The Howie Carr Radio Network

What does Chuck Todd know about honesty or journalism? | 3.27.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie opens with a tirade on greedy Chuck Todd and the rest of the Capitol Hill coat holders. Then, Trump is expected to attend the funeral of the slain NYPD officer, while Biden will be schmoozing with the elite.

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27 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th to order years today go to Eden pure deals dot com and use code how we bogo better strap yourself in it's time for the how we car show before World War two. I'm told Berlin was the center of LGBTQ culture in Europe. I'll myself raise your hand. There's no greater dictator in life. Live from the Matthews brothers studios. You need appropriations with a taxpayer to be on the hook. There'll be insurance payments in part to cover this but we don't want to allow worrying about where the financing is coming to hold up for construction. Didn't hear no. Bottom line as president Biden has made clear the federal government will provide all of the support that Maryland and Baltimore need. We've got to protect our phony baloney job gentlemen. We must do something about this immediately immediately immediately. I didn't get out of her rump out of that guy. Rump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's how we car. It is not often that I quote Chris Cuomo in a positive way on this program and indeed in recent years I haven't quoted him much at all. But last night he mentioned the MS in BC and BC high-tech lynching of Ronna Romney McDaniel and he said something that I think is very, very prescient, pertinent. The hypocrisy reeks. The hypocrisy reeks. I mean these people, I mean to read a tweet where Chuck Todd, a below average human being, a greedy Democrat hack with a greedy Democrat hack wife worked for Bernie Sanders and he worked for stolen valor senator Tom Harkin as a co-holder on Capitol Hill. For him to say this is about protecting honest journalists, what the hell does he know about journalism or honesty? And to honest journalists, the more they talk about their honesty the faster you better count your spoons. This is just, this is really ridiculous. I hope she sues them for everything. And their rumors going around that Kristen Welker was involved in meetings. She said on Meet the Press she knew nothing about this. She knew nothing. We'll find out a discovery, I guess, won't we? Or will they have an agreement and a non-disclosure agreement? 844-542-42. But the worst of the bunch was Joe and Mika. And again, Joe was hired as a Republican but they knew he wasn't on the level. Not that Rona was on the level. But you know what, I think we should just start with getting a take from President Trump. And this was one of those moments where he put it out on truth social but he wanted to call in to the Howie Car Show to just, I saw him last Saturday at the Mar-a-Lago and he remembers me and he wanted to help this. He wanted us to have his own words, not just on truth social, but in his own words. So here, here was his take on what happened to Rona McDaniel. Wow, Rona McDaniel got fired by fake news NBC. She only lasted two days and this after McDaniel went out of her way to say what they wanted to hear. It leaves her in a very strange place. It's called Never Never Land and it's not a place you want to be. These radical left lunatics are crazy and the top people at NBC are weak. They were broken and embarrassed by low ratings, highly overpaid, challenged, bring back free and fair press. Make America great again 2024. Damn right, Mr. President. You know, there was a guy on there who used to get mega ratings and not just on cable. He got it on the networks when there were networks, broadcast networks, not narrowcast networks. His name was Donald J. Trump and he was the biggest earner in the NBC stable. So he knows where he speaks and I got so much to get to here but these hypocrites it's not just on MSNBC and NBC. All these networks are, they're just totally fraudulent and you know, I know, we've all come to that conclusion long ago and the only way we watch them, we're like people go into a zoo and looking at the wild animals. We don't watch them at night, we maybe check out social media. Sometimes we don't even check out social media to see what idiocy they've been promoting. But still, this is so outrageous that they would, I mean, these people are common night walkers of journalism and they're complaining about Ronna McDaniel. Are you kidding me? Here's a, here's a montage of Mika and Joe loving Trump cut sex. Did you get a lot of sleep last night? Well, yeah, well, I got woken up but I was, well, you know, just, well, Donald wanted me to see the CPAC speech. I was skeptical but I pulled it up on the internet. Yeah. Pretty good. Pretty good. Joining us on the phone right now, Donald Trump, good morning Donald. Mika, what do you mean pretty good? You know you loved it. Wow. Trump, you're naughty. Let's just have a little bit of the hot mic. This is during a break, they're sucking up to Donald Trump. Cut seven. I make a speech, get on a plane, make a speech, working. I tell you what, I tell you what, the Bloomberg poll, all the polls that they look great, when I'm telling all of you are. Yeah. So, but I'm being hit, you know, they're spending 75 million dollars in negative ads in me over the last two weeks. Are they catching on at all? No. What do you think? Are they catching on? Now, who is that? They're spending a tremendous amount of negative ads on me. No. You know what I thought was kind of wow moment with the guy you brought up on stage? We played it several times this morning. We played it up against Obama. We're both guys. We played Obama first and then we played the guys. Actually, I watch you show this morning. You have me almost as a legendary figure. I like, no, I'll tell you, this morning, what we basically said today was we were completely wrong about the beginning. You have one more segment? One more segment. No, we're good. Thank you for doing that. I'm doing it because I did. You know, you're going to get great ratings in a race. I've seen him in Mar-a-Lago and, you know, I don't think they're picking up the tab. Say what, say what you will about me. I paid my tab at Mar-a-Lago. You could file a Freedom of Information Act request. You wouldn't get it out of the FOIA request, but I paid my bills. I don't, my suspicion, I've seen Joe sucking him down at the bar. I don't think he's paying or wasn't paying, I should say. So this is Chris Cuomo last night on what was on NewsNation now, but he called it. And again, he's, you know, even a broken clock, you know, what it's like twice a day. That's right. Cut four. NBC hires her. I'm sure other people were trying to get her, but now everybody's mad. Now this happens in the media. Somebody hires somebody that other people would have hired as well, but they attacked the place that hired her. But this is coming in house. Big shots inside NBC, like Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski. She said this. And we hope NBC will reconsider its decision. It goes without saying that she will not be a guest on Morning Joe and her capacity as a paid contributor. Look, I have no beef, but it was okay for you, Mika and Joe to have Trump on all the time and to talk to him about what questions to ask, right? When it was working for you, when he was running, right? When you guys were all pals, that was okay, right? You didn't have any problem with that, right? Just because you went bad on him when it became convenient, because you work at a lefty outlet, this is okay. Now you can be high-minded about it, right? The hypocrisy reek. The hypocrisy reeks. It certainly does. It's a little bit more of Mika and Joe pandering to Trump, cut eight. You're getting a real window into your, so, well, just make us all look good. Exactly. So, how come drugs and time magazines that I wonder debate, Joe, and you think, well, but so did the CBS for the next morning when I saw the CBS for the second, but they have it still. I knew, I knew that the people that mattered didn't think you, I mean, you came in a strong second, and I'll tell you what was the most revealing thing is, Bush came in the last. Yes, came in the last. The guy who came in the last, and at that point, I said to Mika, we don't know what to do. He's a weak person. Okay. Do you don't want me to do the one? No, he's not. We really have to get his employees. That's right. Nothing too hard, Mika. Okay. I think that was, for most people, the Republican establishment, sort of the final sign. Looking good, because that's what it is. Hey, we'll see what happens. So, what are the chances that something bad could happen on Saturday for me? It's always a chance, right? It's like I said before Iowa, I said, I can't tell if he's going to want to know. No, they were there. I said, but it's a caucus state. What a bunch of hypocrites. We'll go over all the people that they've hired at MBC in the next segment. If you want to get in on this, this is just so classic. The fact that now they're all running away, first, they ran away from Trump. Now they're running away from Marana McDaniel, when they knew she was fine. They have no problem, though, with Morning Joe or Michael Steele, or any of the, you know, the, on the other networks in and the borrow, or I don't know, Dana Bash, all these people. Aren't they supposedly Republicans? Eight, I don't even know. I couldn't pick them out of a lineup most of them. I just read this stuff and pull the cuts, and that's about it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight. How about looking at the do-nothing, Jim Jordan, says two or one? Well, Jim Jordan got sandbagged by 60 minutes the other night. He went after this person who was a disinformation specialist. This is Leslie Stahl, who wouldn't touch the Hunter Biden laptop because CBS News, which made up all the crap about the Texas Air National Guard, couldn't confirm it. In 60 minutes, it's a very reputable organization except for when we try to fix a presidential election. They put on this woman and they made it sound like Jim Jordan had just singled her out to attack her. She's got two million dollars from the Biden White House for the quote-unquote misinformation campaign. Somehow 60 minutes forgot to mention that in their report. Spring is here, and the outdoor opportunities on the Cape are special, especially if you're staying at the Nauset Beach Inn in Orleans, the only public accommodations on the Cape Cod National Seashore. You can go on the Cape Cod Rail Trail on an electric bike. Discounts on e-bike rentals are available at the Nauset Beach Inn if you're staying there. 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They won't last. That's I'm Howie Carr. Did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show, multiple media hits, political advocacy, and walking Roscoe the Wonder Pug? I call it a dog. Howie still finds time to write three combs a week? Oh wow. Read his latest at He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at Use code HowieBOGO. That's Code Howie BOGO. And the poll question concerns another person we don't often quote on this show, and that's Jim Kramer for mad money on CNBC. And he had on leftist billionaire Black Rock CEO Larry Fink on his show yesterday. I got a cut about what the real inflation rate was from Larry Fink. But the poll question that interested me is based on a question that Kramer had for leftist Larry Fink. How do we convince them, meaning kids, like we were convinced by our parents that they that we are going to make more than they did. My kid, no kid I know thinks they're going to make anywhere near what our generation did. I always tell my kids you're going to make more than I do. And he says no one believes it. So Taylor, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is what kind of life do you believe your kids or grandkids will have compared to yours? Better, worse, or about the same? Worse. 89% say worse. I'm sorry to say that too. I try to, you know, at least keep a stiff upper lip and, you know, accentuate the positive. But I can't, I can't do it with what's going on. 89%. Does anyone think it's going to be better? What was the, what was it for better? Only 3% say better. 3%. Okay. 844, 500, 4242, officer market. NBC has to pay Ronna McDaniel's a settlement to avoid being sued. Isn't that hush money? Yes, it is. It absolutely is. I wonder if they'll be taken to court. Did you see that one of those late night talk show hosts that wants to throw Trump in jail has now been accused of undervaluing his, his New York real estate before he, before he sold it or bought it or something. I'm shocked, shocked. I know. And he said, he said it's not what Trump did is not a victimless crime. So now three days later, it turns out he did the same damn thing. But it, but he's a Democrat. So I guess it is a victimless crime for him. 844, 500, 4242, 844, 542, 42. I'm going to go over all these, all these frauds in the, in the networks. And if you want to get involved and talk about these, this, I mean, it's just, it's worse than ever. It's, it just gets, gets worse and worse. There's not even a pretense of, of objectivity or, or, or at least giving the other side a chance to, to respond. Mike, you're next with how we car go ahead, Mike. Hello. Yeah. Yeah. I want to ask about the, you know, the bridge collapse. Well, you know, the, you know, the official, official government line, you know, which all the news me is saying it was, it was an accident, no terrorism. I, I want to do, do, do you think, do you think that's not quite true? I don't know. I saw what Lara Logan said, the former 60 minutes correspondent, she was, she was fired from 60 minutes, so she must have been pretty good, right? That's the only way you get fired from the networks is if you're doing something right. But I, I don't know that, I don't know. I mean, she, she says it's a cyber terrorism, and it's, it's always nice at these times to, you know, come up with these theories and sometimes they turn out to be true and sometimes they don't. And, you know, see, see more Hirsch was telling us after 9/11 that we could never go into Afghanistan and take out the Taliban because they were, they were, they were just too tough and they were going to decimate the U.S. And it took about a, about a week to take them out. So I, I don't know, I don't know what the, that was my, my alternate poll question today. But then I thought, I, you know, I didn't want to go down the rabbit hole. You can go down the, you can go down a rabbit hole with this, these, these theories. And we, we don't know. The, the, again, though, it comes back to the same problem that we face with the, with state run media. You can't trust them. And when the intelligence agencies, the same people who told us that there was a Russian collusion with Donald Trump, that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Now they're telling us it's not terrorism. How believable are they at this point? That the little boy who cried wolf, I'm how I car. Live from the Matthew's brother studios. 781 says when I was a kid, I, we had three newspapers delivered to the house. Globe, left herald, record American right and the Quincy Patriot led your local. My father told me to read all three to get a sense of the truth. You know, when I was to teach at BU, I used to teach an early morning class and I would park down on a base day road. And then I would go down to the 711 and I would buy the posts, the daily news and the times, and I'll try to get there like 30 minutes early. And if I could, I'd find the three different ways each story was, was played. But I would go with, if I, you know, a lot of times the crime stories, the big stories, they weren't in the times. So I just go with the post and the daily news. But you got to, you got to read different newspapers. And you know, the post is still legit. The daily news is basically defunct now. It's, it's just a, you know, a left wing supermarket flyer version of the New York Times. And the New York Times is just totally unreadable. And the same thing applies to, to basically all most of 90% of broadcast media is the same way. Not, not the how we car radio network. Of course. Okay, let's just go through some of these guys, some of these people. This is from us, Stephen L Miller on X. He may be retweeting this Al Sharpton crown Heights riots. Brian Williams stolen valor lies. And of course, Chuck Todd who worked for a stolen valor senator. Joy Reed, homophobic slurs on blog, which she blamed on time traveling hackers and then call the FBI, which should be filing a false police report just on the, on the face of it. Rachel Maddow, 2016 election hoaxer. And then as, as her guests have included Stacy Abrams, 2018 election hoaxer, and Hillary Clinton, 2016 election hoaxer. Jen Psaki. Hunter laptop was rushing this information hoaxer. That's just, that's just a quick, a quick summation. We got, we got so many more to get to here. Peter, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Peter. Yeah. How is upset as I am about how she was treated? I can't get past these mixed emotions I have. No, no one's shed. You need, you need not apologize for not shedding any tears over Ronna McDaniel. You know, the best, the best definition of mixed emotions I heard from Jerry Lewis, when I went to see Dan Yankees, and he defined it as watching his mother-in-law drive off a cliff in his numerous 80s. But I can't get past it, but you know, you're 100% right about this, this slime on this station, but I just thought I'd have to get that out there. Yeah. No, thank you. I appreciated Peter. Thanks for the call. 844-542-42. So this is what Chuck Todd tweeted out. This is about whether honest journalists are supposed, I'm sorry, I can't even read it with a straight face, honest journalists are supposed to lend their credibility to someone who allegedly tried to ruin ours. Oh, and as a Stephen Cruiser at PJ Media says, "I'm really calling oneself a journalist doesn't make it so." One would have had to have done some actual journalism at some point, which no one at NBC News ever has. Well, at least not in the 21st century. A serious news organization that was concerned about journalistic integrity never would have hired a hack like Chuck Todd in the first place, let alone given him one of the keys to one of its franchise television shows. They operate in a consequence-free world, which is why they can even convince themselves that they're principled and ethical. If MSNBC had to survive on its own with the hackfest at barfs up every day, the joint would be shuttered before Memorial Day, but it's part of the monolithic ecosystem known as NBC Universal Media. That's what I was talking about yesterday. Almost $40 billion a year that the parent company rakes in from its television and movie ventures that actually have audiences, allows Rachel Maddow at all to bark their radical leftist edget prop into the void. When you're not worried about profits ratings or a centella of accountability, you can do things like give Joy Reed her own show. Reed is perhaps the dumbest person who was ever sat in front of a television camera outside of the studio of the view. She went to Harvard too, by the way. In case you didn't know that, if you ever run into it, she'll tell you within three seconds. Another indication of how far Harvard has fallen. Her presence alone makes any uproar about Ronald McDaniel an integrity laughable. They've got no room for any Republicans who don't already have a link. They never trump resume. Okay, here's another one. This is from Free Beacon. Perhaps we can look forward to further discussion of this quote unquote scandal on inside with Jen Pasaki, the NBC weekend show hosted by the former press secretary to Obama and Biden. She could invite MSNBC contributor Robert Gibbs and another Obama press secretary to share his thoughts on the matter. In the next segment, MSNBC contributor Ben Rhodes, the former Obama national security advisor who bragged about manipulating clueless reporters, could explain why McDaniel's hiring is good for Iran. Better yet, Joy Reed could deliver an unhinged monologue denouncing the network for endorsing white supremacy. She was promoted to fill the time slot vacated by Chris Matthews, who have resigned abruptly after being accused of sexual harassment. Whereas Reed did not have to resign after online sluice uncovered bigoted homophobic anti-Muslim posts on her old blog. She blamed it on hackers. It wasn't hackers. She got promoted anyway. Al Sharpton instigated deadly anti-Semitic riots in New York City during the 1990s, where that diamond merchants in Crown Heights, Greek homos, run the white interlopers off 125th Street in Harlem. This is all the things he said. But he's making a million bucks a year there on his stupid show. Just last year, he argued that criticizing Harvard President Claudine Gay, the anti-Semitic plagiarist, was an attack on every black woman in the country. This is the same network, NBC, that hired Martin Beshear, who compared criticizing the IRS to using the N-word and ultimately resigned after inviting his viewers to defecate in Sarah Palin's mouth. This is the network that employed Melissa Harris Perry. She's from Winston Salem, like I used to live in downtown. I used to live in. Best known for making fun of Mitt Romney's adopted black grandchild, and Ed Schultz, best known for calling Laura Ingraham, a right-wing slut, and Brian Williams, best known for lying about coming under fire in Iraq, and Torrey Neblet, a 9/11 truther accused of sexual harassment, who suggested Holocaust survivors benefited from the power of whiteness. The less said about former MSNBC host Keith Alberman, the better. Again, this is from the free bacon. This is the same network that could have broken the story of Harvey Weinstein's long history of sexual misconduct in 2017. Alas reporter Ronan Farrow said NBC stonewalled his investigation after Weinstein leveraged his Democrat political connections and threatened to expose today anchor Matt Lauer's own history of sexual misconduct. Farrow gave up on NBC published his story in The New Yorker and won the Pulitzer Prize. NBC is hardly unique among so-called mainstream media networks. The topic journalist at ABC is George Stephanopoulos, who ran the Bimbo Eruption Unit in the Clinton 1992 campaign. He was exposed by the Washington Free Beacon for failing to disclose $75,000 in donations to the Clinton Foundation while reporting on Hillary Clinton's campaign in 2015. ABC News anchor Amy Roboc complained in 2019 that the network refused to air her interview with one of Jeffrey Epstein's accusers in part because it involved Prince Andrew and the network was worried about losing access to the British royal family. On a related note Epstein threw a party for Prince Andrew in 2010 following his release from prison down here in Palm Beach for sex crimes. Stephanopoulos attended with other prominent journalists including Katie Couric and Charlie Rose from CBS who was fired in a sexual harassment scandal of his own. Dan Rather, Texas Air National Guard, 60 Minutes, you know that fake news story. Jeffrey Tobin returned to CNN as a commentator despite announcing his last day at the network. He is best known for masturbating on a Zoom call with colleagues as well as sleeping for sleeping with his co-worker's daughter and then pressuring her to have an abortion. These are the people who are sitting in judgment of Ronna McDaniel or anybody else. Are you kidding me? 844-500-4242-844-500-40. Listen, this is Rachel Maddow and Joy Reid, Getty over the firing of Ronna McDaniel. Cut one. Our chairman of the NBC Universal News Group sees Arkande who we both know very well. He sent a memo that we all got as employees here rescinding the hiring of Ronna McDaniel. I know I felt very strongly about it. I know you felt very strongly about it. I think everyone from 4 o'clock on from Nicole all the way to midnight. We all felt very strongly and said so on our respective shows yesterday. I just have to say when somebody does the right thing, I feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledge our outrage. I know how I feel about it. I am grateful to Caesar for actually making the right decision. I think it was the right decision. But I want to get your take as well. Thank you for asking me about it. I still feel like a little, it always feels wrong to talk about things in the company as if it's news. It's not the way either you or I are wired. I know. They're very ethical people. Yes, they are. How many stories did Rachel Maddow and Chuck Todd and them spread about the COVID vaccine? I heard somebody today playing cuts from Rachel Maddow saying that if you took the vaccine, the COVID vaccine, there's no way you could get sick and that there's no way you could pass it on. Chuck Todd said that anyone who has any doubts about the COVID vaccine and says it on TV or any in the media, he doesn't know how they sleep at night. And then his voice started cracking because he's, he's such an honest journalist. But none of them have ever, have ever recanted. Have they ever recanted about the Russian collusion hoax or about the Ukrainian phone call hoax or the Georgia phone call hoax or any of the rest of them? 844, 500, 42, 42, Harry from where I'm just where have just pulled out of work and gases now 325 a gallon up 20 cents in just three days. You won't be seeing any of that on the on the network newscast today because they're honest journalists and they don't want to report the news that that affects their candidate, honest Joe Biden. 844, 500, 42, 42. Allergy season is just getting started. And if you struggle with allergies, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier. We know the thunderstorm is great for removing unwanted odors, but it also helps to cut down on those seasonal irritants as well. One user writes, quote, I bought the thunderstorm air purifier for my son who has allergies. Since installing in his in his room, he's had fewer problems and he says the air smells cleaner. It is a great product for the price, unquote. And speaking of price, right now you can buy one Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier and get a second unit for free. Just go to and use code how we bogo to take advantage of the thunderstorm air purifier bogo deal. The Edenpier thunderstorm air purifier is so small and light that you can hold it in your hand and plug it right into the wall. The thunderstorm can handle pet kitchen and tobacco orders or the damp smell lingering in your basement as well as filtering out seasonal allergens from your house office or car. The Edenpier thunderstorm air purifier has received thousands of five star reviews. Be the next satisfied customer. Go to and use code how we bogo for the thunderstorm bogo deal. Hurry. These bogo deals don't last long. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate Howie Carr is back. Five O8 says these people remind me of a junior high school client click when they decide they hate the new kid. These are the mean girls is what they are. And you know it would be one thing if if if they were on the level but they are they are absolutely not. And there's so many good stories about this. This is from the Federalist by Christopher Jacobs. The level of amnesia on display by by NBC anchor Chuck Todd in criticizing the the hiring of McDaniel's amazes and Astounds. Speaking of Pissaki and her former gig, Todd on Sunday accused McDaniel of gaslighting the public during her tenure as RNC chair. But as I noted two years ago, this is the Federalist, Pissaki waved around a binder supposedly of COVID spending requests claim to the press that will make copies for you and then refuse to make copies for the one reporter who asked for the information instead giving the reporter a single hour to review nearly 400 pages of documents at a conference room. A skiff. You know, look at the skiff like the room's Biden Stolol his Senate documents out of did Todd call out this gaslighting by Pissaki either then or now for that matter has he criticized his colleague Kristen Welker Todd successor is host to meet the press and a White House correspondent at the time of Pissaki's remarks for Welker's own incompetence as she failed to follow up and call out. Call out Pissaki's claim. And when it comes to gaslighting, his NBC News ever provided a public explanation as to why it retracted elements of a story about the attack on Paul Pelosi other than the generic statement that the piece should not have aired because it did not meet NBC News reporting standards and then they fired the guy. They fired the guy who was a decent local reporter with a good record. I don't recall Welker Todd or any of the other well compensated NBC News host complaining about how the network recently terminated several reporters are offering to give up some of their salary so that NBC could hire or retain more reporters. Isn't it funny how all these anchors supposed principles about saving democracy and the vital work of the press were at Ron Hollow when it could jeopardize their own Boku box. Yeah, she's run Ron is going to do fine though with this 844-500-4242. Let's go back to Chris Cuomo. This may be the last time we ever have him on the show with a sound cut. But here he is talking about how Joe and Mika always got away with sucking up the Trump cut five. Now you see the bias at play especially when it comes to Mika and Joe. I was against them in the morning at CNN and I still beat them twice even with them having Trump on all the time. And you remember the tape that came out Geraldo of them in break asking Trump about what questions to ask next and how they were going to do their next segment of the town hall. And nobody got upset about it. It was there and gone because all the reporters want to be on their show in the morning. But now they have standards about what's right and what's wrong. It's all advantage. It's all hypocrisy. The hypocrisy wreaks 844-500-4242. And again I assume this is the last wherever we're going to see of Hillary Clinton and Stacey Abrams on the on the shows. And also they should get a list of the people the Democrat reps in Congress who are still there who voted against certifying the elections of 2000-2004 and 2016 where the Republicans won. And they refuse to certify. So by NBC's own new standards, high standards, they're election deniers. So they should all be. And the one I'm thinking of specifically is Jim McGovern from Massachusetts. He always votes when a Republican wins an election for president. I think he always votes against it against certifying the results. So he's obviously an election denier in addition to being a lover of ten-pot dictatorships in the in the Caribbean like Cuba and further south the Maduro Chavez dictatorship in Venezuela that has given us so many wonderful people coming north to rape and kill 844-500-4242-844-500-4242-a Maui car. [MUSIC PLAYING]