shanahan and I like the headlines yesterday when he announced it. Far leftist Nicole Shanahan. She may be a far leftist but that was not the reason he picked her. He picked her because she is billionaire Nicole Shanahan. She has plenty of money because she used to be married to one of the founders of Google. That's why he and then he then also said I picked her because she's athletic. No you picked her because of her bank account. Come on she's not bad looking but in even in Robert Kennedy's case that wasn't that wasn't job one. In this case first he looked at the first. Today's chump line is brought to you by the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at use code HowieBOGO. That's code HowieBOGO offer expires this Sunday. "I've asked the leaders of Amaz, E by L and Sinbad to take a new tunnel under the Tabasco River to replace the collapsed bridge and after that bad dude who wrote a bad song Francis on the key." Boy eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Go ahead next. Wow Joe Biden's running against two people now Donald Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr. Does this mean he'll have to steal twice as many votes to win? Yeah I think this puts a puts an end to all the speculation that Bobby Kennedy is trying to steal votes from Donald Trump. There's not going to be too many votes stolen from Donald Trump by by the Kennedy Shanahan ticket. By the way she used it when when she was married to Sergi Bren she supposedly had an affair with Elon Musk and that was reported not by TMZ or some some gossip site that you never heard of that was reported by the Wall Street Journal. That's what broke up the marriages when she had a one-night stand or thereabouts with Elon Musk and the Wall Street Journal still stands by its story to this day even though Nicole Shanahan denies it. Howie after that cargo ship leaves Baltimore maybe he can sail down the Cape Cod Canal. I mean we could use a couple new government funded bridges here. It would be a bit of an inconvenience for I don't know 10, 20 years by the new by the new standards of American governmental construction. And by the way Marahili has announced that the bridges are in fine condition the bridges are in fine and and and half of the people in the shelters are American citizens too and she's cutting your taxes and everything is fine in Massachusetts and all the potholes have been filled too so you can you can trust Marahili she's not like the others. I guess it pays to be a bridge in the heavily democrat state. Well that as as someone said today that bridge got what was coming to it because it was named after Francis Scott Key's a slave owner. Yes the summer of love 2020 is taken to the seas. I guess yeah they apparently they they they had a statue of Francis Scott Key's in San Francisco and they took it down in the in the George Floyd looting arson murder mania of 2020. But then they took down they took down all kinds of they took down statues of George Washington Abraham Lincoln. I even think Diane Feinstein had her statue removed or a school that was named after her it was changed because I forget I forget why it's San Francisco. You can always tell the Harvard woman you just can't tell them much. Yes yes am I the only one who misses Radcliffe most people don't even get that joke that used to be the female version of Harvard. I don't know is there is there even a Radcliffe anymore or is it just the just the name in a history book? Probably that. One week we're reeking of mendacity. Next week we're reeking of hypocrisy. Can't we just reek of onions for change? The onion is for sale by the way the satirical formerly satirical now just another dreary left-wing site. They're trying to unload it that they've already got rid of a dead spin and Jezebel these all these new high tech companies that we're going to replace newspapers and TV stations which are going under granted. They're going under too. Hi howie governor Patrick calling there you go again a master tragedy happens involving a bridge and what do you do within two minutes ran about the name of the Cuomo bridge. Hopefully decades from now no one will remember either racist name the tap and Z or the Francis Scott Key. You buy gone bridge buffoon we're gonna be fine. Tap and Z is not a racist name the tap and Indian tribe that's what the bridge is named after and Z I guess you could say that's colonial that's the thatch word I think for see but happens it's half Native American which is a lot more Native American than the senior senator from Massachusetts senator fake Indian. Hey howie and Taylor hey I ran into an old buddy of mine at the store the other day or actually I guess I lied it into him because he wasn't moving. I meant to look up that word last night and I forgot all about it. I don't think I'm going to use that word on the show or in my column or in my daily conversation either. I lied it. That's what happens when you collide with something that's not moving. No I'm never going to use that in a conversation but it's just nice to know. I'm not that much of a jerk or I'm going to say alighted instead of collided. You know what I think slam is a really good word. Right that's a nice it just paper word. You know it sums it up. Slam. This was everybody knows what a slam is. This was a preliminary report from a governmental organization. Can't use that kind of vernacular. It reeks of legalese Taylor it has the odor of legalese about it. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg said that they need to remove government roadblocks when they rebuild the Baltimore bridge. Therefore climate gender equity plans will only have to be 10 pages or less. There's a great column in the Wall Street Journal. Maybe I'll get to it today. It's or I'll definitely read it to you about how they all these regulations that they put in. You know that's why that's why there's no infrastructure being built under the infrastructure acts that they pass trillions of dollars and nothing's getting done because of all this bureaucratic red tape. And they keep saying we need it. We need it. But once there's a real disaster like what happened in Baltimore with the bridge they just say we're going to we're not going to have any of this this crap. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right. That's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voice mail message service of the Howie Carr show you can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-442-4 Second Chumpline of the day, and it's where we put all the messages we didn't have room with time for just now, and you can get it wherever you get your Howie Car Show Podcasts. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by the Eden Pier Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo Offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at Use code HowieBogo. Hello Howie. This is Robert Kennedy Jr. calling. I'm going to give you the exclusive announcement of my vice presidential pick. Susan Collins. Hello Howie. We are the voices of the next generation. I'm Robert Kennedy. I'm Susan Collins. And we approve this message. I don't think Susan has this big bank account as Nicole Shanahan. Bread. Formerly bread. Now just Shanahan. I'm Howie Car. Howie Car. We'll be right back. He's Howie Car. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pier Thunderstorm Air Purifier Bogo Offer. Thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at Use code HowieBogo. That's code HowieBogo. Taylor. What is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what kind of life do you believe your kids or grandkids will have compared to yours, better, worse or about the same? Worse unfortunately. 88% say worse. It's pretty steady all afternoon. Tomorrow a day that will live well, not an infamy, but you'll remember it for a couple of days. Anyway, Samuel Bankman Freed is going to be sentenced to prison. The dirty, filthy hippie who stole billions and billions of dollars and gave hundreds of millions of it to the Democrat Party. He's going to be sentenced for his massive fraud. He ran the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history. I don't even know how much money. I don't even think they know how much money he stole. But now- Damn right, damn right. So the federal prosecutors are asking for 40 to 50 years, even though he's a Democrat. Think of what you'd be looking for for a Republican. But the defense is requesting a much lower range of just over six and a half years. What they do in these cases is right before the sentencing, the defense files, all the letters begging for mercy. Sam felt deeply for every living being farm animals included. So much so that he had adhered to a vegan diet and convinced several others in our living group to become vegan too. They're just a human being. He took every actionable step he could to reduce suffering. Another gave Bankman Freed high marks for doing his chores around the house. Oh, I'll read you a few more of these when we come back on Howie Car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I used to love to read these things with the gangsters especially in Boston, the letters that said that before the sentencing. I remember Larry Bayoney's son, Judge Nelson. My father Larry is no angel, but he'll soon be with them. If you don't do the right thing, he died in prison. Larry Bayoney. But anyway, here's one for Samuel Bankman Freed. Though I have never met Sam, I firmly believe that while he may be an MIT grad, the hell does that have to do with anything? He stole money. He did not fully understand the scope of what was going on and did not have malicious intent. If it had malicious intent, he would have stolen a trillion dollars, a gazillion dollars. A parent whose son lost $130,000 on FTX also shared her thoughts with the court writing that she hopes Bankman Freed will be given the sentence in the range of 70 months. What does she work for his defense law firm? That's what they want, too, something in the range of 70 months. Experts generally believe he will serve at least 20 years on the low end. This is the Daily Mail and that he is likely to wind up in a medium security facility. I think he's going to get sick, and you know what happens if he gets sick? They all claim to be sick and they want to get into devons in the air, not just the wise guys from Boston, although it's a close commute to the city, but everybody wants to. That's where they put Carlos Danger, Anthony Wiener, because it's nice. I mean, no prison's nice, but this is being in the medical facility is nicer. I think there's two medical facilities. There's air, and I think the other one is a buttoner in North Carolina. There may be one on the West Coast, but those are the two on the East Coast anyway. 844, 500, 42, 42, so President Trump sent out another truth social, another tweet today about Ronna McDaniel. He called her Ronna Rob, but that's her name, come on. It's all caps. He's really angry. I mean, he's just trying to make a point here. He didn't have time to call this one, and he just sent it out. MSD&C fake anchors have taken over NBC from Chairman Brian Roberts, and he doesn't know what to do exclamation point. Their ratings suck, fire them, and start all over again. Who would have ever thought that failed host Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd would have the audacity to reprimand Brian Roberts concerning the hiring of Ronna Romney? They should fire him immediately and never look back. MAGA 2024. Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd, that's not as good as Russia's names for him. Peter G. Todd for his little manor G. Krebs goatee that Bob Denver had in Toby Yellis. And then F. Chuck Todd, that was a good one too, F. Chuck Todd. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. So this is the breaking story today about the cost of colleges. More than a few students and parents experienced sticker shock when considering the cost of colleges and the prospective students at a number of New England universities are seeing a particularly breathtaking sum this fall. Boston University Tufts, Wellesley, and Yale will now top $90,000 a year for tuition, housing and other expenses according to the school's admission websites. Other private colleges around New England are also likely to cross the $90,000 annual threshold but haven't released their updated costs. $90,000 to go to college. Is this a good buy? I think not. I think this is one reason why everybody is thinking why 88% of the people voting in the polls are saying the kids are going to have it worse off. I mean, what are they getting for 90,000 bucks? I read this this morning and I know, I know I've been around a long time and I'm old but I couldn't afford to go to Brown University in 1969, you know why? Cost $3,200, $3,200 was too much. My parents said, "Oh, we got a house, we'll take out a mortgage. We own the house outright and we make no money but they didn't say that but we'll take out the mortgage so you can go to Brown if you want to." I thought, "No, I don't need a guilt trip. I've just spent four years at MCI Deerfield in all boys' school, locked up all winter. I wanted out. I didn't want to be thinking about how much it was cost to my parents." So I faked in-state tuition at UNC and went there and got it for like $1,000. But 90,000 bucks, 90,000 bucks, BU for instance says that they'll take care of people that need financial aid. BU is committed to meeting 100% of demonstrated financial aid, quote, "for admitted first-year students who were U.S. citizens or permanent residents." Surely they meant to say, "For admitted first-year students who are not U.S. citizens or who are illegal aliens." That's more like it, isn't it? 978, "What does $90,000 a year for a degree in women's studies get you these days?" I could tell you the big donut, zero. Supposedly, it would be a ticket into corporate America. That's your credential to get in. You know, I hate to say it, but if you're a white male, you haven't got much of a future in corporate America, period, do you, or government? You got to go out on your own now, I think. I mean, could I go into, even if there were real newspapers still there, there aren't real newspapers, but even if there were real newspapers, could someone like me go into newspapers now and expect to make a decent career of it? No, of course not. No. I mean, I think you have to go into some industry where you can show your talents and not have to worry about DEI. And, you know, I think increasingly that means like a skilled trade, like being an electrician or a plumber. That's the ticket for, basically for all Americans, you know, as opposed to people who just arrived on the boat and can check all the boxes and wear head jibs and dye their hair pink, you know? I mean, you got to start your own business. That's another way. I mean, 90,000 bucks, how many parents can afford 90,000? How many families can afford 90,000 bucks? Going into debt to pay that kind of money or not everybody, but 95 plus percent of the population, 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42, Bob, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Bob. Hi. I'm curious if you would know of any type of loan that is exempt from being discharged in a bankruptcy hearing with the exception of student loans. I don't. I don't know. Our students. You know, what a racket that is, student loans, you know, what a protection, you know? They're not paying students, but Bob, they're not paying back the student loans. They're running this slow motion, you know, dismissal of all student loans, at least if you're a member of a protected class, which includes working for government. Right. And I would, you know, I would rather see, you know, you're able to discharge it in a brand bankruptcy hearing and have a dismissed or pardoned. But what does it matter? It's a moot point, isn't it? They're all going away. At least, again, if you're a member of a protected class, there are two levels of citizens or non-citizens in the, two levels of human beings in the United States. One has to obey the rules, pay back their debts, is responsible for, say, things like child support and working for a living. And the rest is everybody else. They don't have to do anything. They just live off of us. Thanks for the call, Bob. John, you're next with Howie Car, go ahead, John. Howie. Yes. You there? Yeah, I'm here. Okay. Hey, thanks for taking my call. Sure. I'm John from Pennsylvania. You were talking about college tuition. Okay. 90,000 bucks. Yes. You were mentioning? Yes. Okay. Now, this is in the mid-70s, I went to Villanova, okay, outside of Philadelphia, and nobody can believe me, but I paid 3,000 bucks a year for tuition, and I have receipts to prove it. Now, granted, I did not live on campus. I was a commuter. I don't know if there was such a thing anymore there. John, I believe you. And you know, a lot of these, a lot of these schools, Catholic schools, like Boston College, had a huge commuter element to the student body. I don't think they have it either anymore. I don't, I think they tried to wean out the, or weed out the, the commuters so as to upgrade themselves to make them look like, we're, oh, high class, da, da, da, da. And I want to say this Villanova is just a tuition, okay, that I quoted 3,000 bucks in the mid-70s, is something like 50 grand now, and we're not even counting room and board. And I, you know, I wasn't involved with that. I had to work for a living to pay the tuition. Yeah, I always used to say until very recently that, you know, I don't think you get a better education at the Ivy League schools, but at least the degree is worth more. I'm not even sure that's true anymore though, John, after what's been happening in the last few years and particularly months, you know. Does anybody, is anybody impressed by a Harvard degree anymore? I am certainly not. And I'll tell you, if kids had happened for us, I don't think I'd be sending them to college. All right. I'd be selling them, sending them to electrician school, okay, or players or whatever. You know, I got, I got a, I got a grandson. He's very smart, but he's a, he's a white male and he likes trucks. So I think he's a heterosexual. So I mean, what is it, what is his future in corporate America, John? The, he has no future. He doesn't matter how smart he is. The plumber, you will never be out of a job. I know. I remember when I, I, I, I come to my place in, in Wellesley before I, uh, downsized that he was like 30 years old and I, he was a plumber and I said, you're the youngest plumber I've seen in, in decades. I said, boy, do you have it made in the shade. You're, you're all set being a 30 year old plumber because not, you know, the, for, for decades, nobody wanted to be a plumber or, or an electrician because it was, I don't, I don't know. It was, it was downscaled and you know, they, you just, you get into these corporate worlds and become the associate assistant, uh, deputy vice president. And I think people, I think people have figured it out though now that you're, you're better off going into the trades and you know, you, you, you have a skill and, uh, you know, they, there's only, there's only so many, uh, DEIs that are going to, that are going to want to get into that because it's complicated and it, and it requires skill and it takes hard work. Thanks. Thanks for the call, John. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I'm Howie Carr. Become a Howie Carr show super fan. Subscribe to Howie's newsletter and you'll get the latest news, columns, cheap faster deals and other special offers from the Howie Carr show. Add to your name and email at Howie Carr is back. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I said, my friend has a, his grandfather's receipt from Boston College for a term. He graduated in 1904, received us for 12 bucks. I wrote this stupid, uh, uh, story, my junior year for a, no one else was going to do it for the journalism school and they were going to pay me 250 bucks towards my tuition. So I got, I, I won, and they, they misspelled my, they said, they, they put it in the, they're a little stupid magazine by Howard Corn. That's, but the important thing was, they gave me this voucher for 250 bucks to pay for my tuition for the semester. And I went to the bursar or whatever they called it at the Jay School and I gave them the 250 bucks. You know what? They gave me back 25 bucks cash because it was 225 bucks for the semester. I mean, that was a buyback that go out and buy a car with that 25 bucks after that. That's about what my, that's when I had my 59 in palette. That's about what it was worth, but I, it was a, it was great. It was a score. I mean, I did, you know that you didn't need a hell of a lot of money to go to school back then. If you weren't going to an Ivy League college, eight four, four, five hundred, forty, forty two. A guy says that. I'm going to run you at least 700 a semester. I told you 3200. I still remember $3,200 for the fall, for the 69, 70 year at Brown University. That's what it was going to cost me. Seemed like, seemed like all the money in the world. Uh, 774, I'm a skilled, uh, I'm a skilled tradesman in a, at a worldwide known sporting goods company. They just announced at our DEI meeting, they'd be hiring people without skills for skilled trades like machinists or electromechanical. If they have a desire to work in the trades, we have a few already and it's a total failure. Yeah. I know. 508, when I was at school in the eighties, I was told you'll need a two year degree just to work at McDonald's. Boy, were they wrong. A lot of stuff you were told at college has turned out to be total BS, has it not? Herb, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Herb. Hey, Howie, back in the early 2000, I owned a company that did business with a lot of the private schools, uh, choke, et cetera, subfield and so on and the tuitions were out of sight. You weren't talking about tuitions. We had one family, a choke that had four kids there, cost them 160 grand a year. That was in the early 2000s. And all those little, little, uh, angels did was go forth to the harbors and the yells and all. Right. I can't imagine what the tuition is at those schools today. Oh, it's, yeah, no, it's, I mean, it's, it rises in tandem with the, uh, with the schools that they're, they're supposedly, uh, feeding, you know, I, I would assume, I would assume choke, deer field, X or handle, they got to be like probably close to 70 grand now, I would say. I mean, it's just, I, one of my daughters went to what, deer field for PG or I think it was like about 50 grand, something like that. I didn't mind paying it cause I went on the, I went on the arm for four years and so did my brother cause we were, we were townies. Thanks for the call, Herb. I'm a college student right now and it's just really sad, like our senior year of high school, they told us we have to go to college. We have to get a degree and all these kids are coming out $100,000 in debt. They have no place to live. They can't afford rent anywhere. Um, they have these fake degrees that are really doing not much for them. And if someone just told us that we could have gotten into the trades, we would have learned to steal forever. Yeah. It's just very sad. Yeah, I, I don't know, I mean, you, you see the, you see the kids that are five, ten years older than you and they come out and they're in this, this, just the situation you described. I mean, you got to, you got to start thinking about the trades, you know? It's just a, it's just a better deal all the way around. Thanks for the call. We'll keep going with this when we come back on Howard Park. (upbeat music)