The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: NBC rescinds Ronna gig | 3.27.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

So much for balanced reporting! NBC has walked back on their idea to bring former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to the network. Guest host Aaron Chadbourne points out that if you have any sort of relationship with the Fake News, however, you're probably not the "conservative" they think you are.

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27 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Aviva Trattria Studio. It's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice. Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Good morning and hello everyone. I guess it's a new time now. So good afternoon and welcome to The Grace Curly Show. I am not Grace Curly. I am a millennial. I do have a mic, but I'm not Grace. She is off on spring break. We wish her and will the whole family a great spring break while we're holding it down. We've been on Ronna McDaniel watch all week. Ever since she went on Meet the Press and Chuck Todd clutched his pearls about her and I did predict. My first prediction was that she would be done before the end of Howie's show on Monday. That was a little aggressive. Yesterday I came back and I said, "I think by the time Grace comes back from spring break, Ronna McDaniel will be gone from NBC." I predicted she would get paid out her contract. And now today we can officially announce that Ronna McDaniel has split ways from NBC News as a paid analyst. I don't know the details yet. I'll see if I can find anyone that does. But Jared, do we know yet? Have they told her? Because what I heard yesterday is that she heard it on the news and what I've learned is you can't believe everything you see on NBC News. So she heard about it in the news media. They put out a statement to all their employees at NBC. But as of last night, she was saying that they hadn't told her yet. That's kind of an interesting way to break ties with someone. Yeah, that sounds about right though. That's pretty much on brand for them. So I've seen some reports that they're rescinding the contract, which is not exactly firing because I guess it would mean never hiring. Like an annulment? They're going for an annulment of their contract with her? Well, the other thing I thought was interesting too is yesterday, the reporting was that they were going to probably dump her, which I'd been predicting all along. And then it said she was working on hiring a lawyer. It was like, you didn't have one in place. But the other thing that was interesting is that she got dumped by her agent, CAA, which was representing her. They said, never mind, we're firing you as a client. She got dumped by everybody. And I don't really think it was her fault. It was, well, I mean, it was her fault because here's the thing. And the coverage was that she got representation and there were a lot of different news outlets and people that were interested in her. And she negotiated and landed on NBC News. Shame on her, really? Like, did you not know? Did you not know you were getting in bed with or doing a deal with, right? Like, you didn't know that. Like, you didn't realize what the reputation of this agency is. Who else they employ? What's the vibe now at NBC? Or I guess at MSNBC? Is there a difference between the two? When I say NBC, does that encompass MSNBC or do I need to? I know Rachel Maddow. I was a little bit worried for her because of her halting way of speaking about how the hiring of Ron and McDaniel was the worst thing ever. Let's check in on our friend, Rachel Maddow. Let's go to clip one. Our chairman of the NBC Universal News Group sees our Conde, who we both know very well. He sent a memo that we all got as employees here, rescinding the hiring of Ron and McDaniel. And I know I felt very strongly about it. I know you felt very strongly about it. I think everyone from four o'clock on from Nicole all the way to midnight. We all felt very strongly and said so on our respective shows yesterday. And I just have to say, when somebody does the right thing, I feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as we acknowledged our outrage. And so I know how I feel about it. I am grateful to Caesar for actually making the right decision. I think it was the right decision. But I want to get your take as well. Well, thank you for asking me about it. I still feel like, I still, I still feel like a little, it always feels wrong to talk about things, you know, in the company as if it's news. And I, you know, it's just this, it's not the way either you or I are wired. I know, but I. Maybe I should apologize right off the bat because I made our listeners a little joy read and Rachel Maddow, which like, I can't bring myself to do it. It was like yesterday, Jared, when we were going through those clips of Jen Psaki, I came out, I think I told you in Taylor, I was like, I can't do it. Like, I just can't. Like, there's something about listening to these people that's insufferable. But joy read, look, here, here's the interesting thing, though, this Orwellian language of rescinded the hiring. You cannot do it. You hired her. You hired her. You get rescinded the hiring. Oh, never happened. You know, you hired her and I bet you're paying out the full contract in order to get her to go away, which, you know, pay being paid to go away. Some people make a career out of it. I don't think it's a bad idea, but Rachel Maddow, so, so, you know, feels a little awkward talking about our employer, which here's the thing. Chuck Todd knew what he was doing when he did this on Meet the Press. But I want to be very clear about what Chuck Todd said on Sunday because it gave permission, everyone else, criticized NBC on air. But what Chuck Todd was commenting on, and I think it's an interesting, weird position NBC News took, is that Ronna McDaniel was already booked as a guest for Meet the Press. After booking her as a guest, they later offered her a contract to be a paid analyst. And so the awkwardness that Chuck Todd was commenting on is we invited you as a member of the public that we were going to interview. But now, in the time since we invited you and since when we're going to interview you, we've hired you. And so you can't be like, now that's kind of muddying the waters between journalism and being paid to be on our air. And so that's what he was upset about. That's what the original sin was, which had nothing to do with this Trump orism and truth orism and the big lie and being too close to Trump and not defending democracy and undermining. That was the original sin was that NBC was the was the culprit here, because they took someone that was going to be interviewed as an objective member of the public, public and activist, whatever, and then they put them on the payroll so it was no longer an objective interview. What that became at MSNBC and, you know, Morning Joe, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Joy Reid, they all piled on, but they changed the argument. It was no longer a problem for Kristen Welker and Meet the Press. It was, we can't be associated with this person. Listen to how giddy she is. You know, like, she's like, Oh, I hate to even talk about this. Of course you love talking about this. Oh, but and then you can't hold her after after all of the hand ringing and pearl clutching everything we listen to on Monday. Now you hear this, this, this dunking and the skinnyness. Let's take a little more. I'm sorry to do this. I know I'm sorry. It's early in the show to listen to Rachel, but let's go with cut two. I will just say that journalists are a fractious bunch. And in our big company with all sorts of different journalistic entities, you have all sorts of different. Right. Pause right there. Pause right there. Rachel Maddow is not a journalist. Rachel Maddow is not a journalist. Don't associate yourself with the journalist community. Like that's not who you're standing up for. Yes, you have your opinion about NBC and who can be associated. But Rachel, you're not a journalist. And also, Ronna McDaniel wasn't being asked to be a journalist. She was asking to be a, a analyst at a commentator to come on, talk about Republican things because they don't know any other Republicans. All right, go ahead. Keep playing the clip. Working in this business, doing all sorts of different kinds of work. And to see the essentially unanimous feeling among all the journalists in this building and also seeing your staff and all the producers and everybody in this building about this was one thing. But then to see the executives and the leadership, hear that and respond to it and be willing to change course based on it, based on their respect for us and hearing what we argued. I have deep respect for that. I do. I mean, what I said on the air last night on my show that I think that acknowledging that you might have got something wrong is a real sign of strength, a real show of strength. And I think it's a show of strength and I think it's a show of respect for the people who work at this company to make this. She's saying that to Joy Reed. Has Joy Reed ever been able to admit when she was wrong? Do we have a great sign of strength and respect for Joy Reed? Which it's funny, by the way, that Rachel Maddow had to go and Joy Reed show because Rachel Maddow only works one day a week. She works Mondays. So she had to come on and make a special appearance on Joy Reed show. And she's saying, admitting when you're wrong is a sign of strength. Jared, remind me when Joy Reed found herself in hot water for a very inappropriate tweet. Did she come clean? Did she admit that she was wrong? I believe that's where the time traveling hackers come into things. The time travel. So she doesn't. So it's but it's a sign of strength. It's a sign of and and I love how Rachel says like, oh yeah, like they're just so self-aware. I'm so happy about like, no, they got bullied into this cancel culture that Rachel and Lawrence O'Donnell and Joy Reed and Joe Scarborough and all of the the left-wing talent, Jen Psaki. Jen Psaki. Oh, we got to stand up for truth. There is no truth on MSNBC. There's no there's no leadership there. Also, I think it was interesting that the executive that that sent out the message, he took full responsibility for the decision. Although throwing his leadership team, although there was consensus from some of the leaders on our team, I signed off on it. I take responsibility because they're worried that someone was going to have to be fired over this and someone should be fired. People should be fired at NBC for handling this poorly. Ronna McDaniel should be fired because she never should agree to this in the first place, but whatever she needs to pay a day. But you know, be careful who you do business with. Like this is very foreseeable. But the other thing that's foreseeable is that now what we know is how MSNBC and NBC are going to cover the election, that they're not going to stomach dissenting voices, that just being associated with Trump or having been involved in his last campaign could be reason they won't let you be on your cancel. You can't be on the show. Like, how can we possibly you're undermining democracy? I thought I was watching Fox last night and I thought Trace Gallagher did a good job talking about it. Let's go ahead with cut three. Well, the Fox News and I common sense department says when it comes to MSNBC, you can forget about network executives, the on-air personalities run the place. They certainly ran Ronna McDaniel out the door saying that Ronna isn't honest. Jen Psaki was irate over comparisons between her and Ronna McDaniel's political backgrounds with Psaki saying it's about truth versus lies. Common sense assumes when Psaki says truth that she means herself, the very same Jen Psaki who stood at the White House podium and told untruths about everything from COVID to oil rights to border security. Now might be a good time to remind you that MSNBC, sorry, the network of truth told us Trump was a Russian agent. Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation and Michael Brown was murdered and Chuck Todd has the nerve to say Ronna McDaniel has credibility issues. Joy Reid got caught posting bigoted statements on social media and blamed hackers. After former CIA director John Brennan lied to Congress naturally, MSNBC hired him. If Adam Schiff retired from Congress tomorrow, they'd hire him too. Not because he lied, but because he lied about the right people, those on the right. Ronna didn't get pushed out for not being honest. She got pushed out for not being a Democrat. Common sense thinks if honesty is truly MSNBC's Rubicon, stop lying about it. Love it. I think that's, that's the thing, right? If you can hire John Brennan, if you can, if you can see past the Hunter Biden laptop, disinformation, hoax, I mean, if that's their standard, then I mean, this is, this doesn't pass muster. All right, I want to take your calls, want to have a conversation. So we'll do that when we come back. We'll also do our today's poll question. We'll relate to this. If you want to join the conversation eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, let's take a quick break. More on this when we come back. I'm Aaron Chad, born in for Grace Curly here on The Grace Curly Show and something you don't have to worry about being rescinded or canceled or what have you is a great offer from the Nossett Beach Inn. They've just opened reservations for spring. So you want to get on this now. You can book your April stay at the Nossett Beach Inn from two forty nine ninety nine and night and in May rates from two fifty nine ninety nine and night. Don't delay because these rooms go fast. I've been to the Nossett Beach Inn. A lot of people associated with the show have. I loved it. My wife and I loved walking along the beach. We love sitting by the fire pits, drinking our morning coffee and watching the sunrise. There are hiking trails you can take around there. You can see the stars. Every room steps from the beach and they're pet friendly. So you can bring your dog to to walk the beach with you or run on the beach. It's great. There's a view from every room and a fireplace in every room. Check in his contact list. It's the perfect getaway that's not far away. To reserve your ocean view room, go to Again, rates in April two forty nine ninety nine and night and May from two fifty nine ninety nine and night. Don't delay. Go to Now that's You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. So I know I've talked about Ronald McDaniel a lot this week while I'm filling in for Grace. I'm Aaron Chadburn. By the way, joining you from the WGAN studio up in Portland, Maine. Now I just think that, you know, it was, it was, it's an interesting lesson for everyone that forgot how the mainstream media reacts to the, these, these trumpers, these Trump, what did they call them yesterday, Lawrence and Donald Trump liars, these Trump liars. And so I wanted to just bring attention. I think it's a good instructive lesson for everyone. And so that's why Ronald McDaniel is once again the subject of today's poll question. Today's poll question brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-A Perfect Smile or visit perfect Jared, please update us. What is today's poll question and what are the responses thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is where do you think Ronald McDaniel will land next running a veterans home, running a national sports organization, running for office, running a Ponzi scheme, running a political action committee, running from the law or nowhere. She is canceled. I like the, I like running a athletic organization, they're like, they're like, I mean, all these people, they don't go away. Do they always find some sort of soft landing? What do I think she'll do? I don't think she's gonna land anywhere. I think it's gonna be a while. But I wouldn't, I wouldn't put it past her running for office though. She's got, she's a Romney after all. She's going back to Michigan. I think she runs for office next. That's, that's what I'm gonna bank on. 15% think she'll run for office. 45% think she'll go nowhere because she's canceled 34% for running a political action committee. Hell, others under 3%. Yeah, no, I think that those are good responses. I mean, some of them are meant to be funny, I think, but it's really like, where do people go? She'll do, she'll do some fundraising. She'll probably be a consultant. She'll probably, if too bad the this all happened now, because if it happened sooner, she could have been, you know, consulting other like, you know, those other presidential candidates. She could charge them a ton of money to tell them to stay in the race so they could keep paying her, which is what political consultants do. But I think this whole episode was predictable. I feel bad for her because I don't think she's not coming, but I mean, hopefully she got a good lawyer and a good payday out of it. Let's go to the phone lines. The number again, if you want to join the conversation, 844-542-42. Let's go ahead and talk to Tom. Tom, welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Yeah, as far as Rachel Maddow is concerned, you're correct. She is not a journalist. She espouses talking points on her program, and I listen to other progressives talk about how Fox News does exactly the same thing, and yet they follow her like a religion. And a real journalist is somebody like either Matt Teiby or Mike Teiby, father and son, or Seymour Hirsch. Those were actual journalists that had definitely a liberal slant. However, they would do their homework and they would expose stories and show that, hey, you know, something you've been lied to. And when they expose that, people like Rachel Maddow came down on them like a ton of bricks. So I guess the bottom line is don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. And we're a very divided country right now. All I look at, President Trump, he is a very wealthy man that they were trying to bend the laws to take his personal property. And that's not how we do this in this country. We are not the Philippines. That's what Ferdinand Marcos did when he declared martial law. And I don't know how long that went on for. What did he do to his political opposition? Nino Ocino in the mid 80s stepped off a plane in Manoa jotting the head. Thank you. Thanks for the call, Tom. Good points. I think I don't know that I have much to add to that. I thought those were really, really great. But this whole idea of who is a journalist, who's not a journalist. And maybe it is that the Biden folks don't ever get the hard questions. They don't take hard questions. So it's why they don't recognize journalism because they've been, they've been treated so differently with kid gloves. It was like what we saw with Janet Mills after the Lewiston shooting, someone from the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal, they asked her a hard question about things that happened. And she crumbled because she had she'd been in this bubble. And now she had to appoint a political commission to go look into it as cover for the fact that she didn't know how to answer a journalist question. So I think I think it's really, really good point about what they're allowing what they're not and who they follow. No, great point. I'm Matt Taibbi. I know exactly the journalism that gets you kicked off. You can only take it to Twitter or X. I mean, that's why it's so important that Elon Musk did buy Twitter so that there is a forum for freedom of speech. So you have them not being able to take questions. Don't have time to play before the break. But we'll do it when we come back. Did you hear Crane John Pierre? She was she was she called into a radio show. And she actually started getting tough questions. So she ended the interview. She she hung up because she she couldn't believe that she was being asked about the president and his mental state, which anyone in their right mind, no pun intended wants to know. And so I think that they'll be interesting. We'll talk about that when we come back. By the way, we'll get the latest on the the boat crash. Biden couldn't couldn't cancel his campaign trip though. Remember, imagine if Trump had gone and campaign in a day with a tragedy like that. We'll do that. RFK juniors running mate in much more. We come back on The Grace Curly Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn and for grace live from the Aviva Thratria studio. You know, Jared, I really did like being in studio yesterday. This is Aaron Chadborn. I'm filling in for Grace Curly this week. I'm broadcasting remotely today from from the WJN Portland radio group studio up here in in Portland, Maine. But coming down there being on the rumble cam, getting getting clips of me on the internet that are now dancing because that music that leads in it is dancing music. I know grace often dances to it. You can't help yourself. It really has that effect on you, but I hope everything's going well. Hope everyone's doing well. Thanks for being us with us now. Well, Grace is on spring break. Before the break, we were talking a bit about the Ronna McDaniel fiasco and how it's played out. It did light up the phone line. So let's take one more call on that. We'll talk to Lisa and then we'll get into KJP. Lisa, welcome to The Grace Curly Show. Hi, Aaron. I'm so happy you're representing Maine. Thank you. You're doing a great job. Oh, thank you. I love my Maine callers. See, we're one big community in Maine. So Lisa, thanks for listening. Yes. Yes, we are. All right. I just want to say something real quick about the MSLSD. I like to call them. MSLSD is so crazy. Like, why would the management and the board of directors or whoever listen to Chuck Todd? He destroyed the SOA. He used this. It's not important. He's not very smart and he's a hat. Why would they not want at least one Republican voice on that network to go back and forth? I mean, she would have, I'm sure she would have foretailed her conservative tendencies just to satisfy them. So why would, what is the big deal? Because she because she defended Trump publicly. That's why. Yeah. No, thanks for the colleagues. A good point. And I think what this really is, is it was them laying down the gauntlet for this is how the election is going to be. It was an early test that NBC failed and the MSNBC say on air hosts, they all won. It was to stand up and say, we're not going to allow a free and fair election. And now they, she got in trouble. Ronald McDaniel for even calling it not free and fair, but not free and fair because the media, it's kind of like when Facebook algorithms only promote what Mark Zuckerberg wants them to see about George Soros funded propaganda, if that's what gets put out there. And that's the only thing that's allowed to be there. While they suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story and they tell everyone it's Russian disinformation, when it's verifiable fact and they knew it at the time. I mean, that's what we mean when we're saying it's not a fair election. When they, when they, when they rig it. And so what they want to make sure they do is they're putting everyone to notice that on MSNBC and on NBC, if you're pro Trump, you're not going to be able to be. And by the way, there are a lot of people who aren't pro Trump, but you know what they are, they're anti Biden because the way that this president has led in many of the policies and many of the effects that they're seeing are unacceptable. And so like, what's the choice? You got Trump, you got Biden. I guess you have these other like lesser knowns, RFK Jr. announced his running mate yesterday. We'll get to that in a little bit. But I mean, that's, that's the choice. And so either you let people have a fair decision, you give them access to information, you allow people with different views to talk about it, or you basically are state run media. And that's what MSNBC's hosts are saying they want to be, make no mistake about it. Speaking of state run media, cringe on Pierre, I thought it was interesting that she even agreed to call into a radio station yesterday. She was on in North Carolina. And maybe that's their like whole strategy. Like they think that they're going to be better than these local local hosts. That's why they go on the local shows. But let's go ahead and listen to a couple clips of KJP as she calls into a North Carolina radio show. Let's start with clip 10. When I told a number of people that I was talking to you today, it was interesting though, they all said, "Would you please just ask her? Does the president have dementia?" And so before I move on from that, does he? That Mark, Mark, I can't even believe you're asking me this question. That is an incredibly offensive question to ask. But you know people ask you. Wait, oh, let me, no, no, no, no. You, Mark, you, you, you, you took, you're taking it down this rabbit hole. Let me, let me, let me be very clear about this. So if the answer is no, like just say no. Like what the, oh, I can't believe you're even asking me this question. One incredibly offensive question. And I thought Mark, and that was Mark Garrison, radio host in North Carolina. He, he says exactly what, what is on everyone's mind. A lot of people said, I, I said I was having him for the show. This is what everyone wanted me to ask you. So I'm going to ask you. And she says, I can't believe you're asking that. He said, well, yeah, but does he? Like, yes or no? Yes or no question, Kareem John Pierre. And I know this isn't the White House press briefing room where you shut everyone down and interrupt them. Like you're getting mad at Mark Garrison for doing to you, right? But, but that's what people want to know. That is the question on people's mind. You don't answer it. You don't get asked it. You ignore it. But that's the question people want to know. All right. Cut 11. Really, you know, take, take the premise of your question. I think it is incredibly insulting. And, and so we can, you know, we can move on to the next question. Gas prices and grocery prices that big topics here in North Carolina. How does Mr. Biden win votes when people don't have as much disposable income? Look, the president understands. He grew up in, in a middle class family, a working class family in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He gets it. He understands how difficult it is for Americans who are sitting around their kitchen table every month, trying to figure out what they're going to pay for. So, again, he, she gets asked again. And she says, I don't like the premise of your question. The end, the next question, she moves on. She hides behind the fact that doctors haven't said anything. And I think when we cut a little bit of that of her clip, but the, the, she doesn't just say no. She doesn't just say no. It's a yes or no question. Say yes or say no. But instead she does this whole, I'm offended you to even ask the question. Name me someone, anyone, Republican, Democrat, independent. I want you try this in your life. Go find someone that you know is probably going to vote for Joe Biden, or they, they're not going to ever vote for Donald Trump, because that's what they've told you. Go and have a conversation with them. Just say, Hey, out of curiosity, what do you think about the current president, Joe Biden's mental state? Like, do you think he's, he's, he's all there? I defy you to find one person who would say yes, and who wouldn't want courage on Pierre to be asked that question. And then, and then give a response. And if you're not prepared for this question, if you're not prepared for this question, you don't deserve to be the press secretary of the White House, you should be able to answer basic questions that everyone, everyone I see and talk to, whether they're politically inclined or not, whether they're Democrats or Republicans, they all think Biden is old, they see him walking, they see him talking, and they have concerns. I think it was a fair question. I don't think it was a gotcha question. I think the fact that she wasn't prepared for it, or the way she was prepared was to dodge it and just be like, Oh, that's so offensive. Like, no, like you, you, whatever, I don't think she's qualified for her job anyway. But this is the, the, I want you to hear how it ends. So let's take the, the last guy cut 12. Now forget Russia's invasion on Ukraine, skyrocketed prices of gas. And because the president took action, we see we are in a different place than we were a year ago in gas prices, eggs, milk, seafood products, all the important groceries, both costs have gone down because of what this president has been able to do. And they, and with that, thank you so much, Mark, have an amazing, amazing day. Wow, wow. Unbelievable. I mean, like, that's her thing. He asked her first, does Joe Biden have dementia? Second, there's inflation. Like, what do you say to people who are concerned about that? She, first of all, won't answer. Yes or no, she dodges around it, says offended by the question. Then she blames Russia for inflation, stop me if you've heard the story before. And then she hangs up. She doesn't want to take more questions. Like you can't make this stuff up, which is why I think it's important that everyone hear it. If you want to weigh in 844-542, the number here on the Grace Curly show, let's take a quick call from Joe. Joe, welcome to the show. Hello, how are you today? Very good. What's up, Joe? Okay, I just want to say that what a hypocrite she said. And I quote on that clip that you just played maybe a paraphrase, but don't close. You know, Joe Biden knows what it's like being from a working class family. And he knows how hard it is to pay, you know, how tough it is financially for people out there. And he's making us pay for a bridge. Yeah. And can you sense that hypocrisy at the ultimate? Congratulations. You just won a prize. It's a badge. It says hypocrisy at the ultimate. You know what I mean? Who wants that prize? Thanks for the College of Appreciate it. Also, what job has he held other than being in elected office and being in public life his whole life? I want to know what working class job. I know he has a lot of stories about driving a truck or a truck driver, a lifeguard, a quarterback at an HBCU working class bloke. Yeah, you know, he just he just got off wipe the oil slick off his windshield and got down on the coal mines like your average Joe, anybody from any town USA, I stand correct. I forgot Joe, Joe everywhere, Joe, everywhere. But you're absolutely right. He doesn't care where the money's coming from. He doesn't know what it's like to be a working class person. He doesn't know what it's like to struggle with finances. And he doesn't know what the price of gas is. And her blaming Russia and Russia's war is the reason why. Why is Russia at war in Ukraine? Because they were emboldened by the Biden administration by their abd object failure. So I don't want to hear it. I think I think I mean, the fact that she that she couldn't take the conversation and she had to hang up like I think that tells you all you need to know about what happens when these people get asked our questions. I know this is letting up the phone lines. We'll take more of your calls when we come back from break. You know, one place Jared where they are sensitive to people's pocketbooks though and how much people can afford is the nasa beach in where they've set great rates for the spring. Yeah, and I will never dodge a question on how awesome the nasa beach in is because I've stayed there as a lot of people in how we car radio network have and it's fantastic. It's so tranquil. It's so peaceful. They have, you know, fire pits that you can just sit outside and be comfortable by my wife and I when we went down, we loved drinking our morning coffee by the fire pits. The views are fantastic. You're steps from the beach. You can just walk along the beach. You can enjoy that. They're pet friendly so you can bring your dog. Yeah, you can see stars. There's hiking trails. There's so much to do with the nasa beach in and it's a great getaway. That's not far away and Aaron just mentioned the prices and this is really really something you want to jump on right now because these rooms are going to go fast right now. You can book your April stay at the nasa beach in from 249.99 a night and in May rates are from 259.99 a night. That's a price you're not going to find anywhere else especially on the Cape. Don't delay. These rooms are going to go fast. Nasa beach in is pet friendly as view from every room and check in is contactless to reserve your ocean view room again from 249.99 a night in April and 259.99 a night in May. Go to nasa beach in dot com. That's nasa beach in dot com. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2 a Tuesday. Tuesday is at 2 p.m. This is the Grace Curly Show. I was saying before the break that you know if Trump were president and I hate this what about his and I know I do it fair amount but if Trump were president the day that a cargo ship slammed into a bridge the bridge fell into the river. Six people at least six people seven people went missing and died and and then he got on a plane and flew down to campaign like it would be non-stop wall to wall coverage but Biden does it you know he tweets out a picture of him at the desk he has a short press conference where he says that he used to ride across the bridge in a train which there are no train tracks on the bridge and then he hops on a plane and goes and stands with Kamala Harris in North Carolina to campaign and no one says a thing like it's perfectly normal of course is accepted again this is our state-run media and what you're hearing by the way how did Biden do yesterday in North Carolina was he intelligible let's have Club 13 but come to the stop covering and then that life was put in danger they just cut off the insurance. Do you think he thinks he does a good job when he does this? I mean he can't string two sentences together like do you think he's like heck of a job Joe you're you're killing it you're crushing it you're going to be up 14 the federal deficit is down by 160,000 160 million bucks for the next 10 years 160,000 or 160 million I mean again where does George W. Bush go to get his apology mercilessly mocked anytime you had any slip up of how he pronounced something or said something wall-to-wall coverage every nightly show he was the butt of every joke Joe Biden given a pass they still on Saturday Night Live will cover Donald Trump non-stop every night when was last time you saw them do Biden or Kamala like when let's go with um we have a couple more of these right let's go take Cup 15 folks from America sends me a Congress that are Democrats do you say sends me to Congress folks from America sends me a Congress that are Democrats sends me a Congress that are so he wants them to send Democrats like what is he talking about and I do love when he he forgets if he's running for president or he's running for the Senate or Congress because I mean he's he's that's all he's done his whole life like I can understand why he falls back into these old scripts because he doesn't know where he is he doesn't know what's going on what did Trump say the other day like he doesn't even know if he's alive Biden is thugs and I say and his thugs because I don't think he even knows if he's alive go ahead clip cut 16 folks you notice leading the comic car making much fun of binomics anymore I think it maybe it works to build from the middle out in the bottom up um you know why people aren't making fun of binomics anymore because you're not saying the word anymore they actually have been tracking how many times he says binomics and for the last two months he hasn't actually said it at all because they found that it doesn't work people know what binomics are and and guess what people were happier when they had more money in their pockets when things cost less we weren't at or everywhere like people were happier without binomics so binomics it's really funny I have to find the chart um I think the the house Republicans tweeted it out this morning but Biden hasn't said binomics publicly in two months he used to say it all the time and now he only says it on on on sparing occasion and it's because guess who does talk about binomics Republicans in the house oh yeah here here the stats so in June of 2023 Biden publicly mentioned the word binomics 29 times in July I was 21 then down to only 14 14 times in October November dropped to four two times in January zero times publicly in February that could also be because as the election gets closer they're letting it make fewer and fewer Republican marks so he's not saying but binomics but he but you know who is saying it's it's correlated the house Republicans people in Congress speaking about binomics are going up so maybe Joe check check check with your minders check with your staff the ones that you ask if you can answer questions or not they probably weren't thrilled to have you even say the word out loud and no I don't think you're right when you say people aren't making fun of binomics anymore they are and maybe they're not making fun of it because it's not a joke not a joke they're paying more money for everything for gas for eggs for groceries they're paying more for rent for housing for mortgage payments and now here we are in an election year and the chickens are coming home to roost and you're going to have to confront this and that's why this strategy of defending democracy and making that the issue or are making these fights about reproductive health like all of these debates are to take away from the fact that people don't feel better off under Biden than they did under Trump and the only thing that Democrats can do to money those waters are A) change the subject or B) they use COVID and what happened during COVID to somehow let them fudge the numbers which whatever the numbers are what they are because we shut down society and Trump was complicit in that by the way I don't let him off the hook much like Rod DeSantis didn't during the early debates Trump put along with Dr. Fauci Trump brought us Dr. Fauci and and he went along with the 14 days to stop the the curve or whatever like we went along with him and Trump empowered a lot of these people led to a lot of the policies that happened and then tried to to change it when he realized how terrible it was and he says he learned from it he'd make different decisions now and and I'm sure that's true but they they say oh well they take the numbers of everything that stopped during COVID that was government imposed and then they take credit for the rebound they take credit for oh and then when we stopped telling people that they were it was illegal for them to go to work turns out productivity went up employment went up after we we after we stopped firing members of the armed services if they wouldn't consent to getting a vaccine oh guess what enrollment went up that's what they're trying to take credit for so they've got it they've got it either change the subject or muddy the waters because they know this is where Biden has vulnerability so I actually think let him talk about binomics although I do like Korean jump here I can't get over it I'm gonna have to get that cut of her over saying that that's a offensive question maybe we'll pull that one out and anytime I'm in a situation I could get it like one of those like that that was easy buttons that they have at Staples that I'll just play that Korean jump here will be telling you that a question is really that's a really insensitive I can't even believe you would ask that you're the White House press secretary this is the most predictable question that you might get asked and Joe Biden campaigning on a day of national tragedy if Trump had done it again that's all we hear everywhere we'll have much more show coming up for you here on the Grace Curly show I'm Aaron Chadborn in for grace and we'll be right back